int main(int argc, char **argv) { dongleHandle dongle; unsigned char in[260]; unsigned char out[260]; unsigned char encodedKey[100]; int encodedKeyLength; uint32_t index; int result; int sw; int apduSize; if (argc < 3) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage : %s [encoded private key hex] [index (base 16)]\n", argv[0]); return 0; } encodedKeyLength = hexToBin(argv[1], encodedKey, sizeof(encodedKey)); if (encodedKeyLength < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid encoded key\n"); return 0; } errno = 0; index = strtoll(argv[2], NULL, 16); if (errno != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid index\n"); return 0; } initDongle(); dongle = getFirstDongle(); if (dongle == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "No dongle found\n"); return 0; } apduSize = 0; in[apduSize++] = BTCHIP_CLA; in[apduSize++] = BTCHIP_INS_DERIVE_BIP32_KEY; in[apduSize++] = 0x00; in[apduSize++] = 0x00; in[apduSize++] = 0x00; in[apduSize++] = encodedKeyLength; memcpy(in + apduSize, encodedKey, encodedKeyLength); apduSize += encodedKeyLength; writeUint32BE(in + apduSize, index); apduSize += sizeof(index); in[OFFSET_CDATA] = (apduSize - 5); result = sendApduDongle(dongle, in, apduSize, out, sizeof(out), &sw); closeDongle(dongle); exitDongle(); if (result < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "I/O error\n"); return 0; } if (sw != SW_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "Dongle application error : %.4x\n", sw); return 0; } printf("Encoded private key : "); displayBinary(out, result); return 1; }
void constVal(FILE * f, char * s, struct lin y[mxl]) { int i; for(i = 0; i < mxl; i++) { hexToBin(f, y[i].val); fprintf(f, "\n"); } }
int hexStringToBin(unsigned char *binArray, const char *hexString) { for (;*hexString; binArray++) { int x = hexToBin(*hexString); if (x < 0) return 0; *binArray = x << 4; hexString++; if (!*hexString) break; x = hexToBin(*hexString); if (x < 0) return 0; *binArray |= x; hexString++; } return 1; }
int main() { char hex1,hex0; scanf("%c%c", &hex1,&hex0); hexToBin(hex1,hex0); printf(""); return 0; }
int main(void) { char hex1[ROZMIAR], hex2[ROZMIAR]; unsigned char *bin1, *bin2; int bin1Size, bin2Size, resultSize; scanf("%s", hex1); scanf("%s", hex2); bin1 = hexToBin(hex1,&bin1Size); bin2 = hexToBin(hex2,&bin2Size); resultSize = (bin1Size>bin2Size)?bin1Size+1:bin2Size+1; unsigned char * result = (unsigned char*)malloc(resultSize); add(bin1,bin2,result,bin1Size,bin2Size,resultSize); showResult(result,resultSize); return 0; }
void referTable(FILE * f, char * s, struct tableEntry y[mxl]) { int i; for(i = 0; i < mxl; i++) { if (strcmp(s, y[i].name) == 0) { hexToBin(f, y[i].value); fprintf(f, "\n"); } } }
int findValue(char * s, FILE * f, struct tableEntry t[mxl]) { int i; for(i = 0; i < mxl; i++) { if (strcmp(s, t[i].name) == 0) { hexToBin(f, t[i].value); return 1; } } return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { dongleHandle dongle; unsigned char pin[8]; unsigned char in[260]; unsigned char out[260]; int result; int sw; int apduSize; if (argc < 2) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage : %s [hex PIN]\n", argv[0]); return 0; } result = hexToBin(argv[1], pin, sizeof(pin)); if (result == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid PIN\n"); return 0; } initDongle(); dongle = getFirstDongle(); if (dongle == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "No dongle found\n"); return 0; } apduSize = 0; in[apduSize++] = BTCHIP_CLA; in[apduSize++] = BTCHIP_INS_VERIFY_PIN; in[apduSize++] = 0x00; in[apduSize++] = 0x00; in[apduSize++] = result; memcpy(in + apduSize, pin, result); apduSize += result; result = sendApduDongle(dongle, in, apduSize, out, sizeof(out), &sw); exitDongle(); if (result < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "I/O error\n"); return 0; } if (sw != SW_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "Dongle application error : %.4x\n", sw); return 0; } printf("PIN verified\n"); if ((out[0] & 0x01) != 0) { printf("Powercycle to read the generated seed\n"); } return 1; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { dongleHandle dongle; unsigned char in[260]; unsigned char out[260]; int result; int sw; int apduSize; char pin[100]; uint32_t lockTime; unsigned char sigHashType; unsigned int keyPath[10]; int keyPathLength; int i; if (argc < 5) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage : %s [key path in a/b/c format using n' for hardened nodes] [second factor ascii, or empty string] [locktime or empty for default] [sighashType or empty for SIGHASH_ALL]\n", argv[0]); return 0; } keyPathLength = convertPath(argv[1], keyPath); if (keyPathLength < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid key path\n"); return 0; } if (strlen(argv[2]) > sizeof(pin) - 1) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid second factor\n"); return 0; } pin[sizeof(pin) - 1] = '\0'; strncpy(pin, argv[2], sizeof(pin) - 1); if (strlen(argv[3]) == 0) { lockTime = 0; } else { result = strtol(argv[3], NULL, 10); if (result < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid chain index\n"); return 0; } lockTime = result; } if (strlen(argv[4]) == 0) { sigHashType = 0x01; } else { result = hexToBin(argv[4], &sigHashType, sizeof(sigHashType)); if (result < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid sigHashType\n"); return 0; } } initDongle(); dongle = getFirstDongle(); if (dongle == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "No dongle found\n"); return 0; } apduSize = 0; in[apduSize++] = BTCHIP_CLA; in[apduSize++] = BTCHIP_INS_HASH_SIGN; in[apduSize++] = 0x00; in[apduSize++] = 0x00; in[apduSize++] = 0x00; in[apduSize++] = keyPathLength; for (i=0; i<keyPathLength; i++) { writeUint32BE(in + apduSize, keyPath[i]); apduSize += 4; } in[apduSize++] = strlen(pin); memcpy(in + apduSize, pin, strlen(pin)); apduSize += strlen(pin); writeUint32BE(in + apduSize, lockTime); apduSize += sizeof(lockTime); in[apduSize++] = sigHashType; in[OFFSET_CDATA] = (apduSize - 5); printf("Singing, please wait ...\n"); result = sendApduDongle(dongle, in, apduSize, out, sizeof(out), &sw); closeDongle(dongle); exitDongle(); if (result < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "I/O error\n"); return 0; } if (sw != SW_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "Dongle application error : %.4x\n", sw); return 0; } printf("Signature + hashtype : "); displayBinary(out, result); return 1; }
// Map escape sequences into their equivalent symbols. Return the equivalent // ASCII character. s is advanced past the escape sequence. If no escape // sequence is present, the current character is returned and s // is advanced by one. The following are recognized: // // \b backspace // \f formfeed // \t tab // \n newline // \r carriage return // \s space // \e ASCII ESC character ('\033') // \^C C = any letter. Control code ie C-'\x40' // \xDD number formed of 1-2 hex digits // \DDD number formed of 1-3 octal digits UINT escape(const _TUCHAR *&s) { UINT asciiVal; if(*s != '\\') { asciiVal = *(s++); } else { s++; // Skip the '\' switch(toupper(*s)) { case 'B' : asciiVal = '\b'; break; case 'F' : asciiVal = '\f'; break; case 'T' : asciiVal = '\t'; break; case 'N' : asciiVal = '\n'; break; case 'R' : asciiVal = '\r'; break; case 'S' : asciiVal = ' '; break; case 'E' : asciiVal = '\033'; break; case '^' : s++; asciiVal = *s; if (asciiVal >= '\40') asciiVal = toupper(asciiVal) - '\40'; break; case 'X' : asciiVal = 0; s++; if (isxdigit(*s)) asciiVal = hexToBin(*(s++)); if (isxdigit(*s)) { asciiVal <<= 4; asciiVal |= hexToBin(*(s++)); } s--; break; default : if (!isOctalDigit(*s)) { asciiVal = *s; } else { s++; asciiVal = octalToBin(*(s++)); if (isOctalDigit(*s)) { asciiVal <<= 3; asciiVal |= octalToBin(*(s++)); } if (isOctalDigit(*s)) { asciiVal <<= 3; asciiVal |= octalToBin(*(s++)); } s--; } break; } s++; } return asciiVal; }
int main() { char * input; printf("%s", "Enter the name of the file you wish to open.); scanf("%s", input); FILE * ip = fopen(input, "r"); fseek(ip, 0, SEEK_SET); char line[mxl]; struct lin a[mxl]; int i; for(i = 0; fgets(line, mxl, ip); i++) { char * word; word = strtok(line, " \n\0"); if(word != NULL) {strcpy(a[i].op, word);} word = strtok(NULL, " \n\0"); if(word != NULL) {strcpy(a[i].reg, word);} word = strtok(NULL, " \n\0"); if(word != NULL) {strcpy(a[i].val, word);} word = strtok(NULL, " \n\0"); if(word != NULL) {strcpy(a[i].extra, word);} } struct tableEntry t[mxl]; int p; int q = 0; for(p = 0; p < mxl; p++) { //NOTE: I intended for addresses to be saved //as the position in the array where the variable //name was found. For some reason, this does not //work and thus renders my JMP implementation //useless. if (strcmp(a[p].reg, "DC") == 0) { strcpy(t[q].name, a[p].op); t[q].address = p; strcpy(t[q].value, a[p].val); //printf("%s\n", t[q].name); q++; } } FILE * op = fopen("Binarycode.txt", "w"); int li; for(li = 0; li <= mxl; li++) { //I intended to have more lines in the JMP //implementation, but they did not work. if (strcmp(a[li].op, "HLT") == 0) { fprintf(op, "001010"); fprintf(op, "0000000000"); return; } if (strcmp(a[li].reg, "DS") == 0) { int no = atoi(a[li].val); int r = findValue(a[li].op, op, t); if(!r) { int s; while(s <= no) { fprintf(op, "0000000000000000"); fprintf(op, "\n"); } } } if (strcmp(a[li].reg, "DC") == 0) { fprintf(op, "00000000"); hexToBin(op, a[li].val); fprintf(op, "\n"); } if (strcmp(a[li].op, "MOV") == 0) { //moveIt(a, op); fprintf(op, "001101"); Register(op, a[li].reg); if (a[li].val[0] == '&') { fprintf(op, "00010"); fprintf(op, "\n"); char * temp = a[li].val+1; //printf("%s\n", temp); referTable(op, temp, t); } else if (a[li].val[0] == '#') { fprintf(op, "00010"); fprintf(op, "\n"); char * temp = a[li].val+1; constVal(op, temp, a); } else { hexToBin(op, a[li].val); fprintf(op, "\n"); } } if (strcmp(a[li].op, "ADD") == 0) { fprintf(op, "010000"); Register(op, a[li].reg); Register(op, a[li].val); fprintf(op, "\n"); } if (strcmp(a[li].op, "SUB") == 0) { fprintf(op, "010001"); Register(op, a[li].reg); Register(op, a[li].val); fprintf(op, "\n"); } if (strcmp(a[li].op, "NEG") == 0) { fprintf(op, "000000"); Register(op, a[li].reg); Register(op, a[li].val); fprintf(op, "\n"); } if (strcmp(a[li].op, "AND") == 0) { fprintf(op, "000001"); Register(op, a[li].reg); Register(op, a[li].val); fprintf(op, "\n"); } if (strcmp(a[li].op, "OR") == 0) { fprintf(op, "000011"); Register(op, a[li].reg); Register(op, a[li].val); fprintf(op, "\n"); } if (strcmp(a[li].op, "LSR") == 0) { fprintf(op, "000100"); Register(op, a[li].reg); Register(op, a[li].val); fprintf(op, "\n"); } if (strcmp(a[li].op, "LSL") == 0) { fprintf(op, "000101"); Register(op, a[li].reg); Register(op, a[li].val); fprintf(op, "\n"); } if (strcmp(a[li].op, "XOR") == 0) { fprintf(op, "000010"); Register(op, a[li].reg); Register(op, a[li].val); fprintf(op, "\n"); } } return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { BlobList certs; BlobList roots; BlobList crls; int rtn; CSSM_DL_HANDLE dlHand; int loop; int arg; char *argp; CSSM_DL_DB_HANDLE_PTR crlDbHandPtr = NULL; CSSM_DL_DB_LIST dlDbList; CSSM_DL_DB_HANDLE dlDbHandles[2]; CSSM_RETURN crtn; CSSM_RETURN silent = CSSM_FALSE; CSSM_BOOL scriptPause = CSSM_FALSE; CertVerifyArgs vfyArgs; memset(&vfyArgs, 0, sizeof(vfyArgs)); vfyArgs.version = CERT_VFY_ARGS_VERS; vfyArgs.certs = &certs; vfyArgs.roots = &roots; vfyArgs.crls = &crls; /* for historical reasons the defaults for these are true */ vfyArgs.crlNetFetchEnable = CSSM_TRUE; vfyArgs.certNetFetchEnable = CSSM_TRUE; /* user-specd variables */ int loops = 1; const char *crlDbName = NULL; const char *certDbName = NULL; char *scriptFile = NULL; if(argc < 2) { usage(argv); } for(arg=1; arg<argc; arg++) { argp = argv[arg]; if(argp[0] != '-') { usage(argv); } switch(argp[1]) { case 'l': loops = atoi(&argp[3]); break; case 'r': arg++; gatherFiles(crls, argv, argc, arg); break; case 'c': arg++; gatherFiles(certs, argv, argc, arg); break; case 'C': arg++; gatherFiles(roots, argv, argc, arg); break; case 'v': vfyArgs.verbose = CSSM_TRUE; break; case 'q': vfyArgs.quiet = CSSM_TRUE; break; case 's': vfyArgs.useSystemAnchors = CSSM_TRUE; break; case 'g': vfyArgs.useTrustSettings = CSSM_TRUE; break; case 'i': vfyArgs.implicitAnchors = CSSM_TRUE; break; case 'a': vfyArgs.allowUnverified = CSSM_TRUE; break; case 'e': vfyArgs.expectedErrStr = &argp[3]; break; case 'n': vfyArgs.crlNetFetchEnable = CSSM_FALSE; break; case 'N': vfyArgs.certNetFetchEnable = CSSM_FALSE; break; case 'f': vfyArgs.leafCertIsCA = CSSM_TRUE; break; case 'd': arg++; if(arg == argc) { usage(argv); } certDbName = argv[arg]; break; case 'D': arg++; if(arg == argc) { usage(argv); } crlDbName = argv[arg]; break; case 'S': arg++; if(arg == argc) { usage(argv); } scriptFile = argv[arg]; break; case 'h': arg++; if(arg == argc) { usage(argv); } vfyArgs.sslHost= argv[arg]; vfyArgs.vfyPolicy = CVP_SSL; break; case 'E': arg++; if(arg == argc) { usage(argv); } if(vfyArgs.vfyPolicy == CVP_Basic) { /* user hasn't specified; now default to SMIME - still * can override (e.g., for iChat) */ vfyArgs.vfyPolicy = CVP_SMIME; } vfyArgs.senderEmail = argv[arg]; break; case 'k': arg++; if(arg == argc) { usage(argv); } vfyArgs.intendedKeyUse = hexToBin(argv[arg]); break; case 't': vfyArgs.sslClient = CSSM_TRUE; vfyArgs.vfyPolicy = CVP_SSL; break; case 'y': arg++; if(arg == argc) { usage(argv); } argp = argv[arg]; if(parsePolicyString(argp, &vfyArgs.vfyPolicy)) { printf("Bogus policyValue (%s)\n", argp); printPolicyStrings(); exit(1); } break; case 'R': arg++; if(arg == argc) { usage(argv); } argp = argv[arg]; if(!strcmp(argp, "none")) { vfyArgs.revokePolicy = CRP_None; } else if(!strcmp(argp, "crl")) { vfyArgs.revokePolicy = CRP_CRL; } else if(!strcmp(argp, "ocsp")) { vfyArgs.revokePolicy = CRP_OCSP; } else if(!strcmp(argp, "both")) { vfyArgs.revokePolicy = CRP_CRL_OCSP; } else { usage(argv); } break; case 'u': arg++; if(arg == argc) { usage(argv); } vfyArgs.responderURI = argv[arg]; /* no implied policy yet - could be CRP_OCSP or CRP_CRL_OCSP */ break; case 'U': if(readFile(argv[arg], (unsigned char **)vfyArgs.responderCert, &vfyArgs.responderCertLen)) { printf("***Error reading responderCert from %s. Aborting.\n", argv[arg]); exit(1); } /* no implied policy yet - could be CRP_OCSP or CRP_CRL_OCSP */ break; case 'H': vfyArgs.disableCache = CSSM_TRUE; break; case 'W': vfyArgs.disableOcspNet = CSSM_TRUE; break; case 'Q': vfyArgs.requireOcspIfPresent = CSSM_TRUE; break; case '5': vfyArgs.requireOcspForAll = CSSM_TRUE; break; case 'o': vfyArgs.generateOcspNonce = CSSM_TRUE; break; case 'O': vfyArgs.requireOcspRespNonce = CSSM_TRUE; break; case 'A': vfyArgs.requireCrlIfPresent = CSSM_TRUE; break; case '4': vfyArgs.requireCrlForAll = CSSM_TRUE; break; case 'T': arg++; if(arg == argc) { usage(argv); } vfyArgs.vfyTime = argv[arg]; break; case 'p': printScriptVars(); exit(0); case 'P': scriptPause = CSSM_TRUE; break; case 'L': silent = CSSM_TRUE; // inhibits start banner vfyArgs.quiet = CSSM_TRUE; // inhibits stdout from certVerify break; default: usage(argv); } } if((vfyArgs.responderCert != NULL) || (vfyArgs.responderURI != NULL)) { switch(vfyArgs.revokePolicy) { case CRP_None: vfyArgs.revokePolicy = CRP_OCSP; break; case CRP_OCSP: case CRP_CRL_OCSP: break; case CRP_CRL: printf("*** OCSP options (responderURI, responderCert) only valid " "with OCSP policy\n"); usage(argv); } } vfyArgs.clHand = clStartup(); if(vfyArgs.clHand == CSSM_INVALID_HANDLE) { return 1; } vfyArgs.tpHand = tpStartup(); if(vfyArgs.tpHand == CSSM_INVALID_HANDLE) { return 1; } vfyArgs.cspHand = cspStartup(); if(vfyArgs.cspHand == CSSM_INVALID_HANDLE) { return 1; } dlHand = dlStartup(); if(dlHand == CSSM_INVALID_HANDLE) { return 1; } if(!silent) { testStartBanner("certcrl", argc, argv); } if(scriptFile) { ScriptVars vars; vars.allowUnverified = vfyArgs.allowUnverified; vars.requireCrlIfPresent = vfyArgs.requireCrlIfPresent; vars.requireOcspIfPresent = vfyArgs.requireOcspIfPresent; vars.crlNetFetchEnable = vfyArgs.crlNetFetchEnable; vars.certNetFetchEnable = vfyArgs.certNetFetchEnable; vars.useSystemAnchors = vfyArgs.useSystemAnchors; vars.useTrustSettings = vfyArgs.useTrustSettings; vars.leafCertIsCA = vfyArgs.leafCertIsCA; vars.cacheDisable = vfyArgs.disableCache; vars.ocspNetFetchDisable = vfyArgs.disableOcspNet; vars.requireCrlForAll = vfyArgs.requireCrlForAll; vars.requireOcspForAll = vfyArgs.requireOcspForAll; return runScript(scriptFile, vfyArgs.tpHand, vfyArgs.clHand, vfyArgs.cspHand, dlHand, &vars, vfyArgs.quiet, vfyArgs.verbose, scriptPause); } /* open DlDbs if enabled */ dlDbList.NumHandles = 0; dlDbList.DLDBHandle = &dlDbHandles[0]; dlDbList.DLDBHandle[0].DLHandle = dlHand; dlDbList.DLDBHandle[1].DLHandle = dlHand; if(certDbName != NULL) { crtn = CSSM_DL_DbOpen(dlHand, certDbName, NULL, // DbLocation CSSM_DB_ACCESS_READ, NULL, // CSSM_ACCESS_CREDENTIALS *AccessCred NULL, // void *OpenParameters &dlDbList.DLDBHandle[0].DBHandle); if(crtn) { printError("CSSM_DL_DbOpen", crtn); printf("***Error opening DB %s. Aborting.\n", certDbName); return 1; } dlDbList.NumHandles++; vfyArgs.dlDbList = &dlDbList; } if(crlDbName != NULL) { vfyArgs.crlDlDb = &dlDbList.DLDBHandle[dlDbList.NumHandles]; crtn = CSSM_DL_DbOpen(dlHand, crlDbName, NULL, // DbLocation CSSM_DB_ACCESS_READ | CSSM_DB_ACCESS_WRITE, NULL, // CSSM_ACCESS_CREDENTIALS *AccessCred NULL, // void *OpenParameters &crlDbHandPtr->DBHandle); if(crtn) { printError("CSSM_DL_DbOpen", crtn); printf("***Error opening DB %s. Aborting.\n", crlDbName); return 1; } dlDbList.NumHandles++; vfyArgs.dlDbList = &dlDbList; } for(loop=0; loop<loops; loop++) { rtn = certVerify(&vfyArgs); if(rtn) { break; } if(loops != 1) { fpurge(stdin); printf("CR to continue, q to quit: "); char c = getchar(); if(c == 'q') { break; } } } return rtn; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { dongleHandle dongle; unsigned char in[260]; unsigned char out[260]; unsigned char encodedKey[100]; unsigned char hash[32]; unsigned char signature[100]; int encodedKeyLength; int hashLength; int signatureLength; int result; int sw; int apduSize; if (argc < 4) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage : %s [uncompressed public key hex] [hash to sign hex] [signature to verify hex]\n", argv[0]); return 0; } encodedKeyLength = hexToBin(argv[1], encodedKey, sizeof(encodedKey)); if (encodedKeyLength < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid encoded key\n"); return 0; } hashLength = hexToBin(argv[2], hash, sizeof(hash)); if (hashLength < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid hash length\n"); return 0; } signatureLength = hexToBin(argv[3], signature, sizeof(signature)); if (signatureLength < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid signature\n"); return 0; } initDongle(); dongle = getFirstDongle(); if (dongle == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "No dongle found\n"); return 0; } apduSize = 0; in[apduSize++] = BTCHIP_CLA; in[apduSize++] = BTCHIP_INS_SIGNVERIFY_IMMEDIATE; in[apduSize++] = 0x80; in[apduSize++] = 0x00; in[apduSize++] = 0x00; in[apduSize++] = encodedKeyLength; memcpy(in + apduSize, encodedKey, encodedKeyLength); apduSize += encodedKeyLength; in[apduSize++] = hashLength; memcpy(in + apduSize, hash, hashLength); apduSize += hashLength; memcpy(in + apduSize, signature, signatureLength); apduSize += signatureLength; in[OFFSET_CDATA] = (apduSize - 5); result = sendApduDongle(dongle, in, apduSize, out, sizeof(out), &sw); exitDongle(); if (result < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "I/O error\n"); return 0; } if (sw != SW_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "Dongle application error : %.4x\n", sw); return 0; } printf("Signature verified.\n"); return 1; }
/* Parses one AVA, starting at *pbp. Stops at endptr. * Advances *pbp past parsed AVA and trailing separator (if present). * On any error, returns NULL and *pbp is undefined. * On success, returns CERTAVA allocated from arena, and (*pbp)[-1] was * the last character parsed. *pbp is either equal to endptr or * points to first character after separator. */ static CERTAVA * ParseRFC1485AVA(PRArenaPool *arena, char **pbp, char *endptr) { CERTAVA *a; const NameToKind *n2k; char *bp; int vt = -1; int valLen; SECOidTag kind = SEC_OID_UNKNOWN; SECStatus rv = SECFailure; SECItem derOid = { 0, NULL, 0 }; SECItem derVal = { 0, NULL, 0}; char sep = 0; char tagBuf[32]; char valBuf[384]; PORT_Assert(arena); if (SECSuccess != scanTag(pbp, endptr, tagBuf, sizeof tagBuf) || !