コード例 #1
/* Destroys Natural Neighbours hashing point interpolation.
 * @param nn Structure to be destroyed
void nnhpi_destroy(nnhpi* nn)
    ht_process(nn->ht_weights, free_nn_weights);
コード例 #2
ファイル: victory.c プロジェクト: alepharchives/victory
static void *worker_loop(void *p)
    struct work_info *wi = p;
    struct channel ch;

    while (wi->active) {
        if (net_accept(wi->li, &ch))
    return NULL;
コード例 #3
ファイル: victory.c プロジェクト: OrangeTide/victory
static void *worker_loop(void *p)
	struct work_info *wi = p;
	struct channel ch;
	char desc[40];
	struct net_socket sock;

	while (wi->active) {
		if (net_accept(&wi->li->sock, &sock, sizeof(desc), desc))
		ch_init(&ch, sock, desc);
	return NULL;
コード例 #4
ファイル: nnpi.c プロジェクト: epicsdeb/sdds
static int _nnpi_calculate_weights(nnpi* nn, point* p)
    int* tids = NULL;
    int i;

    delaunay_circles_find(nn->d, p, &nn->ncircles, &tids);
    if (nn->ncircles == 0)
        return 1;

     * The algorithms of calculating weights for Sibson and non-Sibsonian
     * interpolations are quite different; in the first case, the weights are
     * calculated by processing Delaunay triangles whose tricircles contain
     * the interpolated point; in the second case, they are calculated by
     * processing triplets of natural neighbours by moving clockwise or
     * counterclockwise around the interpolated point.
    if (nn_rule == SIBSON) {
        for (i = 0; i < nn->ncircles; ++i)
            nnpi_triangle_process(nn, p, tids[i]);
        if (nn->bad != NULL) {
            int nentries = ht_getnentries(nn->bad);

            if (nentries > 0) {
                ht_process(nn->bad, free);
                return 0;
        return 1;
    } else if (nn_rule == NON_SIBSONIAN) {
        int nneigh = 0;
        int* nids = NULL;
        int status;

        nnpi_getneighbours(nn, p, nn->ncircles, tids, &nneigh, &nids);
        status = nnpi_neighbours_process(nn, p, nneigh, nids);

        return status;
    } else
        nn_quit("programming error");

