/* * heap_buckets_init -- (internal) initializes bucket instances */ int heap_buckets_init(struct palloc_heap *heap) { struct heap_rt *h = heap->rt; for (uint8_t i = 0; i < MAX_ALLOCATION_CLASSES; ++i) { struct alloc_class *c = alloc_class_by_id(h->alloc_classes, i); if (c != NULL) { if (heap_create_alloc_class_buckets(heap, c) != 0) goto error_bucket_create; } } h->default_bucket = bucket_new(container_new_ctree(heap), alloc_class_by_id(h->alloc_classes, DEFAULT_ALLOC_CLASS_ID)); if (h->default_bucket == NULL) goto error_bucket_create; heap_populate_buckets(heap); return 0; error_bucket_create: for (unsigned i = 0; i < h->ncaches; ++i) bucket_group_destroy(h->caches[i].buckets); return -1; }
/* * CTL_WRITE_HANDLER(proto) -- creates a new allocation class */ static int CTL_WRITE_HANDLER(desc)(void *ctx, enum ctl_query_source source, void *arg, struct ctl_indexes *indexes) { PMEMobjpool *pop = ctx; uint8_t id; struct alloc_class_collection *ac = heap_alloc_classes(&pop->heap); struct pobj_alloc_class_desc *p = arg; if (p->unit_size <= 0 || p->unit_size > PMEMOBJ_MAX_ALLOC_SIZE || p->units_per_block <= 0) { errno = EINVAL; return -1; } if (p->alignment != 0 && p->unit_size % p->alignment != 0) { ERR("unit size must be evenly divisible by alignment"); errno = EINVAL; return -1; } if (p->alignment > (MEGABYTE * 2)) { ERR("alignment cannot be larger than 2 megabytes"); errno = EINVAL; return -1; } enum header_type lib_htype = MAX_HEADER_TYPES; switch (p->header_type) { case POBJ_HEADER_LEGACY: lib_htype = HEADER_LEGACY; break; case POBJ_HEADER_COMPACT: lib_htype = HEADER_COMPACT; break; case POBJ_HEADER_NONE: lib_htype = HEADER_NONE; break; case MAX_POBJ_HEADER_TYPES: default: ERR("invalid header type"); errno = EINVAL; return -1; } if (SLIST_EMPTY(indexes)) { if (alloc_class_find_first_free_slot(ac, &id) != 0) { ERR("no available free allocation class identifier"); errno = EINVAL; return -1; } } else { struct ctl_index *idx = SLIST_FIRST(indexes); ASSERTeq(strcmp(idx->name, "class_id"), 0); if (idx->value < 0 || idx->value >= MAX_ALLOCATION_CLASSES) { ERR("class id outside of the allowed range"); errno = ERANGE; return -1; } id = (uint8_t)idx->value; if (alloc_class_reserve(ac, id) != 0) { ERR("attempted to overwrite an allocation class"); errno = EEXIST; return -1; } } size_t runsize_bytes = CHUNK_ALIGN_UP((p->units_per_block * p->unit_size) + RUN_BASE_METADATA_SIZE); /* aligning the buffer might require up-to to 'alignment' bytes */ if (p->alignment != 0) runsize_bytes += p->alignment; uint32_t size_idx = (uint32_t)(runsize_bytes / CHUNKSIZE); if (size_idx > UINT16_MAX) size_idx = UINT16_MAX; struct alloc_class *c = alloc_class_new(id, heap_alloc_classes(&pop->heap), CLASS_RUN, lib_htype, p->unit_size, p->alignment, size_idx); if (c == NULL) { errno = EINVAL; return -1; } if (heap_create_alloc_class_buckets(&pop->heap, c) != 0) { alloc_class_delete(ac, c); return -1; } p->class_id = c->id; p->units_per_block = c->run.nallocs; return 0; }