コード例 #1
ファイル: raqm.c プロジェクト: dawoodalbadi/libraqm
 * raqm_add_font_feature:
 * @rq: a #raqm_t.
 * @feature: (transfer none): a font feature string.
 * @len: length of @feature, -1 for %NULL-terminated.
 * Adds a font feature to be used by the #raqm_t during text layout. This is
 * usually used to turn on optional font features that are not enabled by
 * default, for example `dlig` or `ss01`, but can be also used to turn off
 * default font features.
 * @feature is string representing a single font feature, in the syntax
 * understood by hb_feature_from_string().
 * This function can be called repeatedly, new features will be appended to the
 * end of the features list and can potentially override previous features.
 * Return value:
 * %true if parsing @feature succeeded, %false otherwise.
 * Since: 0.1
raqm_add_font_feature (raqm_t     *rq,
                       const char *feature,
                       int         len)
  hb_bool_t ok;
  hb_feature_t fea;

  if (!rq)
    return false;

  ok = hb_feature_from_string (feature, len, &fea);
  if (ok)
    rq->features = realloc (rq->features,
                            sizeof (hb_feature_t) * (rq->features_len));
    if (!rq->features)
      return false;

    rq->features[rq->features_len - 1] = fea;

  return ok;
コード例 #2
ファイル: HBShaper.c プロジェクト: JetBrains/jdk8u_jdk
JNIEXPORT jboolean JNICALL Java_sun_font_SunLayoutEngine_shape
    (JNIEnv *env, jclass cls,
     jobject font2D,
     jobject fontStrike,
     jfloat ptSize,
     jfloatArray matrix,
     jlong pFace,
     jlong pNativeFont,
     jboolean aat,
     jcharArray text,
     jobject gvdata,
     jint script,
     jint offset,
     jint limit,
     jint baseIndex,
     jobject startPt,
     jint flags,
     jint slot) {

     hb_buffer_t *buffer;
     hb_face_t* hbface;
     hb_font_t* hbfont;
     jchar  *chars;
     jsize len;
     int glyphCount;
     hb_glyph_info_t *glyphInfo;
     hb_glyph_position_t *glyphPos;
     hb_direction_t direction = HB_DIRECTION_LTR;
     hb_feature_t *features = NULL;
     int featureCount = 0;
     char* kern = (flags & TYPO_KERN) ? "kern" : "-kern";
     char* liga = (flags & TYPO_LIGA) ? "liga" : "-liga";
     jboolean ret;
     unsigned int buflen;

     JDKFontInfo *jdkFontInfo =
         createJDKFontInfo(env, font2D, fontStrike, ptSize, 
                           pNativeFont, matrix, aat);
     if (!jdkFontInfo) {
        return JNI_FALSE;
     jdkFontInfo->env = env; // this is valid only for the life of this JNI call.
     jdkFontInfo->font2D = font2D;
     jdkFontInfo->fontStrike = fontStrike;

     hbface = (hb_face_t*) jlong_to_ptr(pFace);
     hbfont = hb_jdk_font_create(hbface, jdkFontInfo, NULL);

     buffer = hb_buffer_create();
     hb_buffer_set_script(buffer, getHBScriptCode(script));
     if ((flags & TYPO_RTL) != 0) {
         direction = HB_DIRECTION_RTL;
     hb_buffer_set_direction(buffer, direction);

     chars = (*env)->GetCharArrayElements(env, text, NULL);
     if ((*env)->ExceptionCheck(env)) {
         return JNI_FALSE;
     len = (*env)->GetArrayLength(env, text);

     hb_buffer_add_utf16(buffer, chars, len, offset, limit-offset);

     features = calloc(2, sizeof(hb_feature_t));
     if (features) {
         hb_feature_from_string(kern, -1, &features[featureCount++]);
         hb_feature_from_string(liga, -1, &features[featureCount++]);

     hb_shape_full(hbfont, buffer, features, featureCount, 0);
     glyphCount = hb_buffer_get_length(buffer);
     glyphInfo = hb_buffer_get_glyph_infos(buffer, 0);
     glyphPos = hb_buffer_get_glyph_positions(buffer, &buflen);

     ret = storeGVData(env, gvdata, slot, baseIndex, offset, startPt,
                       limit - offset, glyphCount, glyphInfo, glyphPos,

     hb_buffer_destroy (buffer);
     if (features != NULL) free(features);
     (*env)->ReleaseCharArrayElements(env, text, chars, JNI_ABORT);
     return ret;