int init_SDL(t_graph *graph) { graph->pos = (HEIGHT / 2) - (HEIGHT / 4); graph->poscurs = 0; set_null(graph); SDL_WM_SetCaption(NAME, NULL); graph->charac_num = 0; if (TTF_Init() == -1) return (-1); init_font(graph); if (SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_EVERYTHING) == -1) return (-1); graph->screen = SDL_SetVideoMode(WIDTH, HEIGHT, BPP, SDL_SWSURFACE | SDL_FULLSCREEN); if (graph->screen == NULL) return (-1); graph->quit = 0; set_character(graph); init_spaceship(graph); graph->background = load_image("img/space.bmp"); graph->spacefactor = 1; init_joystick(graph); intro_music(graph); return (0); }
int main() { init_joystick(); while(1){ read_joystick(); const rc_t * rc = get_rc(); printf("throttle: % .3f, yaw: % .3f, pitch: % .3f, roll: % .3f, " "enable: %d, mode: %d, gear: %d, aux2: %d\n", rc->throttle,rc->yaw,rc->pitch,rc->roll,rc->enable,rc->mode,rc->gear,rc->aux2); usleep(100000); } }
static void setupHardware(void) { // TODO: Put hardware configuration and initialisation in here disable_global_int(); clk_system_init(); init_leds(); //init_pot(); init_buttons(); init_spi(); init_lcd_write_task(); init_uart0(); init_joystick(); enable_global_int(); // Warning: If you do not initialize the hardware clock, the timings will be inaccurate }
int main (void) { board_init(); init_sensor_interrupts(); init_joystick(); init_timer0(); init_serial_stdio(9600,0); init_var(); struct Motor* A = malloc(sizeof(Motor)); struct Motor* B = malloc(sizeof(Motor)); A->pos = 0; B->pos = 0; A->ID = 0; B->ID = 1; sei(); printf_P(PSTR("WOOP------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n")); clear_terminal(); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // uSEFUL cODE // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //To test the sensors are working //banana(); //Seminar demo code //DEMO(A,B); //To test the motors are working //Azathoth(A,B); //To test beta pan function //qwert(A,B); //Tuesday test code // Pin C0 acts as sensor input // Pins D0-D7 run the motors // Pin C1 is the Emitter control // Pin C2 is the Magnet Control */ Nyarlathotep(A,B); return 0; }
int main(int argc ,char *argv[]) { SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_EVERYTHING); init_joystick(); while(1) { if(SDL_PollEvent( &event)) { joy_axis_motion(); joy_button_down(); joy_button_up(); #if ANALOG joy_hat_motion(); joy_ball_motion(); #endif } SDL_Delay(10); } close_joystick(); }
// Initializes an arduino. // Parameters: the arduino pointer // the device the arduino is connected to // the device the joystick is connected to // return: 0 on success, non-zero on failure. int init_arduino(rov_arduino *a,const char *af,const char *jf){ struct termios topts; if ((a->fd = open(af,O_RDWR | O_NONBLOCK)) == -1){ perror("init_arduino: could not open af"); return -1; } if (tcgetattr(a->fd,&topts) < 0){ perror("init_arduino: could not get term attr"); return -1; } // Sets up 'the terminal' settings, we treat the arduino as a tty. cfsetispeed(&topts,B9600); cfsetospeed(&topts,B9600); topts.c_cflag &= ~PARENB; topts.c_cflag &= ~CSTOPB; topts.c_cflag &= ~CSIZE; topts.c_cflag |= CS8; topts.c_cflag &= ~CRTSCTS; topts.c_cflag |= CREAD | CLOCAL; topts.c_iflag &= ~(IXON | IXOFF | IXANY); topts.c_lflag &= ~(ICANON | ECHO | ECHOE | ISIG); topts.c_oflag &= ~OPOST; topts.c_cc[VMIN] = 0; // Minimum number of characters to read. topts.c_cc[VTIME] = 0; // VTIME * 0.1 = Time to wait for input. tcsetattr(a->fd,TCSANOW,&topts); if (tcsetattr(a->fd,TCSAFLUSH,&topts) < 0){ perror("init_arduino: could not set term attributes"); return -1; } if (!init_joystick(&a->joystick,jf)){ perror("init_arduino: could not read joystick file"); return -1; } init_ctrlstate(&a->ctrl); init_pinlayout(&a->layout); init_queue(&a->queue,a,2500,100); return 0; }
