コード例 #1
int main ( void )
    /* Initialize all MPLAB Harmony modules, including application(s). */
    SYS_Initialize ( NULL );


    // set the CP0 CONFIG register to indicate that kseg0 is cacheable (0x3)
    __builtin_mtc0(_CP0_CONFIG, _CP0_CONFIG_SELECT, 0xa4210583);

    // 0 data RAM access wait states
    BMXCONbits.BMXWSDRM = 0x0;

    // enable multi vector interrupts
    INTCONbits.MVEC = 0x1;

    // disable JTAG to get pins back
    DDPCONbits.JTAGEN = 0;
    // initialize I2C
    // initialize IMU
    // initialize SPI, LCD
//    SPI1_init();
//    LCD_init();
//    LCD_clearScreen(BLACK);   
//    char message[MAX_LENGTH];  
    unsigned char data[14];
//    float accX, accY;
    while ( true )
        if (_CP0_GET_COUNT() > 480000) {    // 50 Hz     
            i2c_read_multiple(IMU_ADDRESS, OUT_TEMP_L, data, 14);
            temp_raw = data[1] << 8 | data[0];
            gyroX_raw = data[3] << 8 | data[2];
            gyroY_raw = data[5] << 8 | data[4];
            gyroZ_raw = data[7] << 8 | data[6];
            accX_raw = data[9] << 8 | data[8];
            accY_raw = data[11] << 8 | data[10];
            accZ_raw = data[13] << 8 | data[12];
//            accX = accX_raw * 2.0 / 32768; // accel in g
//            accY = accY_raw * 2.0 / 32768; // accel in g
//            accZ = accZ_raw * 2.0 / 32768; // accel in g
//            sprintf(message, "temp raw: %x    ", temp_raw);
//            LCD_drawString(10, 10, message, WHITE);
//            sprintf(message, "accX: %f g    ", accX);
//            LCD_drawString(10, 20, message, WHITE);
//            sprintf(message, "accY: %f g    ", accY);
//            LCD_drawString(10, 30, message, WHITE);
//            sprintf(message, "accZ: %f g    ", accZ);
//            LCD_drawString(10, 40, message, WHITE);
//            sprintf(message, "gyroX raw: %i    ", gyroX_raw);
//            LCD_drawString(10, 50, message, WHITE);
//            sprintf(message, "gyroY raw: %i    ", gyroY_raw);
//            LCD_drawString(10, 60, message, WHITE);
//            sprintf(message, "gyroZ raw: %i    ", gyroZ_raw);
//            LCD_drawString(10, 70, message, WHITE);
        /* Maintain state machines of all polled MPLAB Harmony modules. */
        SYS_Tasks ( );


    /* Execution should not come here during normal operation */

    return ( EXIT_FAILURE );
コード例 #2
int main() {


    // set the CP0 CONFIG register to indicate that kseg0 is cacheable (0x3)
    __builtin_mtc0(_CP0_CONFIG, _CP0_CONFIG_SELECT, 0xa4210583);

    // 0 data RAM access wait states
    BMXCONbits.BMXWSDRM = 0x0;

    // enable multi vector interrupts
    INTCONbits.MVEC = 0x1;

    // disable JTAG to get pins back
    DDPCONbits.JTAGEN = 0;



    //sine wave
    int sine[1000];
    int i;
    for(i = 0; i < 1000; i++){
      sine[i] = 128 + 127*sin(2*3.14*10*i/1000);

    int triangle[1000];
    i = 0;
    for(i = 0; i < 1000; i++){
      triangle[i] = .256*i;

    i = 0;

    while(1) {

      if(_CP0_GET_COUNT() > 24000){
        setVoltage(0, sine[i]);
        setVoltage(1, triangle[i]);

      if(i > 1000){
        i = 0;

      char status = getExpander();          //read the expander
      char g7 = (status & 0x80) >> 7;       //get level of pin g7
      setExpander(0, g7);                   //set pin 0 to level of g7


コード例 #3
ファイル: hw6.c プロジェクト: HailiangHu/HailiangHu_ME433
int main() {
    //int value = 0;
    char r;
    int count1 = 0;
    int count2 = 0;

    // set the CP0 CONFIG register to indicate that kseg0 is cacheable (0x3)
    __builtin_mtc0(_CP0_CONFIG, _CP0_CONFIG_SELECT, 0xa4210583);

    // 0 data RAM access wait states
    BMXCONbits.BMXWSDRM = 0x0;

    // enable multi vector interrupts
    INTCONbits.MVEC = 0x1;

    // disable JTAG to get pins back
    DDPCONbits.JTAGEN = 0;
    // do your TRIS and LAT commands here
    TRISAbits.TRISA4 = 0;     // ouput
    TRISBbits.TRISB4 = 1;     // input

    LATAbits.LATA4 = 1;       // intialize LED on
    while(1) {
	    // use _CP0_SET_COUNT(0) and _CP0_GET_COUNT() to test the PIC timing
		// remember the core timer runs at half the CPU speed
        _CP0_SET_COUNT(0);                   // set core timer to 0
        while(_CP0_GET_COUNT() < 480000){     // wait 1ms / 0.001s
        while(_CP0_GET_COUNT() < 480000){     // wait 1ms / 0.001s
        while(_CP0_GET_COUNT() < 480000){     // wait 1ms / 0.001s
        while(_CP0_GET_COUNT() < 480000){     // wait 1ms / 0.001s
        //if(count1 == 100){
          //count1 = 0;
        //if(count2 == 200){
          //count2 = 0;
        I2C_read_multiple(0x6B, 0x20, data_array, 14);

    }// while loop
        //CS = 0;                                 // listen to me
        //SPI1_IO(0x38); // most significant byte of address
        //SPI1_IO(0x00);         // the least significant address byte
        //CS = 1;   