void save(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) { unsigned area1,area2,area3,area4; midx=x1+(x2-x1)/2; midy=y1+(y2-y1)/2; area1=imagesize(x1,y1,midx,midy); (char)p1=(char)farmalloc(area1); area2=imagesize(midx+1,y1,x2,midy); (char)p2=(char)farmalloc(area2); area3=imagesize(x1,midy+1,midx,y2); (char)p3=(char)farmalloc(area3); area4=imagesize(midx+1,midy+1,x2,y2); (char)p4=(char)farmalloc(area4); if(p1==NULL || p2==NULL || p3==NULL || p4==NULL) { closegraph(); printf("Memory allocation error!"); exit(2); } getimage(x1,y1,midx,midy,p1); getimage(midx+1,y1,x2,midy,p2); getimage(x1,midy+1,midx,y2,p3); getimage(midx+1,midy+1,x2,y2,p4); }
void buildMouseImage(void) { mouse.background = malloc(imagesize(0, 0, MOUSE_SIZE - 1, MOUSE_SIZE - 1)); mouse.mask = malloc(imagesize(0, 0, MOUSE_SIZE - 1, MOUSE_SIZE - 1)); mouse.img = malloc(imagesize(0, 0, MOUSE_SIZE - 1, MOUSE_SIZE - 1)); mouse.mask->picwidth = mouse.mask->picheight = MOUSE_SIZE; mouse.img->picwidth = mouse.img->picheight = MOUSE_SIZE; mouse.mask->bpp = mouse.mask->bpp = mouse.background->bpp = SCREEN_BPP; expandMaskToImage(screenMask, &mouse.mask->buffer, __WHITE, MOUSE_SIZE, MOUSE_SIZE); expandMaskToImage(cursorMask, &mouse.img->buffer, __WHITE, MOUSE_SIZE, MOUSE_SIZE); }
void iniciaEntorno() { int i; setfillstyle(1, COLOR(79, 182, 225)); setbkcolor(COLOR(79, 182, 225)); setcolor(WHITE); String nombres[NIMAGENES] = { "img/jungla.jpg", "img/jungla1.jpg", "img/jungla2.jpg", "img/jungla3.jpg", "img/jungla4.jpg", "img/jungla5.jpg", "img/creditos.jpg", "img/ayuda.jpg", "img/logotipo.gif" }; // jungla for(i=0; i<6; i++) { bar(0,0,WIDTH,HEIGHT); readimagefile(nombres[i],0,0,WIDTH,300); imagenes[i] = malloc(imagesize(0,0,WIDTH,300)); getimage(0,0,WIDTH,300, imagenes[i]); } // Creditos bar(0,0,WIDTH,HEIGHT); readimagefile(nombres[i],0,0,1040,390); imagenes[i] = malloc(imagesize(0,0,1040,390)); getimage(0,0,1040,390, imagenes[i]); // Ayuda bar(0,0,WIDTH,HEIGHT); readimagefile(nombres[++i],0,0,1040,390); imagenes[i] = malloc(imagesize(0,0,1040,390)); getimage(0,0,1040,390, imagenes[i]); // logo bar(0,0,WIDTH,HEIGHT); readimagefile(nombres[++i],0,0,798,303); imagenes[i] = malloc(imagesize(0,0,798,303)); getimage(0,0,798,303, imagenes[i]); portada(); }
void draw_char( void ) { static int first = 1; int i, j; if ( load_first ) { first = 1; load_first = 0; } if ( !first ) { putimage( 0 + align, 0, matrix_image, COPY_PUT ); } else { draw_grid( X, Y ); matrix_image = ( char * ) realloc( matrix_image, imagesize( 0 + align, 0, ( WIDTH_X + 2 )*X + align, ( WIDTH_Y + 2 )*Y ) ); getimage( 0 + align, 0, ( WIDTH_X + 2 )*X + align, ( WIDTH_Y + 2 )*Y, matrix_image ); } for ( j = 0; j < Y; j++ ) { for ( i = 0; i < X; i++ ) { if ( edit_font[i][j] ) { put_dot( i, j ); } else if ( first ) { square( i, j ); } } } first = 0; }
