コード例 #1
ファイル: ellipse.cpp プロジェクト: cherip/dct
CvPoint get_center(IplImage *img) {
    int origW = img->width;
    int origH = img->height;

    ellipseW = origW / factor; 
    ellipseH = origH / factor;
    mask = new unsigned char[ellipseH * ellipseW];
    init_mask(ellipseW, ellipseH);
    //num = ellipseH * ellipseW;

    int half_w = ellipseW / 2;
    int half_h = ellipseH / 2;
    int ctrX, ctrY;
    float maxComplax;

    for (int y = half_h; y < origH - half_h; y++) {
        for (int x = half_w; x < origW - half_w; x++) {
//          cvSetImageROI(img, cvEllipse(
            float complaxVal = get_complax(img, x, y, ellipseW, ellipseH);
//          printf("%f %d %d\n", complaxVal, x, y);
            if (complaxVal > maxComplax) {
                maxComplax = complaxVal;
                ctrX = x;
                ctrY = y;

    cvCircle(img, cvPoint(ctrX, ctrY), half_h, cvScalar(0, 255, 9));
    printf("%d %d\n", ctrX, ctrY);
    show_image(img, "center");

    return cvPoint(ctrX, ctrY);
コード例 #2
void init_bitboard(void)
    // init_king();
    // init_knight();
コード例 #3
ファイル: gtvideo.cpp プロジェクト: gccheng/GTgenerator
 /** get the segmentation using active contour with initial mask. Note that the initalization
   has to be done before calling this function (for an unknown reason)
   * @param aSrc         the source image
   * @param aInitMask    the initial mask for the segementation
   * @param aMaxIts      maximum number of iteration
   * @param aDisp        if intermediate results is shown (1-0)
 cv::Mat GTVideo::segmentByActiveContour(const cv::Mat& aSrc, const cv::Mat& aInitMask, int aMaxIts, bool aDisp)
     if (NULL == aSrc.data)
         std::cerr << "Could not load the image."
                   <<  std::endl;
         return cv::Mat();

     const int rows = aSrc.rows;
     const int cols = aSrc.cols;

     // set input parameters to the shared object libseg.so
     // source image (Note: matlab is column-major while C++ is row-major
     cv::Mat trImage;
     cv::transpose(aSrc, trImage);
     mwArray I(rows, cols, mxUINT8_CLASS);
     I.SetData(trImage.data, rows*cols);

     // maximum iteration number
     int maxits[1] = {aMaxIts};
     mwArray max_its(1,1,  mxINT32_CLASS);//mxUINT8_CLASS);
     max_its.SetData(maxits, 1);

     // initial mask of segmentation
     cv::Mat initmask = aInitMask.clone();
     cv::transpose(initmask, initmask);
     mwArray init_mask(rows, cols, mxUINT8_CLASS);
     init_mask.SetData(initmask.data, rows*cols);

     // parameter alpha to the active contour method
     double alph[1] = {0.2};
     mwArray alpha(1,1, mxDOUBLE_CLASS);
     alpha.SetData(alph, 1);

     // display intermediate results or not
     uchar disp[1] = {aDisp?1:0};
     mwArray display(1,1, mxUINT8_CLASS);
     display.SetData(disp, 1);

     // return value container
     mwArray imOutput(rows, cols, mxUINT8_CLASS);
     region_seg(1, imOutput, I, init_mask, max_its, alpha, display);

