コード例 #1
static int _test_set_rsync_remote_handler(void) {
  hpx_addr_t peer = HPX_THERE((HPX_LOCALITY_ID + 1) % HPX_LOCALITIES);
  hpx_addr_t lco;
  hpx_call_sync(peer, _new_future_at, &lco, sizeof(lco));
  hpx_call_sync(peer, _test_set_rsync, NULL, 0, &lco);
  return hpx_call_cc(lco, hpx_lco_delete_action);
コード例 #2
/// Instantiate a single hpx_gas_memput_lsync test.
/// This will allocate an lsync LCO at @p at test the lsync version.
/// @param       buffer The local buffer to put from.
/// @param            n The number of bytes to put.
/// @param        block The global address to put into.
/// @param           at The locality to allocate the lsync at.
void test_lsync(const uint64_t *buffer, size_t n, hpx_addr_t block,
                hpx_addr_t at) {
  hpx_addr_t lsync = HPX_NULL;
  CHECK( hpx_call_sync(at, future_at, &lsync, sizeof(lsync)) );
  CHECK( hpx_gas_memput_lsync(block, buffer, n, lsync) );
  CHECK( hpx_lco_wait(lsync) );
  CHECK( hpx_call_sync(block, verify, NULL, 0, buffer, n) );
コード例 #3
static int _uts_main_action(void *args, size_t size)
	Node *root = (Node *)args;
	Node temp;

	uts_initRoot(&temp, type);

	//bots_number_of_tasks = parallel_uts(&temp);
	printf("Computing Unbalance Tree Search algorithm ");

	hpx_addr_t theThread = HPX_HERE;
	counter_t num_nodes;
	hpx_time_t start;
	struct thread_data input;

	input.depth = 0;
	memcpy(&input.parent, &temp, sizeof(Node));
	input.numChildren = getNumRootChildren(&temp);

	start = hpx_time_now();
	hpx_call_sync(theThread, _uts, &num_nodes, sizeof(num_nodes), &input, sizeof(input));
	bots_time_program = hpx_time_elapsed_ms(start)/1e3;

	bots_number_of_tasks = num_nodes;

	printf(" completed!");


コード例 #4
hpx_addr_t hpx_lco_user_new(size_t size, hpx_action_t id, hpx_action_t op,
                            hpx_action_t predicate, void *init,
                            size_t init_size) {
  _user_lco_t *u = NULL;
  hpx_addr_t gva = lco_alloc_local(1, sizeof(*u) + size + init_size, 0);

  if (!hpx_gas_try_pin(gva, (void**)&u)) {
    size_t args_size = sizeof(_user_lco_t) + init_size;
    _user_lco_init_args_t *args = calloc(1, args_size);
    args->size = size;
    args->id = id;
    args->op = op;
    args->predicate = predicate;
    args->init_size = init_size;
    memcpy(args->data, init, init_size);

    int e = hpx_call_sync(gva, _user_lco_init_action, NULL, 0, args, args_size);
    dbg_check(e, "could not initialize an allreduce at %"PRIu64"\n", gva);
  } else {
    LCO_LOG_NEW(gva, u);
    memcpy(u->data, init, init_size);
    _user_lco_init(u, size, id, op, predicate, init, init_size);

  return gva;
コード例 #5
static int _test_thread_sigmask_handler(void) {
  int out;
  CHECK(hpx_call_sync(HPX_HERE, _check_null, &out, sizeof(out)));
  int mask = hpx_thread_sigmask(HPX_SIG_BLOCK, HPX_SIGNONE);
  test_assert((mask & HPX_SIGSEGV) == 0);
  return HPX_SUCCESS;
コード例 #6
void sim_village_main_hpx(struct Village *top)
	long i;

	for (i = 0; i < sim_time; i++) {
		hpx_call_sync(HPX_HERE, _health, NULL, 0, top, sizeof(struct Village));
コード例 #7
/// Delete a process.
void hpx_process_delete(hpx_addr_t process, hpx_addr_t sync) {
  if (process == HPX_NULL) {

