コード例 #1
ファイル: minIni.c プロジェクト: Daniel-Eckert/piksi_firmware
/** ini_browse()
 * \param Callback    a pointer to a function that will be called for every
 *                    setting in the INI file.
 * \param UserData    arbitrary data, which the function passes on the the
 *                    \c Callback function
 * \param Filename    the name and full path of the .ini file to read from
 * \return            1 on success, 0 on failure (INI file not found)
 * \note              The \c Callback function must return 1 to continue
 *                    browsing through the INI file, or 0 to stop. Even when the
 *                    callback stops the browsing, this function will return 1
 *                    (for success).
int  ini_browse(INI_CALLBACK Callback, const void *UserData, const TCHAR *Filename)
  TCHAR *sp, *ep;
  int lenSec, lenKey;
  enum quote_option quotes;

  if (Callback == NULL)
    return 0;
  if (!ini_openread(Filename, &fp))
    return 0;

  LocalBuffer[0] = '\0';   /* copy an empty section in the buffer */
  lenSec = _tcslen(LocalBuffer) + 1;
  for ( ;; ) {
    if (!ini_read(LocalBuffer + lenSec, INI_BUFFERSIZE - lenSec, &fp))
    sp = skipleading(LocalBuffer + lenSec);
    /* ignore empty strings and comments */
    if (*sp == '\0' || *sp == ';' || *sp == '#')
    /* see whether we reached a new section */
    ep = _tcschr(sp, ']');
    if (*sp == '[' && ep != NULL) {
      *ep = '\0';
      save_strncpy(LocalBuffer, sp + 1, INI_BUFFERSIZE, QUOTE_NONE);
      lenSec = _tcslen(LocalBuffer) + 1;
    } /* if */
    /* not a new section, test for a key/value pair */
    ep = _tcschr(sp, '=');    /* test for the equal sign or colon */
    if (ep == NULL)
      ep = _tcschr(sp, ':');
    if (ep == NULL)
      continue;               /* invalid line, ignore */
    *ep++ = '\0';             /* split the key from the value */
    save_strncpy(LocalBuffer + lenSec, sp, INI_BUFFERSIZE - lenSec, QUOTE_NONE);
    lenKey = _tcslen(LocalBuffer + lenSec) + 1;
    /* clean up the value */
    sp = skipleading(ep);
    sp = cleanstring(sp, &quotes);  /* Remove a trailing comment */
    save_strncpy(LocalBuffer + lenSec + lenKey, sp, INI_BUFFERSIZE - lenSec - lenKey, quotes);
    /* call the callback */
    if (!Callback(LocalBuffer, LocalBuffer + lenSec, LocalBuffer + lenSec + lenKey, UserData))
  } /* for */

  return 1;
コード例 #2
ファイル: minIni.c プロジェクト: Daniel-Eckert/piksi_firmware
/** ini_getkey()
 * \param Section     the name of the section to browse through, or NULL to
 *                    browse through the keys outside any section
 * \param idx         the zero-based sequence number of the key to return
 * \param Buffer      a pointer to the buffer to copy into
 * \param BufferSize  the maximum number of characters to copy
 * \param Filename    the name and full path of the .ini file to read from
 * \return            the number of characters copied into the supplied buffer
int  ini_getkey(const TCHAR *Section, int idx, TCHAR *Buffer, int BufferSize, const TCHAR *Filename)
  int ok = 0;

  if (Buffer == NULL || BufferSize <= 0 || idx < 0)
    return 0;
  if (ini_openread(Filename, &fp)) {
    ok = getkeystring(&fp, Section, NULL, -1, idx, Buffer, BufferSize);
  } /* if */
  if (!ok)
    *Buffer = '\0';
  return _tcslen(Buffer);
コード例 #3
ファイル: minIni.c プロジェクト: Daniel-Eckert/piksi_firmware
/** ini_gets()
 * \param Section     the name of the section to search for
 * \param Key         the name of the entry to find the value of
 * \param DefValue    default string in the event of a failed read
 * \param Buffer      a pointer to the buffer to copy into
 * \param BufferSize  the maximum number of characters to copy
 * \param Filename    the name and full path of the .ini file to read from
 * \return            the number of characters copied into the supplied buffer
int ini_gets(const TCHAR *Section, const TCHAR *Key, const TCHAR *DefValue,
             TCHAR *Buffer, int BufferSize, const TCHAR *Filename)
  int ok = 0;

