コード例 #1
ファイル: test_04.hpp プロジェクト: nschloe/Trilinos
    int Integration_Test04(const bool verbose) {

      Teuchos::RCP<std::ostream> outStream;
      Teuchos::oblackholestream bhs; // outputs nothing

      if (verbose)
        outStream = Teuchos::rcp(&std::cout, false);
        outStream = Teuchos::rcp(&bhs, false);

      Teuchos::oblackholestream oldFormatState;

      typedef typename
        Kokkos::Impl::is_space<DeviceSpaceType>::host_mirror_space::execution_space HostSpaceType ;

      *outStream << "DeviceSpace::  "; DeviceSpaceType::print_configuration(*outStream, false);
      *outStream << "HostSpace::    ";   HostSpaceType::print_configuration(*outStream, false);
        << "===============================================================================\n"
        << "|                                                                             |\n"
        << "|       Unit Test (CubatureDirect,CubatureTensor,DefaultCubatureFactory)      |\n"
        << "|                                                                             |\n"
        << "|     1) Computing integrals of monomials on reference cells in 3D            |\n"
        << "|                                                                             |\n"
        << "|  Questions? Contact  Pavel Bochev ([email protected]) or                   |\n"
        << "|                      Denis Ridzal ([email protected]) or                   |\n"
        << "|                      Kyungjoo Kim ([email protected]).                      |\n"
        << "|                                                                             |\n"
        << "|  Intrepid's website: http://trilinos.sandia.gov/packages/intrepid           |\n"
        << "|  Trilinos website:   http://trilinos.sandia.gov                             |\n"
        << "|                                                                             |\n"
        << "===============================================================================\n"
        << "| TEST 1: integrals of monomials in 3D                                        |\n"
        << "===============================================================================\n";
      typedef Kokkos::DynRankView<ValueType,DeviceSpaceType> DynRankView;
#define ConstructWithLabel(obj, ...) obj(#obj, __VA_ARGS__)

      typedef ValueType pointValueType;
      typedef ValueType weightValueType;
      typedef CubatureDirectLineGauss<DeviceSpaceType,pointValueType,weightValueType> CubatureLineType;
      typedef CubatureTensor<DeviceSpaceType,pointValueType,weightValueType> CubatureTensorType;
      const auto tol = 10.0 * tolerence<ValueType>();

      int errorFlag = 0;

      // get names of files with analytic values
      std::string basedir = "../data";
      std::stringstream namestream;
      std::string filename;
      namestream << basedir << "/HEX_integrals" << ".dat";
      namestream >> filename;
      *outStream << "filename = " << filename << std::endl;
      std::ifstream filecompare(filename);

      // compute and compare integrals
      try {
        // cannot test maxcubature degree edge (20) as max integration point is limited by 1001.
        const auto maxDeg   = 19; //Parameters::MaxCubatureDegreeEdge;
        const auto polySize = (maxDeg+1)*(maxDeg+2)*(maxDeg+3)/6;

        // test inegral values
        DynRankView ConstructWithLabel(testInt, maxDeg+1, polySize);

        // analytic integral values
        const auto analyticMaxDeg = 61;
        const auto analyticPolySize = (analyticMaxDeg+1)*(analyticMaxDeg+2)*(analyticMaxDeg+3)/6;

        DynRankView ConstructWithLabel(analyticInt, analyticPolySize, 1);

        // storage for cubatrue points and weights
        DynRankView ConstructWithLabel(cubPoints,

        DynRankView ConstructWithLabel(cubWeights,

        // compute integrals
        for (auto cubDeg=0;cubDeg<=maxDeg;++cubDeg) {
          CubatureLineType line(cubDeg);
          CubatureTensorType hexCub( line, line, line );
          *outStream << "Cubature order " << std::setw(2) << std::left << cubDeg << "  Testing\n";
          ordinal_type cnt = 0;
          for (auto xDeg=0;xDeg<=cubDeg;++xDeg) 
            for (auto yDeg=0;yDeg<=(cubDeg-xDeg);++yDeg) 
              for (auto zDeg=0;zDeg<=(cubDeg-xDeg-yDeg);++zDeg,++cnt) {
                testInt(cubDeg, cnt) = computeIntegralOfMonomial<ValueType>(hexCub,

        // get analytic values
        if (filecompare.is_open()) {
          getAnalytic(analyticInt, filecompare);

