void preferences_dialog_init (void) { // General preferences init_toggle ("echo_checkbutton", PREF_ECHO); init_toggle ("sneak_checkbutton", PREF_AUTO_SNEAK); init_toggle ("log_checkbutton", PREF_AUTO_LOG); init_spin ("text_buffer_size_spinbutton", PREF_TEXT_BUFFER_SIZE); init_spin ("command_size_spinbutton", PREF_COMMAND_SIZE); init_spin ("history_size_spinbutton", PREF_COMMAND_HISTORY_SIZE); init_entry ("script_prefix_entry", PREF_SCRIPT_PREFIX); // Colors init_color ("monster_text_box", PREF_MONSTER_TEXT_COLOR); init_color ("monster_base_box", PREF_MONSTER_BASE_COLOR); init_font ("monster_font_box", PREF_MONSTER_FONT); init_color ("title_text_box", PREF_TITLE_TEXT_COLOR); init_color ("title_base_box", PREF_TITLE_BASE_COLOR); init_font ("title_font_box", PREF_TITLE_FONT); init_color ("echo_text_box", PREF_ECHO_TEXT_COLOR); init_color ("echo_base_box", PREF_ECHO_BASE_COLOR); init_font ("echo_font_box", PREF_ECHO_FONT); init_color ("default_text_box", PREF_DEFAULT_TEXT_COLOR); init_color ("default_base_box", PREF_DEFAULT_BASE_COLOR); init_font ("default_font_box", PREF_DEFAULT_FONT); // Paths init_file ("script_path_filechooserbutton", PREF_SCRIPT_PATH); init_file ("log_path_filechooserbutton", PREF_LOG_PATH); }
/* * Create a new file info object. * This function is called by the profile parser. */ static struct file_info * new_file(struct state *cur, const char *name, unsigned int type) { sc_profile_t *profile = cur->profile; file_info *info; sc_file_t *file; unsigned int df_type = 0, dont_free = 0; if ((info = sc_profile_find_file(profile, NULL, name)) != NULL) return info; /* Special cases for those EFs handled separately * by the PKCS15 logic */ if (strncasecmp(name, "PKCS15-", 7)) { file = init_file(type); } else if (!strcasecmp(name+7, "TokenInfo")) { file = profile->p15_spec->file_tokeninfo; dont_free = 1; } else if (!strcasecmp(name+7, "ODF")) { file = profile->p15_spec->file_odf; dont_free = 1; } else if (!strcasecmp(name+7, "UnusedSpace")) { file = profile->p15_spec->file_unusedspace; dont_free = 1; } else if (!strcasecmp(name+7, "AppDF")) { file = init_file(SC_FILE_TYPE_DF); } else { if (map_str2int(cur, name+7, &df_type, pkcs15DfNames)) return NULL; file = init_file(SC_FILE_TYPE_WORKING_EF); profile->df[df_type] = file; } assert(file); if (file->type != (int)type) { parse_error(cur, "inconsistent file type (should be %s)", (file->type == SC_FILE_TYPE_DF)? "DF" : "EF"); if (strncasecmp(name, "PKCS15-", 7) || !strcasecmp(name+7, "AppDF")) sc_file_free(file); return NULL; } info = add_file(profile, name, file, cur->file); if (info == NULL) { parse_error(cur, "memory allocation failed"); return NULL; } info->dont_free = dont_free; return info; }
/** * Initialize useable but dummy databases */ static void pwdgrp_init(void) { mkdir("/etc", S_IRWXU | S_IRGRP | S_IXGRP | S_IROTH | S_IXOTH); /* * Initialize /etc/passwd */ init_file("/etc/passwd", "root::0:0::::\n"); /* * Initialize /etc/group */ init_file("/etc/group", "root::0:\n"); }
t_file *ft_open(char *name, int deep) { t_dir *entry; t_file *file; t_file *ret; DIR *d; char *tmp = NULL; d = opendir(name); ret = NULL; if (d) { while ((entry = readdir(d))) { if (ft_strcmp(entry->d_name, "..") && ft_strcmp(entry->d_name, ".")) { file = init_file(entry->d_name); printf("%s\n", entry->d_name); if (entry->d_type & DT_DIR && deep != 0) { tmp = set_name_path(name, entry->d_name); file->dir = ft_open(tmp, deep - 1); ft_memdel((void**)&tmp); } addfile(&ret, file); } } closedir(d); } else printf("cannot acces to %s\n", name); return (ret); }
