コード例 #1
ファイル: box.c プロジェクト: tpatki/sequoia
hypre_BoxSetExtents( hypre_Box  *box,
                     hypre_Index imin,
                     hypre_Index imax )
    int        ierr = 0;

    hypre_CopyIndex(imin, hypre_BoxIMin(box));
    hypre_CopyIndex(imax, hypre_BoxIMax(box));

    return ierr;
コード例 #2
hypre_SparseMSGInterpSetup( void               *interp_vdata,
                            hypre_StructMatrix *P,
                            hypre_StructVector *xc,
                            hypre_StructVector *e,
                            hypre_Index         cindex,
                            hypre_Index         findex,
                            hypre_Index         stride,
                            hypre_Index         strideP       )
   hypre_SparseMSGInterpData   *interp_data = interp_vdata;

   hypre_StructGrid       *grid;
   hypre_StructStencil    *stencil;
   hypre_ComputeInfo      *compute_info;
   hypre_ComputePkg       *compute_pkg;

   HYPRE_Int               ierr = 0;

    * Set up the compute package

   grid    = hypre_StructVectorGrid(e);
   stencil = hypre_StructMatrixStencil(P);

   hypre_CreateComputeInfo(grid, stencil, &compute_info);
   hypre_ComputeInfoProjectSend(compute_info, cindex, stride);
   hypre_ComputeInfoProjectRecv(compute_info, cindex, stride);
   hypre_ComputeInfoProjectComp(compute_info, findex, stride);
   hypre_ComputePkgCreate(compute_info, hypre_StructVectorDataSpace(e), 1,
                          grid, &compute_pkg);

    * Set up the interp data structure

   (interp_data -> P) = hypre_StructMatrixRef(P);
   (interp_data -> compute_pkg) = compute_pkg;
   hypre_CopyIndex(cindex, (interp_data -> cindex));
   hypre_CopyIndex(findex, (interp_data -> findex));
   hypre_CopyIndex(stride, (interp_data -> stride));
   hypre_CopyIndex(strideP, (interp_data -> strideP));

   return ierr;
コード例 #3
ファイル: communication_info.c プロジェクト: LLNL/COGENT
hypre_CommInfoProjectRecv( hypre_CommInfo  *comm_info,
                           hypre_Index      index,
                           hypre_Index      stride )
                              index, stride);
   hypre_CopyIndex(stride, hypre_CommInfoRecvStride(comm_info));

   return hypre_error_flag;
コード例 #4
ファイル: communication_info.c プロジェクト: 8l/insieme
hypre_CommInfoProjectRecv( hypre_CommInfo  *comm_info,
                           hypre_Index      index,
                           hypre_Index      stride )
   int  ierr = 0;

                              index, stride);
   hypre_CopyIndex(stride, hypre_CommInfoRecvStride(comm_info));

   return ierr;
コード例 #5
ファイル: sstruct_matrix.c プロジェクト: 8l/insieme
hypre_SStructPMatrixSetBoxValues( hypre_SStructPMatrix *pmatrix,
                                  hypre_Index           ilower,
                                  hypre_Index           iupper,
                                  int                   var,
                                  int                   nentries,
                                  int                  *entries,
                                  double               *values,
                                  int                   add_to )
    hypre_SStructStencil *stencil = hypre_SStructPMatrixStencil(pmatrix, var);
    int                  *smap    = hypre_SStructPMatrixSMap(pmatrix, var);
    int                  *vars    = hypre_SStructStencilVars(stencil);
    hypre_StructMatrix   *smatrix;
    hypre_Box            *box;
    int                  *sentries;
    int                   i;

    smatrix = hypre_SStructPMatrixSMatrix(pmatrix, var, vars[entries[0]]);

    box = hypre_BoxCreate();
    hypre_CopyIndex(ilower, hypre_BoxIMin(box));
    hypre_CopyIndex(iupper, hypre_BoxIMax(box));

    sentries = hypre_SStructPMatrixSEntries(pmatrix);
    for (i = 0; i < nentries; i++)
        sentries[i] = smap[entries[i]];

    hypre_StructMatrixSetBoxValues(smatrix, box, nentries, sentries, values, add_to);


    return hypre_error_flag;
コード例 #6
ファイル: computation.c プロジェクト: ngholka/patki-power
hypre_ComputeInfoProjectComp( hypre_ComputeInfo  *compute_info,
                              hypre_Index         index,
                              hypre_Index         stride )
   int  ierr = 0;

                              index, stride);
                              index, stride);
   hypre_CopyIndex(stride, hypre_ComputeInfoStride(compute_info));

   return ierr;
コード例 #7
ファイル: fac_restrict2.c プロジェクト: tpatki/rapl-old-data
hypre_FacSemiRestrictSetup2( void                 *fac_restrict_vdata,
                             hypre_SStructVector  *r,
                             HYPRE_Int             part_crse,
                             HYPRE_Int             part_fine,
                             hypre_SStructPVector *rc,
                             hypre_Index           rfactors )
   HYPRE_Int                 ierr = 0;

   hypre_FacSemiRestrictData2 *fac_restrict_data = fac_restrict_vdata;
   MPI_Comm                    comm= hypre_SStructPVectorComm(rc);
   hypre_CommInfo             *comm_info;
   hypre_CommPkg             **interlevel_comm;

   hypre_SStructPVector       *rf= hypre_SStructVectorPVector(r, part_fine);
   hypre_StructVector         *s_rc, *s_cvector;
   hypre_SStructPGrid         *pgrid;

   hypre_SStructPVector       *fgrid_cvectors;
   hypre_SStructPGrid         *fgrid_coarsen;
   hypre_BoxArrayArray       **identity_arrayboxes;
   hypre_BoxArrayArray       **fullwgt_ownboxes;
   hypre_BoxArrayArray       **fullwgt_sendboxes;
   hypre_BoxArray             *boxarray;
   hypre_BoxArray             *tmp_boxarray, *intersect_boxes;
   HYPRE_Int                ***own_cboxnums;

   hypre_BoxArrayArray       **send_boxes, *send_rboxes;
   HYPRE_Int                ***send_processes;
   HYPRE_Int                ***send_remote_boxnums;

   hypre_BoxArrayArray       **recv_boxes, *recv_rboxes;
   HYPRE_Int                ***recv_processes;
   HYPRE_Int                ***recv_remote_boxnums;

   hypre_BoxManager           *boxman;
   hypre_BoxManEntry         **boxman_entries;
   HYPRE_Int                   nboxman_entries;

   hypre_Box                   box, scaled_box;

   hypre_Index                 zero_index, index, ilower, iupper;
   HYPRE_Int                   ndim= hypre_SStructVectorNDim(r);
   HYPRE_Int                   myproc, proc;
   HYPRE_Int                   nvars, vars;
   HYPRE_Int                   num_values;

   HYPRE_Int                   i, cnt1, cnt2;
   HYPRE_Int                   fi, ci;

   hypre_MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &myproc);

   nvars= hypre_SStructPVectorNVars(rc);
  (fac_restrict_data -> nvars)=  nvars;
   hypre_CopyIndex(rfactors, (fac_restrict_data -> stride));
   for (i= ndim; i< 3; i++)
      rfactors[i]= 1;

   /* work vector for storing the fullweighted fgrid boxes */
   hypre_SStructPGridCreate(hypre_SStructPVectorComm(rf), ndim, &fgrid_coarsen);
   pgrid= hypre_SStructPVectorPGrid(rf);
   for (vars= 0; vars< nvars; vars++)
      boxarray= hypre_StructGridBoxes(hypre_SStructPGridSGrid(pgrid, vars));
      hypre_ForBoxI(fi, boxarray)
         hypre_CopyBox(hypre_BoxArrayBox(boxarray, fi), &box);
         hypre_StructMapFineToCoarse(hypre_BoxIMin(&box), zero_index,
                                     rfactors, hypre_BoxIMin(&box));
         hypre_StructMapFineToCoarse(hypre_BoxIMax(&box), zero_index,
                                     rfactors, hypre_BoxIMax(&box));
コード例 #8
ファイル: struct_stencil.c プロジェクト: LLNL/COGENT
hypre_StructStencilSymmetrize( hypre_StructStencil  *stencil,
                               hypre_StructStencil **symm_stencil_ptr,
                               HYPRE_Int           **symm_elements_ptr )
   hypre_Index          *stencil_shape = hypre_StructStencilShape(stencil);
   HYPRE_Int             stencil_size  = hypre_StructStencilSize(stencil); 

   hypre_StructStencil  *symm_stencil;
   hypre_Index          *symm_stencil_shape;
   HYPRE_Int             symm_stencil_size;
   HYPRE_Int            *symm_elements;

   HYPRE_Int             no_symmetric_stencil_element;
   HYPRE_Int             i, j, d;
    * Copy stencil elements into `symm_stencil_shape'

   symm_stencil_shape = hypre_CTAlloc(hypre_Index, 2*stencil_size);
   for (i = 0; i < stencil_size; i++)
      hypre_CopyIndex(stencil_shape[i], symm_stencil_shape[i]);

