コード例 #1
ファイル: 1D-pure.c プロジェクト: samuelbritt/phase-field
/* main integration function. Updates phi(x, t) to phi(x, t+dt) */
static void
update_phi(float *x, float *phi, size_t size, float t, float mu, float eps2,
           float u) {
    /* Our matrices here are of size `size - 2`, because the first and
     * last values of phi are taken care of by the boundary conditions */
    /* size_t mat_size = size - 2; */

    float mu_eps2 = mu * eps2;

    size_t mat_size = size - 2;
    float** A = create_contiguous_array_2D(mat_size);
    init_A(A, mat_size, mu, eps2);

    float *b = create_init_array(mat_size, 0);

    /* at the boundary */
    float phi_0, phi_n;
    set_boundary(&phi_0, &phi_n);
    b[0] = mu_eps2 * phi_0;
    b[mat_size - 1] = mu_eps2 * phi_n;

    for (int i = 0; i < mat_size; ++i) {
        b[i] = phi[i+1] + h(phi[i+1], u);

    solve(A, &phi[1], b, mat_size);
    phi[0] = phi_0;
    phi[size-1] = phi_n;
コード例 #2
void Thread_A(int threadID) 
   init_A(/* threadID */);

   for (;;) {
      int current_sig = rtos_signal_wait_set(1/*periodic_dispatcher (500 ms)*/); 
      if (current_sig == 0/*periodic_dispatcher (500 ms)*/) {
コード例 #3
void Thread_A(int threadID) 
   uint32_t millis_from_sys_start = 0;
   init_A(/* threadID */);

   for (;;) {
      int current_sig = rtos_signal_wait_set(1/*periodic_dispatcher (500 ms)*/); 
      if (current_sig == 0/*periodic_dispatcher (500 ms)*/) {
         millis_from_sys_start += 500;
         exec_periodic_thread_A(/*threadID*/ millis_from_sys_start);
コード例 #4
 * For one network phi and one experiment extracted from the total data matrix X,
 * for one experiments states Gx use the viterbi algorithm
 * N: number of nodes
 * T: number of time points
 * R: number of replicates
 * X: data matrix (N x TxR)
 * GS: optim state matrix (N x TxR), initialised in R and given as argument
 * G: state matrix (N x sum_s(M_s)); for each stimulus s, there are M_s states
 * Glen:
 * TH: theta parameter matrix (N x 4)
 * tps: timepoint vector (T)
 * stimgrps: vector containing the stimulus indices
 * numexperimentsx: number of experiments (equals length of R and Ms)
 * hmmit: number of hmmiterations
 * Ms: number of system states for each experiment
double hmmsearch(int *phi, const int N, const int *Tx, const int *Rx,
		const double *X, int *GS,
		int *G, int Glen, double *TH,
		const int *tps,
		const int *stimids, const int *stimgrps,
		const int numexperiments, const int hmmit, int *Ms)
	// fixed for the moment, number of iterations in the em-algorithm
	int ncol_GS=0;
	int numstims, idstart=0, Gstart=0;

	for(int i=0; i!=numexperiments; ++i) {
		ncol_GS += Tx[i]*Rx[i];
	//  printf("~~~~~ \n ncol_GS: %d\n",ncol_GS);
	// init A, TH and L
	// sort of a hack for getting the - infinity value
	double temp = 1.0;
	double infinity = -1 * (temp / (temp - 1.0));
	int M = Glen/N; // total number of system states

	// allocate the transition probability matrix, for all experiments
	int A_sz = 0;
	for(int i=0; i!=numexperiments; ++i) {
		A_sz += pow(Ms[i],2);

	// make a vector of doubles, holding the transition probabilities
	double *A = malloc(A_sz * sizeof(double));
	init_A(A, Ms, numexperiments); // init transition probabilities (sparse MxM matrix)