void v4l2_init(struct camera *cam) { open_camera(cam); init_camera(cam); start_capturing(cam); init_encoder(cam); init_file(); }
void main(){ int fd; char buffer2[66]; char buffer3[]="massage number X\n"; char buffer[]={1,0,0,0,0,6,7,8,9,0,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,10,10}; unsigned short i=48,j=0, m_len=0, flag=0, len=0, len2=0; int payload = 64, header_size =2; printf("starting.....(termios)\n"); init_file(src); fd = init_modem(); len = sizeof(buffer); while(1){ sleep(5); buffer[len - 3] = i; printf("sending massage of length %d, msg is:", len); showMsg(buffer, len); printf("\n"); sendToModem(fd, buffer, len); i++; if(i==58) i=48; }//while(1) }//main
void Restore::execRESTORE_LCP_REQ(Signal* signal){ jamEntry(); Uint32 err= 0; RestoreLcpReq* req= (RestoreLcpReq*)signal->getDataPtr(); Uint32 senderRef= req->senderRef; Uint32 senderData= req->senderData; do { FilePtr file_ptr; if (!m_file_list.seizeFirst(file_ptr)) { err= RestoreLcpRef::NoFileRecord; break; } if((err= init_file(req, file_ptr))) { break; } open_file(signal, file_ptr); return; } while(0); RestoreLcpRef* ref= (RestoreLcpRef*)signal->getDataPtrSend(); ref->senderData= senderData; ref->senderRef= reference(); ref->errorCode = err; sendSignal(senderRef, GSN_RESTORE_LCP_REF, signal, RestoreLcpRef::SignalLength, JBB); }
static int update_ifstat( const char *ifname, uint32_t rxb, uint32_t rxp, uint32_t txb, uint32_t txp ) { char path[1024]; struct stat s; struct traffic_entry e; snprintf(path, sizeof(path), DB_IF_FILE, ifname); if (stat(path, &s)) { if (init_file(path, sizeof(struct traffic_entry))) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to init %s: %s\n", path, strerror(errno)); return -1; } } e.time = htonl(time(NULL)); e.rxb = htonl(rxb); e.rxp = htonl(rxp); e.txb = htonl(txb); e.txp = htonl(txp); return update_file(path, &e, sizeof(struct traffic_entry)); }
/** * Constructor Function: allocate memories for the pools * and init the variable values * */ BufferManager::BufferManager():total_block(0),total_file(0),fileHead(NULL) { for (int i = 0; i < MAX_FILE_NUM; i ++) { file_pool[i].fileName = new char[MAX_FILE_NAME]; if(file_pool[i].fileName == NULL) { printf("Can not allocate memory in initing the file pool!\n"); exit (1); } init_file(file_pool[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < MAX_BLOCK_NUM; i ++) { block_pool[i].address = new char[BLOCK_SIZE]; if(block_pool[i].address == NULL) { printf("Can not allocate memory in initing the block pool!\n"); exit (1); } block_pool[i].fileName = new char[MAX_FILE_NAME]; if(block_pool[i].fileName == NULL) { printf("Can not allocate memory in initing the block pool!\n"); exit (1); } init_block(block_pool[i]); } }
bool CacheStat::start(const char* dir, int64_t max_file_size) { bool ret = true; if (file_ != NULL) { log_info("cache stat already start"); } else if (dir != NULL) { char file_name[PATH_MAX]; snprintf(file_name, sizeof(file_name), "%s/ldb_cache_stat", dir); if (init_file(file_name) != TAIR_RETURN_SUCCESS) { log_error("start cache stat file %s fail. error: %s", file_name, strerror(errno)); delete file_; file_ = NULL; ret = false; } else { int64_t file_size = file_->get_file_size(); file_offset_ = file_size <= RESERVE_SIZE ? RESERVE_SIZE : file_size; buf_pos_ = buf_ + CACHE_STAT_SIZE; // for sentinel remain_buf_stat_count_ = BUFFER_STAT_COUNT - 1; if (max_file_size > max_file_size_) { max_file_size_ = max_file_size; } log_info("start cache stat success, file_offset: %"PRI64_PREFIX"d, max_file_size: %"PRI64_PREFIX"d", file_offset_, max_file_size_); } } return ret; }
