コード例 #1
ファイル: i2c.c プロジェクト: franzbischoff/stm32f4inicial
static uint32_t i2c_read(uint8_t reg)
    //    while ((I2C_SR2(i2c) & I2C_SR2_BUSY)) {
    //    }


    /* Wait for master mode selected */
    while (!((I2C_SR1(I2C_PORT) & I2C_SR1_SB)
           & (I2C_SR2(I2C_PORT) & (I2C_SR2_MSL | I2C_SR2_BUSY))));

    i2c_send_7bit_address(I2C_PORT, SLAVE_ADDRESS, I2C_WRITE);

    /* Waiting for address is transferred. */
    while (!(I2C_SR1(I2C_PORT) & I2C_SR1_ADDR));

    /* Cleaning ADDR condition sequence. */
    uint32_t reg32 = I2C_SR2(I2C_PORT);
    (void) reg32; /* unused */

    /*  Common stuff ABOVE HERE     */

    i2c_send_data(I2C_PORT, reg);
    while (!(I2C_SR1(I2C_PORT) & (I2C_SR1_BTF)));


    /* Wait for master mode selected */
    while (!((I2C_SR1(I2C_PORT) & I2C_SR1_SB)
           & (I2C_SR2(I2C_PORT) & (I2C_SR2_MSL | I2C_SR2_BUSY))));

    i2c_send_7bit_address(I2C_PORT, SLAVE_ADDRESS, I2C_READ);

    /* Waiting for address is transferred. */
    while (!(I2C_SR1(I2C_PORT) & I2C_SR1_ADDR));


    /* Cleaning ADDR condition sequence. */
    reg32 = I2C_SR2(I2C_PORT);
    (void) reg32; /* unused */


    while (!(I2C_SR1(I2C_PORT) & I2C_SR1_RxNE));
    uint32_t result = i2c_get_data(I2C_PORT);

    I2C_SR1(I2C_PORT) &= ~I2C_SR1_AF;
    return result;
コード例 #2
int tda18219_read_reg(uint8_t reg, uint8_t* value)
	uint32_t __attribute__((unused)) reg32;

	/* Send START condition. */

	/* Waiting for START is send and switched to master mode. */
	while (!((I2C_SR1(I2C1) & I2C_SR1_SB)
		& (I2C_SR2(I2C1) & (I2C_SR2_MSL | I2C_SR2_BUSY))));

	/* Say to what address we want to talk to. */
	/* Yes, WRITE is correct - for selecting register in STTS75. */
	i2c_send_7bit_address(I2C1, TDA18219_I2C_ADDR, I2C_WRITE);

	/* Waiting for address is transferred. */
	while (!(I2C_SR1(I2C1) & I2C_SR1_ADDR));

	/* Cleaning ADDR condition sequence. */
	reg32 = I2C_SR2(I2C1);

	i2c_send_data(I2C1, reg);
	while (!(I2C_SR1(I2C1) & (I2C_SR1_BTF | I2C_SR1_TxE)));

	/* Send re-START condition. */

	/* Waiting for START is send and switched to master mode. */
	while (!((I2C_SR1(I2C1) & I2C_SR1_SB)
		& (I2C_SR2(I2C1) & (I2C_SR2_MSL | I2C_SR2_BUSY))));

	/* Say to what address we want to talk to. */
	i2c_send_7bit_address(I2C1, TDA18219_I2C_ADDR, I2C_READ); 

	I2C_CR1(I2C1) &= ~I2C_CR1_ACK;

	/* Waiting for address is transferred. */
	while (!(I2C_SR1(I2C1) & I2C_SR1_ADDR));

	/* Cleaning ADDR condition sequence. */
	reg32 = I2C_SR2(I2C1);


	while (!(I2C_SR1(I2C1) & I2C_SR1_RxNE));

	*value = I2C_DR(I2C1);

	return 0;
コード例 #3
void stts75_write_temp_hyst(uint32_t i2c, uint8_t sensor, uint16_t temp_hyst)
	uint32_t reg32 __attribute__((unused));

