コード例 #1
ファイル: rkwindowcatcher.cpp プロジェクト: KDE/rkward
void RKCaughtX11Window::commonInit (int device_number) {

	capture = 0;
	rk_native_device = 0;
	embedded = 0;
	killed_in_r = close_attempted = false;
	RKCaughtX11Window::device_number = device_number;
	RK_ASSERT (!device_windows.contains (device_number));
	device_windows.insert (device_number, this);

	error_dialog = new RKProgressControl (0, i18n ("An error occurred"), i18n ("An error occurred"), RKProgressControl::DetailedError);
	setPart (new RKCaughtX11WindowPart (this));
	setMetaInfo (i18n ("Graphics Device Window"), "rkward://page/rkward_plot_history", RKSettings::PageX11);
	initializeActivationSignals ();
	setFocusPolicy (Qt::ClickFocus);
	updateHistoryActions (0, 0, QStringList ());

	QVBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout (this);
	layout->setContentsMargins (0, 0, 0, 0);
	box_widget = new KVBox (this);
	layout->addWidget (box_widget);
	scroll_widget = new QScrollArea (this);
	scroll_widget->hide ();
	layout->addWidget (scroll_widget);

	xembed_container = new KVBox (box_widget);	// QX11EmbedContainer can not be reparented (between the box_widget, and the scroll_widget) directly. Therefore we place it into a container, and reparent that instead.
	// Also, this makes it easier to handle the various different devices

	dynamic_size = false;
	dynamic_size_action->setChecked (false);
コード例 #2
ファイル: rkeditordataframe.cpp プロジェクト: KDE/rkward
void RKEditorDataFrame::commonInit () {

	setPart (new RKDummyPart (this, this));
	getPart ()->insertChildClient (this);
	initializeActivationSignals ();

	open_chain = RKGlobals::rInterface ()->startChain (0);
コード例 #3
RKDebugConsole::RKDebugConsole (QWidget *parent, bool tool_window, const char *name) : RKMDIWindow (parent, DebugConsoleWindow, tool_window, name) {

	QVBoxLayout *main_layout = new QVBoxLayout (this);
	main_layout->setContentsMargins (0, 0, 0, 0);
	QHBoxLayout *upper_layout = new QHBoxLayout ();
	main_layout->addLayout (upper_layout);

	context_view = new QTextEdit (this);
	context_view->setReadOnly (true);
	context_view->setAcceptRichText (false);
	upper_layout->addWidget (context_view);

	QVBoxLayout *button_layout = new QVBoxLayout ();
	upper_layout->addLayout (button_layout);
	step_button = new QPushButton (i18n ("Next"), this);
	connect (step_button, SIGNAL (clicked()), this, SLOT (stepButtonClicked()));
	button_layout->addWidget (step_button);
	step_out_button = new QPushButton (i18n ("Step out"), this);
	connect (step_out_button, SIGNAL (clicked()), this, SLOT (stepOutButtonClicked()));
	RKCommonFunctions::setTips (i18n ("<p>Continue until the caller of this function is reached (unless another debug statement is hit, earlier)</p>"
	                                  "<p><b>Note:</b> In some cases, the calling function will never be reached, because the call was the last step in the caller."
	                                  "In these cases, the behavior is identical to 'Continue'.</p>"), step_out_button);
	button_layout->addWidget (step_out_button);
	continue_button = new QPushButton (i18n ("Continue"), this);
	connect (continue_button, SIGNAL (clicked()), this, SLOT (continueButtonClicked()));
	button_layout->addWidget (continue_button);
	cancel_button = new QPushButton (i18n ("Cancel"), this);
	connect (cancel_button, SIGNAL (clicked()), this, SLOT (cancelButtonClicked()));
	button_layout->addWidget (cancel_button);
	button_layout->addStretch ();

	QHBoxLayout *lower_layout = new QHBoxLayout ();
	main_layout->addLayout (lower_layout);

	prompt_label = new QLabel (this);
	lower_layout->addWidget (prompt_label);
	reply_edit = new KHistoryComboBox (this);
	reply_edit->setSizePolicy (QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding, QSizePolicy::Minimum);
	connect (reply_edit, SIGNAL (returnPressed()), this, SLOT (sendReply()));
	lower_layout->addWidget (reply_edit);
	setFocusProxy (reply_edit);

	setFocusPolicy (Qt::StrongFocus);

	setPart (new RKDummyPart (this, this));
	initializeActivationSignals ();

	connect (RKDebugHandler::instance (), SIGNAL (newDebugState()), this, SLOT (newDebugState()));
	newDebugState ();
コード例 #4
RKCommandEditorWindow::RKCommandEditorWindow (QWidget *parent, bool use_r_highlighting) : RKMDIWindow (parent, RKMDIWindow::CommandEditorWindow) {

	KLibFactory *factory = KLibLoader::self()->factory( "libkatepart" );
	if (factory) {
		// Create the part
		m_doc = (Kate::Document *) factory->create( this, "katepart", "KParts::ReadWritePart" );
		RK_ASSERT (m_doc);
		m_view = (Kate::View *) m_doc->widget();

	// strip down the khtmlpart's GUI. remove some stuff we definitely don't need.
	RKCommonFunctions::removeContainers (m_doc, QStringList::split (',', "bookmarks,tools_spelling,tools_spelling_from_cursor,tools_spelling_selection,switch_to_cmd_line"), true);
	RKCommonFunctions::moveContainer (m_doc, "Menu", "tools", "edit", true);

	m_doc->insertChildClient (new RKCommandEditorWindowPart (m_view, this));
	setPart (m_doc);
	initializeActivationSignals ();
	setFocusProxy (m_view);