(valLen = scanVal(pbp, endptr, valBuf, sizeof valBuf))) { goto loser; } bp = *pbp; if (bp < endptr) { sep = *bp++; /* skip over separator */ } *pbp = bp; /* if we haven't finished, insist that we've stopped on a separator */ if (sep && sep != ',' && sep != ';' && sep != '+') { goto loser; } /* is this a dotted decimal OID attribute type ? */ if (!PL_strncasecmp("oid.", tagBuf, 4)) { rv = SEC_StringToOID(arena, &derOid, tagBuf, strlen(tagBuf)); } else { for (n2k = name2kinds; n2k->name; n2k++) { SECOidData *oidrec; if (PORT_Strcasecmp(n2k->name, tagBuf) == 0) { kind = n2k->kind; vt = n2k->valueType; oidrec = SECOID_FindOIDByTag(kind); if (oidrec == NULL) goto loser; derOid = oidrec->oid; break; } } } if (kind == SEC_OID_UNKNOWN && rv != SECSuccess) goto loser; /* Is this a hex encoding of a DER attribute value ? */ if ('#' == valBuf[0]) { /* convert attribute value from hex to binary */ rv = hexToBin(arena, &derVal, valBuf + 1, valLen - 1); if (rv) goto loser; a = CERT_CreateAVAFromRaw(arena, &derOid, &derVal); } else { if (kind == SEC_OID_UNKNOWN) goto loser; if (kind == SEC_OID_AVA_COUNTRY_NAME && valLen != 2) goto loser; if (vt == SEC_ASN1_PRINTABLE_STRING && !IsPrintable((unsigned char*) valBuf, valLen)) goto loser; if (vt == SEC_ASN1_DS) { /* RFC 4630: choose PrintableString or UTF8String */ if (IsPrintable((unsigned char*) valBuf, valLen)) vt = SEC_ASN1_PRINTABLE_STRING; else vt = SEC_ASN1_UTF8_STRING; } = (unsigned char*) valBuf; derVal.len = valLen; a = CERT_CreateAVAFromSECItem(arena, kind, vt, &derVal); } return a; loser: /* matched no kind -- invalid tag */ PORT_SetError(SEC_ERROR_INVALID_AVA); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { dongleHandle dongle = NULL; unsigned char in[260]; unsigned char out[260]; int result; int sw; int apduSize; uint32_t signingIndex; unsigned char newTransaction; bitcoinTransaction **transactions = NULL; prevout *prevouts = NULL; int transactionsNumber = 0; int status = 0; int i; initDongle(); if (argc < 5) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage : %s [NEW for a new transaction|CONTINUE to keep on signing inputs in a previous transaction] [index of input to sign] [redeem script to use or empty to use the default one] [list of transactions output to use in this transaction]\n", argv[0]); fprintf(stderr, "Transaction outputs are coded as [hex transaction:output index] to generate a trusted input, or [-hex transaction:output index] to use the prevout directly for an output you don't own (relaxed wallet mode)\n"); goto cleanup; } if (strcasecmp(argv[1], "new") == 0) { newTransaction = 0x01; } else if (strcasecmp(argv[1], "continue") == 0) { newTransaction = 0x00; } else { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid transaction usage %s\n", argv[1]); goto cleanup; } result = strtol(argv[2], NULL, 10); if (result < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid input to sign index\n"); goto cleanup; } signingIndex = result; transactionsNumber = argc - 1 - 3; transactions = (bitcoinTransaction**)malloc(sizeof(bitcoinTransaction*) * transactionsNumber); if (transactions == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't allocate transactions list\n"); goto cleanup; } for (i=0; i<transactionsNumber; i++) { transactions[i] = NULL; } prevouts = (prevout*)malloc(sizeof(prevout) * transactionsNumber); if (prevouts == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't allocate prevouts list\n"); goto cleanup; } dongle = getFirstDongle(); if (dongle == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "No dongle found\n"); return 0; } // Parse each provided transaction, get the associated trusted input when necessary for (i=0; i<transactionsNumber; i++) { uint32_t index; unsigned char untrusted; untrusted = (argv[4 + i][0] == '-'); transactions[i] = parseTransactionStringWithIndex(argv[4 + i] + (untrusted ? 1 : 0), &index); if (transactions[i] == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid transaction %d\n", i + 1); goto cleanup; } if (untrusted) { fprintf(stderr, "Untrusted mode not supported\n"); goto cleanup; } else { result = getTrustedInput(dongle, transactions[i], index, prevouts[i].prevout, sizeof(prevouts[i].prevout)); if (result < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Error getting trusted input %d\n", i + 1); goto cleanup; } prevouts[i].isTrusted = 1; printf("Trusted input #%d\n", (i + 1)); displayBinary(prevouts[i].prevout, result); } prevouts[i].outputIndex = index; } // Then start building a fake transaction with the inputs we want apduSize = 0; in[apduSize++] = BTCHIP_CLA; in[apduSize++] = BTCHIP_INS_HASH_INPUT_START; in[apduSize++] = 0x00; in[apduSize++] = (newTransaction ? 0x00 : 0x80); in[apduSize++] = 0x00; memcpy(in + apduSize, DEFAULT_VERSION, sizeof(DEFAULT_VERSION)); apduSize += sizeof(DEFAULT_VERSION); apduSize += writeVarint(transactionsNumber, (in + apduSize), (sizeof(in) - apduSize)); in[OFFSET_CDATA] = (apduSize - 5); result = sendApduDongle(dongle, in, apduSize, out, sizeof(out), &sw); if (result < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "I/O error\n"); return 0; } if (sw != SW_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "Dongle application error : %.4x\n", sw); return 0; } // Each input for (i=0; i<transactionsNumber; i++) { int scriptLength; unsigned char *script; apduSize = 0; in[apduSize++] = BTCHIP_CLA; in[apduSize++] = BTCHIP_INS_HASH_INPUT_START; in[apduSize++] = 0x80; in[apduSize++] = 0x00; in[apduSize++] = 0x00; if (prevouts[i].isTrusted) { in[apduSize++] = 0x01; in[apduSize++] = sizeof(prevouts[i].prevout); memcpy(in + apduSize, prevouts[i].prevout, sizeof(prevouts[i].prevout)); apduSize += sizeof(prevouts[i].prevout); } else { in[apduSize++] = 0x00; in[apduSize++] = PREVOUT_SIZE; memcpy(in + apduSize, prevouts[i].prevout, PREVOUT_SIZE); apduSize += PREVOUT_SIZE; } // Get the script length - use either the output script if signing the current index // Or a null script if (i == signingIndex) { if (strlen(argv[3]) != 0) { scriptLength = strlen(argv[3]) / 2; script = (unsigned char*)malloc(scriptLength); if (script == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to allocate script\n"); goto cleanup; } scriptLength = hexToBin(argv[3], script, scriptLength); if (scriptLength <= 0) { free(script); fprintf(stderr, "Invalid redeem script\n"); goto cleanup; } } else { int j; bitcoinOutput *output = transactions[i]->outputs; for (j=0; j<prevouts[i].outputIndex; j++) { output = output->next; } scriptLength = output->scriptLength; script = output->script; } } else { scriptLength = 0; script = NULL; } apduSize += writeVarint(scriptLength, (in + apduSize), (sizeof(in) - apduSize)); if (scriptLength != 0) { memcpy(in + apduSize, script, scriptLength); apduSize += scriptLength; } if (strlen(argv[3]) != 0) { free(script); } memcpy(in + apduSize, DEFAULT_SEQUENCE, sizeof(DEFAULT_SEQUENCE)); apduSize += sizeof(DEFAULT_SEQUENCE); in[OFFSET_CDATA] = (apduSize - 5); result = sendApduDongle(dongle, in, apduSize, out, sizeof(out), &sw); if (result < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "I/O error\n"); return 0; } if (sw != SW_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "Dongle application error : %.4x\n", sw); return 0; } } printf("Transaction submitted, waiting to be finalized\n"); status = 1; cleanup: if (dongle != NULL) { closeDongle(dongle); } exitDongle(); if (transactions != NULL) { for (i = 0; i < transactionsNumber; i++) { if (transactions[i] != NULL) { freeTransaction(transactions[i]); } } } if (prevouts != NULL) { free(prevouts); } return status; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { bitcoinTransaction *transaction; int offset = 0; int result; int version = DEFAULT_VERSION; int lockTime = DEFAULT_LOCKTIME; int i; int currentIndex = 1; bitcoinInput *lastInput = NULL; unsigned char *buffer; if (argc < 6) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage : %s [version (or empty for default)] [locktime (or empty for default)] [dongle output data] [trusted input 1] [input script 1] ... [last trusted input] [last input script]\n", argv[0]); return 0; } if (((argc - 4) % 2) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid number of trusted input / input script parameters\n"); return 0; } if (strlen(argv[1]) != 0) { version = strtol(argv[1], NULL, 10); if (version < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid version\n"); return 0; } } if (strlen(argv[2]) != 0) { lockTime = strtol(argv[2], NULL, 10); if (lockTime < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid lockTime\n"); return 0; } } transaction = (bitcoinTransaction*)malloc(sizeof(bitcoinTransaction)); if (transaction == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to allocate transaction\n"); return 0; } memset(transaction, 0, sizeof(bitcoinTransaction)); writeUint32LE(transaction->version, version); for (i=4; i<argc; i += 2) { unsigned char trustedInput[56]; bitcoinInput *input; input = (bitcoinInput*)malloc(sizeof(bitcoinInput)); if (input == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to allocate input\n"); freeTransaction(transaction); return 0; } memset(input, 0, sizeof(bitcoinInput)); result = hexToBin(argv[i], trustedInput, sizeof(trustedInput)); if (result <= 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid trustedInput %d\n", currentIndex); freeTransaction(transaction); free(input); return 0; } if (lastInput == NULL) { transaction->inputs = input; } else { lastInput->next = input; } input->scriptLength = (strlen(argv[i + 1]) / 2); input->script = (unsigned char*)malloc(input->scriptLength); if (input->script == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to allocate script\n"); freeTransaction(transaction); free(input); return 0; } result = hexToBin(argv[i + 1], input->script, input->scriptLength); if (result <= 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid script %d\n", currentIndex); freeTransaction(transaction); free(input); return 0; } memcpy(input->prevOut, trustedInput + 4, sizeof(input->prevOut)); memset(input->sequence, DEFAULT_SEQUENCE, sizeof(input->sequence)); lastInput = input; currentIndex++; } buffer = (unsigned char*)malloc(BUFFER_SIZE); if (buffer == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to allocate output buffer\n"); freeTransaction(transaction); } offset = writeTransactionWithoutOutputLocktime(transaction, buffer, BUFFER_SIZE); freeTransaction(transaction); result = hexToBin(argv[3], buffer + offset, BUFFER_SIZE - offset); if (result <= 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid output\n"); freeTransaction(transaction); free(buffer); } offset += result; writeUint32LE(buffer + offset, lockTime); offset += 4; printf("Transaction : "); displayBinary(buffer, offset); free(buffer); return 1; }
