コード例 #1
ファイル: hal_sdio.c プロジェクト: BarryChen/RDA
// hal_SdioWakeUp
/// This function requests a resource of #HAL_SYS_FREQ_52M. 
/// hal_SdioSleep() must be called before any other
    // Take a resource (The idea is to be able to get a 25Mhz clock)
//    hwp_sysCtrl->Clk_Per_Enable |=  SYS_CTRL_ENABLE_PER_SDMMC2;//modify 2012-02-24 ,wuys

//	wifi_i2c_rf_write_data(0x3f, 0x0000,1);

    hal_SysRequestFreq(HAL_SYS_FREQ_SDMMC2, HAL_SYS_FREQ_104M, hal_SdioUpdateDivider);

    UINT32 scStatus = hal_SysEnterCriticalSection();
    // Make sure the last clock is set

//   hwp_configRegs->GPIO_Mode &=  ~CFG_REGS_MODE_PIN_SPI1_CLK;//modify 2012-02-24 ,wuys
#if 0
hwp_configRegs->GPIO_Mode &=  ~0x1D000;;//modify 2012-02-24 ,wuys
     //   hwp_configRegs->Alt_mux_select &=  ~0x800;//modify 2012-02-24 ,wuys
		        hwp_configRegs->Alt_mux_select |=  0x800;//modify 2012-02-24 ,wuys


   //hwp_sysCtrl->Clk_Per_Enable |=  SYS_CTRL_ENABLE_PER_SDMMC2;//modify 2012-02-24 ,wuys


コード例 #2
ファイル: hal_sys_ifc.c プロジェクト: BarryChen/RDA
// =============================================================================
// hal_IfcGetChannel
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
/// Get an IFC channel opend in NO auto-disable mode
/// @param requestId Describe the direction of the tranfer (rx or
/// tx) and the module to or from which data are to be moved.
/// @param ifcMode Mode of the transfer (Autodisable or not, 8 or 32 bits)
/// @return The channel number got or HAL_UNKNOWN_CHANNEL
// =============================================================================
    UINT8 channel;
    // This function is only relevant/available for manual transferts.
               "hal_IfcGetChannel called with an autodisable %d mode", ifcMode);
    UINT32 status = hal_SysEnterCriticalSection();

    channel = SYS_IFC_CH_TO_USE(hwp_sysIfc->get_ch) ;

    if (channel >= SYS_IFC_STD_CHAN_NB)
        return HAL_UNKNOWN_CHANNEL;
    hwp_sysIfc->std_ch[channel].tc =  0;
    hwp_sysIfc->std_ch[channel].start_addr = 0;
    g_halModuleIfcChannelOwner[channel] = requestId;
    hwp_sysIfc->std_ch[channel].control = (SYS_IFC_REQ_SRC(requestId) 
                                        | ifcMode
                                        | SYS_IFC_CH_RD_HW_EXCH
                                        | SYS_IFC_ENABLE);
    return channel;
コード例 #3
ファイル: hal_sys_ifc.c プロジェクト: BarryChen/RDA
// =============================================================================
// hal_IfcChannelRelease
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
/// Force the release of a channel owned by a request.
/// The channel is only released if the specified request
/// owns the channel.
/// @param requestId Describe the direction of the tranfer (rx or
/// tx) and the module to or from which data are to be moved.
/// @param channel Channel to release
// =============================================================================
PROTECTED VOID hal_IfcChannelRelease(HAL_IFC_REQUEST_ID_T requestId, UINT8 channel)
    UINT32 status;

    // Here, we consider the transfer as previously finished.
    if (channel == HAL_UNKNOWN_CHANNEL) return;

    // Channel number too big.
    IFC_ASSERT(channel < SYS_IFC_STD_CHAN_NB, channel);

    status = hal_SysEnterCriticalSection();
    if (g_halModuleIfcChannelOwner[channel] == requestId)
        // Disable this channel
        // CAUTION: It needs several cycles to disable IFC, but the FLUSH bit
        // will take effect immediately. If the FLUSH bit is cleared while
        // the DISABLE bit is set, IFC will still work for the next few cycles,
        // which might lead to data loss!
        hwp_sysIfc->std_ch[channel].control |= SYS_IFC_DISABLE;
#if 0
        // Read the status of this channel
        while((hwp_sysIfc->std_ch[channel].status & SYS_IFC_ENABLE) != 0);
        // Write the TC to 0 for next time the channel is re-enabled
        hwp_sysIfc->std_ch[channel].tc =  0;
コード例 #4
ファイル: hal_aif.c プロジェクト: jprothwell/sc-fix
// =============================================================================
// hal_AifPlayStream
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
/// Play a stream, copied from a buffer in memory to the AIF fifos, in infinite
/// mode: when the end of the buffer is reached, playing continues from the 
/// beginning.
/// The buffer start address must be aligned on a 32-bit address, and the size
/// must be a multiple of 32 bytes.
/// @param playedStream Pointer to the played stream. A stream pointing to 
/// a NULL buffer (startAddress field) only enable the audio, without 
/// playing data from anywhere.
/// @return HAL_ERR_NO if everything is alright or HAL_ERR_RESOURCE_BUSY if
/// a play is already in process.
// =============================================================================
PUBLIC HAL_ERR_T hal_AifPlayStream(CONST HAL_AIF_STREAM_T* playedStream)
    UINT32 status;
    HAL_ERR_T errStatus = HAL_ERR_NO;

    if (hal_SysGetRequestFreq(HAL_SYS_FREQ_AIF) == HAL_SYS_FREQ_32K)
        HAL_ASSERT(FALSE, "AIF Play Stream when resource not active");

    status = hal_SysEnterCriticalSection();
    if (playedStream->startAddress != NULL)
        errStatus = hal_AifStream((HAL_AIF_STREAM_T*) playedStream, PLAY);

    if (errStatus == HAL_ERR_NO)
        g_halAifPlaying = TRUE;
        // Allow symbols to be sent
        hwp_aif->ctrl = (g_halAifControlReg | AIF_ENABLE_H_ENABLE) & ~AIF_TX_OFF;

    return errStatus;
コード例 #5
ファイル: drv_flsh.c プロジェクト: jprothwell/sc-fix
PRIVATE MEMD_ERR_T memd_BlockLockStatus(UINT8 * phy_SectorAddr, UINT16 *Locked)
    VOLATILE UINT16 * BankAddr;
    VOLATILE UINT16 * BlockAddr;
    UINT16 DeviceCode;
    UINT32 phy_Start;
    UINT32 phy_End;
    UINT32 status;

    memd_FlashGetSectorLimits((UINT32)phy_SectorAddr, &phy_Start, &phy_End);
    if ((UINT32)phy_SectorAddr != phy_Start)
        *Locked = 0xffff;
        return MEMD_ERR_ALIGN;