    * Create symmetric stencil elements and `symm_elements'

   symm_elements = hypre_CTAlloc(HYPRE_Int, 2*stencil_size);
   for (i = 0; i < 2*stencil_size; i++)
      symm_elements[i] = -1;

   symm_stencil_size = stencil_size;
   for (i = 0; i < stencil_size; i++)
      if (symm_elements[i] < 0)
         /* note: start at i to handle "center" element correctly */
         no_symmetric_stencil_element = 1;
         for (j = i; j < stencil_size; j++)
            if ( (hypre_IndexX(symm_stencil_shape[j]) ==
                  -hypre_IndexX(symm_stencil_shape[i])  ) &&
                 (hypre_IndexY(symm_stencil_shape[j]) ==
                  -hypre_IndexY(symm_stencil_shape[i])  ) &&
                 (hypre_IndexZ(symm_stencil_shape[j]) ==
                  -hypre_IndexZ(symm_stencil_shape[i])  )   )
               /* only "off-center" elements have symmetric entries */
               if (i != j)
                  symm_elements[j] = i;
               no_symmetric_stencil_element = 0;

         if (no_symmetric_stencil_element)
            /* add symmetric stencil element to `symm_stencil' */
            for (d = 0; d < 3; d++)
               hypre_IndexD(symm_stencil_shape[symm_stencil_size], d) =
                  -hypre_IndexD(symm_stencil_shape[i], d);
            symm_elements[symm_stencil_size] = i;

   symm_stencil = hypre_StructStencilCreate(hypre_StructStencilDim(stencil),

   *symm_stencil_ptr  = symm_stencil;
   *symm_elements_ptr = symm_elements;

   return hypre_error_flag;
コード例 #9
hypre_SStructPMatrix *
hypre_SysPFMGCreateRAPOp( hypre_SStructPMatrix *R,
                          hypre_SStructPMatrix *A,
                          hypre_SStructPMatrix *P,
                          hypre_SStructPGrid   *coarse_grid,
                          HYPRE_Int             cdir        )
    hypre_SStructPMatrix    *RAP;
    HYPRE_Int                ndim;
    HYPRE_Int                nvars;
    hypre_SStructVariable    vartype;

    hypre_SStructStencil **RAP_stencils;

    hypre_StructMatrix    *RAP_s;
    hypre_StructMatrix    *R_s;
    hypre_StructMatrix    *A_s;
    hypre_StructMatrix    *P_s;

    hypre_Index          **RAP_shapes;

    hypre_StructStencil   *sstencil;
    hypre_Index           *shape;
    HYPRE_Int              s;
    HYPRE_Int             *sstencil_sizes;

    HYPRE_Int              stencil_size;

    hypre_StructGrid      *cgrid;

    HYPRE_Int              vi,vj;

    HYPRE_Int              sten_cntr;

    HYPRE_Int              P_stored_as_transpose = 0;

    ndim = hypre_StructStencilDim(hypre_SStructPMatrixSStencil(A, 0, 0));
    nvars = hypre_SStructPMatrixNVars(A);

    vartype = hypre_SStructPGridVarType(coarse_grid, 0);
    cgrid = hypre_SStructPGridVTSGrid(coarse_grid, vartype);

    RAP_stencils = hypre_CTAlloc(hypre_SStructStencil *, nvars);

    RAP_shapes = hypre_CTAlloc(hypre_Index *, nvars);
    sstencil_sizes = hypre_CTAlloc(HYPRE_Int, nvars);

     * Symmetry within a block is exploited, but not symmetry of the form
     * A_{vi,vj} = A_{vj,vi}^T.

    for (vi = 0; vi < nvars; vi++)
        R_s = hypre_SStructPMatrixSMatrix(R, vi, vi);
        stencil_size = 0;
        for (vj = 0; vj < nvars; vj++)
            A_s = hypre_SStructPMatrixSMatrix(A, vi, vj);
            P_s = hypre_SStructPMatrixSMatrix(P, vj, vj);
            sstencil_sizes[vj] = 0;
            if (A_s != NULL)
                RAP_s = hypre_SemiCreateRAPOp(R_s, A_s, P_s,
                                              cgrid, cdir,
                /* Just want stencil for RAP */
                sstencil = hypre_StructMatrixStencil(RAP_s);
                shape = hypre_StructStencilShape(sstencil);
                sstencil_sizes[vj] = hypre_StructStencilSize(sstencil);
                stencil_size += sstencil_sizes[vj];
                RAP_shapes[vj] = hypre_CTAlloc(hypre_Index,
                for (s = 0; s < sstencil_sizes[vj]; s++)

        HYPRE_SStructStencilCreate(ndim, stencil_size, &RAP_stencils[vi]);
        sten_cntr = 0;
        for (vj = 0; vj < nvars; vj++)
            if (sstencil_sizes[vj] > 0)
                for (s = 0; s < sstencil_sizes[vj]; s++)
                                                 sten_cntr, RAP_shapes[vj][s], vj);

    /* create RAP Pmatrix */
                               coarse_grid, RAP_stencils, &RAP);


    return RAP;
コード例 #10
ファイル: sstruct_matrix.c プロジェクト: 8l/insieme
hypre_SStructUMatrixSetBoxValues( hypre_SStructMatrix *matrix,
                                  int                  part,
                                  hypre_Index          ilower,
                                  hypre_Index          iupper,
                                  int                  var,
                                  int                  nentries,
                                  int                 *entries,
                                  double              *values,
                                  int                  add_to )
    HYPRE_IJMatrix        ijmatrix = hypre_SStructMatrixIJMatrix(matrix);
    hypre_SStructGraph   *graph   = hypre_SStructMatrixGraph(matrix);
    hypre_SStructGrid    *grid    = hypre_SStructGraphGrid(graph);
    hypre_SStructStencil *stencil = hypre_SStructGraphStencil(graph, part, var);
    int                  *vars    = hypre_SStructStencilVars(stencil);
    hypre_Index          *shape   = hypre_SStructStencilShape(stencil);
    int                   size    = hypre_SStructStencilSize(stencil);
    hypre_IndexRef        offset;
    hypre_BoxMap         *map;
    hypre_BoxMapEntry   **map_entries;
    int                   nmap_entries;
    hypre_BoxMapEntry   **map_to_entries;
    int                   nmap_to_entries;
    int                   nrows;
    int                  *ncols;
    HYPRE_BigInt         *rows;
    HYPRE_BigInt         *cols;
    double               *ijvalues;
    hypre_Box            *box;
    hypre_Box            *to_box;
    hypre_Box            *map_box;
    hypre_Box            *int_box;
    hypre_Index           index;
    hypre_Index           rs, cs;
    int                   sy, sz;
    HYPRE_BigInt          row_base, col_base;
    int                   val_base;
    int                   e, entry, ii, jj, i, j, k;
    int                   proc, myproc;
    /* GEC1002 the matrix type */
    int                   matrix_type = hypre_SStructMatrixObjectType(matrix);

    box = hypre_BoxCreate();

     * all stencil entries

    if (entries[0] < size)
        to_box  = hypre_BoxCreate();
        map_box = hypre_BoxCreate();
        int_box = hypre_BoxCreate();

        hypre_CopyIndex(ilower, hypre_BoxIMin(box));
        hypre_CopyIndex(iupper, hypre_BoxIMax(box));
        /* ZTODO: check that this change fixes multiple-entry problem */
        nrows    = hypre_BoxVolume(box)*nentries;
        ncols    = hypre_CTAlloc(int, nrows);
        for (i = 0; i < nrows; i++)
            ncols[i] = 1;
        rows     = hypre_CTAlloc(HYPRE_BigInt, nrows);
        cols     = hypre_CTAlloc(HYPRE_BigInt, nrows);
        ijvalues = hypre_CTAlloc(double, nrows);

        sy = (hypre_IndexX(iupper) - hypre_IndexX(ilower) + 1);
        sz = (hypre_IndexY(iupper) - hypre_IndexY(ilower) + 1) * sy;

        map = hypre_SStructGridMap(grid, part, var);
        hypre_BoxMapIntersect(map, ilower, iupper, &map_entries, &nmap_entries);

        for (ii = 0; ii < nmap_entries; ii++)
            /* Only Set values if I am the owner process; off-process AddTo and Get
             * values are done by IJ */
            if (!add_to)
                hypre_SStructMapEntryGetProcess(map_entries[ii], &proc);
                MPI_Comm_rank(hypre_SStructGridComm(grid), &myproc);
                if (proc != myproc)

