static void runtest_keys_valid(const char *json_base_fn) { char *json_fn = test_filename(json_base_fn); cJSON *tests = read_json(json_fn); assert((tests->type & 0xFF) == cJSON_Array); unsigned int idx; for (idx = 0; idx < cJSON_GetArraySize(tests); idx++) { cJSON *test = cJSON_GetArrayItem(tests, idx); assert((test->type & 0xFF) == cJSON_Array); assert(cJSON_GetArraySize(test) == 3); cJSON *j_base58 = cJSON_GetArrayItem(test, 0); cJSON *j_payload = cJSON_GetArrayItem(test, 1); assert((j_base58->type & 0xFF) == cJSON_String); assert((j_payload->type & 0xFF) == cJSON_String); cJSON *j_meta = cJSON_GetArrayItem(test, 2); assert((j_meta->type & 0xFF) == cJSON_Object); cJSON *j_addrtype = cJSON_GetObjectItem(j_meta, "addrType"); assert(!j_addrtype || ((j_addrtype->type & 0xFF) == cJSON_String)); cJSON *j_compress = cJSON_GetObjectItem(j_meta, "isCompressed"); assert(!j_compress || ((j_compress->type & 0xFF) == cJSON_True) || ((j_compress->type & 0xFF) == cJSON_False)); bool is_privkey = ((cJSON_GetObjectItem(j_meta, "isPrivkey")->type & 0xFF) == cJSON_True); bool is_testnet = ((cJSON_GetObjectItem(j_meta, "isTestnet")->type & 0xFF) == cJSON_True); if (is_privkey) { test_privkey_valid_enc( j_base58->valuestring, hex2str(j_payload->valuestring), ((j_compress->type & 0xFF) == cJSON_True), is_testnet); test_privkey_valid_dec( j_base58->valuestring, hex2str(j_payload->valuestring), ((j_compress->type & 0xFF) == cJSON_True), is_testnet); } else { test_pubkey_valid_enc( j_base58->valuestring, hex2str(j_payload->valuestring), j_addrtype->valuestring, is_testnet); test_pubkey_valid_dec( j_base58->valuestring, hex2str(j_payload->valuestring), j_addrtype->valuestring, is_testnet); } } free(json_fn); cJSON_Delete(tests); }
void zrtp_log_print_sessioninfo(zrtp_session_info_t* info) { char buffer[256]; ZRTP_LOG(3,("zrtp"," ZRTP Session sID=%u is ready=%s\n", info->id, info->sas_is_ready?"YES":"NO")); ZRTP_LOG(3,("zrtp"," peer client: <%s> V=<%s>\n", info->peer_clientid.buffer, info->peer_version.buffer)); hex2str(info->zid.buffer, info->zid.length, buffer, sizeof(buffer)); ZRTP_LOG(3,("zrtp"," zid: %s\n", buffer)); hex2str(info->peer_zid.buffer, info->peer_zid.length, buffer, sizeof(buffer)); ZRTP_LOG(3,("zrtp"," peer zid: %s\n", buffer)); hex2str(info->zid.buffer, info->zid.length, buffer, sizeof(buffer)); ZRTP_LOG(3,("zrtp"," is base256: %s\n", info->sas_is_base256?"YES":"NO")); ZRTP_LOG(3,("zrtp"," SAS1: %s\n", info->sas1.buffer)); ZRTP_LOG(3,("zrtp"," SAS2: %s\n", info->sas2.buffer)); hex2str(info->sasbin.buffer, info->sasbin.length, buffer, sizeof(buffer)); ZRTP_LOG(3,("zrtp"," bin SAS: %s\n", buffer)); ZRTP_LOG(3,("zrtp"," TTL: %u\n", info->secrets_ttl)); ZRTP_LOG(3,("zrtp"," hash: %s\n", info->hash_name.buffer)); ZRTP_LOG(3,("zrtp"," cipher: %s\n", info->cipher_name.buffer)); ZRTP_LOG(3,("zrtp"," auth: %s\n", info->auth_name.buffer)); ZRTP_LOG(3,("zrtp"," sas: %s\n", info->sas_name.buffer)); ZRTP_LOG(3,("zrtp"," pks: %s\n", info->pk_name.buffer)); }
zrtp_status_t zrtp_signaling_hash_set( zrtp_stream_t* ctx, const char *hash_buff, uint32_t hash_buff_length) { if (!ctx) { return zrtp_status_bad_param; } if (ZRTP_MESSAGE_HASH_SIZE*2 < hash_buff_length) { return zrtp_status_buffer_size; } if (ctx->state != ZRTP_STATE_ACTIVE) { return zrtp_status_wrong_state; } str2hex( hash_buff, hash_buff_length, ctx->messages.signaling_hash.buffer, ctx->messages.signaling_hash.max_length); ctx->messages.signaling_hash.length = ZRTP_MESSAGE_HASH_SIZE; { char buff[64]; ZRTP_LOG(3, (_ZTU_,"SIGNALLING HAS was ADDED for the comparision. ID=%u\n", ctx->id)); ZRTP_LOG(3, (_ZTU_,"Hash=%s.\n", hex2str(hash_buff, hash_buff_length, buff, sizeof(buff)))); } return zrtp_status_ok; }
