int main(void){ HIDInterface* hid; hid_return ret; HIDInterfaceMatcher matcher = { VENDOR, PRODUCT, NULL, NULL, 0 }; char packet[PACKET_LEN]; hid_set_debug(HID_DEBUG_NONE); hid_set_debug_stream(stderr); hid_set_usb_debug(0); hid_init(); hid = hid_new_HIDInterface(); ret = hid_force_open(hid, 0, &matcher, 3); if (ret == HID_RET_FAIL_DETACH_DRIVER) { printf("Failed to detach Driver for Device %04x:%04x; Permission?\n", VENDOR, PRODUCT); return 1; } if (ret != HID_RET_SUCCESS) { printf("Could not open HID device %04x:%04x (ret was %d)\n", VENDOR, PRODUCT, ret); return 1; } // printf("hid_force_open ret=%d\n", ret); // hid_set_idle(hid,0,0); // Discard till first '\n' do { memset(packet,0,sizeof(packet)); ret = hid_interrupt_read(hid,0x81,packet,PACKET_LEN,1000); } while (getTheChar(packet[1]) != '\n'); while (1) { memset(packet,0,sizeof(packet)); ret = hid_interrupt_read(hid,0x81,packet,PACKET_LEN,1000); /* if (ret == HID_RET_FAIL_INT_READ) { printf("Fail hid_interrupt_read\n"); } else { printf("hid_interrupt_read ret=%d\n", ret); } */ if( ret == HID_RET_SUCCESS ) { //printPacket(packet,PACKET_LEN); showTemperature(packet); } } hid_close(hid); hid_delete_HIDInterface(&hid); hid_cleanup(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, unsigned char**argv) { int y=device_init(); char AttValue1[3],AttValue2[3]; float LastAtt=0.0; char PNreceive[SEND_PACKET_LEN]; char SNreceive[SEND_PACKET_LEN]; char RFpower[SEND_PACKET_LEN]; int StrLen1; float Att1=0.0; float Att2=0.0; Get_PN(PNreceive,hid1); fprintf(stderr," PN1= %s .\n",PNreceive); /* Get_PN(PNreceive,hid2); */ /* fprintf(stderr," PN2= %s .\n",PNreceive); */ Get_SN(SNreceive,hid1); fprintf(stderr," SN1= %s .\n",SNreceive); /* Get_SN(SNreceive,hid2); */ /* fprintf(stderr," SN2= %s .\n",SNreceive); */ Att1=(float)(atof(argv[1])); Set_Attenuation(Att1,hid1); // set attenuation ReadAtt(AttValue1,hid1); LastAtt=(int)(AttValue1[0])+(float)(AttValue1[1])/4; fprintf(stderr," Attenuation1= %f \n",LastAtt); /* Att2=(float)(atof(argv[2])); Set_Attenuation(Att2,hid2); // set attenuation ReadAtt(AttValue2,hid2); LastAtt=(int)(AttValue2[0])+(float)(AttValue2[1])/4; fprintf(stderr," Attenuation2= %f \n",LastAtt); */ ret = hid_close(hid1); /* ret = hid_close(hid2); */ if (ret != HID_RET_SUCCESS) { fprintf(stderr, "hid_close failed with return code %d\n", ret); return 1; } hid_delete_HIDInterface(&hid1); hid_delete_HIDInterface(&hid2); ret = hid_cleanup(); if (ret != HID_RET_SUCCESS) { fprintf(stderr, "hid_cleanup failed with return code %d\n", ret); return 1; } return 0; }
int main(void) { int i; hid_return ret; HIDInterface* hid; HIDInterfaceMatcher matcher; /* hid_write_library_config(stdout); */ /* hid_set_debug(HID_DEBUG_NOTRACES); */ // hid_set_debug(HID_DEBUG_NONE); hid_set_debug(HID_DEBUG_ALL); hid_set_debug_stream(stderr); hid_set_usb_debug(0); /* data init */ for (i = 0 ; i < 32 ; i++) hid_id[i] = NULL; ret = hid_init(); hid = hid_new_HIDInterface(); matcher.vendor_id = HID_ID_MATCH_ANY; matcher.product_id = HID_ID_MATCH_ANY; matcher.matcher_fn = device_iterator; /* open recursively all HID devices found */ while ( (ret = hid_force_open(hid, 0, 0, &matcher, 2)) != HID_RET_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND) { printf("************************************************************************\n"); hid_write_identification(stdout, hid); /* Only dump HID tree if asked */ /* hid_dump_tree(stdout, hid); */ hid_close(hid); } hid_delete_HIDInterface(&hid); ret = hid_cleanup(); return 0; }
int close_usb_device() { hid_return ret; /*step 1*/ ret = hid_close(hid); if (ret != HID_RET_SUCCESS) { fprintf(stderr, "hid_close failed with return code %d\n", ret); return -1; } /*step 2*/ hid_delete_HIDInterface(&hid); /*step 3*/ ret = hid_cleanup(); if (ret != HID_RET_SUCCESS) { fprintf(stderr, "hid_cleanup failed with return code %d\n", ret); return -1; } return 0; }
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void usbhid_free(t_usbhid* x) { if(x->debug_level) post("usbhid_free"); usbhid_close(x); freebytes(x->x_read_elements,sizeof(t_int) * x->x_read_element_count); freebytes(x->x_write_paths,sizeof(t_int) * x->x_write_path_count); if(x->debug_level) post("[usbhid] freeing instance %d",usbhid_instance_count); hid_delete_HIDInterface(&(x->x_hidinterface)); if(usbhid_instance_count <= 1) { post("[usbhid] freeing last instance"); x->x_hid_return = hid_cleanup(); if (x->x_hid_return != HID_RET_SUCCESS) error("[usbhid] hid_cleanup failed with return code %d\n", x->x_hid_return); } usbhid_instance_count--; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { HIDInterface* hid; int iface_num = 0; hid_return ret; unsigned short vendor_id = 0x1325; unsigned short product_id = 0xc029; char *vendor, *product; // Match USB by VID and PID HIDInterfaceMatcher matcher = { vendor_id, product_id, NULL, NULL, 0 }; // Enable debugging // hid_set_debug(HID_DEBUG_ALL); // hid_set_debug_stream(stderr); // hid_set_usb_debug(0); // Initialize HID ret = hid_init(); if (ret != HID_RET_SUCCESS) { fprintf(stderr, "hid_init failed with return code %d\n", ret); return 1; } else { fprintf(stderr, "*** hid_init success! ***\n"); } hid = hid_new_HIDInterface(); if (hid == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "hid_new_HIDInterface() failed, out of memory?