int main( void ) { _delay_ms(100); // set clock speed CLKPR = _BV( CLKPCE ); // enable clock prescale change CLKPR = 0; // full speed (8MHz); #if defined(__AVR_ATtiny25__) || defined(__AVR_ATtiny45__) || \ defined(__AVR_ATtiny85__) // set up periodic timer for state machine ('script_tick') TCCR0B = _BV( CS02 ) | _BV(CS00); // start timer, prescale CLK/1024 TIFR = _BV( TOV0 ); // clear interrupt flag TIMSK = _BV( TOIE0 ); // enable overflow interrupt // set up output pins PORTB = INPI2C_MASK; // turn on pullups DDRB = LED_MASK; // set LED port pins to output #elif defined(__AVR_ATtiny24__) || defined(__AVR_ATtiny44__) || \ defined(__AVR_ATtiny84__) // set up periodic timer for state machine ('script_tick') //TCCR0B = _BV( CS02 ) | _BV(CS00); // start timer, prescale CLK/1024 //TIFR0 = _BV( TOV0 ); // clear interrupt flag //TIMSK0 = _BV( TOIE0 ); // enable overflow interrupt // set up output pins PORTA = INPI2C_MASK; // turn on pullups DDRA = 0xFF; //LEDA_MASK; // set LED port pins to output DDRB = 0xFF; //LEDB_MASK; // set LED port pins to output #endif fanfare( 3, 300 ); #if 0 // test for ATtiny44/84 MaxM fanfare( 3, 300 ); IRsend_enableIROut(); while( 1 ) { _delay_ms(10); IRsend_iroff(); _delay_ms(10); IRsend_iron(); } /* uint8_t f = OCR1B; while( 1 ) { _delay_ms(10); f++; if( f== OCR1A ) f=0; // OCR1A == period OCR1B = f; // OCR1B == duty cycle (0-OCR1A) } */ #endif #if 0 // test timing of script_tick _delay_ms(2000); sei(); _delay_ms(500); // this should cause script_tick to equal 15 uint8_t j = script_tick; for( int i=0; i<j; i++ ) { led_flash(); _delay_ms(300); } #endif ////// begin normal startup uint8_t boot_mode = eeprom_read_byte( &ee_boot_mode ); uint8_t boot_script_id = eeprom_read_byte( &ee_boot_script_id ); uint8_t boot_reps = eeprom_read_byte( &ee_boot_reps ); //uint8_t boot_fadespeed = eeprom_read_byte( &ee_boot_fadespeed ); uint8_t boot_timeadj = eeprom_read_byte( &ee_boot_timeadj ); // initialize i2c interface uint8_t i2c_addr = eeprom_read_byte( &ee_i2c_addr ); if( i2c_addr==0 || i2c_addr>0x7f) i2c_addr = I2C_ADDR; // just in case i2c_addrs[0] = i2c_addr; for( uint8_t i = 1; i<slaveAddressesCount; i++ ) { i2c_addrs[i] = i2c_addrs[0] + i; } usiTwiSlaveInit( i2c_addrs ); timeadj = boot_timeadj; if( boot_mode == BOOT_PLAY_SCRIPT ) { play_script( boot_script_id, boot_reps, 0 ); } sei(); // enable interrupts #if 0 basic_tests(); #endif RB_Init(); // This loop runs forever. // If the TWI Transceiver is busy the execution will just // continue doing other operations. for(;;) { handle_i2c(); handle_inputs(); handle_script(); handle_ir_queue(); } } // end
/* * Read a character from the given window. Handle repainting here (to simplify * things in the calling application). Also, if input-callback(s) are set up, * poll the corresponding files and handle the updates, e.g., for displaying a * tailbox. */ int dlg_getc(WINDOW *win, int *fkey) { WINDOW *save_win = win; int ch = ERR; int before_chr; int before_fkey; int result; bool done = FALSE; bool literal = FALSE; DIALOG_CALLBACK *p = 0; int interval = (dialog_vars.timeout_secs * 1000); time_t expired = time((time_t *) 0) + dialog_vars.timeout_secs; time_t current; if (may_handle_inputs()) wtimeout(win, WTIMEOUT_VAL); else if (interval > 0) wtimeout(win, interval); while (!done) { bool handle_others = FALSE; /* * If there was no pending file-input, check the keyboard. */ ch = really_getch(win, fkey); if (literal) { done = TRUE; continue; } before_chr = ch; before_fkey = *fkey; ch = dlg_lookup_key(win, ch, fkey); dlg_trace_chr(ch, *fkey); current = time((time_t *) 0); /* * If we acquired a fkey value, then it is one of dialog's builtin * codes such as DLGK_HELPFILE. */ if (!*fkey || *fkey != before_fkey) { switch (ch) { case CHR_LITERAL: literal = TRUE; keypad(win, FALSE); continue; case CHR_REPAINT: (void) touchwin(win); (void) wrefresh(curscr); break; case ERR: /* wtimeout() in effect; check for file I/O */ if (interval > 0 && current >= expired) { dlg_exiterr("timeout"); } if (!valid_file(stdin) || !valid_file(dialog_state.screen_output)) { ch = ESC; done = TRUE; } else if (check_inputs()) { if (handle_inputs(win)) dlg_raise_window(win); else done = TRUE; } else { done = (interval <= 0); } break; case DLGK_HELPFILE: if (dialog_vars.help_file) { int yold, xold; getyx(win, yold, xold); dialog_helpfile("HELP", dialog_vars.help_file, 0, 0); dlg_raise_window(win); wmove(win, yold, xold); } continue; case DLGK_FIELD_PREV: /* FALLTHRU */ case KEY_BTAB: /* FALLTHRU */ case DLGK_FIELD_NEXT: /* FALLTHRU */ case TAB: /* Handle tab/backtab as a special case for traversing between * the nominal "current" window, and other windows having * callbacks. If the nominal (control) window closes, we'll * close the windows with callbacks. */ if (dialog_state.getc_callbacks != 0 && (isBeforeChr(TAB) || isBeforeFkey(KEY_BTAB))) { p = (isBeforeChr(TAB) ? next_callback(p) : prev_callback(p)); if ((dialog_state.getc_redirect = p) != 0) { win = p->win; } else { win = save_win; } dlg_raise_window(win); break; } /* FALLTHRU */ default: #ifdef NO_LEAKS if (isBeforeChr(DLG_CTRL('P'))) { /* for testing, ^P closes the connection */ close(0); close(1); close(2); break; } #endif handle_others = TRUE; break; #ifdef HAVE_DLG_TRACE case CHR_TRACE: dlg_trace_win(win); break; #endif } } else { handle_others = TRUE; } if (handle_others) { if ((p = dialog_state.getc_redirect) != 0) { if (!(p->handle_getc(p, ch, *fkey, &result))) { done = (p->win == save_win) && (!p->keep_win); dlg_remove_callback(p); dialog_state.getc_redirect = 0; win = save_win; } } else { done = TRUE; } } } if (literal) keypad(win, TRUE); return ch; }