            /* GEC1002 introducing the strides based on the type of the matrix  */
            hypre_SStructMapEntryGetStrides(map_entries[ii], rs, matrix_type);

            hypre_CopyIndex(ilower, hypre_BoxIMin(box));
            hypre_CopyIndex(iupper, hypre_BoxIMax(box));
            hypre_IntersectBoxes(box, map_box, int_box);
            hypre_CopyBox(int_box, box);

            nrows = 0;
            for (e = 0; e < nentries; e++)
                entry = entries[e];

                hypre_CopyBox(box, to_box);

                offset = shape[entry];
                hypre_BoxIMinX(to_box) += hypre_IndexX(offset);
                hypre_BoxIMinY(to_box) += hypre_IndexY(offset);
                hypre_BoxIMinZ(to_box) += hypre_IndexZ(offset);
                hypre_BoxIMaxX(to_box) += hypre_IndexX(offset);
                hypre_BoxIMaxY(to_box) += hypre_IndexY(offset);
                hypre_BoxIMaxZ(to_box) += hypre_IndexZ(offset);

                map = hypre_SStructGridMap(grid, part, vars[entry]);
                hypre_BoxMapIntersect(map, hypre_BoxIMin(to_box),
                                      &map_to_entries, &nmap_to_entries );

                for (jj = 0; jj < nmap_to_entries; jj++)

                    /* GEC1002 introducing the strides based on the type of the matrix  */

                    hypre_SStructMapEntryGetStrides(map_to_entries[jj], cs, matrix_type);

                    hypre_IntersectBoxes(to_box, map_box, int_box);

                    hypre_CopyIndex(hypre_BoxIMin(int_box), index);

                    /* GEC1002 introducing the rank based on the type of the matrix  */

                                                       index, &col_base,matrix_type);

                    hypre_IndexX(index) -= hypre_IndexX(offset);
                    hypre_IndexY(index) -= hypre_IndexY(offset);
                    hypre_IndexZ(index) -= hypre_IndexZ(offset);

                    /* GEC1002 introducing the rank based on the type of the matrix  */

                                                       index, &row_base,matrix_type);

                    hypre_IndexX(index) -= hypre_IndexX(ilower);
                    hypre_IndexY(index) -= hypre_IndexY(ilower);
                    hypre_IndexZ(index) -= hypre_IndexZ(ilower);
                    val_base = e + (hypre_IndexX(index) +
                                    hypre_IndexY(index)*sy +
                                    hypre_IndexZ(index)*sz) * nentries;

                    for (k = 0; k < hypre_BoxSizeZ(int_box); k++)
                        for (j = 0; j < hypre_BoxSizeY(int_box); j++)
                            for (i = 0; i < hypre_BoxSizeX(int_box); i++)
                                rows[nrows] = row_base + (HYPRE_BigInt)(i*rs[0] + j*rs[1] + k*rs[2]);
                                cols[nrows] = col_base + (HYPRE_BigInt)(i*cs[0] + j*cs[1] + k*cs[2]);
                                ijvalues[nrows] =
                                    values[val_base + (i + j*sy + k*sz)*nentries];


             * set IJ values one stencil entry at a time

            if (add_to > 0)
                HYPRE_IJMatrixAddToValues(ijmatrix, nrows, ncols,
                                          (const HYPRE_BigInt *) rows,
                                          (const HYPRE_BigInt *) cols,
                                          (const double *) ijvalues);
            else if (add_to > -1)
                HYPRE_IJMatrixSetValues(ijmatrix, nrows, ncols,
                                        (const HYPRE_BigInt *) rows,
                                        (const HYPRE_BigInt *) cols,
                                        (const double *) ijvalues);
                HYPRE_IJMatrixGetValues(ijmatrix, nrows, ncols, rows, cols, values);



コード例 #11
ファイル: sstruct_matrix.c プロジェクト: 8l/insieme
hypre_SStructPMatrixCreate( MPI_Comm               comm,
                            hypre_SStructPGrid    *pgrid,
                            hypre_SStructStencil **stencils,
                            hypre_SStructPMatrix **pmatrix_ptr )
    hypre_SStructPMatrix  *pmatrix;
    int                    nvars;
    int                  **smaps;
    hypre_StructStencil ***sstencils;
    hypre_StructMatrix  ***smatrices;
    int                  **symmetric;

    hypre_StructStencil   *sstencil;
    int                   *vars;
    hypre_Index           *sstencil_shape;
    int                    sstencil_size;
    int                    new_dim;
    int                   *new_sizes;
    hypre_Index          **new_shapes;
    int                    size;
    hypre_StructGrid      *sgrid;

    int                    vi, vj;
    int                    i, j, k;

    pmatrix = hypre_TAlloc(hypre_SStructPMatrix, 1);

    hypre_SStructPMatrixComm(pmatrix)     = comm;
    hypre_SStructPMatrixPGrid(pmatrix)    = pgrid;
    hypre_SStructPMatrixStencils(pmatrix) = stencils;
    nvars = hypre_SStructPGridNVars(pgrid);
    hypre_SStructPMatrixNVars(pmatrix) = nvars;

    /* create sstencils */
    smaps     = hypre_TAlloc(int *, nvars);
    sstencils = hypre_TAlloc(hypre_StructStencil **, nvars);
    new_sizes  = hypre_TAlloc(int, nvars);
    new_shapes = hypre_TAlloc(hypre_Index *, nvars);
    size = 0;
    for (vi = 0; vi < nvars; vi++)
        sstencils[vi] = hypre_TAlloc(hypre_StructStencil *, nvars);
        for (vj = 0; vj < nvars; vj++)
            sstencils[vi][vj] = NULL;
            new_sizes[vj] = 0;

        sstencil       = hypre_SStructStencilSStencil(stencils[vi]);
        vars           = hypre_SStructStencilVars(stencils[vi]);
        sstencil_shape = hypre_StructStencilShape(sstencil);
        sstencil_size  = hypre_StructStencilSize(sstencil);

        smaps[vi] = hypre_TAlloc(int, sstencil_size);
        for (i = 0; i < sstencil_size; i++)
            j = vars[i];
        for (vj = 0; vj < nvars; vj++)
            if (new_sizes[vj])
                new_shapes[vj] = hypre_TAlloc(hypre_Index, new_sizes[vj]);
                new_sizes[vj] = 0;
        for (i = 0; i < sstencil_size; i++)
            j = vars[i];
            k = new_sizes[j];
            hypre_CopyIndex(sstencil_shape[i], new_shapes[j][k]);
            smaps[vi][i] = k;
        new_dim = hypre_StructStencilDim(sstencil);
        for (vj = 0; vj < nvars; vj++)
            if (new_sizes[vj])
                sstencils[vi][vj] = hypre_StructStencilCreate(new_dim,
            size = hypre_max(size, new_sizes[vj]);
    hypre_SStructPMatrixSMaps(pmatrix)     = smaps;
    hypre_SStructPMatrixSStencils(pmatrix) = sstencils;

    /* create smatrices */
    smatrices = hypre_TAlloc(hypre_StructMatrix **, nvars);
    for (vi = 0; vi < nvars; vi++)
        smatrices[vi] = hypre_TAlloc(hypre_StructMatrix *, nvars);
        for (vj = 0; vj < nvars; vj++)
            smatrices[vi][vj] = NULL;
            if (sstencils[vi][vj] != NULL)
                sgrid = hypre_SStructPGridSGrid(pgrid, vi);
                smatrices[vi][vj] =
                    hypre_StructMatrixCreate(comm, sgrid, sstencils[vi][vj]);
    hypre_SStructPMatrixSMatrices(pmatrix) = smatrices;

    /* create symmetric */
    symmetric = hypre_TAlloc(int *, nvars);
    for (vi = 0; vi < nvars; vi++)
        symmetric[vi] = hypre_TAlloc(int, nvars);
        for (vj = 0; vj < nvars; vj++)
            symmetric[vi][vj] = 0;
    hypre_SStructPMatrixSymmetric(pmatrix) = symmetric;

    hypre_SStructPMatrixSEntriesSize(pmatrix) = size;
    hypre_SStructPMatrixSEntries(pmatrix) = hypre_TAlloc(int, size);

    hypre_SStructPMatrixRefCount(pmatrix)   = 1;

    *pmatrix_ptr = pmatrix;

    return hypre_error_flag;
コード例 #12
hypre_SemiRestrictSetup( void               *restrict_vdata,
                         hypre_StructMatrix *R,
                         int                 R_stored_as_transpose,
                         hypre_StructVector *r,
                         hypre_StructVector *rc,
                         hypre_Index         cindex,
                         hypre_Index         findex,
                         hypre_Index         stride                )
   hypre_SemiRestrictData *restrict_data = (hypre_SemiRestrictData *)restrict_vdata;

   hypre_StructGrid       *grid;
   hypre_StructStencil    *stencil;

   hypre_BoxArrayArray    *send_boxes;
   hypre_BoxArrayArray    *recv_boxes;
   int                   **send_processes;
   int                   **recv_processes;
   hypre_BoxArrayArray    *indt_boxes;
   hypre_BoxArrayArray    *dept_boxes;

   hypre_ComputePkg       *compute_pkg;

   int                     ierr = 0;

