コード例 #1
ファイル: dtf2d.c プロジェクト: DominicDirkx/sofa
int iauDtf2d(const char *scale, int iy, int im, int id,
             int ihr, int imn, double sec, double *d1, double *d2)
**  - - - - - - - - -
**   i a u D t f 2 d
**  - - - - - - - - -
**  Encode date and time fields into 2-part Julian Date (or in the case
**  of UTC a quasi-JD form that includes special provision for leap
**  seconds).
**  This function is part of the International Astronomical Union's
**  SOFA (Standards of Fundamental Astronomy) software collection.
**  Status:  support function.
**  Given:
**     scale     char[]  time scale ID (Note 1)
**     iy,im,id  int     year, month, day in Gregorian calendar (Note 2)
**     ihr,imn   int     hour, minute
**     sec       double  seconds
**  Returned:
**     d1,d2     double  2-part Julian Date (Notes 3,4)
**  Returned (function value):
**               int     status: +3 = both of next two
**                               +2 = time is after end of day (Note 5)
**                               +1 = dubious year (Note 6)
**                                0 = OK
**                               -1 = bad year
**                               -2 = bad month
**                               -3 = bad day
**                               -4 = bad hour
**                               -5 = bad minute
**                               -6 = bad second (<0)
**  Notes:
**  1) scale identifies the time scale.  Only the value "UTC" (in upper
**     case) is significant, and enables handling of leap seconds (see
**     Note 4).
**  2) For calendar conventions and limitations, see iauCal2jd.
**  3) The sum of the results, d1+d2, is Julian Date, where normally d1
**     is the Julian Day Number and d2 is the fraction of a day.  In the
**     case of UTC, where the use of JD is problematical, special
**     conventions apply:  see the next note.
**  4) JD cannot unambiguously represent UTC during a leap second unless
**     special measures are taken.  The SOFA internal convention is that
**     the quasi-JD day represents UTC days whether the length is 86399,
**     86400 or 86401 SI seconds.  In the 1960-1972 era there were
**     smaller jumps (in either direction) each time the linear UTC(TAI)
**     expression was changed, and these "mini-leaps" are also included
**     in the SOFA convention.
**  5) The warning status "time is after end of day" usually means that
**     the sec argument is greater than 60.0.  However, in a day ending
**     in a leap second the limit changes to 61.0 (or 59.0 in the case
**     of a negative leap second).
**  6) The warning status "dubious year" flags UTCs that predate the
**     introduction of the time scale or that are too far in the future
**     to be trusted.  See iauDat for further details.
**  7) Only in the case of continuous and regular time scales (TAI, TT,
**     TCG, TCB and TDB) is the result d1+d2 a Julian Date, strictly
**     speaking.  In the other cases (UT1 and UTC) the result must be
**     used with circumspection;  in particular the difference between
**     two such results cannot be interpreted as a precise time
**     interval.
**  Called:
**     iauCal2jd    Gregorian calendar to JD
**     iauDat       delta(AT) = TAI-UTC
**     iauJd2cal    JD to Gregorian calendar
**  This revision:  2013 July 26
**  SOFA release 2015-02-09
**  Copyright (C) 2015 IAU SOFA Board.  See notes at end.
   int js, iy2, im2, id2;
   double dj, w, day, seclim, dat0, dat12, dat24, dleap, time;

/* Today's Julian Day Number. */
   js = iauCal2jd(iy, im, id, &dj, &w);
   if ( js ) return js;
   dj += w;

/* Day length and final minute length in seconds (provisional). */
   day = DAYSEC;
   seclim = 60.0;

/* Deal with the UTC leap second case. */
   if ( ! strcmp(scale,"UTC") ) {

   /* TAI-UTC at 0h today. */
      js = iauDat(iy, im, id, 0.0, &dat0);
      if ( js < 0 ) return js;

   /* TAI-UTC at 12h today (to detect drift). */
      js = iauDat(iy, im, id, 0.5, &dat12);
      if ( js < 0 ) return js;

   /* TAI-UTC at 0h tomorrow (to detect jumps). */
      js = iauJd2cal ( dj, 1.5, &iy2, &im2, &id2, &w);
      if ( js ) return js;
      js = iauDat(iy2, im2, id2, 0.0, &dat24);
      if ( js < 0 ) return js;

   /* Any sudden change in TAI-UTC between today and tomorrow. */
      dleap = dat24 - (2.0*dat12 - dat0);