  if (Buffer == NULL || BufferSize <= 0 || Key == NULL)
    return 0;
  if (ini_openread(Filename, &fp)) {
    ok = getkeystring(&fp, Section, Key, -1, -1, Buffer, BufferSize);
  } /* if */
  if (!ok)
    save_strncpy(Buffer, DefValue, BufferSize, QUOTE_NONE);
  return _tcslen(Buffer);
コード例 #4
ファイル: minIni.c プロジェクト: jdaheron/BLDR
/** ini_getkey()
 * \param Section     the name of the section to browse through, or NULL to
 *                    browse through the keys outside any section
 * \param idx         the zero-based sequence number of the key to return
 * \param Buffer      a pointer to the buffer to copy into
 * \param BufferSize  the maximum number of characters to copy
 * \param Filename    the name and full path of the .ini file to read from
 * \return            the number of characters copied into the supplied buffer
int  ini_getkey(const TCHAR *Section, int idx, TCHAR *Buffer, int BufferSize, const TCHAR *Filename)
	int nb = 0;

	if (Buffer == NULL || BufferSize <= 0 || idx < 0)
		return 0;

	if (ini_openread(Filename, &fp))
		nb = ini_getkey_OpenedFile(Section, idx, Buffer, BufferSize, &fp);
		(void) ini_close(&fp);

	return nb;
コード例 #5
ファイル: minIni.c プロジェクト: jdaheron/BLDR
int ini_gets(const mTCHAR *Section, const mTCHAR *Key, const mTCHAR *DefValue, mTCHAR *Buffer, int BufferSize, const TCHAR *Filename)
	int nb = 0;

	if (Buffer == NULL || BufferSize <= 0 || Key == NULL)
	    return 0;

	if(ini_openread(Filename, &fp))
		nb = ini_gets_OpenedFile(Section, Key, DefValue, Buffer, BufferSize, &fp);
		(void) ini_close(&fp);

	return nb;
コード例 #6
ファイル: minIni.c プロジェクト: dfink08/thesis
/** ini_gets()
 * \param Section     the name of the section to search for
 * \param Key         the name of the entry to find the value of
 * \param DefValue    default string in the event of a failed read
 * \param Buffer      a pointer to the buffer to copy into
 * \param BufferSize  the maximum number of characters to copy
 * \param Filename    the name and full path of the .ini file to read from
 * \return            the number of characters copied into the supplied buffer
int ini_gets(const TCHAR *Section, const TCHAR *Key, const TCHAR *DefValue,
             TCHAR *Buffer, int BufferSize, const TCHAR *Filename)

//FILE* fp = fopen("./config.txt","rb");

  int ok = 0;

/*int i;
printf("file pointer, %p\n", fp);

  u_char* data;
  data = (u_char*) &fp;


	    for (i=0; i<=(20); i++)	//-1 to account for not starting at 1
		printf("%s:", data[i]);

  if (Buffer == NULL || BufferSize <= 0 || Key == NULL)
    return 0;
  if (ini_openread(Filename, &fp)) {
    ok = getkeystring(&fp, Section, Key, -1, -1, Buffer, BufferSize);
  } /* if */
  if (!ok)
    save_strncpy(Buffer, DefValue, BufferSize, QUOTE_NONE);
  return _tcslen(Buffer);
コード例 #7
ファイル: minIni.c プロジェクト: Daniel-Eckert/piksi_firmware
/** ini_puts()
 * \param Section     the name of the section to write the string in
 * \param Key         the name of the entry to write, or NULL to erase all keys in the section
 * \param Value       a pointer to the buffer the string, or NULL to erase the key
 * \param Filename    the name and full path of the .ini file to write to
 * \return            1 if successful, otherwise 0
int ini_puts(const TCHAR *Section, const TCHAR *Key, const TCHAR *Value, const TCHAR *Filename)
  TCHAR *sp, *ep;
  int len, match, flag, cachelen;

  assert(Filename != NULL);
  if (!ini_openread(Filename, &rfp)) {
    /* If the .ini file doesn't exist, make a new file */
    if (Key != NULL && Value != NULL) {
      if (!ini_openwrite(Filename, &wfp))
        return 0;
      writesection(LocalBuffer, Section, &wfp);
      writekey(LocalBuffer, Key, Value, &wfp);
    } /* if */
    return 1;
  } /* if */