void print_hex(u32 val) { char str[9]; hex2str(str,val); print_str(str); }
void drawHex(u32 val, int x, int y) { char str[9]; hex2str(str,val); renderString(str,x,y); }
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ zrtp_status_t zrtp_signaling_hash_get( zrtp_stream_t* stream, char *hash_buff, uint32_t hash_buff_length) { zrtp_string32_t hash_str = ZSTR_INIT_EMPTY(hash_str); zrtp_hash_t *hash = NULL; if (!stream || !hash_buff) { return zrtp_status_bad_param; } if (ZRTP_SIGN_ZRTP_HASH_LENGTH > hash_buff_length) { return zrtp_status_buffer_size; } if (stream->state < ZRTP_STATE_ACTIVE) { return zrtp_status_wrong_state; } hash = zrtp_comp_find(ZRTP_CC_HASH, ZRTP_HASH_SHA256, stream->zrtp); hash->hash_c( hash, (const char*)&stream->messages.hello.hdr, zrtp_ntoh16(stream->messages.hello.hdr.length) * 4, ZSTR_GV(hash_str) ); hex2str(hash_str.buffer, ZRTP_MESSAGE_HASH_SIZE, hash_buff, hash_buff_length); return zrtp_status_ok; }
/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static zrtp_status_t _attach_secret( zrtp_session_t *session, zrtp_proto_secret_t* psec, zrtp_shared_secret_t* sec, uint8_t is_initiator) { zrtp_uchar32_t buff; static const zrtp_string16_t initiator = ZSTR_INIT_WITH_CONST_CSTRING(ZRTP_ROLE_INITIATOR); static const zrtp_string16_t responder = ZSTR_INIT_WITH_CONST_CSTRING(ZRTP_ROLE_RESPONDER); const zrtp_string16_t* role = is_initiator ? &initiator : &responder; const zrtp_string16_t* his_role = is_initiator ? &responder : &initiator; ZSTR_SET_EMPTY(psec->id); ZSTR_SET_EMPTY(psec->peer_id); psec->secret = sec; /* * If secret's value is available (from the cache or from SIP) - use hmac; * use zero-strings in other case. */ if (psec->secret) { session->hash->hmac_truncated( session->hash, ZSTR_GV(sec->value), ZSTR_GVP(role), ZRTP_RSID_SIZE, ZSTR_GV(psec->id)); session->hash->hmac_truncated( session->hash, ZSTR_GV(sec->value), ZSTR_GVP(his_role), ZRTP_RSID_SIZE, ZSTR_GV(psec->peer_id)); } else { psec->id.length = ZRTP_RSID_SIZE; zrtp_memset(psec->id.buffer, 0, psec->id.length); psec->peer_id.length = ZRTP_RSID_SIZE; zrtp_memset(psec->peer_id.buffer, 0, psec->peer_id.length); } ZRTP_LOG(3,(_ZTU_,"\tAttach RS id=%s.\n", hex2str((const char*)psec->id.buffer, psec->id.length, (char*)buff, sizeof(buff)))); ZRTP_LOG(3,(_ZTU_,"\tAttach RS peer_id=%s.\n", hex2str((const char*)psec->peer_id.buffer, psec->peer_id.length, (char*)buff, sizeof(buff)))); return zrtp_status_ok; }
hash_stat hash_plugin_parse_hash(char *hashline, char *filename) { char username[HASHFILE_MAX_LINE_LENGTH]; char hash[HASHFILE_MAX_LINE_LENGTH]; char salt[HASHFILE_MAX_LINE_LENGTH]; char line[HASHFILE_MAX_LINE_LENGTH]; char line2[HASHFILE_MAX_LINE_LENGTH]; char *temp_str; if (!hashline) return hash_err; if (strlen(hashline)<2) return hash_err; snprintf(line, HASHFILE_MAX_LINE_LENGTH-1, "%s", hashline); strcpy(username, strtok(line, ":")); temp_str=strtok(NULL,":"); if (temp_str) { strcpy(hash, temp_str); } /* Hash is not 32 characters long => not a md5 hash */ if ((strlen(hash)!=32)&&(strlen(username)!=32)) { return hash_err; } /* No hash provided at all */ if (strcmp(username,hashline)==0) { return hash_err; } /* salt */ temp_str=strtok(NULL,":"); if (temp_str) { if (strlen(salt)>32) return hash_err; strcpy(salt, temp_str); } else { strcpy(salt,hash); strcpy(hash,username); strcpy(username,"N/A"); } strlow(hash); hex2str(line2, hash, 32); (void)hash_add_username(username); (void)hash_add_hash(line2, 16); (void)hash_add_salt(salt); (void)hash_add_salt2(""); return hash_ok; }