   /* If leap second day, correct the day and final minute lengths. */
      day += dleap;
      if ( ihr == 23 && imn == 59 ) seclim += dleap;

   /* End of UTC-specific actions. */

/* Validate the time. */
   if ( ihr >= 0 && ihr <= 23 ) {
      if ( imn >= 0 && imn <= 59 ) {
         if ( sec >= 0 ) {
            if ( sec >= seclim ) {
               js += 2;
         } else {
            js = -6;
      } else {
         js = -5;
   } else {
      js = -4;
   if ( js < 0 ) return js;

/* The time in days. */
   time  = ( 60.0 * ( (double) ( 60 * ihr + imn ) ) + sec ) / day;

/* Return the date and time. */
   *d1 = dj;
   *d2 = time;

/* Status. */
   return js;

**  Copyright (C) 2015
**  Standards Of Fundamental Astronomy Board
**  of the International Astronomical Union.
**  =====================
**  SOFA Software License
**  =====================
**  1. The Software is owned by the IAU SOFA Board ("SOFA").
**  2. Permission is granted to anyone to use the SOFA software for any
**     purpose, including commercial applications, free of charge and
**     without payment of royalties, subject to the conditions and
**     restrictions listed below.
**  3. You (the user) may copy and distribute SOFA source code to others,
**     and use and adapt its code and algorithms in your own software,
**     on a world-wide, royalty-free basis.  That portion of your
**     distribution that does not consist of intact and unchanged copies
**     of SOFA source code files is a "derived work" that must comply
**     with the following requirements:
**     a) Your work shall be marked or carry a statement that it
**        (i) uses routines and computations derived by you from
**        software provided by SOFA under license to you; and
**        (ii) does not itself constitute software provided by and/or
**        endorsed by SOFA.
**     b) The source code of your derived work must contain descriptions
**        of how the derived work is based upon, contains and/or differs
**        from the original SOFA software.
**     c) The names of all routines in your derived work shall not
**        include the prefix "iau" or "sofa" or trivial modifications
**        thereof such as changes of case.
**     d) The origin of the SOFA components of your derived work must
**        not be misrepresented;  you must not claim that you wrote the
**        original software, nor file a patent application for SOFA
**        software or algorithms embedded in the SOFA software.
**     e) These requirements must be reproduced intact in any source
**        distribution and shall apply to anyone to whom you have
**        granted a further right to modify the source code of your
**        derived work.
**     Note that, as originally distributed, the SOFA software is
**     intended to be a definitive implementation of the IAU standards,
**     and consequently third-party modifications are discouraged.  All
**     variations, no matter how minor, must be explicitly marked as
**     such, as explained above.
**  4. You shall not cause the SOFA software to be brought into
**     disrepute, either by misuse, or use for inappropriate tasks, or
**     by inappropriate modification.
**  5. The SOFA software is provided "as is" and SOFA makes no warranty
**     as to its use or performance.   SOFA does not and cannot warrant
**     the performance or results which the user may obtain by using the
**     SOFA software.  SOFA makes no warranties, express or implied, as
**     to non-infringement of third party rights, merchantability, or
**     fitness for any particular purpose.  In no event will SOFA be
**     liable to the user for any consequential, incidental, or special
**     damages, including any lost profits or lost savings, even if a
**     SOFA representative has been advised of such damages, or for any
**     claim by any third party.
**  6. The provision of any version of the SOFA software under the terms
**     and conditions specified herein does not imply that future
**     versions will also be made available under the same terms and
**     conditions.
**  In any published work or commercial product which uses the SOFA
**  software directly, acknowledgement (see www.iausofa.org) is
**  appreciated.
**  Correspondence concerning SOFA software should be addressed as
**  follows:
**      By email:  [email protected]
**      By post:   IAU SOFA Center
**                 HM Nautical Almanac Office
**                 UK Hydrographic Office
**                 Admiralty Way, Taunton
**                 Somerset, TA1 2DN
**                 United Kingdom
コード例 #2
ファイル: ut1utc.c プロジェクト: Jvinniec/CppEphem
int iauUt1utc(double ut11, double ut12, double dut1,
              double *utc1, double *utc2)
**  - - - - - - - - - -
**   i a u U t 1 u t c
**  - - - - - - - - - -
**  Time scale transformation:  Universal Time, UT1, to Coordinated
**  Universal Time, UTC.
**  This function is part of the International Astronomical Union's
**  SOFA (Standards of Fundamental Astronomy) software collection.
**  Status:  canonical.
**  Given:
**     ut11,ut12  double   UT1 as a 2-part Julian Date (Note 1)
**     dut1       double   Delta UT1: UT1-UTC in seconds (Note 2)
**  Returned:
**     utc1,utc2  double   UTC as a 2-part quasi Julian Date (Notes 3,4)
**  Returned (function value):
**                int      status: +1 = dubious year (Note 5)
**                                  0 = OK
**                                 -1 = unacceptable date
**  Notes:
**  1) ut11+ut12 is Julian Date, apportioned in any convenient way
**     between the two arguments, for example where ut11 is the Julian
**     Day Number and ut12 is the fraction of a day.  The returned utc1
**     and utc2 form an analogous pair, except that a special convention
**     is used, to deal with the problem of leap seconds - see Note 3.
**  2) Delta UT1 can be obtained from tabulations provided by the
**     International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service.  The
**     value changes abruptly by 1s at a leap second;  however, close to
**     a leap second the algorithm used here is tolerant of the "wrong"
**     choice of value being made.
**  3) JD cannot unambiguously represent UTC during a leap second unless
**     special measures are taken.  The convention in the present
**     function is that the returned quasi JD day UTC1+UTC2 represents
**     UTC days whether the length is 86399, 86400 or 86401 SI seconds.
**  4) The function iauD2dtf can be used to transform the UTC quasi-JD
**     into calendar date and clock time, including UTC leap second
**     handling.
**  5) The warning status "dubious year" flags UTCs that predate the
**     introduction of the time scale or that are too far in the future
**     to be trusted.  See iauDat for further details.
**  Called:
**     iauJd2cal    JD to Gregorian calendar
**     iauDat       delta(AT) = TAI-UTC
**     iauCal2jd    Gregorian calendar to JD
**  References:
**     McCarthy, D. D., Petit, G. (eds.), IERS Conventions (2003),
**     IERS Technical Note No. 32, BKG (2004)
**     Explanatory Supplement to the Astronomical Almanac,
**     P. Kenneth Seidelmann (ed), University Science Books (1992)
**  This revision:  2013 June 18
**  SOFA release 2017-04-20
**  Copyright (C) 2017 IAU SOFA Board.  See notes at end.
   int big1;
   int i, iy, im, id, js;
   double duts, u1, u2, d1, dats1, d2, fd, dats2, ddats, us1, us2, du;