        // perform comparison
        for (auto cubDeg=0;cubDeg<=maxDeg;++cubDeg) {

          const auto y_offs = (analyticMaxDeg - cubDeg);
          const auto x_offs = y_offs*(y_offs + 1)/2;

          ordinal_type offset = 0, cnt = 0;
          const auto oldFlag = errorFlag;
          for (auto xDeg=0;xDeg<=cubDeg;++xDeg,offset += x_offs) 
            for (auto yDeg=0;yDeg<=(cubDeg-xDeg);++yDeg,offset += y_offs) 
              for (auto zDeg=0;zDeg<=(cubDeg-xDeg-yDeg);++zDeg,++cnt) {
                const auto loc = cnt + offset;
                const auto abstol  = ( analyticInt(loc,0) == 0.0 ? tol : std::fabs(tol*analyticInt(loc,0)) );
                const auto absdiff = std::fabs(analyticInt(loc,0) - testInt(cubDeg,cnt));
                if (absdiff > abstol) {
                  *outStream << "Cubature order " << std::setw(2) << std::left << cubDeg << " integrating "
                             << "x^" << std::setw(2) << std::left << xDeg << " * y^" << std::setw(2) << yDeg
                             << " * z^" << std::setw(2) << zDeg << ":" << "   "
                             << std::scientific << std::setprecision(16)
                             << testInt(cubDeg,cnt) << "   " << analyticInt(loc,0) << "   "
                             << std::setprecision(4) << absdiff << "   " << "<?" << "   " << abstol << "\n";
                  *outStream << std::right << std::setw(118) << "^^^^---FAILURE!\n";
          *outStream << "Cubature order " << std::setw(2) << std::left << cubDeg
                     << (errorFlag == oldFlag ? "  PASSED" : "  FAILED") << std::endl;                         
        *outStream << "\n";
      } catch (std::logic_error err) {
        *outStream << err.what() << "\n";
        errorFlag = -1;

      if (errorFlag != 0)
        std::cout << "End Result: TEST FAILED\n";
        std::cout << "End Result: TEST PASSED\n";
      // reset format state of std::cout
      return errorFlag;
コード例 #2
ファイル: test_01.hpp プロジェクト: brian-kelley/Trilinos
    int Integration_Test01(const bool verbose) {

      Teuchos::RCP<std::ostream> outStream;
      Teuchos::oblackholestream bhs; // outputs nothing

      if (verbose)
        outStream = Teuchos::rcp(&std::cout, false);
        outStream = Teuchos::rcp(&bhs, false);

      Teuchos::oblackholestream oldFormatState;

      typedef typename
        Kokkos::Impl::is_space<DeviceSpaceType>::host_mirror_space::execution_space HostSpaceType ;

      *outStream << "DeviceSpace::  "; DeviceSpaceType::print_configuration(*outStream, false);
      *outStream << "HostSpace::    ";   HostSpaceType::print_configuration(*outStream, false);

        << "===============================================================================\n"
        << "|                                                                             |\n"
        << "|                  Unit Test (CubatureDirect,CubatureTensor)                  |\n"
        << "|                                                                             |\n"
        << "|     1) Computing volumes of reference cells                                 |\n"
        << "|                                                                             |\n"
        << "|  Questions? Contact  Pavel Bochev ([email protected]) or                   |\n"
        << "|                      Denis Ridzal ([email protected]) or                   |\n"
        << "|                      Kyungjoo Kim ([email protected]).                      |\n"
        << "|                                                                             |\n"
        << "|  Intrepid's website: http://trilinos.sandia.gov/packages/intrepid           |\n"
        << "|  Trilinos website:   http://trilinos.sandia.gov                             |\n"
        << "|                                                                             |\n"
        << "===============================================================================\n";

      typedef Kokkos::DynRankView<ValueType,DeviceSpaceType> DynRankView;
#define ConstructWithLabel(obj, ...) obj(#obj, __VA_ARGS__)

      typedef ValueType pointValueType;
      typedef ValueType weightValueType;
      typedef CubatureDirectLineGauss        <DeviceSpaceType,pointValueType,weightValueType> CubatureLineType;
      typedef CubatureDirectLineGaussJacobi20<DeviceSpaceType,pointValueType,weightValueType> CubatureLineJacobiType;
      typedef CubatureDirectTriDefault       <DeviceSpaceType,pointValueType,weightValueType> CubatureTriType;
      typedef CubatureDirectTetDefault       <DeviceSpaceType,pointValueType,weightValueType> CubatureTetType;
      typedef CubatureTensor                 <DeviceSpaceType,pointValueType,weightValueType> CubatureTensorType;
      typedef CubatureTensorPyr              <DeviceSpaceType,pointValueType,weightValueType> CubatureTensorPyrType;

      const auto tol = 100.0 * tolerence();

      int errorFlag  = 0;