void Immediate::repr(int indentlevel){ std::string indenter(indentlevel, '\t'); clog << indenter << "<Immediate>" << endl; if (m_data.size() == 0) clog << indenter << "\t<value>uninitialized</value>"<<endl; else clog << indenter << "\t<value>" << hex2str(&m_data[0], m_data.size()) << "</value>"<< endl; // clog << indenter << "\t<accessmode>" << accessmodeLUT[(uint8_t)Operand::getAccessMode() >> 2] << "</accessmode>" << endl; clog << indenter << "</Immediate>" << endl; }
hash_stat hash_plugin_parse_hash(char *hashline, char *filename) { char username[256]; char *hash = alloca(256); //char line[HASHFILE_MAX_LINE_LENGTH]; char line[256]; char *line2 = alloca(256); char *temp_str; int len; if (!hashline) return hash_err; if (strlen(hashline)>256) return hash_err; if (strlen(hashline)<2) return hash_err; snprintf(line, HASHFILE_MAX_LINE_LENGTH-1, "%s", hashline); strcpy(username, strtok(line, ":")); temp_str = strtok(NULL,":"); if (!temp_str) { temp_str = alloca(256); strcpy(temp_str,username); strcpy(username,"N/A"); } len = strlen(temp_str); /* Bad constant header */ if (!strstr(temp_str,"0x0200")) { return hash_err; } /* Bad hash */ if (strlen(temp_str)!=142) { return hash_err; } (void)hash_add_username(username); strcpy(line2,strlow(temp_str)); /* Skip header, add salt, skip case-sensitive hash, get uppercase one */ strcpy(line, line2+14); line[128] = 0; hex2str(hash, line, 128); (void)hash_add_hash((char *)hash, 64); strncpy(line, line2+6, 8); line[8]=0; (void)hash_add_salt(line); (void)hash_add_salt2(""); return hash_ok; }
static const char *hex2utf8( const char *src, char *dest ) { char sz[256] = {0} ; int nsrc = hex2str( src, sz ) ; int len = 1024 ; if( g2u( (char *)sz , nsrc , dest , len ) == -1 ){ OUT_ERROR( NULL, 0, NULL , "locale2utf8 query %s failed" , sz ) ; return NULL ; } dest[len] = 0 ; return dest ; }
static int LUA_C_hex2str(lua_State* ls) { const int argc = lua_gettop(ls); if(argc < 1) return 0; size_t l = 0; auto s = luaL_checklstring(ls, 1, &l); const bool isup = lua_toboolean(ls, 2); lua_pushstring(ls, hex2str(string(s, l), isup).c_str()); return 1; }
/* Same as hex2str but this function allocated a new string. Returns NULL on error. If R_COUNT is not NULL, the number of scanned bytes will be stored there. ERRNO is set on error. */ char * hex2str_alloc (const char *hexstring, size_t *r_count) { const char *tail; size_t nbytes; char *result; tail = hex2str (hexstring, NULL, 0, &nbytes); if (!tail) { if (r_count) *r_count = 0; return NULL; } if (r_count) *r_count = tail - hexstring; result = xtrymalloc (nbytes+1); if (!result) return NULL; if (!hex2str (hexstring, result, nbytes+1, NULL)) BUG (); return result; }
void decrypt() { int n, x; char *plain, *cypher; for ( x = 0 ; x < nAccounts ; x++ ) { cypher = hex2str(pAccounts[x]->cyphertext); plain = pAccounts[x]->plaintext; for ( n = 0 ; n < (strlen(cypher)-1) ; n++ ) { plain[n] = cypher[n] ^ key[n]; } } }
hash_stat hash_plugin_parse_hash(char *hashline, char *filename) { char username[HASHFILE_MAX_LINE_LENGTH]; char hash[HASHFILE_MAX_LINE_LENGTH]; char line[HASHFILE_MAX_LINE_LENGTH]; char *temp_str; char line2[HASHFILE_MAX_LINE_LENGTH]; if (!hashline) return hash_err; if (strlen(hashline)<2) return hash_err; snprintf(line, HASHFILE_MAX_LINE_LENGTH-1, "%s", hashline); bzero(username,20); strcpy(username, strtok(line, ":")); temp_str=strtok(NULL,":"); if (temp_str) { if (temp_str[0]=='$') strcpy(hash, temp_str+1); // Strip $ else strcpy(hash, temp_str); } /* Hash is not 40 characters long => not a smf hash */ if (strlen(hash)!