MainFrame::MainFrame(const wxString& title, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size, long style) : wxFrame((wxWindow *) NULL, -1, title, pos, size, style) { hf = 0; // set icon SetIcon(wxIcon(qedoicon_xpm)); panel_ = new wxPanel(this, -1, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxTAB_TRAVERSAL | wxCLIP_CHILDREN | wxNO_BORDER ); wxSize notebook_size(800,600); wxPoint notebook_point(5,5); hf=0; notebook_ = new ControllerNotebook(panel_, ID_NOTEBOOK, notebook_point, notebook_size); // create image list wxSize imagesize (32,32); wxImageList* notebook_image_list = new wxImageList(imagesize.GetWidth(), imagesize.GetHeight(), TRUE); notebook_image_list -> Add ( wxIcon(launcher_xpm)); notebook_image_list -> Add ( wxIcon(qedoicon_xpm)); notebook_ -> SetImageList(notebook_image_list); wxBoxSizer *hori_sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL); wxBoxSizer *hori_sizer2 = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL); sizerFrame_ = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL); sizerFrame_->Add(hori_sizer, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL|wxALL|wxEXPAND, 5); sizerFrame_->Add(hori_sizer2, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL|wxALL|wxEXPAND, 5); panel_->SetSizer(sizerFrame_); notebook_ -> CreateControllerPages(hori_sizer); // set Logo wxBitmap qedologo_xpm( qedologo_xpm ); wxStaticBitmap* qedo_logo = new wxStaticBitmap( panel_, wxID_STATIC, qedologo_xpm, wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(105, 31), 0 ); hori_sizer2->Add(qedo_logo, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL|wxALL|wxEXPAND, 5); wxSize buttonsize(110,25); help = new wxButton(panel_, ID_HELP_BUTTON, _T("Help"),/*wxPoint(630,470) */ wxDefaultPosition,buttonsize,0); hori_sizer2->Add(help, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL|wxALL|wxEXPAND, 5); quit = new wxButton(panel_, ID_QUIT_CONTROLLER, _T("Close"), /* wxPoint(630,510)*/ wxDefaultPosition ,buttonsize,0); hori_sizer2->Add(quit, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL|wxALL|wxEXPAND, 5); panel_->SetAutoLayout(TRUE); }
void importaMascara(imagem_type *imagem, const char* nome){ int tamanho = 0; readimagefile(nome, 0, 0,imagem->largura, imagem->altura); tamanho = imagesize(0, 0,imagem->largura, imagem->altura); imagem->mask= malloc(tamanho); getimage(0, 0, imagem->largura,imagem->altura,imagem->mask); }
int main() { int unidad = 0,modo,n; void *getmemoria(int),*p; initgraph (&unidad,&modo,"c:\\bc\\bgi"); if (graphresult() != 0) { cout << "Error al tratar de pasar al modo grafico\n"; getch(); return 1; } n = imagesize (0,0,8,8); if (n == 0) { outtextxy (0,10,"n es cero"); return 1; } if (graphresult() == -11) { outtextxy (0,20,"Error en imagesize() "); return 2; } outtextxy(0,0,"C"); p = getmemoria (n); getimage (0,0,8,8,p); getch(); setpalette (3,RED); setcolor (3); outtextxy(10,10,"C"); getch(); putimage (0,250,p,COPY_PUT); getch(); closegraph(); return 0; }