  /* If parameters Key and Value are valid (so this is not an "erase" request)
   * and the setting already exists and it already has the correct value, do
   * nothing. This early bail-out avoids rewriting the INI file for no reason.
  if (Key != NULL && Value != NULL) {
    (void)ini_tell(&rfp, &mark);
    match = getkeystring(&rfp, Section, Key, -1, -1, LocalBuffer, sizearray(LocalBuffer));
    if (match && _tcscmp(LocalBuffer,Value) == 0) {
      return 1;
    } /* if */
    /* key not found, or different value -> proceed (but rewind the input file first) */
    (void)ini_seek(&rfp, &mark);
  } /* if */

  /* Get a temporary file name to copy to. Use the existing name, but with
   * the last character set to a '~'.
  ini_tempname(LocalBuffer, Filename, INI_BUFFERSIZE);
  if (!ini_openwrite(LocalBuffer, &wfp)) {
    return 0;
  } /* if */
  (void)ini_tell(&rfp, &mark);
  cachelen = 0;

  /* Move through the file one line at a time until a section is
   * matched or until EOF. Copy to temp file as it is read.
  len = (Section != NULL) ? _tcslen(Section) : 0;
  if (len > 0) {
    do {
      if (!ini_read(LocalBuffer, INI_BUFFERSIZE, &rfp)) {
        /* Failed to find section, so add one to the end */
        flag = cache_flush(LocalBuffer, &cachelen, &rfp, &wfp, &mark);
        if (Key!=NULL && Value!=NULL) {
          if (!flag)
            (void)ini_write(INI_LINETERM, &wfp);  /* force a new line behind the last line of the INI file */
          writesection(LocalBuffer, Section, &wfp);
          writekey(LocalBuffer, Key, Value, &wfp);
        } /* if */
        return close_rename(&rfp, &wfp, Filename, LocalBuffer);  /* clean up and rename */
      } /* if */
      /* Copy the line from source to dest, but not if this is the section that
       * we are looking for and this section must be removed
      sp = skipleading(LocalBuffer);
      ep = _tcschr(sp, ']');
      match = (*sp == '[' && ep != NULL && (int)(ep-sp-1) == len && _tcsnicmp(sp + 1,Section,len) == 0);
      if (!match || Key != NULL) {
        if (!cache_accum(LocalBuffer, &cachelen, INI_BUFFERSIZE)) {
          cache_flush(LocalBuffer, &cachelen, &rfp, &wfp, &mark);
          (void)ini_read(LocalBuffer, INI_BUFFERSIZE, &rfp);
          cache_accum(LocalBuffer, &cachelen, INI_BUFFERSIZE);
        } /* if */
      } /* if */
    } while (!match);
  } /* if */
  cache_flush(LocalBuffer, &cachelen, &rfp, &wfp, &mark);
  /* when deleting a section, the section head that was just found has not been
   * copied to the output file, but because this line was not "accumulated" in
   * the cache, the position in the input file was reset to the point just
   * before the section; this must now be skipped (again)
  if (Key == NULL) {
    (void)ini_read(LocalBuffer, INI_BUFFERSIZE, &rfp);
    (void)ini_tell(&rfp, &mark);
  } /* if */