  hpx_call_sync(process, _proc_delete, NULL, 0, NULL, 0);
  hpx_gas_free(process, sync);
コード例 #8
/// Get the ID for alltoall. This is global getid for the user to use.
/// Since the LCO is local, we use the local get functionality
/// @param   alltoall    Global address of the alltoall LCO
/// @param   id          The ID of our rank
/// @param   size        The size of the data being gathered
/// @param   value       Address of the value buffer
hpx_status_t hpx_lco_alltoall_getid(hpx_addr_t alltoall, unsigned id, int size,
                                    void *value) {
  hpx_status_t status = HPX_SUCCESS;
  _alltoall_t *local;

  if (!hpx_gas_try_pin(alltoall, (void**)&local)) {
    _alltoall_get_offset_t args = {.size = size, .offset = id};
    hpx_action_t act = _alltoall_getid_proxy;
    return hpx_call_sync(alltoall, act, value, size, &args, sizeof(args));
コード例 #9
/// Initialize the global data for a rank.
int init_handler(hpx_addr_t data) {
  size_t n = ELEMENTS * sizeof(uint64_t);
  int rank = HPX_LOCALITY_ID;
  int peer = (rank + 1) % HPX_LOCALITIES;

  data = data;
  local = hpx_addr_add(data, rank * n, n);
  remote = hpx_addr_add(data, peer * n, n);
  CHECK( hpx_call_sync(local, reset, NULL, 0) );
  return HPX_SUCCESS;
コード例 #10
static counter_t _uts_action(void *args, size_t size) 
	int i, j;
	struct thread_data *my_data;
	struct thread_data temp, input;
	my_data = (struct thread_data *)args;	

	Node n[my_data->numChildren], *nodePtr;
	counter_t subtreesize = 1, partialCount[my_data->numChildren];

	temp.depth = my_data->depth;
	memcpy(&temp.parent, &my_data->parent, sizeof(Node));
	temp.numChildren = my_data->numChildren;

	//hpx_lco_sema_p (mutex);
	//printf("D: %d; child: %d; spawns:%.0f\n", temp.depth, temp.numChildren, spawns_counter++);
	//hpx_lco_sema_v_sync (mutex);

	   printf("\n[Node] height = %d; numChildren = %d\n"
	   , temp.parent.height
	   , temp.parent.numChildren);

	hpx_addr_t theThread = HPX_HERE;
	hpx_addr_t done = hpx_lco_future_new(sizeof(uint64_t));
	// Recurse on the children
	for (i = 0; i < temp.numChildren; i++) {
		nodePtr = &n[i];

		nodePtr->height = temp.parent.height + 1;

		// The following line is the work (one or more SHA-1 ops)
		for (j = 0; j < computeGranularity; j++) {
			rng_spawn(temp.parent.state.state, nodePtr->state.state, i);

		nodePtr->numChildren = uts_numChildren(nodePtr);

		input.depth = temp.depth+1;
		memcpy(&input.parent, nodePtr, sizeof(Node));
		input.numChildren = nodePtr->numChildren;
		//partialCount[i] = parTreeSearch(depth+1, nodePtr, nodePtr->numChildren);
		hpx_call_sync(theThread, _uts, &partialCount[i], sizeof(partialCount[i]), &input, sizeof(input));

	for (i = 0; i < temp.numChildren; i++) {
		subtreesize += partialCount[i];