    return 0;
コード例 #5
ファイル: hash.c プロジェクト: johanvdw/saga-debian
int main()
    double points[] = {
        922803.7855, 7372394.688, 0,
        922849.2037, 7372307.027, 1,
        922894.657, 7372219.306, 2,
        922940.1475, 7372131.528, 3,
        922985.6777, 7372043.692, 4,
        923031.2501, 7371955.802, 5,
        923076.8669, 7371867.857, 6,
        923122.5307, 7371779.861, 7,
        923168.2439, 7371691.816, 8,
        923214.0091, 7371603.722, 9,
        923259.8288, 7371515.583, 10,
        922891.3958, 7372440.117, 11,
        922936.873, 7372352.489, 12,
        922982.3839, 7372264.804, 13,
        923027.9308, 7372177.064, 14,
        923073.5159, 7372089.268, 15,
        923119.1415, 7372001.42, 16,
        923164.8099, 7371913.521, 17,
        923210.5233, 7371825.572, 18,
        923256.2841, 7371737.575, 19,
        923302.0946, 7371649.534, 20,
        923347.9572, 7371561.45, 21,
        922978.9747, 7372485.605, 22,
        923024.5085, 7372398.009, 23,
        923070.0748, 7372310.358, 24,
        923115.6759, 7372222.654, 25,
        923161.3136, 7372134.897, 26,
        923206.9903, 7372047.09, 27,
        923252.7079, 7371959.233, 28,
        923298.4686, 7371871.33, 29,
        923344.2745, 7371783.381, 30,
        923390.1279, 7371695.389, 31,
        923436.0309, 7371607.357, 32,
        923066.5232, 7372531.148, 33,
        923112.1115, 7372443.583, 34,
        923157.7311, 7372355.966, 35,
        923203.3842, 7372268.296, 36,
        923249.0725, 7372180.577, 37,
        923294.7981, 7372092.808, 38,
        923340.5628, 7372004.993, 39,
        923386.3686, 7371917.132, 40,
        923432.2176, 7371829.229, 41,
        923478.1116, 7371741.284, 42,
        923524.0527, 7371653.302, 43,
        923154.0423, 7372576.746, 44,
        923199.6831, 7372489.211, 45,
        923245.3541, 7372401.625, 46,
        923291.0572, 7372313.989, 47,
        923336.7941, 7372226.305, 48,
        923382.5667, 7372138.574, 49,
        923428.3766, 7372050.798, 50,
        923474.2256, 7371962.978, 51,
        923520.1155, 7371875.118, 52,
        923566.0481, 7371787.218, 53,
        923612.0252, 7371699.282, 54,
        923241.533, 7372622.396, 55,
        923287.2244, 7372534.889, 56,
        923332.9449, 7372447.334, 57,
        923378.6963, 7372359.731, 58,
        923424.4801, 7372272.081, 59,
        923470.2979, 7372184.385, 60,
        923516.1513, 7372096.646, 61,
        923562.0418, 7372008.866, 62,
        923607.9709, 7371921.046, 63,
        923653.9402, 7371833.188, 64,
        923699.9514, 7371745.296, 65,
        923328.9962, 7372668.095, 66,
        923374.7365, 7372580.617, 67,
        923420.5049, 7372493.091, 68,
        923466.303, 7372405.519, 69,
        923512.1321, 7372317.901, 70,
        923557.9936, 7372230.24, 71,
        923603.8889, 7372142.536, 72,
        923649.8192, 7372054.793, 73,
        923695.786, 7371967.011, 74,
        923741.7905, 7371879.193, 75,
        923787.8341, 7371791.342, 76,
        923416.4327, 7372713.844, 77,
        923462.2204, 7372626.393, 78,
        923508.0353, 7372538.895, 79,
        923553.8787, 7372451.353, 80,
        923599.7517, 7372363.766, 81,
        923645.6555, 7372276.137, 82,
        923691.5914, 7372188.467, 83,
        923737.5603, 7372100.757, 84,
        923783.5634, 7372013.011, 85,
        923829.6017, 7371925.231, 86,
        923875.6763, 7371837.419, 87,
        923503.8433, 7372759.64, 88,
        923549.6771, 7372672.214, 89,
        923595.5372, 7372584.744, 90,
        923641.4246, 7372497.23, 91,
        923687.3404, 7372409.673, 92,
        923733.2855, 7372322.074, 93,
        923779.2608, 7372234.436, 94,
        923825.2672, 7372146.759, 95,
        923871.3056, 7372059.047, 96,
        923917.3766, 7371971.301, 97,
        923963.4812, 7371883.524, 98,
        923591.2288, 7372805.481, 99,
        923637.1076, 7372718.081, 100,
        923683.0118, 7372630.638, 101,
        923728.9423, 7372543.151, 102,
        923774.8998, 7372455.622, 103,
        923820.8852, 7372368.052, 104,
        923866.8991, 7372280.443, 105,
        923912.9422, 7372192.797, 106,
        923959.015, 7372105.116, 107,
        924005.118, 7372017.402, 108,
        924051.2518, 7371929.657, 109,
        923678.5898, 7372851.367, 110,
        923724.5126, 7372763.992, 111,
        923770.46, 7372676.574, 112,
        923816.4328, 7372589.113, 113,
        923862.4314, 7372501.611, 114,
        923908.4564, 7372414.069, 115,
        923954.5083, 7372326.488, 116,
        924000.5875, 7372238.87, 117,
        924046.6941, 7372151.218, 118,
        924092.8286, 7372063.533, 119,
        924138.9911, 7371975.818, 120

    int size = sizeof(points) / sizeof(double) / 3;
    hashtable* ht;
    int i;