	/* main loop: for each iteration in hmmiterations:
	 * perform viterbi for each experiment separately
	 * get the parameters TH and updates for A and GS for all experiments combined
	int Mexp, T, R;
	int startA=0, startX=0, startG=0;
	double *Aexp = NULL;
	double *Xexp = NULL;
	int *Gexp = NULL;
	int *GSexp = NULL;
	int allR, allT;
	double Lik = -1*infinity;
	double Likold = -1*infinity;
	int nLikEqual = 0;
	// keep track of the last 5 likelihood differences
	// if switching behaviour occurs, it can be seen here
	// take differences
	int K = 6;
	double diff, difftmp;
	//double *diffvec = calloc(K-1, sizeof(double));
	double *diffvec = malloc(K * sizeof(double));
	int *toswitch = calloc(N, sizeof(int));
	int nsw=0, maxsw=10;
	// new state matrix object
	for(int it=0; it!=hmmit; ++it) {
		// find switchable rows in TH
		nsw = find_switchable(TH, N, toswitch);
		if(nsw>0) {
			maxsw = min(nsw, maxsw);
		/* here the experiment loop
		 * extract each experiment from X according to R and stimgrps and run the hmm
		 * indices of columns of X to be selected:
		 * expind is equivalent to the experiment index
		 * this defines the stimuli to take from stimgrps
		for(int expind=0; expind!=numexperiments; expind++) {
			//print_intmatrix(toswitch, 1, N);

			// if inconsistencies occur in the gamma matrix,
			// try switching the theta parameters upto
			// maxsw times to reduce the number of inconsitencies
			//maxsw = min(nsw, N);
                        T = Tx[expind];
                        R = Rx[expind];
			allR += R;
			allT += T;
			Mexp = Ms[expind];
			for(int swind=0; swind!=maxsw; ++swind) {

				// extract the sub-transition matrix:
				Aexp = realloc(Aexp, Mexp*Mexp * sizeof(double));
				extract_transitionmatrix(A, Aexp, Mexp, startA);

				// extract the sub-data matrix
				Xexp = realloc(Xexp, N*T*R*sizeof(double));
				extract_datamatrix(X, Xexp, N, T, R, startX);

				// extract the sub-state matrix
				Gexp = realloc(Gexp, N*Mexp*sizeof(int));
				extract_statematrix(G, Gexp, N, Mexp, startG);

				// extract the sub-optimstate matrix
				GSexp = realloc(GSexp, N*T*R*sizeof(int));
				extract_statematrix(GS, GSexp, N, T*R, startX);

				// run the viterbi
				viterbi(T, Mexp, Xexp, Gexp, TH, N, R, Aexp, GSexp);

				// consitency check
				int inc = is_consistent(phi, GSexp, Gexp, N, T, R);

				if(inc>0 && nsw>0) {
					//printf("Inconsitensies in state series. Repeat HMM with modified thetaprime.\n");
					// select a row to switch randomly
					int rnum = rand() % nsw; // a random number between 1 and nsw
					int hit = 0, ii=0;
					for(ii=0; ii!=N; ++ii) {
						if(toswitch[ii]!=0) {
							if(hit==rnum) {
					switch_theta_row(TH, ii, N);
					// remove node as possible switch node
					toswitch[ii] = 0;
				} else {
					// update the GSnew matrix
					update_statematrix(GS, GSexp, startX, N, T, R);

					// update the new transition prob matrix
					update_transitionmatrix(A, Aexp, Mexp, startA);
			} // switch loop end
			// increment the experiment start indices
			startA += pow(Mexp, 2);
			startX += N*T*R;
			startG += N*Mexp;
		} // experiment loop end

		// number of replicates are the same in each experiment, since
		// pad-columns containing NAs were added
		allR = allR/numexperiments;

		// M-step
		// update the theta matrix
		estimate_theta(X, GS, TH, N, allT, allR);

		// calculate the new likelihood
		Lik = calculate_likelihood(X, GS, TH, N, allT, allR); //Liktmp$L
		diff = fabs((fabs(Lik) - fabs(Likold)));

		// count number of equal differences in the last 10 likelihoods
		// if all 5 differences are equal, then stop
		int stopit=0, count = 0; // if all diffs are equal, stopit remains 1 and the loop is aborted
		// check if diffvec is filled
		if(it>=K) {
			// check elements in diffvec
			for(int k=0; k!=(K-1); ++k) {
				if(k>0) {
					if(fabs(diffvec[k]-difftmp)<=0.001) {
						//stopit = 0;
				// remember the original value at current position
				difftmp = diffvec[k];
				// shift next value left one position
				if(k<K) {
					diffvec[k] = diffvec[k+1];
				} else {
					// update the new difference at last position
					diffvec[k] = diff;
			if(count==(K-1)) {
				stopit = 1;
				// make sure that the higher likelihood is taken
				// if switching occurs
				if(Likold>Lik) {
					stopit = 0;
		} else {
			// if not filled then add elements
			diffvec[it] = diff;
		// another termination criterion: count if liklihood terms do not change
		if(Lik==Likold) {
		} else {
			nLikEqual = 0;
			Likold = Lik;