static int vfyCertStatus( const CSSM_TP_VERIFY_CONTEXT_RESULT *vfyResult, unsigned numCertStatus, const char **certStatus, // e.g., "1:0x18", leading 0x optional CSSM_BOOL quiet) { if(numCertStatus == 0) { return 0; } if(vfyResult->NumberOfEvidences != 3) { printf("***vfyCertStatus: NumberOfEvidences is %u, expect 3\n", (unsigned)vfyResult->NumberOfEvidences); return 1; } /* numCerts from evidence[1] */ const CSSM_EVIDENCE *ev = &vfyResult->Evidence[1]; const CSSM_CERTGROUP *grp = (const CSSM_CERTGROUP *)ev->Evidence; unsigned numCerts = grp->NumCerts; /* array of Apple-specific info from evidence[2] */ ev = &vfyResult->Evidence[2]; const CSSM_TP_APPLE_EVIDENCE_INFO *info = (const CSSM_TP_APPLE_EVIDENCE_INFO *)ev->Evidence; int ourRtn = 0; for(unsigned dex=0; dex<numCertStatus; dex++) { const char *str = certStatus[dex]; char buf[8]; unsigned i; /* * Format is certNum:status_in_hex * first get the cert number */ for(i=0; *str != '\0'; i++, str++) { if(*str == ':') { break; } buf[i] = *str; } if(*str != ':') { printf("***Bad certstatus value, format is certNum:status_in_hex\n"); return 1; } buf[i] = '\0'; unsigned certNum = atoi(buf); if(certNum > (numCerts-1)) { printf("***certerror specified for cert %u, but only %u certs" " available\n", certNum, numCerts); return 1; } str++; // pts to actual desired status string now unsigned certStat = hexToBin(str); const CSSM_TP_APPLE_EVIDENCE_INFO *thisInfo = &info[certNum]; if(certStat == thisInfo->StatusBits) { if(!quiet) { printf("...0x%x per-cert status received as expected\n", certStat); } } else { printf("***Expected per cert status 0x%x, got 0x%x\n", (unsigned)certStat, (unsigned)thisInfo->StatusBits); ourRtn = 1; } } return ourRtn; }
int main(int argv, char** argc) { if (argv == 1) { std::cerr << "Must provide a command and arguments! Try parse, rewrite, compile, assemble\n"; return 0; } std::string flag = ""; std::string command = argc[1]; std::string input; std::string secondInput; if (std::string(argc[1]) == "-s") { flag = command.substr(1); command = argc[2]; input = ""; std::string line; while (std::getline(std::cin, line)) { input += line + "\n"; } secondInput = argv == 3 ? "" : argc[3]; } else { if (argv == 2) { std::cerr << "Not enough arguments for serpent cmdline\n"; throw(0); } input = argc[2]; secondInput = argv == 3 ? "" : argc[3]; } bool haveSec = secondInput.length() > 0; if (command == "parse" || command == "parse_serpent") { std::cout << printAST(parseSerpent(input), haveSec) << "\n"; } else if (command == "rewrite") { std::cout << printAST(rewrite(parseLLL(input, true)), haveSec) << "\n"; } else if (command == "compile_to_lll") { std::cout << printAST(compileToLLL(input), haveSec) << "\n"; } else if (command == "build_fragtree") { std::cout << printAST(buildFragmentTree(parseLLL(input, true))) << "\n"; } else if (command == "compile_lll") { std::cout << binToHex(compileLLL(parseLLL(input, true))) << "\n"; } else if (command == "dereference") { std::cout << printAST(dereference(parseLLL(input, true)), haveSec) <<"\n"; } else if (command == "pretty_assemble") { std::cout << printTokens(prettyAssemble(parseLLL(input, true))) <<"\n"; } else if (command == "pretty_compile_lll") { std::cout << printTokens(prettyCompileLLL(parseLLL(input, true))) << "\n"; } else if (command == "pretty_compile") { std::cout << printTokens(prettyCompile(input)) << "\n"; } else if (command == "assemble") { std::cout << assemble(parseLLL(input, true)) << "\n"; } else if (command == "serialize") { std::cout << binToHex(serialize(tokenize(input, Metadata(), false))) << "\n"; } else if (command == "flatten") { std::cout << printTokens(flatten(parseLLL(input, true))) << "\n"; } else if (command == "deserialize") { std::cout << printTokens(deserialize(hexToBin(input))) << "\n"; } else if (command == "compile") { std::cout << binToHex(compile(input)) << "\n"; } else if (command == "encode_datalist") { std::vector<Node> tokens = tokenize(input); std::vector<std::string> o; for (int i = 0; i < (int)tokens.size(); i++) { o.push_back(tokens[i].val); } std::cout << binToHex(encodeDatalist(o)) << "\n"; } else if (command == "decode_datalist") { std::vector<std::string> o = decodeDatalist(hexToBin(input)); std::vector<Node> tokens; for (int i = 0; i < (int)o.size(); i++) tokens.push_back(token(o[i])); std::cout << printTokens(tokens) << "\n"; } else if (command == "tokenize") { std::cout << printTokens(tokenize(input)); } else if (command == "biject") { if (argv == 3) std::cerr << "Not enough arguments for biject\n"; int pos = decimalToUnsigned(secondInput); std::vector<Node> n = prettyCompile(input); if (pos >= (int)n.size()) std::cerr << "Code position too high\n"; Metadata m = n[pos].metadata; std::cout << "Opcode: " << n[pos].val << ", file: " << m.file << ", line: " << m.ln << ", char: " << << "\n"; } }