/* Self-explanatory. */ void init_at_startup(void) { LOCK_FUNCTION (framecount); LOCK_FUNCTION (tickover); LOCK_VARIABLE (ticked); LOCK_VARIABLE (frames_per_second); LOCK_VARIABLE (framecounter); LOCK_VARIABLE (turns_per_second); LOCK_VARIABLE (turncounter); install_int (framecount, 1000); install_int (tickover, 20); set_color_depth(8); int randseed = get_config_int("Misc", "Seed", 0); srand(randseed); options.windowed = get_config_int("Misc", "Windowed", 0); int windowed; switch(options.windowed) { default: case 1: windowed = GFX_AUTODETECT_WINDOWED; break; case 0: windowed = GFX_AUTODETECT_FULLSCREEN; break; } // windowed = GFX_AUTODETECT_WINDOWED; // windowed = GFX_AUTODETECT_FULLSCREEN; // if (set_gfx_mode(GFX_AUTODETECT_WINDOWED, 640, 480, 0, 0) != 0) // if (set_gfx_mode(windowed, 640, 480, 0, 0) != 0) if (set_gfx_mode(windowed, 800, 600, 0, 0) != 0) { set_gfx_mode(GFX_TEXT, 0, 0, 0, 0); allegro_message("Unable to set 800x600 256 colour display mode. Sorry!\n%s\n", allegro_error); exit(1); } init_trig(); prepare_display(); init_sound(); /* PP.ckey [CKEY_UP] = KEY_UP; PP.ckey [CKEY_DOWN] = KEY_DOWN; PP.ckey [CKEY_LEFT] = KEY_LEFT; PP.ckey [CKEY_RIGHT] = KEY_RIGHT; PP.ckey [CKEY_FIRE1] = KEY_Z; PP.ckey [CKEY_FIRE2] = KEY_X; PP.ckey [CKEY_FIRE3] = KEY_C; */ int p = 0; init_joystick(); player[0].control = get_config_int("misc", "player1_control", CONTROL_KEY_A); player[1].control = get_config_int("misc", "player2_control", CONTROL_KEY_B); // if a particular joystick isn't available, default to keyboard controls. // note that this doesn't set the config values for (p = 0; p < 2; p ++) { if (options.joystick_available [0] == 0 && PP.control == CONTROL_JOY_A) { PP.control = CONTROL_KEY_A; if (PP.control == CONTROL_KEY_A) PP.control = CONTROL_KEY_B; } if (options.joystick_available [1] == 0 && PP.control == CONTROL_JOY_B) { PP.control = CONTROL_KEY_A; if (PP.control == CONTROL_KEY_A) PP.control = CONTROL_KEY_B; } } options.ckey [0] [CKEY_UP] = get_config_int("Misc", "key1_up", KEY_8_PAD); options.ckey [0] [CKEY_DOWN] = get_config_int("Misc", "key1_down", KEY_2_PAD); options.ckey [0] [CKEY_LEFT] = get_config_int("Misc", "key1_left", KEY_4_PAD); options.ckey [0] [CKEY_RIGHT] = get_config_int("Misc", "key1_right", KEY_6_PAD); options.ckey [0] [CKEY_LEFT2] = get_config_int("Misc", "key1_left2", KEY_1_PAD); options.ckey [0] [CKEY_RIGHT2] = get_config_int("Misc", "key1_right2", KEY_3_PAD); options.ckey [0] [CKEY_FIRE1] = get_config_int("Misc", "key1_fire1", KEY_Z); options.ckey [0] [CKEY_FIRE2] = get_config_int("Misc", "key1_fire2", KEY_X); options.ckey [0] [CKEY_FIRE3] = get_config_int("Misc", "key1_fire3", KEY_C); options.ckey [0] [CKEY_FIRE4] = get_config_int("Misc", "key1_fire4", KEY_V); options.ckey [0] [CKEY_COMMAND] = get_config_int("Misc", "key1_command", KEY_A); options.ckey [1] [CKEY_UP] = get_config_int("Misc", "key2_up", KEY_UP); options.ckey [1] [CKEY_DOWN] = get_config_int("Misc", "key2_down", KEY_DOWN); options.ckey [1] [CKEY_LEFT] = get_config_int("Misc", "key2_left", KEY_LEFT); options.ckey [1] [CKEY_RIGHT] = get_config_int("Misc", "key2_right", KEY_RIGHT); options.ckey [1] [CKEY_LEFT2] = get_config_int("Misc", "key2_left2", KEY_J); options.ckey [1] [CKEY_RIGHT2] = get_config_int("Misc", "key2_right2", KEY_K); options.ckey [1] [CKEY_FIRE1] = get_config_int("Misc", "key2_fire1", KEY_T); options.ckey [1] [CKEY_FIRE2] = get_config_int("Misc", "key2_fire2", KEY_Y); options.ckey [1] [CKEY_FIRE3] = get_config_int("Misc", "key2_fire3", KEY_U); options.ckey [1] [CKEY_FIRE4] = get_config_int("Misc", "key2_fire4", KEY_I); options.ckey [1] [CKEY_COMMAND] = get_config_int("Misc", "key2_command", KEY_O); /* PP.ckey [CKEY_UP] = get_config_int("Misc", "key_up", KEY_UP); PP.ckey [CKEY_DOWN] = get_config_int("Misc", "key_down", KEY_DOWN); PP.ckey [CKEY_LEFT] = get_config_int("Misc", "key_left", KEY_LEFT); PP.ckey [CKEY_RIGHT] = get_config_int("Misc", "key_right", KEY_RIGHT); PP.ckey [CKEY_FIRE1] = get_config_int("Misc", "key_fire1", KEY_Z); PP.ckey [CKEY_FIRE2] = get_config_int("Misc", "key_fire2", KEY_X); PP.ckey [CKEY_FIRE3] = get_config_int("Misc", "key_fire3", KEY_C); PP.ckey [CKEY_FIRE4] = get_config_int("Misc", "key_fire4", KEY_V); */ /* player[1].ckey [CKEY_UP] = get_config_int("MiscP2", "key_up", KEY_UP); player[1].ckey [CKEY_DOWN] = get_config_int("MiscP2", "key_down", KEY_DOWN); player[1].ckey [CKEY_LEFT] = get_config_int("MiscP2", "key_left", KEY_LEFT); player[1].ckey [CKEY_RIGHT] = get_config_int("MiscP2", "key_right", KEY_RIGHT); player[1].ckey [CKEY_LEFT2] = get_config_int("MiscP2", "key_left2", KEY_K); player[1].ckey [CKEY_RIGHT2] = get_config_int("MiscP2", "key_right2", KEY_L); player[1].ckey [CKEY_FIRE1] = get_config_int("MiscP2", "key_fire1", KEY_0_PAD); player[1].ckey [CKEY_FIRE2] = get_config_int("MiscP2", "key_fire2", KEY_P); player[1].ckey [CKEY_FIRE3] = get_config_int("MiscP2", "key_fire3", KEY_O); player[1].ckey [CKEY_FIRE4] = get_config_int("MiscP2", "key_fire4", KEY_I); options.joy_stick = get_config_int("Misc", "joy_stick", 0); options.joy_sensitivity = get_config_int("Misc", "joy_sensitivity", 70); options.init_joystick = get_config_int("Misc", "joy_init", 1);*/ // options.joystick = 0; // options.key_or_joy = 0; // don't put in initfile! options.sfx_volume = get_config_int("Misc", "sfx_volume", 70); options.ambience_volume = get_config_int("Misc", "ambience_volume", 100); options.run_vsync = get_config_int("Misc", "run_vsync", 0); options.fix_camera_angle = get_config_int("Misc", "fix_camera_angle", 0); options.joystick_dual = get_config_int("Misc", "joystick_dual", 1); // set_config_int("Misc", "Tourist", 3); // set_config_int("Misc", "joy_stick", 0); // if (options.init_joystick) // if (options.joystick == 1) // set in init_joystick { options.joy_button [0] [0] = get_config_int("Misc", "joy1_button_1", 0); if (options.joy_button [0] [0] > joy[0].num_buttons) options.joy_button [0] [0] = joy[0].num_buttons - 1; options.joy_button [0] [1] = get_config_int("Misc", "joy1_button_2", 1); if (options.joy_button [0] [1] > joy[0].num_buttons) options.joy_button [0] [1] = joy[0].num_buttons - 1; options.joy_button [0] [2] = get_config_int("Misc", "joy1_button_3", 2); if (options.joy_button [0] [2] > joy[0].num_buttons) options.joy_button [0] [2] = joy[0].num_buttons - 1; options.joy_button [0] [3] = get_config_int("Misc", "joy1_button_4", 4); if (options.joy_button [0] [3] > joy[0].num_buttons) options.joy_button [0] [3] = joy[0].num_buttons - 1; options.joy_button [0] [4] = get_config_int("Misc", "joy1_button_5", 5); if (options.joy_button [0] [4] > joy[0].num_buttons) options.joy_button [0] [4] = joy[0].num_buttons - 1; options.joy_button [0] [5] = get_config_int("Misc", "joy1_button_6", 6); if (options.joy_button [0] [5] > joy[0].num_buttons) options.joy_button [0] [5] = joy[0].num_buttons - 1; options.joy_button [1] [0] = get_config_int("Misc", "joy2_button_1", 0); if (options.joy_button [1] [0] > joy[0].num_buttons) options.joy_button [1] [0] = joy[0].num_buttons - 1; options.joy_button [1] [1] = get_config_int("Misc", "joy2_button_2", 1); if (options.joy_button [1] [1] > joy[0].num_buttons) options.joy_button [1] [1] = joy[0].num_buttons - 1; options.joy_button [1] [2] = get_config_int("Misc", "joy2_button_3", 2); if (options.joy_button [1] [2] > joy[0].num_buttons) options.joy_button [1] [2] = joy[0].num_buttons - 1; options.joy_button [1] [3] = get_config_int("Misc", "joy2_button_4", 4); if (options.joy_button [1] [3] > joy[0].num_buttons) options.joy_button [1] [3] = joy[0].num_buttons - 1; options.joy_button [1] [4] = get_config_int("Misc", "joy2_button_5", 5); if (options.joy_button [1] [4] > joy[0].num_buttons) options.joy_button [1] [4] = joy[0].num_buttons - 1; options.joy_button [1] [5] = get_config_int("Misc", "joy2_button_6", 6); if (options.joy_button [1] [5] > joy[0].num_buttons) options.joy_button [1] [5] = joy[0].num_buttons - 1; } ticked = 0; arena.players = 1; // NOTE: it's assumed in a few places that if there's just one player, it's player[0]. }