		// abort baum-welch, if Lik does not change anymore
		if(nLikEqual>=10 || stopit==1) {
	return Lik;
コード例 #5
void init_nucleotides()

  rG_.type = 'G';
  make_tfo(  -0.2067,  -0.0264,   0.9780,
              0.9770,  -0.0586,   0.2049,
              0.0519,   0.9979,   0.0379,
              1.0331, -46.8078, -36.4742, &rG_.dgf_base_tfo );
  make_tfo(  -0.8644,  -0.4956,  -0.0851,
             -0.0427,   0.2409,  -0.9696,
              0.5010,  -0.8345,  -0.2294,
              4.0167,  54.5377,  12.4779, &rG_.p_o3_275_tfo );
  make_tfo(   0.3706,  -0.6167,   0.6945,
             -0.2867,  -0.7872,  -0.5460,
              0.8834,   0.0032,  -0.4686,
            -52.9020,  18.6313,  -0.6709, &rG_.p_o3_180_tfo );
  make_tfo(   0.4155,   0.9025,  -0.1137,
              0.9040,  -0.4236,  -0.0582,
             -0.1007,  -0.0786,  -0.9918,
             -7.6624, -25.2080,  49.5181, &rG_.p_o3_60_tfo  );
  make_pt(   31.3810,   0.1400,  47.5810, &rG_.p        );
  make_pt(   29.9860,   0.6630,  47.6290, &rG_.o1p      );
  make_pt(   31.7210,  -0.6460,  48.8090, &rG_.o2p      );
  make_pt(   32.4940,   1.2540,  47.2740, &rG_.o5_      );
  make_pt(   32.1610,   2.2370,  46.2560, &rG_.c5_      );
  make_pt(   31.2986,   2.8190,  46.5812, &rG_.h5_      );
  make_pt(   32.0980,   1.7468,  45.2845, &rG_.h5__     );
  make_pt(   33.3476,   3.1959,  46.1947, &rG_.c4_      );
  make_pt(   33.2668,   3.8958,  45.3630, &rG_.h4_      );
  make_pt(   33.3799,   3.9183,  47.4216, &rG_.o4_      );
  make_pt(   34.6515,   3.7222,  48.0398, &rG_.c1_      );
  make_pt(   35.2947,   4.5412,  47.7180, &rG_.h1_      );
  make_pt(   35.1756,   2.4228,  47.4827, &rG_.c2_      );
  make_pt(   34.6778,   1.5937,  47.9856, &rG_.h2__     );
  make_pt(   36.5631,   2.2672,  47.4798, &rG_.o2_      );
  make_pt(   37.0163,   2.6579,  48.2305, &rG_.h2_      );
  make_pt(   34.6953,   2.5043,  46.0448, &rG_.c3_      );
  make_pt(   34.5444,   1.4917,  45.6706, &rG_.h3_      );
  make_pt(   35.6679,   3.3009,  45.3487, &rG_.o3_      );
  make_pt(   37.4804,   4.0914,  52.2559, &rG_.n1       );
  make_pt(   36.9670,   4.1312,  49.9281, &rG_.n3       );
  make_pt(   37.8045,   4.2519,  50.9550, &rG_.c2       );
  make_pt(   35.7171,   3.8264,  50.3222, &rG_.c4       );
  make_pt(   35.2668,   3.6420,  51.6115, &rG_.c5       );
  make_pt(   36.2037,   3.7829,  52.6706, &rG_.c6       );
  make_pt(   39.0869,   4.5552,  50.7092, &rG_._.G.n2   );
  make_pt(   33.9075,   3.3338,  51.6102, &rG_._.G.n7   );
  make_pt(   34.6126,   3.6358,  49.5108, &rG_._.G.n9   );
  make_pt(   33.5805,   3.3442,  50.3425, &rG_._.G.c8   );
  make_pt(   35.9958,   3.6512,  53.8724, &rG_._.G.o6   );
  make_pt(   38.2106,   4.2053,  52.9295, &rG_._.G.h1   );
  make_pt(   39.8218,   4.6863,  51.3896, &rG_._.G.h21  );
  make_pt(   39.3420,   4.6857,  49.7407, &rG_._.G.h22  );
  make_pt(   32.5194,   3.1070,  50.2664, &rG_._.G.h8   );