    * Set up the compute package

   grid    = hypre_StructVectorGrid(r);
   stencil = hypre_StructMatrixStencil(R);

   hypre_CreateComputeInfo(grid, stencil,
                        &send_boxes, &recv_boxes,
                        &send_processes, &recv_processes,
                        &indt_boxes, &dept_boxes);

   hypre_ProjectBoxArrayArray(send_boxes, findex, stride);
   hypre_ProjectBoxArrayArray(recv_boxes, findex, stride);
   hypre_ProjectBoxArrayArray(indt_boxes, cindex, stride);
   hypre_ProjectBoxArrayArray(dept_boxes, cindex, stride);

   hypre_ComputePkgCreate(send_boxes, recv_boxes,
                          stride, stride,
                          send_processes, recv_processes,
                          indt_boxes, dept_boxes,
                          stride, grid,
                          hypre_StructVectorDataSpace(r), 1,

    * Set up the restrict data structure

   (restrict_data -> R) = hypre_StructMatrixRef(R);
   (restrict_data -> R_stored_as_transpose) = R_stored_as_transpose;
   (restrict_data -> compute_pkg) = compute_pkg;
   hypre_CopyIndex(cindex ,(restrict_data -> cindex));
   hypre_CopyIndex(stride ,(restrict_data -> stride));

   return ierr;
コード例 #13
ファイル: semi_interp.c プロジェクト: Chang-Liu-0520/hypre
hypre_SemiInterp( void               *interp_vdata,
                  hypre_StructMatrix *P,
                  hypre_StructVector *xc,
                  hypre_StructVector *e            )
   hypre_SemiInterpData   *interp_data = interp_vdata;

   HYPRE_Int               P_stored_as_transpose;
   hypre_ComputePkg       *compute_pkg;
   hypre_IndexRef          cindex;
   hypre_IndexRef          findex;
   hypre_IndexRef          stride;

   hypre_StructGrid       *fgrid;
   HYPRE_Int              *fgrid_ids;
   hypre_StructGrid       *cgrid;
   hypre_BoxArray         *cgrid_boxes;
   HYPRE_Int              *cgrid_ids;

   hypre_CommHandle       *comm_handle;
   hypre_BoxArrayArray    *compute_box_aa;
   hypre_BoxArray         *compute_box_a;
   hypre_Box              *compute_box;
   hypre_Box              *P_dbox;
   hypre_Box              *xc_dbox;
   hypre_Box              *e_dbox;
   HYPRE_Int               Pi;
   HYPRE_Int               xci;
   HYPRE_Int               ei;
   HYPRE_Int               constant_coefficient;
   HYPRE_Real             *Pp0, *Pp1;
   HYPRE_Real             *xcp;
   HYPRE_Real             *ep, *ep0, *ep1;
   hypre_Index             loop_size;
   hypre_Index             start;
   hypre_Index             startc;
   hypre_Index             stridec;
   hypre_StructStencil    *stencil;
   hypre_Index            *stencil_shape;

   HYPRE_Int               compute_i, fi, ci, j;

    * Initialize some things

   hypre_BeginTiming(interp_data -> time_index);

   P_stored_as_transpose = (interp_data -> P_stored_as_transpose);
   compute_pkg   = (interp_data -> compute_pkg);
   cindex        = (interp_data -> cindex);
   findex        = (interp_data -> findex);
   stride        = (interp_data -> stride);

   stencil       = hypre_StructMatrixStencil(P);
   stencil_shape = hypre_StructStencilShape(stencil);
   constant_coefficient = hypre_StructMatrixConstantCoefficient(P);
   hypre_assert( constant_coefficient==0 || constant_coefficient==1 );
   /* ... constant_coefficient==2 for P shouldn't happen, see
      hypre_PFMGCreateInterpOp in pfmg_setup_interp.c */

   if (constant_coefficient) hypre_StructVectorClearBoundGhostValues(e, 0);

   hypre_SetIndex3(stridec, 1, 1, 1);

    * Compute e at coarse points (injection)

   fgrid = hypre_StructVectorGrid(e);
   fgrid_ids = hypre_StructGridIDs(fgrid);
   cgrid = hypre_StructVectorGrid(xc);
   cgrid_boxes = hypre_StructGridBoxes(cgrid);
   cgrid_ids = hypre_StructGridIDs(cgrid);

   fi = 0;
   hypre_ForBoxI(ci, cgrid_boxes)
      while (fgrid_ids[fi] != cgrid_ids[ci])

      compute_box = hypre_BoxArrayBox(cgrid_boxes, ci);

      hypre_CopyIndex(hypre_BoxIMin(compute_box), startc);
      hypre_StructMapCoarseToFine(startc, cindex, stride, start);

      e_dbox  = hypre_BoxArrayBox(hypre_StructVectorDataSpace(e), fi);
      xc_dbox = hypre_BoxArrayBox(hypre_StructVectorDataSpace(xc), ci);

      ep  = hypre_StructVectorBoxData(e, fi);
      xcp = hypre_StructVectorBoxData(xc, ci);

      hypre_BoxGetSize(compute_box, loop_size);

      hypre_BoxLoop2Begin(hypre_StructMatrixNDim(P), loop_size,
                          e_dbox, start, stride, ei,
                          xc_dbox, startc, stridec, xci);
#pragma omp parallel for private(HYPRE_BOX_PRIVATE,ei,xci) HYPRE_SMP_SCHEDULE
      hypre_BoxLoop2For(ei, xci)
         ep[ei] = xcp[xci];
      hypre_BoxLoop2End(ei, xci);

    * Compute e at fine points

   for (compute_i = 0; compute_i < 2; compute_i++)
         case 0:
            ep = hypre_StructVectorData(e);
            hypre_InitializeIndtComputations(compute_pkg, ep, &comm_handle);
            compute_box_aa = hypre_ComputePkgIndtBoxes(compute_pkg);

         case 1:
            compute_box_aa = hypre_ComputePkgDeptBoxes(compute_pkg);

      hypre_ForBoxArrayI(fi, compute_box_aa)
         compute_box_a = hypre_BoxArrayArrayBoxArray(compute_box_aa, fi);

         P_dbox = hypre_BoxArrayBox(hypre_StructMatrixDataSpace(P), fi);
         e_dbox = hypre_BoxArrayBox(hypre_StructVectorDataSpace(e), fi);

         if (P_stored_as_transpose)
            if ( constant_coefficient )
               Pp0 = hypre_StructMatrixBoxData(P, fi, 1);
               Pp1 = hypre_StructMatrixBoxData(P, fi, 0) -
                  hypre_CCBoxOffsetDistance(P_dbox, stencil_shape[0]);
               Pp0 = hypre_StructMatrixBoxData(P, fi, 1);
               Pp1 = hypre_StructMatrixBoxData(P, fi, 0) -
                  hypre_BoxOffsetDistance(P_dbox, stencil_shape[0]);
            Pp0 = hypre_StructMatrixBoxData(P, fi, 0);
            Pp1 = hypre_StructMatrixBoxData(P, fi, 1);
         ep  = hypre_StructVectorBoxData(e, fi);
         ep0 = ep + hypre_BoxOffsetDistance(e_dbox, stencil_shape[0]);
         ep1 = ep + hypre_BoxOffsetDistance(e_dbox, stencil_shape[1]);

         hypre_ForBoxI(j, compute_box_a)
            compute_box = hypre_BoxArrayBox(compute_box_a, j);

            hypre_CopyIndex(hypre_BoxIMin(compute_box), start);
            hypre_StructMapFineToCoarse(start, findex, stride, startc);

            hypre_BoxGetStrideSize(compute_box, stride, loop_size);

            if ( constant_coefficient )
               Pi = hypre_CCBoxIndexRank( P_dbox, startc );
               hypre_BoxLoop1Begin(hypre_StructMatrixNDim(P), loop_size,
                                   e_dbox, start, stride, ei);
#pragma omp parallel for private(HYPRE_BOX_PRIVATE,ei) HYPRE_SMP_SCHEDULE
                  ep[ei] =  (Pp0[Pi] * ep0[ei] +
                             Pp1[Pi] * ep1[ei]);
               hypre_BoxLoop2Begin(hypre_StructMatrixNDim(P), loop_size,
                                   P_dbox, startc, stridec, Pi,
                                   e_dbox, start, stride, ei);
#pragma omp parallel for private(HYPRE_BOX_PRIVATE,Pi,ei) HYPRE_SMP_SCHEDULE
               hypre_BoxLoop2For(Pi, ei)
                  ep[ei] =  (Pp0[Pi] * ep0[ei] +
                             Pp1[Pi] * ep1[ei]);
               hypre_BoxLoop2End(Pi, ei);
コード例 #14
ファイル: semi_interp.c プロジェクト: 5432935/crossbridge
hypre_SemiInterpSetup( void               *interp_vdata,
                       hypre_StructMatrix *P,
                       int                 P_stored_as_transpose,
                       hypre_StructVector *xc,
                       hypre_StructVector *e,
                       hypre_Index         cindex,
                       hypre_Index         findex,
                       hypre_Index         stride       )
   hypre_SemiInterpData   *interp_data = interp_vdata;

   hypre_StructGrid       *grid;
   hypre_StructStencil    *stencil;
   hypre_BoxArrayArray    *send_boxes;
   hypre_BoxArrayArray    *recv_boxes;
   int                   **send_processes;
   int                   **recv_processes;
   hypre_BoxArrayArray    *indt_boxes;
   hypre_BoxArrayArray    *dept_boxes;
   hypre_ComputePkg       *compute_pkg;

   int                     ierr = 0;

