コード例 #1
ファイル: manager.cpp プロジェクト: davidAlittle/vi502011
static void changeAleaForce(){
	static HDdouble timer = 0;
	static const hduVector3Dd direction(0, 1, 0);
	HDdouble instRate;
	hduVector3Dd force;
	timer += 1.0 / instRate;

	hduVecScale(force, direction, 300 * sin(timer));
コード例 #2
hduVector3Dd shakeBaby(){

		static const hduVector3Dd direction(0, 1, 0);
		hduVector3Dd force; //current force applied to the arm 
		HDdouble instRate;
		static HDdouble timer = 0;

		gVibrationFreq = (HDint) g_speed * 10;
		gVibrationFreq = gVibrationFreq < 0 ? 0 : gVibrationFreq; 
		gVibrationFreq = gVibrationFreq > 500 ? 500 : gVibrationFreq; 

		/* Use the reciprocal of the instantaneous rate as a timer. */
		hdGetDoublev(HD_INSTANTANEOUS_UPDATE_RATE, &instRate);
		timer += 1.0 / instRate;

		/* Apply a sinusoidal force in the direction of motion. */
		hduVecScale(force, direction, gVibrationAmplitude * sin(timer * gVibrationFreq));
		return force;
コード例 #3
HDCallbackCode BaseGeometryPatch::patchCalc(){
	HDErrorInfo error;
	hduVector3Dd forceVec;
	hduVector3Dd targForceVec;
	hduVector3Dd loopForceVec;
	hduVector3Dd patchMinusDeviceVec;
	hduVector3Dd sensorVec;
	double sensorRadius = 1.0;

	if(simToPhantom == NULL){

	HHD hHD = hdGetCurrentDevice();

	// reset all the variables that need to accumulate
	for(int sensi = 0; sensi < SimToPhantom::NUM_SENSORS; ++sensi){
		phantomToSim->forceMagnitude[sensi] = 0;
		phantomToSim->forceVec[sensi][0] = 0;
		phantomToSim->forceVec[sensi][1] = 0;
		phantomToSim->forceVec[sensi][2] = 0;

	// Begin haptics frame.  ( In general, all state-related haptics calls
	//	should be made within a frame. ) 

	/* Get the current devicePos of the device. */
	hdGetDoublev(HD_CURRENT_POSITION, devicePos);
	hdGetDoublev(HD_CURRENT_GIMBAL_ANGLES, deviceAngle);
	hdGetDoublev(HD_CURRENT_TRANSFORM, transformMat);
	forceVec[0] = 0;
	forceVec[1] = 0;
	forceVec[2] = 0;

	if(simToPhantom->numTargets > SimToPhantom::MAX_TARGETS)
		simToPhantom->numTargets = SimToPhantom::MAX_TARGETS;

	// clear all the data structures
	if(phantomToSim != NULL){
		for(int i = 0; i < PhantomToSim::NUM_SENSORS; ++i){
			phantomToSim->forceMagnitude[i] = 0;
			phantomToSim->forceVec[i][0] = 0;
			phantomToSim->forceVec[i][1] = 0;
			phantomToSim->forceVec[i][2] = 0;
			for(int j = 0; j < PhantomToSim::MAX_TARGETS; ++j){
				phantomToSim->targForceMagnitude[j][i] = 0;
				phantomToSim->targForceVec[j][i][0] = 0;
				phantomToSim->targForceVec[j][i][1] = 0;
				phantomToSim->targForceVec[j][i][2] = 0;
		for(int j = 0; j < PhantomToSim::MAX_TARGETS; ++j){
			phantomToSim->targForcesMagnitude[j] = 0;

	//printf("BaseGeometryPatch::patchCalc() numtargets = %d\n", simToPhantom->numTargets);
	for(int targi = 0; targi < simToPhantom->numTargets; ++targi){
		patchPos[0] = simToPhantom->targetX[targi];
		patchPos[1] = simToPhantom->targetY[targi];
		patchPos[2] = simToPhantom->targetZ[targi];
		patchRadius = simToPhantom->targetRadius[targi];

		targForceVec[0] = 0;
		targForceVec[1] = 0;
		targForceVec[2] = 0;
		for(int sensi = 0; sensi < SimToPhantom::NUM_SENSORS; ++sensi){
			loopForceVec[0] = 0;
			loopForceVec[1] = 0;
			loopForceVec[2] = 0;

			sensorVec[0] = simToPhantom->sensorX[sensi] + devicePos[0];
			sensorVec[1] = simToPhantom->sensorY[sensi] + devicePos[1];
			sensorVec[2] = simToPhantom->sensorZ[sensi] + devicePos[2];
			sensorRadius = simToPhantom->sensorRadius[sensi];

			//  patchMinusDeviceVec = patchPos-devicePos  < 
			//	Create a vector from the device devicePos towards the sphere's center. 
			//hduVecSubtract(patchMinusDeviceVec, patchPos, devicePos);
			hduVecSubtract(patchMinusDeviceVec, patchPos, sensorVec);
			hduVector3Dd dirVec;
			hduVecNormalize(dirVec, patchMinusDeviceVec);

