int show_summary_msg(struct imsg *imsg, int type) { struct rdr *rdr; struct table *table; struct host *host; struct relay *rlay; struct router *rt; struct netroute *nr; struct ctl_stats stats[RELAY_MAXPROC]; char name[MAXHOSTNAMELEN]; switch (imsg->hdr.type) { case IMSG_CTL_RDR: if (!(type == SHOW_SUM || type == SHOW_RDRS)) break; rdr = imsg->data; printf("%-4u\t%-8s\t%-24s\t%-7s\t%s\n", rdr->, "redirect", rdr->, "", print_rdr_status(rdr->conf.flags)); break; case IMSG_CTL_TABLE: if (!(type == SHOW_SUM || type == SHOW_HOSTS)) break; table = imsg->data; printf("%-4u\t%-8s\t%-24s\t%-7s\t%s\n", table->, "table", table->, "", print_table_status(table->up, table->conf.flags)); break; case IMSG_CTL_HOST: if (!(type == SHOW_SUM || type == SHOW_HOSTS)) break; host = imsg->data; if (host->conf.parentid) snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "%s parent %u", host->, host->conf.parentid); else strlcpy(name, host->, sizeof(name)); printf("%-4u\t%-8s\t%-24s\t%-7s\t%s\n", host->, "host", name, print_availability(host->check_cnt, host->up_cnt), print_host_status(host->up, host->flags)); if (type == SHOW_HOSTS && host->check_cnt) { printf("\t%8s\ttotal: %lu/%lu checks", "", host->up_cnt, host->check_cnt); if (host->retry_cnt) printf(", %d retries", host->retry_cnt); if (host->he && host->up == HOST_DOWN) printf(", error: %s", host_error(host->he)); printf("\n"); } break; case IMSG_CTL_RELAY: if (!(type == SHOW_SUM || type == SHOW_RELAYS)) break; rlay = imsg->data; printf("%-4u\t%-8s\t%-24s\t%-7s\t%s\n", rlay->, "relay", rlay->, "", print_relay_status(rlay->rl_conf.flags)); break; case IMSG_CTL_RDR_STATS: if (type != SHOW_RDRS) break; bcopy(imsg->data, &stats[0], sizeof(stats[0])); stats[1].id = EMPTY_ID; print_statistics(stats); break; case IMSG_CTL_RELAY_STATS: if (type != SHOW_RELAYS) break; bcopy(imsg->data, &stats, sizeof(stats)); print_statistics(stats); break; case IMSG_CTL_ROUTER: if (!(type == SHOW_SUM || type == SHOW_ROUTERS)) break; rt = imsg->data; printf("%-4u\t%-8s\t%-24s\t%-7s\t%s\n", rt->, "router", rt->, "", print_relay_status(rt->rt_conf.flags)); if (type != SHOW_ROUTERS) break; if (rt->rt_conf.rtable) printf("\t%8s\trtable: %d\n", "", rt->rt_conf.rtable); if (strlen(rt->rt_conf.label)) printf("\t%8s\trtlabel: %s\n", "", rt->rt_conf.label); break; case IMSG_CTL_NETROUTE: if (type != SHOW_ROUTERS) break; nr = imsg->data; (void)print_host(&nr->, name, sizeof(name)); printf("\t%8s\troute: %s/%d\n", "", name, nr->nr_conf.prefixlen); break; case IMSG_CTL_END: return (1); default: errx(1, "wrong message in summary: %u", imsg->hdr.type); break; } return (0); }
void BackpropTrainer::train(FeedForwardNetwork& network, LabeledDataset& ds, int epochs) { FeedForwardNetwork::LayerIterator lit; for (lit = network.layers_begin(); lit != network.layers_end(); ++lit) { int k = lit->get_k(); sigmas_.push_back(lit->clone()); outputs_.push_back(new viennacl::vector<float>(k)); derivatives_.push_back(new viennacl::vector<float>(k)); } std::vector<int> indexes; for (int i = 0; i < ds.size(); ++i) { indexes.push_back(i); } viennacl::vector<float> error; std::vector<float> host_error(ds.output_size(), 0); for (int i = 0; i < epochs; ++i) { float avg_rms_error = 0.0f; std::random_shuffle(indexes.begin(), indexes.end()); for (std::vector<int>::iterator it = indexes.begin(); it != indexes.end(); ++it) { const viennacl::vector<float>& input = ds.get_input(*it); const viennacl::vector<float>& output = ds.get_output(*it); // Forward pass. network.get_input_layer().get_value() = input; for (int j = 0; j < network.get_num_connections(); ++j) { Layer& layer = network.get_layer(j); Layer& next_layer = network.get_layer(j + 1); Connection& conn = network.get_connection(j); layer.activate(derivatives_[j]); conn.layer_propogate(layer, next_layer); viennacl::ocl::get_queue().finish(); outputs_[j] = layer.get_value(); } Layer& output_layer = network.get_output_layer(); output_layer.activate(derivatives_.back()); // Backwards pass. error = output - output_layer.get_value(); sigmas_.back().get_value() = viennacl::linalg::element_prod(derivatives_.back(), error); for (int j = network.get_num_layers() - 1; j > 0; --j) { Layer& prev_layer = network.get_layer(j - 1); Layer& layer = network.get_layer(j); Connection& conn = network.get_connection(j - 1); delegate_->backpropogate(sigmas_[j - 1], conn, sigmas_[j], derivatives_[j - 1]); viennacl::ocl::get_queue().finish(); delegate_->update(conn, sigmas_[j].get_value(), outputs_[j - 1]); viennacl::ocl::get_queue().finish(); delegate_->update(layer, sigmas_[j].get_value()); viennacl::ocl::get_queue().finish(); } fast_copy(error, host_error); float rms_error = 0.0f; for (size_t j = 0; j < host_error.size(); ++j) { rms_error += host_error[j] * host_error[j]; } rms_error = sqrt(rms_error / host_error.size()); avg_rms_error += rms_error; } avg_rms_error /= ds.size(); std::cout << "Epoch=" << i << " Avg-RMS=" << avg_rms_error << std::endl; } }
/* Entry point from Windows 386 Virtual Device Driver (INSIGNIA.386) - Provide virtualising services as required. */ GLOBAL void virtual_device_trap IFN0() { int new_vb; switch ( getEAX() ) { case VxD_Device_Init: /* We can check that the Intel version is valid */ insignia_386_version = getDX(); always_trace2("386 VxD: Device_Init version %d.%02d", insignia_386_version / 100, insignia_386_version % 100); /* pm selectors for virtualisation are in ebx and ecx */ if ((getBX() !=0) && (getCX() !=0)) sas_init_pm_selectors (getBX(), getCX()); else always_trace0("386 VxD: Device_Init. Failed to get pm selectors!!"); /* Compatibility test: * Return in top half of EDX the the "current" Intel version of the driver. * This allows an incompatible future driver to reject an old SoftWindows. */ #define INTEL_VERSION 102 setEDX(INTEL_VERSION << 16); break; case VxD_Sys_VM_Init: always_trace0("386 VxD: Sys_VM_Init."); /* As safety measure undo anything which may be currently active */ deallocate_all_NIDDB(); restore_snapshot(); /* Lock out Insignia Device Driver requests */ allocation_allowed = FALSE; /* Form new instance */ if ( allocate_NIDDB(getEBX(), &new_vb) ) { /* Make new instance active (for create callback) */ swap_NIDDB(new_vb); /* Copy instance data and action create callback */ copy_instance_data(vrecs[new_vb].vr_pinst_tbl, snapshot_ptrs); /* Return virtualising byte to INSIGNIA.386 */ setEAX(new_vb); } else { /* We can't do it */ setCF(1); /* Inform Windows that Virtual Machine can't be created */ host_error(EG_MALLOC_FAILURE, ERR_CONT , ""); } break; case VxD_VM_Init: always_trace0("386 VxD: VM_Init."); /* Form new instance */ if ( allocate_NIDDB(getEBX(), &new_vb) ) { /* Make new instance active (for create callback) */ swap_NIDDB(new_vb); /* Copy instance data and action create callback */ copy_instance_data(vrecs[new_vb].vr_pinst_tbl, snapshot_ptrs); /* Return virtualising byte to INSIGNIA.386 */ setEAX(new_vb); } else { /* We can't do it */ setCF(1); /* Inform Windows that Virtual Machine can't be created */ host_error(EG_MALLOC_FAILURE, ERR_CONT , ""); } break; case VxD_VM_Not_Executeable: always_trace0("386 VxD: VM_Not_Executeable."); deallocate_specific_NIDDB(getEBX()); break; case VxD_Device_Reboot_Notify: always_trace0("386 VxD: Device_Reboot_Notify."); deallocate_all_NIDDB(); restore_snapshot(); /* Clear our version number in case we are changing disks */ insignia_386_version = 0; break; case VxD_System_Exit: always_trace0("386 VxD: System_Exit."); deallocate_all_NIDDB(); restore_snapshot(); ClearInstanceDataMarking(); #ifndef NTVDM host_mswin_disable(); #endif /* ! NTVDM */ /* Clear our version number in case we are changing disks */ insignia_386_version = 0; break; default: always_trace1("386 VxD: Unrecognised Control Message. 0x%02x", getEAX()); } }