/* UT1-UTC in seconds. */
   duts = dut1;

/* Put the two parts of the UT1 into big-first order. */
   big1 = ( ut11 >= ut12 );
   if ( big1 ) {
      u1 = ut11;
      u2 = ut12;
   } else {
      u1 = ut12;
      u2 = ut11;

/* See if the UT1 can possibly be in a leap-second day. */
   d1 = u1;
   dats1 = 0;
   for ( i = -1; i <= 3; i++ ) {
      d2 = u2 + (double) i;
      if ( iauJd2cal(d1, d2, &iy, &im, &id, &fd) ) return -1;
      js = iauDat(iy, im, id, 0.0, &dats2);
      if ( js < 0 ) return -1;
      if ( i == - 1 ) dats1 = dats2;
      ddats = dats2 - dats1;
      if ( fabs(ddats) >= 0.5 ) {

      /* Yes, leap second nearby: ensure UT1-UTC is "before" value. */
         if ( ddats * duts >= 0 ) duts -= ddats;

      /* UT1 for the start of the UTC day that ends in a leap. */
         if ( iauCal2jd(iy, im, id, &d1, &d2) ) return -1;
         us1 = d1;
         us2 = d2 - 1.0 + duts/DAYSEC;

      /* Is the UT1 after this point? */
         du = u1 - us1;
         du += u2 - us2;
         if ( du > 0 ) {

         /* Yes:  fraction of the current UTC day that has elapsed. */
            fd = du * DAYSEC / ( DAYSEC + ddats );

         /* Ramp UT1-UTC to bring about SOFA's JD(UTC) convention. */
            duts += ddats * ( fd <= 1.0 ? fd : 1.0 );

      /* Done. */
      dats1 = dats2;

/* Subtract the (possibly adjusted) UT1-UTC from UT1 to give UTC. */
   u2 -= duts / DAYSEC;