	return HPX_SUCCESS;
コード例 #11
ファイル: pgas.c プロジェクト: dkogler/hpx5-measurement-tests
static hpx_addr_t _pgas_gas_calloc_cyclic(size_t n, uint32_t bsize,
                                          uint32_t boundary, uint32_t attr) {
  hpx_addr_t addr;
  if (here->rank == 0) {
    addr = pgas_calloc_cyclic_sync(n, bsize);
  else {
    int e = hpx_call_sync(HPX_THERE(0), pgas_calloc_cyclic, &addr, sizeof(addr),
                          &n, &bsize);
    dbg_check(e, "Failed to call pgas_calloc_cyclic_handler.\n");
  dbg_assert_str(addr != HPX_NULL, "HPX_NULL is not a valid allocation\n");
  return addr;
コード例 #12
static int _health_action(void *args, size_t size) 
	struct Village *village = (struct Village *)args;	
	struct Village *vlist;

	printf("[%d]input village: %p, %d\n", village->id, village, village);

	// lowest level returns nothing
	// only for sim_village first call with village = NULL
	// recursive call cannot occurs
	if (village == NULL) {
		printf("I'm NULL!!!\n");
		return HPX_SUCCESS;

	printf("ID[%d] at level %d with seed %.0f. In Hosp, %d, %d, %p.\n", village->id, village->level, village->seed,
								village->hosp.realloc_lock );
	/* Traverse village hierarchy (lower level first)*/
	vlist = village->forward;
		//printf("----> before vlist = %p, %d\n", vlist, vlist);
		hpx_call_sync(HPX_HERE, _health, NULL, 0, vlist, sizeof(struct Village));
		vlist = vlist->next;
		//printf("----> after vlist = %p, %d\n", vlist, vlist);

	//printf("health_action: %p, %d\n", village, village);
	/* Uses lists v->hosp->inside, and v->return */

	/* Uses lists v->hosp->assess, v->hosp->inside, v->population and (v->back->hosp->realloc) !!! */

	/* Uses lists v->hosp->waiting, and v->hosp->assess */

	/* Uses lists v->hosp->realloc, v->hosp->asses and v->hosp->waiting */

	/* Uses list v->population, v->hosp->asses and v->h->waiting */

	return HPX_SUCCESS;
コード例 #13
static int lco_getall_handler(void) {
  uint32_t n, ssn;
  printf("Starting the HPX LCO get all test\n");
  for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
    ssn = 0;
    n = i + 1;
    hpx_time_t t1 = hpx_time_now();
    printf("Square series for (%d): ", n);

    hpx_call_sync(HPX_HERE, _getAll, &ssn, sizeof(ssn), &n, sizeof(n));
    printf("%d", ssn);
    printf(" Elapsed: %.7f\n", hpx_time_elapsed_ms(t1)/1e3);
  return HPX_SUCCESS;
コード例 #14
static int
_lco_get_remote_handler(void) {
  int rank = (HPX_LOCALITY_ID + 1) % HPX_LOCALITIES;
  hpx_addr_t there = HPX_THERE(rank);
  hpx_addr_t lco;
  int e = hpx_call_sync(there, _new_future, &lco, sizeof(lco));
  assert(e == HPX_SUCCESS);
  int i = 42;
  e = hpx_call(lco, hpx_lco_set_action, HPX_NULL, &i, sizeof(i));
  assert(e == HPX_SUCCESS);
  i = 0;
  e = hpx_lco_get(lco, sizeof(i), &i);
  assert(e == HPX_SUCCESS);
  assert(i = 42);
  return hpx_call_cc(lco, hpx_lco_delete_action);
コード例 #15
counter_t parallel_uts ( Node *root )
	struct thread_data input;
	hpx_time_t start;
	hpx_addr_t theThread = HPX_HERE;
	counter_t num_nodes;

	input.depth = 0;
	memcpy(&input.parent, root, sizeof(Node));
	input.numChildren = getNumRootChildren(root);

	printf("Computing Unbalance Tree Search algorithm ");

	hpx_addr_t done = hpx_lco_future_new(sizeof(uint64_t));

	start = hpx_time_now();
	hpx_call_sync(theThread, _uts, &num_nodes, sizeof(num_nodes), &input, sizeof(input));
	bots_time_program = hpx_time_elapsed_ms(start)/1e3;

