コード例 #1
ファイル: hip_event.cpp プロジェクト: guacamoleo/HIP
hipError_t hipEventRecord(hipEvent_t event, hipStream_t stream)
    std::call_once(hip_initialized, ihipInit);

    ihipEvent_t *eh = event._handle;
    if (eh && eh->_state != hipEventStatusUnitialized)   {
        eh->_stream = stream;

        if (stream == NULL) {
            // If stream == NULL, wait on all queues.
            // Behavior matches "use standard default semantics".
            // TODO-HCC fix this - conservative or use device timestamps?
            // TODO-HCC can we use barrier or event marker to implement better solution?
            ihipDevice_t *device = ihipGetTlsDefaultDevice();

            eh->_timestamp = hc::get_system_ticks();
            eh->_state = hipEventStatusRecorded;
            return ihipLogStatus(hipSuccess);
        } else {
            eh->_state  = hipEventStatusRecording;
            // Clear timestamps
            eh->_timestamp = 0;
            eh->_marker = stream->_av.create_marker();
            eh->_copy_seq_id = stream->locked_lastCopySeqId();

            return ihipLogStatus(hipSuccess);
    } else {
        return ihipLogStatus(hipErrorInvalidResourceHandle);
コード例 #2
ファイル: hip_event.cpp プロジェクト: guacamoleo/HIP
hipError_t hipEventSynchronize(hipEvent_t event)
    std::call_once(hip_initialized, ihipInit);

    ihipEvent_t *eh = event._handle;

    if (eh) {
        if (eh->_state == hipEventStatusUnitialized) {
            return ihipLogStatus(hipErrorInvalidResourceHandle);
        } else if (eh->_state == hipEventStatusCreated ) {
            // Created but not actually recorded on any device:
            return ihipLogStatus(hipSuccess);
        } else if (eh->_stream == NULL) {
            ihipDevice_t *device = ihipGetTlsDefaultDevice();
            return ihipLogStatus(hipSuccess);
        } else {
#if __hcc_workweek__ >= 16033
            eh->_marker.wait((eh->_flags & hipEventBlockingSync) ? hc::hcWaitModeBlocked : hc::hcWaitModeActive);

            return ihipLogStatus(hipSuccess);
    } else {
        return ihipLogStatus(hipErrorInvalidResourceHandle);
コード例 #3
ファイル: hip_stream.cpp プロジェクト: ssahasra/HIP
hipError_t hipStreamGetFlags(hipStream_t stream, unsigned int* flags) {
    HIP_INIT_API(hipStreamGetFlags, stream, flags);

    if (flags == NULL) {
        return ihipLogStatus(hipErrorInvalidValue);
    } else if (stream == hipStreamNull) {
        return ihipLogStatus(hipErrorInvalidResourceHandle);
    } else {
        *flags = stream->_flags;
        return ihipLogStatus(hipSuccess);
コード例 #4
ファイル: hip_event.cpp プロジェクト: guacamoleo/HIP
hipError_t hipEventQuery(hipEvent_t event)
    std::call_once(hip_initialized, ihipInit);

    ihipEvent_t *eh = event._handle;

    // TODO-stream - need to read state of signal here:  The event may have become ready after recording..
    // TODO-HCC - use get_hsa_signal here.

    if (eh->_state == hipEventStatusRecording) {
        return ihipLogStatus(hipErrorNotReady);
    } else {
        return ihipLogStatus(hipSuccess);
コード例 #5
ファイル: hip_memory.cpp プロジェクト: jkelling/HIP
hipError_t hipHostMalloc(void** ptr, size_t sizeBytes, unsigned int flags)
    HIP_INIT_API(ptr, sizeBytes, flags);

    hipError_t hip_status = hipSuccess;

    auto device = ihipGetTlsDefaultDevice();