    * Set up the compute package

   grid    = hypre_StructVectorGrid(e);
   stencil = hypre_StructMatrixStencil(P);

   hypre_CreateComputeInfo(grid, stencil,
                        &send_boxes, &recv_boxes,
                        &send_processes, &recv_processes,
                        &indt_boxes, &dept_boxes);

   hypre_ProjectBoxArrayArray(send_boxes, cindex, stride);
   hypre_ProjectBoxArrayArray(recv_boxes, cindex, stride);
   hypre_ProjectBoxArrayArray(indt_boxes, findex, stride);
   hypre_ProjectBoxArrayArray(dept_boxes, findex, stride);

   hypre_ComputePkgCreate(send_boxes, recv_boxes,
                       stride, stride,
                       send_processes, recv_processes,
                       indt_boxes, dept_boxes,
                       stride, grid,
                       hypre_StructVectorDataSpace(e), 1,

    * Set up the interp data structure

   (interp_data -> P) = hypre_StructMatrixRef(P);
   (interp_data -> P_stored_as_transpose) = P_stored_as_transpose;
   (interp_data -> compute_pkg) = compute_pkg;
   hypre_CopyIndex(cindex, (interp_data -> cindex));
   hypre_CopyIndex(findex, (interp_data -> findex));
   hypre_CopyIndex(stride, (interp_data -> stride));

   return ierr;
コード例 #15
hypre_SMGRelaxSetupASol( void               *relax_vdata,
                         hypre_StructMatrix *A,
                         hypre_StructVector *b,
                         hypre_StructVector *x           )
   hypre_SMGRelaxData   *relax_data = relax_vdata;

   int                   num_spaces    = (relax_data -> num_spaces);
   int                  *space_indices = (relax_data -> space_indices);
   int                  *space_strides = (relax_data -> space_strides);
   hypre_StructVector   *temp_vec      = (relax_data -> temp_vec);

   int                   num_pre_relax   = (relax_data -> num_pre_relax);
   int                   num_post_relax  = (relax_data -> num_post_relax);

   hypre_StructStencil  *stencil       = hypre_StructMatrixStencil(A);     
   hypre_Index          *stencil_shape = hypre_StructStencilShape(stencil);
   int                   stencil_size  = hypre_StructStencilSize(stencil); 
   int                   stencil_dim   = hypre_StructStencilDim(stencil);
   hypre_StructMatrix   *A_sol;
   void                **solve_data;

   hypre_Index           base_index;
   hypre_Index           base_stride;

   int                   num_stencil_indices;
   int                  *stencil_indices;
   int                   i;

   int                   ierr = 0;

    * Free up old data before putting new data into structure


    * Set up data

   hypre_CopyIndex((relax_data -> base_index),  base_index);
   hypre_CopyIndex((relax_data -> base_stride), base_stride);

   stencil_indices = hypre_TAlloc(int, stencil_size);
   num_stencil_indices = 0;
   for (i = 0; i < stencil_size; i++)
      if (hypre_IndexD(stencil_shape[i], (stencil_dim - 1)) == 0)
         stencil_indices[num_stencil_indices] = i;
   A_sol = hypre_StructMatrixCreateMask(A, num_stencil_indices, stencil_indices);
   hypre_StructStencilDim(hypre_StructMatrixStencil(A_sol)) = stencil_dim - 1;

   /* Set up solve_data */
   solve_data    = hypre_TAlloc(void *, num_spaces);

   for (i = 0; i < num_spaces; i++)
      hypre_IndexD(base_index,  (stencil_dim - 1)) = space_indices[i];
      hypre_IndexD(base_stride, (stencil_dim - 1)) = space_strides[i];

      if (stencil_dim > 2)
         solve_data[i] = hypre_SMGCreate(relax_data -> comm);
         hypre_SMGSetNumPreRelax( solve_data[i], num_pre_relax);
         hypre_SMGSetNumPostRelax( solve_data[i], num_post_relax);
         hypre_SMGSetBase(solve_data[i], base_index, base_stride);
         hypre_SMGSetMemoryUse(solve_data[i], (relax_data -> memory_use));
         hypre_SMGSetTol(solve_data[i], 0.0);
         hypre_SMGSetMaxIter(solve_data[i], 1);
         hypre_SMGSetup(solve_data[i], A_sol, temp_vec, x);
         solve_data[i] = hypre_CyclicReductionCreate(relax_data -> comm);
         hypre_CyclicReductionSetBase(solve_data[i], base_index, base_stride);
         hypre_CyclicReductionSetup(solve_data[i], A_sol, temp_vec, x);

   (relax_data -> A_sol)      = A_sol;
   (relax_data -> solve_data) = solve_data;

   (relax_data -> setup_a_sol) = 0;

   return ierr;
コード例 #16
hypre_SMGRelaxSetupARem( void               *relax_vdata,
                         hypre_StructMatrix *A,
                         hypre_StructVector *b,
                         hypre_StructVector *x           )
   hypre_SMGRelaxData   *relax_data = relax_vdata;

   int                   num_spaces    = (relax_data -> num_spaces);
   int                  *space_indices = (relax_data -> space_indices);
   int                  *space_strides = (relax_data -> space_strides);
   hypre_StructVector   *temp_vec      = (relax_data -> temp_vec);

   hypre_StructStencil  *stencil       = hypre_StructMatrixStencil(A);     
   hypre_Index          *stencil_shape = hypre_StructStencilShape(stencil);
   int                   stencil_size  = hypre_StructStencilSize(stencil); 
   int                   stencil_dim   = hypre_StructStencilDim(stencil);
   hypre_StructMatrix   *A_rem;
   void                **residual_data;

   hypre_Index           base_index;
   hypre_Index           base_stride;

   int                   num_stencil_indices;
   int                  *stencil_indices;
   int                   i;

   int                   ierr = 0;

    * Free up old data before putting new data into structure


    * Set up data

   hypre_CopyIndex((relax_data -> base_index),  base_index);
   hypre_CopyIndex((relax_data -> base_stride), base_stride);

   stencil_indices = hypre_TAlloc(int, stencil_size);
   num_stencil_indices = 0;
   for (i = 0; i < stencil_size; i++)
      if (hypre_IndexD(stencil_shape[i], (stencil_dim - 1)) != 0)
         stencil_indices[num_stencil_indices] = i;
   A_rem = hypre_StructMatrixCreateMask(A, num_stencil_indices, stencil_indices);

   /* Set up residual_data */
   residual_data = hypre_TAlloc(void *, num_spaces);

   for (i = 0; i < num_spaces; i++)
      hypre_IndexD(base_index,  (stencil_dim - 1)) = space_indices[i];
      hypre_IndexD(base_stride, (stencil_dim - 1)) = space_strides[i];

      residual_data[i] = hypre_SMGResidualCreate();
      hypre_SMGResidualSetBase(residual_data[i], base_index, base_stride);
      hypre_SMGResidualSetup(residual_data[i], A_rem, x, b, temp_vec);

   (relax_data -> A_rem)         = A_rem;
   (relax_data -> residual_data) = residual_data;

   (relax_data -> setup_a_rem) = 0;

   return ierr;
コード例 #17
ファイル: fac_CFInterfaceExtents.c プロジェクト: LLNL/COGENT
 * hypre_CFInterfaceExtents: Given a cgrid_box, a fgrid_box, and stencils,
 * find the extents of the C/F interface (interface nodes in the C box).
 * Boxes corresponding to stencil shifts are stored in the first stencil_size
 * boxes, and the union of these are appended to the end of the returned
 * box_array.
hypre_BoxArray *
hypre_CFInterfaceExtents( hypre_Box              *fgrid_box,
                          hypre_Box              *cgrid_box,
                          hypre_StructStencil    *stencils,
                          hypre_Index             rfactors )

   hypre_BoxArray        *stencil_box_extents;
   hypre_BoxArray        *union_boxes;
   hypre_Box             *cfine_box;
   hypre_Box             *box;

   hypre_Index            stencil_shape, cstart, zero_index, neg_index;
   HYPRE_Int              stencil_size;
   HYPRE_Int              abs_stencil;

