コード例 #1
/*! Helper function used during the full feature phase of a connection to
 *  send and receive text requests and responses.
 *  This function will take a dictionary of key-value pairs and send the
 *  appropriate text request PDU to the target.  It will then receive one or more
 *  text response PDUs from the target, parse them and return the key-value
 *  pairs received as a dictionary.  If an error occurs, this function will
 *  parse the iSCSI error and express it in terms of a system errno_t as
 *  the system would treat any other device.
 *  @param sessionId the session identifier.
 *  @param connectionId a connection identifier.
 *  @param textCmd a dictionary of key-value pairs to send.
 *  @param textRsp a dictionary of key-value pairs to receive.
 *  @return an error code that indicates the result of the operation. */
errno_t iSCSISessionTextQuery(SID sessionId,
                              CID connectionId,
                              CFDictionaryRef   textCmd,
                              CFMutableDictionaryRef  textRsp)
    // Create a new login request basic header segment
    iSCSIPDUTextReqBHS cmd = iSCSIPDUTextReqBHSInit;
    cmd.textReqStageFlags = 0;
    // Create a data segment based on text commands (key-value pairs)
    void * data;
    size_t length;
    errno_t error = iSCSIKernelSend(sessionId,
                                    (iSCSIPDUInitiatorBHS *)&cmd,
    if(error) {
        return error;
    // Get response from iSCSI portal, continue until response is complete
    iSCSIPDUTextRspBHS rsp;
    do {
        if((error = iSCSIKernelRecv(sessionId,connectionId,
                                    (iSCSIPDUTargetBHS *)&rsp,&data,&length)))
            return error;
        if(rsp.opCode == kiSCSIPDUOpCodeTextRsp)
        // For this case some other kind of PDU or invalid data was received
        else if(rsp.opCode == kiSCSIPDUOpCodeReject)
            error = EIO;
    while(rsp.textReqStageBits & kiSCSIPDUTextReqContinueFlag);
    return error;
コード例 #2
/*! Receives data over a kernel socket associated with iSCSI.
 *  @param sessionId the qualifier part of the ISID (see RFC3720).
 *  @param connectionId the connection associated with the session.
 *  @param bhs the basic header segment received over the connection.
 *  @param data the data segment of the PDU received over the connection.
 *  @param length the length of the data block received.
 *  @return error code indicating result of operation. */
errno_t iSCSIKernelRecv(SID sessionId,
                        CID connectionId,
                        iSCSIPDUTargetBHS * bhs,
                        void ** data,
                        size_t * length)
    // Check parameters
    if(sessionId == kiSCSIInvalidSessionId || connectionId == kiSCSIInvalidConnectionId || !bhs)
        return EINVAL;
    // Setup input scalar array
    const UInt32 inputCnt = 2;
    UInt64 inputs[] = {sessionId,connectionId};
    size_t bhsLength = sizeof(iSCSIPDUTargetBHS);

    // Call kernel method to determine how much data there is to receive
    // The inputs are the sesssion qualifier and connection ID
    // The output is the size of the buffer we need to allocate to hold the data
    kern_return_t result;
    result = IOConnectCallMethod(connection,kiSCSIRecvBHS,inputs,inputCnt,NULL,0,
    if(result != kIOReturnSuccess)
        return IOReturnToErrno(result);
    // Determine how much data to allocate for the data buffer
    *length = iSCSIPDUGetDataSegmentLength((iSCSIPDUCommonBHS *)bhs);
    // If no data, were done at this point
    if(*length == 0)
        return 0;
    *data = iSCSIPDUDataCreate(*length);
    if(*data == NULL)
        return EIO;
    // Call kernel method to get data from a receive buffer
    result = IOConnectCallMethod(connection,kiSCSIRecvData,inputs,inputCnt,NULL,0,

    // If we failed, free the temporary buffer and quit with error
    if(result != kIOReturnSuccess)
    return IOReturnToErrno(result);
コード例 #3
/*! Helper function used throughout the login process to query the target.
 *  This function will take a dictionary of key-value pairs and send the
 *  appropriate login PDU to the target.  It will then receive one or more
 *  login response PDUs from the target, parse them and return the key-value
 *  pairs received as a dictionary.  If an error occurs, this function will
 *  return the C error code.  If communications are successful but the iSCSI
 *  layer experiences errors, it will return an iSCSI error code, either in the
 *  form of a login status code or a PDU rejection code in addition to
 *  a standard C error code.
 *  @param context the context to query (session identifier, etc)
 *  @param statusCode the iSCSI status code returned by the target
 *  @param rejectCode the iSCSI reject code, if the command was rejected
 *  @param textCmd a dictionary of key-value pairs to send.
 *  @param textRsp a dictionary of key-value pairs to receive.
 *  @return an error code that indicates the result of the operation. */
errno_t iSCSISessionLoginQuery(struct iSCSILoginQueryContext * context,
                               enum iSCSILoginStatusCode * statusCode,
                               enum iSCSIRejectCode * rejectCode,
                               CFDictionaryRef   textCmd,
                               CFMutableDictionaryRef  textRsp)
    // Create a new login request basic header segment
    iSCSIPDULoginReqBHS cmd = iSCSIPDULoginReqBHSInit;
    cmd.TSIH  = CFSwapInt16HostToBig(context->targetSessionId);
    cmd.CID   = CFSwapInt32HostToBig(context->connectionId);
    cmd.ISIDd = CFSwapInt16HostToBig(context->sessionId);
    cmd.loginStage  = (context->nextStage << kiSCSIPDULoginNSGBitOffset);
    cmd.loginStage |= (context->currentStage << kiSCSIPDULoginCSGBitOffset);
    // If stages aren't the same then we are going to transition
    if(context->currentStage != context->nextStage)
        cmd.loginStage |= kiSCSIPDULoginTransitFlag;
    // Create a data segment based on text commands (key-value pairs)
    void * data;
    size_t length;

    errno_t error = iSCSIKernelSend(context->sessionId,context->connectionId,
                                    (iSCSIPDUInitiatorBHS *)&cmd,
    if(error) {
        return error;
    // Get response from iSCSI portal, continue until response is complete
    iSCSIPDULoginRspBHS rsp;
    do {
        if((error = iSCSIKernelRecv(context->sessionId,context->connectionId,
                                    (iSCSIPDUTargetBHS *)&rsp,&data,&length)))
            return error;
        if(rsp.opCode == kiSCSIPDUOpCodeLoginRsp)
            // Per RFC3720, the status and detail together make up the code
            // where the class is the high byte and the detail is the low
            *statusCode = ((((UInt16)rsp.statusClass)<<8) | rsp.statusDetail);

            if(*statusCode != kiSCSILoginSuccess) {
                error = EINVAL;
        // For this case some other kind of PDU or invalid data was received
        else if(rsp.opCode == kiSCSIPDUOpCodeReject)
            error = EOPNOTSUPP;
    while(rsp.loginStage & kiSCSIPDUTextReqContinueFlag);
    return error;