コード例 #1
ファイル: main.c プロジェクト: jaybi42/21sh
int				main(int ac, char **argv)
	init_global(ac, argv);
	if (init_env(&g_env, &g_lenv) == 1 || (a_init() == -1))
		return (1);
	g_hash = hash_table(get_path(g_env, g_lenv));
	if (sh21() == 1)
		return (1);
	return (0);
コード例 #2
ファイル: permutohedral.cpp プロジェクト: zjeagleeye/eagleeye
void Permutohedral::init ( const float* feature, int feature_size, int N )
	// Compute the lattice coordinates for each feature [there is going to be a lot of magic here
	N_ = N;
	d_ = feature_size;
	HashTable hash_table( d_, N_/**(d_+1)*/ );

	const int blocksize = sizeof(__m128) / sizeof(float);
	const __m128 invdplus1   = _mm_set1_ps( 1.0f / (d_+1) );
	const __m128 dplus1      = _mm_set1_ps( d_+1 );
	const __m128 Zero        = _mm_set1_ps( 0 );
	const __m128 One         = _mm_set1_ps( 1 );

	// Allocate the class memory
	if (offset_) delete [] offset_;
	offset_ = new int[ (d_+1)*(N_+16) ];
	memset( offset_, 0, (d_+1)*(N_+16)*sizeof(int) );

	if (barycentric_) delete [] barycentric_;
	barycentric_ = new float[ (d_+1)*(N_+16) ];
	memset( barycentric_, 0, (d_+1)*(N_+16)*sizeof(float) );

	// Allocate the local memory
	__m128 * scale_factor = (__m128*) _mm_malloc( (d_  )*sizeof(__m128) , 16 );
	__m128 * f            = (__m128*) _mm_malloc( (d_  )*sizeof(__m128) , 16 );
	__m128 * elevated     = (__m128*) _mm_malloc( (d_+1)*sizeof(__m128) , 16 );
	__m128 * rem0         = (__m128*) _mm_malloc( (d_+1)*sizeof(__m128) , 16 );
	__m128 * rank         = (__m128*) _mm_malloc( (d_+1)*sizeof(__m128), 16 );
	float * barycentric = new float[(d_+2)*blocksize];
	short * canonical = new short[(d_+1)*(d_+1)];
	short * key = new short[d_+1];

	// Compute the canonical simplex
	for( int i=0; i<=d_; i++ ){
		for( int j=0; j<=d_-i; j++ )
			canonical[i*(d_+1)+j] = i;
		for( int j=d_-i+1; j<=d_; j++ )
			canonical[i*(d_+1)+j] = i - (d_+1);

	// Expected standard deviation of our filter (p.6 in [Adams etal 2010])
	float inv_std_dev = sqrt(2.0 / 3.0)*(d_+1);
	// Compute the diagonal part of E (p.5 in [Adams etal 2010])
	for( int i=0; i<d_; i++ )
		scale_factor[i] = _mm_set1_ps( 1.0 / sqrt( float((i+2)*(i+1) ) * inv_std_dev) );

	// Setup the SSE rounding
#ifndef __SSE4_1__
	const unsigned int old_rounding = _mm_getcsr();
	_mm_setcsr( (old_rounding&~_MM_ROUND_MASK) | _MM_ROUND_NEAREST );

	// Compute the simplex each feature lies in
	for( int k=0; k<N_; k+=blocksize ){
		// Load the feature from memory
		float * ff = (float*)f;
		for( int j=0; j<d_; j++ )
			for( int i=0; i<blocksize; i++ )
				ff[ j*blocksize + i ] = k+i < N_ ? feature[ (k+i)*d_+j ] : 0.0;

		// Elevate the feature ( y = Ep, see p.5 in [Adams etal 2010])

		// sm contains the sum of 1..n of our faeture vector
		__m128 sm = Zero;
		for( int j=d_; j>0; j-- ){
			__m128 cf = f[j-1]*scale_factor[j-1];
			elevated[j] = sm - _mm_set1_ps(j)*cf;
			sm += cf;
		elevated[0] = sm;

		// Find the closest 0-colored simplex through rounding
		__m128 sum = Zero;
		for( int i=0; i<=d_; i++ ){
			__m128 v = invdplus1 * elevated[i];
#ifdef __SSE4_1__
			v = _mm_round_ps( v, _MM_FROUND_TO_NEAREST_INT );
			v = _mm_cvtepi32_ps( _mm_cvtps_epi32( v ) );
			rem0[i] = v*dplus1;
			sum += v;

