static void hb_pp_generateRules( FILE * fout, PHB_PP_STATE pState, const char * szPPRuleFuncName ) { int iDefs = 0, iTrans = 0, iCmds = 0; fprintf( fout, "/*\n * $" "Id" "$\n */\n\n/*\n" " * Harbour Project source code:\n" " * Build in preprocessor rules.\n" " *\n" " * Copyright 2006-2014 Przemyslaw Czerpak <druzus / at />\n" " * www -\n" " *\n" " * This file is generated automatically by Harbour preprocessor\n" " * and is covered by the same license as Harbour PP\n" " */\n\n#define _HB_PP_INTERNAL\n#include \"hbpp.h\"\n\n" ); if( pState->pDefinitions ) iDefs = hb_pp_writeRules( fout, pState->pDefinitions, "def" ); if( pState->pTranslations ) iTrans = hb_pp_writeRules( fout, pState->pTranslations, "trs" ); if( pState->pCommands ) iCmds = hb_pp_writeRules( fout, pState->pCommands, "cmd" ); fprintf( fout, "\nvoid %s( PHB_PP_STATE pState )\n{\n", szPPRuleFuncName ? szPPRuleFuncName : "hb_pp_setStdRules" ); hb_pp_generateInitFunc( fout, iDefs, "Definitions", "def" ); hb_pp_generateInitFunc( fout, iTrans, "Translations", "trs" ); hb_pp_generateInitFunc( fout, iCmds, "Commands", "cmd" ); fprintf( fout, "}\n" ); }
static void hb_pp_generateRules( FILE * fout, FILE * fword, PHB_PP_STATE pState ) { PRESERVEDNAME pTemp; int iDefs = 0, iTrans = 0, iCmds = 0; UINT wNum = 0; fprintf( fout, "/*\n * $Id: ppgen.c 9869 2012-12-08 18:25:43Z andijahja $\n */\n\n/*\n" " * Harbour Project source code:\n" " * Build in preprocessor rules.\n" " *\n" " * Copyright 2006 Przemyslaw Czerpak <druzus / at />\n" " * www -\n" " *\n" " * This file is generated automatically by Harbour preprocessor\n" " * and is covered by the same license as Harbour PP\n" " */\n\n#define _HB_PP_INTERNAL\n#include \"hbpp.h\"\n\n" ); fprintf( fword, "/*\n * $Id: ppgen.c 9869 2012-12-08 18:25:43Z andijahja $\n */\n\n/*\n" " * Harbour Project source code:\n" " * Word list which should not be used as variable names.\n" " *\n" " * Copyright 2012 Andi Jahja <*****@*****.**>\n" " * www -\n" " *\n" " * This file is generated automatically by Harbour preprocessor\n" " * and is covered by the same license as Harbour PP\n" "*/\n\n#include \"hbapi.h\"\n" "#include \"hbcomp.h\"\n" "\nstatic const char * s_szReservedName[] = {\n" ); if( pState->pDefinitions ) iDefs = hb_pp_writeRules( fout, pState->pDefinitions, "def" ); if( pState->pTranslations ) iTrans = hb_pp_writeRules( fout, pState->pTranslations, "trs" ); if( pState->pCommands ) iCmds = hb_pp_writeRules( fout, pState->pCommands, "cmd" ); fprintf( fout, "\nvoid hb_pp_setStdRules( PHB_PP_STATE pState )\n{\n" ); hb_pp_generateInitFunc( fout, iDefs, "Definitions", "def" ); hb_pp_generateInitFunc( fout, iTrans, "Translations", "trs" ); hb_pp_generateInitFunc( fout, iCmds, "Commands", "cmd" ); fprintf( fout, "}\n" ); do { if ( ! hb_pp_NameFound( ( char * ) s_otherReservedName[ wNum ] ) ) fprintf( fword, " \"%s\",\n", ( char* ) s_otherReservedName[ wNum ] ); ++ wNum; } while( wNum < sizeof( s_otherReservedName ) / sizeof( char * ) ); pTemp = s_PPReservedName; do { fprintf( fword, " \"%s\"", pTemp->szName ); hb_xfree( pTemp->szName ); pTemp = pTemp->pNext; hb_xfree( ( void * ) s_PPReservedName ); s_PPReservedName = pTemp; fprintf( fword, s_PPReservedName ? ",\n" : "\n" ); } while( pTemp ); fprintf( fword, "};\n\n" "#define RESERVED_NAMES sizeof( s_szReservedName ) / sizeof( char * )\n\n" "BOOL hb_compReservedPPName( char * szName )\n" "{\n" " UINT wNum = 0;\n" " int iFound = 1;\n" " int iLen = ( int ) strlen( szName );\n\n" " while( wNum < RESERVED_NAMES && iFound )\n" " {\n" " int u = ( int ) strlen( s_szReservedName[ wNum ] ) ;\n\n" " if ( iLen == u )\n" " {\n" " int i, j = 0;\n\n" " for ( i = 0; i < u; i ++ )\n" " {\n" " if ( szName[ i ] == s_szReservedName[ wNum ] [ i ] )\n" " j ++;\n" " else\n" " break;\n" " }\n\n" " if ( j == u )\n" " iFound = 0;\n" " }\n\n" " ++wNum;\n" " }\n\n" " return ( iFound == 0 );\n" "}\n" ); }