TJOYSTICK_EVENT test_joystick(){ TJOYSTICK_EVENT result; result = no_pressing; uint8_t j_status; j_status = get_joystick_status(); switch(j_status) //проверяем, что нажато { case UP_KEY_MASK: { if(joystick_key_pressing_duration.key_up>= SHORT_DURATION) { result=key_up_pressing; joystick_key_pressing_duration.key_up =0; joystick_key_pressing_duration.key_up_inc=0; } else { joystick_key_pressing_duration.key_up += joystick_key_pressing_duration.key_up_inc; result = joystick_event; } } break; case RIGHT_KEY_MASK: { if(joystick_key_pressing_duration.key_right>= SHORT_DURATION) { result=key_right_pressing; joystick_key_pressing_duration.key_right =0; joystick_key_pressing_duration.key_right_inc=0; } else { joystick_key_pressing_duration.key_right += joystick_key_pressing_duration.key_right_inc; result = joystick_event; } } break; case DOWN_KEY_MASK: { if(joystick_key_pressing_duration.key_down>= SHORT_DURATION) { result=key_down_pressing; joystick_key_pressing_duration.key_down =0; joystick_key_pressing_duration.key_down_inc=0; } else { joystick_key_pressing_duration.key_down += joystick_key_pressing_duration.key_down_inc; result = joystick_event; } } break; case LEFT_KEY_MASK: { if(joystick_key_pressing_duration.key_left>= SHORT_DURATION) { result=key_left_pressing; joystick_key_pressing_duration.key_left =0; joystick_key_pressing_duration.key_left_inc=0; } else { joystick_key_pressing_duration.key_left += joystick_key_pressing_duration.key_left_inc; result = joystick_event; } } break; case CENTRAL_KEY_MASK: { if(joystick_key_pressing_duration.key_central>= SHORT_DURATION) { result=key_central_pressing; joystick_key_pressing_duration.key_central =0; joystick_key_pressing_duration.key_central_inc=0; } else { joystick_key_pressing_duration.key_central += joystick_key_pressing_duration.key_central_inc; result = joystick_event; } } break; case 0: { init_joystick(); } break; default: { joystick_key_pressing_duration.key_up=0; joystick_key_pressing_duration.key_up_inc=0; joystick_key_pressing_duration.key_right=0; joystick_key_pressing_duration.key_right_inc=0; joystick_key_pressing_duration.key_down=0; joystick_key_pressing_duration.key_down_inc=0; joystick_key_pressing_duration.key_left=0; joystick_key_pressing_duration.key_left_inc=0; joystick_key_pressing_duration.key_central=0; joystick_key_pressing_duration.key_central_inc=0; } } return result; }
void main_init() { int i; float starting_speed = 0.0; init_robot(); flag = 0; robot_state = malloc(sizeof (float) *3); for (i = 0; i < LEN_PIC_BUFFER; i++) { set_vel_2_array(pic_buffer[i], starting_speed, starting_speed); } write(pic_fd, pic_message_reset_steps_acc, PACKET_TIMING_LENGTH + 1); tcflush(pic_fd, TCOFLUSH); sync(); steps_anomaly = 0; #ifdef TEST_KALMAN float v=0; float w=0; set_robot_speed(&v,&w); #endif #ifdef OB_AV init_probstavoid_module(); #endif #ifdef CARTESIAN_REGULATOR viapoints[0][0]=38; viapoints[0][1]=119; viapoints[0][2]=0; viapoints[1][0]=98; viapoints[1][1]=161; viapoints[1][2]=0; viapoints[2][0]=187; viapoints[2][1]=179; viapoints[2][2]=0; viapoints[3][0]=158; viapoints[3][1]=238; viapoints[3][2]=0; viapoints[4][0]=187; viapoints[4][1]=268; viapoints[4][2]=0; curr_via=0; via_done=0; #endif #ifdef HOKUYO init_urg_laser(&urg,ON_DEMAND); #endif #ifdef JOYSTICK init_joystick(); #endif #ifdef EKF_LOC load_map("ekf_map.txt"); init_ekf(); #ifdef HOKUYO_SENSOR for (i=0; i< NUM_SENS; i++){ ANGLE_IDX[i]=urg_rad2index(urg,ANGLE_H[i]); printf("angle: %f \tidx: %d\n",ANGLE_H[i],urg_rad2index(urg,ANGLE_H[i])); } #endif xpost.x=50; xpost.y=45;; xpred.x=0; xpred.y=0;; #endif }
void initialize(void) { init_joystick(); init_timer0(); init_stepmotor(); }