   HYPRE_Int              ndim= hypre_StructStencilDim(stencils);
   HYPRE_Int              i, j;
   for (i= 0; i< ndim; i++)
      neg_index[i]= -1;
   hypre_CopyIndex(hypre_BoxIMin(cgrid_box), cstart);

   stencil_size       = hypre_StructStencilSize(stencils);
   stencil_box_extents= hypre_BoxArrayCreate(stencil_size);
   union_boxes        = hypre_BoxArrayCreate(0);

   for (i= 0; i< stencil_size; i++)
       hypre_CopyIndex(hypre_StructStencilElement(stencils, i), stencil_shape);
       AbsStencilShape(stencil_shape, abs_stencil);

       if (abs_stencil)  /* only do if not the centre stencil */
          cfine_box= hypre_CF_StenBox(fgrid_box, cgrid_box, stencil_shape, rfactors,

          if ( hypre_BoxVolume(cfine_box) )
             hypre_AppendBox(cfine_box, union_boxes);
             hypre_CopyBox(cfine_box, hypre_BoxArrayBox(stencil_box_extents, i));
             for (j= 0; j< ndim; j++)
                hypre_BoxIMin(cfine_box)[j]-=  cstart[j];
                hypre_BoxIMax(cfine_box)[j]-=  cstart[j];
             hypre_CopyBox(cfine_box, hypre_BoxArrayBox(stencil_box_extents, i));
             hypre_BoxSetExtents(hypre_BoxArrayBox(stencil_box_extents, i),
                                 zero_index, neg_index);


       else /* centre */
           hypre_BoxSetExtents(hypre_BoxArrayBox(stencil_box_extents, i),
                               zero_index, neg_index);

    * Union the stencil_box_extents to get the full CF extents and append to
    * the end of the stencil_box_extents BoxArray. Then shift the unioned boxes
    * by cstart.
   if (hypre_BoxArraySize(union_boxes) > 1)

   hypre_ForBoxI(i, union_boxes)
       hypre_AppendBox(hypre_BoxArrayBox(union_boxes, i), stencil_box_extents);
コード例 #18
hypre_SparseMSGInterp( void               *interp_vdata,
                       hypre_StructMatrix *P,
                       hypre_StructVector *xc,
                       hypre_StructVector *e            )
   HYPRE_Int ierr = 0;

   hypre_SparseMSGInterpData   *interp_data = interp_vdata;

   hypre_ComputePkg       *compute_pkg;
   hypre_IndexRef          cindex;
   hypre_IndexRef          findex;
   hypre_IndexRef          stride;
   hypre_IndexRef          strideP;

   hypre_StructGrid       *fgrid;
   HYPRE_Int              *fgrid_ids;
   hypre_StructGrid       *cgrid;
   hypre_BoxArray         *cgrid_boxes;
   HYPRE_Int              *cgrid_ids;

   hypre_CommHandle       *comm_handle;
   hypre_BoxArrayArray    *compute_box_aa;
   hypre_BoxArray         *compute_box_a;
   hypre_Box              *compute_box;
   hypre_Box              *P_dbox;
   hypre_Box              *xc_dbox;
   hypre_Box              *e_dbox;
   HYPRE_Int               Pi;
   HYPRE_Int               xci;
   HYPRE_Int               ei;
   double                 *Pp0, *Pp1;
   double                 *xcp;
   double                 *ep, *ep0, *ep1;
   hypre_Index             loop_size;
   hypre_Index             start;
   hypre_Index             startc;
   hypre_Index             startP;
   hypre_Index             stridec;
   hypre_StructStencil    *stencil;
   hypre_Index            *stencil_shape;

   HYPRE_Int               compute_i, fi, ci, j;
   HYPRE_Int               loopi, loopj, loopk;

    * Initialize some things

   hypre_BeginTiming(interp_data -> time_index);

   compute_pkg   = (interp_data -> compute_pkg);
   cindex        = (interp_data -> cindex);
   findex        = (interp_data -> findex);
   stride        = (interp_data -> stride);
   strideP       = (interp_data -> strideP);

   stencil       = hypre_StructMatrixStencil(P);
   stencil_shape = hypre_StructStencilShape(stencil);

   hypre_SetIndex(stridec, 1, 1, 1);

    * Compute e at coarse points (injection)

   fgrid = hypre_StructVectorGrid(e);
   fgrid_ids = hypre_StructGridIDs(fgrid);
   cgrid = hypre_StructVectorGrid(xc);
   cgrid_boxes = hypre_StructGridBoxes(cgrid);
   cgrid_ids = hypre_StructGridIDs(cgrid);

   fi = 0;
   hypre_ForBoxI(ci, cgrid_boxes)
         while (fgrid_ids[fi] != cgrid_ids[ci])

         compute_box = hypre_BoxArrayBox(cgrid_boxes, ci);

         hypre_CopyIndex(hypre_BoxIMin(compute_box), startc);
         hypre_StructMapCoarseToFine(startc, cindex, stride, start);

         e_dbox  = hypre_BoxArrayBox(hypre_StructVectorDataSpace(e), fi);
         xc_dbox = hypre_BoxArrayBox(hypre_StructVectorDataSpace(xc), ci);

         ep  = hypre_StructVectorBoxData(e, fi);
         xcp = hypre_StructVectorBoxData(xc, ci);

         hypre_BoxGetSize(compute_box, loop_size);

                             e_dbox,  start,  stride,  ei,
                             xc_dbox, startc, stridec, xci);
#define HYPRE_BOX_SMP_PRIVATE loopk,loopi,loopj,ei,xci
#include "hypre_box_smp_forloop.h"
         hypre_BoxLoop2For(loopi, loopj, loopk, ei, xci)
               ep[ei] = xcp[xci];
         hypre_BoxLoop2End(ei, xci);

    * Compute e at fine points

   for (compute_i = 0; compute_i < 2; compute_i++)
         case 0:
            ep = hypre_StructVectorData(e);
            hypre_InitializeIndtComputations(compute_pkg, ep, &comm_handle);
            compute_box_aa = hypre_ComputePkgIndtBoxes(compute_pkg);

         case 1:
            compute_box_aa = hypre_ComputePkgDeptBoxes(compute_pkg);

      hypre_ForBoxArrayI(fi, compute_box_aa)
            compute_box_a = hypre_BoxArrayArrayBoxArray(compute_box_aa, fi);

            P_dbox = hypre_BoxArrayBox(hypre_StructMatrixDataSpace(P), fi);
            e_dbox = hypre_BoxArrayBox(hypre_StructVectorDataSpace(e), fi);

            Pp0 = hypre_StructMatrixBoxData(P, fi, 0);
            Pp1 = hypre_StructMatrixBoxData(P, fi, 1);
            ep  = hypre_StructVectorBoxData(e, fi);
            ep0 = ep + hypre_BoxOffsetDistance(e_dbox, stencil_shape[0]);
            ep1 = ep + hypre_BoxOffsetDistance(e_dbox, stencil_shape[1]);

            hypre_ForBoxI(j, compute_box_a)
                  compute_box = hypre_BoxArrayBox(compute_box_a, j);

                  hypre_CopyIndex(hypre_BoxIMin(compute_box), start);
                  hypre_StructMapFineToCoarse(start,  findex, stride,  startc);
                  hypre_StructMapCoarseToFine(startc, cindex, strideP, startP);

                  hypre_BoxGetStrideSize(compute_box, stride, loop_size);

                                      P_dbox, startP, strideP, Pi,
                                      e_dbox, start,  stride,  ei);
#define HYPRE_BOX_SMP_PRIVATE loopk,loopi,loopj,Pi,ei
#include "hypre_box_smp_forloop.h"
                  hypre_BoxLoop2For(loopi, loopj, loopk, Pi, ei)
                        ep[ei] =  (Pp0[Pi] * ep0[ei] +
                                   Pp1[Pi] * ep1[ei]);
                  hypre_BoxLoop2End(Pi, ei);
コード例 #19
ファイル: struct_communication.c プロジェクト: 8l/insieme
hypre_CommPkgCreate( hypre_CommInfo   *comm_info,
                     hypre_BoxArray   *send_data_space,
                     hypre_BoxArray   *recv_data_space,
                     int               num_values,
                     MPI_Comm          comm,
                     hypre_CommPkg   **comm_pkg_ptr )
   int                   ierr = 0;

   hypre_BoxArrayArray  *send_boxes;
   hypre_BoxArrayArray  *recv_boxes;
   hypre_IndexRef        send_stride;
   hypre_IndexRef        recv_stride;
   int                 **send_processes;
   int                 **recv_processes;
   int                 **send_rboxnums;
   hypre_BoxArrayArray  *send_rboxes;

   hypre_CommPkg        *comm_pkg;
   hypre_CommType       *comm_types;
   hypre_CommType       *comm_type;
   hypre_CommEntryType  *ct_entries;
   int                  *ct_loc_boxnums;
   int                  *ct_rem_boxnums;
   hypre_Box            *ct_loc_boxes;
   hypre_Box            *ct_rem_boxes;
   int                  *p_comm_types;
   int                   num_comms, num_entries, comm_bufsize;

   hypre_BoxArray       *box_array;
   hypre_Box            *box;
   hypre_BoxArray       *rbox_array;
   hypre_Box            *rbox;
   hypre_Box            *data_box;
   int                  *data_offsets;
   int                   data_offset;
   int                   i, j, k, p, m, size;
   int                   num_procs, my_proc;

   send_boxes     = hypre_CommInfoSendBoxes(comm_info);
   recv_boxes     = hypre_CommInfoRecvBoxes(comm_info);
   send_stride    = hypre_CommInfoSendStride(comm_info);
   recv_stride    = hypre_CommInfoRecvStride(comm_info);
   send_processes = hypre_CommInfoSendProcesses(comm_info);
   recv_processes = hypre_CommInfoRecvProcesses(comm_info);
   send_rboxnums  = hypre_CommInfoSendRBoxnums(comm_info);
   send_rboxes    = hypre_CommInfoSendRBoxes(comm_info);