\n"); return 1; } else { fprintf(stderr, "*** hid_new_HIDInterface success! ***\n"); } //TODO: Use hotplug or give permission to USB without sudo /* How to detach a device from the kernel HID driver: * * The hid.o or usbhid.ko kernel modules claim a HID device on insertion, * usually. To be able to use it with libhid, you need to blacklist the * device (which requires a kernel recompilation), or simply tell libhid to * detach it for you. hid_open just opens the device, hid_force_open will * try n times to detach the device before failing. * * To open the HID, you need permission to the file in the /proc usbfs * (which must be mounted -- most distros do that by default): * mount -t usbfs none /proc/bus/usb * You can use hotplug to automatically give permissions to the device on * connection. Please see * * for an example. Try NOT to work as root! */ // Detach kernel ret = hid_force_open(hid, iface_num, &matcher, 25); if (ret != HID_RET_SUCCESS) { fprintf(stderr, "hid_force_open failed with return code %d\n", ret); return 1; } else { fprintf(stderr, "*** hid_forcE_open success! ***\n"); } ret = hid_write_identification(stdout, hid); if (ret != HID_RET_SUCCESS) { fprintf(stderr, "hid_write_identification failed with return code %d\n", ret); return 1; } else { fprintf(stderr, "*** hid_write_identification success! ***\n"); } ret = hid_dump_tree(stdout, hid); if (ret != HID_RET_SUCCESS) { fprintf(stderr, "hid_dump_tree failed with return code %d\n", ret); return 1; } else { fprintf(stderr, "*** hid_dump_tree success! ***\n"); } RFIDCommunication(ret, &hid); printf("\n\n/* * * * * * * * END COMMUNICATION WITH RFID DEVICE * * * * * * * */\n\n"); ret = hid_close(hid); if (ret != HID_RET_SUCCESS) { fprintf(stderr, "hid_close failed with return code %d\n", ret); return 1; } else { fprintf(stderr, "*** hid_close successful! ***\n"); } hid_delete_HIDInterface(&hid); ret = hid_cleanup(); if (ret != HID_RET_SUCCESS) { fprintf(stderr, "hid_cleanup failed with return code %d\n", ret); return 1; } else { fprintf(stderr, "*** hid_cleanup successful! ***\n"); } return 0; }
int main (int argc, char **argv) { int flag; signed short svalue; __u8 input, channel, gain, options; __u8 gains[8], channels[8]; __u16 value; __u16 out_data[512]; signed short in_data[1024]; int count; int temp, i, j; int ch; float freq; time_t startTime, endTime; getAllValues allValue; HIDInterface* hid[4]; // Composite device with 4 interfaces. hid_return ret; int interface; // Debug information. Delete when not needed // hid_set_debug(HID_DEBUG_ALL); // hid_set_debug_stream(stderr); // hid_set_usb_debug(2); ret = hid_init(); if (ret != HID_RET_SUCCESS) { fprintf(stderr, "hid_init failed with return code %d\n", ret); return -1; } for ( i = 0; i <= 3; i++ ) { if ((interface = PMD_Find_Interface(&hid[i], i, USB1408FS_PID)) < 0 ) { fprintf(stderr, "USB 1408FS not found.\n"); exit(1); } else { printf("USB 1408FS Device is found! Interface = %d\n", interface); } } /* config mask 0x01 means all inputs */ usbDConfigPort_USB1408FS(hid[0], DIO_PORTA, DIO_DIR_OUT); usbDConfigPort_USB1408FS(hid[0], DIO_PORTB, DIO_DIR_IN); usbDOut_USB1408FS(hid[0], DIO_PORTA, 0); usbDOut_USB1408FS(hid[0], DIO_PORTA, 0); while(1) { printf("\nUSB 1408FS Testing\n"); printf("----------------\n"); printf("Hit 'a' to test analog output scan.\n"); printf("Hit 'b' to blink LED.\n"); printf("Hit 'c' to test counter.\n"); printf("Hit 'd' to test digital I/O.\n"); printf("Hit 'e' to exit.\n"); printf("Hit 'f' to get all values.\n"); printf("Hit 'g' to test analog input scan (differential).\n"); printf("Hit 'h' to test analog input (single ended).\n"); printf("Hit 'i' to test analog input (differential mode).\n"); printf("Hit 'j' to test analog input scan (single ended).\n"); printf("Hit 'o' to test analog output.\n"); printf("Hit 'r' to reset.\n"); printf("Hit 's' to get status.\n"); while((ch = getchar()) == '\0' || ch == '\n'); switch(tolower(ch)) { case 'b': /* test to see if led blinks */ usbBlink_USB1408FS(hid[0]); break; case 'c': printf("connect pin 20 and 21\n"); usbInitCounter_USB1408FS(hid[0]); sleep(1); flag = fcntl(fileno(stdin), F_GETFL); fcntl(0, F_SETFL, flag | O_NONBLOCK); do { usbDOut_USB1408FS(hid[0], DIO_PORTA, 1); sleep(1); usbDOut_USB1408FS(hid[0], DIO_PORTA, 0); printf("Counter = %d\n",usbReadCounter_USB1408FS(hid[0])); } while (!isalpha(getchar())); fcntl(fileno(stdin), F_SETFL, flag); break; case 'd': printf("\nTesting Digital I/O....\n"); printf("connect pins 21 through 28 <=> 32 through 39\n"); do { printf("Enter a byte number [0-0xff]: " ); scanf("%x", &temp); usbDOut_USB1408FS(hid[0], DIO_PORTA, (__u8)temp); usbDIn_USB1408FS(hid[0], DIO_PORTB, &input); printf("The number you entered = %#x\n",input); } while (toContinue()); break; case 'o': /* test the analog output */ printf("Testing the analog output...\n"); printf("Enter channel [0-1] => (pin 13-14):"); scanf("%d", &temp); channel = (__u8) temp; printf("Enter a value: "); scanf("%hx", &value); usbAOut_USB1408FS(hid[0], channel, value); break; case 'a': /* test Analog Output Scan */ printf("Enter desired frequency [Hz]: "); scanf("%f", &freq); for ( j = 0; j < 2; j++ ) { for (i = 0; i < 512; i++) { out_data[i] = i%2 ? 0 : 0xfff; } usbAOutScan_USB1408FS(hid, 0, 0, 512, &freq, out_data, 1); } break; case 'g': printf("Enter desired frequency [Hz]: "); scanf("%f", &freq); printf("Enter number of samples [1-1024]: "); scanf("%d", &count); printf("\t\t1. +/- 20.V\n"); printf("\t\t2. +/- 10.V\n"); printf("\t\t3. +/- 5.V\n"); printf("\t\t4. +/- 4.V\n"); printf("\t\t5. +/- 2.5V\n"); printf("\t\t6. +/- 2.0V\n"); printf("\t\t7. +/- 1.25V\n"); printf("\t\t8. +/- 1.0V\n"); printf("Select gain: [1-8]\n"); scanf("%d", &temp); switch(temp) { case 1: gain = BP_20_00V; break; case 2: gain = BP_10_00V; break; case 3: gain = BP_5_00V; break; case 4: gain = BP_4_00V; break; case 5: gain = BP_2_50V; break; case 6: gain = BP_2_00V; break; case 7: gain = BP_1_25V; break; case 8: gain = BP_1_00V; break; default: break; } for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { channels[i] = i; gains[i] = gain; } usbALoadQueue_USB1408FS(hid[0], 1, channels, gains); options = AIN_EXECUTION | AIN_GAIN_QUEUE; for ( i = 0; i < 1024; i++ ) { // load data with known value in_data[i] = 0xbeef; } usbAInScan_USB1408FS(hid, 0, 0, count, &freq, options, in_data); for ( i = 0; i < count; i++ ) { printf("data[%d] = %#hx %.2fV\n", i, in_data[i], volts_1408FS(gain, in_data[i])); } usbAInStop_USB1408FS(hid[0]); break; case 'h': printf("Testing Analog Input Single Ended Mode\n"); printf("Select channel [0-7]: "); scanf("%d", &temp); channel = (__u8) (temp); gain = SE_10_00V; flag = fcntl(fileno(stdin), F_GETFL); fcntl(0, F_SETFL, flag | O_NONBLOCK); do { sleep(1); svalue = usbAIn_USB1408FS(hid[0], channel, gain); printf("Channel: %d: value = %#hx, %.2fV\n", channel, svalue, volts_1408FS_SE(svalue)); } while (!isalpha(getchar())); fcntl(fileno(stdin), F_SETFL, flag); break; case 'i': printf("Connect pin 1 - pin 21 and pin 2 - pin 3\n"); printf("Select channel [0-3]: "); scanf("%d", &temp); if ( temp < 0 || temp > 3 ) break; channel = (__u8) temp; printf("\t\t1. +/- 20.V\n"); printf("\t\t2. +/- 10.V\n"); printf("\t\t3. +/- 5.V\n"); printf("\t\t4. +/- 4.V\n"); printf("\t\t5. +/- 2.5V\n"); printf("\t\t6. +/- 2.0V\n"); printf("\t\t7. +/- 1.25V\n"); printf("\t\t8. +/- 1.0V\n"); printf("Select gain: [1-8]\n"); scanf("%d", &temp); switch(temp) { case 1: gain = BP_20_00V; break; case 2: gain = BP_10_00V; break; case 3: gain = BP_5_00V; break; case 4: gain = BP_4_00V; break; case 5: gain = BP_2_50V; break; case 6: gain = BP_2_00V; break; case 7: gain = BP_1_25V; break; case 8: gain = BP_1_00V; break; default: break; } flag = fcntl(fileno(stdin), F_GETFL); fcntl(0, F_SETFL, flag | O_NONBLOCK); do { usbDOut_USB1408FS(hid[0], DIO_PORTA, 0); sleep(1); svalue = usbAIn_USB1408FS(hid[0], channel, gain); printf("Channel: %d: value = %#hx, %.2fV\n", channel, svalue, volts_1408FS(gain, svalue)); usbDOut_USB1408FS(hid[0], DIO_PORTA, 0x1); sleep(1); svalue = usbAIn_USB1408FS(hid[0], channel, gain); printf("Channel: %d: value = %#hx, %.2fV\n", channel, svalue, volts_1408FS(gain, svalue)); } while (!isalpha(getchar())); fcntl(fileno(stdin), F_SETFL, flag); printf("Doing a timing test. Please wait ...\n"); time(&startTime); for (count = 0; count < 500; count++) { svalue = usbAIn_USB1408FS(hid[0], channel, gain); } time(&endTime); printf("Sampling speed is %ld Hz.\n", 500/(endTime - startTime)); break; case 'j': printf("Test of scan mode (single ended).\n"); printf("Enter desired frequency [Hz]: "); scanf("%f", &freq); printf("Enter number of samples [1-1024]: "); scanf("%d", &count); options = AIN_EXECUTION | AIN_GAIN_QUEUE; for ( i = 0; i < 1024; i++ ) { // load data with known value in_data[i] = 0xbeef; } usbAInScan_USB1408FS_SE(hid, 0, 0, count, &freq, options, in_data); for ( i = 0; i < count; i++ ) { printf("data[%d] = %#hx %.2fV\n", i, in_data[i], volts_1408FS_SE(in_data[i])); } break; case 'f': usbGetAll_USB1408FS(hid[0], &allValue); for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { printf("Differential Reference Low channel[%d] = %hd \n", i, allValue.ref_Low[i]); } for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { printf("Differential Reference High channel[%d] = %hd \n", i, allValue.ref_High[i]); } for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { printf("Single Ended Input channel[%d] = %hd \n", i,[i]); } printf("DIO Port A = %#x\n", allValue.dio_portA); printf("DIO Port B = %#x\n", allValue.dio_portB); printf("\n\n\n"); break; case 's': printf("Status = %#x\n", usbGetStatus_USB1408FS(hid[0])); break; case 'r': usbReset_USB1408FS(hid[0]); return 0; break; case 'e': for ( i = 0; i <= 3; i++ ) { ret = hid_close(hid[i]); if (ret != HID_RET_SUCCESS) { fprintf(stderr, "hid_close failed with return code %d\n", ret); return 1; } hid_delete_HIDInterface(&hid[i]); } ret = hid_cleanup(); if (ret != HID_RET_SUCCESS) { fprintf(stderr, "hid_cleanup failed with return code %d\n", ret); return 1; } return 0; break; default: break; } } }
int main (int argc, char **argv) { int flag; signed short svalue; __u8 channel, gain; int temp, i; int ch; __u8 gainArray[16] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ,0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; signed short in_data[1024]; int count; int options; float freq; char serial[9]; HIDInterface* hid[7]; // Composite device with 7 interfaces. hid_return ret; int interface; // Debug information. Delete when not needed // hid_set_debug(HID_DEBUG_ALL); // hid_set_debug_stream(stderr); // hid_set_usb_debug(2); ret = hid_init(); if (ret != HID_RET_SUCCESS) { fprintf(stderr, "hid_init failed with return code %d\n", ret); return -1; } for ( i = 0; i <= 6; i++ ) { if ((interface = PMD_Find_Interface(&hid[i], i, USB1616FS_PID)) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "USB 1616FS not found.\n"); exit(1); } else { printf("USB 1616FS Device is found! Interface = %d\n", interface); } } /* config mask 0x01 means all inputs */ usbDConfigPort_USB1616FS(hid[0], DIO_DIR_OUT); usbDOut_USB1616FS(hid[0], 0); while(1) { printf("\nUSB 1616FS Testing\n"); printf("----------------\n"); printf("Hit 'b' to blink LED\n"); printf("Hit 'c' to test counter\n"); printf("Hit 'd' to test digital output\n"); printf("Hit 'e' to exit\n"); printf("Hit 'g' to get serial number\n"); printf("Hit 'I' to test analog input scan\n"); printf("Hit 'i' to test analog input\n"); printf("Hit 'r' to reset\n"); printf("Hit 's' to get status\n"); printf("Hit 't' to test digital bit I/O\n"); while((ch = getchar()) == '\0' || ch == '\n'); switch(ch) { case 'b': /* test to see if led blinks */ usbBlink_USB1616FS(hid[0]); break; case 'c': printf("connect pin 38 and 21\n"); usbInitCounter_USB1616FS(hid[0]); sleep(1); flag = fcntl(fileno(stdin), F_GETFL); fcntl(0, F_SETFL, flag | O_NONBLOCK); do { usbDOut_USB1616FS(hid[0], 1); usleep(300000); usbDOut_USB1616FS(hid[0], 0); printf("Counter = %d\n",usbReadCounter_USB1616FS(hid[0])); } while (!isalpha(getchar())); fcntl(fileno(stdin), F_SETFL, flag); break; case 'g': usbReadCode_USB1616FS(hid[0], 0x200000, 8, (__u8 *) serial); serial[8] = '\0'; printf("Serial Number = %s\n", serial); break; case 'I': printf("Enter desired frequency [Hz]: "); scanf("%f", &freq); printf("Enter number of samples [1-1024]: "); scanf("%d", &count); printf("\t\t1. +/- 10.V\n"); printf("\t\t2. +/- 5.V\n"); printf("\t\t3. +/- 2.5V\n"); printf("\t\t4. +/- 2.V\n"); printf("\t\t5. +/- 1.25V\n"); printf("\t\t6. +/- 1.0V\n"); printf("\t\t7. +/- 0.625V\n"); printf("\t\t8. +/- 0.3125V\n"); printf("Select gain: [1-8]\n"); scanf("%d", &temp); switch(temp) { case 1: gain = BP_10_00V; break; case 2: gain = BP_5_00V; break; case 3: gain = BP_2_50V; break; case 4: gain = BP_2_00V; break; case 5: gain = BP_1_25V; break; case 6: gain = BP_1_00V; break; case 7: gain = BP_0_625V; break; case 8: gain = BP_0_3125V; break; default: break; } // Load the gain queue gainArray[0] = gain; usbAInLoadQueue_USB1616FS(hid[0], gainArray); // configure options options = AIN_EXECUTION | AIN_DEBUG_MODE; //options = AIN_EXECUTION ; for ( i = 0; i < 1024; i++ ) { // load data with known value in_data[i] = 0xbeef; } usbAInScan_USB1616FS(hid, 0, 0, count, &freq, options, in_data); printf("Actual frequency = %f\n", freq); for ( i = 0; i < count; i++ ) { printf("data[%d] = %#hx %.2fV\n", i, in_data[i], volts_USB1616FS(gain, in_data[i])); } break; case 'i': printf("Connect pin 1 - pin 23\n"); printf("Select channel [0-15]: "); scanf("%d", &temp); if ( temp < 0 || temp > 15 ) break; channel = (__u8) temp; printf("\t\t1. +/- 10.V\n"); printf("\t\t2. +/- 5.V\n"); printf("\t\t3. +/- 2.5V\n"); printf("\t\t4. +/- 2.V\n"); printf("\t\t5. +/- 1.25V\n"); printf("\t\t6. +/- 1.0V\n"); printf("\t\t7. +/- 0.625V\n"); printf("\t\t8. +/- 0.3125V\n"); printf("Select gain: [1-8]\n"); scanf("%d", &temp); switch(temp) { case 1: gain = BP_10_00V; break; case 2: gain = BP_5_00V; break; case 3: gain = BP_2_50V; break; case 4: gain = BP_2_00V; break; case 5: gain = BP_1_25V; break; case 6: gain = BP_1_00V; break; case 7: gain = BP_0_625V; break; case 8: gain = BP_0_3125V; break; default: break; } flag = fcntl(fileno(stdin), F_GETFL); fcntl(0, F_SETFL, flag | O_NONBLOCK); do { svalue = usbAIn_USB1616FS(hid[0], channel, gain); printf("Channel: %d: value = %#hx, %.2fV\n", channel, svalue, volts_USB1616FS(gain, svalue)); } while (!isalpha(getchar())); fcntl(fileno(stdin), F_SETFL, flag); break; case 's': printf("Status = %#x\n", usbGetStatus_USB1616FS(hid[0])); break; case 'r': usbReset_USB1616FS(hid[0]); return 0; break; case 'e': for ( i = 0; i <= 6; i++ ) { ret = hid_close(hid[i]); if (ret != HID_RET_SUCCESS) { fprintf(stderr, "hid_close failed with return code %d\n", ret); return 1; } hid_delete_HIDInterface(&hid[i]); } ret = hid_cleanup(); if (ret != HID_RET_SUCCESS) { fprintf(stderr, "hid_cleanup failed with return code %d\n", ret); return 1; } return 0; break; default: break; } } }
int main(int argc,char **argv) { ir_receiver_t* receiver; // parse command line args if (argc!=2) { printf("You must specify the receiver type: %s type\n",argv[0]); printf("Valid values for type are:\n"); unsigned int i=0; for (i=0;i<NB_IRR;i++) { printf("\t- %s\n",receivers[i].description); } return 1; } else { unsigned int i=0; for (i=0;i<NB_IRR;i++) { if (strncmp(receivers[i].description,argv[1],256)==0) { receiver=&receivers[i]; break; } } } printf("Running for type: %s\n",receiver->description); HIDInterface* hid; hid_return ret; hid_set_debug(0/*HID_DEBUG_ALL*/); hid_set_debug_stream(stderr); /* passed directly to libusb */ hid_set_usb_debug(0); ret = hid_init(); if (ret != HID_RET_SUCCESS) { fprintf(stderr, "hid_init failed with return code %d\n", ret); return 1; } hid = hid_new_HIDInterface(); if (hid == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "hid_new_HIDInterface() failed, out of memory?\n"); return 1; } ret = hid_force_open(hid, 0, &receiver->matcher, 3); if (ret != HID_RET_SUCCESS) { fprintf(stderr, "hid_force_open failed with return code %d\n", ret); return 1; } ret = hid_write_identification(stderr, hid); if (ret != HID_RET_SUCCESS) { fprintf(stderr, "hid_write_identification failed with return code %d\n", ret); return 1; } ret = hid_dump_tree(stderr, hid); if (ret != HID_RET_SUCCESS) { fprintf(stderr, "hid_dump_tree failed with return code %d\n", ret); return 1; } /* Infinite parsing loop use C-c to stop the program */ while (1) { char packet[receiver->packetSize]; ret = hid_interrupt_read(hid, 0x81, packet, receiver->packetSize,10000); if (ret == HID_RET_SUCCESS) { fflush(stdout); } } ret = hid_close(hid); if (ret != HID_RET_SUCCESS) { fprintf(stderr, "hid_close failed with return code %d\n", ret); return 1; } hid_delete_HIDInterface(&hid); ret = hid_cleanup(); if (ret != HID_RET_SUCCESS) { fprintf(stderr, "hid_cleanup failed with return code %d\n", ret); return 1; } return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { HIDInterface* hid; int iface_num = 2; hid_return ret; int index=0; char buff[42]; unsigned short vendor_id = 0x0451; unsigned short product_id = 0x2100; int flag; uint16_t addr=0; uint8_t eepromBuff[512]; memset(eepromBuff, 0x00, 512); // HIDInterfaceMatcher matcher = { 0x0925, 0x1237, NULL, NULL, 0 }; HIDInterfaceMatcher matcher = { vendor_id, product_id, NULL, NULL, 0 }; #if 1 /* see include/debug.h for possible values */ hid_set_debug(HID_DEBUG_ALL); hid_set_debug_stream(stderr); /* passed directly to libusb */ hid_set_usb_debug(0); ret = hid_init(); if (ret != HID_RET_SUCCESS) { fprintf(stderr, "hid_init failed with return code %d\n", ret); return 1; } hid = hid_new_HIDInterface(); if (hid == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "hid_new_HIDInterface() failed, out of memory?