int main( int argc, char **argv ) { /* Print copyright notice */ fprintf( stderr, "Tux Rider World Challenge --\n" "a fork from:\n" "Tux Racer " VERSION " -- a Sunspire Studios Production " "(\n" "(c) 1999-2000 Jasmin F. Patry " "<*****@*****.**>\n" "\"Tux Racer\" is a trademark of Jasmin F. Patry\n" "Tux Rider World Challenge comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. " "This is free software,\nand you are welcome to redistribute " "it under certain conditions.\n" "See for details.\n\n" ); /* Init the game clock */ g_game.secs_since_start = 0; /* Seed the random number generator */ srand( time(NULL) ); /* * Set up the game configuration */ /* Don't support multiplayer, yet... */ g_game.num_players = 2; /* Create a Tcl interpreter */ g_game.tcl_interp = Tcl_CreateInterp(); if ( g_game.tcl_interp == NULL ) { handle_error( 1, "cannot create Tcl interpreter" ); } /* Setup the configuration variables and read the ~/.tuxracer/options file */ init_game_configuration(); read_config_file(); /* Set up the debugging modes */ init_debug(); /* Setup diagnostic log if requested */ if ( getparam_write_diagnostic_log() ) { setup_diagnostic_log(); } /* * Setup Tcl stdout and stderr channels to point to C stdout and stderr * streams */ setup_tcl_std_channels(); /* * Initialize rendering context, create window */ winsys_init( &argc, argv, WINDOW_TITLE, WINDOW_TITLE ); /* Ingore key-repeat messages */ winsys_enable_key_repeat(0); /* Set up a function to clean up when program exits */ winsys_atexit( cleanup ); /* * Initial OpenGL settings */ glBlendFunc( GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA ); init_opengl_extensions(); /* Print OpenGL debugging information if requested */ if ( debug_mode_is_active( DEBUG_GL_INFO ) ) { print_debug( DEBUG_GL_INFO, "OpenGL information:" ); print_gl_info(); } /* * Load the game data and initialize game state */ register_game_config_callbacks( g_game.tcl_interp ); register_course_load_tcl_callbacks( g_game.tcl_interp ); register_key_frame_callbacks( g_game.tcl_interp ); register_fog_callbacks( g_game.tcl_interp ); register_course_light_callbacks( g_game.tcl_interp ); register_particle_callbacks( g_game.tcl_interp ); register_texture_callbacks( g_game.tcl_interp ); register_font_callbacks( g_game.tcl_interp ); register_sound_tcl_callbacks( g_game.tcl_interp ); register_sound_data_tcl_callbacks( g_game.tcl_interp ); register_course_manager_callbacks( g_game.tcl_interp ); init_saved_games(); load_tux(); init_textures(); init_fonts(); init_audio_data(); init_audio(); init_ui_manager(); init_course_manager(); init_joystick(); /* Read the tuxracer_init.tcl file */ read_game_init_script(); /* Need to set up an initial view position for select_course (quadtree simplification) */ //Player 0 = classic mode player ; Player 1 = Speed Only Mode Player g_game.player[0].view.pos = make_point( 0., 0., 0. ); g_game.player[1].view.pos = make_point( 0., 0., 0. ); /* Placeholder name until we give players way to enter name */ g_game.player[0].name = "noname"; g_game.player[1].name = "nonameSpeedOnly"; init_preview(); splash_screen_register(); intro_register(); racing_register(); game_over_register(); paused_register(); reset_register(); game_type_select_register(); racing_mode_select_register(); event_select_register(); race_select_register(); credits_register(); loading_register(); g_game.mode = NO_MODE; set_game_mode( SPLASH ); g_game.difficulty = DIFFICULTY_LEVEL_NORMAL; init_keyboard(); winsys_show_cursor( False ); /* We use this to "prime" the GLUT loop */ winsys_set_idle_func( main_loop ); /* * ...and off we go! */ winsys_process_events(); return 0; }