   MPI_Comm_size(comm, &num_procs );
   MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &my_proc );

    * Set up various entries in CommPkg

   comm_pkg = hypre_CTAlloc(hypre_CommPkg, 1);

   hypre_CommPkgComm(comm_pkg)       = comm;
   hypre_CommPkgFirstSend(comm_pkg)  = 1;
   hypre_CommPkgFirstRecv(comm_pkg)  = 1;
   hypre_CommPkgNumValues(comm_pkg)  = num_values;
   hypre_CopyIndex(send_stride, hypre_CommPkgSendStride(comm_pkg));
   hypre_CopyIndex(recv_stride, hypre_CommPkgRecvStride(comm_pkg));

    * Set up send CommType information

   p_comm_types = hypre_CTAlloc(int, num_procs);

   /* set send_data_offsets and send_data_space */
   data_offsets = hypre_TAlloc(int, hypre_BoxArraySize(send_data_space));
   data_offset = 0;
   hypre_ForBoxI(i, send_data_space)
         data_offsets[i] = data_offset;
         data_box = hypre_BoxArrayBox(send_data_space, i);
         data_offset += hypre_BoxVolume(data_box) * num_values;
コード例 #20
hypre_StructMatrix *
hypre_StructMatrixCreateMask( hypre_StructMatrix *matrix,
                              int                 num_stencil_indices,
                              int                *stencil_indices     )
   hypre_StructMatrix   *mask;

   hypre_StructStencil  *stencil;
   hypre_Index          *stencil_shape;
   int                   stencil_size;
   hypre_Index          *mask_stencil_shape;
   int                   mask_stencil_size;

   hypre_BoxArray       *data_space;
   int                 **data_indices;
   int                 **mask_data_indices;

   int                   i, j;

   stencil       = hypre_StructMatrixStencil(matrix);
   stencil_shape = hypre_StructStencilShape(stencil);
   stencil_size  = hypre_StructStencilSize(stencil);

   mask = hypre_CTAlloc(hypre_StructMatrix, 1);

   hypre_StructMatrixComm(mask) = hypre_StructMatrixComm(matrix);


   hypre_StructMatrixUserStencil(mask) =

   mask_stencil_size  = num_stencil_indices;
   mask_stencil_shape = hypre_CTAlloc(hypre_Index, num_stencil_indices);
   for (i = 0; i < num_stencil_indices; i++)
   hypre_StructMatrixStencil(mask) =

   hypre_StructMatrixNumValues(mask) = hypre_StructMatrixNumValues(matrix);

   hypre_StructMatrixDataSpace(mask) =

   hypre_StructMatrixData(mask) = hypre_StructMatrixData(matrix);
   hypre_StructMatrixDataAlloced(mask) = 0;
   hypre_StructMatrixDataSize(mask) = hypre_StructMatrixDataSize(matrix);
   data_space   = hypre_StructMatrixDataSpace(matrix);
   data_indices = hypre_StructMatrixDataIndices(matrix);
   mask_data_indices = hypre_CTAlloc(int *, hypre_BoxArraySize(data_space));
   hypre_ForBoxI(i, data_space)
         mask_data_indices[i] = hypre_TAlloc(int, num_stencil_indices);
         for (j = 0; j < num_stencil_indices; j++)
            mask_data_indices[i][j] = data_indices[i][stencil_indices[j]];
コード例 #21
 * hypre_FacZeroCFSten: Zeroes the coarse stencil coefficients that reach 
 * into an underlying coarsened refinement box.
 * Algo: For each cbox
 *       {
 *          1) refine cbox and expand by one in each direction
 *          2) boxman_intersect with the fboxman 
 *                3) loop over intersection boxes to see if stencil
 *                   reaches over.
 *       }
hypre_FacZeroCFSten( hypre_SStructPMatrix *Af,
                     hypre_SStructPMatrix *Ac,
                     hypre_SStructGrid    *grid,
                     HYPRE_Int             fine_part,
                     hypre_Index           rfactors )
   hypre_BoxManager      *fboxman;
   hypre_BoxManEntry    **boxman_entries;
   HYPRE_Int              nboxman_entries;

   hypre_SStructPGrid    *p_cgrid;

   hypre_Box              fgrid_box;
   hypre_StructGrid      *cgrid;
   hypre_BoxArray        *cgrid_boxes;
   hypre_Box             *cgrid_box;
   hypre_Box              scaled_box;

   hypre_Box             *shift_ibox;

   hypre_StructMatrix    *smatrix;

   hypre_StructStencil   *stencils;
   HYPRE_Int              stencil_size;

   hypre_Index            refine_factors, upper_shift;
   hypre_Index            stride;
   hypre_Index            stencil_shape;
   hypre_Index            zero_index, ilower, iupper;

   HYPRE_Int              nvars, var1, var2;
   HYPRE_Int              ndim;

   hypre_Box             *ac_dbox;
   HYPRE_Real            *ac_ptr;
   hypre_Index            loop_size;

   HYPRE_Int              iac;
   HYPRE_Int              ci, i, j;

   HYPRE_Int              abs_shape;

   HYPRE_Int              ierr = 0;

   p_cgrid  = hypre_SStructPMatrixPGrid(Ac);
   nvars    = hypre_SStructPMatrixNVars(Ac);
   ndim     = hypre_SStructPGridNDim(p_cgrid);

   hypre_BoxInit(&fgrid_box, ndim);
   hypre_BoxInit(&scaled_box, ndim);

   for (i= 0; i< ndim; i++)
      stride[i]= 1;
      upper_shift[i]= rfactors[i]-1;

   hypre_CopyIndex(rfactors, refine_factors);
   if (ndim < 3)
      for (i= ndim; i< 3; i++)
         refine_factors[i]= 1;
   for (var1= 0; var1< nvars; var1++)
      cgrid= hypre_SStructPGridSGrid(hypre_SStructPMatrixPGrid(Ac), var1);
      cgrid_boxes= hypre_StructGridBoxes(cgrid);

      fboxman= hypre_SStructGridBoxManager(grid, fine_part, var1);

       * For each parent coarse box find all fboxes that may be connected
       * through a stencil entry- refine this box, expand it by one
       * in each direction, and boxman_intersect with fboxman
      hypre_ForBoxI(ci, cgrid_boxes)
         cgrid_box= hypre_BoxArrayBox(cgrid_boxes, ci);

         hypre_StructMapCoarseToFine(hypre_BoxIMin(cgrid_box), zero_index,
                                     refine_factors, hypre_BoxIMin(&scaled_box));
         hypre_StructMapCoarseToFine(hypre_BoxIMax(cgrid_box), upper_shift,
                                     refine_factors, hypre_BoxIMax(&scaled_box));

         hypre_SubtractIndexes(hypre_BoxIMin(&scaled_box), stride, 3,
         hypre_AddIndexes(hypre_BoxIMax(&scaled_box), stride, 3,

         hypre_BoxManIntersect(fboxman, hypre_BoxIMin(&scaled_box),
                               hypre_BoxIMax(&scaled_box), &boxman_entries,

         for (var2= 0; var2< nvars; var2++)
            stencils=  hypre_SStructPMatrixSStencil(Ac, var1, var2);

            if (stencils != NULL)
               stencil_size= hypre_StructStencilSize(stencils);
               smatrix     = hypre_SStructPMatrixSMatrix(Ac, var1, var2);
               ac_dbox     = hypre_BoxArrayBox(hypre_StructMatrixDataSpace(smatrix),

                * Find the stencil coefficients that must be zeroed off.
                * Loop over all possible boxes.
               for (i= 0; i< stencil_size; i++)
                  hypre_CopyIndex(hypre_StructStencilElement(stencils, i),
                  AbsStencilShape(stencil_shape, abs_shape);         

                  if (abs_shape)   /* non-centre stencils are zeroed */
                     /* look for connecting fboxes that must be zeroed. */
                     for (j= 0; j< nboxman_entries; j++)
                        hypre_BoxManEntryGetExtents(boxman_entries[j], ilower, iupper);
                        hypre_BoxSetExtents(&fgrid_box, ilower, iupper);

                        shift_ibox= hypre_CF_StenBox(&fgrid_box, cgrid_box, stencil_shape, 
                                                     refine_factors, ndim);