\n"); return 1; } ret = hid_force_open(hid, iface_num, &matcher, 3); if (ret != HID_RET_SUCCESS) { fprintf(stderr, "hid_force_open failed with return code %d\n", ret); return 1; } ret = hid_write_identification(stdout, hid); if (ret != HID_RET_SUCCESS) { fprintf(stderr, "hid_write_identification failed with return code %d\n", ret); return 1; } ret = hid_dump_tree(stdout, hid); if (ret != HID_RET_SUCCESS) { fprintf(stderr, "hid_dump_tree failed with return code %d\n", ret); return 1; } //#define _READ #ifdef _READ memset(eepromBuff, 0x00, 512); for (index=0;index < 64;index++) { memset(buff, 0x00, 42); addr = 8*index; buff[0] = PCTransfer; buff[1] = RequestEepromSectionRead; buff[2] = (0xFF00 & addr) >> 8; //M:offset buff[3] = 0x00FF & addr; //L:offset buff[4] = 8; //bytes fprintf(stderr, "sending:\n"); print_bytes(LOG_ERROR, buff, 42); ret = hid_interrupt_write(hid, 0x04, buff, 42, 1000); if (ret != HID_RET_SUCCESS) { fprintf(stderr, "hid_set_output_report failed with return code %d\n", ret); } ret = hid_interrupt_read(hid, 0x03, buff, 42, 1000); if (ret != HID_RET_SUCCESS) { fprintf(stderr, "hid_set_output_report failed with return code %d\n", ret); } fprintf(stderr, "readed:\n"); print_bytes(LOG_ERROR, buff, 42); if(buff[0] & PCRequestError) { logwrite(LOG_ERROR, "USB: request error"); } if(!(buff[1] & RequestDone)) { logwrite(LOG_ERROR, "USB: request is not done!"); } logwrite(LOG_ERROR, "USB: retval: %02x", buff[2]); memcpy(&eepromBuff[8*index], &buff[3], 8); } #endif #define _WRITE #ifdef _WRITE memset(eepromBuff, 0xFF, 512); int commands = eeprom_data_size()/8; if(commands < 0 || commands > 62) { logwrite(LOG_ERROR, "WRONG COMMANDS NUMBER: %d", commands); exit(1); } logwrite(LOG_ERROR, "total commands: %d", commands); /* 2 bytes of sync + number of commands! */ eepromBuff[0] = 0xb0; eepromBuff[1] = 0x0b; eepromBuff[2] = commands; for (index=0;index < commands;index++) { fprintf(stderr, "w%d: eepromBuff[%d], eepromData[%d]\n", index, (index+1)*8, index*8); memcpy(&eepromBuff[(index+1)*8], &eepromData[8*index], 8); } for (index=0;index <= commands;index++) { addr = 8*index; memset(buff, 0x00, 42); buff[0] = PCTransfer; buff[1] = RequestEepromSectionWrite; buff[2] = (0xFF00 & addr) >> 8; //M:offset buff[3] = 0x00FF & addr; //L:offset buff[4] = 8; //bytes memcpy(&buff[5], &eepromBuff[8*index], 8); fprintf(stderr, "sending:\n"); print_bytes(LOG_ERROR, buff, 42); ret = hid_interrupt_write(hid, 0x04, buff, 42, 1000); if (ret != HID_RET_SUCCESS) { fprintf(stderr, "hid_set_output_report failed with return code %d\n", ret); } ret = hid_interrupt_read(hid, 0x03, buff, 42, 1000); if (ret != HID_RET_SUCCESS) { fprintf(stderr, "hid_set_output_report failed with return code %d\n", ret); } fprintf(stderr, "readed:\n"); print_bytes(LOG_ERROR, buff, 42); if(buff[0] & PCRequestError) { logwrite(LOG_ERROR, "USB: request error"); } if(!(buff[1] & RequestDone)) { logwrite(LOG_ERROR, "USB: request is not done!"); } logwrite(LOG_ERROR, "USB: retval: %02x", buff[2]); } #endif ret = hid_close(hid); if (ret != HID_RET_SUCCESS) { fprintf(stderr, "hid_close failed with return code %d\n", ret); return 1; } hid_delete_HIDInterface(&hid); ret = hid_cleanup(); if (ret != HID_RET_SUCCESS) { fprintf(stderr, "hid_cleanup failed with return code %d\n", ret); return 1; } #endif fprintf(stderr, "EEPROM DATA:\n"); for (index=0;index < 64;index++) { print_bytes(LOG_ERROR, &eepromBuff[8*index], 8); } return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int ch; int i; int nchan; __u8 bIReg, bOReg; __u8 in_options, out_options; float temperature; float volts; float temperature_array[8]; float value_1, value_2; int flag; char type[10]; HIDInterface* hid = 0x0; // Composite device with 1 interface. hid_return ret; int interface; char serial[9]; // Debug information. Delete when not needed // hid_set_debug(HID_DEBUG_ALL); // hid_set_debug_stream(stderr); // hid_set_usb_debug(2); ret = hid_init(); if (ret != HID_RET_SUCCESS) { fprintf(stderr, "hid_init failed with return code %d\n", ret); return -1; } if ((interface = PMD_Find_Interface(&hid, 0, USBTC_AI_PID)) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "USB TC-AI not found.\n"); exit(1); } else { printf("USB TC-AI Device is found! Interface = %d\n", interface); } /* config mask 0x01 means all inputs */ usbDConfigPort_USBTC_AI(hid, DIO_DIR_OUT); usbDOut_USBTC_AI(hid, 0x0); while(1) { printf("\nUSB TC-AI Testing\n"); printf("----------------\n"); printf("Hit 'a' to get alarm status\n"); printf("Hit 'b' to blink LED\n"); printf("Hit 'c' to calibrate\n"); printf("Hit 'd' to test DIO\n"); printf("Hit 'e' to exit\n"); printf("Hit 'f' for burnout status\n"); printf("Hit 'g' to get serial number\n"); printf("Hit 'h' to run the counter\n"); printf("Hit 'r' to reset\n"); printf("Hit 'p' read the CJC\n"); printf("Hit 's' to get status\n"); printf("Hit 't' to measure temperature\n"); printf("Hit 'x' to measure temperature (Thermocouple) multiple channels\n"); printf("Hit 'v' to measure voltage (channels 4-7)\n"); while((ch = getchar()) == '\0' || ch == '\n'); switch(tolower(ch)) { case 'a': for ( i = 0; i < 8; i++ ) { value_1 = 1.0 + i; value_2 = 0.0; in_options = 0x40 | i; out_options = 0x0; // disable alarm usleep(10000); usbConfigAlarm_USBTC_AI(hid, i, in_options, out_options, value_1, value_2); usleep(10000); usbGetAlarmConfig_USBTC_AI(hid, i, &in_options, &out_options, &value_1, &value_2); printf("Alarm %d: input options = %#x output options = %#x value_1 = %f value_2 = %f\n", i, in_options, out_options, value_1, value_2); } printf("\n"); break; case 'b': /* test to see if led blinks */ usbBlink_USBTC_AI(hid); break; case 'c': /* calibration */ usbCalibrate_USBTC_AI(hid, 0); usbCalibrate_USBTC_AI(hid, 1); break; case 'f': /* Get status of thermocouple burnout detection */ printf("Burnout status = %#x\n", usbGetBurnoutStatus_USBTC_AI(hid, 0xf)); break; case 'g': strncpy(serial, PMD_GetSerialNumber(hid), 9); printf("Serial Number = %s\n", serial); break; case 'p': /* read the CJC */ usbAin_USBTC_AI(hid, CJC0, 0, &temperature); printf("CJC 0 = %.2f degress Celsius or %.2f degrees Fahrenheit.