void real_main (int argc, char **argv) { #ifdef USE_SDL SDL_Init (SDL_INIT_VIDEO | SDL_INIT_JOYSTICK #if !defined(NO_SOUND) && !defined(GP2X) | SDL_INIT_AUDIO #endif ); #endif getcwd(launchDir,250); /* PocketUAE prefs */ default_prefs_uae (&currprefs); default_prefs(); #ifdef GP2X gp2x_init(argc, argv); #endif // Set everthing to default and clear HD settings SetDefaultMenuSettings(1); loadconfig (1); if (! graphics_setup ()) { exit (1); } rtarea_init (); hardfile_install(); if (! setup_sound ()) { write_log ("Sound driver unavailable: Sound output disabled\n"); produce_sound = 0; } init_joystick (); int err = gui_init (); if (err == -1) { write_log ("Failed to initialize the GUI\n"); } else if (err == -2) { exit (0); } if (sound_available && produce_sound > 1 && ! init_audio ()) { write_log ("Sound driver unavailable: Sound output disabled\n"); produce_sound = 0; } /* Install resident module to get 8MB chipmem, if requested */ rtarea_setup (); keybuf_init (); /* Must come after init_joystick */ #ifdef USE_AUTOCONFIG expansion_init (); #endif memory_init (); filesys_install (); native2amiga_install (); custom_init (); /* Must come after memory_init */ DISK_init (); m68k_init(0); gui_update (); #ifdef GP2X switch_to_hw_sdl(1); #endif { start_program (); } leave_program (); }
void Sub::init_ardupilot() { if (!hal.gpio->usb_connected()) { // USB is not connected, this means UART0 may be a Xbee, with // its darned bricking problem. We can't write to it for at // least one second after powering up. Simplest solution for // now is to delay for 1 second. Something more elegant may be // added later hal.scheduler->delay(1000); } // initialise serial port serial_manager.init_console(); cliSerial->printf("\n\nInit " FIRMWARE_STRING "\n\nFree RAM: %u\n", (unsigned)hal.util->available_memory()); // // Report firmware version code expect on console (check of actual EEPROM format version is done in load_parameters function) // report_version(); // load parameters from EEPROM load_parameters(); BoardConfig.init(); // initialise serial port serial_manager.init(); // init cargo gripper #if GRIPPER_ENABLED == ENABLED g2.gripper.init(); #endif // initialise notify system notify.init(true); // initialise battery monitor battery.init(); barometer.init(); celsius.init(); // Register the mavlink service callback. This will run // anytime there are more than 5ms remaining in a call to // hal.scheduler->delay. hal.scheduler->register_delay_callback(mavlink_delay_cb_static, 5); // we start by assuming USB connected, as we initialed the serial // port with SERIAL0_BAUD. check_usb_mux() fixes this if need be. ap.usb_connected = true; check_usb_mux(); // setup telem slots with serial ports for (uint8_t i = 0; i < MAVLINK_COMM_NUM_BUFFERS; i++) { gcs_chan[i].setup_uart(serial_manager, AP_SerialManager::SerialProtocol_MAVLink, i); } // identify ourselves correctly with the ground station mavlink_system.sysid = g.sysid_this_mav; #if LOGGING_ENABLED == ENABLED log_init(); #endif gcs().set_dataflash(&DataFlash); init_rc_in(); // sets up rc channels from radio init_rc_out(); // sets up motors and output to escs init_joystick(); // joystick initialization // initialise which outputs Servo and Relay events can use ServoRelayEvents.set_channel_mask(~motors.get_motor_mask()); relay.init(); /* * setup the 'main loop is dead' check. Note that this relies on * the RC library being initialised. */ hal.scheduler->register_timer_failsafe(failsafe_check_static, 1000); // Do GPS init gps.init(&DataFlash, serial_manager); if (g.compass_enabled) { init_compass(); } #if OPTFLOW == ENABLED // make optflow available to AHRS ahrs.set_optflow(&optflow); #endif // init Location class Location_Class::set_ahrs(&ahrs); #if AP_TERRAIN_AVAILABLE && AC_TERRAIN Location_Class::set_terrain(&terrain); wp_nav.set_terrain(&terrain); #endif #if AVOIDANCE_ENABLED == ENABLED wp_nav.set_avoidance(&avoid); #endif pos_control.set_dt(MAIN_LOOP_SECONDS); // init the optical flow sensor init_optflow(); #if MOUNT == ENABLED // initialise camera mount camera_mount.init(&DataFlash, serial_manager); #endif #ifdef USERHOOK_INIT USERHOOK_INIT #endif #if CLI_ENABLED == ENABLED if (g.cli_enabled) { const char *msg = "\nPress ENTER 3 times to start interactive setup\n"; cliSerial->println(msg); if (gcs_chan[1].initialised && (gcs_chan[1].get_uart() != NULL)) { gcs_chan[1].get_uart()->println(msg); } if (num_gcs > 2 && gcs_chan[2].initialised && (gcs_chan[2].get_uart() != NULL)) { gcs_chan[2].get_uart()->println(msg); } } #endif // CLI_ENABLED #if HIL_MODE != HIL_MODE_DISABLED while (barometer.get_last_update() == 0) { // the barometer begins updating when we get the first // HIL_STATE message gcs_send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_WARNING, "Waiting for first HIL_STATE message"); hal.scheduler->delay(1000); } // set INS to HIL mode ins.set_hil_mode(); #endif // read Baro pressure at ground //----------------------------- init_barometer(false); barometer.update(); for (uint8_t i = 0; i < barometer.num_instances(); i++) { if (barometer.get_type(i) == AP_Baro::BARO_TYPE_WATER && barometer.healthy(i)) { barometer.set_primary_baro(i); ap.depth_sensor_present = true; break; } } if (!ap.depth_sensor_present) { // We only have onboard baro // No external underwater depth sensor detected barometer.set_primary_baro(0); EKF2.set_baro_alt_noise(10.0f); // Readings won't correspond with rest of INS EKF3.set_baro_alt_noise(10.0f); } else { EKF2.set_baro_alt_noise(0.1f); EKF3.set_baro_alt_noise(0.1f); } leak_detector.init(); // backwards compatibility if (attitude_control.get_accel_yaw_max() < 110000.0f) { attitude_control.save_accel_yaw_max(110000.0f); } last_pilot_heading = ahrs.yaw_sensor; // initialise rangefinder #if RANGEFINDER_ENABLED == ENABLED init_rangefinder(); #endif // initialise AP_RPM library #if RPM_ENABLED == ENABLED rpm_sensor.init(); #endif // initialise mission library mission.init(); startup_INS_ground(); // we don't want writes to the serial port to cause us to pause // mid-flight, so set the serial ports non-blocking once we are // ready to fly serial_manager.set_blocking_writes_all(false); // enable CPU failsafe failsafe_enable(); ins.set_raw_logging(should_log(MASK_LOG_IMU_RAW)); ins.set_dataflash(&DataFlash); // init vehicle capabilties init_capabilities(); cliSerial->print("\nReady to FLY "); // flag that initialisation has completed ap.initialised = true; }
/* Self-explanatory. */ void init_at_startup(void) { LOCK_FUNCTION (framecount); LOCK_FUNCTION (tickover); LOCK_VARIABLE (ticked); LOCK_VARIABLE (frames_per_second); LOCK_VARIABLE (framecounter); LOCK_VARIABLE (turns_per_second); LOCK_VARIABLE (turncounter); install_int (framecount, 1000); install_int (tickover, 20); set_color_depth(8); int randseed = get_config_int("Misc", "Seed", 0); srand(randseed); options.windowed = get_config_int("Misc", "Windowed", 0); int windowed; switch(options.windowed) { default: case 1: windowed = GFX_AUTODETECT_WINDOWED; break; case 0: windowed = GFX_AUTODETECT_FULLSCREEN; break; } // windowed = GFX_AUTODETECT_WINDOWED; // windowed = GFX_AUTODETECT_FULLSCREEN; // if (set_gfx_mode(GFX_AUTODETECT_WINDOWED, 640, 480, 0, 0) != 0) if (set_gfx_mode(windowed, 640, 480, 0, 0) != 0) { set_gfx_mode(GFX_TEXT, 0, 0, 0, 0); allegro_message("Unable to set 640x480 display mode\n%s\n", allegro_error); exit(1); } init_trig(); prepare_display(); init_sound(); /* player[0].ckey [CKEY_UP] = KEY_UP; player[0].ckey [CKEY_DOWN] = KEY_DOWN; player[0].ckey [CKEY_LEFT] = KEY_LEFT; player[0].ckey [CKEY_RIGHT] = KEY_RIGHT; player[0].ckey [CKEY_FIRE1] = KEY_Z; player[0].ckey [CKEY_FIRE2] = KEY_X; player[0].ckey [CKEY_FIRE3] = KEY_C; */ player[0].ckey [CKEY_UP] = get_config_int("Misc", "key_up", KEY_UP); player[0].ckey [CKEY_DOWN] = get_config_int("Misc", "key_down", KEY_DOWN); player[0].ckey [CKEY_LEFT] = get_config_int("Misc", "key_left", KEY_LEFT); player[0].ckey [CKEY_RIGHT] = get_config_int("Misc", "key_right", KEY_RIGHT); player[0].ckey [CKEY_FIRE1] = get_config_int("Misc", "key_fire1", KEY_Z); player[0].ckey [CKEY_FIRE2] = get_config_int("Misc", "key_fire2", KEY_X); options.joy_stick = get_config_int("Misc", "joy_stick", 0); options.joy_sensitivity = get_config_int("Misc", "joy_sensitivity", 70); options.init_joystick = get_config_int("Misc", "joy_init", 1); options.joystick = 0; options.key_or_joy = 0; // don't put in initfile! options.sfx_volume = get_config_int("Misc", "sfx_volume", 