=40) { return hash_err; } /* No hash provided at all */ if (strcmp(username,hashline)==0) { return hash_err; } strlow(hash); hex2str(line2, hash, 40); (void)hash_add_username(username); (void)hash_add_hash(line2, 20); (void)hash_add_salt(" "); (void)hash_add_salt2(""); return hash_ok; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { if (argc != 2) { printf("Usage : %s <shellcode>\n", argv[0]); printf("\nDifferent shellcode formats are allowed :\n"); printf("\t%s \"31 c0 50 68 2f 2f 73 68 68 2f 62 69 6e 89 e3 89 c1 89 c2 b0 0b cd 80 31 c0 40 cd 80\"\n", argv[0]); printf("\t%s \"0x31 0xc0 0x50 0x68 0x2f 0x2f 0x73 0x68 0x68 0x2f 0x62 0x69 0x6e 0x89 0xe3 0x89 0xc1 0x89 0xc2 0xb0 0x0b 0xcd 0x80 0x31 0xc0 0x40 0xcd 0x80\"\n", argv[0]); printf("\t%s \"\\x31 \\xc0 \\x50 \\x68 \\x2f \\x2f \\x73 \\x68 \\x68 \\x2f \\x62 \\x69 \\x6e \\x89 \\xe3 \\x89 \\xc1 \\x89 \\xc2 \\xb0 \\x0b \\xcd \\x80 \\x31 \\xc0 \\x40 \\xcd \\x80\"\n", argv[0]); printf("\t%s \"\\x31\\xc0\\x50\\x68\\x2f\\x2f\\x73\\x68\\x68\\x2f\\x62\\x69\\x6e\\x89\\xe3\\x89\\xc1\\x89\\xc2\\xb0\\x0b\\xcd\\x80\\x31\\xc0\\x40\\xcd\\x80\"\n", argv[0]); return 1; } char *shellcode = hex2str(argv[1]); printf("Shellcode Length: %zd\n", strlen(shellcode)); int (*ret)() = (int(*)())shellcode; ret(); free(shellcode); return 0; }
int Cregact::generate_active_code(uint32_t user_id, char *active_code) //test ! { STRU_ACTIVE_KEY ak; char tepCode[sizeof (STRU_ACTIVE_KEY)]; ak.user_id=user_id; ak.pri_key1=FILLKEY1; ak.pri_key2=FILLKEY2; ak.pri_key3=FILLKEY3;;; //DES_n(ACT_KEY, (char*)&ak, tepCode, 3); //24 bytes des_encrypt_n(ACT_KEY, (char*)&ak, tepCode, 3); //24 bytes hex2str(tepCode, sizeof(STRU_ACTIVE_KEY), active_code); return (0); }
hash_stat hash_plugin_parse_hash(char *hashline, char *filename) { char username[255]; char hash[255]; char line[255]; char line2[255]; char *temp_str=NULL; if (!hashline) return hash_err; if (strlen(hashline)<2) return hash_err; snprintf(line, 254, "%s", hashline); if (strstr(line,":")) { strcpy(username, strtok(line, ":")); temp_str=strtok(NULL,":"); } if (temp_str) { strcpy(hash, temp_str); } else { strcpy(hash,line); strcpy(username,"N/A"); } /* Hash is not 96 characters long => not a sha384 hash*/ if (strlen(hash)!=96) { return hash_err; } (void)hash_add_username(username); hex2str(line2, hash, 96); (void)hash_add_hash(line2, 48); (void)hash_add_salt(""); (void)hash_add_salt2(""); return hash_ok; }
int Cregact::gen_mole_emissary_code (uint32_t user_id, char *act) { uint8_t buf1[16], buf2[16]; uint32_t tm, rand; tm = time(NULL); rand = MOLE_EMISSARY_RAND; memcpy(buf1, (uint8_t *)&user_id, 4); memcpy(buf1+4, (uint8_t *)&rand, 4); memcpy(buf1+8, (uint8_t *)&tm, 4); memcpy(buf1+12, (uint8_t *)&rand, 4); //DES_n (MOLE_EMISSARY_KEY, (char *)buf1, (char *)buf2, 2); des_encrypt_n(MOLE_EMISSARY_KEY, (char *)buf1, (char *)buf2, 2); hex2str ((char *)buf2, 16, (char *)act); //cpDecodeBase64 (buf3, (uint8_t *)act, 32); //32 ---> 24 return 0; }
int Cregact::gen_reg_act_code (uint32_t user_id, uint32_t time, uint32_t cnt, uint32_t rand, char *key, char *act) { uint8_t buf1[16], buf2[16], buf3[33]; memcpy (buf1, (uint8_t *)&rand+2, 2); memcpy (buf1+2, (uint8_t *)&cnt, 2); memcpy (buf1+4, (uint8_t *)&time+2, 2); memcpy (buf1+6, (uint8_t *)&rand, 2); memcpy (buf1+8, (uint8_t *)&user_id+2, 2); memcpy (buf1+10, (uint8_t *)&time, 2); memcpy (buf1+12, (uint8_t *)&user_id, 2); memcpy (buf1+14, (uint8_t *)&cnt+2, 2); //DES_n (key, (char *)buf1, (char *)buf2, 2); des_encrypt_n(key, (char *)buf1, (char *)buf2, 2); hex2str ((char *)buf2, 16, (char *)buf3); cpDecodeBase64 (buf3, (uint8_t *)act, 32); //32 ---> 24 return (0); }
static void read_data(void) { if (!opt_hexdata) { fprintf(stderr, "no input data\n"); exit(1); } cstring *txbuf = hex2str(opt_hexdata); if (!txbuf) { fprintf(stderr, "invalid input data\n"); exit(1); } struct const_buffer cbuf = { txbuf->str, txbuf->len }; if (!deser_bp_tx(&tx, &cbuf)) { fprintf(stderr, "TX decode failed\n"); exit(1); } cstr_free(txbuf, true); }