\n", temperature, celsius2fahr(temperature)); break; case 'd': /* test to see if led blinks */ printf("conect DIO0 - DIO4\n"); printf("conect DIO1 - DIO5\n"); printf("conect DIO2 - DIO6\n"); printf("conect DIO3 - DIO7\n"); usbDConfigBit_USBTC_AI(hid, 0, DIO_DIR_OUT); usbDConfigBit_USBTC_AI(hid, 1, DIO_DIR_OUT); usbDConfigBit_USBTC_AI(hid, 2, DIO_DIR_OUT); usbDConfigBit_USBTC_AI(hid, 3, DIO_DIR_OUT); usbDConfigBit_USBTC_AI(hid, 4, DIO_DIR_IN); usbDConfigBit_USBTC_AI(hid, 5, DIO_DIR_IN); usbDConfigBit_USBTC_AI(hid, 6, DIO_DIR_IN); usbDConfigBit_USBTC_AI(hid, 7, DIO_DIR_IN); do { printf("Enter value [0-f]: "); scanf("%hhx", &bIReg); bIReg &= 0xf; usbDOut_USBTC_AI(hid, bIReg); usbDIn_USBTC_AI(hid, &bOReg); printf("value = %#hhx\n", bOReg); } while (toContinue()); break; case 'h': printf("connect CTR to DIO0.\n"); usbDConfigBit_USBTC_AI(hid, 0, DIO_DIR_OUT); usbInitCounter_USBTC_AI(hid); sleep(1); flag = fcntl(fileno(stdin), F_GETFL); fcntl(0, F_SETFL, flag | O_NONBLOCK); do { usbDOutBit_USBTC_AI(hid, 0, 1); usleep(200000); usbDOutBit_USBTC_AI(hid, 0, 0); printf("Counter = %d\n",usbReadCounter_USBTC_AI(hid)); } while (!isalpha(getchar())); fcntl(fileno(stdin), F_SETFL, flag); break; case 's': printf("Status = %#x\n", usbGetStatus_USBTC_AI(hid)); break; case 'r': usbReset_USBTC_AI(hid); return 0; break; case 'e': ret = hid_close(hid); if (ret != HID_RET_SUCCESS) { fprintf(stderr, "hid_close failed with return code %d\n", ret); return 1; } hid_delete_HIDInterface(&hid); ret = hid_cleanup(); if (ret != HID_RET_SUCCESS) { fprintf(stderr, "hid_cleanup failed with return code %d\n", ret); return 1; } return 0; break; case 't': printf("Select Channel [0-3]: "); scanf("%d", &i); if ( i > 3 ) { printf("Channel must be between 0-3.\n"); i = 0; } printf("Connect thermocouple to channel %d\n", i); printf(" Select Thermocouple Type [JKSRBETN]: "); scanf("%s", type); switch(type[0]) { case 'J': bIReg = TYPE_J; printf("Type J Thermocouple Selected: \n"); break; case 'K': bIReg = TYPE_K; printf("Type K Thermocouple Selected: \n"); break; case 'T': bIReg = TYPE_T; printf("Type T Thermocouple Selected: \n"); break; case 'E': bIReg = TYPE_E; printf("Type E Thermocouple Selected: \n"); break; case 'R': bIReg = TYPE_R; printf("Type R Thermocouple Selected: \n"); break; case 'S': bIReg = TYPE_S; printf("Type S Thermocouple Selected: \n"); break; case 'B': bIReg = TYPE_B; printf("Type B Thermocouple Selected: \n"); break; case 'N': bIReg = TYPE_N; printf("Type N Thermocouple Selected: \n"); break; default: printf("Unknown or unsupported thermocopule type.\n"); break; } usbSetItem_USBTC_AI(hid, i, i%2+CH_0_TC, bIReg); flag = fcntl(fileno(stdin), F_GETFL); fcntl(0, F_SETFL, flag | O_NONBLOCK); do { usbAin_USBTC_AI(hid, i, 0, &temperature); printf("Channel: %d %.2f degress Celsius or %.2f degrees Fahrenheit.\n", i, temperature, celsius2fahr(temperature)); sleep(1); } while (!isalpha(getchar())); fcntl(fileno(stdin), F_SETFL, flag); break; case 'x': printf("Enter number of Channels (1-4): "); scanf("%d", &nchan); if (nchan > 4) nchan = 4; for ( i = 0; i < nchan; i++ ) { printf("Connect thermocouple to channel %d\n", i); printf(" Select Thermocouple Type [JKSRBETN]: "); scanf("%s", type); switch(type[0]) { case 'J': bIReg = TYPE_J; printf("Type J Thermocouple Selected: \n"); break; case 'K': bIReg = TYPE_K; printf("Type K Thermocouple Selected: \n"); break; case 'T': bIReg = TYPE_T; printf("Type T Thermocouple Selected: \n"); break; case 'E': bIReg = TYPE_E; printf("Type E Thermocouple Selected: \n"); break; case 'R': bIReg = TYPE_R; printf("Type R Thermocouple Selected: \n"); break; case 'S': bIReg = TYPE_S; printf("Type S Thermocouple Selected: \n"); break; case 'B': bIReg = TYPE_B; printf("Type B Thermocouple Selected: \n"); break; case 'N': bIReg = TYPE_N; printf("Type N Thermocouple Selected: \n"); break; default: printf("Unknown or unsupported thermocopule type.\n"); break; } usbSetItem_USBTC_AI(hid, i/2, i%2+CH_0_TC, bIReg); } flag = fcntl(fileno(stdin), F_GETFL); fcntl(0, F_SETFL, flag | O_NONBLOCK); do { usbAinScan_USBTC_AI(hid, CH0, nchan-1, 0, temperature_array); for ( i = 0; i < nchan; i++ ) { printf("Channel %d: %.2f degress Celsius or %.2f degrees Fahrenheit.\n", i, temperature_array[i], celsius2fahr(temperature_array[i])); } printf("\n"); sleep(1); } while (!isalpha(getchar())); fcntl(fileno(stdin), F_SETFL, flag); break; case 'v': printf("Select Channel [4-7]: "); scanf("%d", &i); if ( i < 4 || i > 7 ) { printf("Channel must be between 4-7 inclusive. Setting to 4\n"); i = 4; } //usbSetItem_USBTC_AI(hid, i/2, SENSOR_TYPE, VOLTAGE); usbSetItem_USBTC_AI(hid, i/2, i%2+CH_0_VOLT_CONN, DIFFERENTIAL); usbSetItem_USBTC_AI(hid, i/2, i%2+CH_0_GAIN, GAIN_4X); // +/- 10V. flag = fcntl(fileno(stdin), F_GETFL); fcntl(0, F_SETFL, flag | O_NONBLOCK); do { usbAin_USBTC_AI(hid, i, 0, &volts); printf("Channel: %d %.2f Volts.\n", i, volts); sleep(1); } while (!isalpha(getchar())); fcntl(fileno(stdin), F_SETFL, flag); break; default: break; } } }
int main (int argc, char **argv) { __u8 input; int temp; int ch; char serial[9]; HIDInterface* hid = 0x0; hid_return ret; int interface; __u8 port; __u8 pin = 0; __u8 bit_value; __u16 status; int device = 0; // either USBSSR24 or USBSSR08 // Debug information. Delete when not needed // hid_set_debug(HID_DEBUG_ALL); // hid_set_debug_stream(stderr); // hid_set_usb_debug(2); ret = hid_init(); if (ret != HID_RET_SUCCESS) { fprintf(stderr, "hid_init failed with return code %d\n", ret); return -1; } if ((interface = PMD_Find_Interface(&hid, 0, USBSSR24_PID)) >= 0) { printf("USB SSR24 Device is found! Interface = %d\n", interface); device = USBSSR24_PID; } else if ((interface = PMD_Find_Interface(&hid, 0, USBSSR08_PID)) >= 0) { printf("USB SSR08 Device is found! Interface = %d\n", interface); device = USBSSR08_PID; } else { fprintf(stderr, "USB SSR24 or SSR08 not found.