     * double[2] key 

    printf("\n1. Testing a table with key of double[2] type\n\n");

    printf("  creating a table...");
    ht = ht_create_d2(size);

    printf("  inserting %d values from a file...", size);
    for (i = 0; i < size; ++i)
        ht_insert(ht, &points[i * 3], &points[i * 3 + 2]);

    printf("  stats:\n");
    printf("    %d entries, %d table elements, %d filled elements\n", ht->n, ht->size, ht->nhash);
    printf("    %f entries per hash value in use\n", (double) ht->n / ht->nhash);

    printf("  finding and printing each 10th data:\n");
    for (i = 0; i < size; i += 10) {
        double* point = &points[i * 3];
        double* data = ht_find(ht, point);

        if (data != NULL)
            printf("    i = %d; data = \"%d\"\n", i, (int)* data);
            printf("    i = %d; data = <none>\n", i);

    printf("  removing every 3rd element...");
    for (i = 0; i < size; i += 3) {
        double* point = &points[i * 3];
        ht_delete(ht, point);

    printf("  stats:\n");
    printf("    %d entries, %d table elements, %d filled elements\n", ht->n, ht->size, ht->nhash);
    printf("    %f entries per hash value in use\n", (double) ht->n / ht->nhash);

    printf("  finding and printing each 10th data:\n");
    for (i = 0; i < size; i += 10) {
        double* point = &points[i * 3];
        double* data = ht_find(ht, point);

        if (data != NULL)
            printf("    i = %d; data = \"%d\"\n", i, (int)* data);
            printf("    i = %d; data = <none>\n", i);

    printf("  printing all data by calling ht_process():\n ");
    ht_process(ht, print_double);

    printf("\n  destroying the hash table...");

     * char* key 

    printf("\n2. Testing a table with key of char* type\n\n");

    printf("  creating a table...");
    ht = ht_create_str(size);

    printf("  inserting %d elements with deep copy of each data string...", size);
    for (i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
        char key[BUFSIZE];
        char str[BUFSIZE];
        char* data;

        sprintf(key, "%d-th key", i);
        sprintf(str, "%d-th data", i);
        data = strdup(str);
        ht_insert(ht, key, data);

    printf("  stats:\n");
    printf("    %d entries, %d table elements, %d filled elements\n", ht->n, ht->size, ht->nhash);
    printf("    %f entries per hash value in use\n", (double) ht->n / ht->nhash);

    printf("  finding and printing each 10th data:\n");
    for (i = 0; i < size; i += 10) {
        char key[BUFSIZE];
        char* data;

        sprintf(key, "%d-th key", i);
        data = ht_find(ht, key);
        if (data != NULL)
            printf("    i = %d; data = \"%s\"\n", i, data);
            printf("    i = %d; data = <none>\n", i);

    printf("  removing every 3rd element...");
    for (i = 0; i < size; i += 3) {
        char key[BUFSIZE];

        sprintf(key, "%d-th key", i);
        free(ht_delete(ht, key));

    printf("  stats:\n");
    printf("    %d entries, %d table elements, %d filled elements\n", ht->n, ht->size, ht->nhash);
    printf("    %f entries per hash value in use\n", (double) ht->n / ht->nhash);

    printf("  finding and printing each 10th data:\n");
    for (i = 0; i < size; i += 10) {
        char key[BUFSIZE];
        char* data;

        sprintf(key, "%d-th key", i);
        data = ht_find(ht, key);
        if (data != NULL)
            printf("    i = %d; data = \"%s\"\n", i, data);
            printf("    i = %d; data = <none>\n", i);

    printf("  printing all data by calling ht_process():\n ");
    ht_process(ht, print_string);

    printf("\n  freeing the remaining data by calling ht_process()...");
    ht_process(ht, free);

    printf("  destroying the hash table...");

    return 0;