/*! * Run the code inside the gameloop */ static void runGameLoop(void) { gameLoopStatus = gameLoop(); switch (gameLoopStatus) { case GAMECODE_CONTINUE: case GAMECODE_PLAYVIDEO: break; case GAMECODE_QUITGAME: debug(LOG_MAIN, "GAMECODE_QUITGAME"); stopGameLoop(); startTitleLoop(); // Restart into titleloop break; case GAMECODE_LOADGAME: debug(LOG_MAIN, "GAMECODE_LOADGAME"); stopGameLoop(); initSaveGameLoad(); // Restart and load a savegame break; case GAMECODE_NEWLEVEL: debug(LOG_MAIN, "GAMECODE_NEWLEVEL"); stopGameLoop(); startGameLoop(); // Restart gameloop break; // Never thrown: case GAMECODE_FASTEXIT: case GAMECODE_RESTARTGAME: break; default: debug(LOG_ERROR, "Unknown code returned by gameLoop"); break; } }
/*! * Run the code inside the titleloop */ static void runTitleLoop(void) { switch (titleLoop()) { case TITLECODE_CONTINUE: break; case TITLECODE_QUITGAME: debug(LOG_MAIN, "TITLECODE_QUITGAME"); stopTitleLoop(); { // Create a quit event to halt game loop. SDL_Event quitEvent; quitEvent.type = SDL_QUIT; SDL_PushEvent(&quitEvent); } break; case TITLECODE_SAVEGAMELOAD: { debug(LOG_MAIN, "TITLECODE_SAVEGAMELOAD"); // Restart into gameloop and load a savegame, ONLY on a good savegame load! stopTitleLoop(); if (!initSaveGameLoad()) { // we had a error loading savegame (corrupt?), so go back to title screen? stopGameLoop(); startTitleLoop(); changeTitleMode(TITLE); } break; } case TITLECODE_STARTGAME: debug(LOG_MAIN, "TITLECODE_STARTGAME"); stopTitleLoop(); startGameLoop(); // Restart into gameloop break; case TITLECODE_SHOWINTRO: debug(LOG_MAIN, "TITLECODE_SHOWINTRO"); seq_ClearSeqList(); seq_AddSeqToList("titles.ogg", NULL, NULL, false); seq_AddSeqToList("devastation.ogg", NULL, "devastation.txa", false); seq_StartNextFullScreenVideo(); break; default: debug(LOG_ERROR, "Unknown code returned by titleLoop"); break; } }
int realmain(int argc, char *argv[]) { // The libcrypto startup stuff... May or may not actually be needed for anything at all. ERR_load_crypto_strings(); // This is needed for descriptive error messages. OpenSSL_add_all_algorithms(); // Don't actually use the EVP functions, so probably not needed. OPENSSL_config(nullptr); // What does this actually do? #ifdef WZ_OS_WIN RAND_screen(); // Uses a screenshot as a random seed, on systems lacking /dev/random. #endif wzMain(argc, argv); int utfargc = argc; const char** utfargv = (const char**)argv; #ifdef WZ_OS_MAC cocoaInit(); #endif debug_init(); debug_register_callback( debug_callback_stderr, NULL, NULL, NULL ); #if defined(WZ_OS_WIN) && defined(DEBUG_INSANE) debug_register_callback( debug_callback_win32debug, NULL, NULL, NULL ); #endif // WZ_OS_WIN && DEBUG_INSANE // ***** // NOTE: Try *NOT* to use debug() output routines without some other method of informing the user. All this output is sent to /dev/nul at this point on some platforms! // ***** if (!getUTF8CmdLine(&utfargc, &utfargv)) { return EXIT_FAILURE; } QTextCodec::setCodecForCStrings(QTextCodec::codecForName("UTF-8")); // make Qt treat all C strings in Warzone as UTF-8 setupExceptionHandler(utfargc, utfargv, version_getFormattedVersionString()); /*** Initialize PhysicsFS ***/ initialize_PhysicsFS(utfargv[0]); /*** Initialize translations ***/ initI18n(); // find early boot info if (!ParseCommandLineEarly(utfargc, utfargv)) { return