        if(flags == hipHostMallocDefault){
            *ptr = hc::am_alloc(sizeBytes, device->_acc, amHostPinned);
            if(sizeBytes < 1 && (*ptr == NULL)){
                hip_status = hipErrorMemoryAllocation;
                hc::am_memtracker_update(*ptr, device->_device_index, amHostPinned);
            tprintf(DB_MEM, " %s: pinned ptr=%p\n", __func__, *ptr);
        } else if(flags & hipHostMallocMapped){
            *ptr = hc::am_alloc(sizeBytes, device->_acc, amHostPinned);
            if(sizeBytes && (*ptr == NULL)){
                hip_status = hipErrorMemoryAllocation;
                hc::am_memtracker_update(*ptr, device->_device_index, flags);
                    LockedAccessor_DeviceCrit_t crit(device->criticalData());
                    if (crit->peerCnt()) {
                        hsa_amd_agents_allow_access(crit->peerCnt(), crit->peerAgents(), NULL, *ptr);
            tprintf(DB_MEM, " %s: pinned ptr=%p\n", __func__, *ptr);
    return ihipLogStatus(hip_status);
コード例 #6
 * @return #hipSuccess, #hipErrorInvalidResourceHandle
hipError_t hipStreamDestroy(hipStream_t stream)

    hipError_t e = hipSuccess;

    //--- Drain the stream:
    if (stream == NULL) {
        ihipDevice_t *device = ihipGetTlsDefaultDevice();
    } else {
        e = hipSuccess;

    ihipDevice_t *device = stream->getDevice();

    if (device) {
        delete stream;
    } else {
        e = hipErrorInvalidResourceHandle;

    return ihipLogStatus(e);
コード例 #7
ファイル: hip_stream.cpp プロジェクト: ssahasra/HIP
 * @return #hipSuccess, #hipErrorInvalidResourceHandle
hipError_t hipStreamDestroy(hipStream_t stream) {
    HIP_INIT_API(hipStreamDestroy, stream);

    hipError_t e = hipSuccess;

    //--- Drain the stream:
    if (stream == NULL) {
        if (!HIP_FORCE_NULL_STREAM) {
            e = hipErrorInvalidResourceHandle;
    } else {

        ihipCtx_t* ctx = stream->getCtx();

        if (ctx) {
            delete stream;
        } else {
            e = hipErrorInvalidResourceHandle;

    return ihipLogStatus(e);
コード例 #8
ファイル: hip_memory.cpp プロジェクト: jkelling/HIP
 * @returns #hipSuccess, #hipErrorInvalidDevice, #hipErrorInvalidValue (if free != NULL due to bug)S
 * @warning On HCC, the free memory only accounts for memory allocated by this process and may be optimistic.
hipError_t hipMemGetInfo  (size_t *free, size_t *total)
    HIP_INIT_API(free, total);

    hipError_t e = hipSuccess;

    ihipDevice_t * hipDevice = ihipGetTlsDefaultDevice();
    if (hipDevice) {
        if (total) {
            *total = hipDevice->_props.totalGlobalMem;

        if (free) {
            // TODO - replace with kernel-level for reporting free memory:
            size_t deviceMemSize, hostMemSize, userMemSize;
            hc::am_memtracker_sizeinfo(hipDevice->_acc, &deviceMemSize, &hostMemSize, &userMemSize);
            printf ("deviceMemSize=%zu\n", deviceMemSize);
            *free =  hipDevice->_props.totalGlobalMem - deviceMemSize;

    } else {
        e = hipErrorInvalidDevice;

    return ihipLogStatus(e);
コード例 #9
ファイル: hip_stream.cpp プロジェクト: ssahasra/HIP
hipError_t hipStreamWaitEvent(hipStream_t stream, hipEvent_t event, unsigned int flags) {
    HIP_INIT_SPECIAL_API(hipStreamWaitEvent, TRACE_SYNC, stream, event, flags);

    hipError_t e = hipSuccess;

    auto ecd = event->locked_copyCrit();

    if (event == nullptr) {
        e = hipErrorInvalidResourceHandle;

    } else if ((ecd._state != hipEventStatusUnitialized) && (ecd._state != hipEventStatusCreated)) {
        if (HIP_SYNC_STREAM_WAIT || (HIP_SYNC_NULL_STREAM && (stream == 0))) {
            // conservative wait on host for the specified event to complete:
            // return _stream->locked_eventWaitComplete(this, waitMode);
                ecd.marker(), (event->_flags & hipEventBlockingSync) ? hc::hcWaitModeBlocked
                                                                     : hc::hcWaitModeActive);
        } else {
            stream = ihipSyncAndResolveStream(stream);
            // This will use create_blocking_marker to wait on the specified queue.