		// Find the simplex we are in and store it in rank (where rank describes what position coorinate i has in the sorted order of the features values)
		for( int i=0; i<=d_; i++ )
			rank[i] = Zero;
		for( int i=0; i<d_; i++ ){
			__m128 di = elevated[i] - rem0[i];
			for( int j=i+1; j<=d_; j++ ){
				__m128 dj = elevated[j] - rem0[j];
				__m128 c = _mm_and_ps( One, _mm_cmplt_ps( di, dj ) );
				rank[i] += c;
				rank[j] += One-c;

		// If the point doesn't lie on the plane (sum != 0) bring it back
		for( int i=0; i<=d_; i++ ){
			rank[i] += sum;
			__m128 add = _mm_and_ps( dplus1, _mm_cmplt_ps( rank[i], Zero ) );
			__m128 sub = _mm_and_ps( dplus1, _mm_cmpge_ps( rank[i], dplus1 ) );
			rank[i] += add-sub;
			rem0[i] += add-sub;

		// Compute the barycentric coordinates (p.10 in [Adams etal 2010])
		for( int i=0; i<(d_+2)*blocksize; i++ )
			barycentric[ i ] = 0;
		for( int i=0; i<=d_; i++ ){
			__m128 v = (elevated[i] - rem0[i])*invdplus1;

			// Didn't figure out how to SSE this
			float * fv = (float*)&v;
			float * frank = (float*)&rank[i];
			for( int j=0; j<blocksize; j++ ){
				int p = d_-frank[j];
				barycentric[j*(d_+2)+p  ] += fv[j];
				barycentric[j*(d_+2)+p+1] -= fv[j];

		// The rest is not SSE'd
		for( int j=0; j<blocksize; j++ ){
			// Wrap around
			barycentric[j*(d_+2)+0]+= 1 + barycentric[j*(d_+2)+d_+1];

			float * frank = (float*)rank;
			float * frem0 = (float*)rem0;
			// Compute all vertices and their offset
			for( int remainder=0; remainder<=d_; remainder++ ){
				for( int i=0; i<d_; i++ ){
					key[i] = frem0[i*blocksize+j] + canonical[ remainder*(d_+1) + (int)frank[i*blocksize+j] ];
				offset_[ (j+k)*(d_+1)+remainder ] = hash_table.find( key, true );
				barycentric_[ (j+k)*(d_+1)+remainder ] = barycentric[ j*(d_+2)+remainder ];
	_mm_free( scale_factor );
	_mm_free( f );
	_mm_free( elevated );
	_mm_free( rem0 );
	_mm_free( rank );
	delete [] barycentric;
	delete [] canonical;
	delete [] key;

	// Reset the SSE rounding
#ifndef __SSE4_1__
	_mm_setcsr( old_rounding );

	// This is normally fast enough so no SSE needed here
	// Find the Neighbors of each lattice point

	// Get the number of vertices in the lattice
	M_ = hash_table.size();

	// Create the neighborhood structure
	if(blur_neighbors_) delete[] blur_neighbors_;
	blur_neighbors_ = new Neighbors[ (d_+1)*M_ ];

	short * n1 = new short[d_+1];
	short * n2 = new short[d_+1];

	// For each of d+1 axes,
	for( int j = 0; j <= d_; j++ ){
		for( int i=0; i<M_; i++ ){
			const short * key = hash_table.getKey( i );
			for( int k=0; k<d_; k++ ){
				n1[k] = key[k] - 1;
				n2[k] = key[k] + 1;
			n1[j] = key[j] + d_;
			n2[j] = key[j] - d_;

			blur_neighbors_[j*M_+i].n1 = hash_table.find( n1 );
			blur_neighbors_[j*M_+i].n2 = hash_table.find( n2 );
	delete[] n1;
	delete[] n2;
コード例 #3
ファイル: permutohedral.cpp プロジェクト: zjeagleeye/eagleeye
void Permutohedral::init ( const float* feature, int feature_size, int N )
	// Compute the lattice coordinates for each feature [there is going to be a lot of magic here
	N_ = N;
	d_ = feature_size;
	HashTable hash_table( d_, N_*(d_+1) );

	// Allocate the class memory
	if (offset_) delete [] offset_;
	offset_ = new int[ (d_+1)*N_ ];
	if (barycentric_) delete [] barycentric_;
	barycentric_ = new float[ (d_+1)*N_ ];

	// Allocate the local memory
	float * scale_factor = new float[d_];
	float * elevated = new float[d_+1];
	float * rem0 = new float[d_+1];
	float * barycentric = new float[d_+2];
	short * rank = new short[d_+1];
	short * canonical = new short[(d_+1)*(d_+1)];
	short * key = new short[d_+1];