void bird(int a, int b) { if(z==0) { int lwing[]={40,20,60,20,20,60,40,20}; int rwing[]={100,20,120,20,140,60,100,20}; int face[]={60,20,60,10,70,15,90,15,100,10,100,20,80,40,60,20}; setfillstyle(1,BLUE); fillpoly(4,lwing); fillpoly(4,rwing); fillpoly(8,face); unsigned int area=imagesize(20,1,140,60); buf= malloc(area); getimage(20,1,140,60,buf); delay(3000); z++; } if(kbhit()) { ch=getch(); delay(100); switch(ch) { case 'a': if(x==60) ; else x-=160; break; case 'd': if(x==540) ; else x+=160; break; } } putimage(a,b,buf,XOR_PUT); }
/* IF USER JUST RUNS THE PROGRAM, WAIT UNTIL 'ENTER' IS PRESSED TO FIND THE STARTING TIME */ void user_response(int x1,int y1,int col1,int col2) { void* ext; unsigned int size; int line, choice; size = imagesize(x1,y1,x1+110,y1+50); // calculate the size of the bar ext = malloc(size); // allocate memory to hold the current image to use later getimage(x1,y1,x1+110,y1+50,ext); // grab the image // WAIT FOR USER RESPONSE for(line=0;;line++) { draw_3dbox(x1,y1,x1+110,y1+50,col1); settextstyle(2,0,5); color_text(260,135,"Press ENTER",col2); color_text(275,155,"to START",col2); delay(500); putimage(x1,y1,ext,COPY_PUT); // blink delay(300); fflush(stdin); flushall(); if(kbhit()) choice=getch(); if(choice==13) //when Enter is pressed,lesson starts break; } free(ext); }
int main() { int i,gd=DETECT,gm,size; void *buf; initgraph(&gd,&gm,""); setbkcolor(BLUE); cleardevice(); setcolor(LIGHTRED); setlinestyle(0,0,1); setfillstyle(1,10); circle(100,200,30); floodfill(100,200,12); size=imagesize(69,169,131,231); buf=malloc(size); getimage(69,169,131,231,buf); putimage(500,269,buf,COPY_PUT); for(i=0;i<185;i++) { putimage(70+i,170,buf,COPY_PUT); putimage(500-i,170,buf,COPY_PUT); } for(i=0;i<185;i++) { putimage(255-i,170,buf,COPY_PUT); putimage(315+i,170,buf,COPY_PUT); } getch(); closegraph(); }
int main() { int unidad = 0,modo,n; char s[10]; void *getmemoria(int),*p; initgraph (&unidad,&modo,"c:\\bc\\bgi"); if (graphresult() != 0) { cout << "Error al tratar de pasar al modo grafico\n"; getch(); return 1; } n = imagesize (20,30,40,130); if (n == 0) { outtextxy (0,10,"n es cero"); return 1; } if (graphresult() == -11) { outtextxy (0,20,"Error en imagesize() "); return 2; } itoa(n,s,10); outtextxy (0,0,"Numero de bytes: "); outtextxy (136,0,s); p = getmemoria (n); // No esta dentro de las librerias del c++ // ... Procesos adicionales delete p; // Es obligatorio liberar la memoria asignada getch(); closegraph(); return 0; }
void make_char_block_image( void ) { setcolor( 1 ); moveto( 4 + align, 30 ); lineto( X + 3 + align, 30 ); lineto( X + 3 + align, Y + 29 ); lineto( 4 + align, Y + 29 ); lineto( 4 + align, 30 ); char_block_image = ( char* ) realloc( char_block_image, imagesize( 4 + align, 30, X + 3 + align, Y + 29 ) ); getimage( 4 + align, 30, X + 3 + align, Y + 29, char_block_image ); putimage( 4 + align, 30, char_block_image, XOR_PUT ); }
int main(void) { clrscr(); /* request autodetection */ int gdriver = DETECT, gmode, errorcode; void *arrow; int x, y, maxx; unsigned int size; /* initialize graphics and local variables */ initgraph(&gdriver, &gmode, "d:\\tc\\bgi"); /* read result of initialization */ errorcode = graphresult(); if (errorcode != grOk) /* an error occurred */ { printf("Graphics error: %s\n", grapherrormsg(errorcode)); printf("Press any key to halt:"); getch(); exit(1); /* terminate with an error code */ } maxx = getmaxx(); x = 0; y = getmaxy() / 2; /* draw the image to be grabbed */ draw_arrow(x, y); /* calculate the size of the image */ size = imagesize(x, y-ARROW_SIZE, x+(4*ARROW_SIZE), y+ARROW_SIZE); /* allocate memory to hold the image */ arrow = malloc(size); /* grab the image */ getimage(x, y-ARROW_SIZE, x+(4*ARROW_SIZE), y+ARROW_SIZE, arrow); /* repeat until a key is pressed */ while (!kbhit()) { /* erase old image */ putimage(x, y-ARROW_SIZE, arrow, XOR_PUT); x += ARROW_SIZE; if (x >= maxx) x = 0; /* plot new image */ putimage(x, y-ARROW_SIZE, arrow, XOR_PUT); } /* clean up */ free(arrow); closegraph(); return 0; }
void importaImagem(imagem_type *imagem, const char* nome){ int tamanho = 0; readimagefile(nome, 0, 0,imagem->largura, imagem->altura); tamanho = imagesize(0, 0,imagem->largura, imagem->altura); imagem->img = malloc(tamanho); getimage(0, 0, imagem->largura,imagem->altura,imagem->img); imagem->mask = NULL; }
ra() { setcolor(14); settextstyle(0,0,1); outtextxy(250,5,"Welcome To SNAKE Game "); setfillstyle(1,15); bar(32,32,43,43); are=imagesize(30,30,45,45); f1=malloc(are); getimage(30,30,45,45,f1); putimage(30,30,f1,XOR_PUT); setfillstyle(1,4); bar(32,32,43,43); are=imagesize(30,30,45,45); f2=malloc(are); getimage(30,30,45,45,f2); putimage(30,30,f2,XOR_PUT); return 0; }
/** * If the load fails, you can get the (translateable) error message using \a error(). * @return true on success */ bool Reader::load(const QString &filename) { QFile orafile(filename); if(!orafile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { _error = orafile.errorString(); return false; } ZipReader zip(&orafile); if(!zip.isReadable()) { _error = QApplication::tr("ORA file is unreadable!"); return false; } // Make sure this is an OpenRaster file { QByteArray mimetype(zip.fileData("mimetype")); qDebug() << "read mimetype:" << mimetype; if(mimetype != "image/openraster") { _error = QApplication::tr("File is not an OpenRaster file"); return false; } } // Read the stack QDomDocument doc; if(doc.setContent(zip.fileData("stack.xml"), true, &_error) == false) return false; const QDomElement stackroot = doc.documentElement().firstChildElement("stack"); // Get the size of the image // These attributes are required by ORA standard. QSize imagesize( doc.documentElement().attribute("w").toInt(), doc.documentElement().attribute("h").toInt() ); if(imagesize.isEmpty()) { _error = QApplication::tr("Image has zero size!"); return false; } // Initialize the layer stack now that we know the size _commands.append(MessagePtr(new protocol::CanvasResize(imagesize.width(), imagesize.height()))); _layerid = 0; _annotationid = 0; // Load the layer images if(loadLayers(zip, stackroot, QPoint()) == false) return false; return true; }