     // retrieve result to cv::Mat format
     uchar result[rows*cols];
     imOutput.GetData(result, rows*cols);
     cv::Mat retImage(rows, cols, CV_8UC1);
     for (int j=0; j<cols; j++)
         for (int i=0; i<rows; i++)
             retImage.at<uchar>(i,j) = result[j*rows+i];

     return retImage;
コード例 #4
void init_context (ps_context* gc, ps_canvas* cs, unsigned char* buf)
    float version = (float)ps_version() / 10000;
    fprintf(stderr, "picasso version %.2f\n", version);

    pa = ps_path_create();
    pm = ps_matrix_create();
    mask_buf = (ps_byte*)calloc(1, 320*240);
    init_mask(mask_buf, 320, 240);
    m = ps_mask_create_with_data(mask_buf, 320, 240);
    ps_canvas_set_mask(cs, m);
コード例 #5
ファイル: realpath-ok.c プロジェクト: Locked-Cat/CTES
int     delay_signaling()
    if (init_done == 0)
    if (delaying == 0) {
	delaying = 1;
	if (sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, &block_sigmask, &saved_sigmask)<0) {
	  /* syslog(LOG_ERR, "sigprocmask: %m");*/
	    return (-1);
    return (0);
コード例 #6
ファイル: lsaprocess.c プロジェクト: tinogfroerer/lsa
// Searches for the biggest plane where all elements have the
// value $(id) (or don't care)
// In this function itself, there are only initializers to get le mask
// The function deals with the memory issues (saves new plane)
// The real magic takes place in the recursive get_mask function
static char term_plane(plane *p, const char *db, \
											const char const *curdb, const int bits, \
											const unsigned int count, const int id)
	if (!((*curdb & 1) == id)) return 0;
	// There is going to be a plane, so allocate memory for it
	p->next = malloc(sizeof(plane));
	p = p->next;
	p->next = NULL;
	char basemask[bits];
	init_mask(basemask, count, bits);
	// Give us the best mask with ONES, starting at bit 0
	p->psingle = get_mask(db, basemask, bits, id, 0); 
	return 1;
コード例 #7
ファイル: muimp.c プロジェクト: palexlee/repo
int main(void) {
	int width = 0;
	int height = 0;
	int diagonal = 0;
	char nom[FILENAME_MAX+1] = "";
	int len = 0;
	Image mask = init_mask();

	 * Demande à l'utilisateur :
	 *  - le nom du fichier
	 *  - la hauteur de l'image
	 *  - la largueur de l'image
	 *  - la longueur de la diagonal du losange
	do {
		printf("Entrez un nomn de fichier : ");
		fgets(nom, FILENAME_MAX+1, stdin);
		len = strlen(nom) - 1;
		if ((len >= 0) && nom[len] == '\n') {
			nom[len] = '\0';
		} else {
			while(!feof(stdin) && !ferror(stdin) && getc(stdin) != '\n');
	} while ((len < 1) && !feof(stdin) && !ferror(stdin));
	char c_par = ' ';

	// si c_par != '\n', cela veut dire que l'utilisateur a entré des lettres et des chiffres
	while(height <= 0 || height > MAX_IMAGE_HEIGHT || c_par != '\n') {
		printf("Hauteur de l'image (max : %d) : ", MAX_IMAGE_HEIGHT);
		scanf("%d%c", &height, &c_par);
		if(c_par != '\n') {
			fprintf(stderr, "Erreur: entrez seulement des nombres !\n");
			while(!feof(stdin) && !ferror(stdin) && getc(stdin) != '\n');

	while(width <= 0 || width > MAX_IMAGE_WIDTH || c_par != '\n') {
		printf("Largeur de l'image (max : %d) : ", MAX_IMAGE_WIDTH);
		scanf("%d%c", &width, &c_par);
		if(c_par != '\n') {
			fprintf(stderr, "Erreur: entrez seulement des nombres !\n");
			while(!feof(stdin) && !ferror(stdin) && getc(stdin) != '\n');

	if(width % 2 == 0 || height % 2 == 0) {
		if (width == 100) { // si la dimension = 100, elle sera corrigée vers le bas
			width = 99;

		if(height == 100) {
			height = 99;

		width |= 1; //force les valeurs à être impaires
		height |= 1;
		printf("Les dimmensions ont été ajustées à des valeurs impaires. \n");
		printf("Hauteur : %d, Largeur : %d\n", height, width);

