コード例 #1
ファイル: L3Geom.cpp プロジェクト: Sotrelius/trunk
bool Ig2_Facet_Sphere_L3Geom::go(const shared_ptr<Shape>& s1, const shared_ptr<Shape>& s2, const State& state1, const State& state2, const Vector3r& shift2, const bool& force, const shared_ptr<Interaction>& I){
	const Facet& facet(s1->cast<Facet>());
	Real radius=s2->cast<Sphere>().radius;
	// begin facet-local coordinates
		Vector3r cogLine=state1.ori.conjugate()*(state2.pos+shift2-state1.pos); // connect centers of gravity
		Vector3r normal=facet.normal; // trial contact normal
		Real planeDist=normal.dot(cogLine);
		if(abs(planeDist)>radius && !I->isReal() && !force) return false; // sphere too far
		if(planeDist<0){normal*=-1; planeDist*=-1; }
		Vector3r planarPt=cogLine-planeDist*normal; // project sphere center to the facet plane
		Vector3r contactPt; // facet's point closes to the sphere
		Real normDotPt[3];  // edge outer normals dot products
		for(int i=0; i<3; i++) normDotPt[i]=facet.ne[i].dot(planarPt-facet.vertices[i]);
		short w=(normDotPt[0]>0?1:0)+(normDotPt[1]>0?2:0)+(normDotPt[2]>0?4:0); // bitmask whether the closest point is outside (1,2,4 for respective edges)
			case 0: contactPt=planarPt; break; // ---: inside triangle
			case 1: contactPt=getClosestSegmentPt(planarPt,facet.vertices[0],facet.vertices[1]); break; // +-- (n1)
			case 2: contactPt=getClosestSegmentPt(planarPt,facet.vertices[1],facet.vertices[2]); break; // -+- (n2)
			case 4: contactPt=getClosestSegmentPt(planarPt,facet.vertices[2],facet.vertices[0]); break; // --+ (n3)
			case 3: contactPt=facet.vertices[1]; break; // ++- (v1)
			case 5: contactPt=facet.vertices[0]; break; // +-+ (v0)
			case 6: contactPt=facet.vertices[2]; break; // -++ (v2)
			case 7: throw logic_error("Ig2_Facet_Sphere_L3Geom: Impossible sphere-facet intersection (all points are outside the edges). (please report bug)"); // +++ (impossible)
			default: throw logic_error("Ig2_Facet_Sphere_L3Geom: Nonsense intersection value. (please report bug)");
		normal=cogLine-contactPt; // normal is now the contact normal, still in local coords
		if(!I->isReal() && normal.squaredNorm()>radius*radius && !force) { return false; } // fast test before sqrt
		Real dist=normal.norm(); normal/=dist; // normal is unit vector now
	// end facet-local coordinates
	normal=state1.ori*normal; // normal is in global coords now
	handleSpheresLikeContact(I,state1,state2,shift2,/*is6Dof*/false,normal,/*contact pt*/state2.pos+shift2-normal*dist,dist-radius,0,radius);
	return true;
コード例 #2
ファイル: Wall.cpp プロジェクト: CrazyHeex/woo
bool Cg2_Wall_Sphere_L6Geom::go(const shared_ptr<Shape>& sh1, const shared_ptr<Shape>& sh2, const Vector3r& shift2, const bool& force, const shared_ptr<Contact>& C) {
    if(scene->isPeriodic && scene->cell->hasShear()) throw std::logic_error("Cg2_Wall_Sphere_L6Geom does not handle periodic boundary conditions with skew (Scene.cell.trsf is not diagonal).");
    const Wall& wall=sh1->cast<Wall>();
    const Sphere& sphere=sh2->cast<Sphere>();
    const Real& radius=sphere.radius;
    const int& ax=wall.axis;
    const int& sense=wall.sense;
    const Vector3r& wallPos=wall.nodes[0]->pos;
    Vector3r spherePos=sphere.nodes[0]->pos+shift2;
    Real dist=spherePos[ax]-wallPos[ax]; // signed "distance" between centers
    if(!C->isReal() && abs(dist)>radius && !force) {
        return false;    // wall and sphere too far from each other
    // contact point is sphere center projected onto the wall
    Vector3r contPt=spherePos;
    Vector3r normal=Vector3r::Zero();
    // wall interacting from both sides: normal depends on sphere's position
    assert(sense==-1 || sense==0 || sense==1);
    if(sense==0) {
        // for new contacts, normal given by the sense of approaching the wall
        if(!C->geom) normal[ax]=dist>0?1.:-1.;
        // for existing contacts, use the previous normal
        else normal[ax]=C->geom->cast<L6Geom>().trsf.col(0)[ax];
    else normal[ax]=(sense==1?1.:-1);
    Real uN=normal[ax]*dist-radius; // takes in account sense, radius and distance