        << "\n"
        << "===============================================================================\n"
        << "| TEST 1: exception                                                           |\n"
        << "===============================================================================\n";

      try {
        ordinal_type nthrow = 0, ncatch = 0;
        *outStream << "-> Line testing\n\n";
          INTREPID2_TEST_ERROR_EXPECTED( CubatureLineType(-1) );
          INTREPID2_TEST_ERROR_EXPECTED( CubatureLineType(Parameters::MaxCubatureDegreeEdge+1) );

        *outStream << "-> Triangle testing\n\n";
          INTREPID2_TEST_ERROR_EXPECTED( CubatureTriType triCub(-1) );
          INTREPID2_TEST_ERROR_EXPECTED( CubatureTriType triCub(Parameters::MaxCubatureDegreeTri+1) );

        *outStream << "-> Tetrahedron testing\n\n";
          INTREPID2_TEST_ERROR_EXPECTED( CubatureTetType tetCub(-1) );
          INTREPID2_TEST_ERROR_EXPECTED( CubatureTetType tetCub(Parameters::MaxCubatureDegreeTet+1) );
        if (nthrow != ncatch) {
          *outStream << std::setw(70) << "^^^^----FAILURE!" << "\n";
          *outStream << "# of catch ("<< ncatch << ") is different from # of throw (" << ncatch << ")\n";

      } catch (std::logic_error err) {
        *outStream << err.what() << "\n";
        errorFlag = -1000;

        << "\n"
        << "===============================================================================\n"
        << "| TEST 2: basic functionalities                                               |\n"
        << "===============================================================================\n";

      try {

        *outStream << "-> Line testing\n\n";
          CubatureLineType lineCub(4);
          INTREPID2_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( lineCub.getDimension() != 1, std::logic_error,
                                        ">>> ERROR (Integration::Test01): line cubature must have 1 dimension.");
          INTREPID2_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( lineCub.getAccuracy() != 4, std::logic_error,
                                        ">>> ERROR (Integration::Test01): line cubature reports wrong accuracy.");

        *outStream << "-> Triangle testing\n\n";
          CubatureTriType triCub(17);
          INTREPID2_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( triCub.getNumPoints() != 61, std::logic_error,
                                        ">>> ERROR (Integration::Test01): triangle cubature reports a wrong number of points.");
          INTREPID2_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( triCub.getDimension() != 2, std::logic_error,
                                        ">>> ERROR (Integration::Test01): triangle cubature reports a wrong dimension.");

        *outStream << "-> Tetrahedron testing\n\n";
          CubatureTetType tetCub(17);
          INTREPID2_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( tetCub.getNumPoints() != 495, std::logic_error,
                                        ">>> ERROR (Integration::Test01): tetrahedron cubature reports a wrong number of points.");
          INTREPID2_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( tetCub.getDimension() != 3, std::logic_error,
                                        ">>> ERROR (Integration::Test01): tetrahedron cubature reports a wrong dimension.");

        *outStream << "-> Quad testing\n\n";
          CubatureTensorType quadCub( CubatureLineType(3), CubatureLineType(7) );

          INTREPID2_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( quadCub.getDimension() != 2, std::logic_error,
                                        ">>> ERROR (Integration::Test01): quad cubature must have 2 dimension.");

          ordinal_type accuracy[Parameters::MaxDimension];
          quadCub.getAccuracy( accuracy );
          INTREPID2_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( accuracy[0] != 3 || accuracy[1] != 7, std::logic_error,
                                        ">>> ERROR (Integration::Test01): quad cubature reports wrong accuracy.");


        *outStream << "-> Hex testing\n\n";
          CubatureTensorType hexCub( CubatureLineType(1), CubatureLineType(4), CubatureLineType(2) );

          INTREPID2_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( hexCub.getDimension() != 3, std::logic_error,
                                        ">>> ERROR (Integration::Test01): hex cubature must have 3 dimension.");

          ordinal_type accuracy[Parameters::MaxDimension];
          hexCub.getAccuracy( accuracy );
          INTREPID2_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( accuracy[0] != 1 || accuracy[1] != 4 || accuracy[2] != 2, std::logic_error,
                                        ">>> ERROR (Integration::Test01): hex cubature reports wrong accuracy.");

        *outStream << "-> Prism testing\n\n";
          CubatureTensorType prismCub( CubatureTriType(4), CubatureLineType(3) );