/* Result, safeguarding precision. */
   if ( big1 ) {
      *utc1 = u1;
      *utc2 = u2;
   } else {
      *utc1 = u2;
      *utc2 = u1;

/* Status. */
   return js;

**  Copyright (C) 2017
**  Standards Of Fundamental Astronomy Board
**  of the International Astronomical Union.
**  =====================
**  SOFA Software License
**  =====================
**  1. The Software is owned by the IAU SOFA Board ("SOFA").
**  2. Permission is granted to anyone to use the SOFA software for any
**     purpose, including commercial applications, free of charge and
**     without payment of royalties, subject to the conditions and
**     restrictions listed below.
**  3. You (the user) may copy and distribute SOFA source code to others,
**     and use and adapt its code and algorithms in your own software,
**     on a world-wide, royalty-free basis.  That portion of your
**     distribution that does not consist of intact and unchanged copies
**     of SOFA source code files is a "derived work" that must comply
**     with the following requirements:
**     a) Your work shall be marked or carry a statement that it
**        (i) uses routines and computations derived by you from
**        software provided by SOFA under license to you; and
**        (ii) does not itself constitute software provided by and/or
**        endorsed by SOFA.
**     b) The source code of your derived work must contain descriptions
**        of how the derived work is based upon, contains and/or differs
**        from the original SOFA software.
**     c) The names of all routines in your derived work shall not
**        include the prefix "iau" or "sofa" or trivial modifications
**        thereof such as changes of case.
**     d) The origin of the SOFA components of your derived work must
**        not be misrepresented;  you must not claim that you wrote the
**        original software, nor file a patent application for SOFA
**        software or algorithms embedded in the SOFA software.
**     e) These requirements must be reproduced intact in any source
**        distribution and shall apply to anyone to whom you have
**        granted a further right to modify the source code of your
**        derived work.
**     Note that, as originally distributed, the SOFA software is
**     intended to be a definitive implementation of the IAU standards,
**     and consequently third-party modifications are discouraged.  All
**     variations, no matter how minor, must be explicitly marked as
**     such, as explained above.
**  4. You shall not cause the SOFA software to be brought into
**     disrepute, either by misuse, or use for inappropriate tasks, or
**     by inappropriate modification.
**  5. The SOFA software is provided "as is" and SOFA makes no warranty
**     as to its use or performance.   SOFA does not and cannot warrant
**     the performance or results which the user may obtain by using the
**     SOFA software.  SOFA makes no warranties, express or implied, as
**     to non-infringement of third party rights, merchantability, or
**     fitness for any particular purpose.  In no event will SOFA be
**     liable to the user for any consequential, incidental, or special
**     damages, including any lost profits or lost savings, even if a
**     SOFA representative has been advised of such damages, or for any
**     claim by any third party.
**  6. The provision of any version of the SOFA software under the terms
**     and conditions specified herein does not imply that future
**     versions will also be made available under the same terms and
**     conditions.
**  In any published work or commercial product which uses the SOFA
**  software directly, acknowledgement (see www.iausofa.org) is
**  appreciated.
**  Correspondence concerning SOFA software should be addressed as
**  follows:
**      By email:  [email protected]
**      By post:   IAU SOFA Center
**                 HM Nautical Almanac Office
**                 UK Hydrographic Office
**                 Admiralty Way, Taunton
**                 Somerset, TA1 2DN
**                 United Kingdom
コード例 #3
ファイル: utctai.c プロジェクト: LouisStrous/LUX
int iauUtctai(double utc1, double utc2, double *tai1, double *tai2)
**  - - - - - - - - - -
**   i a u U t c t a i
**  - - - - - - - - - -
**  Time scale transformation:  Coordinated Universal Time, UTC, to
**  International Atomic Time, TAI.
**  This function is part of the International Astronomical Union's
**  SOFA (Standards of Fundamental Astronomy) software collection.
**  Status:  canonical.
**  Given:
**     utc1,utc2  double   UTC as a 2-part quasi Julian Date (Notes 1-4)
**  Returned:
**     tai1,tai2  double   TAI as a 2-part Julian Date (Note 5)
**  Returned (function value):
**                int      status: +1 = dubious year (Note 3)
**                                  0 = OK
**                                 -1 = unacceptable date
**  Notes:
**  1) utc1+utc2 is quasi Julian Date (see Note 2), apportioned in any
**     convenient way between the two arguments, for example where utc1
**     is the Julian Day Number and utc2 is the fraction of a day.
**  2) JD cannot unambiguously represent UTC during a leap second unless
**     special measures are taken.  The convention in the present
**     function is that the JD day represents UTC days whether the
**     length is 86399, 86400 or 86401 SI seconds.
**  3) The warning status "dubious year" flags UTCs that predate the
**     introduction of the time scale and that are too far in the future
**     to be trusted.  See iauDat  for further details.
**  4) The function iauDtf2d converts from calendar date and time of day
**     into 2-part Julian Date, and in the case of UTC implements the
**     leap-second-ambiguity convention described above.
**  5) The returned TAI1,TAI2 are such that their sum is the TAI Julian
**     Date.
**  Called:
**     iauJd2cal    JD to Gregorian calendar
**     iauDat       delta(AT) = TAI-UTC
**     iauCal2jd    Gregorian calendar to JD
**  References:
**     McCarthy, D. D., Petit, G. (eds.), IERS Conventions (2003),
**     IERS Technical Note No. 32, BKG (2004)
**     Explanatory Supplement to the Astronomical Almanac,
**     P. Kenneth Seidelmann (ed), University Science Books (1992)
**  This revision:  2010 September 10
**  SOFA release 2012-03-01
**  Copyright (C) 2012 IAU SOFA Board.  See notes at end.
   int big1;
   int iy, im, id, js, iyt, imt, idt;
   double u1, u2, fd, dats, fdt, datst, ddat, z1, z2, a2;

