コード例 #1
void turnDegrees(int degrees)  // uses a PID loop to turn a given angle (clockwise) - used in autonomous 
    float goal = degrees * TICKS_PER_DEGREE; // conversion factor from degrees to encoder ticks 
    if (bBlueAlliance == true) // this reflects the turns if we're on the blue alliance 
        goal = goal * -1; 
    int output;                         // speed to send to the drive motots, set in the loop 
    initDriveEncoders();        // reset drive encoder counts to zero 
    InitPidGoal(turnPid, goal); // initialize the drive PID with the goal 
    ClearTimer(T2);             // clear the timer 
    while( (abs(turnPid.error) > turnErrorThreshold) 
          || (abs(turnPid.derivative) > turnDerivativeThreshold) ) // until both the error and speed drop below acceptable thresholds... 
        if (time1(T2) > PID_UPDATE_TIME) // if enough time has passed since the last PID update... 
          float currentPosition = (nMotorEncoder[leftBackDrive]-nMotorEncoder[rightBackDrive]) / 2.0; // (the current position is the (+) average of the drive encoders) 
          output = UpdatePid(turnPid, currentPosition);  // ...update the motor speed with the drive PID... 
          setDriveMotors(-output, output);  // ...and send that speed to the drive motors (left and right) 
          ClearTimer(T2); // clear the timer 
  setDriveMotors(0, 0); // remember to stop the motors! 
  wait1Msec(TIME_BETWEEN_AUTONOMOUS_ACTIONS); // lets things settle before moving to next action 
コード例 #2
ファイル: init.c プロジェクト: EastRobotics/2616E
 * Runs user initialization code. This function will be started in its own task
 * with the default
 * priority and stack size once when the robot is starting up. It is possible
 * that the VEXnet
 * communication link may not be fully established at this time, so reading from
 * the VEX
 * Joystick may fail.
 * This function should initialize most sensors (gyro, encoders, ultrasonics),
 * LCDs, global
 * variables, and IMEs.
 * This function must exit relatively promptly, or the operatorControl() and
 * autonomous() tasks
 * will not start. An autonomous mode selection menu like the pre_auton() in
 * other environments
 * can be implemented in this task if desired.
void initialize() {
  print("[Init] Initializing the robot\n");

  // Set up the LCD and start it
  print("[Init] Setting up the LCD\n");
  lcdInitMenu(1, 3, 1); // Min 1, max 3, home 1

  // Set up our drive
  print("[Init] Setting up drive motors\n");
  lcdSetText(uart2, 1, "Init drive...");
  // enableSlew(15); // Set slew rate to 15

  // Set up our autonomous to these modes
  print("[Init] Setting up autonomous modes\n");
  lcdSetText(uart2, 1, "Init auton...");
  autonInit(4); // 3 auton modes

  // Set up our gyroscope
  print("[Init] Setting gyroscope\n");
  lcdSetText(uart2, 1, "Init gyro...");
  // To tune: 196*((360*rotations)/gyroValue)
  gyro = gyroInit(ANALOG_GYRO, 190); // default is 196, this is after tune

  // Set up our encoders
  print("[Init] Setting up encoders\n");
  lcdSetText(uart2, 1, "Init Encs...");
  // initPidControl();

  // Sets communication port for JINX data and start task to parse incoming
  // messages.
  print("[Init] Setting up JINX\n");
  lcdSetText(uart2, 1, "Init JINX...");

  // Done init
  print("[Init] Finished, starting LCD menu\n");
  lcdSetText(uart2, 1, "Init menu...");

  // TODO Remove
  hc05Init(1, false);
コード例 #3
void driveInches(int inches)  // uses a PID loop to drive (straight) a given distance - used in autonomous 
    float goal = inches * TICKS_PER_INCH; // conversion factor from inches to encoder ticks 
    int output;                           // speed to send to the drive motots, set in the loop 
    initDriveEncoders();          // reset drive encoder counts to zero 
    InitPidGoal(drivePid, goal);  // initialize the drive PID with the goal 
    ClearTimer(T1);               // clear the timer 
    while( (abs(drivePid.error) > driveErrorThreshold) 
          || (abs(drivePid.derivative) > driveDerivativeThreshold) ) // until both the error and speed drop below acceptable thresholds... 
        if (time1(T1) > PID_UPDATE_TIME) // if enough time has passed since the last PID update... 
          float currentPosition = (-nMotorEncoder[leftBackDrive]-nMotorEncoder[rightBackDrive]) / 2.0; // (the current position is the average of the drive encoders) 
          output = UpdatePid(drivePid, currentPosition);  // ...update the motor speed with the drive PID... 
          float offset = DRIVE_STRAIGHT_FACTOR * ( (-nMotorEncoder[leftBackDrive]) - (-nMotorEncoder[rightBackDrive]) ) ; // (proportional correction to straighten out) 
          setDriveMotors(output - offset, output + offset);  // ...and send that speed to the drive motors (left and right) 
          ClearTimer(T1); // reset the timer so it starts counting again 
  setDriveMotors(0, 0);        // remember to stop the motors! 
  wait1Msec(TIME_BETWEEN_AUTONOMOUS_ACTIONS); // lets things settle before moving to next action 