EXIT_FAILURE; } /* Initialize the write/config directory for PhysicsFS. * This needs to be done __after__ the early commandline parsing, * because the user might tell us to use an alternative configuration * directory. */ initialize_ConfigDir(); /*** Initialize directory structure ***/ make_dir(ScreenDumpPath, "screenshots", NULL); make_dir(SaveGamePath, "savegames", NULL); PHYSFS_mkdir("savegames/campaign"); PHYSFS_mkdir("savegames/skirmish"); make_dir(MultiCustomMapsPath, "maps", NULL); // MUST have this to prevent crashes when getting map PHYSFS_mkdir("music"); PHYSFS_mkdir("logs"); // a place to hold our netplay, mingw crash reports & WZ logs PHYSFS_mkdir("userdata"); // a place to store per-mod data user generated data memset(rulesettag, 0, sizeof(rulesettag)); // tag to add to userdata to find user generated stuff make_dir(MultiPlayersPath, "multiplay", NULL); make_dir(MultiPlayersPath, "multiplay", "players"); if (!customDebugfile) { // there was no custom debug file specified (--debug-file=blah) // so we use our write directory to store our logs. time_t aclock; struct tm *newtime; char buf[PATH_MAX]; time( &aclock ); // Get time in seconds newtime = localtime( &aclock ); // Convert time to struct // Note: We are using fopen(), and not physfs routines to open the file // log name is logs/(or \)WZlog-MMDD_HHMMSS.txt snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%slogs%sWZlog-%02d%02d_%02d%02d%02d.txt", PHYSFS_getWriteDir(), PHYSFS_getDirSeparator(), newtime->tm_mon + 1, newtime->tm_mday, newtime->tm_hour, newtime->tm_min, newtime->tm_sec ); debug_register_callback( debug_callback_file, debug_callback_file_init, debug_callback_file_exit, buf ); // FIXME: Change this to LOG_WZ on next release debug(LOG_INFO, "Using %s debug file", buf); } // NOTE: it is now safe to use debug() calls to make sure output gets captured. check_Physfs(); debug(LOG_WZ, "Warzone 2100 - %s", version_getFormattedVersionString()); debug(LOG_WZ, "Using language: %s", getLanguage()); debug(LOG_WZ, "Backend: %s", BACKEND); debug(LOG_MEMORY, "sizeof: SIMPLE_OBJECT=%ld, BASE_OBJECT=%ld, DROID=%ld, STRUCTURE=%ld, FEATURE=%ld, PROJECTILE=%ld", (long)sizeof(SIMPLE_OBJECT), (long)sizeof(BASE_OBJECT), (long)sizeof(DROID), (long)sizeof(STRUCTURE), (long)sizeof(FEATURE), (long)sizeof(PROJECTILE)); /* Put in the writedir root */ sstrcpy(KeyMapPath, "keymap.map"); // initialise all the command line states war_SetDefaultStates(); debug(LOG_MAIN, "initializing"); PhysicsEngineHandler engine; // register abstract physfs filesystem loadConfig(); // parse the command line if (!ParseCommandLine(utfargc, utfargv)) { return EXIT_FAILURE; } // Save new (commandline) settings saveConfig(); // Find out where to find the data scanDataDirs(); // Now we check the mods to see if they exist or not (specified on the command line) // They are all capped at 100 mods max(see clparse.c) // FIX ME: I know this is a bit hackish, but better than nothing for now? { char *modname; char modtocheck[256]; int i = 0; int result = 0; // check global mods for(i=0; i < 100; i++) { modname = global_mods[i]; if (modname == NULL) { break; } ssprintf(modtocheck, "mods/global/%s", modname); result = PHYSFS_exists(modtocheck); result |= PHYSFS_isDirectory(modtocheck); if (!result) { debug(LOG_ERROR, "The (global) mod (%s) you have specified doesn't exist!", modname); } else { info("(global) mod (%s) is enabled", modname); } } // check campaign mods for(i=0; i < 100; i++) { modname = campaign_mods[i]; if (modname == NULL) { break; } ssprintf(modtocheck, "mods/campaign/%s", modname); result = PHYSFS_exists(modtocheck); result |= PHYSFS_isDirectory(modtocheck); if (!result) { debug(LOG_ERROR, "The mod_ca (%s) you have specified doesn't exist!", modname); } else { info("mod_ca (%s) is enabled", modname); } } // check multiplay mods for(i=0; i < 100; i++) { modname = multiplay_mods[i]; if (modname == NULL) { break; } ssprintf(modtocheck, "mods/multiplay/%s", modname); result = PHYSFS_exists(modtocheck); result |= PHYSFS_isDirectory(modtocheck); if (!result) { debug(LOG_ERROR, "The mod_mp (%s) you have specified doesn't exist!", modname); } else { info("mod_mp (%s) is enabled", modname); } } } if (!wzMain2(war_getFSAA(), war_getFullscreen(), war_GetVsync())) { return EXIT_FAILURE; } int w = pie_GetVideoBufferWidth(); int h = pie_GetVideoBufferHeight(); char buf[256]; ssprintf(buf, "Video Mode %d x %d (%s)", w, h, war_getFullscreen() ? "fullscreen" : "window"); addDumpInfo(buf); debug(LOG_MAIN, "Final initialization"); if (!frameInitialise()) { return EXIT_FAILURE; } if (!screenInitialise()) { return EXIT_FAILURE; } if (!pie_LoadShaders()) { return EXIT_FAILURE; } war_SetWidth(pie_GetVideoBufferWidth()); war_SetHeight(pie_GetVideoBufferHeight()); pie_SetFogStatus(false); pie_ScreenFlip(CLEAR_BLACK); pal_Init(); pie_LoadBackDrop(SCREEN_RANDOMBDROP); pie_SetFogStatus(false); pie_ScreenFlip(CLEAR_BLACK); if (!systemInitialise()) { return EXIT_FAILURE; } //set all the pause states to false setAllPauseStates(false); // Copy this info to be used by the crash handler for the dump file ssprintf(buf,"Using Backend: %s", BACKEND); addDumpInfo(buf); ssprintf(buf,"Using language: %s", getLanguageName()); addDumpInfo(buf); // Do the game mode specific initialisation. switch(GetGameMode()) { case GS_TITLE_SCREEN: startTitleLoop(); break; case GS_SAVEGAMELOAD: initSaveGameLoad(); break; case GS_NORMAL: startGameLoop(); break; default: debug(LOG_ERROR, "Weirdy game status, I'm afraid!!"); break; } #if defined(WZ_CC_MSVC) && defined(DEBUG) debug_MEMSTATS(); #endif debug(LOG_MAIN, "Entering main loop"); wzMain3(); saveConfig(); systemShutdown(); #ifdef WZ_OS_WIN // clean up the memory allocated for the command line conversion for (int i=0; i<argc; i++) { const char*** const utfargvF = &utfargv; free((void *)(*utfargvF)[i]); } free(utfargv); #endif wzShutdown(); debug(LOG_MAIN, "Completed shutting down Warzone 2100"); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QApplication app(argc, argv); int utfargc = argc; const char** utfargv = (const char**)argv; #ifdef WZ_OS_MAC cocoaInit(); #endif debug_init(); debug_register_callback( debug_callback_stderr, NULL, NULL, NULL ); #if defined(WZ_OS_WIN) && defined(DEBUG_INSANE) debug_register_callback( debug_callback_win32debug, NULL, NULL, NULL ); #endif // WZ_OS_WIN && DEBUG_INSANE // ***** // NOTE: Try *NOT* to use debug() output routines without some other method of informing the user. All this output is sent to /dev/nul at this point on some platforms! // ***** if (!getUTF8CmdLine(&utfargc, &utfargv)) { return