	// Compute the canonical simplex
	for( int i=0; i<=d_; i++ ){
		for( int j=0; j<=d_-i; j++ )
			canonical[i*(d_+1)+j] = i;
		for( int j=d_-i+1; j<=d_; j++ )
			canonical[i*(d_+1)+j] = i - (d_+1);

	// Expected standard deviation of our filter (p.6 in [Adams etal 2010])
	float inv_std_dev = sqrt(2.0 / 3.0)*(d_+1);
	// Compute the diagonal part of E (p.5 in [Adams etal 2010])
	for( int i=0; i<d_; i++ )
		scale_factor[i] = 1.0 / sqrt(float( (i+2)*(i+1) )) * inv_std_dev;

	// Compute the simplex each feature lies in
	for( int k=0; k<N_; k++ ){
		// Elevate the feature ( y = Ep, see p.5 in [Adams etal 2010])
		const float * f = feature + k*feature_size;

		// sm contains the sum of 1..n of our faeture vector
		float sm = 0;
		for( int j=d_; j>0; j-- ){
			float cf = f[j-1]*scale_factor[j-1];
			elevated[j] = sm - j*cf;
			sm += cf;
		elevated[0] = sm;

		// Find the closest 0-colored simplex through rounding
		float down_factor = 1.0f / (d_+1);
		float up_factor = (d_+1);
		int sum = 0;
		for( int i=0; i<=d_; i++ ){
			/*				int rd = round(double( down_factor * elevated[i]));*/
			int rd=floor(down_factor * elevated[i]+0.5f);

			rem0[i] = rd*up_factor;
			sum += rd;

		// Find the simplex we are in and store it in rank (where rank describes what position coorinate i has in the sorted order of the features values)
		for( int i=0; i<=d_; i++ )
			rank[i] = 0;
		for( int i=0; i<d_; i++ ){
			double di = elevated[i] - rem0[i];
			for( int j=i+1; j<=d_; j++ )
				if ( di < elevated[j] - rem0[j])

		// If the point doesn't lie on the plane (sum != 0) bring it back
		for( int i=0; i<=d_; i++ ){
			rank[i] += sum;
			if ( rank[i] < 0 ){
				rank[i] += d_+1;
				rem0[i] += d_+1;
			else if ( rank[i] > d_ ){
				rank[i] -= d_+1;
				rem0[i] -= d_+1;

		// Compute the barycentric coordinates (p.10 in [Adams etal 2010])
		for( int i=0; i<=d_+1; i++ )
			barycentric[i] = 0;
		for( int i=0; i<=d_; i++ ){
			float v = (elevated[i] - rem0[i])*down_factor;
			barycentric[d_-rank[i]  ] += v;
			barycentric[d_-rank[i]+1] -= v;
		// Wrap around
		barycentric[0] += 1.0 + barycentric[d_+1];

		// Compute all vertices and their offset
		for( int remainder=0; remainder<=d_; remainder++ ){
			for( int i=0; i<d_; i++ )
				key[i] = rem0[i] + canonical[ remainder*(d_+1) + rank[i] ];
			offset_[ k*(d_+1)+remainder ] = hash_table.find( key, true );
			barycentric_[ k*(d_+1)+remainder ] = barycentric[ remainder ];
	delete [] scale_factor;
	delete [] elevated;
	delete [] rem0;
	delete [] barycentric;
	delete [] rank;
	delete [] canonical;
	delete [] key;

	// Find the Neighbors of each lattice point

	// Get the number of vertices in the lattice
	M_ = hash_table.size();

	// Create the neighborhood structure
	if(blur_neighbors_) delete[] blur_neighbors_;
	blur_neighbors_ = new Neighbors[ (d_+1)*M_ ];

	short * n1 = new short[d_+1];
	short * n2 = new short[d_+1];

	// For each of d+1 axes,
	for( int j = 0; j <= d_; j++ ){
		for( int i=0; i<M_; i++ ){
			const short * key = hash_table.getKey( i );
			for( int k=0; k<d_; k++ ){
				n1[k] = key[k] - 1;
				n2[k] = key[k] + 1;
			n1[j] = key[j] + d_;
			n2[j] = key[j] - d_;

			blur_neighbors_[j*M_+i].n1 = hash_table.find( n1 );
			blur_neighbors_[j*M_+i].n2 = hash_table.find( n2 );
	delete[] n1;
	delete[] n2;
コード例 #4
ファイル: hash_table.hpp プロジェクト: glynos/fundamentals
 hash_table &operator = (const hash_table &other) {
   return *this;