                        if ( hypre_BoxVolume(shift_ibox) )
                           ac_ptr= hypre_StructMatrixExtractPointerByIndex(smatrix,
                           hypre_BoxGetSize(shift_ibox, loop_size);

                           hypre_BoxLoop1Begin(ndim, loop_size,
                                               ac_dbox, hypre_BoxIMin(shift_ibox),
                                               stride, iac);
#pragma omp parallel for private(HYPRE_BOX_PRIVATE,iac) HYPRE_SMP_SCHEDULE
                              ac_ptr[iac] = 0.0;
                        }   /* if ( hypre_BoxVolume(shift_ibox) ) */


                     }  /* for (j= 0; j< nboxman_entries; j++) */
                  }     /* if (abs_shape)  */
               }        /* for (i= 0; i< stencil_size; i++) */
            }           /* if (stencils != NULL) */
         }              /* for (var2= 0; var2< nvars; var2++) */

      }   /* hypre_ForBoxI  ci */
コード例 #22
ファイル: coarsen.c プロジェクト: 5432935/crossbridge
hypre_StructCoarsen( hypre_StructGrid  *fgrid,
                     hypre_Index        index,
                     hypre_Index        stride,
                     int                prune,
                     hypre_StructGrid **cgrid_ptr )
   int ierr = 0;

   hypre_StructGrid   *cgrid;
   MPI_Comm            comm;
   int                 dim;
   hypre_BoxNeighbors *neighbors;
   hypre_BoxArray     *hood_boxes;
   int                 num_hood;
   int                *hood_procs;
   int                *hood_ids;
   int                 first_local;
   int                 num_local;
   int                 num_periodic;
   int                 max_distance;
   hypre_Box          *bounding_box;
   hypre_Index         periodic;

   MPI_Request        *send_requests;
   MPI_Status         *send_status;
   int                *send_buffer;
   int                 send_size;
   MPI_Request        *recv_requests;
   MPI_Status         *recv_status;
   int               **recv_buffers;
   int                *recv_sizes;
   int                 my_rank;

   int                *send_procs;
   int                *recv_procs;
   int                 num_sends;
   int                 num_recvs;
   hypre_BoxArray     *new_hood_boxes;
   int                 new_num_hood;
   int                *new_hood_procs;
   int                *new_hood_ids;
   int                 new_first_local;
   int                 new_num_local;
   int                 new_num_periodic;

   hypre_Box          *box;
   hypre_Box          *local_box;
   hypre_Box          *neighbor_box;
   hypre_Box          *local_cbox;
   hypre_Box          *neighbor_cbox;
   hypre_Index         imin;
   hypre_Index         imax;
   int                 alloc_size;

   double              perimeter_count, cperimeter_count;
   /*double              diff, distance, perimeter_count, cperimeter_count;*/
   int                *iarray;
   int                *jrecv;
   int                 i, j, d, ilocal;
   int                 data_id, min_id, jj;

    * Copy needed info from fgrid

   comm         = hypre_StructGridComm(fgrid);
   dim          = hypre_StructGridDim(fgrid);
   neighbors    = hypre_StructGridNeighbors(fgrid);
   hood_boxes   = hypre_BoxArrayDuplicate(hypre_BoxNeighborsBoxes(neighbors));
   num_hood     = hypre_BoxArraySize(hood_boxes);

   iarray  = hypre_BoxNeighborsProcs(neighbors);
   hood_procs = hypre_TAlloc(int, num_hood);
   for (i = 0; i < num_hood; i++)
      hood_procs[i] = iarray[i];

   iarray = hypre_BoxNeighborsIDs(neighbors);
   hood_ids  = hypre_TAlloc(int, num_hood);
   for (i = 0; i < num_hood; i++)
      hood_ids[i] = iarray[i];

   first_local  = hypre_BoxNeighborsFirstLocal(neighbors);
   num_local    = hypre_BoxNeighborsNumLocal(neighbors);
   num_periodic = hypre_BoxNeighborsNumPeriodic(neighbors);

   max_distance = hypre_StructGridMaxDistance(fgrid);
   bounding_box = hypre_BoxDuplicate(hypre_StructGridBoundingBox(fgrid));
   hypre_CopyIndex(hypre_StructGridPeriodic(fgrid), periodic);

   MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &my_rank);

   sprintf(filename, "zcoarsen.%05d", my_rank);

   if ((file = fopen(filename, "a")) == NULL)
      printf("Error: can't open output file %s\n", filename);

   fprintf(file, "\n\n============================\n\n");
   fprintf(file, "\n\n%d\n\n", debug_count++);
   fprintf(file, "num_hood = %d\n", num_hood);
   for (i = 0; i < num_hood; i++)
      box = hypre_BoxArrayBox(hood_boxes, i);
      fprintf(file, "(%d,%d,%d) X (%d,%d,%d) ; (%d,%d); %d\n",
              hood_procs[i], hood_ids[i], hypre_BoxVolume(box));
   fprintf(file, "first_local  = %d\n", first_local);
   fprintf(file, "num_local    = %d\n", num_local);
   fprintf(file, "num_periodic = %d\n", num_periodic);

    * Coarsen bounding box

   hypre_StructCoarsenBox(bounding_box, index, stride);

    * Coarsen neighborhood boxes & determine
    * send / recv procs
    * NOTE: Currently, this always communicates
    * with all neighboring processes.

   local_cbox = hypre_BoxCreate();
   neighbor_cbox = hypre_BoxCreate();

   num_recvs = 0;
   num_sends = 0;
   recv_procs = NULL;
   send_procs = NULL;
   for (i = 0; i < num_hood; i++)
      if (hood_procs[i] != my_rank)
         for (j = 0; j < num_local; j++)
            ilocal = first_local + j;

            local_box    = hypre_BoxArrayBox(hood_boxes, ilocal);
            neighbor_box = hypre_BoxArrayBox(hood_boxes, i);

            /* coarsen boxes being considered */
            hypre_CopyBox(local_box, local_cbox);
            hypre_StructCoarsenBox(local_cbox, index, stride);
            hypre_CopyBox(neighbor_box, neighbor_cbox);
            hypre_StructCoarsenBox(neighbor_cbox, index, stride);

             * Receive info?

/* always communicate */
#if 0
            perimeter_count = 0;
            cperimeter_count = 0;
            for (d = 0; d < 3; d++)
               distance = max_distance;
               diff = hypre_BoxIMaxD(neighbor_box, d) -
                  hypre_BoxIMaxD(local_box, d);
               if (diff > 0)
                  distance = hypre_min(distance, diff);
               diff = hypre_BoxIMinD(local_box, d) -
                  hypre_BoxIMinD(neighbor_box, d);
               if (diff > 0)
                  distance = hypre_min(distance, diff);
               if (distance < max_distance)

               distance = max_distance;
               diff = hypre_BoxIMaxD(neighbor_cbox, d) -
                  hypre_BoxIMaxD(local_cbox, d);
               if (diff > 0)
                  distance = hypre_min(distance, diff);
               diff = hypre_BoxIMinD(local_cbox, d) -
                  hypre_BoxIMinD(neighbor_cbox, d);
               if (diff > 0)
                  distance = hypre_min(distance, diff);
               if (distance < max_distance)
            perimeter_count = 0;
            cperimeter_count = 1;
            if (cperimeter_count > perimeter_count)
               if (num_recvs == 0)
                  recv_procs = hypre_TAlloc(int, num_hood);
                  recv_procs[num_recvs] = hood_procs[i];
               else if (hood_procs[i] != recv_procs[num_recvs-1])
                  recv_procs[num_recvs] = hood_procs[i];

             * Send info?

/* always communicate */
#if 0
            perimeter_count = 0;
            cperimeter_count = 0;
            for (d = 0; d < 3; d++)
               distance = max_distance;
               diff = hypre_BoxIMaxD(local_box, d) -
                  hypre_BoxIMaxD(neighbor_box, d);
               if (diff > 0)
                  distance = hypre_min(distance, diff);
               diff = hypre_BoxIMinD(neighbor_box, d) -
                  hypre_BoxIMinD(local_box, d);
               if (diff > 0)
                  distance = hypre_min(distance, diff);
               if (distance < max_distance)

               distance = max_distance;
               diff = hypre_BoxIMaxD(local_cbox, d) -
                  hypre_BoxIMaxD(neighbor_cbox, d);
               if (diff > 0)
                  distance = hypre_min(distance, diff);
               diff = hypre_BoxIMinD(neighbor_cbox, d) -
                  hypre_BoxIMinD(local_cbox, d);
               if (diff > 0)
                  distance = hypre_min(distance, diff);
               if (distance < max_distance)
            perimeter_count = 0;
            cperimeter_count = 1;
            if (cperimeter_count > perimeter_count)
               if (num_sends == 0)
                  send_procs = hypre_TAlloc(int, num_hood);
                  send_procs[num_sends] = hood_procs[i];
               else if (hood_procs[i] != send_procs[num_sends-1])
                  send_procs[num_sends] = hood_procs[i];