static int update_radiostat( const char *ifname, uint16_t rate, uint8_t rssi, uint8_t noise ) { char path[1024]; struct stat s; struct radio_entry e; snprintf(path, sizeof(path), DB_RD_FILE, ifname); if (stat(path, &s)) { if (init_file(path, sizeof(struct radio_entry))) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to init %s: %s\n", path, strerror(errno)); return -1; } } e.time = htonl(time(NULL)); e.rate = htons(rate); e.rssi = rssi; e.noise = noise; return update_file(path, &e, sizeof(struct radio_entry)); }
/* Processes a single file. */ static void process_file(const char* path, struct stat* sb) { if (sb->st_size == 0) { if (ignore_empty_flag) return; } /* NOTE: Check for duplicate arguments? */ if (physical_flag) { /* TODO: Make this less pessimal */ size_t i, bucket = BUCKET_INDEX(sb->st_size); for (i = 0; i < buckets[bucket].allocated; i++) { if (buckets[bucket].files[i].device == sb->st_dev && buckets[bucket].files[i].inode == sb->st_ino) { return; } } } init_file(alloc_file(&buckets[BUCKET_INDEX(sb->st_size)]), path, sb); }
static int update_cnstat(uint32_t udp, uint32_t tcp, uint32_t other) { char path[1024]; struct stat s; struct conn_entry e; snprintf(path, sizeof(path), DB_CN_FILE); if (stat(path, &s)) { if (init_file(path, sizeof(struct conn_entry))) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to init %s: %s\n", path, strerror(errno)); return -1; } } e.time = htonl(time(NULL)); e.udp = htonl(udp); e.tcp = htonl(tcp); e.other = htonl(other); return update_file(path, &e, sizeof(struct conn_entry)); }
int _CreateFile(char* path,u32 perm,int mode) { /* 1) create cache file * 2) create data_center file * 3) init_file * 4) open cache file with 'mode' * */ int fd; char dst_path[MAX_PATH]; get_cache_path(path,dst_path); if((fd = creat(dst_path,perm)) == -1){ perror("create cache file"); return fd; } close(fd); get_data_path(path,dst_path); if((fd = creat(dst_path,perm)) == -1){ perror("create data center file"); return fd; } close(fd); /* init file */ if(init_file(path) != 0){ fprintf(stderr,"init_file fail!\n"); return -1; } fd = open(dst_path,mode); return fd; }
static int update_ldstat(uint16_t load1, uint16_t load5, uint16_t load15) { char path[1024]; struct stat s; struct load_entry e; snprintf(path, sizeof(path), DB_LD_FILE); if (stat(path, &s)) { if (init_file(path, sizeof(struct load_entry))) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to init %s: %s\n", path, strerror(errno)); return -1; } } e.time = htonl(time(NULL)); e.load1 = htons(load1); e.load5 = htons(load5); e.load15 = htons(load15); return update_file(path, &e, sizeof(struct load_entry)); }
int filecreate(const char *name) { int pos = get_next_table_pos(filetable, FILE_LIMIT); init_file(&filetable[pos], name); mount_t *mp = mount_table[filetable[pos].device]; fs_table[mp->fs_type].createfile(pos, &filetable[pos]); return 0; }
void X264_init() { g_ImgWidth = opt.width; g_ImgHeight = opt.height; YUVframe = (uint8_t *) malloc(sizeof(uint8_t) * g_ImgWidth * g_ImgHeight * 2); encode_init(&g_X264Encoder, g_ImgWidth, g_ImgHeight); init_file(); }
static gboolean plugin_load(GaimPlugin *plugin) { init_file(); check = g_timeout_add(5000, (GSourceFunc) check_file, NULL); return TRUE; }
SgObject Sg_MakeFileFromFD(uintptr_t handle) { SgFile *f = SG_NEW(SgFile); init_file(f, (int)handle); f->name = UC("fd"); SG_FILE_VTABLE(f) = &vtable; return SG_OBJ(f); }
int file::size_alignment() const { #if defined TORRENT_WINDOWS init_file(); return m_page_size; #else return pos_alignment(); #endif }
int CacheStat::load_file(const char* file_name) { int ret = init_file(file_name); if (ret != TAIR_RETURN_SUCCESS) { log_error("init file fail. %s", file_name); } is_load_ = true; return ret; }