70); options.ambience_volume = get_config_int("Misc", "ambience_volume", 100); options.run_vsync = get_config_int("Misc", "run_vsync", 0); // set_config_int("Misc", "Tourist", 3); // set_config_int("Misc", "joy_stick", 0); if (options.init_joystick) init_joystick(); if (options.joystick == 1) // set in init_joystick { options.joy_button [0] = get_config_int("Misc", "joy_button_1", 0); if (options.joy_button [0] > joy[0].num_buttons) options.joy_button [0] = joy[0].num_buttons - 1; options.joy_button [1] = get_config_int("Misc", "joy_button_2", 1); if (options.joy_button [1] > joy[0].num_buttons) options.joy_button [1] = joy[0].num_buttons - 1; options.joy_button [2] = get_config_int("Misc", "joy_button_engine", 3); if (options.joy_button [2] > joy[0].num_buttons) options.joy_button [2] = joy[0].num_buttons - 1; options.joy_button [3] = get_config_int("Misc", "joy_button_brake", 2); if (options.joy_button [3] > joy[0].num_buttons) options.joy_button [3] = joy[0].num_buttons - 1; } ticked = 0; }
void real_main (int argc, char **argv) { int numb; char pattern[100]; char txt[100]; #ifdef USE_SDL SDL_Init (SDL_INIT_VIDEO | SDL_INIT_JOYSTICK #if !defined(NO_SOUND) && !defined(GP2X) | SDL_INIT_AUDIO #endif ); #endif // Initialize timebase g_uae_epoch = read_processor_time(); syncbase = 1000000; // Microseconds //------------------------------------------ //just safe the game conf file for later use //------------------------------------------ if (argc > 1) { if (strlen(argv[1]) < 255) { strcpy(uae4all_game_conf_file0, argv[1]); strcpy(uae4all_game_conf_file1, argv[1]); strcpy(uae4all_game_conf_file2, argv[1]); strcpy(uae4all_game_conf_file3, argv[1]); strcpy(uae4all_game_conf_file4, argv[1]); strcpy(uae4all_game_conf_file5, argv[1]); strcpy(uae4all_game_conf_file6, argv[1]); strcpy(uae4all_game_conf_file7, argv[1]); getNumber(uae4all_game_conf_file0, "disk 1 of %", &numb); strcpy(pattern, "disk %"); sprintf(txt, " of %d", numb); strcat(pattern, txt); replaceNumber(uae4all_game_conf_file1, pattern, '2'); strcpy(pattern, "disk %"); sprintf(txt, " of %d", numb); strcat(pattern, txt); replaceNumber(uae4all_game_conf_file2, pattern, '3'); strcpy(pattern, "disk %"); sprintf(txt, " of %d", numb); strcat(pattern, txt); replaceNumber(uae4all_game_conf_file3, pattern, '4'); strcpy(pattern, "disk %"); sprintf(txt, " of %d", numb); strcat(pattern, txt); replaceNumber(uae4all_game_conf_file4, pattern, '5'); strcpy(pattern, "disk %"); sprintf(txt, " of %d", numb); strcat(pattern, txt); replaceNumber(uae4all_game_conf_file5, pattern, '6'); strcpy(pattern, "disk %"); sprintf(txt, " of %d", numb); strcat(pattern, txt); replaceNumber(uae4all_game_conf_file6, pattern, '7'); strcpy(pattern, "disk %"); sprintf(txt, " of %d", numb); strcat(pattern, txt); replaceNumber(uae4all_game_conf_file7, pattern, '8'); } } getcwd(launchDir,250); /* PocketUAE prefs */ default_prefs_uae (&currprefs); default_prefs(); #ifdef GP2X gp2x_init(argc, argv); #endif // Set everthing to default and clear HD settings SetDefaultMenuSettings(1); loadconfig (1); if (! graphics_setup ()) { exit (1); } rtarea_init (); hardfile_install(); if (! setup_sound ()) { write_log ("Sound driver unavailable: Sound output disabled\n"); produce_sound = 0; } init_joystick (); int err = gui_init (); if (err == -1) { write_log ("Failed to initialize the GUI\n"); } else if (err == -2) { exit (0); } if (sound_available && produce_sound > 1 && ! init_audio ()) { write_log ("Sound driver unavailable: Sound output disabled\n"); produce_sound = 0; } /* Install resident module to get 8MB chipmem, if requested */ rtarea_setup (); keybuf_init (); /* Must come after init_joystick */ #ifdef USE_AUTOCONFIG expansion_init (); #endif memory_init (); filesys_install (); native2amiga_install (); custom_init (); /* Must come after memory_init */ DISK_init (); m68k_init(0); gui_update (); #ifdef GP2X switch_to_hw_sdl(1); #endif { start_program (); } leave_program (); }