void* load_image( const char* _imgFileName, int _imgWidth, int _imgHeight ) { readimagefile( _imgFileName, 0, 0, _imgWidth, _imgHeight ); unsigned int img_size = imagesize( 0, 0, _imgWidth, _imgHeight ); void* p_temp_img = malloc( img_size ); getimage( 0, 0, _imgWidth, _imgHeight, p_temp_img ); return p_temp_img; }
/* malloc square_image, white_square_image, dot_image, init_clock */ void init_graph_and_cursor( void ) { int graphdriver, graphmode; extern void flush_clock( void ); if ( scrmode == EGA || scrmode == EGA64 ) { graphdriver = EGA64; graphmode = EGA64HI; } else if ( scrmode == EGAMONO ) { graphdriver = EGAMONO; graphmode = EGAMONOHI; } else { graphdriver = HERCMONO; graphmode = HERCMONOHI; } initgraph( &graphdriver, &graphmode, "" ); /* if (scrmode == EGAMONO) { esetgraph(); } *//* use 2 plains only (TC use 4 plains) */ setfillstyle( SOLID_FILL, WHITE ); moveto( 0, 0 ); lineto( 2 + WIDTH_X, 0 ); lineto( WIDTH_X + 2, WIDTH_Y + 2 ); lineto( 0, WIDTH_Y + 2 ); lineto( 0, 0 ); square_image = ( char * ) malloc( imagesize( 0, 0, WIDTH_X + 2, WIDTH_Y + 2 ) ); getimage( 0, 0, WIDTH_X + 2, WIDTH_Y + 2, square_image ); floodfill( 1, 1, -1 ); white_square_image = ( char * ) malloc( imagesize( 0, 0, WIDTH_X + 2, WIDTH_Y + 2 ) ); getimage( 0, 0, WIDTH_X + 2, WIDTH_Y + 2, white_square_image ); setcolor( 0 ); moveto( 0, 0 ); lineto( 2 + WIDTH_X, 0 ); lineto( WIDTH_X + 2, WIDTH_Y + 2 ); lineto( 0, WIDTH_Y + 2 ); lineto( 0, 0 ); dot_image = ( char * ) malloc( imagesize( 0, 0, WIDTH_X + 2, WIDTH_Y + 2 ) ); getimage( 0, 0, WIDTH_X + 2, WIDTH_Y + 2, dot_image ); setcolor( 1 ); clearviewport( ); init_clock( ); atexit( flush_clock ); }
void getdat() /*将鼠标和瞄准线点的图像保存*/ { int mx=0,my=0,size; int r=DOT_R; setcolor(15); setlinestyle(0,0,1); line(mx,my,mx+6,my+6); line(mx+7,my+7,mx+5,my+7); line(mx+4,my+8,mx+6,my+11); line(mx+5,my+11,mx+4,my+12); line(mx+3,my+11,mx+2,my+9); line(mx+1,my+9,mx,my+10); line(mx,my+9,mx,my+1); setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL,15); floodfill(mx+1,my+2,15); size=imagesize(0,0,8,12); mouse=malloc(size); mouse_temp=malloc(size); getimage(0,0,7,12,mouse); cleardevice(); setcolor(WHITE); setlinestyle(0,0,1); circle(r,r,r); setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL,WHITE); floodfill(r,r,WHITE); size=imagesize(0,0,2*r,2*r); dash_dot=malloc(size); getimage(0,0,2*r,2*r,dash_dot); cleardevice(); }
main() { int gd = DETECT, gm, area, temp1, temp2, left = 25, top = 75; void *p; initgraph(&gd,&gm,"C:\\TC\\BGI"); setcolor(YELLOW); circle(50,100,25); setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL,YELLOW); floodfill(50,100,YELLOW); setcolor(BLACK); setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL,BLACK); fillellipse(44,85,2,6); fillellipse(56,85,2,6); ellipse(50,100,205,335,20,9); ellipse(50,100,205,335,20,10); ellipse(50,100,205,335,20,11); area = imagesize(left, top, left + 50, top + 50); p = malloc(area); setcolor(WHITE); settextstyle(SANS_SERIF_FONT,HORIZ_DIR,2); outtextxy(155,451,"Smiling Face Animation"); setcolor(BLUE); rectangle(0,0,639,449); while(!kbhit()) { temp1 = 1 + random ( 588 ); temp2 = 1 + random ( 380 ); getimage(left, top, left + 50, top + 50, p); putimage(left, top, p, XOR_PUT); putimage(temp1 , temp2, p, XOR_PUT); delay(100); left = temp1; top = temp2; } getch(); closegraph(); return 0; }