    BankAddr = (VOLATILE UINT16 *)(g_memdFlashBaseAddress + (phy_Start&FLASHBANK_MASK));
    BlockAddr = (VOLATILE UINT16 *)(g_memdFlashBaseAddress + phy_Start);

    // Block Protection Read
    status = hal_SysEnterCriticalSection();
    *BankAddr = CMD_READ_ESD;
    DeviceCode = *(UINT16*)(BankAddr + 0x1);
    *Locked = *(UINT16*)(BlockAddr + 0x2);
    *BankAddr = CMD_READ_ARRAY;

    // Write out Device Code for debug check
    return MEMD_ERR_NO;
コード例 #6
ファイル: hal_timer.c プロジェクト: jprothwell/sc-fix
// ============================================================================
// hal_TimGetReminderTime
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
/// Return the remaining time to count before the previously programmed period
/// expires.
/// @return Time before the previously programmed period expires.
// ============================================================================
PUBLIC UINT32 hal_TimGetReminderTime(VOID)
    UINT32 status;
    UINT32 timVal;


//   // the timer counts negatively once wrapped, so ...
//     // overflow + wrap time = remaining time to count
//     if ((hwp_timer->irq_cause & TIMER_STATUS(OSTIM_IRQ)))
//     {
//         // The counter wrapped and the irq is pending or under treatment
//         tim_val=g_halTickOverflow;
// #ifdef TIM_VERBOSE
//         hal_Printf((_PAL | TSTDOUT,"TickGetVal : Irq Pending"));
// #endif
//     }
//     else 
        timVal = hal_TimTickGetVal() + g_halTickOverflow;
    HAL_TRACE(_PAL | TSTDOUT, 0, "TickGetVal: %d",timVal);

    return (timVal);
コード例 #7
ファイル: hal_timer.c プロジェクト: jprothwell/sc-fix
// ============================================================================
// hal_TimSetExpirationTime
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
/// Set the next time when the OS timer will wrap.
/// @param nextPeriod The next period before the new wrap.
// ============================================================================
PUBLIC VOID hal_TimSetExpirationTime(UINT32 nextPeriod)
    UINT32 status;
    UINT32 period = nextPeriod;

        HAL_TRACE(_PAL|TSTDOUT,0,"TickNotify: Next_Period %d, TickError %d",Next_Period,TickError);

    if (period>HAL_TIM_MAX_PER)
        g_halTickOverflow = period-HAL_TIM_MAX_PER;
        g_halTickLastPeriod = HAL_TIM_MAX_PER;
        g_halTickOverflow = 0;
        g_halTickLastPeriod = period;


        HAL_TRACE(_PAL|TSTDOUT,0, "TickNotify: g_halTickLastPeriod %d",g_halTickLastPeriod);

コード例 #8
ファイル: hal_timer.c プロジェクト: jprothwell/sc-fix
// ============================================================================
// hal_TickIrqHandler
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
/// IRQ handler for the OS timer, called when this timer wrap.
// ============================================================================
PRIVATE VOID hal_TickIrqHandler(VOID)
    UINT32 scStatus;
    INT32 tickError=0;
    UINT32 reportedPeriod;

    // save error
    tickError = (INT32) hal_TimTickGetVal();

    // disable timer

    reportedPeriod = g_halTickLastPeriod-tickError;


    HAL_TRACE(_PAL | TSTDOUT, 0, "TickIRQ: Tampax %d, Error %d", reportedPeriod, tickError);

    sxr_Tampax(reportedPeriod, 0);
コード例 #9
ファイル: hal_sdio.c プロジェクト: BarryChen/RDA
PUBLIC VOID hal_SdioOpen(UINT8 clk_adj, HAL_SDIO_IRQ_HANDLER_T handler)
    g_halSdioRegistry = handler;

    // Take the module out of reset
    hwp_sysCtrl->REG_DBG     = SYS_CTRL_PROTECT_UNLOCK;
    hwp_sysCtrl->BB_Rst_Clr = SYS_CTRL_CLR_RST_SDMMC2;
    hwp_sysCtrl->Clk_Per_Enable |= SYS_CTRL_ENABLE_PER_SDMMC2;
    hwp_sysCtrl->Clk_Sys_Mode |= SYS_CTRL_MODE_SYS_PCLK_DATA_MANUAL;
   // hwp_sysCtrl->Sys_Rst_Clr = SYS_CTRL_CLR_RST_SDMMC2;

    hwp_sysCtrl->REG_DBG     = SYS_CTRL_PROTECT_LOCK;

    // We don't use interrupts.
   // hwp_sdmmc2->SDMMC2_INT_MASK = 0x80;
     hwp_sdmmc2->SDMMC2_INT_MASK = 0x00;

    hwp_sdmmc2->SDMMC2_MCLK_ADJUST = clk_adj;

    // Take a resource (The idea is to be able to get a 25Mhz clock)
    hal_SysRequestFreq(HAL_SYS_FREQ_SDMMC2, HAL_SYS_FREQ_104M, hal_SdioUpdateDivider);

    UINT32 scStatus = hal_SysEnterCriticalSection();
    // Make sure the last clock is set

