コード例 #1
void HLCALLBACK buttonCB(HLenum event, HLuint object, HLenum thread, 
                         HLcache *cache, void *userdata)
    if (event == HL_EVENT_1BUTTONDOWN)
        HLuint spring = *((HLuint *) userdata); 

        HDdouble anchor[3];
        hlCacheGetDoublev(cache, HL_PROXY_POSITION, anchor);

        hlEffectd(HL_EFFECT_PROPERTY_GAIN, 0.8);
        hlEffectd(HL_EFFECT_PROPERTY_MAGNITUDE, 1.0);
        hlEffectdv(HL_EFFECT_PROPERTY_POSITION, anchor);
        hlStartEffect(HL_EFFECT_SPRING, spring);
    else if (event == HL_EVENT_1BUTTONUP)
        HLuint spring = *((HLuint *) userdata); 

    else if (event == HL_EVENT_2BUTTONDOWN)
        static const HDdouble direction[3] = { 0, 0, 1 };
        static const HDdouble duration = 100; /* ms */

        /* Trigger an impulse by commanding a force with a
           direction and magnitude for a small duration. */
        hlEffectd(HL_EFFECT_PROPERTY_DURATION, duration);
        hlEffectd(HL_EFFECT_PROPERTY_MAGNITUDE, 0.8);
        hlEffectdv(HL_EFFECT_PROPERTY_DIRECTION, direction);
コード例 #2
ファイル: main.cpp プロジェクト: danepowell/openhaptics
 	Function:	OnDragSurface
 	Event callback function called when moving device while touching surface.
void HLCALLBACK OnDragSurface(HLenum event, HLuint object, 
                              HLenum thread, HLcache *cache, 
                              void *userdata)
    hduVector3Dd proxyPos;
    hlCacheGetDoublev(cache, HL_PROXY_POSITION, proxyPos);

    hduVector3Dd contactNormal;
    hlCacheGetDoublev(cache, HL_PROXY_TOUCH_NORMAL, contactNormal);
    hduVector3Dd reactionForce;
    hlCacheGetDoublev(cache, HL_DEVICE_FORCE, reactionForce);
    const double deviceToParticleForce = 5.0;
    hduVector3Dd particleForce = 
        -deviceToParticleForce * contactNormal * reactionForce.magnitude();

    mPS.HapticDeviceMove(proxyPos, particleForce);
コード例 #3
ファイル: Events.cpp プロジェクト: danepowell/openhaptics
void HLCALLBACK touchShapeCallback(HLenum event, HLuint object, HLenum thread, 
                                   HLcache *cache, void *userdata)
    hduVector3Dd proxy;
    std::cout << "Touched ObjectID: " << object << " at point ";
    hlCacheGetDoublev(cache, HL_PROXY_POSITION, proxy);
    std::cout << proxy << " ";
    HLboolean buttDown;
    hlCacheGetBooleanv(cache, HL_BUTTON1_STATE, &buttDown);
    std::cout << "button 1 " << (buttDown ? "down" : "up") << std::endl;
コード例 #4
ファイル: main.cpp プロジェクト: danepowell/openhaptics
 Servo loop thread callback.  Computes a force effect. This callback defines the motion
 of the purple skull and calculates the force based on the "real-time" Proxy position
 in Device space.
void HLCALLBACK computeForceCB(HDdouble force[3], HLcache *cache, void *userdata)
    DataTransportClass *localdataObject = (DataTransportClass *) userdata;//Typecast the pointer passed in appropriately
    hduVector3Dd skullPositionDS;//Position of the skull (Moving sphere) in Device Space.
	hduVector3Dd proxyPosition;//Position of the proxy in device space
	HDdouble instRate = 0.0;
	HDdouble deltaT = 0.0;
	static float counter = 0.0;
	float degInRad = 0.0;
	static int counter1 = 0;

    // Get the time delta since the last update.
    hdGetDoublev(HD_INSTANTANEOUS_UPDATE_RATE, &instRate);
    deltaT = 1.0 / instRate;
    degInRad = counter*20*3.14159/180;
	hduVector3Dd ModelPos = localdataObject->Model->getTranslation();
	localdataObject->Model->setTranslation(cos(degInRad)*64.0, sin(degInRad)*64.0,5.0);//Move the skull aroubnd in a circle

    WorldToDevice.multVecMatrix(localdataObject->Model->getTranslation(),skullPositionDS);//Convert the position of the sphere from world space to device space
    hlCacheGetDoublev(cache, HL_PROXY_POSITION, proxyPosition);//Get the position of the proxy in Device Coordinates (All HL commands in the servo loop callback fetch values in device coordinates)
    forceVec = forceField(proxyPosition, skullPositionDS, 40.0, 5.0);//Calculate the force

    if(counter1>2000)//Make the force start after 2 seconds of program start. This is because the servo loop thread executes before the graphics thread. 
		//Hence global variables set in the graphics thread will not be valid for sometime in the begining og the program
        force[0] = forceVec[0];
        force[1] = forceVec[1];
        force[2] = forceVec[2];
        counter1 = 2001;
        force[0] = 0.0;
        force[1] = 0.0;
        force[2] = 0.0;
コード例 #5
 Creates a spring upon button press.
void HLCALLBACK buttonCB(HLenum event, HLuint object, HLenum thread, 
                         HLcache *cache, void *userdata)
    if (event == HL_EVENT_1BUTTONDOWN)
        HLuint spring = *((HLuint *) userdata); 

        HDdouble anchor[3];
        hlCacheGetDoublev(cache, HL_PROXY_POSITION, anchor);

        hlEffectd(HL_EFFECT_PROPERTY_GAIN, 0.8);
        hlEffectd(HL_EFFECT_PROPERTY_MAGNITUDE, 1.0);
        hlEffectdv(HL_EFFECT_PROPERTY_POSITION, anchor);
        hlStartEffect(HL_EFFECT_SPRING, spring);
    else if (event == HL_EVENT_1BUTTONUP)
        HLuint spring = *((HLuint *) userdata); 