\n"); exit(-1); } while(1) { printf("\nUSB SSR24 & SSR08 Testing\n"); printf("----------------\n"); printf("Hit 'b' to blink LED\n"); printf("Hit 'd' to test digital I/O \n"); printf("Hit 'e' to exit\n"); printf("Hit 'g' to get serial number\n"); printf("Hit 's' to get status\n"); printf("Hit 'r' to reset\n"); printf("Hit 't' to test digital bit I/O\n"); while((ch = getchar()) == '\0' || ch == '\n'); switch(ch) { case 'b': /* test to see if led blinks */ usbBlink_USBSSR(hid); break; case 'd': printf("\nTesting Digital I/O....\n"); do { if (device == USBSSR24_PID) { printf("Enter a port number [0-3]: "); scanf("%hhd", &port); if (port > 3) break; } else { printf("Enter a port number [2-3]: "); // only CL and CH on SSR08 scanf("%hhd", &port); printf("port = %d\n", port); if (port != 2 && port != 3) continue; } status = usbGetStatus_USBSSR(hid); switch (port) { case 0: /* Port A */ if (status & 0x1<<0) { printf(" Port A direction = input\n"); input = usbDIn_USBSSR(hid, port); printf(" Port A = %#x\n", input); } else { printf(" Port A direction = output\n"); printf("Enter a byte number [0-0xff] : " ); scanf("%x", &temp); usbDOut_USBSSR(hid, port, (__u8)temp); } if (status & 0x1<<4) { printf(" Port A polarity = normal\n"); } else { printf(" Port A polarity = inverted\n"); } if (status & 0x1<<8) { printf(" Port A = pull up\n"); } else { printf(" Port A = pull down\n"); } break; case 1: /* Port B */ if (status & 0x1<<1) { printf(" Port B direction = input\n"); input = usbDIn_USBSSR(hid, port); printf(" Port B = %#x\n", input); } else { printf(" Port B direction = output\n"); printf("Enter a byte number [0-0xff] : " ); scanf("%x", &temp); usbDOut_USBSSR(hid, port, (__u8)temp); } if (status & 0x1<<5) { printf(" Port B polarity = normal\n"); } else { printf(" Port B polarity = inverted\n"); } if (status & 0x1<<9) { printf(" Port B = pull up\n"); } else { printf(" Port B = pull down\n"); } break; case 2: /* Port C Low */ if (status & 0x1<<2) { printf(" Port C Low direction = input\n"); input = usbDIn_USBSSR(hid, port); printf(" Port C Low = %#x\n", input); } else { printf(" Port C Low direction = output\n"); printf("Enter a byte number [0-0xff] : " ); scanf("%x", &temp); usbDOut_USBSSR(hid, port, (__u8)temp); } if (status & 0x1<<6) { printf(" Port C Low polarity = normal\n"); } else { printf(" Port C Low polarity = inverted\n"); } if (status & 0x1<<10) { printf(" Port C Low = pull up\n"); } else { printf(" Port C Low = pull down\n"); } break; case 3: /* Port C High */ if (status & 0x1<<3) { printf(" Port C High direction = input\n"); input = usbDIn_USBSSR(hid, port); printf(" Port C High = %#x\n", input); } else { printf(" Port C High direction = output\n"); printf("Enter a byte number [0-0xff] : " ); scanf("%x", &temp); usbDOut_USBSSR(hid, port, (__u8)temp); usbDOut_USBSSR(hid, port, (__u8)temp); } if (status & 0x1<<7) { printf(" Port C High polarity = normal\n"); } else { printf(" Port C High polarity = inverted\n"); } if (status & 0x1<<11) { printf(" Port C High = pull up\n"); } else { printf(" Port C High = pull down\n"); } break; } } while (toContinue()); break; case 'g': usbReadCode_USBSSR(hid, 0x200000, 8, (__u8 *) serial); serial[8] = '\0'; printf("Serial Number = %s\n", serial); break; case 't': printf("\nTesting Digital Bit I/O....\n"); do { if (device == USBSSR24_PID) { printf("Enter a port number [0-3]: "); scanf("%hhd", &port); if (port > 3) break; } else { printf("Enter a port number [2-3]: "); // only CL and CH on SSR08 scanf("%hhd", &port); printf("port = %d\n", port); if (port != 2 && port != 3) continue; } printf("Select the Pin in port %d [0-7] :", port); scanf("%hhd", &pin); status = usbGetStatus_USBSSR(hid); switch (port) { case 0: /* Port A */ if (status & 0x1<<0) { printf(" Port A direction = input\n"); input = usbDBitIn_USBSSR(hid, port, pin); printf(" Port %d Pin %d = %#x\n", port, pin, input); } else { printf(" Port A direction = output\n"); printf("Enter a bit value for output (0 | 1) : "); scanf("%hhd", &bit_value); usbDBitOut_USBSSR(hid, port, pin, bit_value); } if (status & 0x1<<4) { printf(" Port A polarity = normal\n"); } else { printf(" Port A polarity = inverted\n"); } if (status & 0x1<<8) { printf(" Port A = pull up\n"); } else { printf(" Port A = pull down\n"); } break; case 1: /* Port B */ if (status & 0x1<<1) { printf(" Port B direction = input\n"); input = usbDBitIn_USBSSR(hid, port, pin); printf(" Port %d Pin %d = %#x\n", port, pin, input); } else { printf(" Port B direction = output\n"); printf("Enter a bit value for output (0 | 1) : "); scanf("%hhd", &bit_value); usbDBitOut_USBSSR(hid, port, pin, bit_value); } if (status & 0x1<<5) { printf(" Port B polarity = normal\n"); } else { printf(" Port B polarity = inverted\n"); } if (status & 0x1<<9) { printf(" Port B = pull up\n"); } else { printf(" Port B = pull down\n"); } break; case 2: /* Port C Low */ if (status & 0x1<<2) { printf(" Port C Low direction = input\n"); input = usbDBitIn_USBSSR(hid, port, pin); printf(" Port %d Pin %d = %#x\n", port, pin, input); } else { printf(" Port C Low direction = output\n"); printf("Enter a bit value for output (0 | 1) : "); scanf("%hhd", &bit_value); usbDBitOut_USBSSR(hid, port, pin, bit_value); } if (status & 0x1<<6) { printf(" Port C Low polarity = normal\n"); } else { printf(" Port C Low polarity = inverted\n"); } if (status & 0x1<<10) { printf(" Port C Low = pull up\n"); } else { printf(" Port C Low = pull down\n"); } break; case 3: /* Port C High */ if (status & 0x1<<3) { printf(" Port C High direction = input\n"); input = usbDBitIn_USBSSR(hid, port, pin); printf(" Port %d Pin %d = %#x\n", port, pin, input); } else { printf(" Port B direction = output\n"); printf("Enter a bit value for output (0 | 1) : "); scanf("%hhd", &bit_value); usbDBitOut_USBSSR(hid, port, pin, bit_value); } if (status & 0x1<<7) { printf(" Port C High polarity = normal\n"); } else { printf(" Port C High