    }  // else event not recorded, return immediately and don't create marker.

    return ihipLogStatus(e);
コード例 #10
ファイル: hip_stream.cpp プロジェクト: ssahasra/HIP
hipError_t hipDeviceGetStreamPriorityRange(int* leastPriority, int* greatestPriority) {
    HIP_INIT_API(hipDeviceGetStreamPriorityRange, leastPriority, greatestPriority);

    if (leastPriority != NULL) *leastPriority = priority_low;
    if (greatestPriority != NULL) *greatestPriority = priority_high;
    return ihipLogStatus(hipSuccess);
コード例 #11
hipError_t hipStreamCreateWithFlags(hipStream_t *stream, unsigned int flags)
    HIP_INIT_API(stream, flags);

    return ihipLogStatus(ihipStreamCreate(stream, flags));

コード例 #12
ファイル: hip_memory.cpp プロジェクト: jkelling/HIP
 * @returns #hipSuccess #hipErrorMemoryAllocation
hipError_t hipMalloc(void** ptr, size_t sizeBytes)
    HIP_INIT_API(ptr, sizeBytes);

    hipError_t  hip_status = hipSuccess;

	auto device = ihipGetTlsDefaultDevice();

    if (device) {
        const unsigned am_flags = 0;
        *ptr = hc::am_alloc(sizeBytes, device->_acc, am_flags);

        if (sizeBytes && (*ptr == NULL)) {
            hip_status = hipErrorMemoryAllocation;
        } else {
            hc::am_memtracker_update(*ptr, device->_device_index, 0);
                LockedAccessor_DeviceCrit_t crit(device->criticalData());
                if (crit->peerCnt()) {
                    hsa_amd_agents_allow_access(crit->peerCnt(), crit->peerAgents(), NULL, *ptr);
    } else {
        hip_status = hipErrorMemoryAllocation;

    return ihipLogStatus(hip_status);
コード例 #13
ファイル: hip_stream.cpp プロジェクト: ssahasra/HIP
hipError_t hipStreamCreateWithPriority(hipStream_t* stream, unsigned int flags, int priority) {
    HIP_INIT_API(hipStreamCreateWithPriority, stream, flags, priority);

    // clamp priority to range [priority_high:priority_low]
    priority = (priority < priority_high ? priority_high : (priority > priority_low ? priority_low : priority));
    return ihipLogStatus(ihipStreamCreate(stream, flags, priority));
コード例 #14
ファイル: hip_error.cpp プロジェクト: kknox/HIP
hipError_t hipPeekAtLastError()

    // peek at last error, but don't reset it.
    return ihipLogStatus(tls_lastHipError);
コード例 #15
ファイル: hip_error.cpp プロジェクト: ssahasra/HIP
hipError_t hipGetLastError() {

    // Return last error, but then reset the state:
    hipError_t e = ihipLogStatus(tls_lastHipError);
    tls_lastHipError = hipSuccess;
    return e;
コード例 #16
ファイル: hip_stream.cpp プロジェクト: ssahasra/HIP
hipError_t hipStreamGetPriority(hipStream_t stream, int* priority) {
    HIP_INIT_API(hipStreamGetPriority, stream, priority);

    if (priority == NULL) {
        return ihipLogStatus(hipErrorInvalidValue);
    } else if (stream == hipStreamNull) {
        return ihipLogStatus(hipErrorInvalidResourceHandle);
    } else {
#if defined(__HCC__) && (__hcc_minor__ < 3)
        *priority = 0;
        LockedAccessor_StreamCrit_t crit(stream->_criticalData);
        *priority = crit->_av.get_queue_priority();
        return ihipLogStatus(hipSuccess);
コード例 #17
ファイル: hip_memory.cpp プロジェクト: jkelling/HIP
hipError_t hipHostRegister(void *hostPtr, size_t sizeBytes, unsigned int flags)
    HIP_INIT_API(hostPtr, sizeBytes, flags);

    hipError_t hip_status = hipSuccess;

    auto device = ihipGetTlsDefaultDevice();
    if(hostPtr == NULL){
        return ihipLogStatus(hipErrorInvalidValue);