          INTREPID2_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( prismCub.getDimension() != 3, std::logic_error,
                                        ">>> ERROR (Integration::Test01): prism cubature must have 3 dimension.");

          ordinal_type accuracy[Parameters::MaxDimension];
          prismCub.getAccuracy( accuracy );
          INTREPID2_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION( accuracy[0] != 4 || accuracy[1] != 3, std::logic_error,
                                        ">>> ERROR (Integration::Test01): prism cubature reports wrong accuracy.");

      } catch (std::logic_error err) {
        *outStream << err.what() << "\n";
        errorFlag = -1000;

        << "===============================================================================\n"
        << "| TEST 3: volume computations                                                 |\n"
        << "===============================================================================\n";

      try {

        DynRankView ConstructWithLabel(cubPoints,  Parameters::MaxIntegrationPoints, Parameters::MaxDimension);
        DynRankView ConstructWithLabel(cubWeights, Parameters::MaxIntegrationPoints);

        *outStream << "-> Line testing\n\n";
          for (ordinal_type deg=0;deg<=Parameters::MaxCubatureDegreeEdge;++deg) {
            CubatureLineType cub(deg);
            cub.getCubature(cubPoints, cubWeights);
            const auto npts = cub.getNumPoints();

            const auto testVol = computeRefVolume(npts, cubWeights);
            const auto refVol  = 2.0;
            if (std::abs(testVol - refVol) > tol) {
              *outStream << std::setw(30) << "Line volume --> " << std::setw(10) << std::scientific << testVol <<
                std::setw(10) << "diff = " << std::setw(10) << std::scientific << std::abs(testVol - refVol) << "\n";
              *outStream << std::setw(70) << "^^^^----FAILURE!" << "\n";

        *outStream << "-> Triangle testing\n\n";
          for (auto deg=0;deg<=Parameters::MaxCubatureDegreeTri;++deg) {
            CubatureTriType cub(deg);
            cub.getCubature(cubPoints, cubWeights);
            const auto npts = cub.getNumPoints();

            const auto testVol = computeRefVolume(npts, cubWeights);
            const auto refVol  = 0.5;
            if (std::abs(testVol - refVol) > tol) {
              *outStream << std::setw(30) << "Triangle volume --> " << std::setw(10) << std::scientific << testVol <<
                std::setw(10) << "diff = " << std::setw(10) << std::scientific << std::abs(testVol - refVol) << "\n";
              *outStream << std::setw(70) << "^^^^----FAILURE!" << "\n";

        *outStream << "-> Quad testing\n\n";
          for (ordinal_type y_deg=0;y_deg<=Parameters::MaxCubatureDegreeEdge;++y_deg)
            for (ordinal_type x_deg=0;x_deg<=Parameters::MaxCubatureDegreeEdge;++x_deg) {
              const auto x_line = CubatureLineType(x_deg);
              const auto y_line = CubatureLineType(y_deg);
              CubatureTensorType cub( x_line, y_line );

              cub.getCubature(cubPoints, cubWeights);
              const auto npts = cub.getNumPoints();

              const auto testVol = computeRefVolume(npts, cubWeights);
              const auto refVol  = 4.0;
              if (std::abs(testVol - refVol) > tol) {
                *outStream << std::setw(30) << "Quadrilateral volume --> " << std::setw(10) << std::scientific << testVol <<
                  std::setw(10) << "diff = " << std::setw(10) << std::scientific << std::abs(testVol - refVol) << "\n";

                *outStream << std::setw(70) << "^^^^----FAILURE!" << "\n";
        *outStream << "-> Tetrahedron testing\n\n";
          for (auto deg=0;deg<=Parameters::MaxCubatureDegreeTet;++deg) {
            CubatureTetType cub(deg);
            cub.getCubature(cubPoints, cubWeights);
            const auto npts = cub.getNumPoints();
            const auto testVol = computeRefVolume(npts, cubWeights);
            const auto refVol  = 1.0/6.0;
            if (std::abs(testVol - refVol) > tol) {
              *outStream << std::setw(30) << "Tetrahedron volume --> " << std::setw(10) << std::scientific << testVol <<
                std::setw(10) << "diff = " << std::setw(10) << std::scientific << std::abs(testVol - refVol) << "\n";
              *outStream << std::setw(70) << "^^^^----FAILURE!" << "\n";
        *outStream << "-> Hexahedron testing\n\n";
          // when hex is tested with max cubature degree edge, it exceeds max integration points 1001
          for (ordinal_type z_deg=0;z_deg<Parameters::MaxCubatureDegreeEdge;++z_deg)
            for (ordinal_type y_deg=0;y_deg<Parameters::MaxCubatureDegreeEdge;++y_deg)
              for (ordinal_type x_deg=0;x_deg<Parameters::MaxCubatureDegreeEdge;++x_deg) {
                const auto x_line = CubatureLineType(x_deg);
                const auto y_line = CubatureLineType(y_deg);
                const auto z_line = CubatureLineType(z_deg);
                CubatureTensorType cub( x_line, y_line, z_line );