   // pmd_EnablePower(PMD_POWER_SDMMC2, TRUE);
コード例 #10
ファイル: hal_aif.c プロジェクト: jprothwell/sc-fix
// =============================================================================
// hal_AifRecordDisableIfcAtNextIrq
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
/// During Record the IFC channel is in Fifo loop mode
/// In order to stop it cleanly, you can ask to automatically disable
/// the IFC channel at the next Half Fifo/End Fifo interrupt.
/// @return #HAL_ERR_NO
// =============================================================================
PUBLIC HAL_ERR_T hal_AifRecordDisableIfcAtNextIrq(VOID)
    UINT32 status = hal_SysEnterCriticalSection();

    hwp_bbIfc->ch[RECORD].control |= BB_IFC_AUTO_DISABLE;


    return HAL_ERR_NO;
コード例 #11
ファイル: hal_sdio.c プロジェクト: BarryChen/RDA
// =============================================================================
// hal_SdioSetClk
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
/// Set the SDMMC2 clock frequency to something inferior but close to that,
/// taking into account system frequency.
// =============================================================================
PUBLIC VOID hal_SdioSetClk(UINT32 clock)
    // TODO Add assert to stay on supported values ?
    g_halSdioFreq = clock;
    UINT32 scStatus = hal_SysEnterCriticalSection();
    // Update the divider takes care of the registers configuration
コード例 #12
ファイル: hal_ebc.c プロジェクト: BarryChen/RDA
// ============================================================================
// hal_EbcFlashOpen
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
/// Enable the CS for FLASH. That chip select is named like this for its 
/// common use, but can in fact be plugged to a RAM.
/// This function must be called before any other EBC driver function, 
/// as the Flash Chip is the device imposing the frequency on the memory
/// bridge. This optimal frequency is set as a parameter and the corresponding
/// EBC settings are also specified.
/// The Chip Select used is not a parameter of the function as it is always
/// #HAL_EBC_FLASH (ie. CS0)
/// @param optimalFreq Optimal Frequency to use the chip plugged on the 
/// #HAL_EBC_FLASH chip select.
/// @param csConfig Configuration for the chip select. The \c csEn enable bit
/// of the mode configuration must be set to 1 !
/// @param cbFunc callback function for enabling the burst mode on sram
/// or NULL if not needed. Note: cbFunc must not be in flash
/// @return Base address of the configured space
// ============================================================================
    // union representing the status bitfield in a 32 bits value
    // loadable in the register
        UINT32 reg;
        HAL_EBC_TIME_CFG_T bitfield;
    } timeCfgUnion;
    // union representing the status bitfield in a 32 bits value
    // loadable in the register   
        UINT32 reg;
        HAL_EBC_MODE_CFG_T bitfield;
    } modeCfgUnion;        

    VOID* retval = NULL;

    UINT32 status = hal_SysEnterCriticalSection();

    // Wait if the lock is locked

    // Set EBC frequency
    // FIXME The membridge clock must be set-up before the system clock, and done 
    // only once. The flash open should (must) be done before hal_Open for 
    // the Admux. As long as it's not, hal_EbcCsSetup is called by hal_Open.
    // hal_EbcCsSetup(optimalFreq);

    // Write the pointer into the table
    //g_halEbcCsConfigArray[0]              = csConfig;

    hal_EbcCsSetupWithCallback(HAL_EBC_FLASH, csConfig, cbFunc);

    retval = (VOID*)hwp_cs0;

    timeCfgUnion.bitfield = csConfig->time;
    modeCfgUnion.bitfield = csConfig->mode;

    g_halCs0TimeReg  = timeCfgUnion.reg;
    g_halCs0ModeReg  = modeCfgUnion.reg;


    return retval;
コード例 #13
ファイル: hal_sys_ifc.c プロジェクト: BarryChen/RDA
// =============================================================================
// hal_IfcTransferStart
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
/// Start an IFC transfer
/// This is a non blocking function that starts the transfer
/// and returns the hand. 
/// @param requestId Describe the direction of the tranfer (rx or
/// tx) and the module to or from which data are to be moved.
/// @param memStartAddr. Start address of the buffer where data 
/// to be sent are located or where to put the data read, according
/// to the request defined by the previous parameter
/// @param xferSize Number of bytes to transfer. The maximum size 
/// is 2^20 - 1 bytes.
/// @param ifcMode Mode of the transfer (Autodisable or not, 8 or 32 bits)
/// @return Channel got or HAL_UNKNOWN_CHANNEL.
// =============================================================================
PROTECTED UINT8 hal_IfcTransferStart(HAL_IFC_REQUEST_ID_T requestId, UINT8* memStartAddr, UINT32 xferSize, HAL_IFC_MODE_T ifcMode)
    // Check buffer alignment depending on the mode
    if (ifcMode != HAL_IFC_SIZE_8_MODE_MANUAL && ifcMode != HAL_IFC_SIZE_8_MODE_AUTO)
        // Then ifcMode == HAL_IFC_SIZE_32, check word alignment
        HAL_ASSERT(((UINT32)memStartAddr%4) == 0,
            "HAL IFC: 32 bits transfer misaligned 0x@%08X", memStartAddr);
        // ifcMode == HAL_IFC_SIZE_8, nothing to check

    HAL_ASSERT(xferSize < (1<<SYS_IFC_TC_LEN),
        "HAL IFC: Transfer size too large: %d", xferSize);

    UINT32 status = hal_SysEnterCriticalSection();
    UINT8 channel;
    UINT8 i;
    // Check the requested id is not currently already used.
    for (i = 0; i < SYS_IFC_STD_CHAN_NB ; i++)
        if (GET_BITFIELD(hwp_sysIfc->std_ch[i].control, SYS_IFC_REQ_SRC) == requestId)
            // This channel is or was used for the requestId request.
            // Check it is still in use.
            HAL_ASSERT((hwp_sysIfc->std_ch[i].status & SYS_IFC_ENABLE) == 0,
                    "HAL: Attempt to use the IFC to deal with a %d"
                    " request still active on channel %d", requestId, i);

    channel = SYS_IFC_CH_TO_USE(hwp_sysIfc->get_ch) ;

    if (channel >= SYS_IFC_STD_CHAN_NB)
        return HAL_UNKNOWN_CHANNEL;