	/* Send START condition. */

	/* Waiting for START is send and therefore switched to master mode. */
	while (!((I2C_SR1(i2c) & I2C_SR1_SB)
		& (I2C_SR2(i2c) & (I2C_SR2_MSL | I2C_SR2_BUSY))));

	/* Say to what address we want to talk to. */
	i2c_send_7bit_address(i2c, sensor, I2C_WRITE);

	/* Waiting for address is transferred. */
	while (!(I2C_SR1(i2c) & I2C_SR1_ADDR));

	/* Cleaning ADDR condition sequence. */
	reg32 = I2C_SR2(i2c);

	/* Sending the data. */
	i2c_send_data(i2c, 0x2); /* TemperatureHysteresis register */
	while (!(I2C_SR1(i2c) & I2C_SR1_BTF));
	i2c_send_data(i2c, (uint8_t)(temp_hyst >> 8)); /* MSB */
	while (!(I2C_SR1(i2c) & I2C_SR1_BTF));
	i2c_send_data(i2c, (uint8_t)(temp_hyst & 0xff00)); /* LSB */
	/* After the last byte we have to wait for TxE too. */
	while (!(I2C_SR1(i2c) & (I2C_SR1_BTF | I2C_SR1_TxE)));

	/* Send STOP condition. */
コード例 #4
void stts75_write_temp_os(uint32_t i2c, uint8_t sensor, uint16_t temp_os)
	uint32_t reg32 __attribute__((unused));

	/* Send START condition. */

	/* Waiting for START is send and switched to master mode. */
	while (!((I2C_SR1(i2c) & I2C_SR1_SB)
		& (I2C_SR2(i2c) & (I2C_SR2_MSL | I2C_SR2_BUSY))));

	/* Send destination address. */
	i2c_send_7bit_address(i2c, sensor, I2C_WRITE);

	/* Waiting for address is transferred. */
	while (!(I2C_SR1(i2c) & I2C_SR1_ADDR));

	/* Cleaning ADDR condition sequence. */
	reg32 = I2C_SR2(i2c);

	/* Sending the data. */
	i2c_send_data(i2c, 0x3); /* OvertemperatureShutdown register */
	while (!(I2C_SR1(i2c) & I2C_SR1_BTF));
	i2c_send_data(i2c, (uint8_t)(temp_os >> 8)); /* MSB */
	while (!(I2C_SR1(i2c) & I2C_SR1_BTF));
	i2c_send_data(i2c, (uint8_t)(temp_os & 0xff00)); /* LSB */
	/* After the last byte we have to wait for TxE too. */
	while (!(I2C_SR1(i2c) & (I2C_SR1_BTF | I2C_SR1_TxE)));

	/* Send STOP condition. */
コード例 #5
void stts75_write_config(uint32_t i2c, uint8_t sensor)
	uint32_t reg32 __attribute__((unused));

	/* Send START condition. */

	/* Waiting for START is send and switched to master mode. */
	while (!((I2C_SR1(i2c) & I2C_SR1_SB)
		& (I2C_SR2(i2c) & (I2C_SR2_MSL | I2C_SR2_BUSY))));

	/* Send destination address. */
	i2c_send_7bit_address(i2c, sensor, I2C_WRITE);

	/* Waiting for address is transferred. */
	while (!(I2C_SR1(i2c) & I2C_SR1_ADDR));

	/* Cleaning ADDR condition sequence. */
	reg32 = I2C_SR2(i2c);

	/* Sending the data. */
	i2c_send_data(i2c, 0x1); /* stts75 config register */
	while (!(I2C_SR1(i2c) & I2C_SR1_BTF)); /* Await ByteTransferedFlag. */
	/* Polarity reverse - LED glows if temp is below Tos/Thyst. */
	i2c_send_data(i2c, 0x4);
	while (!(I2C_SR1(i2c) & (I2C_SR1_BTF | I2C_SR1_TxE)));