                cub.getCubature(cubPoints, cubWeights);
                const auto npts = cub.getNumPoints();

                const auto testVol = computeRefVolume(npts, cubWeights);
                const auto refVol  = 8.0;
                if (std::abs(testVol - refVol) > tol) {
                  *outStream << std::setw(30) << "Hexahedron volume --> " << std::setw(10) << std::scientific << testVol <<
                    std::setw(10) << "diff = " << std::setw(10) << std::scientific << std::abs(testVol - refVol) << "\n";

                  *outStream << std::setw(70) << "^^^^----FAILURE!" << "\n";

        *outStream << "-> Prism testing\n\n";
          for (auto z_deg=0;z_deg<Parameters::MaxCubatureDegreeEdge;++z_deg)
            for (auto xy_deg=0;xy_deg<Parameters::MaxCubatureDegreeTri;++xy_deg) {
              const auto xy_tri = CubatureTriType(xy_deg);
              const auto z_line = CubatureLineType(z_deg);
              CubatureTensorType cub( xy_tri, z_line );
              cub.getCubature(cubPoints, cubWeights);
              const auto npts = cub.getNumPoints();
              const auto testVol = computeRefVolume(npts, cubWeights);
              const auto refVol  = 1.0;
              if (std::abs(testVol - refVol) > tol) {
                *outStream << std::setw(30) << "Wedge volume --> " << std::setw(10) << std::scientific << testVol <<
                  std::setw(10) << "diff = " << std::setw(10) << std::scientific << std::abs(testVol - refVol) << "\n";
                *outStream << std::setw(70) << "^^^^----FAILURE!" << "\n";
        *outStream << "-> Pyramid testing: over-integration by 2 (due to duffy transformation) \n\n";
          for (auto deg=0;deg<=Parameters::MaxCubatureDegreePyr;++deg) {
            const auto xy_line = CubatureLineType(deg);
            const auto z_line  = CubatureLineJacobiType(deg);
            CubatureTensorPyrType cub( xy_line, xy_line, z_line );
            cub.getCubature(cubPoints, cubWeights);
            const auto npts = cub.getNumPoints();
            const auto testVol = computeRefVolume(npts, cubWeights);
            const auto refVol  = 4.0/3.0;
            if (std::abs(testVol - refVol) > tol) {              
              *outStream << std::setw(30) << "Pyramid volume --> " << std::setw(10) << std::scientific << testVol <<
                std::setw(10) << "diff = " << std::setw(10) << std::scientific << std::abs(testVol - refVol) << "\n";
              *outStream << std::setw(70) << "^^^^----FAILURE!" << "\n";

        *outStream << "-> Hypercube testing\n\n";
        // later.... refVol = 32
        // for (int deg=0; deg<=20; deg++) {
        //   Teuchos::RCP<CubatureLineType > lineCub = Teuchos::rcp(new CubatureLineType(deg));
        //   CubatureTensorType hypercubeCub(lineCub, 5);
        //   int numCubPoints = hypercubeCub.getNumPoints();
        //   FieldContainer<DeviceSpaceType> cubPoints( numCubPoints, hypercubeCub.getDimension() );
        //   FieldContainer<DeviceSpaceType> cubWeights( numCubPoints );
        //   hypercubeCub.getCubature(cubPoints, cubWeights);
        //   testVol = 0;
        //   for (int i=0; i<numCubPoints; i++)
        //     testVol += cubWeights(i);
        //   *outStream << std::setw(30) << "5-D Hypercube volume --> " << std::setw(10) << std::scientific << testVol <<
        //     std::setw(10) << "diff = " << std::setw(10) << std::scientific << std::abs(testVol - volumeList[8]) << "\n";
        //   if (std::abs(testVol - volumeList[8])/std::abs(testVol) > tol) {
        //     errorFlag = 1;
        //     *outStream << std::setw(70) << "^^^^----FAILURE!" << "\n";
        //   }
        // }
      }  catch (std::logic_error err) {
        *outStream << err.what() << "\n";
        errorFlag = -1;

      if (errorFlag != 0)
        std::cout << "End Result: TEST FAILED\n";
        std::cout << "End Result: TEST PASSED\n";

      // reset format state of std::cout
      return errorFlag;