  /* Now that the section has been found, find the entry. Stop searching
   * upon leaving the section's area. Copy the file as it is read
   * and create an entry if one is not found.
  len = (Key!=NULL) ? _tcslen(Key) : 0;
  for( ;; ) {
    if (!ini_read(LocalBuffer, INI_BUFFERSIZE, &rfp)) {
      /* EOF without an entry so make one */
      flag = cache_flush(LocalBuffer, &cachelen, &rfp, &wfp, &mark);
      if (Key!=NULL && Value!=NULL) {
        if (!flag)
          (void)ini_write(INI_LINETERM, &wfp);  /* force a new line behind the last line of the INI file */
        writekey(LocalBuffer, Key, Value, &wfp);
      } /* if */
      return close_rename(&rfp, &wfp, Filename, LocalBuffer);  /* clean up and rename */
    } /* if */
    sp = skipleading(LocalBuffer);
    ep = _tcschr(sp, '='); /* Parse out the equal sign */
    if (ep == NULL)
      ep = _tcschr(sp, ':');
    match = (ep != NULL && (int)(skiptrailing(ep,sp)-sp) == len && _tcsnicmp(sp,Key,len) == 0);
    if ((Key != NULL && match) || *sp == '[')
      break;  /* found the key, or found a new section */
    /* copy other keys in the section */
    if (Key == NULL) {
      (void)ini_tell(&rfp, &mark);  /* we are deleting the entire section, so update the read position */
    } else {
      if (!cache_accum(LocalBuffer, &cachelen, INI_BUFFERSIZE)) {
        cache_flush(LocalBuffer, &cachelen, &rfp, &wfp, &mark);
        (void)ini_read(LocalBuffer, INI_BUFFERSIZE, &rfp);
        cache_accum(LocalBuffer, &cachelen, INI_BUFFERSIZE);
      } /* if */
    } /* if */
  } /* for */
  /* the key was found, or we just dropped on the next section (meaning that it
   * wasn't found); in both cases we need to write the key, but in the latter
   * case, we also need to write the line starting the new section after writing
   * the key
  flag = (*sp == '[');
  cache_flush(LocalBuffer, &cachelen, &rfp, &wfp, &mark);
  if (Key != NULL && Value != NULL)
    writekey(LocalBuffer, Key, Value, &wfp);
  /* cache_flush() reset the "read pointer" to the start of the line with the
   * previous key or the new section; read it again (because writekey() destroyed
   * the buffer)
  (void)ini_read(LocalBuffer, INI_BUFFERSIZE, &rfp);
  if (flag) {
    /* the new section heading needs to be copied to the output file */
    cache_accum(LocalBuffer, &cachelen, INI_BUFFERSIZE);
  } else {
    /* forget the old key line */
    (void)ini_tell(&rfp, &mark);
  } /* if */
  /* Copy the rest of the INI file */
  while (ini_read(LocalBuffer, INI_BUFFERSIZE, &rfp)) {
    if (!cache_accum(LocalBuffer, &cachelen, INI_BUFFERSIZE)) {
      cache_flush(LocalBuffer, &cachelen, &rfp, &wfp, &mark);
      (void)ini_read(LocalBuffer, INI_BUFFERSIZE, &rfp);
      cache_accum(LocalBuffer, &cachelen, INI_BUFFERSIZE);
    } /* if */
  } /* while */
  cache_flush(LocalBuffer, &cachelen, &rfp, &wfp, &mark);
  return close_rename(&rfp, &wfp, Filename, LocalBuffer);  /* clean up and rename */
コード例 #8
ファイル: minIni.c プロジェクト: colistro123/Nightfire-iniMod
/** ini_puts()
 * \param Section     the name of the section to write the string in
 * \param Key         the name of the entry to write, or NULL to erase all keys in the section
 * \param Value       a pointer to the buffer the string, or NULL to erase the key
 * \param Filename    the name and full path of the .ini file to write to
 * \return            1 if successful, otherwise 0
int ini_puts(const TCHAR *Section, const TCHAR *Key, const TCHAR *Value, const TCHAR *Filename)
  TCHAR *sp, *ep;
  int len, match, count;

  if (!ini_openread(Filename, &rfp)) {
    /* If the .ini file doesn't exist, make a new file */
    if (Key!=NULL && Value!=NULL) {
      if (!ini_openwrite(Filename, &wfp))
        return 0;
      writesection(LocalBuffer, Section, &wfp);
      writekey(LocalBuffer, Key, Value, &wfp);
    } /* if */
    return 1;
  } /* if */

  /* If parameters Key and Value are valid (so this is not an "erase" request)
   * and the setting already exists and it already has the correct value, do
   * nothing. This early bail-out avoids rewriting the INI file for no reason.
  if (Key!=NULL && Value!=NULL) {
    match = getkeystring(&rfp, Section, Key, -1, -1, LocalBuffer, sizearray(LocalBuffer));
    if (match && _tcscmp(LocalBuffer,Value)==0) {
      return 1;
    } /* if */
    /* key not found, or different value -> proceed (but rewind the input file first) */
  } /* if */

  /* Get a temporary file name to copy to. Use the existing name, but with
   * the last character set to a '~'.
  ini_tempname(LocalBuffer, Filename, INI_BUFFERSIZE);
  if (!ini_openwrite(LocalBuffer, &wfp)) {
    return 0;
  } /* if */