EXIT_FAILURE; } QTextCodec::setCodecForCStrings(QTextCodec::codecForName("UTF-8")); // make Qt treat all C strings in Warzone as UTF-8 setupExceptionHandler(utfargc, utfargv, version_getFormattedVersionString()); /*** Initialize PhysicsFS ***/ initialize_PhysicsFS(utfargv[0]); /*** Initialize translations ***/ initI18n(); // find early boot info if (!ParseCommandLineEarly(utfargc, utfargv)) { return EXIT_FAILURE; } /* Initialize the write/config directory for PhysicsFS. * This needs to be done __after__ the early commandline parsing, * because the user might tell us to use an alternative configuration * directory. */ initialize_ConfigDir(); /*** Initialize directory structure ***/ make_dir(ScreenDumpPath, "screenshots", NULL); make_dir(SaveGamePath, "savegames", NULL); make_dir(MultiCustomMapsPath, "maps", NULL); // MUST have this to prevent crashes when getting map PHYSFS_mkdir("music"); PHYSFS_mkdir("logs"); // a place to hold our netplay, mingw crash reports & WZ logs make_dir(MultiPlayersPath, "multiplay", NULL); make_dir(MultiPlayersPath, "multiplay", "players"); if (!customDebugfile) { // there was no custom debug file specified (--debug-file=blah) // so we use our write directory to store our logs. time_t aclock; struct tm *newtime; char buf[PATH_MAX]; time( &aclock ); // Get time in seconds newtime = localtime( &aclock ); // Convert time to struct // Note: We are using fopen(), and not physfs routines to open the file // log name is logs/(or \)WZlog-MMDD_HHMMSS.txt snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%slogs%sWZlog-%02d%02d_%02d%02d%02d.txt", PHYSFS_getWriteDir(), PHYSFS_getDirSeparator(), newtime->tm_mon, newtime->tm_mday, newtime->tm_hour, newtime->tm_min, newtime->tm_sec ); debug_register_callback( debug_callback_file, debug_callback_file_init, debug_callback_file_exit, buf ); } // NOTE: it is now safe to use debug() calls to make sure output gets captured. check_Physfs(); debug(LOG_WZ, "Warzone 2100 - %s", version_getFormattedVersionString()); debug(LOG_WZ, "Using language: %s", getLanguage()); debug(LOG_MEMORY, "sizeof: SIMPLE_OBJECT=%ld, BASE_OBJECT=%ld, DROID=%ld, STRUCTURE=%ld, FEATURE=%ld, PROJECTILE=%ld", (long)sizeof(SIMPLE_OBJECT), (long)sizeof(BASE_OBJECT), (long)sizeof(DROID), (long)sizeof(STRUCTURE), (long)sizeof(FEATURE), (long)sizeof(PROJECTILE)); /* Put in the writedir root */ sstrcpy(KeyMapPath, "keymap.map"); // initialise all the command line states war_SetDefaultStates(); debug(LOG_MAIN, "initializing"); PhysicsEngineHandler engine; // register abstract physfs filesystem loadConfig(); // parse the command line if (!ParseCommandLine(utfargc, utfargv)) { return EXIT_FAILURE; } // Save new (commandline) settings saveConfig(); // Find out where to find the data scanDataDirs(); // This needs to be done after "scanDataDirs" // for the root cert from cacert. NETinit(true); // Must be run before OpenGL driver is properly initialized due to // strange conflicts - Per if (selfTest) { memset(enabled_debug, 0, sizeof(*enabled_debug) * LOG_LAST); fprintf(stdout, "Carrying out self-test:\n"); playListTest(); audioTest(); soundTest(); } // Now we check the mods to see if they exist or not (specified on the command line) // They are all capped at 100 mods max(see clparse.c) // FIX