コード例 #1
ファイル: guid.c プロジェクト: qgewfg/gtk-gnutella
 * Generate a new random (modern) message ID for pings.
guid_ping_muid(struct guid *muid)
	guid_flag_gtkg(muid);		/* Mark as being from GTKG */
コード例 #2
ファイル: guid.c プロジェクト: Longdengyu/gtk-gnutella
 * Generate a new GUID atom that is not already conflicting with any other
 * GUID recorded in the supplied hikset (hash set with values pointing to
 * the GUID key).
 * @attention
 * It is up to the caller to later insert the value referencing this GUID in
 * the hikset to prevent further duplicates.  To avoid race conditions between
 * the checking of the hiset and the insertion, the hikset should be locked
 * if it is shared by multiple threads.
 * @param hik		the hikset against which we need to check for duplicates
 * @param gtkg		whether to flag the GUID as being generated by GTKG.
 * @return a new unique GUID atom.
const guid_t *
guid_unique_atom(const hikset_t *hik, bool gtkg)
	int i;
	guid_t guid;


	for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
		if (gtkg)
			guid_flag_gtkg(&guid);	/* Mark as being from GTKG */

		if (NULL == hikset_lookup(hik, &guid))
			return atom_guid_get(&guid);

	g_error("%s(): no luck with random number generator", G_STRFUNC);
コード例 #3
ファイル: guid.c プロジェクト: qgewfg/gtk-gnutella
 * Generate GUID for a query with OOB results delivery.
 * If `initial' is false, this is a requery.
 * Bytes 0 to 3 if the GUID are the 4 octet bytes of the IP address.
 * Bytes 13 and 14 are the little endian representation of the port.
 * Byte 15 holds an HEC with bit 0 indicating a requery.
guid_query_oob_muid(struct guid *muid, const host_addr_t addr, uint16 port,
	bool initial)
	uint32 ip;



	ip = host_addr_ipv4(addr);
	poke_be32(&muid->v[0], ip);
	poke_le16(&muid->v[13], port);

	guid_flag_oob_gtkg(muid);		/* Mark as being from GTKG */

	if (initial)
		muid->v[15] &= ~GUID_REQUERY;
		muid->v[15] |= GUID_REQUERY;
コード例 #4
ファイル: guid.c プロジェクト: qgewfg/gtk-gnutella
 * Generate a new random message ID for queries.
 * If `initial' is false, this is a requery.
guid_query_muid(struct guid *muid, bool initial)

	 * Since 2012-10-07, we call guid_flag_oob_gtkg() instead of
	 * guid_flag_gtkg() to mark the MUID of the query, regardless of
	 * whether it is sent out as an OOB query.
	 * That way, even if it is OOB-proxied by an ultrapeer, we will
	 * be able to recognize the markup.

	guid_flag_oob_gtkg(muid);		/* Mark as being from GTKG */

	if (initial)
		muid->v[15] &= ~GUID_REQUERY;
		muid->v[15] |= GUID_REQUERY;
コード例 #5
ファイル: filename.c プロジェクト: Eppo791906066/gtk-gnutella
 * Determine unique filename for `file' in `path', with optional trailing
 * extension `ext'.  If no `ext' is wanted, one must supply an empty string.
 * @param path A directory path.
 * @param file The basename for the resulting pathname.
 * @param ext An optional filename extension to be appended to the basename.
 * @param name_is_uniq An optional callback to decide whether a created
 *        pathname is uniq. If omitted, the default is file_does_not_exist().
 * @returns the chosen unique complete filename as a pointer which must be
 * freed via hfree().
char *
filename_unique(const char *path, const char *name, const char *ext,
		bool (*name_is_uniq)(const char *pathname))
	char filename_buf[FILENAME_MAXBYTES];
	char name_buf[FILENAME_MAXBYTES];
	char mid_buf[32];
	char ext_buf[32];
	const char *mid;
	char *pathname;
	size_t name_len, mid_len, ext_len;
	int i;


	STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof filename_buf >
		sizeof mid_buf + sizeof ext_buf + GUID_HEX_SIZE);

	 * NOTE: The generated filename must not exceed FILENAME_MAXBYTES
	 *		 because such a file cannot be created. In reality, it depends
	 *		 on the filesystem as well and the limit might be even smaller.
	 *		 In any case, we don't want to cut-off arbitrary bytes but
	 *		 at least preserve the filename extension and the (potential)
	 *		 UTF-8 encoding.

