コード例 #1
ファイル: check_pbkdf.c プロジェクト: olvrlrnz/libcfe
static void _generic_check_pbkdf(const char *alg, const struct data *data)
	int ret;

	size_t passwordlen = strlen(data->password);
	size_t saltlen = strlen(data->salt);

	unsigned char salt[128];
	unsigned char expected[128];
	unsigned char result[128];

	hex_str_to_bytes(data->salt, salt);
	hex_str_to_bytes(data->expected, expected);

	ret = cfe_pbkdf_derive(alg, data->rounds, data->password, passwordlen,
	                       salt, saltlen / 2, result, data->keysize);
	assert_int_equal(ret, 0);

	ret = memcmp(result, expected, data->keysize);
	assert_int_equal(ret, 0);
コード例 #2
ファイル: packet-ldss.c プロジェクト: glocklueng/wireshark
/* Transfers happen in response to broadcasts, they are always TCP and are
 * used to send the file to the port mentioned in the broadcast. There are
 * 2 types of transfers: Pushes, which are direct responses to searches,
 * in which the peer that has the file connects to the peer that doesn't and
 * sends it, then disconnects. The other type of transfer is a pull, where
 * the peer that doesn't have the file connects to the peer that does and
 * requests it be sent.
 * Pulls have a file request which identifies the desired file,
 * while pushes simply send the file. In practice this works because every
 * file the implementation sends searches for is on a different TCP port
 * on the searcher's machine. */
static int
dissect_ldss_transfer (tvbuff_t *tvb, packet_info *pinfo, proto_tree *tree, void* data)
	conversation_t *transfer_conv;
	ldss_transfer_info_t *transfer_info;
	struct tcpinfo *transfer_tcpinfo;
	proto_tree *ti, *line_tree = NULL, *ldss_tree = NULL;
	nstime_t broadcast_response_time;

	/* Reject the packet if data is NULL */
	if (data == NULL)
		return 0;
	transfer_tcpinfo = (struct tcpinfo *)data;

	col_set_str(pinfo->cinfo, COL_PROTOCOL, "LDSS");

	/* Look for the transfer conversation; this was created during
	 * earlier broadcast dissection (see prepare_ldss_transfer_conv) */
	transfer_conv = find_conversation (pinfo->num, &pinfo->src, &pinfo->dst,
					   PT_TCP, pinfo->srcport, pinfo->destport, 0);
	transfer_info = (ldss_transfer_info_t *)conversation_get_proto_data(transfer_conv, proto_ldss);

	/* For a pull, the first packet in the TCP connection is the file request.
	 * First packet is identified by relative seq/ack numbers of 1.
	 * File request only appears on a pull (triggered by an offer - see above
	 * about broadcasts) */
	if (transfer_tcpinfo->seq == 1 &&
	    transfer_tcpinfo->lastackseq == 1 &&
	    transfer_info->broadcast->message_id == MESSAGE_ID_WILLSEND) {
		/* LDSS pull transfers look a lot like HTTP.
		 * Sample request:
		 * md5:01234567890123...
		 * Size: 2550
		 * Start: 0
		 * Compression: 0
		 * (remote end sends the file identified by the digest) */
		guint offset = 0;
		gboolean already_dissected = TRUE;

		col_set_str(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, "LDSS File Transfer (Requesting file - pull)");

		if (highest_num_seen == 0 ||
		    highest_num_seen < pinfo->num) {

			already_dissected = FALSE;
			transfer_info->req = wmem_new0(wmem_file_scope(), ldss_file_request_t);
			transfer_info->req->file = wmem_new0(wmem_file_scope(), ldss_file_t);
			highest_num_seen = pinfo->num;

		if (tree) {
			ti = proto_tree_add_item(tree, proto_ldss,
						 tvb, 0, tvb_reported_length(tvb), ENC_NA);
			ldss_tree = proto_item_add_subtree(ti, ett_ldss_transfer);

		/* Populate digest data into the file struct in the request */
		transfer_info->file = transfer_info->req->file;

		/* Grab each line from the packet, there should be 4 but lets
		 * not walk off the end looking for more. */
		while (tvb_offset_exists(tvb, offset)) {
			gint next_offset;
			const guint8 *line;
			int linelen;
			gboolean is_digest_line;
			guint digest_type_len;

			linelen = tvb_find_line_end(tvb, offset, -1, &next_offset, FALSE);

			/* Include new-line in line */
			line = (guint8 *)tvb_memdup(NULL, tvb, offset, linelen+1); /* XXX - memory leak? */

			line_tree = proto_tree_add_subtree(ldss_tree, tvb, offset, linelen,
							 ett_ldss_transfer_req, NULL,
							 tvb_format_text(tvb, offset, next_offset-offset));