int fileopen(const char *fname, int mode) { int pos = get_next_table_pos(filetable, FILE_LIMIT); init_file(&filetable[pos], fname); mount_t *mp = mount_table[filetable[pos].device]; int npos = fs_table[mp->fs_type].openfile(pos, &filetable[pos], 0); if (npos == -1) close_file(pos); if (mode == APPEND) filetable[pos].offset += filetable[pos].size; return npos; }
void capture_start(GtkWidget *widget,gpointer data) { GtkWidget *isenable; uint8_t i = 0; guint text_len = 0; pthread_mutex_lock(&capture_state_mtx); if (capture_state == 0) capture_state = 1; pthread_mutex_unlock(&capture_state_mtx); init_file(); capture_packet(); pthread_mutex_lock(&packet_stat_mtx); tot_packet = 0; ip_packet = 0; tcp_packet = 0; udp_packet = 0; arp_packet = 0; icmp_packet = 0; igmp_packet = 0; capture_pre_packet = 0; pthread_mutex_unlock(&packet_stat_mtx); isenable = capture_menu[0].widget; gtk_widget_set_sensitive(isenable,FALSE); isenable = capture_menu[1].widget; gtk_widget_set_sensitive(isenable,TRUE); gtk_clist_clear((GtkCList *)clist); for (i = 0;i < 5;i++) { if (item[i]) { gtk_tree_item_remove_subtree((GtkTreeItem *)item[i]); gtk_container_remove (GTK_CONTAINER(tree), item[i]); item[i] = NULL; } } gtk_text_freeze(GTK_TEXT(hex_text)); text_len = gtk_text_get_length(GTK_TEXT(hex_text)); gtk_text_backward_delete(GTK_TEXT(hex_text),text_len); gtk_text_thaw(GTK_TEXT(hex_text)); gtk_text_freeze(GTK_TEXT(hex_text)); text_len = gtk_text_get_length(GTK_TEXT(hex_text)); gtk_text_backward_delete(GTK_TEXT(hex_text),text_len); gtk_text_thaw(GTK_TEXT(hex_text)); }
/* * Initialize profile */ struct sc_profile * sc_profile_new(void) { struct sc_pkcs15_card *p15card; struct sc_profile *pro; pro = (struct sc_profile *) calloc(1, sizeof(*pro)); if (pro == NULL) return NULL; pro->p15_spec = p15card = sc_pkcs15_card_new(); pro->protect_certificates = 1; pro->pkcs15.do_last_update = 1; if (p15card) { p15card->label = strdup("OpenSC Card"); p15card->manufacturer_id = strdup("OpenSC Project"); p15card->serial_number = strdup("0000"); p15card->flags = SC_PKCS15_CARD_FLAG_EID_COMPLIANT; p15card->version = 1; /* Set up EF(TokenInfo) and EF(ODF) */ p15card->file_tokeninfo = init_file(SC_FILE_TYPE_WORKING_EF); p15card->file_odf = init_file(SC_FILE_TYPE_WORKING_EF); p15card->file_unusedspace = init_file(SC_FILE_TYPE_WORKING_EF); } /* Assume card does RSA natively, but no DSA */ pro->rsa_access_flags = DEF_PRKEY_RSA_ACCESS; pro->dsa_access_flags = DEF_PRKEY_DSA_ACCESS; pro->pin_encoding = 0x01; pro->pin_minlen = 4; pro->pin_maxlen = 8; pro->keep_public_key = 1; return pro; }
/* function: initfile_filereader * Opens file for reading. * * The caller must free all out variables even in case of error ! */ static int initfile_filereader(/*out*/file_t * fd, /*out*/off_t * filesize, const char * filepath, const struct directory_t * relative_to/*0 => current working dir*/) { int err; err = init_file(fd, filepath, accessmode_READ, relative_to); if (err) return err; err = size_file(*fd, filesize); if (err) return err; err = advisereadahead_file(*fd, 0, *filesize); if (err) return err; return 0; }
