コード例 #1
void GenerateServerMethods::generate_H(const std::string &destdir, const std::string &name)
  const std::string h_name = destdir + theClass.getBaseName() + "_ulxr_server.h";
  std::ofstream h_file(h_name.c_str());
  std::cout << "Header file will be created: " << h_name << std::endl;

  generateHeaderHead(h_file, name + "UlxrServer");
  generateHeaderClassHead(h_file, name);
  generateHeaderTail(h_file, name + "UlxrServer");
コード例 #2
ファイル: newfilterdialog.cpp プロジェクト: enGits/envisu
void NewFilterDialog::createFiles()
  QString class_name     = m_Ui.class_edit->text();
  QString h_file_name    = "new_filters/" + class_name.lower() + ".h";
  QString cpp_file_name  = "new_filters/" + class_name.lower() + ".cpp";
  QFile h_file(h_file_name);
  QFile cpp_file(cpp_file_name);
    QTextStream h(&h_file);
    QTextStream cpp(&cpp_file);
    h << "//                                                                         \n";
    h << "// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\n";
    h << "// +                                                                      +\n";
    h << "// + This file is part of enVisu.                                         +\n";
    h << "// +                                                                      +\n";
    h << "// + Copyright 2013 O. Gloth, enGits GmbH                                 +\n";
    h << "// +                                                                      +\n";
    h << "// + enGrid is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify       +\n";
    h << "// + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by +\n";
    h << "// + the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or    +\n";
    h << "// + (at your option) any later version.                                  +\n";
    h << "// +                                                                      +\n";
    h << "// + enGrid is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,            +\n";
    h << "// + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of       +\n";
    h << "// + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the        +\n";
    h << "// + GNU General Public License for more details.                         +\n";
    h << "// +                                                                      +\n";
    h << "// + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License    +\n";
    h << "// + along with enVisu. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.       +\n";
    h << "// +                                                                      +\n";
    h << "// ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\n";
    h << "//                                                                         \n";

    h << "#ifndef " << m_Ui.class_edit->text().lower() << "_H\n";
    h << "#define " << m_Ui.class_edit->text().lower() << "_H\n";
    h << "\n";
    h << "class " << class_name << ";\n";
    h << "\n";
    h << "#include \"mpwsitem.h\"\n";
    h << "#include \"" << class_name.lower() << "config.h\"\n";
    h << "\n";
    h << "#include <" << m_Ui.vtk_edit->text() << ".h>\n";
    h << "\n";
    h << "class " << class_name << " : public MpWsItem\n";
    h << "{\n";
    h << "\n";
    h << "    Q_OBJECT\n";
    h << "\n";
    h << "private:\n";
    h << "\n";
    h << "    " << class_name << "Config dlg;\n";
    h << "    " << m_Ui.vtk_edit->text() << " *vtk;\n";
    h << "\n";
    h << "public:\n";
    h << "\n";
    h << "    " << class_name << " (MpWorkSpace *mws);\n";
    h << "    ~" << class_name << "();\n";
    h << "\n";
    if (m_Ui.polydata_rb->isChecked()) {
      h << "    virtual vtkPolyData* getPolyData();\n";
    } else if (m_Ui.dataset_rb->isChecked()) {
      h << "    virtual vtkDataSet* getDataSet();\n";
    } else if (m_Ui.function_rb->isChecked()) {
      h << "    virtual vtkImplicitFunction* getImplicitFunction();\n";
    h << "\n";
    h << "    virtual void setPolyData        (int i, vtkPolyData         *poly_data);\n";
    h << "    virtual void setDataSet         (int i, vtkDataSet          *data_set);\n";
    h << "    virtual void setImplicitFunction(int i, vtkImplicitFunction *implicit_function);\n";
    h << "    virtual void connectInput       (int i);\n";
    h << "    virtual void disconnectInput    (int i);\n";
    h << "    virtual void connectOutput      (int i);\n";
    h << "    virtual void disconnectOutput   (int i);\n";
    h << "\n";
    h << "public slots:\n";
    h << "\n";
    h << "    virtual void apply ();\n";
    h << "    virtual void config();\n";
    h << "    virtual void help  ();\n";
    h << "    virtual void load  (istream &s);\n";
    h << "    virtual void save  (ostream &s);\n";
    h << "\n";
    h << "};\n";
    h << "\n";
    h << "#endif\n";
    cpp << "#include \"" << m_Ui.class_edit->text().lower() << ".h\"\n";
    cpp << "\n";
    cpp << class_name << "::" << class_name << "(MpWorkSpace *mws) :\n";
    cpp << "        MpWsItem(mws)\n";
    cpp << "{\n";
    cpp << "    loadIcon(\"" << class_name.lower() << ".png\");\n";
    cpp << "    ws->addItem(this);\n";
    cpp << "    setName(\"" << class_name << "\");\n";
    cpp << "    vtk = " << m_Ui.vtk_edit->text() << "::New();\n";
    for (int i = 0; i < m_Ui.inputs_lb->count(); ++i) {
      QString text = m_Ui.inputs_lb->text(i);
      QString type = text.left(19).stripWhiteSpace();
      QString name = text.right(text.length()-22).stripWhiteSpace();
      cpp << "    addInput(\"" << name << "\",\"" << type << "\");\n";
    cpp << "    connect(dlg.apply_pb,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(apply()));\n";
    cpp << "    connect(dlg.help_pb,SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(help()));\n";
    cpp << "    dlg.name_edit->setText(name());\n";
    if (m_Ui.polydata_rb->isChecked()) {
      cpp << "    has_output = true;\n";
      cpp << "    output_type = \"vtkPolyData\";\n";
    } else if (m_Ui.dataset_rb->isChecked()) {
      cpp << "    has_output = true;\n";
      cpp << "    output_type = \"vtkDataSet\";\n";
    } else if (m_Ui.function_rb->isChecked()) {
      cpp << "    has_output = true;\n";
      cpp << "    output_type = \"vtkImplicitFunction\";\n";
    } else {
      cpp << "    has_output = false;\n";
    cpp << "    apply();\n";
    cpp << "};\n";
    cpp << "\n";
    cpp << class_name << "::~" << class_name << "()\n";
    cpp << "{\n";
    cpp << "    vtk->Delete();\n";
    cpp << "};\n";
    cpp << "\n";
    cpp << "void " << class_name << "::apply()\n";
    cpp << "{\n";
    cpp << "    changeName(dlg.name_edit->text());\n";
    cpp << "    ws->render();\n";
    cpp << "};\n";
    cpp << "\n";
    cpp << "void " << class_name << "::config()\n";
    cpp << "{\n";
    cpp << "    if (dlg.exec()) apply();\n";
    cpp << "};\n";
    cpp << "\n";
    cpp << "void " << class_name << "::save(ostream &s)\n";
    cpp << "{\n";
    cpp << "    MpWsItem::save(s);\n";
    cpp << "};\n";
    cpp << "\n";
    cpp << "void " << class_name << "::load(istream &s)\n";
    cpp << "{\n";
    cpp << "    MpWsItem::load(s);\n";
    cpp << "    apply();\n";
    cpp << "};\n";
    cpp << "\n";