hash_stat hash_plugin_parse_hash(char *hashline, char *filename) { char line[1024]; char myhash[32]; char myhash2[16]; char mysalt[512]; char myuser[512]; int a; bzero(mysalt,512); if (!hashline) return hash_err; if (!strstr(hashline,"lastpass")) return hash_err; if (!strstr(hashline,"|")) return hash_err; if (strlen(hashline)<2) return hash_err; snprintf(line, 511, "%s", hashline); line[511]=0; strncpy(mysalt,strtok(line,"|"),511); strncpy(myhash,strtok(NULL,"|"),32); memset(myuser,0,512); a=9; while ((mysalt[a]!=':')&&(a<512)) { myuser[a-9]=mysalt[a]; a++; } myuser[31]=0; hex2str(myhash2, myhash, 32); (void)hash_add_username(myuser); (void)hash_add_hash(myhash2, 16); (void)hash_add_salt(mysalt); (void)hash_add_salt2(""); return hash_ok; }
GString *parse_script_str(const char *enc) { char **tokens = g_strsplit_set(enc, " \t\n", 0); assert (tokens != NULL); GString *script = g_string_sized_new(64); unsigned int idx; for (idx = 0; tokens[idx] != NULL; idx++) { char *token = tokens[idx]; if (is_digitstr(token)) { int64_t v = strtoll(token, NULL, 10); bsp_push_int64(script, v); } else if (is_hexstr(token, true)) { GString *raw = hex2str(token); g_string_append_len(script, raw->str, raw->len); g_string_free(raw, TRUE); } else if ((strlen(token) >= 2) && (token[0] == '\'') && (token[strlen(token) - 1] == '\'')) bsp_push_data(script, &token[1], strlen(token) - 2); else if (GetOpType(token) != OP_INVALIDOPCODE) bsp_push_op(script, GetOpType(token)); else assert(!"parse error"); } g_strfreev(tokens); return script; }
// color = a*255^3 + b*255^2 + g*255 + r QString getColorStr(unsigned int color) { int high,low; QString out; int r = color % 256; int g = (color / 256) % 256; int b = (color / 256/ 256) % 256; high=r/16; low=r%16; out+=QObject::tr("%1%2").arg(hex2str(high)).arg(hex2str(low)); high=g/16; low=g%16; out+=QObject::tr("%1%2").arg(hex2str(high)).arg(hex2str(low)); high=b/16; low=b%16; out+=QObject::tr("%1%2").arg(hex2str(high)).arg(hex2str(low)); return out; }
hash_stat hash_plugin_parse_hash(char *hashline, char *filename) { char username[HASHFILE_MAX_LINE_LENGTH]; char hash[HASHFILE_MAX_LINE_LENGTH]; char line[HASHFILE_MAX_LINE_LENGTH]; char line2[HASHFILE_MAX_LINE_LENGTH]; char *temp_str; if (!hashline) return hash_err; if (strlen(hashline)<2) return hash_err; snprintf(line, HASHFILE_MAX_LINE_LENGTH-1, "%s", hashline); strcpy(username, strtok(line, ":")); temp_str=strtok(NULL,":"); if (temp_str) { strcpy(hash, temp_str); } else return hash_err; /* Hash is not 32 characters long => not a mscash2 hash */ if ((strlen(hash)!=32)) { return hash_err; } strlow(hash); hex2str(line2, hash, 32); (void)hash_add_username(username); (void)hash_add_hash(line2, 16); (void)hash_add_salt(" "); (void)hash_add_salt2(""); return hash_ok; }
static void runtest(bool is_valid, const char *basefn) { char *fn = test_filename(basefn); json_t *tests = read_json(fn); assert(json_is_array(tests)); struct bp_hashtab *input_map = bp_hashtab_new_ext( input_hash, input_equal, free, input_value_free); comments = parr_new(8, free); unsigned int idx; for (idx = 0; idx < json_array_size(tests); idx++) { json_t *test = json_array_get(tests, idx); if (!json_is_array(json_array_get(test, 0))) { const char *cmt = json_string_value(json_array_get(test, 0)); if (cmt) parr_add(comments, strdup(cmt)); continue; /* comments */ } assert(json_is_array(test)); assert(json_array_size(test) == 3); assert(json_is_string(json_array_get(test, 1))); assert(json_is_boolean(json_array_get(test, 2))); json_t *inputs = json_array_get(test, 