void test_Jacobi() { long tiempo_cuda; long tiempo_c; init_file(RUTA_JACOBI); const float error = 0.001f; const int iter = 500; int N = 1000; run_jacobi(N, 0.001f, 500, tiempo_c, tiempo_cuda); show_times(N, tiempo_c, tiempo_cuda); save_times(N, tiempo_c, tiempo_cuda, RUTA_JACOBI); N = 2500; run_jacobi(N, 0.001f, 500, tiempo_c, tiempo_cuda); show_times(N, tiempo_c, tiempo_cuda); save_times(N, tiempo_c, tiempo_cuda, RUTA_JACOBI); N = 4000; run_jacobi(N, 0.001f, 500, tiempo_c, tiempo_cuda); show_times(N, tiempo_c, tiempo_cuda); save_times(N, tiempo_c, tiempo_cuda, RUTA_JACOBI); N = 5500; run_jacobi(N, 0.001f, 500, tiempo_c, tiempo_cuda); show_times(N, tiempo_c, tiempo_cuda); save_times(N, tiempo_c, tiempo_cuda, RUTA_JACOBI); N = 7000; run_jacobi(N, 0.001f, 500, tiempo_c, tiempo_cuda); show_times(N, tiempo_c, tiempo_cuda); save_times(N, tiempo_c, tiempo_cuda, RUTA_JACOBI); N = 8500; run_jacobi(N, 0.001f, 500, tiempo_c, tiempo_cuda); show_times(N, tiempo_c, tiempo_cuda); save_times(N, tiempo_c, tiempo_cuda, RUTA_JACOBI); N = 10000; run_jacobi(N, 0.001f, 500, tiempo_c, tiempo_cuda); show_times(N, tiempo_c, tiempo_cuda); save_times(N, tiempo_c, tiempo_cuda, RUTA_JACOBI); printf("Jacobi Test Finished!\n"); }
void test_bicg() { long tiempo_cuda; long tiempo_c; init_file(RUTA_BICG); const float error = 0.001f; const int iter = 500; int N = 1000; run_bicg(N, 0.001f, 500, tiempo_c, tiempo_cuda); show_times(N, tiempo_c, tiempo_cuda); save_times(N, tiempo_c, tiempo_cuda, RUTA_BICG); N = 2500; run_bicg(N, 0.001f, 500, tiempo_c, tiempo_cuda); show_times(N, tiempo_c, tiempo_cuda); save_times(N, tiempo_c, tiempo_cuda, RUTA_BICG); N = 4000; run_bicg(N, 0.001f, 500, tiempo_c, tiempo_cuda); show_times(N, tiempo_c, tiempo_cuda); save_times(N, tiempo_c, tiempo_cuda, RUTA_BICG); N = 5500; run_bicg(N, 0.001f, 500, tiempo_c, tiempo_cuda); show_times(N, tiempo_c, tiempo_cuda); save_times(N, tiempo_c, tiempo_cuda, RUTA_BICG); N = 7000; run_bicg(N, 0.001f, 500, tiempo_c, tiempo_cuda); show_times(N, tiempo_c, tiempo_cuda); save_times(N, tiempo_c, tiempo_cuda, RUTA_BICG); N = 8500; run_bicg(N, 0.001f, 500, tiempo_c, tiempo_cuda); show_times(N, tiempo_c, tiempo_cuda); save_times(N, tiempo_c, tiempo_cuda, RUTA_BICG); N = 10000; run_bicg(N, 0.001f, 500, tiempo_c, tiempo_cuda); show_times(N, tiempo_c, tiempo_cuda); save_times(N, tiempo_c, tiempo_cuda, RUTA_BICG); printf("BICG Test Finished!\n"); }
void *read_msgs( void *param) { int thread_id = (int) param; int e; unsigned int count = 0U; unsigned int int_data; unsigned char data[MAX_QUEUE_DATA_SIZE]; size_t data_size; queue_t *queue = &readers[thread_id].queue; file_info_t *file = &readers[thread_id].file; printf( "thread %d created\n", thread_id); e = init_queue( queue, MAX_QUEUE_SIZE); if (e < 0) { fprintf( stderr, "init_queue() failed\n"); return NULL; } e = init_file( file, thread_id); if (e < 0) { fprintf( stderr, "init_file() failed\n"); return NULL; } while (should_thread_keep_alive() && (count < MAX_QUEUE_SIZE)) { e = get_queue_data( queue, data, &data_size); if (e < 0) { fprintf( stderr, "get_queue_data() failed\n"); continue; } else { if (data_size == 0) { continue; } } memcpy( &int_data, data, data_size); printf( "[thread %d] data=%u, data_size=%zu\n", thread_id, int_data, data_size); fprintf( file->fp, "data=%d\n", int_data); count++; printf( "[thread %d] count=%u\n", thread_id, count); } finish_file( file->fp); return NULL; }
bool DiskManager::update_context(string const & fname) { if( fname != fname_){ #ifdef IO_DISK_M Utils::log("[DiskManager] update context(file):"+fname_+"->"+fname); #endif if(file_ != NULL && fclose(file_) != 0){ Utils::log("[DiskManager] Unable to close file: "+fname_,ERROR); Utils::critical_error(); } file_ = NULL; fname_ = fname; return init_file(); } return true; }
inline void init(const std::string &given_pathname, const std::string &given_filename) { #pragma omp parallel sections num_threads(2) { #pragma omp section { input = init_file(given_filename, given_pathname); } #pragma omp section { disk_info = init_path(given_pathname); } } update(); };