    if (m_Ui.polydata_rb->isChecked()) {
      cpp << "vtkPolyData* " << class_name;
      cpp << "::getPolyData()\n";
      cpp << "{\n";
      cpp << "    return vtk->GetOutput();\n";
      cpp << "};\n";
    } else if (m_Ui.dataset_rb->isChecked()) {
      cpp << "vtkDataSet* " << class_name;
      cpp << "::getDataSet()\n";
      cpp << "{\n";
      cpp << "    return vtk->GetOutput();\n";
      cpp << "};\n";
    } else if (m_Ui.function_rb->isChecked()) {
      cpp << "vtkImplicitFunction* " << class_name;
      cpp << "::getImplicitFunction()\n";
      cpp << "{\n";
      cpp << "    return vtk;\n";
      cpp << "};\n";
    cpp << "\n";
    cpp << "void " << class_name << "::setPolyData(int i, vtkPolyData *poly_data)\n";
    cpp << "{\n";
    cpp << "};\n";
    cpp << "\n";
    cpp << "void " << class_name << "::setDataSet(int i, vtkDataSet *data_set)\n";
    cpp << "{\n";
    cpp << "};\n";
    cpp << "\n";
    cpp << "void " << class_name << "::setImplicitFunction(int i, vtkImplicitFunction *function)\n";
    cpp << "{\n";
    cpp << "};\n";
    cpp << "\n";
    cpp << "void " << class_name << "::connectInput(int i)\n";
    cpp << "{\n";
    cpp << "};\n";
    cpp << "\n";
    cpp << "void " << class_name << "::disconnectInput(int i)\n";
    cpp << "{\n";
    cpp << "};\n";
    cpp << "\n";
    cpp << "void " << class_name << "::connectOutput(int i)\n";
    cpp << "{\n";
    cpp << "};\n";
    cpp << "\n";
    cpp << "void " << class_name << "::disconnectOutput(int i)\n";
    cpp << "{\n";
    cpp << "};\n";
    cpp << "\n";
    cpp << "void " << class_name << "::help()\n";
    cpp << "{\n";
    cpp << "};\n";
    cpp << "\n";