void TestMidi::midi3() { MCursor c; c.createScore("test3a"); c.addPart("voice"); c.move(0, 0); // move to track 0 tick 0 c.addKeySig(1); c.addTimeSig(Fraction(4,4)); c.addChord(60, TDuration(TDuration::V_QUARTER)); c.addChord(61, TDuration(TDuration::V_QUARTER)); c.addChord(62, TDuration(TDuration::V_QUARTER)); c.addChord(63, TDuration(TDuration::V_QUARTER)); Score* score = c.score(); score->doLayout(); score->rebuildMidiMapping(); c.saveScore(); saveMidi(score, "test3.mid"); Score* score2 = new Score(mscore->baseStyle()); score2->setName("test3b"); QVERIFY(importMidi(score2, "test3.mid")); score2->doLayout(); score2->rebuildMidiMapping(); MCursor c2(score2); c2.saveScore(); QVERIFY(compareScores(score, score2)); delete score; delete score2; }
void MusE::importMidi(const QString &file) { QString fn; if (file.isEmpty()) { fn = MusEGui::getOpenFileName(MusEGlobal::lastMidiPath, MusEGlobal::midi_file_pattern, this, tr("MusE: Import Midi"), 0); if (fn.isEmpty()) return; MusEGlobal::lastMidiPath = fn; } else fn = file; int n = QMessageBox::question(this, appName, tr("Add midi file to current project?\n"), tr("&Add to Project"), tr("&Replace"), tr("&Abort"), 0, 2); switch (n) { case 0: importMidi(fn, true); MusEGlobal::song->update(); break; case 1: loadProjectFile(fn, false, false); // replace break; default: return; } }
void LOS::importMidi(const QString &file) { QString fn; if (file.isEmpty()) { fn = getOpenFileName(lastMidiPath, midi_file_pattern, this, tr("LOS: Import Midi"), 0); if (fn.isEmpty()) return; lastMidiPath = fn; } else fn = file; int n = QMessageBox::question(this, appName, tr("Add midi file to current project?\n"), tr("&Add to Project"), tr("&Replace"), tr("&Cancel"), 0, 2); switch (n) { case 0: song->invalid = true; importMidi(fn, true); song->invalid = false; song->update(); break; case 1: song->invalid = true; loadProjectFile(fn, false, false); // replace song->invalid = false; break; default: return; } }
void LOS::importMidi() { QString empty(""); importMidi(empty); }
void MusE::importMidi() { QString empty(""); importMidi(empty); }