	/* Send STOP condition. */
コード例 #6
ファイル: i2c.c プロジェクト: franzbischoff/stm32f4inicial
static int i2c_write(uint8_t reg, uint8_t val)
    while ((I2C_SR2(I2C_PORT) & I2C_SR2_BUSY)) {
    gpio_set(GPIOG, GPIO13);

    /* Wait for master mode selected */
    while (!((I2C_SR1(I2C_PORT) & I2C_SR1_SB)
           & (I2C_SR2(I2C_PORT) & (I2C_SR2_MSL | I2C_SR2_BUSY))));
    gpio_set(GPIOG, GPIO14);
    i2c_send_7bit_address(I2C_PORT, SLAVE_ADDRESS, I2C_WRITE);

    /* Waiting for address is transferred. */
    while (!(I2C_SR1(I2C_PORT) & I2C_SR1_ADDR));

    /* Cleaning ADDR condition sequence. */
    uint32_t reg32 = I2C_SR2(I2C_PORT);
    (void) reg32; /* unused */

    /* Common above here */

    /* Sending the data. */
    i2c_send_data(I2C_PORT, reg);
    while (!(I2C_SR1(I2C_PORT) & (I2C_SR1_BTF)));
    i2c_send_data(I2C_PORT, val);
    while (!(I2C_SR1(I2C_PORT) & (I2C_SR1_BTF | I2C_SR1_TxE)));

    /* Send STOP condition. */
    return 0;
コード例 #7
ファイル: tmp.c プロジェクト: cuspaceflight/wombat
float tmp_read_temperature(void) {
    // Store signed temperature info (12 bit from device, with 4LSBs = 0)
    s16 temperature;
    // Dummy variable to store read results from registers that must be read
    u32 reg;

    // Send START
    while(!(I2C1_SR1 & I2C_SR1_SB));

    // Send the TMP102's address and READ
    i2c_send_7bit_address(I2C1, 0x48, I2C_READ);
    while(!(I2C1_SR1 & I2C_SR1_ADDR));

    // Clear ADDR bit, send ACKs, read byte one (MSB)
    reg = I2C1_SR2;
    I2C1_CR1 |= I2C_CR1_ACK;
    while(!(I2C1_SR1 & I2C_SR1_BTF));
    temperature = (u16)(I2C1_DR << 8);

    // Stop sending ACKs, send STOP, read byte two (LSB)
    I2C1_CR1 &= ~I2C_CR1_ACK;
    I2C1_CR1 |= I2C_CR1_STOP;
    while(!(I2C1_SR1 & I2C_SR1_BTF));
    temperature |= I2C1_DR;

    temperature >>= 4;

    return (float)temperature * 0.0625;
コード例 #8
ファイル: eeprom.c プロジェクト: HackLinux/eeprom_driver
/* Function to write a byte at a specific address */
bool eeprom_write_byte(uint16_t address, uint8_t data)
	bool success = true;

	/* send START and wait for completion */
	while ((I2C_SR1(I2C1) & I2C_SR1_SB) == 0);

	/* send device address, r/w request and wait for completion */
	i2c_send_7bit_address(I2C1, ADDRESS_BYTE, I2C_WRITE);
	while ((I2C_SR1(I2C1) & I2C_SR1_ADDR) == 0);

	/* check SR2 and go on if OK */
	if ((I2C_SR2(I2C1) & I2C_SR2_MSL)		/* master mode */
	&&	(I2C_SR2(I2C1) & I2C_SR2_BUSY)) {	/* communication ongoing  */

		/* send memory address MSB */
		i2c_send_data(I2C1, ((uint8_t)(address >> 8)));
		while ((I2C_SR1(I2C1) & I2C_SR1_TxE) == 0);

		/* send memory address LSB */
		i2c_send_data(I2C1, ((uint8_t)address));
		while ((I2C_SR1(I2C1) & I2C_SR1_TxE) == 0);

		/* send data byte */
		i2c_send_data(I2C1, data);
		while ((I2C_SR1(I2C1) & I2C_SR1_TxE) == 0);