0); assert(json_is_array(inputs)); bp_hashtab_clear(input_map); unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < json_array_size(inputs); i++) { json_t *input = json_array_get(inputs, i); assert(json_is_array(input)); const char *prev_hashstr = json_string_value(json_array_get(input, 0)); int prev_n = json_integer_value(json_array_get(input, 1)); const char *prev_pubkey_enc = json_string_value(json_array_get(input, 2)); assert(prev_hashstr != NULL); assert(json_is_integer(json_array_get(input, 1))); assert(prev_pubkey_enc != NULL); struct bp_outpt *outpt; outpt = malloc(sizeof(*outpt)); hex_bu256(&outpt->hash, prev_hashstr); outpt->n = prev_n; cstring *script = parse_script_str(prev_pubkey_enc); assert(script != NULL); bp_hashtab_put(input_map, outpt, script); } const char *tx_hexser = json_string_value(json_array_get(test, 1)); assert(tx_hexser != NULL); bool enforce_p2sh = json_is_true(json_array_get(test, 2)); cstring *tx_ser = hex2str(tx_hexser); assert(tx_ser != NULL); test_tx_valid(is_valid, input_map, tx_ser, enforce_p2sh); cstr_free(tx_ser, true); if (comments->len > 0) { parr_free(comments, true); comments = parr_new(8, free); } } parr_free(comments, true); comments = NULL; bp_hashtab_unref(input_map); json_decref(tests); free(fn); }
int wmmp_sendAppData(int flowID, char *buf, int len) { char cmdbuf[128]; char ctrlz[1]={0x1A}; int tmplen; int transID1,transID2; int rc; int wlen; int readlen; char sendbuf[APP_SEND_PACKET_MAXLEN*2+1]=""; char *rp; rp = buf; int i = 0; do { tmplen = len > APP_SEND_PACKET_MAXLEN ? APP_SEND_PACKET_MAXLEN : len; // check status // DEBUG_PRINTF(("WMMP get status \n")); // rc = wmmp_checkStatus(); // if( rc != 0 ) // { // DEBUG_PRINTF(("WMMP ready for operation \n")); // goto ExitProcessing; // } //flush input buffer modem_flushInputBuffer(); //send cmd DEBUG_PRINTF(("WMMP send cmd \n")); sprintf( cmdbuf, "AT$M2MAPPSEND=%d", flowID); modem_sendCmd( cmdbuf ); // printf("**i = %d tmplen = %d", i++, tmplen); // printf("**send cmdbuf = %s", cmdbuf); DEBUG_PRINTF(("WMMP wait for prompt \n")); // rc = modem_waitFor(">",10); // if(rc != 0) // { // DEBUG_PRINTF(("WMMP get prompt error: %x\n",rc)); // goto ExitProcessing; // } rc = wmmp_waitResponse(NULL,20); if (rc != 0) { DEBUG_PRINTF("error: rc = %x\n",rc); goto ExitProcessing; } if(wmmp_rx_buf.enumResponseType != RESPONSE_PROMPT) { DEBUG_PRINTF("unexpected response: %d\n",wmmp_rx_buf.enumResponseType); rc = MODEM_ERROR_NUM(MODEM_ERROR_WMMP,ERROR_WMMP_BAD_RESPONSE); goto ExitProcessing; } #if 0 //RAW data mode //write data DEBUG_PRINTF("WMMP send data,len =%d\n",tmplen); modem_write( rp, tmplen ); //terminate modem_write( ctrlz, 1 ); #else //HEX encoded data mode //HEX encode the output data wlen = hex2str(rp,tmplen,sendbuf,(APP_SEND_PACKET_MAXLEN*2+1)); //write data DEBUG_PRINTF("WMMP send data,len =%d\n",wlen); modem_write( sendbuf, wlen ); //terminate modem_write( ctrlz, 1 ); #endif //wait response DEBUG_PRINTF("WMMP wait response \n"); rc = wmmp_waitResponse("$M2MAPPSEND",20); if (rc != 0) { DEBUG_PRINTF("error: rc = %x\n",rc); goto ExitProcessing; } // printf("rev1 = %s\n", wmmp_rx_buf.line[0]); if(wmmp_rx_buf.enumResponseType != RESPONSE_WMMP_CMD_OK) { DEBUG_PRINTF("unexpected response: %d\n",wmmp_rx_buf.enumResponseType); rc = MODEM_ERROR_NUM(MODEM_ERROR_WMMP,ERROR_WMMP_BAD_RESPONSE); goto ExitProcessing; } if(sscanf(wmmp_rx_buf.line[0],"$M2MAPPSEND: %d",&transID1) != 1) { DEBUG_PRINTF("transID not found\n"); rc = MODEM_ERROR_NUM(MODEM_ERROR_WMMP,ERROR_WMMP_BAD_RESPONSE); goto ExitProcessing; } DEBUG_PRINTF("transID1 = %d\n",transID1); #if 1 //wait async acks DEBUG_PRINTF("WMMP wait response \n"); rc = wmmp_waitResponse(NULL,20); if (rc != 