/* Put the two parts of the UTC into big-first order. */
   big1 = ( utc1 >= utc2 );
   if ( big1 ) {
      u1 = utc1;
      u2 = utc2;
   } else {
      u1 = utc2;
      u2 = utc1;

/* Get TAI-UTC now. */
   if ( iauJd2cal(u1, u2, &iy, &im, &id, &fd) ) return -1;
   js = iauDat(iy, im, id, fd, &dats);
   if ( js < 0 ) return -1;

/* Get TAI-UTC tomorrow. */
   if ( iauJd2cal(u1+1.5, u2-fd, &iyt, &imt, &idt, &fdt) ) return -1;
   js = iauDat(iyt, imt, idt, fdt, &datst);
   if ( js < 0 ) return -1;

/* If today ends in a leap second, scale the fraction into SI days. */
   ddat = datst - dats;
   if ( fabs(ddat) > 0.5 ) fd += fd * ddat / DAYSEC;

/* Today's calendar date to 2-part JD. */
   if ( iauCal2jd(iy, im, id, &z1, &z2) ) return -1;

/* Assemble the TAI result, preserving the UTC split and order. */
   a2 = z1 - u1;
   a2 += z2;
   a2 += fd + dats / DAYSEC;
   if ( big1 ) {
      *tai1 = u1;
      *tai2 = a2;
   } else {
      *tai1 = a2;
      *tai2 = u1;

/* Status. */
   return js;