	do {
		printf("Diagonal du losange : ");
		scanf("%d%c", &diagonal, &c_par);
		if(c_par != '\n') {
			fprintf(stderr, "Erreur: entrez seulement des nombres !\n");
			while(!feof(stdin) && !ferror(stdin) && getc(stdin) != '\n');
	} while(diagonal < 0 || (diagonal > height && diagonal > width) || c_par != '\n');

	if(diagonal % 2 == 0 && (diagonal == height + 1 || diagonal == width + 1)) {
		// si la diagonale est égale à une des dimensions entrées (avant ajustement), elle sera corrigée
		diagonal = diagonal - 1; 

	 * dessin du losange et affichage de l'image
	Image i = diamond(height, width, diagonal);
	display(stdout, i);

	 * écriture de l'image dans un fichier puis lecture du fichier
	write_to_file(nom, i);
	Image r = read_from_file(nom);
	display(stdout, r);

	 * application du filtre et affichage du résultat
	Image res = filter(i, mask);
	display(stdout, res);
	return 0;
コード例 #8
ファイル: FDM.c プロジェクト: jagd/Ladungen
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
	struct PPM *ppm, *ppm_result;
	char *mask;
	float *bounds;
	struct E2D *e_field;
	float *pot_list;
	int obj_num;
	int iter_max;
	int i;

	if (argc <= 1) {
		printf("useage:\n\t%s <PPM-File>\n", argv[0]);
		return 0;
	printf("Loading Image\n");
	ppm = PPM_read(argv[1]);

	if (!ppm) {
		printf("PPM_read() failed\n");
		return 1;

	mask = init_mask(ppm->h, ppm->w);

	bounds = init_bounds(ppm->h, ppm->w);

	/* Input from stdin */
	printf("Input Max Iterations for the (%d x %d) picture: ", ppm->w, ppm->h);
	if (scanf("%d", &iter_max) == 0) {
		return 0;

	printf("Number of objects: ");
	if (scanf("%d", &obj_num) == 0) {
		return 0;

	pot_list = (float*) malloc(obj_num * sizeof(float));

	printf("Potentials of objects: \n");
	for (i = 0; i < obj_num; ++i) {
		printf("\tObject %d = ", i+1);
		if (scanf("%f", &pot_list[i]) == 0) {
			WARNING("Warning: can not read more potentials.");
	/* End of Input */

	printf("Detecting boundary\n");
	ppm_to_boundary(ppm, pot_list, obj_num, mask, bounds);

	printf("Outputing boundary\n");
	ppm_result = render_potential(ppm->h, ppm->w, bounds, PPM_table_gray);
	PPM_write(ppm_result, "output-boundary-gray.ppm");

	iteration(ppm->h, ppm->w, mask, bounds, iter_max);


	/*   scalar field ø   */
	ppm_result = render_potential(ppm->h, ppm->w, bounds, PPM_table_gray);
	PPM_write(ppm_result, "output-Phi-gray.ppm");

	ppm_result = render_potential(ppm->h, ppm->w, bounds, PPM_table_hue);
	overlap(ppm_result, ppm);
	PPM_write(ppm_result, "output-Phi-hue.ppm");
	/*  END scalar field ø   */

	/*    E² = |grad ø|^2   */
	e_field = potential_to_E(ppm->h, ppm->w, bounds);

	ppm_result = render_E(ppm->h, ppm->w, e_field, PPM_table_gray);
	PPM_write(ppm_result, "output-E-Field-gray.ppm");

	ppm_result = render_E(ppm->h, ppm->w, e_field, PPM_table_hue);
	overlap(ppm_result, ppm);
	PPM_write(ppm_result, "output-E-Field-hue.ppm");

	/*   END  E²  */

	ppm_result = draw_e_lines(ppm->h, ppm->w, mask, bounds,
	overlap(ppm_result, ppm);
	PPM_write(ppm_result, "output-E-Lines.ppm");

	return 0;