0) { DEBUG_PRINTF("error: rc = %x\n",rc); goto ExitProcessing; } // printf("rev2 = %s\n", wmmp_rx_buf.line[0]); if(wmmp_rx_buf.enumResponseType != RESPONSE_WMMP_ACK) { DEBUG_PRINTF("unexpected response: %d\n",wmmp_rx_buf.enumResponseType); rc = MODEM_ERROR_NUM(MODEM_ERROR_WMMP,ERROR_WMMP_BAD_RESPONSE); goto ExitProcessing; } if(sscanf(wmmp_rx_buf.line[0],"$M2MACK: %d",&transID2) != 1) { DEBUG_PRINTF("transID not found\n"); rc = MODEM_ERROR_NUM(MODEM_ERROR_WMMP,ERROR_WMMP_BAD_RESPONSE); goto ExitProcessing; } DEBUG_PRINTF("transID2 = %d\n",transID2); if(transID1 != transID2) { DEBUG_PRINTF("transID1 != transID2. transID1=%d, transID2=%d\n",transID1,transID2); rc = MODEM_ERROR_NUM(MODEM_ERROR_WMMP,ERROR_WMMP_BAD_RESPONSE); goto ExitProcessing; } #endif /* #if 1 //add by yy 20110818 //wait async $MSG DEBUG_PRINTF("WMMP wait response \n"); printf("**WMMP wait response $MSG \n"); //for debug rc = wmmp_waitResponse(NULL,20); if (rc != 0) { DEBUG_PRINTF("**error: rc = %x\n",rc); goto ExitProcessing; } printf("rev3 = %s", wmmp_rx_buf.line[0]); if(wmmp_rx_buf.enumResponseType != RESPONSE_WMMP_SEND_MSG) { DEBUG_PRINTF("**unexpected response: %d\n",wmmp_rx_buf.enumResponseType); rc = MODEM_ERROR_NUM(MODEM_ERROR_WMMP,ERROR_WMMP_BAD_RESPONSE); goto ExitProcessing; } DEBUG_PRINTF("here\n"); // if(sscanf(wmmp_rx_buf.line[0],"$M2M$MSG: %d, %",&transID2) != 1) if(sscanf(wmmp_rx_buf.line[0],"$M2M$MSG: 7,%d,%d",&transID2,&readlen) != 2) { DEBUG_PRINTF("**transID not found\n"); rc = MODEM_ERROR_NUM(MODEM_ERROR_WMMP,ERROR_WMMP_BAD_RESPONSE); goto ExitProcessing; } DEBUG_PRINTF("transID2 = %d\n",transID2); printf("transID2 = %d\n",transID2); //for debug if(transID1 != transID2) { DEBUG_PRINTF("**transID2 = %d\n",transID2); rc = MODEM_ERROR_NUM(MODEM_ERROR_WMMP,ERROR_WMMP_BAD_RESPONSE); goto ExitProcessing; } DEBUG_PRINTF("readlen = %d\n",readlen); printf("readlen = %d\n",readlen); //for debug //比长度 if(readlen != tmplen) { DEBUG_PRINTF("**readlen = %d, tmplen = %d\n",readlen, tmplen); rc = MODEM_ERROR_NUM(MODEM_ERROR_WMMP,ERROR_WMMP_BAD_RESPONSE); goto ExitProcessing; } #endif*/ //update len and buf pointer len -= tmplen; rp = buf +tmplen; }while( len > 0 ); ExitProcessing: return rc; }
static void __vprintk(const char *fmt, va_list ap) { char buf[128]; char *p, *p0; char c, fill; unsigned long long v; unsigned int width; bool longmode; p = buf; while (1) { c = *fmt++; if (c == 0) break; else if (c == '%') { *p = 0; console_write(buf); p = buf; c = *fmt++; width = 0; p0 = p; fill = (c == '0') ? '0' : ' '; while (c >= '0' && c <= '9') { width = width * 10 + c - '0'; c = *fmt++; if (width >= sizeof(buf) - 1) width = 0; } longmode = false; if (c == 'l') { longmode = true; c = *fmt++; } switch (c) { case 'd': if (longmode) v = va_arg(ap, long); else v = va_arg(ap, int); p = int2str(v, p); p = align(p, p0, width, fill); break; case 'p': *p++ = '0'; *p++ = 'x'; v = va_arg(ap, unsigned long); p = hex2str(v, p, (unsigned long)-1); break; case 's': console_write(va_arg(ap, const char *)); break; case 'u': if (longmode) v = va_arg(ap, unsigned long); else v = va_arg(ap, unsigned int); p = uint2str(v, p); p = align(p, p0, width, fill); break; case 'x': if (longmode) v = va_arg(ap, unsigned long); else
console_write(va_arg(ap, const char *)); break; case 'u': if (longmode) v = va_arg(ap, unsigned long); else v = va_arg(ap, unsigned int); p = uint2str(v, p); p = align(p, p0, width, fill); break; case 'x': if (longmode) v = va_arg(ap, unsigned long); else v = va_arg(ap, unsigned int); p = hex2str(v, p, 0); p = align(p, p0, width, fill); break; default: *p++ = '%'; *p++ = c; break; } } else if (c == '\n') { *p++ = c; *p = 0; console_write(buf); p = buf; *p++ = '\r'; } else *p++ = c;