    g_halModuleIfcChannelOwner[channel]     = requestId;
    hwp_sysIfc->std_ch[channel].start_addr  =  (UINT32) memStartAddr;
    hwp_sysIfc->std_ch[channel].tc          =  xferSize;
    hwp_sysIfc->std_ch[channel].control     = (SYS_IFC_REQ_SRC(requestId) 
                                            | ifcMode
                                            | SYS_IFC_CH_RD_HW_EXCH
                                            | SYS_IFC_ENABLE);
    return channel;
コード例 #14
ファイル: rdabt_uart_drv.c プロジェクト: BarryChen/RDA
UINT16 get_data_from_CircularBuffer(struct  CircularBuf *pCirBuff, UINT8 *pBuff,UINT16 uDataSize)
	UINT16 Block_Len, First_half, Second_half, real_len, real_sent_len, tmp_Get;
	real_sent_len = 0;		
       UINT32 status = hal_SysEnterCriticalSection();
	Block_Len = GET_DATA_BLOCK_LEN(pCirBuff->Get, pCirBuff->Put, pCirBuff->Buf_len);

	if ((Block_Len == 0) && (pCirBuff->NotEmpty))
		Block_Len = pCirBuff->Buf_len;

	real_len = (Block_Len < uDataSize) ? Block_Len :  uDataSize;
	if (real_len > 0)/*have data to send*/
		if (pCirBuff->Get < pCirBuff->Put)
			memcpy(pBuff, &pCirBuff->Buf[pCirBuff->Get], real_len);
			tmp_Get = MOD_BUFF_LEN(pCirBuff->Get + real_len,pCirBuff->Buf_len);

			First_half = pCirBuff->Buf_len  - pCirBuff->Get;

			if (real_len < First_half)
				memcpy(pBuff, &pCirBuff->Buf[pCirBuff->Get], real_len);
				tmp_Get = MOD_BUFF_LEN(pCirBuff->Get + real_len,pCirBuff->Buf_len);
				memcpy(pBuff, &pCirBuff->Buf[pCirBuff->Get], First_half);
				Second_half = real_len - First_half;
				tmp_Get = MOD_BUFF_LEN(pCirBuff->Get + First_half,pCirBuff->Buf_len);			
				memcpy(&pBuff[First_half], &pCirBuff->Buf[tmp_Get], Second_half);
				tmp_Get = MOD_BUFF_LEN(tmp_Get + Second_half,pCirBuff->Buf_len);				
		pCirBuff->Get  = tmp_Get;
		  if (pCirBuff->Get == pCirBuff->Put)
				pCirBuff->NotEmpty = 0;		
	return real_len;
コード例 #15
ファイル: hal_ebc.c プロジェクト: BarryChen/RDA
// ============================================================================
// hal_EbcSramOpen
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
/// Enable a CS for SRAM. The chip selects for 
/// FLASH have been set before by calling #hal_EbcFlashOpen.
/// The enabling of a CS returns the base address of the configured space.
/// The settings are given at the opening of the peripheral on the given 
/// chip select, and must support the external maximal clock as it has been
/// set by the configuring of the CS0 (Flash) chipo select.
/// @param csConfig Configuration for the chip select. The \c csEn enable bit
/// of the mode configuration must be set to 1 there if the chip select
/// of the opened peripheral have to be enabled !
/// @param cbFunc callback function for enabling the burst mode on sram
/// or NULL if not needed. Note: cbFunc must not be in sram
/// @return Base address of the configured space
// ============================================================================
    VOID* retval = NULL;
    UINT32 status = hal_SysEnterCriticalSection();

    hal_EbcCsSetupWithCallback(HAL_EBC_SRAM, csConfig, cbFunc);

    retval = (VOID*)hwp_cs1;

    return retval;
コード例 #16
// =============================================================================
// hal_BootEnterMonitor
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
/// Call this function to enter the boot monitor.
// =============================================================================
PUBLIC VOID hal_BootEnterMonitor(VOID)
    // We want to reboot now, and not get interrupted by any trivial stuff.
    UINT32 __attribute__((unused)) status = hal_SysEnterCriticalSection();

	if (g_halBootBeforeMonCallback != NULL)

    // To restart in the Boot Monitor, by going through
    // the Boot Sector.

コード例 #17
ファイル: hal_aif.c プロジェクト: jprothwell/sc-fix
// =============================================================================
// hal_AifStopRecord
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
/// Stop playing a buffer
// =============================================================================
PUBLIC VOID hal_AifStopRecord(VOID)
    g_halAifRecording                    = FALSE;
    hwp_bbIfc->ch[RECORD].control        = BB_IFC_DISABLE;
    hwp_bbIfc->ch[RECORD].int_mask       = 0;
    g_halAifHandlers[RECORD].halfHandler = NULL;
    g_halAifHandlers[RECORD].endHandler  = NULL;
    // Disable the AIF if not recording
    UINT32 status = hal_SysEnterCriticalSection();
    if (!g_halAifPlaying)
コード例 #18
ファイル: hal_aif.c プロジェクト: jprothwell/sc-fix
// =============================================================================
// hal_AifStopPlay
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
/// Stop playing a buffer
// =============================================================================
    g_halAifPlaying = FALSE;
    // More caution needed ?
    hwp_bbIfc->ch[PLAY].control        = BB_IFC_DISABLE;
    hwp_bbIfc->ch[PLAY].int_mask       = 0;
    g_halAifHandlers[PLAY].halfHandler = NULL;
    g_halAifHandlers[PLAY].endHandler  = NULL;
    // Disable the AIF if not recording
    UINT32 status = hal_SysEnterCriticalSection();
    if (!g_halAifRecording)
        // To have the clock allowing the disabling.
コード例 #19
ファイル: drv_flsh.c プロジェクト: jprothwell/sc-fix
UINT16 memd_FlashRead_ID(UINT16 index)
    VOLATILE UINT16 * BankAddr;
    VOLATILE UINT16 * ptr;
    UINT32 phys_add;
    UINT16 data =0 ;
    UINT32 status;
    phys_add = 0x0;
    BankAddr = (VOLATILE UINT16 *)(g_memdFlashBaseAddress + (phys_add&FLASHBANK_MASK));
    ptr = (VOLATILE UINT16 *)(g_memdFlashBaseAddress + (phys_add&~1));
    status = hal_SysEnterCriticalSection();
    *(BankAddr) = 0x90;
    data = *(ptr+index);
    *BankAddr = CMD_READ_ARRAY;
    return data; 