			//  If the device position is within the sphere's surface
			//  center, apply a spring forceVec towards the surface.  The forceVec
			//	calculation differs from a traditional gravitational body in that the
			//	closer the device is to the center, the less forceVec the well exerts;
			//	the device behaves as if a spring were connected between itself and
			//	the well's center. *
			double penetrationDist = patchMinusDeviceVec.magnitude() - (patchRadius+sensorRadius);
			if(penetrationDist < 0)
				// >  F = k * x  < 
				//	F: forceVec in Newtons (N)
				//	k: Stiffness of the well (N/mm)
				//	x: Vector from the device endpoint devicePos to the center 
				//	of the well. 
				hduVecScale(dirVec, dirVec, penetrationDist);
				hduVecScale(loopForceVec, dirVec, stiffnessK);
				for(int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
					if(loopForceVec[i] < 0)
						loopForceVec[i] *= 0.5;
				printf("targForceVec[%d][%d] = %.2f, %.2f, %.2f\r", targi, sensi, loopForceVec[0], loopForceVec[1], loopForceVec[2]);

			if(phantomToSim != NULL){
				phantomToSim->forceMagnitude[sensi] += hduVecMagnitude(loopForceVec);
				phantomToSim->forceVec[sensi][0] += loopForceVec[0];
				phantomToSim->forceVec[sensi][1] += loopForceVec[1];
				phantomToSim->forceVec[sensi][2] += loopForceVec[2];

				phantomToSim->targForceMagnitude[targi][sensi] = hduVecMagnitude(loopForceVec);
				phantomToSim->targForceVec[targi][sensi][0] = loopForceVec[0];
				phantomToSim->targForceVec[targi][sensi][1] = loopForceVec[1];
				phantomToSim->targForceVec[targi][sensi][2] = loopForceVec[2];


			hduVecAdd(targForceVec, targForceVec, loopForceVec);
			hduVecAdd(forceVec, forceVec, loopForceVec);

		if(phantomToSim != NULL){
			phantomToSim->targForcesMagnitude[targi] = hduVecMagnitude(targForceVec);

	if(phantomToSim != NULL){
		for(int i = 0; i < 16; ++i){
			phantomToSim->matrix[i] = transformMat[i];
	// divide the forceVec the number of times that a force was added?

	/* Send the forceVec to the device. */
		hdSetDoublev(HD_CURRENT_FORCE, forceVec);
	/* End haptics frame. */

	/* Check for errors and abort the callback if a scheduler error
	   is detected. */
	if (HD_DEVICE_ERROR(error = hdGetError()))
		hduPrintError(stderr, &error, "BaseGeometryPatch.calcPatch():\n");
		if (hduIsSchedulerError(&error))

	/* Signify that the callback should continue running, i.e. that
	   it will be called again the next scheduler tick. */
コード例 #4
 Servo callback.  
 Called every servo loop tick.  Simulates a gravity well, which sucks the device 
 towards its center whenever the device is within a certain range.
HDCallbackCode HDCALLBACK gravityWellCallback(void *data)
    //const HDdouble kStiffness = 0.075; /* N/mm */
	const HDdouble kStiffness = 0.045; /* N/mm */
    const HDdouble kGravityWellInfluence = 400; /* mm */

    /* This is the position of the gravity well in cartesian
       (i.e. x,y,z) space. */
    static const hduVector3Dd wellPos = {0,0,0};
	hduVector3Dd wellPos2 = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0};

    HDErrorInfo error;
    hduVector3Dd position;
    hduVector3Dd force;
    hduVector3Dd positionTwell;

    HHD hHD = hdGetCurrentDevice();

    /* Begin haptics frame.  ( In general, all state-related haptics calls
       should be made within a frame. ) */
   	WaitForSingleObject( hIOMutex, INFINITE );

    /* Get the current position of the device. */
    hdGetDoublev(HD_CURRENT_POSITION, position);

    memset(force, 0, sizeof(hduVector3Dd));
    /* >  positionTwell = wellPos-position  < 
       Create a vector from the device position towards the gravity 
       well's center. */
	//wellPos2[0] = (count%5000)/100;
	wellPos2[1] = 20*sin((count)*6.28/360);
	hduVecSubtract(positionTwell, wellPos2, position);

    /* If the device position is within some distance of the gravity well's 
       center, apply a spring force towards gravity well's center.  The force
       calculation differs from a traditional gravitational body in that the
       closer the device is to the center, the less force the well exerts;
       the device behaves as if a spring were connected between itself and
       the well's center. */
    if (hduVecMagnitude(positionTwell) < kGravityWellInfluence)
        /* >  F = k * x  < 
           F: Force in Newtons (N)
           k: Stiffness of the well (N/mm)
           x: Vector from the device endpoint position to the center 
           of the well. */
        hduVecScale(force, positionTwell, kStiffness);

    /* Send the force to the device. */
    hdSetDoublev(HD_CURRENT_FORCE, force);

	/* Get data for logging */
	hdGetDoublev(HD_CURRENT_POSITION, global_position);
	hdGetDoublev(HD_CURRENT_FORCE, global_force);
	hdGetDoublev(HD_CURRENT_JOINT_ANGLES, global_joint_angles);
	hdGetDoublev(HD_CURRENT_JOINT_TORQUE, global_joint_torque);
    /* End haptics frame. */
	ReleaseMutex( hIOMutex );
	/* Check for errors and abort the callback if a scheduler error
       is detected. */
    if (HD_DEVICE_ERROR(error = hdGetError()))
        hduPrintError(stderr, &error, 
                      "Error detected while rendering gravity well\n");
        if (hduIsSchedulerError(&error))
            return HD_CALLBACK_DONE;

    /* Signify that the callback should continue running, i.e. that
       it will be called again the next scheduler tick. */