ME: I know this is a bit hackish, but better than nothing for now? { char *modname; char modtocheck[256]; int i = 0; int result = 0; // check global mods for(i=0; i < 100; i++) { modname = global_mods[i]; if (modname == NULL) { break; } ssprintf(modtocheck, "mods/global/%s", modname); result = PHYSFS_exists(modtocheck); result |= PHYSFS_isDirectory(modtocheck); if (!result) { debug(LOG_ERROR, "The (global) mod (%s) you have specified doesn't exist!", modname); } else { info("(global) mod (%s) is enabled", modname); } } // check campaign mods for(i=0; i < 100; i++) { modname = campaign_mods[i]; if (modname == NULL) { break; } ssprintf(modtocheck, "mods/campaign/%s", modname); result = PHYSFS_exists(modtocheck); result |= PHYSFS_isDirectory(modtocheck); if (!result) { debug(LOG_ERROR, "The mod_ca (%s) you have specified doesn't exist!", modname); } else { info("mod_ca (%s) is enabled", modname); } } // check multiplay mods for(i=0; i < 100; i++) { modname = multiplay_mods[i]; if (modname == NULL) { break; } ssprintf(modtocheck, "mods/multiplay/%s", modname); result = PHYSFS_exists(modtocheck); result |= PHYSFS_isDirectory(modtocheck); if (!result) { debug(LOG_ERROR, "The mod_mp (%s) you have specified doesn't exist!", modname); } else { info("mod_mp (%s) is enabled", modname); } } } debug(LOG_MAIN, "Qt initialization"); QGL::setPreferredPaintEngine(QPaintEngine::OpenGL); // Workaround for incorrect text rendering on nany platforms. // Setting up OpenGL QGLFormat format; format.setDoubleBuffer(true); format.setAlpha(true); int w = pie_GetVideoBufferWidth(); int h = pie_GetVideoBufferHeight(); if (war_getFSAA()) { format.setSampleBuffers(true); format.setSamples(war_getFSAA()); } WzMainWindow mainwindow(QSize(w, h), format); mainwindow.setMinimumResolution(QSize(800, 600)); if (!mainwindow.context()->isValid()) { QMessageBox::critical(NULL, "Oops!", "Warzone2100 failed to create an OpenGL context. This probably means that your graphics drivers are out of date. Try updating them!"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } screenWidth = w; screenHeight = h; if (war_getFullscreen()) { mainwindow.resize(w,h); mainwindow.showFullScreen(); if(w>mainwindow.width()) { w = mainwindow.width(); } if(h>mainwindow.height()) { h = mainwindow.height(); } pie_SetVideoBufferWidth(w); pie_SetVideoBufferHeight(h); } else { mainwindow.show(); mainwindow.setMinimumSize(w, h); mainwindow.setMaximumSize(w, h); } mainwindow.setSwapInterval(war_GetVsync()); war_SetVsync(mainwindow.swapInterval() > 0); mainwindow.setReadyToPaint(); char buf[256]; ssprintf(buf, "Video Mode %d x %d (%s)", w, h, war_getFullscreen() ? "fullscreen" : "window"); addDumpInfo(buf); debug(LOG_MAIN, "Final initialization"); if (!frameInitialise()) { return EXIT_FAILURE; } war_SetWidth(pie_GetVideoBufferWidth()); war_SetHeight(pie_GetVideoBufferHeight()); pie_SetFogStatus(false); pie_ScreenFlip(CLEAR_BLACK); pal_Init(); pie_LoadBackDrop(SCREEN_RANDOMBDROP); pie_SetFogStatus(false); pie_ScreenFlip(CLEAR_BLACK); if (!systemInitialise()) { return EXIT_FAILURE; } //set all the pause states to false setAllPauseStates(false); /* Runtime unit testing */ if (selfTest) { parseTest(); levTest(); mapTest(); fprintf(stdout, "All tests PASSED!