コード例 #20
ファイル: drv_lcd_ili9163c.c プロジェクト: jprothwell/sc-fix
// =============================================================================
// lcdd_MutexGet
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
/// This function enter in critical section, read the value of the mutex and,
/// if this is a '1', returns '1' and set the mutex to 0. If this is a '0',
/// it does nothing. Then, in both cases, it exists the Critical Section.
/// @param mutex Pointer to the integer used as a mutex.
/// @return '1' if the mutex was taken, '0' otherwise.
// =============================================================================
PRIVATE UINT32 lcdd_MutexGet(UINT32* mutex)
    UINT32 status;
    UINT32 result;

    status = hal_SysEnterCriticalSection();
    if ((*mutex) == 1)
        // Take the mutex
        *mutex = 0;
        result = 1;
        // Too bad ...
        result = 0;

    return result;
コード例 #21
ファイル: hal_aif.c プロジェクト: jprothwell/sc-fix
// =============================================================================
// hal_AifRecordStream
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
/// Record a stream, copied from the AIF fifos to a buffer in memory, in infinite
/// mode: when the end of the buffer is reached, playing continues from the 
/// beginning.
/// The buffer start address must be aligned on a 32-bit address, and the size
/// must be a multiple of 32 bytes.
/// @param recordedStream Pointer to the recorded stream. A stream pointing to 
/// a NULL buffer (startAddress field) only enable
/// the audio, without recording data from anywhere.
// =============================================================================
PUBLIC HAL_ERR_T hal_AifRecordStream(CONST HAL_AIF_STREAM_T* recordedStream)
    UINT32 status;
    HAL_ERR_T errStatus = HAL_ERR_NO;

    if (hal_SysGetRequestFreq(HAL_SYS_FREQ_AIF) == HAL_SYS_FREQ_32K)
        HAL_ASSERT(FALSE, "AIF Record Stream when resource not active");
    status = hal_SysEnterCriticalSection();
    if (recordedStream->startAddress != NULL)
        errStatus = hal_AifStream(recordedStream, RECORD);
    if (errStatus == HAL_ERR_NO)
        g_halAifRecording = TRUE;
        // In Loopback mode, do not start now - the Tx will do it
        // This is usefull for synchronization purpose
        if ((!g_halAifPlaying) && ((g_halAifControlReg & AIF_LOOP_BACK)==0))
            // Need to start the clock: write 4 data not to send
            hwp_aif->ctrl = g_halAifControlReg | AIF_ENABLE_H_ENABLE | AIF_TX_OFF_TX_OFF;
            hwp_aif->data = 0;
            hwp_aif->data = 0;
            hwp_aif->data = 0;
            hwp_aif->data = 0;


    return errStatus;

コード例 #22
ファイル: hal_ebc.c プロジェクト: BarryChen/RDA
// ============================================================================
// hal_EbcCsClose
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
/// Disables a CS (except FLASH and SRAM).
/// The address space previously allocated for this chip select becomes
/// unavailable after a call to this function
/// @param cs The Chip Select to Disable
// ============================================================================
    UINT32 status = hal_SysEnterCriticalSection();
    hwp_memBridge->CS_Time_Write = 0;
    switch(cs) {
    case HAL_EBC_CS2:
        hwp_memBridge->CS_Config[2].CS_Mode = 0;
        //g_halEbcCsConfigArray[2]= NULL;
    case HAL_EBC_CS3:
        hwp_memBridge->CS_Config[3].CS_Mode = 0;
        //g_halEbcCsConfigArray[3]= NULL;
    case HAL_EBC_CS4:
        hwp_memBridge->CS_Config[4].CS_Mode = 0;
        //g_halEbcCsConfigArray[4]= NULL;
コード例 #23
ファイル: hal_sys_ifc.c プロジェクト: BarryChen/RDA
// =============================================================================
// hal_IfcChannelFlush
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
/// Empty the FIFO a specified channel.
/// If #requestId does not match #channel owner, does not do anything.
/// @param requestId Describe the direction of the tranfer (rx or
/// tx) and the module to or from which data are to be moved.
/// @param channel Channel whose FIFO is to be clear.
// =============================================================================
PROTECTED VOID hal_IfcChannelFlush(HAL_IFC_REQUEST_ID_T requestId, UINT8 channel)
    UINT32 status;

    // Here, we consider the transfer as previously finished.
    if (channel == HAL_UNKNOWN_CHANNEL) return;

    // Channel number too big.
    IFC_ASSERT(channel < SYS_IFC_STD_CHAN_NB, channel);

    // Check that the channel is really owned by the peripheral
    // which is doing the request, it could have been release
    // automatically or by an IRQ handler.
    status = hal_SysEnterCriticalSection();
    if (g_halModuleIfcChannelOwner[channel] == requestId)
        // Always flush IFC regardless of whether FIFO is currently empty.
        // In case of RX, if some data is being received, it has
        // NOT been put in FIFO yet.
        hwp_sysIfc->std_ch[channel].control |= SYS_IFC_FLUSH;
コード例 #24
ファイル: hal_sys_ifc.c プロジェクト: BarryChen/RDA
// =============================================================================
// hal_IfcGetTc
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
/// Returns the transfer count of the IFC.
/// If #requestId does not match #channel owner, returns 0.
/// @param requestId Describe the direction of the tranfer (rx or
/// tx) and the module to or from which data are to be moved.
/// @param channel Number of the channel whose transfer we are concerned for.
/// @return The number of bytes remaining to be transfered.
// =============================================================================
PROTECTED UINT32 hal_IfcGetTc(HAL_IFC_REQUEST_ID_T requestId, UINT8 channel)
    UINT32 status;
    UINT32 tc = 0;
    // Here, we consider the transfer as previously finished.
    if (channel == HAL_UNKNOWN_CHANNEL) return tc;

    // Channel number too big.
    IFC_ASSERT(channel < SYS_IFC_STD_CHAN_NB, channel);