  /* Move through the file one line at a time until a section is
   * matched or until EOF. Copy to temp file as it is read.
  count = 0;
  len = (Section != NULL) ? _tcslen(Section) : 0;
  if (len > 0) {
    do {
      if (!ini_read(LocalBuffer, INI_BUFFERSIZE, &rfp)) {
        /* Failed to find section, so add one to the end */
        if (Key!=NULL && Value!=NULL) {
            ini_write(INI_LINETERM, &wfp);  /* force a new line (there may not have been one) behind the last line of the INI file */
            writesection(LocalBuffer, Section, &wfp);
            writekey(LocalBuffer, Key, Value, &wfp);
        } /* if */
        /* Clean up and rename */
        ini_tempname(LocalBuffer, Filename, INI_BUFFERSIZE);
        ini_rename(LocalBuffer, Filename);
        return 1;
      } /* if */
      /* Copy the line from source to dest, but not if this is the section that
       * we are looking for and this section must be removed
      sp = skipleading(LocalBuffer);
      ep = _tcschr(sp, ']');
      match = (*sp == '[' && ep != NULL && (int)(ep-sp-1) == len && _tcsnicmp(sp + 1,Section,len) == 0);
      if (!match || Key!=NULL) {
        /* Remove blank lines, but insert a blank line (possibly one that was
         * removed on the previous iteration) before a new section. This creates
         * "neat" INI files.
        if (_tcslen(sp) > 0) {
          if (*sp == '[' && count > 0)
            ini_write(INI_LINETERM, &wfp);
          ini_write(sp, &wfp);
        } /* if */
      } /* if */
    } while (!match);
  } /* if */

  /* Now that the section has been found, find the entry. Stop searching
   * upon leaving the section's area. Copy the file as it is read
   * and create an entry if one is not found.
  len = (Key!=NULL) ? _tcslen(Key) : 0;
  for( ;; ) {
    if (!ini_read(LocalBuffer, INI_BUFFERSIZE, &rfp)) {
      /* EOF without an entry so make one */
      if (Key!=NULL && Value!=NULL) {
          ini_write(INI_LINETERM, &wfp);  /* force a new line (there may not have been one) behind the last line of the INI file */
          writekey(LocalBuffer, Key, Value, &wfp);
      } /* if */
      /* Clean up and rename */
      ini_tempname(LocalBuffer, Filename, INI_BUFFERSIZE);
      ini_rename(LocalBuffer, Filename);
      return 1;
    } /* if */
    sp = skipleading(LocalBuffer);
    ep = _tcschr(sp, '='); /* Parse out the equal sign */
    if (ep == NULL)
      ep = _tcschr(sp, ':');
    match = (ep != NULL && (int)(ep-sp) == len && _tcsnicmp(sp,Key,len) == 0);
    if ((Key!=NULL && match) || *sp == '[')
      break;  /* found the key, or found a new section */
    /* in the section that we re-write, do not copy empty lines */
    if (Key!=NULL && _tcslen(sp) > 0)
      ini_write(sp, &wfp);
  } /* for */
  if (*sp == '[') {
    /* found start of new section, the key was not in the specified
     * section, so we add it just before the new section
    if (Key!=NULL && Value!=NULL) {
      /* We cannot use "writekey()" here, because we need to preserve the
       * contents of LocalBuffer.
      ini_write(Key, &wfp);
      ini_write("=", &wfp);
      ini_write(Value, &wfp);
      ini_write(INI_LINETERM INI_LINETERM, &wfp); /* put a blank line between the current and the next section */
    } /* if */
    /* write the new section header that we read previously */
    ini_write(sp, &wfp);
  } else {
    /* We found the key; ignore the line just read (with the key and
     * the current value) and write the key with the new value.
    if (Key!=NULL && Value!=NULL)
      writekey(LocalBuffer, Key, Value, &wfp);
  } /* if */
  /* Copy the rest of the INI file (removing empty lines, except before a section) */
  while (ini_read(LocalBuffer, INI_BUFFERSIZE, &rfp)) {
    sp = skipleading(LocalBuffer);
    if (_tcslen(sp) > 0) {
      if (*sp == '[')
        ini_write(INI_LINETERM, &wfp);
      ini_write(sp, &wfp);
    } /* if */
  } /* while */
  /* Clean up and rename */
  ini_tempname(LocalBuffer, Filename, INI_BUFFERSIZE);
  ini_rename(LocalBuffer, Filename);
  return 1;