    hc::accelerator acc;
    hc::AmPointerInfo amPointerInfo(NULL, NULL, 0, acc, 0, 0);
    am_status_t am_status = hc::am_memtracker_getinfo(&amPointerInfo, hostPtr);

    if(am_status == AM_SUCCESS){
        hip_status = hipErrorHostMemoryAlreadyRegistered;
        auto device = ihipGetTlsDefaultDevice();
        if(hostPtr == NULL){
            return ihipLogStatus(hipErrorInvalidValue);
            if(flags == hipHostRegisterDefault || flags == hipHostRegisterPortable || flags == hipHostRegisterMapped){
                for(int i=0;i<g_deviceCnt;i++){
                am_status = hc::am_memory_host_lock(device->_acc, hostPtr, sizeBytes, &vecAcc[0], vecAcc.size());
                am_status = AM_ERROR_MISC;
                if(am_status == AM_SUCCESS){
                    hip_status = hipSuccess;
                    hip_status = hipErrorMemoryAllocation;
                hip_status = hipErrorInvalidValue;
    return ihipLogStatus(hip_status);
コード例 #18
ファイル: hip_memory.cpp プロジェクト: jkelling/HIP
hipError_t hipMemcpyToSymbol(const char* symbolName, const void *src, size_t count, size_t offset, hipMemcpyKind kind)
    HIP_INIT_API(symbolName, src, count, offset, kind);

	if(kind != hipMemcpyHostToDevice)
		return ihipLogStatus(hipErrorInvalidValue);
	auto device = ihipGetTlsDefaultDevice();

    //hsa_signal_t depSignal;
    //int depSignalCnt = device._default_stream->preCopyCommand(NULL, &depSignal, ihipCommandCopyH2D);
    assert(0);  // Need to properly synchronize the copy - do something with depSignal if != NULL.

	device->_acc.memcpy_symbol(symbolName, (void*) src,count, offset);
    return ihipLogStatus(hipSuccess);
コード例 #19
ファイル: hip_stream.cpp プロジェクト: ssahasra/HIP
hipError_t hipStreamAddCallback(hipStream_t stream, hipStreamCallback_t callback, void* userData,
                                unsigned int flags) {
    HIP_INIT_API(hipStreamAddCallback, stream, callback, userData, flags);
    hipError_t e = hipSuccess;

    // Create a thread in detached mode to handle callback
    ihipStreamCallback_t* cb = new ihipStreamCallback_t(stream, callback, userData);
    std::thread(ihipStreamCallbackHandler, cb).detach();

    return ihipLogStatus(e);
コード例 #20
ファイル: hip_event.cpp プロジェクト: guacamoleo/HIP
hipError_t hipEventDestroy(hipEvent_t event)
    std::call_once(hip_initialized, ihipInit);

    event._handle->_state  = hipEventStatusUnitialized;

    delete event._handle;
    event._handle = NULL;

    // TODO - examine return additional error codes
    return ihipLogStatus(hipSuccess);
コード例 #21
ファイル: hip_memory.cpp プロジェクト: jkelling/HIP
hipError_t hipMemset(void* dst, int  value, size_t sizeBytes )
    hipStream_t stream = hipStreamNull;
    // TODO - call an ihip memset so HIP_TRACE is correct.
    HIP_INIT_API(dst, value, sizeBytes, stream);

    hipError_t e = hipSuccess;

    stream =  ihipSyncAndResolveStream(stream);

    if (stream) {

        hc::completion_future cf ;

        if ((sizeBytes & 0x3) == 0) {
            // use a faster dword-per-workitem copy:
            try {
                value = value & 0xff;
                unsigned value32 = (value << 24) | (value << 16) | (value << 8) | (value) ;
                cf = ihipMemsetKernel<unsigned> (stream, static_cast<unsigned*> (dst), value32, sizeBytes/sizeof(unsigned));
            catch (std::exception &ex) {
                e = hipErrorInvalidValue;
        } else {
            // use a slow byte-per-workitem copy:
            try {
                cf = ihipMemsetKernel<char> (stream, static_cast<char*> (dst), value, sizeBytes);
            catch (std::exception &ex) {
                e = hipErrorInvalidValue;


        if (HIP_LAUNCH_BLOCKING) {
            tprintf (DB_SYNC, "'%s' LAUNCH_BLOCKING wait for memset [stream:%p].\n", __func__, (void*)stream);
            tprintf (DB_SYNC, "'%s' LAUNCH_BLOCKING memset completed [stream:%p].\n", __func__, (void*)stream);
    } else {
        e = hipErrorInvalidValue;

    return ihipLogStatus(e);
コード例 #22
 * @bug This function conservatively waits for all work in the specified stream to complete.
hipError_t hipStreamWaitEvent(hipStream_t stream, hipEvent_t event, unsigned int flags)
    HIP_INIT_API(stream, event, flags);

    hipError_t e = hipSuccess;

        // TODO-hcc Convert to use create_blocking_marker(...) functionality.
        // Currently we have a super-conservative version of this - block on host, and drain the queue.
        // This should create a barrier packet in the target queue.
        e = hipSuccess;

    return ihipLogStatus(e);
コード例 #23
hipError_t hipStreamSynchronize(hipStream_t stream)

    hipError_t e = hipSuccess;

    if (stream == NULL) {
        ihipDevice_t *device = ihipGetTlsDefaultDevice();
    } else {
        e = hipSuccess;

    return ihipLogStatus(e);
コード例 #24
ファイル: hip_memory.cpp プロジェクト: jkelling/HIP
hipError_t hipHostUnregister(void *hostPtr)
    auto device = ihipGetTlsDefaultDevice();
    hipError_t hip_status = hipSuccess;
    if(hostPtr == NULL){
        hip_status = hipErrorInvalidValue;
        am_status_t am_status = hc::am_memory_host_unlock(device->_acc, hostPtr);
        am_status_t am_status = AM_ERROR_MISC;
        if(am_status != AM_SUCCESS){
            hip_status = hipErrorHostMemoryNotRegistered;
    return ihipLogStatus(hip_status);
コード例 #25
ファイル: hip_memory.cpp プロジェクト: jkelling/HIP
 * @return #hipSuccess, #hipErrorInvalidValue, #hipErrorInvalidDevice
hipError_t hipPointerGetAttributes(hipPointerAttribute_t *attributes, void* ptr)
    std::call_once(hip_initialized, ihipInit);

    hipError_t e = hipSuccess;

    hc::accelerator acc;
    hc::AmPointerInfo amPointerInfo(NULL, NULL, 0, acc, 0, 0);
    am_status_t status = hc::am_memtracker_getinfo(&amPointerInfo, ptr);
    if (status == AM_SUCCESS) {

        attributes->memoryType    = amPointerInfo._isInDeviceMem ? hipMemoryTypeDevice: hipMemoryTypeHost;
        attributes->hostPointer   = amPointerInfo._hostPointer;
        attributes->devicePointer = amPointerInfo._devicePointer;
        attributes->isManaged     = 0;
        if(attributes->memoryType == hipMemoryTypeHost){
            attributes->hostPointer = ptr;
        if(attributes->memoryType == hipMemoryTypeDevice){
            attributes->devicePointer = ptr;
        attributes->allocationFlags = amPointerInfo._appAllocationFlags;
        attributes->device          = amPointerInfo._appId;

        if (attributes->device < 0) {
            e = hipErrorInvalidDevice;

    } else {
        attributes->memoryType    = hipMemoryTypeDevice;
        attributes->hostPointer   = 0;
        attributes->devicePointer = 0;
        attributes->device        = -1;
        attributes->isManaged     = 0;
        attributes->allocationFlags = 0;

        e = hipErrorUnknown; // TODO - should be hipErrorInvalidValue ?

    return ihipLogStatus(e);
コード例 #26
ファイル: hip_event.cpp プロジェクト: guacamoleo/HIP
hipError_t hipEventElapsedTime(float *ms, hipEvent_t start, hipEvent_t stop)
    std::call_once(hip_initialized, ihipInit);

    ihipEvent_t *start_eh = start._handle;
    ihipEvent_t *stop_eh = stop._handle;


    hipError_t status = hipSuccess;
    *ms = 0.0f;

    if (start_eh && stop_eh) {
        if ((start_eh->_state == hipEventStatusRecorded) && (stop_eh->_state == hipEventStatusRecorded)) {
            // Common case, we have good information for both events.