    // Check that the channel is really owned by the peripheral
    // which is doing the request, it could have been release
    // automatically or by an IRQ handler.
    status = hal_SysEnterCriticalSection();
    if (g_halModuleIfcChannelOwner[channel] == requestId)
        tc = hwp_sysIfc->std_ch[channel].tc;

    return tc;
コード例 #25
ファイル: hal_sys_ifc.c プロジェクト: BarryChen/RDA
// =============================================================================
// hal_IfcChannelIsFifoEmpty
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
/// Returns \c TRUE when the FIFO is empty.
/// If #requestId does not match #channel owner, returns TRUE.
/// @param requestId Describe the direction of the tranfer (rx or
/// tx) and the module to or from which data are to be moved.
/// @param channel Channel whose FIFO is to be checked.
// =============================================================================
PROTECTED BOOL hal_IfcChannelIsFifoEmpty(HAL_IFC_REQUEST_ID_T requestId, UINT8 channel)
    UINT32 status;
    BOOL fifoIsEmpty = TRUE;
    // Here, we consider the transfer as previously finished.
    if (channel == HAL_UNKNOWN_CHANNEL) return fifoIsEmpty;

    // Channel number too big.
    IFC_ASSERT(channel < SYS_IFC_STD_CHAN_NB, channel);

    // Check that the channel is really owned by the peripheral
    // which is doing the request, it could have been release
    // automatically or by an IRQ handler.
    status = hal_SysEnterCriticalSection();
    if (g_halModuleIfcChannelOwner[channel] == requestId)
        fifoIsEmpty =
            (0 != (hwp_sysIfc->std_ch[channel].status & SYS_IFC_FIFO_EMPTY));

    return fifoIsEmpty;
コード例 #26
ファイル: rdabt_hcit.c プロジェクト: BarryChen/RDA
	if (pkt_head_len==5)
		pkt_head[1]=hci_handle_flags & 0xFF;
		pkt_head[2]=hci_handle_flags >> 8;
		pkt_head[3]=pdu->dataLen& 0xFF;
		pkt_head[4]=pdu->dataLen>> 8;

    header[0] = type;
    header[1] = pdu->dataLen+pkt_head_len-1;

    //hal_HstSendEvent(SYS_EVENT,0x10170000 + type);

    critical = hal_SysEnterCriticalSection();


    HCI_FreeWriteBuffer(pdu, type);

    page = hal_ShareMem_GetTxPage();
    if(page != cmd_tx_page)
        if(cmd_tx_page != cmd_rx_page
            &&(page+1 == cmd_rx_page || (cmd_rx_page == 0 && page == 3)))
            rdabt_cntx.tx_busy = 1;
        cmd_tx_page = page;
コード例 #27
ファイル: drv_flsh.c プロジェクト: jprothwell/sc-fix
// =============================================================================
// memd_BlockLock
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
/// This Locks or Unlocks a block (sector) or range of blocks.
/// Flash Write Enable must already be set.
/// @param phy_startFlshAddr Start address of the block in flash to start
/// locking.  This must be aligned on a block.
/// @param phy_endFlshAddr End address of the block in flash to stop locking
/// (inclusive).  This must also be aligned on a block.  If this parameter is
/// NULL, then only one block (starting at phy_startFlshAddr) will be locked.
/// @return MEMD_ERR_T error type (alignment errors only)
// =============================================================================
PRIVATE MEMD_ERR_T memd_BlockLock(UINT8 *phy_startFlshAddr, UINT8 *phy_endFlshAddr, BOOL Lock)
    UINT32 phy_Start;
    UINT32 phy_End;
    UINT32 status;
    VOLATILE UINT16 * CurBankAddr;
    VOLATILE UINT16 * PrevBankAddr;

    // Check that start & end addresses are aligned
    if (phy_endFlshAddr == NULL)
        memd_FlashGetSectorLimits((UINT32)phy_startFlshAddr, &phy_Start, &phy_End);
        phy_endFlshAddr = (UINT8*)phy_End;
    } else
        if ((UINT32)phy_endFlshAddr != FLASH_SIZE) {
            memd_FlashGetSectorLimits((UINT32)phy_endFlshAddr , &phy_Start, &phy_End);
            if ((UINT32)phy_endFlshAddr != phy_Start) {
                return MEMD_ERR_ALIGN;

    memd_FlashGetSectorLimits((UINT32)phy_startFlshAddr, &phy_Start, &phy_End);
    if ((UINT32)phy_startFlshAddr != phy_Start)
        return MEMD_ERR_ALIGN;

    PrevBankAddr = (VOLATILE UINT16 *)(g_memdFlashBaseAddress + (phy_Start&FLASHBANK_MASK));

    while (phy_Start != (UINT32)phy_endFlshAddr)
        VOLATILE UINT16 * SectAddr;
        SectAddr = (VOLATILE UINT16 *)(g_memdFlashBaseAddress + phy_Start);
        CurBankAddr = (VOLATILE UINT16 *)(g_memdFlashBaseAddress + (phy_Start&FLASHBANK_MASK));
        status = hal_SysEnterCriticalSection();
        // If Bank Address is the same as previous Bank Address, continue
        // otherwise, need to put old Bank into Read Array mode and
        // open new Bank.
        if (CurBankAddr != PrevBankAddr)
            // Close Prev Bank
            *PrevBankAddr = CMD_READ_ARRAY;
            PrevBankAddr = CurBankAddr;

        // Lock Set/Clr
        if (Lock)
            *SectAddr = CMD_BLOCK_PROT;
            *SectAddr = CMD_BLOCK_LOCK;
            *SectAddr = CMD_BLOCK_PROT;
            *SectAddr = CMD_BLOCK_UNLOCK;

        if (phy_End != FLASH_SIZE) {
            memd_FlashGetSectorLimits(phy_End, &phy_Start, &phy_End);
        } else
            phy_Start = phy_End;