\n"); exit(0); } // Copy this info to be used by the crash handler for the dump file ssprintf(buf,"Using language: %s", getLanguageName()); addDumpInfo(buf); // Do the game mode specific initialisation. switch(GetGameMode()) { case GS_TITLE_SCREEN: startTitleLoop(); break; case GS_SAVEGAMELOAD: initSaveGameLoad(); break; case GS_NORMAL: startGameLoop(); break; default: debug(LOG_ERROR, "Weirdy game status, I'm afraid!!"); break; } #if defined(WZ_CC_MSVC) && defined(DEBUG) debug_MEMSTATS(); #endif debug(LOG_MAIN, "Entering main loop"); app.exec(); saveConfig(); systemShutdown(); debug(LOG_MAIN, "Completed shutting down Warzone 2100"); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int utfargc = argc; const char** utfargv = (const char**)argv; #ifdef WZ_OS_MAC cocoaInit(); #endif debug_init(); debug_register_callback( debug_callback_stderr, NULL, NULL, NULL ); #if defined(WZ_OS_WIN) && defined(DEBUG_INSANE) debug_register_callback( debug_callback_win32debug, NULL, NULL, NULL ); #endif // WZ_OS_WIN && DEBUG_INSANE if (!getUTF8CmdLine(&utfargc, &utfargv)) { return -1; } setupExceptionHandler(utfargc, utfargv); /*** Initialize PhysicsFS ***/ initialize_PhysicsFS(utfargv[0]); /*** Initialize translations ***/ initI18n(); // find early boot info if ( !ParseCommandLineEarly(utfargc, utfargv) ) { return -1; } debug(LOG_WZ, "Using language: %s", getLanguage()); debug(LOG_MEMORY, "sizeof: SIMPLE_OBJECT=%ld, BASE_OBJECT=%ld, DROID=%ld, STRUCTURE=%ld, FEATURE=%ld, PROJECTILE=%ld", (long)sizeof(SIMPLE_OBJECT), (long)sizeof(BASE_OBJECT), (long)sizeof(DROID), (long)sizeof(STRUCTURE), (long)sizeof(FEATURE), (long)sizeof(PROJECTILE)); /* Initialize the write/config directory for PhysicsFS. * This needs to be done __after__ the early commandline parsing, * because the user might tell us to use an alternative configuration * directory. */ initialize_ConfigDir(); /*** Initialize directory structure ***/ make_dir(ScreenDumpPath, "screenshots", NULL); make_dir(SaveGamePath, "savegame", NULL); make_dir(MultiCustomMapsPath, "maps", NULL); // MUST have this to prevent crashes when getting map PHYSFS_mkdir("music"); PHYSFS_mkdir("logs"); // a place to hold our netplay, mingw crash reports & WZ logs make_dir(MultiPlayersPath, "multiplay", NULL); make_dir(MultiPlayersPath, "multiplay", "players"); if (!customDebugfile) { // there was no custom debug file specified (--debug-file=blah) // so we use our write directory to store our logs. time_t aclock; struct tm *newtime; char buf[PATH_MAX]; time( &aclock ); // Get time in seconds newtime = localtime( &aclock ); // Convert time to struct // Note: We are using fopen(), and not physfs routines to open the file // log name is logs/(or \)WZlog-MMDD_HHMMSS.txt snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%slogs%sWZlog-%02d%02d_%02d%02d%02d.txt", PHYSFS_getWriteDir(), PHYSFS_getDirSeparator(), newtime->tm_mon, newtime->tm_mday, newtime->tm_hour, newtime->tm_min, newtime->tm_sec ); debug_register_callback( debug_callback_file, debug_callback_file_init, debug_callback_file_exit, buf ); } debug(LOG_WZ, "Warzone 2100 - %s", version_getFormattedVersionString()); /* Put these files in the writedir root */ setRegistryFilePath("config"); sstrcpy(KeyMapPath, "keymap.map"); // initialise all the command line states war_SetDefaultStates(); debug(LOG_MAIN, "initializing"); loadConfig(); NETinit(true); // parse