    // this may not happen anymore as per conditions above
    assert(!(C->geom && C->geom->cast<L6Geom>().trsf.col(0)!=normal));
#if 0
    // check that the normal did not change orientation (would be abrupt here)
    if(C->geom && C->geom->cast<L6Geom>().trsf.col(0)!=normal.transpose()) {
        throw std::logic_error((boost::format("Cg2_Wall_Sphere_L6Geom: normal changed from %s to %s in Wall+Sphere ##%d+%d (with Wall.sense=0, a particle might cross the Wall plane if Δt is too high, repulsive force to small or velocity too high.")%C->geom->cast<L6Geom>().trsf.col(0)%normal.transpose()%C->leakPA()->id%C->leakPB()->id).str());

    const DemData& dyn1(wall.nodes[0]->getData<DemData>());
    const DemData& dyn2(sphere.nodes[0]->getData<DemData>());
    return true;
コード例 #3
ファイル: L3Geom.cpp プロジェクト: Sotrelius/trunk
bool Ig2_Sphere_Sphere_L3Geom::genericGo(bool is6Dof, const shared_ptr<Shape>& s1, const shared_ptr<Shape>& s2, const State& state1, const State& state2, const Vector3r& shift2, const bool& force, const shared_ptr<Interaction>& I){
	// temporary hack only, to not have elastic potential energy in rigid packings with overlapping spheres
	//if(state1.blockedDOFs==State::DOF_ALL && state2.blockedDOFs==State::DOF_ALL) return false;

	const Real& r1=s1->cast<Sphere>().radius; const Real& r2=s2->cast<Sphere>().radius;
	Vector3r relPos=state2.pos+shift2-state1.pos;
	Real unDistSq=relPos.squaredNorm()-pow(abs(distFactor)*(r1+r2),2);
	if (unDistSq>0 && !I->isReal() && !force) return false;

	// contact exists, go ahead

	Real dist=relPos.norm();
	Real uN=dist-(r1+r2);
	Vector3r normal=relPos/dist;
	Vector3r contPt=state1.pos+(r1+0.5*uN)*normal;


	return true;

コード例 #4
ファイル: L3Geom.cpp プロジェクト: Sotrelius/trunk
bool Ig2_Wall_Sphere_L3Geom::go(const shared_ptr<Shape>& s1, const shared_ptr<Shape>& s2, const State& state1, const State& state2, const Vector3r& shift2, const bool& force, const shared_ptr<Interaction>& I){
	if(scene->isPeriodic) throw std::logic_error("Ig2_Wall_Sphere_L3Geom does not handle periodic boundary conditions.");
	const Real& radius=s2->cast<Sphere>().radius; const int& ax(s1->cast<Wall>().axis); const int& sense(s1->cast<Wall>().sense);
	Real dist=state2.pos[ax]+shift2[ax]-state1.pos[ax]; // signed "distance" between centers
	if(!I->isReal() && abs(dist)>radius && !force) { return false; }// wall and sphere too far from each other
	// contact point is sphere center projected onto the wall
	Vector3r contPt=state2.pos+shift2; contPt[ax]=state1.pos[ax];
	Vector3r normal=Vector3r::Zero();
	// wall interacting from both sides: normal depends on sphere's position
	assert(sense==-1 || sense==0 || sense==1);
	if(sense==0) normal[ax]=dist>0?1.:-1.;
	else normal[ax]=(sense==1?1.:-1);
	Real uN=normal[ax]*dist-radius; // takes in account sense, radius and distance