    // Return to Read Array mode
    status = hal_SysEnterCriticalSection();
    *PrevBankAddr = CMD_READ_ARRAY;

    return MEMD_ERR_NO;
コード例 #28
ファイル: drv_flsh.c プロジェクト: jprothwell/sc-fix
// =============================================================================
// memd_FlashWrite
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
/// This function writes data in the flash. It gets its data from \c buffer, copies
/// \c byteSize bytes to the flash location designed by \c flashAddress. \c
/// pWrittenbyteSize is filled with the actual number of written bytes (Equal
/// to size, or less in case of error).
/// @param  flashAddress The byte offset within the flash chip. (Take care not
/// to overwrite the code present at the beginning of the flash)
/// @param  byteSize Number of bytes to write in flash
/// @param  pWrittenbyteSize Number of bytes actually written in flash
/// @param  buffer Buffer where to get the data to write in the flash
/// whether the operation succeeded or failed.
// =============================================================================
PUBLIC MEMD_ERR_T memd_FlashWrite(UINT8 *flashAddress,
                                  UINT32 byteSize,
                                  UINT32 * pWrittenbyteSize,
                                  CONST UINT8* buffer)
    VOLATILE UINT16 * BankAddr;
    VOLATILE UINT16 * ptr;
    UINT16 data;
    UINT32 bsize=0;
    UINT32 wsize=0;
    UINT32 owsize=0;
    MEMD_ERR_T errorcode=MEMD_ERR_NO;
    UINT32 status;
    UINT32 phys_add;
    UINT32 phy_SectAddr;
    UINT32 phy_End;
    BOOL isLocked;
    UINT16 rdstatus;

    if (byteSize==0)
        return MEMD_ERR_NO;


    phys_add = (UINT32)flashAddress;
    MEMD_ASSERT((phys_add & 0xe0000000) == 0,
                "flash_address is expected to be a byte offset within the flash chip, not an absolute address")

    memd_FlashGetSectorLimits((UINT32)flashAddress, &phy_SectAddr, &phy_End);
    BankAddr = (VOLATILE UINT16 *)(g_memdFlashBaseAddress + (phys_add&FLASHBANK_MASK));
    ptr = (VOLATILE UINT16 *)(g_memdFlashBaseAddress + (phys_add&~1));

    // Unlock block
    memd_FlashGetLockStatus((UINT8*)((UINT32)phy_SectAddr & MY_MASK),&isLocked);
    if(isLocked == TRUE)
        memd_BlockLock((UINT8*)((UINT32)phy_SectAddr & MY_MASK),NULL,FALSE);

    if ((phys_add&1) == 1)
        data = *(ptr);
    } else {
        data = (*buffer) | ~0x00ff;
        buffer ++;
        bsize ++;
    if (bsize<byteSize)
        data = data & (((*buffer) << 8) | 0x00ff);
        buffer ++;
        bsize ++;

    if (bsize==byteSize)
        // last byte
        data = data & *(ptr);
    // first byte is prepared
    /* 16b data ready write it to flash*/
    status = hal_SysEnterCriticalSection();
    *(BankAddr) = CMD_PROG;

    while(bsize<byteSize) {
        UINT16 tdata;
        VOLATILE UINT16 * tptr;

        // do the next data preparation before the pooling so we are ready to do a new programming just after pooling is OK.
        tdata = data;
        tptr = ptr;

        owsize = wsize;

        wsize = bsize;

        if (bsize<byteSize) {
            data = (*buffer) | ~0x00ff;
            buffer ++;
            bsize ++;
        if(bsize<byteSize) {
            data = data & (((*buffer) << 8) | 0x00ff);
            buffer ++;
            bsize ++;

        // pooling

        do {
            rdstatus = *BankAddr;
        } while((rdstatus & SR7) != SR7);

        // Should probably fix this scheme for reporting errors more cleanly.
        // For now, just prioritize the errors with the most significant error returned
        // in errorcode (order this list from least to most significant)
        if ((rdstatus & SR4) != 0)
            // Some other programming error, should be decoded, but maybe do it later
        else if ((rdstatus & SR1) != 0)

        if (errorcode!=MEMD_ERR_NO) break;
        if(bsize==byteSize) {
            /* last byte */
            *BankAddr = CMD_READ_ARRAY;
            data = data & *(ptr);
        /* 16b data ready write it to flash*/
        status = hal_SysEnterCriticalSection();
        *(BankAddr) = CMD_PROG;
    if (errorcode!=MEMD_ERR_NO)
        wsize = owsize;
    } else
        // last data pooling
        do {
            rdstatus = *BankAddr;
        } while((rdstatus & SR7) != SR7);

        if ((rdstatus & SR4) != 0)
            // Some other programming error, should be decoded, but maybe do it later
        else if ((rdstatus & SR1) != 0)

        wsize = bsize;

    *pWrittenbyteSize = wsize;

    // return to Read Array mode
    status = hal_SysEnterCriticalSection();
    *BankAddr = CMD_READ_ARRAY;

    if(errorcode != MEMD_ERR_NO)
        status = hal_SysEnterCriticalSection();
        *BankAddr = CMD_CLR_STATUS_REG;

    return errorcode;
コード例 #29
ファイル: drv_flsh.c プロジェクト: jprothwell/sc-fix
// =============================================================================
// memd_FlashErase
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
/// This function erases contiguous flash sectors.
/// Addresses <B> must be aligned on sectors</B>:
/// - The \c startFlashAddress is the address of the first sector to erase.
/// - The \c endFlashAddress is the address of the first sector NOT to erase.
///   If \c endFlashAddress is \c NULL, only one sector will be erased.
/// .
/// Care must be taken not to erase the code present at the beginning of the flash.
/// @param start_flashAddress The address of the first sector to erase.  Must
/// be a _physical_ address (byte offset from start of Flash)
/// @param end_flashAddress The address of the first sector NOT to erase.
///   If \c NULL, only one sector will be erased
/// whether the operation succeeded or failed
// =============================================================================
PUBLIC MEMD_ERR_T memd_FlashErase(UINT8 *startFlashAddress, UINT8 *endFlashAddress)
    UINT32 status;
    VOLATILE UINT16 * ptr;
    VOLATILE UINT16 *BankAddr;
    UINT32 phy_Start;
    UINT32 phy_End;
    UINT32 phys_end_add;
    UINT32 phys_start_add;
    MEMD_ERR_T errorcode=MEMD_ERR_NO;
    BOOL isLocked;
    UINT16 rdstatus;

    phys_start_add = (UINT32)startFlashAddress;
    MEMD_ASSERT((phys_start_add & 0xe0000000) == 0,
                "flash_address is expected to be a byte offset within the flash chip, not an absolute address");