static void test_hex2str (void) { static struct { const char *hex; const char *str; int len; /* Length of STR. This may included embedded nuls. */ int off; int no_alloc_test; } tests[] = { /* Simple tests. */ { "112233445566778899aabbccddeeff1122", "\x11\x22\x33\x44\x55\x66\x77\x88\x99\xaa\xbb\xcc\xdd\xee\xff\x11\x22", 17, 34 }, { "112233445566778899aabbccddeeff1122 blah", "\x11\x22\x33\x44\x55\x66\x77\x88\x99\xaa\xbb\xcc\xdd\xee\xff\x11\x22", 17, 34 }, { "112233445566778899aabbccddeeff1122\tblah", "\x11\x22\x33\x44\x55\x66\x77\x88\x99\xaa\xbb\xcc\xdd\xee\xff\x11\x22", 17, 34 }, { "112233445566778899aabbccddeeff1122\nblah", "\x11\x22\x33\x44\x55\x66\x77\x88\x99\xaa\xbb\xcc\xdd\xee\xff\x11\x22", 17, 34 }, /* Valid tests yielding an empty string. */ { "00", "", 1, 2 }, { "00 x", "", 1, 2 }, { "", "", 0, 0 }, { " ", "", 0, 0 }, /* Test trailing Nul feature. */ { "112233445566778899aabbccddeeff1100", "\x11\x22\x33\x44\x55\x66\x77\x88\x99\xaa\xbb\xcc\xdd\xee\xff\x11\x00", 17, 34 }, { "112233445566778899aabbccddeeff1100 ", "\x11\x22\x33\x44\x55\x66\x77\x88\x99\xaa\xbb\xcc\xdd\xee\xff\x11\x00", 17, 34 }, /* Test buffer size. (buffer is of length 20) */ { "6162636465666768696A6b6c6D6e6f70717273", "abcdefghijklmnopqrs", 19, 38 }, { "6162636465666768696A6b6c6D6e6f7071727300", "abcdefghijklmnopqrs", 20, 40 }, { "6162636465666768696A6b6c6D6e6f7071727374", NULL, 0, 0, 1 }, { "6162636465666768696A6b6c6D6e6f707172737400", NULL, 0, 0, 1 }, { "6162636465666768696A6b6c6D6e6f707172737475", NULL, 0, 0, 1 }, /* Invalid tests. */ { "112233445566778899aabbccddeeff1122334", NULL, 0, 0 }, { "112233445566778899AABBCCDDEEFF1122334", NULL, 0, 0 }, { "112233445566778899AABBCCDDEEFG11223344", NULL, 0, 0 }, { "0:0112233445566778899aabbccddeeff11223344", NULL, 0, 0 }, { "112233445566778899aabbccddeeff11223344:", NULL, 0, 0 }, { "112233445566778899aabbccddeeff112233445", NULL, 0, 0 }, { "112233445566778899aabbccddeeff1122334455", NULL, 0, 0, 1 }, { "112233445566778899aabbccddeeff11223344blah", NULL, 0, 0 }, { "0", NULL, 0, 0 }, { "00:", NULL, 0, 0 }, { "00x", NULL, 0, 0 }, { NULL, NULL, 0, 0 } }; int idx; char buffer[20]; const char *tail; size_t count; char *result; for (idx=0; tests[idx].hex; idx++) { tail = hex2str (tests[idx].hex, buffer, sizeof buffer, &count); if (tests[idx].str) { /* Good case test. */ if (!tail) fail (idx); else if (strcmp (tests[idx].str, buffer)) fail (idx); else if (tail - tests[idx].hex != tests[idx].off) fail (idx); else if (tests[idx].len != count) fail (idx); } else { /* Bad case test. */ if (tail) fail (idx); } } /* Same tests again using in-place conversion. */ for (idx=0; tests[idx].hex; idx++) { char tmpbuf[100]; assert (strlen (tests[idx].hex)+1 < sizeof tmpbuf); strcpy (tmpbuf, tests[idx].hex); /* Note: we still need to use 20 as buffer length because our tests assume that. */ tail = hex2str (tmpbuf, tmpbuf, 20, &count); if (tests[idx].str) { /* Good case test. */ if (!tail) fail (idx); else if (strcmp (tests[idx].str, tmpbuf)) fail (idx); else if (tail - tmpbuf != tests[idx].off) fail (idx); else if (tests[idx].len != count) fail (idx); } else { /* Bad case test. */ if (tail) fail (idx); if (strcmp (tmpbuf, tests[idx].hex)) fail (idx); /* Buffer was modified. */ } } /* Test the allocation variant. */ for (idx=0; tests[idx].hex; idx++) { if (tests[idx].no_alloc_test) continue; result = hex2str_alloc (tests[idx].hex, &count); if (tests[idx].str) { /* Good case test. */ if (!result) fail (idx); else if (strcmp (tests[idx].str, result)) fail (idx); else if (count != tests[idx].off) fail (idx); } else { /* Bad case test. */ if (result) fail (idx); } xfree (result); } }