**  Copyright (C) 2012
**  Standards Of Fundamental Astronomy Board
**  of the International Astronomical Union.
**  =====================
**  SOFA Software License
**  =====================
**  1. The Software is owned by the IAU SOFA Board ("SOFA").
**  2. Permission is granted to anyone to use the SOFA software for any
**     purpose, including commercial applications, free of charge and
**     without payment of royalties, subject to the conditions and
**     restrictions listed below.
**  3. You (the user) may copy and distribute SOFA source code to others,
**     and use and adapt its code and algorithms in your own software,
**     on a world-wide, royalty-free basis.  That portion of your
**     distribution that does not consist of intact and unchanged copies
**     of SOFA source code files is a "derived work" that must comply
**     with the following requirements:
**     a) Your work shall be marked or carry a statement that it
**        (i) uses routines and computations derived by you from
**        software provided by SOFA under license to you; and
**        (ii) does not itself constitute software provided by and/or
**        endorsed by SOFA.
**     b) The source code of your derived work must contain descriptions
**        of how the derived work is based upon, contains and/or differs
**        from the original SOFA software.
**     c) The names of all routines in your derived work shall not
**        include the prefix "iau" or "sofa" or trivial modifications
**        thereof such as changes of case.
**     d) The origin of the SOFA components of your derived work must
**        not be misrepresented;  you must not claim that you wrote the
**        original software, nor file a patent application for SOFA
**        software or algorithms embedded in the SOFA software.
**     e) These requirements must be reproduced intact in any source
**        distribution and shall apply to anyone to whom you have
**        granted a further right to modify the source code of your
**        derived work.
**     Note that, as originally distributed, the SOFA software is
**     intended to be a definitive implementation of the IAU standards,
**     and consequently third-party modifications are discouraged.  All
**     variations, no matter how minor, must be explicitly marked as
**     such, as explained above.
**  4. You shall not cause the SOFA software to be brought into
**     disrepute, either by misuse, or use for inappropriate tasks, or
**     by inappropriate modification.
**  5. The SOFA software is provided "as is" and SOFA makes no warranty
**     as to its use or performance.   SOFA does not and cannot warrant
**     the performance or results which the user may obtain by using the
**     SOFA software.  SOFA makes no warranties, express or implied, as
**     to non-infringement of third party rights, merchantability, or
**     fitness for any particular purpose.  In no event will SOFA be
**     liable to the user for any consequential, incidental, or special
**     damages, including any lost profits or lost savings, even if a
**     SOFA representative has been advised of such damages, or for any
**     claim by any third party.
**  6. The provision of any version of the SOFA software under the terms
**     and conditions specified herein does not imply that future
**     versions will also be made available under the same terms and
**     conditions.
**  In any published work or commercial product which uses the SOFA
**  software directly, acknowledgement (see www.iausofa.org) is
**  appreciated.
**  Correspondence concerning SOFA software should be addressed as
**  follows:
**      By email:  [email protected]
**      By post:   IAU SOFA Center
**                 HM Nautical Almanac Office
**                 UK Hydrographic Office
**                 Admiralty Way, Taunton
**                 Somerset, TA1 2DN
**                 United Kingdom
コード例 #4
ファイル: dat.c プロジェクト: LouisStrous/LUX
int iauDat(int iy, int im, int id, double fd, double *deltat )
**  - - - - - - -
**   i a u D a t
**  - - - - - - -
**  For a given UTC date, calculate delta(AT) = TAI-UTC.
**     :------------------------------------------:
**     :                                          :
**     :                 IMPORTANT                :
**     :                                          :
**     :  A new version of this function must be  :
**     :  produced whenever a new leap second is  :
**     :  announced.  There are four items to     :
**     :  change on each such occasion:           :
**     :                                          :
**     :  1) A new line must be added to the set  :
**     :     of statements that initialize the    :
**     :     array "changes".                     :
**     :                                          :
**     :  2) The parameter IYV must be set to     :
**     :     the current year.                    :
**     :                                          :
**     :  3) The "Latest leap second" comment     :
**     :     below must be set to the new leap    :
**     :     second date.                         :
**     :                                          :
**     :  4) The "This revision" comment, later,  :
**     :     must be set to the current date.     :
**     :                                          :
**     :  Change (2) must also be carried out     :
**     :  whenever the function is re-issued,     :
**     :  even if no leap seconds have been       :
**     :  added.                                  :
**     :                                          :
**     :  Latest leap second:  2012 June 30       :
**     :                                          :
**     :__________________________________________:
**  This function is part of the International Astronomical Union's
**  SOFA (Standards Of Fundamental Astronomy) software collection.
**  Status:  support function.
**  Given:
**     iy     int      UTC:  year (Notes 1 and 2)
**     im     int            month (Note 2)
**     id     int            day (Notes 2 and 3)
**     fd     double         fraction of day (Note 4)
**  Returned:
**     deltat double   TAI minus UTC, seconds
**  Returned (function value):
**            int      status (Note 5):
**                       1 = dubious year (Note 1)
**                       0 = OK
**                      -1 = bad year
**                      -2 = bad month
**                      -3 = bad day (Note 3)
**                      -4 = bad fraction (Note 4)
**  Notes:
**  1) UTC began at 1960 January 1.0 (JD 2436934.5) and it is improper
**     to call the function with an earlier date.  If this is attempted,
**     zero is returned together with a warning status.
**     Because leap seconds cannot, in principle, be predicted in
**     advance, a reliable check for dates beyond the valid range is
**     impossible.  To guard against gross errors, a year five or more
**     after the release year of the present function (see parameter
**     IYV) is considered dubious.  In this case a warning status is
**     returned but the result is computed in the normal way.
**     For both too-early and too-late years, the warning status is
**     j=+1.  This is distinct from the error status j=-1, which
**     signifies a year so early that JD could not be computed.
**  2) If the specified date is for a day which ends with a leap second,
**     the UTC-TAI value returned is for the period leading up to the
**     leap second.  If the date is for a day which begins as a leap
**     second ends, the UTC-TAI returned is for the period following the
**     leap second.
**  3) The day number must be in the normal calendar range, for example
**     1 through 30 for April.  The "almanac" convention of allowing
**     such dates as January 0 and December 32 is not supported in this
**     function, in order to avoid confusion near leap seconds.
**  4) The fraction of day is used only for dates before the
**     introduction of leap seconds, the first of which occurred at the
**     end of 1971.  It is tested for validity (0 to 1 is the valid
**     range) even if not used;  if invalid, zero is used and status
**     j=-4 is returned.  For many applications, setting fd to zero is
**     acceptable;  the resulting error is always less than 3 ms (and
**     occurs only pre-1972).
**  5) The status value returned in the case where there are multiple
**     errors refers to the first error detected.  For example, if the
**     month and day are 13 and 32 respectively, j=-2 (bad month)
**     will be returned.
**  6) In cases where a valid result is not available, zero is returned.
**  References:
**  1) For dates from 1961 January 1 onwards, the expressions from the
**     file ftp://maia.usno.navy.mil/ser7/tai-utc.dat are used.
**  2) The 5ms timestep at 1961 January 1 is taken from 2.58.1 (p87) of
**     the 1992 Explanatory Supplement.
**  Called:
**     iauCal2jd    Gregorian calendar to Julian Day number
**  This revision:  2012 June 14
**  SOFA release 2012-03-01
**  Copyright (C) 2012 IAU SOFA Board.  See notes at end.
/* Release year for this version of iauDat */
#define IYV (2012)