			/* Reduce code duplication processing digest lines.
			 * There are too many locals to pass to a function - the signature
			 * looked pretty ugly when I tried! */
			is_digest_line = FALSE;

			if (strncmp(line,"md5:",4)==0) {
				is_digest_line = TRUE;
				digest_type_len = 4;
				transfer_info->file->digest_type = DIGEST_TYPE_MD5;
			else if (strncmp(line, "sha1:", 5)==0) {
				is_digest_line = TRUE;
				digest_type_len = 5;
				transfer_info->file->digest_type = DIGEST_TYPE_SHA1;
			else if (strncmp(line, "sha256:", 7)==0) {
				is_digest_line = TRUE;
				digest_type_len = 7;
				transfer_info->file->digest_type = DIGEST_TYPE_SHA256;
			else if (strncmp(line, "unknown:", 8)==0) {
				is_digest_line = TRUE;
				digest_type_len = 8;
				transfer_info->file->digest_type = DIGEST_TYPE_UNKNOWN;
			else if (strncmp(line, "Size: ", 6)==0) {
				/* Sample size line:
				 * Size: 2550\n */
				transfer_info->req->size = g_ascii_strtoull(line+6, NULL, 10);
				if (tree) {
					ti = proto_tree_add_uint64(line_tree, hf_ldss_size,
								   tvb, offset+6, linelen-6, transfer_info->req->size);
			else if (strncmp(line, "Start: ", 7)==0) {
				/* Sample offset line:
				 * Start: 0\n */
				transfer_info->req->offset = g_ascii_strtoull(line+7, NULL, 10);
				if (tree) {
					ti = proto_tree_add_uint64(line_tree, hf_ldss_offset,
								   tvb, offset+7, linelen-7, transfer_info->req->offset);
			else if (strncmp(line, "Compression: ", 13)==0) {
				/* Sample compression line:
				 * Compression: 0\n */
				transfer_info->req->compression = (gint8)strtol(line+13, NULL, 10); /* XXX - bad cast */
				if (tree) {
					ti = proto_tree_add_uint(line_tree, hf_ldss_compression,
								 tvb, offset+13, linelen-13, transfer_info->req->compression);
			else {
				proto_tree_add_expert(line_tree, pinfo, &ei_ldss_unrecognized_line, tvb, offset, linelen);

			if (is_digest_line) {
				/* Sample digest-type/digest line:
				 * md5:0123456789ABCDEF\n */
				if (!already_dissected) {
					GByteArray *digest_bytes;

					digest_bytes = g_byte_array_new();
						tvb_get_ptr(tvb, offset+digest_type_len, linelen-digest_type_len),
						digest_bytes, FALSE);

					if(digest_bytes->len >= DIGEST_LEN)
						digest_bytes->len = (DIGEST_LEN-1);
					/* Ensure the digest is zero-padded */
					transfer_info->file->digest = (guint8 *)wmem_alloc0(wmem_file_scope(), DIGEST_LEN);
					memcpy(transfer_info->file->digest, digest_bytes->data, digest_bytes->len);

					g_byte_array_free(digest_bytes, TRUE);
				if (tree) {
					proto_item *tii = NULL;

					tii = proto_tree_add_uint(line_tree, hf_ldss_digest_type,
								 tvb, offset, digest_type_len, transfer_info->file->digest_type);
					tii = proto_tree_add_bytes(line_tree, hf_ldss_digest,
								  tvb, offset+digest_type_len, MIN(linelen-digest_type_len, DIGEST_LEN),

			offset = next_offset;

		/* Link forwards to the response for this pull. */
		if (tree && transfer_info->resp_num != 0) {
			ti = proto_tree_add_uint(ldss_tree, hf_ldss_response_in,
						 tvb, 0, 0, transfer_info->resp_num);

		transfer_info->req->num = pinfo->num;
		transfer_info->req->ts = pinfo->abs_ts;
	/* Remaining packets are the file response */
	else {
		guint64 size;
		guint64 offset;
		guint8 compression;

		/* size, digest, compression come from the file request for a pull but
		 * they come from the broadcast for a push. Pushes don't bother
		 * with a file request - they just send the data. We have to get file
		 * info from the offer broadcast which triggered this transfer.
		 * If we cannot find the file request, default to the broadcast. */
		if (transfer_info->broadcast->message_id == MESSAGE_ID_WILLSEND &&
		    transfer_info->req != NULL) {
			transfer_info->file = transfer_info->req->file;
			size = transfer_info->req->size;
			offset = transfer_info->req->offset;
			compression = transfer_info->req->compression;
		else {
			transfer_info->file = transfer_info->broadcast->file;
			size = transfer_info->broadcast->size;
			offset = transfer_info->broadcast->offset;
			compression = transfer_info->broadcast->compression;

