コード例 #1
ファイル: image.cpp プロジェクト: 93sam/opencv
bool CvMatrix::load( const char* filename, const char* matname, int color )
    CvMat* m = 0;
    if( icvIsXmlOrYaml(filename) )
        m = icvRetrieveMatrix(cvLoad(filename,0,matname));

        if( (CV_MAT_CN(m->type) > 1) != (color == 0) )
            CV_Error( CV_StsNotImplemented,
            "RGB<->Grayscale conversion is not implemented for matrices stored in XML/YAML" );
            CvMat* temp_mat;
            temp_mat = cvCreateMat( m->rows, m->cols,
                CV_MAKETYPE(CV_MAT_DEPTH(m->type), color > 0 ? 3 : 1 )));
            cvCvtColor( m, temp_mat, color > 0 ? CV_GRAY2BGR : CV_BGR2GRAY );
            cvReleaseMat( &m );
            m = temp_mat;
        m = cvLoadImageM( filename, color );

    set( m, false );
    return m != 0;
コード例 #2
ファイル: cximage.cpp プロジェクト: allanca/otterdive
bool CvMatrix::load( const char* filename, const char* matname, int color )
    CvMat* m = 0;
    if( icvIsXmlOrYaml(filename) )
        m = icvRetrieveMatrix(cvLoad(filename,0,matname));

        if( (CV_MAT_CN(m->type) > 1) != (color == 0) )
            CV_Error( CV_StsNotImplemented,
            "RGB<->Grayscale conversion is not implemented for matrices stored in XML/YAML" );
            CvMat* temp_mat;
            temp_mat = cvCreateMat( m->rows, m->cols,
                CV_MAKETYPE(CV_MAT_DEPTH(m->type), color > 0 ? 3 : 1 )));
            cvCvtColor( m, temp_mat, color > 0 ? CV_GRAY2BGR : CV_BGR2GRAY );
            cvReleaseMat( &m );
            m = temp_mat;
        if( load_image_m )
            m = load_image_m( filename, color );
            CV_Error( CV_StsNotImplemented,
            "Loading an image stored in such a format requires HigGUI.\n"
            "Link it to your program and call any function from it\n" );

    set( m, false );
    return m != 0;
コード例 #3
ファイル: image.cpp プロジェクト: 93sam/opencv
bool CvMatrix::read( CvFileStorage* fs, const char* seqname, int idx )
    void* obj = 0;
    CvMat* m = 0;
    CvFileNode* seqnode = seqname ?
        cvGetFileNodeByName( fs, 0, seqname ) : cvGetRootFileNode(fs,0);

    if( seqnode && CV_NODE_IS_SEQ(seqnode->tag) )
        obj = cvRead( fs, (CvFileNode*)cvGetSeqElem( seqnode->data.seq, idx ));
    m = icvRetrieveMatrix(obj);
    set( m, false );
    return m != 0;
コード例 #4
ファイル: image.cpp プロジェクト: 93sam/opencv
bool CvMatrix::read( CvFileStorage* fs, const char* mapname, const char* matname )
    void* obj = 0;
    CvMat* m = 0;

    if( mapname )
        CvFileNode* mapnode = cvGetFileNodeByName( fs, 0, mapname );
        if( !mapnode )
            obj = cvReadByName( fs, mapnode, matname );
        obj = cvReadByName( fs, 0, matname );

    m = icvRetrieveMatrix(obj);
    set( m, false );
    return m != 0;