	printf(" completed!");

	return num_nodes;
コード例 #16
static int parcel_send_rendezvous_handler(void) {
  printf("Testing the hpx parcel send function for large parcels\n");
  unsigned seed = 0;
  const libhpx_config_t *cfg = libhpx_get_config();
  size_t eagerlimit = cfg->pwc_parceleagerlimit;
  size_t N = eagerlimit / sizeof(int) + 1;
  for (int i = 1, e = 10; i < e; ++i) {
    size_t scale = i * N;
    size_t size = scale * sizeof(int);

    int *send = malloc(size);
    int *recv = malloc(size);
    for (size_t i = 0, e = scale; i < e; ++i) {
      send[i] = rand_r(&seed);

    int peer = (HPX_LOCALITY_ID + rand_r(&seed)) % HPX_LOCALITIES;
    printf("sending %zu integers (%zu-bytes) to %d\n", scale, size, peer);
    hpx_call_sync(HPX_THERE(peer), _echo, recv, size, send, size);

    for (size_t i = 0, e = scale; i < e; ++i) {
      if (send[i] != recv[i]) {
                "data corruption\n"
                "scale: %zu\n"
                "offset: %zu\n"
                "expected: %d\n"
                "actual: %d\n", scale, i, send[i], recv[i]);

  return HPX_SUCCESS;
コード例 #17
/// Allocate an array of user LCO local to the calling locality.
/// @param          n The (total) number of lcos to allocate
/// @param       size The size of the LCO Buffer
/// @param         id An initialization function for the data, this is
///                   used to initialize the data in every epoch.
/// @param         op The commutative-associative operation we're
///                   performing.
/// @param  predicate Predicate to guard the LCO.
/// @param       init The initialization data address.
/// @param  init_size The size of the initialization data.
/// @returns the global address of the allocated array lco.
hpx_addr_t hpx_lco_user_local_array_new(int n, size_t size, hpx_action_t id,
                                        hpx_action_t op, hpx_action_t predicate,
                                        void *init, size_t init_size) {
  uint32_t lco_bytes = sizeof(_user_lco_t) + size + init_size;
  dbg_assert(n * lco_bytes < UINT32_MAX);
  hpx_addr_t base = lco_alloc_local(n, lco_bytes, 0);

  size_t args_size = sizeof(_user_lco_t) + init_size;
  _user_lco_init_args_t *args = calloc(1, args_size);
  args->n = n;
  args->size = size;
  args->id = id;
  args->op = op;
  args->predicate = predicate;
  args->init_size = init_size;
  memcpy(args->data, init, init_size);

  int e = hpx_call_sync(base, _block_init, NULL, 0, args, args_size);
  dbg_check(e, "call of _block_init_action failed\n");

  // return the base address of the allocation
  return base;
コード例 #18
static int _init_memory_handler(uint32_t *args, size_t n) {
  hpx_addr_t local = hpx_thread_current_target();
  hpx_call_sync(local, _init_block, NULL, 0, args, sizeof(*args));
  return HPX_SUCCESS;
コード例 #19
/// Test the gas_memput_rsync operation.
/// @param       buffer The local buffer to put from.
/// @param            n The number of bytes to put.
/// @param        block The global address to put into.
void test_memput_rsync(const uint64_t *buffer, size_t n, hpx_addr_t block) {
  CHECK( hpx_gas_memput_rsync(block, buffer, n) );
  CHECK( hpx_call_sync(block, verify, NULL, 0, buffer, n) );
コード例 #20
static int _test_set_rsync_local_handler(void) {
  hpx_addr_t lco;
  hpx_call_sync(HPX_HERE, _new_future_at, &lco, sizeof(lco));
  hpx_call_sync(HPX_HERE, _test_set_rsync, NULL, 0, &lco);
  return hpx_call_cc(lco, hpx_lco_delete_action);