the command line if (!ParseCommandLine(utfargc, utfargv)) { return -1; } // Save new (commandline) settings saveConfig(); // Find out where to find the data scanDataDirs(); // Must be run before OpenGL driver is properly initialized due to // strange conflicts - Per if (selfTest) { memset(enabled_debug, 0, sizeof(*enabled_debug) * LOG_LAST); fprintf(stdout, "Carrying out self-test:\n"); playListTest(); audioTest(); soundTest(); } // Now we check the mods to see if they exsist or not (specified on the command line) // They are all capped at 100 mods max(see clparse.c) // FIX ME: I know this is a bit hackish, but better than nothing for now? { char *modname; char modtocheck[256]; int i = 0; int result = 0; // check global mods for(i=0; i < 100; i++) { modname = global_mods[i]; if (modname == NULL) { break; } ssprintf(modtocheck, "mods/global/%s", modname); result = PHYSFS_exists(modtocheck); result |= PHYSFS_isDirectory(modtocheck); if (!result) { debug(LOG_ERROR, "The (global) mod (%s) you have specified doesn't exist!", modname); } else { info("(global) mod (%s) is enabled", modname); } } // check campaign mods for(i=0; i < 100; i++) { modname = campaign_mods[i]; if (modname == NULL) { break; } ssprintf(modtocheck, "mods/campaign/%s", modname); result = PHYSFS_exists(modtocheck); result |= PHYSFS_isDirectory(modtocheck); if (!result) { debug(LOG_ERROR, "The mod_ca (%s) you have specified doesn't exist!", modname); } else { info("mod_ca (%s) is enabled", modname); } } // check multiplay mods for(i=0; i < 100; i++) { modname = multiplay_mods[i]; if (modname == NULL) { break; } ssprintf(modtocheck, "mods/multiplay/%s", modname); result = PHYSFS_exists(modtocheck); result |= PHYSFS_isDirectory(modtocheck); if (!result) { debug(LOG_ERROR, "The mod_mp (%s) you have specified doesn't exist!", modname); } else { info("mod_mp (%s) is enabled", modname); } } } if (!frameInitialise( "Warzone 2100", pie_GetVideoBufferWidth(), pie_GetVideoBufferHeight(), pie_GetVideoBufferDepth(), war_getFSAA(), war_getFullscreen(), war_GetVsync())) { return -1; } war_SetWidth(pie_GetVideoBufferWidth()); war_SetHeight(pie_GetVideoBufferHeight()); pie_SetFogStatus(false); pie_ScreenFlip(CLEAR_BLACK); pal_Init(); pie_LoadBackDrop(SCREEN_RANDOMBDROP); pie_SetFogStatus(false); pie_ScreenFlip(CLEAR_BLACK); if (!systemInitialise()) { return -1; } //set all the pause states to false setAllPauseStates(false); /* Runtime unit testing */ if (selfTest) { tagTest(); parseTest(); levTest(); mapTest(); fprintf(stdout, "All tests PASSED!\n"); exit(0); } { // Copy this info to be used by the crash handler for the dump file char buf[256]; ssprintf(buf,"Using language: %s", getLanguageName()); addDumpInfo(buf); } // Do the game mode specific initialisation. switch(GetGameMode()) { case GS_TITLE_SCREEN: startTitleLoop(); break; case GS_SAVEGAMELOAD: initSaveGameLoad(); break; case GS_NORMAL: startGameLoop(); break; default: debug(LOG_ERROR, "Weirdy game status, I'm afraid!!"); break; } debug(LOG_MAIN, "Entering main loop"); // Enter the mainloop mainLoop(); debug(LOG_MAIN, "Shutting down Warzone 2100"); #if defined(WZ_CC_MSVC) && defined(DEBUG) debug_MEMSTATS(); #endif atexit(systemShutdown); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }