コード例 #1
ファイル: serial_win32.c プロジェクト: Theemuts/eLuaBrain
// Perform 'select' on the specified handler(s), returning a single byte
// if it could be read (plus the object ID in the upper 8 bits) and -1
// otherwise
int ser_select_byte( ser_handler *pobjects, unsigned nobjects, int timeout )
    int i;
    DWORD readbytes, dwRes;
    int res = -1;
    unsigned num_wait = 0;
    ser_handler hnd;

    if( nobjects >= MAXIMUM_WAIT_OBJECTS )
        return -1;

    // Try to read directly first
    for( i = 0; i < nobjects; i ++ )
        if( !pobjects[ i ]->fWaitingOnRead )
            init_ov( &pobjects[ i ]->o );
            if( ReadFile( pobjects[ i ]->hnd, &pobjects[ i ]->databuf, 1, &readbytes, &pobjects[ i ]->o ) )
                return readbytes != 1 ? -1 : pobjects[ i ]->databuf | ( i << 8 );
            if( GetLastError() != ERROR_IO_PENDING )
                return -1;
            pobjects[ i ]->fWaitingOnRead = TRUE;
        sel_handler_map[ num_wait ] = i;
        sel_handlers[ num_wait ++ ] = pobjects[ i ]->o.hEvent;

    if( num_wait == 0 )
        return -1;

    dwRes = WaitForMultipleObjects( num_wait, sel_handlers, FALSE, timeout == SER_INF_TIMEOUT ? INFINITE : timeout );
    if( dwRes >= WAIT_OBJECT_0 && dwRes < WAIT_OBJECT_0 + num_wait )
        i = dwRes - WAIT_OBJECT_0;
        hnd = pobjects[ sel_handler_map[ i ] ];
        hnd->fWaitingOnRead = FALSE;
        if( GetOverlappedResult( hnd->hnd, &hnd->o, &readbytes, TRUE ) && readbytes == 1 )
            res = hnd->databuf | ( sel_handler_map[ i ] << 8 );
        ResetEvent( hnd->o.hEvent );
    else if( dwRes == WAIT_TIMEOUT )
        for( i = 0; i < num_wait; i ++ )
            hnd = pobjects[ sel_handler_map[ i ] ];
            hnd->fWaitingOnRead = FALSE;
            CancelIo( hnd->hnd );
        WaitForMultipleObjects( num_wait, sel_handlers, TRUE, INFINITE );
        for( i = 0; i < num_wait; i ++ )
            ResetEvent( pobjects[ sel_handler_map[ i ] ]->o.hEvent );

    return res;
コード例 #2
ファイル: serial_win32.c プロジェクト: Theemuts/eLuaBrain
// Write up to the specified number of bytes, return bytes actually written
u32 ser_write( ser_handler id, const u8 *src, u32 size )
    HANDLE hComm = id->hnd;
    DWORD written;

    init_ov( &id->o_wr );
    if( WriteFile( hComm, src, size, &written, &id->o_wr ) )
        return written;
    if( GetLastError() != ERROR_IO_PENDING )
        return 0;
    if( !GetOverlappedResult( hComm, &id->o_wr, &written, TRUE ) )
        written = 0;
    ResetEvent( id->o_wr.hEvent );

    return written;
コード例 #3
ファイル: serial_win32.c プロジェクト: Theemuts/eLuaBrain
// Read up to the specified number of bytes, return bytes actually read
u32 ser_read( ser_handler id, u8* dest, u32 maxsize, u32 timeout )
    DWORD readbytes = 0;
    if( id->fWaitingOnRead )
        readbytes = ser_read_internal( id, timeout );
        dest[0] = id->databuf;
        init_ov( &id->o );
        if( ReadFile( id->hnd, dest, maxsize, &readbytes, &id->o ) )
            return readbytes;
        if( GetLastError() != ERROR_IO_PENDING )
            return 0;
        id->fWaitingOnRead = TRUE; // XXX: consider removing statement
        readbytes = ser_read_internal( id, timeout );
    id->fWaitingOnRead = FALSE;
    return readbytes;
コード例 #4
ファイル: test.c プロジェクト: bokdong2/vane
main(int argc, char *argv[])
	if (argc < 2)
		return (-1);

	const char *mod = argv[1];	
	int fd = -1;

	polysome *p = get_module(mod);
	if (p == NULL) {
		printf("%s invalid\n", mod);
	} else {
		printf("%s valid\n", p->name);
		ovvar_t ov;
		memset(&ov, 0, sizeof(ov));

		printf("path %s\n", ov.path);
		printf("path %s be read\n", ov.fpath);
		printf("ov.a: %d, ov.b: %d\n", ov.a, ov.b);

		for (rci_t i = 0; i < (ov.a + ov.b); i ++)
			printf("%ld ", ov.signature[i]);




	return (0);