polarity = inverted\n"); } if (status & 0x1<<11) { printf(" Port C High = pull up\n"); } else { printf(" Port C High = pull down\n"); } break; } } while (toContinue()); break; case 's': status = usbGetStatus_USBSSR(hid); printf("Status = %#x\n", status); if (device == USBSSR24_PID) { if (status & 0x1<<0) { printf(" Port A direction = input\n"); } else { printf(" Port A direction = output\n"); } if (status & 0x1<<4) { printf(" Port A polarity = normal\n"); } else { printf(" Port A polarity = inverted\n"); } if (status & 0x1<<8) { printf(" Port A = pull up\n"); } else { printf(" Port A = pull down\n"); } /* Port B */ if (status & 0x1<<1) { printf(" Port B direction = input\n"); } else { printf(" Port B direction = output\n"); } if (status & 0x1<<5) { printf(" Port B polarity = normal\n"); } else { printf(" Port B polarity = inverted\n"); } if (status & 0x1<<9) { printf(" Port B = pull up\n"); } else { printf(" Port B = pull down\n"); } } /* Port C Low */ if (status & 0x1<<2) { printf(" Port C Low direction = input\n"); } else { printf(" Port C Low direction = output\n"); usbDOut_USBSSR(hid, port, (__u8)temp); } if (status & 0x1<<6) { printf(" Port C Low polarity = normal\n"); } else { printf(" Port C Low polarity = inverted\n"); } if (status & 0x1<<10) { printf(" Port C Low = pull up\n"); } else { printf(" Port C Low = pull down\n"); } /* Port C High */ if (status & 0x1<<3) { printf(" Port C High direction = input\n"); } else { printf(" Port C High direction = output\n"); } if (status & 0x1<<7) { printf(" Port C High polarity = normal\n"); } else { printf(" Port C High polarity = inverted\n"); } if (status & 0x1<<11) { printf(" Port C High = pull up\n"); } else { printf(" Port C High = pull down\n"); } break; case 'r': usbReset_USBSSR(hid); return 0; break; case 'e': ret = hid_close(hid); if (ret != HID_RET_SUCCESS) { fprintf(stderr, "hid_close failed with return code %d\n", ret); return 1; } hid_delete_HIDInterface(&hid); ret = hid_cleanup(); if (ret != HID_RET_SUCCESS) { fprintf(stderr, "hid_cleanup failed with return code %d\n", ret); return 1; } return 0; default: break; } } }
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { char buffer[64]; HIDInterface* hid; HIDInterfaceMatcher matcher = { CH_USB_VID, CH_USB_PID_FIRMWARE, NULL, NULL, 0 }; hid_return ret; int i; int iface_num = 0; int length; unsigned int timeout = 1000; /* ms */ hid_set_debug (HID_DEBUG_ALL); hid_set_debug_stream (stderr); hid_set_usb_debug (0); ret = hid_init (); if (ret != HID_RET_SUCCESS) { fprintf (stderr, "hid_init failed with return code %d\n", ret); return 1; } hid = hid_new_HIDInterface (); if (hid == 0) { fprintf (stderr, "hid_new_HIDInterface () failed\n"); return 1; } ret = hid_force_open (hid, iface_num, &matcher, 3); if (ret != HID_RET_SUCCESS) { fprintf (stderr, "hid_force_open failed with return code %d\n", ret); return 1; } ret = hid_write_identification (stdout, hid); if (ret != HID_RET_SUCCESS) { fprintf (stderr, "hid_write_identification failed with return code %d\n", ret); return 1; } ret = hid_dump_tree (stdout, hid); if (ret != HID_RET_SUCCESS) { fprintf (stderr, "hid_dump_tree failed with return code %d\n", ret); return 1; } /* turn all the LEDs on */ memset (buffer, 0x00, sizeof (buffer)); buffer[0] = 0x0e; buffer[1] = 0x03; ret = hid_interrupt_write (hid, 0x01, buffer, sizeof (buffer), timeout); if (ret != HID_RET_SUCCESS) { fprintf (stderr, "failed calling hid_interrupt_write\n"); return 1; } /* read the return message */ length = 2; ret = hid_interrupt_read (hid, 0x01, buffer, length, timeout); if (ret != HID_RET_SUCCESS) { printf ("hid_interrupt_read failed\n"); return 1; } printf ("Data received from USB device: "); for (i=0; i < length; i++) { printf ("0x%02x, ", buffer[i]); } printf ("\n"); ret = hid_close (hid); if (ret != HID_RET_SUCCESS) { fprintf (stderr, "hid_close failed with return code %d\n", ret); return 1; } hid_delete_HIDInterface (&hid); ret = hid_cleanup (); if (ret != HID_RET_SUCCESS) { fprintf (stderr, "hid_cleanup failed with return code %d\n", ret); return 1; } return 0; }
int main(int argc, char** argp) { HIDInterface* hid; hid_return ret; char* const HEXPREFIX = "0x"; unsigned char const HEXPREFIXLEN = 2; unsigned char const HEXSTRINGLEN = 6; unsigned char const HEXNUMLEN = 4; char vendor_id_s[HEXSTRINGLEN + 1], product_id_s[HEXSTRINGLEN + 1]; unsigned short vendor_id = 0, product_id = 0; if (argc != 2 || strlen(argp[1]) != strlen("dead:beef")) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s vendor_id:product_id\n", argp[0]); fprintf(stderr, " Eg: %s 06c2:0038\n", argp[0]); return 255; } memcpy(vendor_id_s, HEXPREFIX, HEXPREFIXLEN); strncpy(vendor_id_s + HEXPREFIXLEN, argp[1], HEXNUMLEN); vendor_id = 0xffff & strtol(vendor_id_s, NULL, 16); memcpy(product_id_s, HEXPREFIX, HEXPREFIXLEN); strncpy(product_id_s + HEXPREFIXLEN, argp[1] + HEXNUMLEN + 1, HEXNUMLEN); product_id = 0xffff & strtol(product_id_s, NULL, 16); fprintf(stderr, "Trying to detach HID with IDs %04x:%04x... ", vendor_id, product_id); HIDInterfaceMatcher matcher = { vendor_id, product_id, NULL, NULL, 0 }; ret = hid_init(); if (ret != HID_RET_SUCCESS) { fprintf(stderr, "hid_init failed with return code %d.\n", ret); return 1; } hid = hid_new_HIDInterface(); if (hid == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "hid_new_HIDInterface() failed, out of memory?\n"); return 1; } ret = hid_force_open(hid, 0, &matcher, 3); if (ret != HID_RET_SUCCESS) { fprintf(stderr, "hid_force_open failed with return code %d.\n", ret); return 1; } ret = hid_close(hid); if (ret != HID_RET_SUCCESS) { fprintf(stderr, "hid_close failed with return code %d.\n", ret); return 1; } hid_delete_HIDInterface(&hid); ret = hid_cleanup(); if (ret != HID_RET_SUCCESS) { fprintf(stderr, "hid_cleanup failed with return code %d.\n", ret); return 1; } fprintf(stderr, "done.\n"); return 0; }