    // Check that start & end addresses are aligned
    if (endFlashAddress == NULL)
        memd_FlashGetSectorLimits(phys_start_add, &phy_Start, &phy_End);
        phys_end_add = phy_End;
    } else
        phys_end_add = (UINT32)endFlashAddress;
        MEMD_ASSERT((phys_end_add & 0xe0000000) == 0,
                    "flash_address is expected to be a byte offset within the flash chip, not an absolute address")
        if (phys_end_add != FLASH_SIZE)
            memd_FlashGetSectorLimits(phys_end_add , &phy_Start, &phy_End);
            if (phys_end_add != phy_Start)
                return MEMD_ERR_ALIGN;

    memd_FlashGetSectorLimits(phys_start_add, &phy_Start, &phy_End);
    if (phys_start_add != phy_Start)
        return MEMD_ERR_ALIGN;


    BankAddr = NULL;
    while (phy_Start != phys_end_add)
        BankAddr = (VOLATILE UINT16 *)(g_memdFlashBaseAddress + (phy_Start&FLASHBANK_MASK));
        // phy_Start should already be aligned to sector boundary, so shouldn't need any more masking
        ptr = (VOLATILE UINT16 *)(g_memdFlashBaseAddress + phy_Start);

        memd_FlashGetLockStatus((UINT8*)((UINT32)ptr & MY_MASK),&isLocked);
        // Re-enable EBC write

        if(isLocked == TRUE)
            memd_BlockLock((UINT8*)((UINT32)ptr & MY_MASK),NULL,FALSE);

        status = hal_SysEnterCriticalSection();
        // Sector Erase command
        *(BankAddr) = CMD_BLOCK_ERASE_1;
        *(ptr) = CMD_BLOCK_ERASE_2;

        // pooling
        // Wait for Ready, then check status
        do {
            rdstatus = *BankAddr;
        } while((rdstatus & SR7) != SR7);   // Any address in the bank may be used

        // Should probably fix this scheme for reporting errors more cleanly.
        // For now, just prioritize the errors with the most significant error returned
        // in errorcode (order this list from least to most significant)
        if ((rdstatus & SR3) != 0)
            // Vpp Invalid Error
        else if (((rdstatus & SR5) != 0) && ((rdstatus & SR4) != 0))
            // Command Sequence Error
        else if ((rdstatus & SR5) != 0)
            // Erase Error
        else if ((rdstatus & SR1) != 0)

        // Reset to read array mode when every block erase operation is finished.
        status = hal_SysEnterCriticalSection();
        *BankAddr = CMD_READ_ARRAY;

        // Clear status register if any error
        if(errorcode != MEMD_ERR_NO)
            status = hal_SysEnterCriticalSection();
            *BankAddr = CMD_CLR_STATUS_REG;
            return errorcode;

        if (phy_End != FLASH_SIZE)
            memd_FlashGetSectorLimits(phy_End, &phy_Start, &phy_End);
        } else
            phy_Start = phy_End;
    if (BankAddr != NULL)
        // Return to Read Array mode
        status = hal_SysEnterCriticalSection();
        *BankAddr = CMD_READ_ARRAY;

    // erase done
    return errorcode;
コード例 #30
ファイル: rdabt_uart_drv.c プロジェクト: BarryChen/RDA
UINT16 put_data_to_CircularBuffer(struct  CircularBuf *pCirBuff, UINT8 *pBuff,UINT16 uDataSize)
     UINT16 Block_Len, Remain_Len, real_Len, First_half, Second_half;
       UINT32 status = hal_SysEnterCriticalSection();
    // do thing with uart breakint not happen
	Block_Len = GET_DATA_BLOCK_LEN(pCirBuff->Get, pCirBuff->Put, pCirBuff->Buf_len);

	if ((Block_Len == 0) && (pCirBuff->NotEmpty))
		Block_Len = pCirBuff->Buf_len;

	Remain_Len = pCirBuff->Buf_len - Block_Len;
      /*hal_HstSendEvent(SYS_EVENT, 0x07280100);
      hal_HstSendEvent(SYS_EVENT, Remain_Len);
      hal_HstSendEvent(SYS_EVENT, uDataSize);*/
        hal_HstSendEvent(SYS_EVENT, 0x01010000);
		hal_DbgAssert("%s buffer overflow, Remain_Len=0!!",pCirBuff->Name);
		return 0;
	if (uDataSize > Remain_Len)
		hal_DbgAssert("%s  buffer overflow!! uDataSize=%d, Remain_Len=%d",pCirBuff->Name,uDataSize,Remain_Len);
        return 0;
	real_Len = uDataSize;// (uDataSize < Remain_Len) ? uDataSize : Remain_Len;

	if (real_Len > 0)/*circular buffer not full*/
		if (pCirBuff->Put < pCirBuff->Get)
			memcpy(&pCirBuff->Buf[pCirBuff->Put], pBuff, real_Len);
			pCirBuff->Put = MOD_BUFF_LEN(pCirBuff->Put + real_Len,pCirBuff->Buf_len);
			First_half = pCirBuff->Buf_len - pCirBuff->Put;

			if (real_Len < First_half)
				memcpy(&pCirBuff->Buf[pCirBuff->Put], pBuff, real_Len);
				pCirBuff->Put = MOD_BUFF_LEN(pCirBuff->Put + real_Len, pCirBuff->Buf_len);
				memcpy(&pCirBuff->Buf[pCirBuff->Put], pBuff , First_half);
				Second_half = real_Len - First_half;
				pCirBuff->Put = MOD_BUFF_LEN((pCirBuff->Put + First_half),pCirBuff->Buf_len);

				memcpy(&pCirBuff->Buf[pCirBuff->Put], &pBuff[First_half], Second_half);
				pCirBuff->Put = MOD_BUFF_LEN((pCirBuff->Put + Second_half),pCirBuff->Buf_len);


		pCirBuff->NotEmpty = 1;
		SXS_TRACE(TSTDOUT,"warning put len %x",real_Len);

	return Remain_Len -real_Len;