	// check that the normal did not change orientation (would be abrup here)
	if(I->geom && I->geom->cast<L3Geom>().normal!=normal){
		ostringstream oss; oss<<"Ig2_Wall_Sphere_L3Geom: normal changed from ("<<I->geom->cast<L3Geom>().normal<<" to "<<normal<<" in Wall+Sphere ##"<<I->getId1()<<"+"<<I->getId2()<<" (with Wall.sense=0, a particle might cross the Wall plane, if Δt is too high)"; throw std::logic_error(oss.str().c_str());
	return true;
コード例 #5
ファイル: Sphere.cpp プロジェクト: Azeko2xo/woodem
bool Cg2_Sphere_Sphere_L6Geom::go(const shared_ptr<Shape>& s1, const shared_ptr<Shape>& s2, const Vector3r& shift2, const bool& force, const shared_ptr<Contact>& C){
	const Real& r1=s1->cast<Sphere>().radius; const Real& r2=s2->cast<Sphere>().radius;
	assert(s1->numNodesOk()); assert(s2->numNodesOk());
	assert(s1->nodes[0]->hasData<DemData>()); assert(s2->nodes[0]->hasData<DemData>());
	const DemData& dyn1(s1->nodes[0]->getData<DemData>());	const DemData& dyn2(s2->nodes[0]->getData<DemData>());

	Vector3r relPos=s2->nodes[0]->pos+shift2-s1->nodes[0]->pos;
	Real unDistSq=relPos.squaredNorm()-pow(abs(distFactor)*(r1+r2),2);
	if (unDistSq>0 && !C->isReal() && !force) return false;

	// contact exists, go ahead

	Real dist=relPos.norm();
	Real uN=dist-(r1+r2);
	Vector3r normal=relPos/dist;
	Vector3r contPt=s1->nodes[0]->pos+(r1+0.5*uN)*normal;


	return true;

コード例 #6
ファイル: Wall.cpp プロジェクト: CrazyHeex/woo
bool Cg2_Wall_Facet_L6Geom::go(const shared_ptr<Shape>& sh1, const shared_ptr<Shape>& sh2, const Vector3r& shift2, const bool& force, const shared_ptr<Contact>& C) {
    if(scene->isPeriodic && scene->cell->hasShear()) throw std::logic_error("Cg2_Wall_Facet_L6Geom does not handle periodic boundary conditions with skew (Scene.cell.trsf is not diagonal).");
    const Wall& wall=sh1->cast<Wall>();
    const Facet& facet=sh2->cast<Facet>();
    if(!(facet.halfThick>0.)) {
        LOG_WARN("Cg2_Wall_Facet_L6Geom: Contact of Wall with zero-thickness facet is always false.");
        return false;
    const Real& radius=facet.halfThick;
    const int& ax=wall.axis;
    const int& sense=wall.sense;
    const Vector3r& wallPos=wall.nodes[0]->pos;
    Vector3r fPos[]= {facet.nodes[0]->pos+shift2,facet.nodes[1]->pos+shift2,facet.nodes[2]->pos+shift2};
    Eigen::Array<Real,3,1> dist(fPos[0][ax]-wallPos[ax],fPos[1][ax]-wallPos[ax],fPos[2][ax]-wallPos[ax]);
    if(!C->isReal() && abs(dist[0])>radius && abs(dist[1])>radius && abs(dist[2])>radius && !force) return false;
    Vector3r normal=Vector3r::Zero();
    if(sense==0) {
        // for new contacts, normal is given by the sense the wall is being approached
        // use average distance (which means distance to the facet midpoint) to determine that
        if(!C->geom) normal[ax]=dist.sum()>0?1.:-1.;
        // use the previous normal for existing contacts
        else normal[ax]=C->geom->cast<L6Geom>().trsf.col(0)[ax];
    else normal[ax]=(sense==1?1.:-1);
    Vector3r contPt=Vector3r::Zero();
    Real contPtWeightSum=0.;
    Real uN=Inf;
    short minIx=-1;
    for(int i: {
            }) {
        // negative uN0 means overlap
        Real uNi=dist[i]*normal[ax]-radius;
        // minimal distance vertex
        if(uNi<uN) {
        // with no overlap, skip the vertex, it will not contribute to the contact point
        if(uNi>=0) continue;
        Vector3r c=fPos[i];
        const Real& weight=uNi;
    // some vertices overlapping, use weighted average on those
    if(contPtWeightSum!=0.) contPt/=contPtWeightSum;
    // no overlapping vertices, use the closest one
    else contPt=fPos[minIx];

    Vector3r fCenter=facet.getCentroid();
    Vector3r fLinVel,fAngVel;

    const DemData& wallDyn(wall.nodes[0]->getData<DemData>());
    return true;