int main(int argc, char * argv []) { long address; int loadstore, icount; char marker; long IC = 0; long programIC = 0; int i = 0; int j = 1; int dirty_eviction = 0; int load_hits = 0; int load_misses = 0; int store_hits = 0; int store_misses = 0; int load = 0; int store = 0; long et = 0; // Process the command line arguments while (j < argc) { if (strcmp ("-a", argv [j]) == 0) { j++; if (j >= argc) print_usage (); associativity = atoi (argv [j]); j++; } else if (strcmp ("-l", argv [j]) == 0) { j++; if (j >= argc) print_usage (); blocksize_bytes = atoi (argv [j]); j++; } else if (strcmp ("-s", argv [j]) == 0) { j++; if (j >= argc) print_usage (); cachesize_kb = atoi (argv [j]); j++; } else if (strcmp ("-mp", argv [j]) == 0) { j++; if (j >= argc) print_usage (); miss_penalty = atoi (argv [j]); j++; } else { print_usage (); } } // print out cache configuration printf("Cache parameters:\n"); printf ("Cache Size (KB)\t\t\t%d\n", cachesize_kb); printf ("Cache Associativity\t\t%d\n", associativity); printf ("Cache Block Size (bytes)\t%d\n", blocksize_bytes); printf ("Miss penalty (cyc)\t\t%d\n", miss_penalty); printf ("\n"); //Calculate the tag, index, block offset bits int blockOffsetBits = (int)(log(blocksize_bytes)/log(2)); int set = (int)((cachesize_kb*1024)/(blocksize_bytes*associativity)); int indexBits = (int)(log(set)/log(2)); int tagBits = 32 - indexBits - blockOffsetBits; char input[32]; char output[32]; char tagBin[32]; char index[32]; char blockOffset[32]; cache newCache[set]; //Initializing cache = null for (i=0; i < set; i++) { for (j=0; j<associativity; j++) { newCache[i].tag[j] = -1; newCache[i].lru[j] = -1; newCache[i].dirty[j] = 0; } newCache[i].valid = 0; } while (scanf("%c %d %lx %d\n",&marker,&loadstore,&address,&icount) != EOF) { //here is where you will want to process your memory accesses //convert address to binary sprintf(input, "%lx", address); hexToBin(input, output); //tag = output[0 - (tagBits-1)]; //index = output[tagBits -> (tagBits+index-1)]; for (i = 0; i<tagBits; i++) { tagBin[i] = output[i]; } tagBin[i] = '\0'; for (i = 0; i<indexBits; i++) { index[i] = output[tagBits+i]; } index[i] = '\0'; //Convert index to dec (indexDec) int indexDec = 0; int indexi = 0; int d = 1; for (i= strlen(index) - 1; i>=0; i--) { indexi = index[i] - '0'; indexDec = indexDec + (d*indexi); d = 2 * d; } //Convert tagBin to dec (tagDec) int tagDec = 0; int tagi = 0; d = 1; for (i= strlen(tagBin) - 1; i>=0; i--) { tagi = tagBin[i] - '0'; tagDec = tagDec + (d*tagi); d = 2 * d; } //Compare tag if (newCache[indexDec].valid == 0) { newCache[indexDec].valid = 1; newCache[indexDec].tag[0] = tagDec; newCache[indexDec].lru[0] = 0; et = et + miss_penalty; if (loadstore == 0) { //load load++; load_misses++; } else { //store store++; store_misses++; newCache[indexDec].dirty[0] = 1; } } else if (newCache[indexDec].valid == 1) { int hit = 0; for (i = 0; i<associativity; i++) { if (newCache[indexDec].tag[i] == tagDec) { // HIT!!! hit = 1; //update lru for (j = 0; j < associativity; j++) { if ((newCache[indexDec].lru[j] != -1) && (newCache[indexDec].lru[j] < newCache[indexDec].lru[i])) newCache[indexDec].lru[j] = newCache[indexDec].lru[j] + 1; } newCache[indexDec].lru[i] = 0; if (loadstore == 0) { //load load++; load_hits++; } else { //store store++; store_hits++; newCache[indexDec].dirty[i] = 1; } break; } } if (hit == 0) { // MISS!!!! et = et + miss_penalty; int found = 0; //find the lru block in cache for (i = 0; i<associativity; i++) { if (newCache[indexDec].lru[i] == -1) { found = 1; newCache[indexDec].tag[i] = tagDec; //update lru for (j = 0; j < i; j++) { newCache[indexDec].lru[j] = newCache[indexDec].lru[j] + 1; } newCache[indexDec].lru[i] = 0; if (loadstore == 0) { //load load++; load_misses++; } else { //store store++; store_misses++; newCache[indexDec].dirty[i] = 1; } break; } } if (found == 0) { // all blocks are in use. // replace the highest lru int lru1 = 0; for (j = 0; j<associativity; j++) { if (newCache[indexDec].lru[j] == (associativity - 1)) { lru1 = j; break; } } newCache[indexDec].tag[lru1] = tagDec; for (j = 0; j < associativity; j++) { newCache[indexDec].lru[j] = newCache[indexDec].lru[j] + 1; } newCache[indexDec].lru[lru1] = 0; if (loadstore == 0) { //load load++; load_misses++; if (newCache[indexDec].dirty[lru1] == 1) { dirty_eviction++; et = et+ 2; newCache[indexDec].dirty[lru1] = 0; } } else { //store store++; store_misses++; if (newCache[indexDec].dirty[lru1] == 1) { dirty_eviction++; et = et + 2; } else { newCache[indexDec].dirty[lru1] = 1; } } } } } IC++; programIC = programIC + icount; } // Here is where you want to print out stats float overall_miss_rate = ((float)load_misses+store_misses)/IC; float read_miss_rate = ((float)load_misses)/load; float write_miss_rate = ((float)store_misses/store); float memory_CPI = ((miss_penalty)*(load_misses+store_misses))/ ((float)programIC); float total_CPI = 1 + memory_CPI; float AMAT = overall_miss_rate*miss_penalty; printf("Simulation results:\n"); // Use your simulator to output the following statistics. The // print statements are provided, just replace the question marks with // your calcuations. printf("\texecution time %ld cycles\n", et+programIC); printf("\tinstructions %ld\n", programIC); printf("\tmemory accesses %ld\n", IC); printf("\toverall miss rate %.2f\n", overall_miss_rate); printf("\tread miss rate %.2f\n", read_miss_rate); printf("\tmemory CPI %.2f\n", memory_CPI); printf("\ttotal CPI %.2f\n", total_CPI); printf("\taverage memory access time %.2f cycles\n", AMAT); printf("dirty evictions %d\n", dirty_eviction); printf("load_misses %d\n", load_misses); printf("store_misses %d\n", store_misses); printf("load_hits %d\n", load_hits); printf("store_hits %d\n", store_hits); }