コード例 #1
uint LayeredCaloTowerTool::buildTowers(std::vector<std::vector<float>>& aTowers) {
  // Get the input collection with cells from simulation + digitisation (after
  // calibration and with noise)
  const fcc::CaloHitCollection* cells = m_cells.get();
  debug() << "Input cell collection size: " << cells->size() << endmsg;
  // Loop over a collection of calorimeter cells and build calo towers
  // borders of the cell in eta/phi
  float etaCellMin = 0, etaCellMax = 0;
  float phiCellMin = 0, phiCellMax = 0;
  int layerCell = 0;
  // tower index of the borders of the cell
  int iPhiMin = 0, iPhiMax = 0;
  int iEtaMin = 0, iEtaMax = 0;
  // fraction of cell area in eta/phi belonging to towers
  // Min - first tower, Max - last tower, Middle - middle tower(s)
  // If cell size <= tower size => first == last == middle tower, all fractions = 1
  // cell size > tower size => Sum of fractions = 1
  float ratioEta = 1.0, ratioPhi = 1.0;
  float fracEtaMin = 1.0, fracEtaMax = 1.0, fracEtaMiddle = 1.0;
  float fracPhiMin = 1.0, fracPhiMax = 1.0, fracPhiMiddle = 1.0;
  float epsilon = 0.0001;
  for (const auto& cell : *cells) {
    // find to which tower(s) the cell belongs
    etaCellMin = m_segmentation->eta(cell.core().cellId) - m_segmentation->gridSizeEta() * 0.5;
    etaCellMax = m_segmentation->eta(cell.core().cellId) + m_segmentation->gridSizeEta() * 0.5;
    phiCellMin = m_segmentation->phi(cell.core().cellId) - M_PI / (double)m_segmentation->phiBins();
    phiCellMax = m_segmentation->phi(cell.core().cellId) + M_PI / (double)m_segmentation->phiBins();
    if (m_addLayerRestriction == true) {
      dd4hep::DDSegmentation::CellID cID = cell.core().cellId;
      layerCell = m_decoder->get(cID, "layer");
      debug() << "Cell' layer = " << layerCell << endmsg;
    iEtaMin = idEta(etaCellMin + epsilon);
    iPhiMin = idPhi(phiCellMin + epsilon);
    iEtaMax = idEta(etaCellMax - epsilon);
    iPhiMax = idPhi(phiCellMax - epsilon);
    // if a cell is larger than a tower in eta/phi, calculate the fraction of
    // the cell area belonging to the first/last/middle towers
    fracEtaMin = 1.0;
    fracEtaMax = 1.0;
    fracEtaMiddle = 1.0;
    if (iEtaMin != iEtaMax) {
      fracEtaMin = fabs(eta(iEtaMin) + 0.5 * m_deltaEtaTower - etaCellMin) / m_segmentation->gridSizeEta();
      fracEtaMax = fabs(etaCellMax - eta(iEtaMax) + 0.5 * m_deltaEtaTower) / m_segmentation->gridSizeEta();
      if ((iEtaMax - iEtaMin - 1) != 0) {
        fracEtaMiddle = (1 - fracEtaMin - fracEtaMax) / float(iEtaMax - iEtaMin - 1);
      } else {
        fracEtaMiddle = 0.0;
    fracPhiMin = 1.0;
    fracPhiMax = 1.0;
    fracPhiMiddle = 1.0;
    if (iPhiMin != iPhiMax) {
      fracPhiMin =
          fabs(phi(iPhiMin) + 0.5 * m_deltaPhiTower - phiCellMin) / (2 * M_PI / (double)m_segmentation->phiBins());
      fracPhiMax =
          fabs(phiCellMax - phi(iPhiMax) + 0.5 * m_deltaPhiTower) / (2 * M_PI / (double)m_segmentation->phiBins());
      if ((iPhiMax - iPhiMin - 1) != 0) {
        fracPhiMiddle = (1 - fracPhiMin - fracPhiMax) / float(iPhiMax - iPhiMin - 1);
      } else {
        fracPhiMiddle = 0.0;

    // Loop through the appropriate towers and add transverse energy
    for (auto iEta = iEtaMin; iEta <= iEtaMax; iEta++) {
      if (iEta == iEtaMin) {
        ratioEta = fracEtaMin;
      } else if (iEta == iEtaMax) {
        ratioEta = fracEtaMax;
      } else {
        ratioEta = fracEtaMiddle;
      for (auto iPhi = iPhiMin; iPhi <= iPhiMax; iPhi++) {
        if (iPhi == iPhiMin) {
          ratioPhi = fracPhiMin;
        } else if (iPhi == iPhiMax) {
          ratioPhi = fracPhiMax;
        } else {
          ratioPhi = fracPhiMiddle;
        if (m_addLayerRestriction == true) {
          if (layerCell >= m_minimumLayer && layerCell <= m_maximumLayer) {
            aTowers[iEta][phiNeighbour(iPhi)] +=
                cell.core().energy / cosh(m_segmentation->eta(cell.core().cellId)) * ratioEta * ratioPhi;
        } else
          aTowers[iEta][phiNeighbour(iPhi)] +=
              cell.core().energy / cosh(m_segmentation->eta(cell.core().cellId)) * ratioEta * ratioPhi;
  return cells->size();
コード例 #2
void LayeredCaloTowerTool::attachCells(float eta, float phi, uint halfEtaFin, uint halfPhiFin,
                                       fcc::CaloCluster& aEdmCluster, bool) {
  const fcc::CaloHitCollection* cells = m_cells.get();
  for (const auto& cell : *cells) {
    float etaCell = m_segmentation->eta(cell.core().cellId);
    float phiCell = m_segmentation->phi(cell.core().cellId);
    if ((abs(static_cast<long int>(idEta(etaCell)) - static_cast<long int>(idEta(eta))) <= halfEtaFin) && (abs(static_cast<long int>(idPhi(phiCell)) - static_cast<long int>(idPhi(phi))) <= halfPhiFin)) {