  rU_.type = 'U';
  make_tfo(  -0.0109,   0.5907,   0.8068,
              0.2217,  -0.7853,   0.5780,
              0.9751,   0.1852,  -0.1224,
             -1.4225, -11.0956,  -2.5217, &rU_.dgf_base_tfo );
  make_tfo(  -0.8313,  -0.4738,  -0.2906,
              0.0649,   0.4366,  -0.8973,
              0.5521,  -0.7648,  -0.3322,
              1.6833,   6.8060,  -7.0011, &rU_.p_o3_275_tfo );
  make_tfo(   0.3445,  -0.7630,   0.5470,
             -0.4628,  -0.6450,  -0.6082,
              0.8168,  -0.0436,  -0.5753,
             -6.8179,  -3.9778,  -5.9887, &rU_.p_o3_180_tfo );
  make_tfo(   0.5855,   0.7931,  -0.1682,
              0.8103,  -0.5790,   0.0906,
             -0.0255,  -0.1894,  -0.9816,
              6.1203,  -7.1051,   3.1984, &rU_.p_o3_60_tfo  );
  make_pt(    2.6760,  -8.4960,   3.2880, &rU_.p        );
  make_pt(    1.4950,  -7.6230,   3.4770, &rU_.o1p      );
  make_pt(    2.9490,  -9.4640,   4.3740, &rU_.o2p      );
  make_pt(    3.9730,  -7.5950,   3.0340, &rU_.o5_      );
  make_pt(    5.2430,  -8.2420,   2.8260, &rU_.c5_      );
  make_pt(    5.1974,  -8.8497,   1.9223, &rU_.h5_      );
  make_pt(    5.5548,  -8.7348,   3.7469, &rU_.h5__     );
  make_pt(    6.3140,  -7.2060,   2.5510, &rU_.c4_      );
  make_pt(    5.8744,  -6.2116,   2.4731, &rU_.h4_      );
  make_pt(    7.2798,  -7.2260,   3.6420, &rU_.o4_      );
  make_pt(    8.5733,  -6.9410,   3.1329, &rU_.c1_      );
  make_pt(    8.9047,  -6.0374,   3.6446, &rU_.h1_      );
  make_pt(    8.4429,  -6.6596,   1.6327, &rU_.c2_      );
  make_pt(    9.2880,  -7.1071,   1.1096, &rU_.h2__     );
  make_pt(    8.2502,  -5.2799,   1.4754, &rU_.o2_      );
  make_pt(    8.7676,  -4.7284,   2.0667, &rU_.h2_      );
  make_pt(    7.1642,  -7.4416,   1.3021, &rU_.c3_      );
  make_pt(    7.4125,  -8.5002,   1.2260, &rU_.h3_      );
  make_pt(    6.5160,  -6.9772,   0.1267, &rU_.o3_      );
  make_pt(    9.4531,  -8.1107,   3.4087, &rU_.n1       );
  make_pt(   11.5931,  -9.0015,   3.6357, &rU_.n3       );
  make_pt(   10.8101,  -7.8950,   3.3748, &rU_.c2       );
  make_pt(   11.1439, -10.2744,   3.9206, &rU_.c4       );
  make_pt(    9.7056, -10.4026,   3.9332, &rU_.c5       );
  make_pt(    8.9192,  -9.3419,   3.6833, &rU_.c6       );
  make_pt(   11.3013,  -6.8063,   3.1326, &rU_._.U.o2   );
  make_pt(   11.9431, -11.1876,   4.1375, &rU_._.U.o4   );
  make_pt(   12.5840,  -8.8673,   3.6158, &rU_._.U.h3   );
  make_pt(    9.2891, -11.2898,   4.1313, &rU_._.U.h5   );
  make_pt(    7.9263,  -9.4537,   3.6977, &rU_._.U.h6   );