	QHBoxLayout *pLayout = new QHBoxLayout( this, 0, -1, "layout");

	setIcon (SmallIcon ("source"));

	connect (m_doc, SIGNAL (fileNameChanged ()), this, SLOT (updateCaption ()));
	connect (m_doc, SIGNAL (modifiedChanged ()), this, SLOT (updateCaption ()));		// of course most of the time this causes a redundant call to updateCaption. Not if a modification is undone, however.
	connect (m_doc, SIGNAL (textChanged ()), this, SLOT (tryCompletionProxy ()));
	connect (m_view, SIGNAL (filterInsertString (KTextEditor::CompletionEntry *, QString *)), this, SLOT (fixCompletion (KTextEditor::CompletionEntry *, QString *)));
	connect (m_view, SIGNAL (gotFocus (Kate::View *)), this, SLOT (setPopupMenu (Kate::View *)));
	completion_timer = new QTimer (this);
	connect (completion_timer, SIGNAL (timeout ()), this, SLOT (tryCompletion()));

	if (use_r_highlighting) {
		setRHighlighting ();
		hinter = new RKFunctionArgHinter (this, m_view);
	} else {
		hinter = 0;

	updateCaption ();	// initialize
	QTimer::singleShot (0, this, SLOT (setPopupMenu ()));
コード例 #5
RObjectViewer::RObjectViewer (QWidget *parent, RObject *object, ViewerPage initial_page) : RKMDIWindow (parent, RKMDIWindow::ObjectWindow, false), RObjectListener (RObjectListener::ObjectView) {
	RK_ASSERT (object);
	_object = object;

	addNotificationType (RObjectListener::ObjectRemoved);
	addNotificationType (RObjectListener::MetaChanged);
	addNotificationType (RObjectListener::DataChanged);
	listenForObject (_object);

	QVBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout (this);
	layout->setContentsMargins (0, 0, 0, 0);

	description_label = new QLabel (this);
	description_label->setWordWrap (true);
	layout->addWidget (description_label);
	status_label = new QLabel (this);
	status_label->hide ();
	layout->addWidget (status_label);

	tabs = new QTabWidget (this);
	tabs->insertTab (SummaryPage, summary_widget = new RObjectSummaryWidget (tabs, object), i18n ("summary (x)"));
	tabs->insertTab (PrintPage, print_widget = new RObjectPrintWidget (tabs, object), i18n ("print (x)"));
	tabs->insertTab (StructurePage, structure_widget = new RObjectStructureWidget (tabs, object), i18n ("str (x)"));
	layout->addWidget (tabs);

	tabs->setFocusPolicy (Qt::StrongFocus);
	setPart (new RKDummyPart (this, tabs));
	initializeActivationSignals ();

	tabs->setCurrentIndex (initial_page);
	currentTabChanged (initial_page);
	connect (tabs, SIGNAL (currentChanged(int)), this, SLOT (currentTabChanged (int)));

	initDescription (false);
コード例 #6
RKConsole::RKConsole (QWidget *parent, bool tool_window, const char *name) : RKMDIWindow (parent, RKMDIWindow::ConsoleWindow, tool_window, name) {

	QVBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout (this);
	layout->setContentsMargins (0, 0, 0, 0);

	// create a Kate-part as command-editor
	KTextEditor::Editor* editor = KTextEditor::editor("katepart");
	RK_ASSERT (editor);

	doc = editor->createDocument (this);
	view = doc->createView (this);
	layout->addWidget (view);

	KTextEditor::ConfigInterface *confint = qobject_cast<KTextEditor::ConfigInterface*> (view);
	RK_ASSERT (view);
	confint->setConfigValue ("dynamic-word-wrap", false);

	setFocusProxy (view);
	setFocusPolicy (Qt::StrongFocus);
	/* We need to disable kactions that were plugged to the KateViewInternal in kateview.cpp.
	These actions include Key_Up, Key_Down, etc. */
	kate_edit_actions = view->findChild<KActionCollection*> ("edit_actions");
	if (!kate_edit_actions) {
	if (kate_edit_actions) {
		// make sure these actions never get triggered by a shortcut

		QList<QKeySequence> noshort;
		noshort.append (QKeySequence ());	// no primary
		noshort.append (QKeySequence ());	// no secondary
		noshort.append (QKeySequence ());	// for good measure

		QList<QAction*> keas = kate_edit_actions->actions ();
		for (int i = 0; i < keas.size (); ++i) {
			keas[i]->setShortcuts (noshort);
	} else {
		RK_DO (qDebug ("Could not retrieve the katepart's edit action collection"), APP, DL_ERROR);

	if (view->focusProxy ()) view->focusProxy()->installEventFilter(this);

	doc->setModified (false);

	hinter = new RKFunctionArgHinter (this, view);
	setCaption (i18n ("R Console"));
	console_part = new RKConsolePart (this);
	setPart (console_part);
	setMetaInfo (shortCaption (), "rkward://page/rkward_console", RKSettings::PageConsole);
	initializeActivationSignals ();
	initializeActions (getPart ()->actionCollection ());

	nprefix = "> ";
	iprefix = "+ ";
	prefix = nprefix;
// KDE4: a way to do this?
//	doc->setUndoSteps (0);
	clear ();
	RKCommandHighlighter::setHighlighting (doc, RKCommandHighlighter::RInteractiveSession);

	commands_history = RKSettingsModuleConsole::loadCommandHistory ();
	commands_history_position = commands_history.constEnd ();

	current_command = 0;
	current_command_displayed_up_to = 0;
	tab_key_pressed_before = false;
	previous_chunk_was_piped = false;

// KDE4 TODO: workaround for KDE 4 pre-release versions. Hope this gets fixed before 4.0
// see http://lists.kde.org/?l=kwrite-devel&m=119721420603507&w=2
	setMinimumHeight (50);