savemenu(char **menu,char **buffer,int width, int count,int x1,int y1) { int i,x2,yy1,yy2,area,h; h=textheight(menu[0]); for(i=0;i<count;i++) { x2=x1+width; yy1=y1+i*(h+5); yy2=y1+(i+1)*(h+5); area=imagesize(x1,yy1,x2,yy2); buffer[i]=malloc(area); getimage(x1,yy1,x2,yy2,buffer[i]); } return 0; }
MainFrame::MainFrame(const wxString& title, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size, long style) : wxFrame((wxWindow *) NULL, -1, title, pos, size, style) { hf = 0; // set icon SetIcon(wxIcon(qedoicon_xpm)); panel_ = new wxPanel(this, -1, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxTAB_TRAVERSAL | wxCLIP_CHILDREN | wxNO_BORDER); wxSize notebook_size(800,600); wxPoint notebook_point(5,5); notebook_ = new ControllerNotebook(panel_, ID_NOTEBOOK, notebook_point, notebook_size); // create image list wxSize imagesize (32,32); wxImageList* notebook_image_list = new wxImageList(imagesize.GetWidth(), imagesize.GetHeight(), TRUE); notebook_image_list -> Add ( wxArtProvider::GetIcon(wxART_INFORMATION, wxART_OTHER, imagesize)); notebook_ -> SetImageList(notebook_image_list); sizerFrame_ = new wxBoxSizer(wxBOTH); panel_->SetSizer(sizerFrame_); notebook_ -> CreateControllerPages(sizerFrame_); // set Logo wxBitmap qedologo_xpm( qedologo_xpm ); wxStaticBitmap* qedo_logo = new wxStaticBitmap( panel_, wxID_STATIC, qedologo_xpm, wxPoint(605,20), wxSize(105, 31), 0 ); wxSize buttonsize(110,25); help = new wxButton(panel_, ID_HELP_BUTTON, _T("Help"),wxPoint(630,470),buttonsize,0); quit = new wxButton(panel_, ID_QUIT_CONTROLLER, _T("Close"), wxPoint(630,510),buttonsize,0); panel_->SetAutoLayout(TRUE); }
void main(void) { int gd=CGA, gm=CGAHI, errorcode, size; //CGA графика с высоким разрешением void far *image; FILE *file; initgraph (&gd,&gm,"e:\\bc\\bgi\\"); errorcode = graphresult(); if (errorcode != grOk) /* an error occurred */ { printf("Graphics error: %s\n", grapherrormsg(errorcode)); printf("Press any key to halt:"); getchar(); exit(-1); /* return with error code */ } //setbkcolor (1); // выбираем цвета setcolor (BLACK); // рисуем картинку bar(0,0,100,100); line(0,0,10,0); line(1,1,7,1); line(2,2,8,2); line(3,3,5,3); line(9,3,10,3); line(4,4,4,4); line(11,4,12,4); //line(10,5,11,5); getchar(); size = imagesize(0,0,12,4); // записываем ее в файл .img image = farcalloc (1,size); getimage(0,0,12,4,image); file = fopen ("scur07.img","wb"); fwrite (image,size,1,file); fclose(file); farfree(image); closegraph(); }
void make_m_icon() { cleardevice(); //setcolor(15); int t[14]; t[0]=0; t[1]=20; t[2]=30; t[3]=20; t[4]=30; t[5]=0; t[6]=40; t[7]=30; t[8]=30; t[9]=60; t[10]=30; t[11]=40; t[12]=0; t[13]=40; setfillstyle(1,10); fillpoly(7, t); msize = imagesize(0,0,40,60); micon = malloc(msize); getimage(0,0,40,60,micon); setcolor(15); cleardevice(); }