		/* send stop */

		/* ATTENTION: consider to wait for a while */
	} else {
コード例 #9
ファイル: board_fy20ap.cpp プロジェクト: px4dev/mavmon
static void
	/* send start */
	while (!((I2C_SR1(I2C1) & I2C_SR1_SB)
	        & (I2C_SR2(I2C1) & (I2C_SR2_MSL | I2C_SR2_BUSY))))

	/* send address */
	i2c_send_7bit_address(I2C1, current_address, I2C_WRITE);
	while (!(I2C_SR1(I2C1) & I2C_SR1_ADDR))

	selected = true;
コード例 #10
static uint8_t i2c_start(uint32_t i2c, uint8_t address, uint8_t mode)

	/* Wait for master mode selected */
	while (!((I2C_SR1(i2c) & I2C_SR1_SB)
		& (I2C_SR2(i2c) & (I2C_SR2_MSL | I2C_SR2_BUSY))));

	i2c_send_7bit_address(i2c, address, mode);

	/* Waiting for address is transferred. */
	while (!(I2C_SR1(i2c) & I2C_SR1_ADDR));

	/* Cleaning ADDR condition sequence. */
	uint32_t reg32 = I2C_SR2(i2c);
	(void) reg32; /* unused */

	return 0;
コード例 #11
uint16_t stts75_read_temperature(uint32_t i2c, uint8_t sensor)
	uint32_t reg32 __attribute__((unused));
	uint16_t temperature;

	/* Send START condition. */

	/* Waiting for START is send and switched to master mode. */
	while (!((I2C_SR1(i2c) & I2C_SR1_SB)
		& (I2C_SR2(i2c) & (I2C_SR2_MSL | I2C_SR2_BUSY))));

	/* Say to what address we want to talk to. */
	/* Yes, WRITE is correct - for selecting register in STTS75. */
	i2c_send_7bit_address(i2c, sensor, I2C_WRITE);

	/* Waiting for address is transferred. */
	while (!(I2C_SR1(i2c) & I2C_SR1_ADDR));

	/* Cleaning ADDR condition sequence. */
	reg32 = I2C_SR2(i2c);

	i2c_send_data(i2c, 0x0); /* temperature register */
	while (!(I2C_SR1(i2c) & (I2C_SR1_BTF | I2C_SR1_TxE)));

	 * Now we transferred that we want to ACCESS the temperature register.
	 * Now we send another START condition (repeated START) and then
	 * transfer the destination but with flag READ.

	/* Send START condition. */

	/* Waiting for START is send and switched to master mode. */
	while (!((I2C_SR1(i2c) & I2C_SR1_SB)
		& (I2C_SR2(i2c) & (I2C_SR2_MSL | I2C_SR2_BUSY))));

	/* Say to what address we want to talk to. */
	i2c_send_7bit_address(i2c, sensor, I2C_READ);

	/* 2-byte receive is a special case. See datasheet POS bit. */
	I2C_CR1(i2c) |= (I2C_CR1_POS | I2C_CR1_ACK);

	/* Waiting for address is transferred. */
	while (!(I2C_SR1(i2c) & I2C_SR1_ADDR));

	/* Cleaning ADDR condition sequence. */
	reg32 = I2C_SR2(i2c);

	/* Cleaning I2C_SR1_ACK. */
	I2C_CR1(i2c) &= ~I2C_CR1_ACK;

	/* Now the slave should begin to send us the first byte. Await BTF. */
	while (!(I2C_SR1(i2c) & I2C_SR1_BTF));
	temperature = (uint16_t)(I2C_DR(i2c) << 8); /* MSB */

	 * Yes they mean it: we have to generate the STOP condition before
	 * saving the 1st byte.
	I2C_CR1(i2c) |= I2C_CR1_STOP;

	temperature |= I2C_DR(i2c); /* LSB */

	/* Original state. */
	I2C_CR1(i2c) &= ~I2C_CR1_POS;

	return temperature;