	/* Because "ext" can be an additional extension like .BAD rather than
	 * one that indicates the filetype, try to preserve the next "extension"
	 * as well, if there's any. */
	mid = strrchr(name, '.');
	if (NULL == mid || mid == name || strlen(mid) >= sizeof mid_buf) {
		mid = strchr(name, '\0');

	ext_len = strlen(ext);
	mid_len = strlen(mid);
	name_len = strlen(name) - mid_len;

	ext_len = MIN(ext_len, sizeof ext_buf - 1);
	mid_len = MIN(mid_len, sizeof mid_buf - 1);
	name_len = MIN(name_len, sizeof name_buf - 1);

	if (name_len + mid_len + ext_len >= sizeof filename_buf) {
		g_assert(name_len >= ext_len);
		name_len -= ext_len;

	/* Truncate strings so that an UTF-8 encoding is preserved */
	ext_len = utf8_truncate(ext, ext_buf, ext_len + 1);
	mid_len = utf8_truncate(mid, mid_buf, mid_len + 1);
	name_len = utf8_truncate(name, name_buf, name_len + 1);

	str_bprintf(filename_buf, sizeof filename_buf, "%s%s%s",
		name_buf, mid_buf, ext_buf);

	pathname = unique_pathname(path, filename_buf, name_is_uniq);
	if (pathname)
		goto finish;

	if (!is_directory(path))
		return NULL;

	 * Looks like we need to make the filename more unique.  Append .00, then
	 * .01, etc... until .99.

	while (name_len + mid_len + ext_len + 3 >= sizeof filename_buf) {
		g_assert(name_len > 0);
	name_len = utf8_truncate(name, name_buf, name_len + 1);

	for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
		str_bprintf(filename_buf, sizeof filename_buf, "%s.%02u%s%s",
			name_buf, i, mid_buf, ext_buf);

		pathname = unique_pathname(path, filename_buf, name_is_uniq);
		if (pathname)
			goto finish;

	 * OK, no luck.  Try with a few random numbers then.

	while (name_len + mid_len + ext_len + 9 >= sizeof filename_buf) {
		g_assert(name_len > 0);
	name_len = utf8_truncate(name, name_buf, name_len + 1);

	for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
		str_bprintf(filename_buf, sizeof filename_buf, "%s.%x%s%s",
			name_buf, (unsigned) random_u32(), mid_buf, ext_buf);

		pathname = unique_pathname(path, filename_buf, name_is_uniq);
		if (pathname)
			goto finish;

	 * Bad luck.  Allocate a random GUID then.

	while (
		name_len + mid_len + ext_len + GUID_HEX_SIZE + 1 >= sizeof filename_buf
	) {
		g_assert(name_len > 0);
	name_len = utf8_truncate(name, name_buf, name_len + 1);

		struct guid guid;

		str_bprintf(filename_buf, sizeof filename_buf, "%s.%s%s%s",
			name_buf, guid_hex_str(&guid), mid_buf, ext_buf);

	pathname = unique_pathname(path, filename_buf, name_is_uniq);
	if (pathname)
		goto finish;

	 * This may also be the result of permission problems or inode
	 * exhaustion.
	g_warning("%s(): no luck with random number generator", G_STRFUNC);

	return pathname;
コード例 #6
ファイル: guid.c プロジェクト: Longdengyu/gtk-gnutella
 * Generate a new random GUID, flagged as GTKG.
guid_random_muid(guid_t *muid)
	guid_flag_gtkg(muid);		/* Mark as being from GTKG */