Set_Bonus_Message() { int size; int svcolor; int x,y; svcolor=getcolor(); setcolor(TEXT_COLOR); x=MaxX/2 - 1.2*SMALL_HEXAGONE_SIZE_FACTOR*MaxX; y=MaxY/2 + 1.2*SMALL_HEXAGONE_SIZE_FACTOR*MaxX; gprintf(&x,&y,"Bonus"); setcolor(svcolor); /* restore previous color */ size=imagesize(0,0,40,9); /*length of 5 characters*/ buffer2=malloc(size); getimage(x,y,x+40,y+9,buffer2); putimage(x,y,buffer2,XOR_PUT); setcolor(svcolor); return(0); }
Set_Bonus_Chars() { int size,i,j; int x,y; /* set character Size */ size=imagesize(0,0,16,16); /* get right location */ x=MaxX/2 - 1.2*SMALL_HEXAGONE_SIZE_FACTOR*MaxX; y=MaxY/2 + 1.2*SMALL_HEXAGONE_SIZE_FACTOR*MaxX; for (i=0;i<10;i++) { bc[i]=malloc(size); Display_Bonus_Char(Bonus_Char_Vector[i][0]); getimage(x,y,x+16,y+16,bc[i]); putimage(x,y,bc[i],XOR_PUT); } return(0); }
void delete_last(int bottom) { int i,j,time=0; struct picture *p; p = (struct picture *)malloc(imagesize(X0,Y0,X0+320-2,Y0+(bottom)*STEP-1)); if(p) { getimage(X0,Y0,X0+320-2,Y0+(bottom)*STEP-1,p); setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL,DARKGRAY); bar(X0,Y0,X0+320-1,Y0+STEP); putimage(X0,Y0+STEP,p,COPY_PUT); } for (i=bottom; i>0 ;i-- ) { for (j=0; j<10 ;j++ ) { map_check[j][i] = map_check[j][i-1]; } } }
void putlogo(void) { /* this function display the uvea logo on the screen */ unsigned size; void far *ptr[3]; FILE *fptr; int color; int x,y,count; /* logo based on these dimensions: 105,0,565,465 */ size=imagesize(105,0,565,(465+1)/3); fptr=fopen("LOGO3.PIC","rb"); restore_screen(fptr,size); fclose(fptr); /* wait */ sleep(2); removelogo(); }
void Ventana::DibujarVentana() { int i; mouse.Esconder(); if (Buffer != 0) { i = imagesize (X, Y, X1, Y1); if (i == -1) // Asi debe ser y no como en el programa de la // pagina 565. Favor corregir sobre el texto. Error("Imagen muy grande para almacenar"); Copia = new int [i]; if (Copia == NULL) Error("Memoria Insuficiente"); getimage (X, Y, X1, Y1, Copia); } setcolor (WHITE); rectangle (X, Y, X1, Y1); setfillstyle (SOLID_FILL, LIGHTGRAY); bar (X+1, Y+1, X1-1, Y1-1); if (TieneBorde != 0) { // Implemente aqui el Tipo de Borde deseado } mouse.Mostrar(); }
void DrawPlan(void) { int size; setcolor(LIGHTRED); setfillstyle(1,BLUE); ellipse(x0,y0-height,0,180,width1,3*width1); moveto(x0+width1,y0); lineto(x0+width1,y0-height); moveto(x0+width1,y0); lineto(x0+width2,y0+y2); moveto(x0-width1,y0); lineto(x0-width1,y0-height); moveto(x0-width1,y0); lineto(x0-width2,y0+y2); moveto(x0+width2,y0+y3); lineto(x0+width2,y0+y1); moveto(x0+width2,y0+y3); lineto(x0+width1,y0+y2); moveto(x0-width2,y0+y3); lineto(x0-width2,y0+y1); moveto(x0-width2,y0+y3); lineto(x0-width1,y0+y2); moveto(x0,y0+y4); lineto(x0+width1,y0+y2); moveto(x0,y0+y4); lineto(x0-width1,y0+y2); setfillstyle(2,LIGHTRED); floodfill(x0,y0,LIGHTRED); size=imagesize(x0-width2-1,y0-height-3*width1,x0+width2+1,y0+y4); buf=malloc(size); if(!buf) { printf("NO enough memory!"); exit(0); } getimage(x0-width2,y0-height-3*width1,x0+width2,y0+y4,buf); }