            int64_t tickDiff = (stop_eh->_timestamp - start_eh->_timestamp);

            // TODO-move this to a variable saved with each agent.
            uint64_t freqHz;
            hsa_system_get_info(HSA_SYSTEM_INFO_TIMESTAMP_FREQUENCY, &freqHz);
            if (freqHz) {
                *ms = ((double)(tickDiff) /  (double)(freqHz)) * 1000.0f;
                status = hipSuccess;
            } else {
                * ms = 0.0f;
                status = hipErrorInvalidValue;

        } else if ((start_eh->_state == hipEventStatusRecording) ||
                   (stop_eh->_state  == hipEventStatusRecording)) {
            status = hipErrorNotReady;
        } else if ((start_eh->_state == hipEventStatusUnitialized) ||
                   (stop_eh->_state  == hipEventStatusUnitialized)) {
            status = hipErrorInvalidResourceHandle;

    return ihipLogStatus(status);
コード例 #27
ファイル: hip_stream.cpp プロジェクト: ssahasra/HIP
hipError_t hipStreamQuery(hipStream_t stream) {
    HIP_INIT_SPECIAL_API(hipStreamQuery, TRACE_QUERY, stream);

    // Use default stream if 0 specified:
    if (stream == hipStreamNull) {
        ihipCtx_t* device = ihipGetTlsDefaultCtx();
        stream = device->_defaultStream;

    bool isEmpty = 0;

        LockedAccessor_StreamCrit_t crit(stream->_criticalData);
        isEmpty = crit->_av.get_is_empty();

    hipError_t e = isEmpty ? hipSuccess : hipErrorNotReady;

    return ihipLogStatus(e);
コード例 #28
ファイル: hip_memory.cpp プロジェクト: jkelling/HIP
 * @returns #hipSuccess,
 * @returns #hipErrorInvalidValue if flags are not 0
 * @returns #hipErrorMemoryAllocation if hostPointer is not a tracked allocation.
hipError_t hipHostGetDevicePointer(void **devicePointer, void *hostPointer, unsigned flags)
    std::call_once(hip_initialized, ihipInit);

    hipError_t e = hipSuccess;

    // Flags must be 0:
    if (flags != 0) {
        e = hipErrorInvalidValue;
    } else {
        hc::accelerator acc;
        hc::AmPointerInfo amPointerInfo(NULL, NULL, 0, acc, 0, 0);
        am_status_t status = hc::am_memtracker_getinfo(&amPointerInfo, hostPointer);
        if (status == AM_SUCCESS) {
            *devicePointer = amPointerInfo._devicePointer;
        } else {
            e = hipErrorMemoryAllocation;
            *devicePointer = NULL;
    return ihipLogStatus(e);
コード例 #29
ファイル: hip_memory.cpp プロジェクト: jkelling/HIP
hipError_t hipHostFree(void* ptr)

    // TODO - ensure this pointer was created by hipMallocHost and not hipMalloc
    std::call_once(hip_initialized, ihipInit);

    hipError_t hipStatus = hipErrorInvalidDevicePointer;
    if (ptr) {
        hc::accelerator acc;
        hc::AmPointerInfo amPointerInfo(NULL, NULL, 0, acc, 0, 0);
        am_status_t status = hc::am_memtracker_getinfo(&amPointerInfo, ptr);
        if(status == AM_SUCCESS){
            if(amPointerInfo._hostPointer == ptr){
                hipStatus = hipSuccess;

    return ihipLogStatus(hipStatus);
コード例 #30
ファイル: hip_memory.cpp プロジェクト: jkelling/HIP
hipError_t hipMemcpy(void* dst, const void* src, size_t sizeBytes, hipMemcpyKind kind)
    HIP_INIT_API(dst, src, sizeBytes, kind);

    hipStream_t stream = ihipSyncAndResolveStream(hipStreamNull);

    hc::completion_future marker;

    hipError_t e = hipSuccess;

    try {

        stream->locked_copySync(dst, src, sizeBytes, kind);
    catch (ihipException ex) {
        e = ex._code;

    return ihipLogStatus(e);