/* Reference dates (MJD) and drift rates (s/day), pre leap seconds */
   static const double drift[][2] = {
      { 37300.0, 0.0012960 },
      { 37300.0, 0.0012960 },
      { 37300.0, 0.0012960 },
      { 37665.0, 0.0011232 },
      { 37665.0, 0.0011232 },
      { 38761.0, 0.0012960 },
      { 38761.0, 0.0012960 },
      { 38761.0, 0.0012960 },
      { 38761.0, 0.0012960 },
      { 38761.0, 0.0012960 },
      { 38761.0, 0.0012960 },
      { 38761.0, 0.0012960 },
      { 39126.0, 0.0025920 },
      { 39126.0, 0.0025920 }

/* Number of Delta(AT) expressions before leap seconds were introduced */
#define NERA1 ((int) (sizeof drift / sizeof (double) / 2))

/* Dates and Delta(AT)s */
   static const struct {
      int iyear, month;
      double delat;
   } changes[] = {
      { 1960,  1,  1.4178180 },
      { 1961,  1,  1.4228180 },
      { 1961,  8,  1.3728180 },
      { 1962,  1,  1.8458580 },
      { 1963, 11,  1.9458580 },
      { 1964,  1,  3.2401300 },
      { 1964,  4,  3.3401300 },
      { 1964,  9,  3.4401300 },
      { 1965,  1,  3.5401300 },
      { 1965,  3,  3.6401300 },
      { 1965,  7,  3.7401300 },
      { 1965,  9,  3.8401300 },
      { 1966,  1,  4.3131700 },
      { 1968,  2,  4.2131700 },
      { 1972,  1, 10.0       },
      { 1972,  7, 11.0       },
      { 1973,  1, 12.0       },
      { 1974,  1, 13.0       },
      { 1975,  1, 14.0       },
      { 1976,  1, 15.0       },
      { 1977,  1, 16.0       },
      { 1978,  1, 17.0       },
      { 1979,  1, 18.0       },
      { 1980,  1, 19.0       },
      { 1981,  7, 20.0       },
      { 1982,  7, 21.0       },
      { 1983,  7, 22.0       },
      { 1985,  7, 23.0       },
      { 1988,  1, 24.0       },
      { 1990,  1, 25.0       },
      { 1991,  1, 26.0       },
      { 1992,  7, 27.0       },
      { 1993,  7, 28.0       },
      { 1994,  7, 29.0       },
      { 1996,  1, 30.0       },
      { 1997,  7, 31.0       },
      { 1999,  1, 32.0       },
      { 2006,  1, 33.0       },
      { 2009,  1, 34.0       },
      { 2012,  7, 35.0       }

/* Number of Delta(AT) changes */
   const int NDAT = sizeof changes / sizeof changes[0];