		/* Remaining data in this TCP connection is all file data.
		 * Always desegment if the size is 0 (ie. unknown)
		if (pinfo->can_desegment) {
			if (size == 0 || tvb_captured_length(tvb) < size) {
				pinfo->desegment_offset = 0;
				pinfo->desegment_len = DESEGMENT_UNTIL_FIN;
				return 0;

		/* OK. Now we have the whole file that was transferred. */
		transfer_info->resp_num = pinfo->num;
		transfer_info->resp_ts = pinfo->abs_ts;

		col_add_fstr(pinfo->cinfo, COL_INFO, "LDSS File Transfer (Sending file - %s)",
				     transfer_info->broadcast->message_id == MESSAGE_ID_WILLSEND
				     ? "pull"
				     : "push");

		if (tree) {
			ti = proto_tree_add_item(tree, proto_ldss,
						 tvb, 0, tvb_reported_length(tvb), ENC_NA);
			ldss_tree = proto_item_add_subtree(ti, ett_ldss_transfer);
			proto_tree_add_bytes_format(ldss_tree, hf_ldss_file_data,
						    tvb, 0, tvb_captured_length(tvb), NULL,
						    compression == COMPRESSION_GZIP
						    ? "Gzip compressed data: %d bytes"
						    : "File data: %d bytes",
#ifdef HAVE_ZLIB
			/* Be nice and uncompress the file data. */
			if (compression == COMPRESSION_GZIP) {
				tvbuff_t *uncomp_tvb;
				uncomp_tvb = tvb_child_uncompress(tvb, tvb, 0, tvb_captured_length(tvb));
				if (uncomp_tvb != NULL) {
					/* XXX: Maybe not a good idea to add a data_source for
					        what may very well be a large buffer since then
						the full uncompressed buffer will be shown in a tab
						in the hex bytes pane ?
						However, if we don't, bytes in an unrelated tab will
						be highlighted.
					add_new_data_source(pinfo, uncomp_tvb, "Uncompressed Data");
					proto_tree_add_bytes_format_value(ldss_tree, hf_ldss_file_data,
									  uncomp_tvb, 0, tvb_captured_length(uncomp_tvb),
									  NULL, "Uncompressed data: %d bytes",
			ti = proto_tree_add_uint(ldss_tree, hf_ldss_digest_type,
						 tvb, 0, 0, transfer_info->file->digest_type);
			if (transfer_info->file->digest != NULL) {
				/* This is ugly. You can't add bytes of nonzero length and have
				 * filtering work correctly unless you give a valid location in
				 * the packet. This hack pretends the first 32 bytes of the packet
				 * are the digest, which they aren't: they're actually the first 32
				 * bytes of the file that was sent. */
				ti = proto_tree_add_bytes(ldss_tree, hf_ldss_digest,
							  tvb, 0, DIGEST_LEN, transfer_info->file->digest);
			ti = proto_tree_add_uint64(ldss_tree, hf_ldss_size,
						   tvb, 0, 0, size);
			ti = proto_tree_add_uint64(ldss_tree, hf_ldss_offset,
						   tvb, 0, 0, offset);
			ti = proto_tree_add_uint(ldss_tree, hf_ldss_compression,
						 tvb, 0, 0, compression);
			/* Link to the request for a pull. */
			if (transfer_info->broadcast->message_id == MESSAGE_ID_WILLSEND &&
			    transfer_info->req != NULL &&
			    transfer_info->req->num != 0) {
				ti = proto_tree_add_uint(ldss_tree, hf_ldss_response_to,
							 tvb, 0, 0, transfer_info->req->num);

	/* Print the pull response time */
	if (transfer_info->broadcast->message_id == MESSAGE_ID_WILLSEND &&
	    transfer_info->req != NULL &&
	    transfer_info->resp_num != 0) {
		nstime_t pull_response_time;
		nstime_delta(&pull_response_time, &transfer_info->resp_ts,
		ti = proto_tree_add_time(ldss_tree, hf_ldss_transfer_response_time,
					 tvb, 0, 0, &pull_response_time);

	/* Link the transfer back to the initiating broadcast. Response time is
	 * calculated as the time from broadcast to completed transfer. */
	ti = proto_tree_add_uint(ldss_tree, hf_ldss_initiated_by,
				 tvb, 0, 0, transfer_info->broadcast->num);

	if (transfer_info->resp_num != 0) {
		nstime_delta(&broadcast_response_time, &transfer_info->resp_ts,
		ti = proto_tree_add_time(ldss_tree, hf_ldss_transfer_completed_in,
					 tvb, 0, 0, &broadcast_response_time);

	/* This conv got its addr2/port2 set by the TCP dissector because a TCP
	 * connection was established. Make a new one to handle future connections
	 * to the addr/port mentioned in the broadcast, because that socket is
	 * still open. */
	if (transfer_tcpinfo->seq == 1 &&
	    transfer_tcpinfo->lastackseq == 1) {


	return tvb_captured_length(tvb);