/* Miscellaneous local variables */
   int j, i, m;
   double da, djm0, djm;

/* Initialize the result to zero. */
   *deltat = da = 0.0;

/* If invalid fraction of a day, set error status and give up. */
   if (fd < 0.0 || fd > 1.0) return -4;

/* Convert the date into an MJD. */
   j = iauCal2jd(iy, im, id, &djm0, &djm);

/* If invalid year, month, or day, give up. */
   if (j < 0) return j;

/* If pre-UTC year, set warning status and give up. */
   if (iy < changes[0].iyear) return 1;

/* If suspiciously late year, set warning status but proceed. */
   if (iy > IYV + 5) j = 1;

/* Combine year and month to form a date-ordered integer... */
   m = 12*iy + im;

/* ...and use it to find the preceding table entry. */
   for (i = NDAT-1; i >=0; i--) {
      if (m >= (12 * changes[i].iyear + changes[i].month)) break;

/* Get the Delta(AT). */
   da = changes[i].delat;

/* If pre-1972, adjust for drift. */
   if (i < NERA1) da += (djm + fd - drift[i][0]) * drift[i][1];

/* Return the Delta(AT) value. */
   *deltat = da;

/* Return the status. */
   return j;

**  Copyright (C) 2012
**  Standards Of Fundamental Astronomy Board
**  of the International Astronomical Union.
**  =====================
**  SOFA Software License
**  =====================
**  1. The Software is owned by the IAU SOFA Board ("SOFA").
**  2. Permission is granted to anyone to use the SOFA software for any
**     purpose, including commercial applications, free of charge and
**     without payment of royalties, subject to the conditions and
**     restrictions listed below.
**  3. You (the user) may copy and distribute SOFA source code to others,
**     and use and adapt its code and algorithms in your own software,
**     on a world-wide, royalty-free basis.  That portion of your
**     distribution that does not consist of intact and unchanged copies
**     of SOFA source code files is a "derived work" that must comply
**     with the following requirements:
**     a) Your work shall be marked or carry a statement that it
**        (i) uses routines and computations derived by you from
**        software provided by SOFA under license to you; and
**        (ii) does not itself constitute software provided by and/or
**        endorsed by SOFA.
**     b) The source code of your derived work must contain descriptions
**        of how the derived work is based upon, contains and/or differs
**        from the original SOFA software.
**     c) The names of all routines in your derived work shall not
**        include the prefix "iau" or "sofa" or trivial modifications
**        thereof such as changes of case.
**     d) The origin of the SOFA components of your derived work must
**        not be misrepresented;  you must not claim that you wrote the
**        original software, nor file a patent application for SOFA
**        software or algorithms embedded in the SOFA software.
**     e) These requirements must be reproduced intact in any source
**        distribution and shall apply to anyone to whom you have
**        granted a further right to modify the source code of your
**        derived work.
**     Note that, as originally distributed, the SOFA software is
**     intended to be a definitive implementation of the IAU standards,
**     and consequently third-party modifications are discouraged.  All
**     variations, no matter how minor, must be explicitly marked as
**     such, as explained above.
**  4. You shall not cause the SOFA software to be brought into
**     disrepute, either by misuse, or use for inappropriate tasks, or
**     by inappropriate modification.
**  5. The SOFA software is provided "as is" and SOFA makes no warranty
**     as to its use or performance.   SOFA does not and cannot warrant
**     the performance or results which the user may obtain by using the
**     SOFA software.  SOFA makes no warranties, express or implied, as
**     to non-infringement of third party rights, merchantability, or
**     fitness for any particular purpose.  In no event will SOFA be
**     liable to the user for any consequential, incidental, or special
**     damages, including any lost profits or lost savings, even if a
**     SOFA representative has been advised of such damages, or for any
**     claim by any third party.
**  6. The provision of any version of the SOFA software under the terms
**     and conditions specified herein does not imply that future
**     versions will also be made available under the same terms and
**     conditions.
**  In any published work or commercial product which uses the SOFA
**  software directly, acknowledgement (see www.iausofa.org) is
**  appreciated.
**  Correspondence concerning SOFA software should be addressed as
**  follows:
**      By email:  [email protected]
**      By post:   IAU SOFA Center
**                 HM Nautical Almanac Office
**                 UK Hydrographic Office
**                 Admiralty Way, Taunton
**                 Somerset, TA1 2DN
**                 United Kingdom