cairo_surface_t * ink_cairo_surface_create_output(cairo_surface_t *image, cairo_surface_t *bg) { cairo_content_t imgt = cairo_surface_get_content(image); cairo_content_t bgt = cairo_surface_get_content(bg); cairo_surface_t *out = NULL; if (bgt == CAIRO_CONTENT_ALPHA && imgt == CAIRO_CONTENT_ALPHA) { out = ink_cairo_surface_create_identical(bg); } else { out = ink_cairo_surface_create_same_size(bg, CAIRO_CONTENT_COLOR_ALPHA); } return out; }
void Drawing::render(DrawingContext &ct, Geom::IntRect const &area, unsigned flags) { if (_root) { _root->render(ct, area, flags); } if (colorMode() == COLORMODE_GRAYSCALE) { // apply grayscale filter on top of everything cairo_surface_t *input = ct.rawTarget(); cairo_surface_t *out = ink_cairo_surface_create_identical(input); ink_cairo_surface_filter(input, out, _grayscale_colormatrix); Geom::Point origin = ct.targetLogicalBounds().min(); ct.setSource(out, origin[Geom::X], origin[Geom::Y]); ct.setOperator(CAIRO_OPERATOR_SOURCE); ct.paint(); ct.setOperator(CAIRO_OPERATOR_OVER); cairo_surface_destroy(out); } }
/** * Create an exact copy of a surface. * Creates a surface that has the same type, content type, dimensions and contents * as the specified surface. */ cairo_surface_t * ink_cairo_surface_copy(cairo_surface_t *s) { cairo_surface_t *ns = ink_cairo_surface_create_identical(s); if (cairo_surface_get_type(s) == CAIRO_SURFACE_TYPE_IMAGE) { // use memory copy instead of using a Cairo context cairo_surface_flush(s); int stride = cairo_image_surface_get_stride(s); int h = cairo_image_surface_get_height(s); memcpy(cairo_image_surface_get_data(ns), cairo_image_surface_get_data(s), stride * h); cairo_surface_mark_dirty(ns); } else { // generic implementation cairo_t *ct = cairo_create(ns); cairo_set_source_surface(ct, s, 0, 0); cairo_set_operator(ct, CAIRO_OPERATOR_SOURCE); cairo_paint(ct); cairo_destroy(ct); } return ns; }
void FilterTile::render_cairo(FilterSlot &slot) { // FIX ME! static bool tile_warning = false; if (!tile_warning) { g_warning("Renderer for feTile has non-optimal implementation, expect slowness and bugs."); tile_warning = true; } // Fixing isn't so easy as the Inkscape renderer breaks the canvas into "rendering" tiles for // faster rendering. (The "rendering" tiles are not the same as the tiles in this primitive.) // Only if the the feTile tile source falls inside the current "rendering" tile will the tile // image be available. // This input source contains only the "rendering" tile. cairo_surface_t *in = slot.getcairo(_input); // For debugging // static int i = 0; // ++i; // std::stringstream filename; // filename << "dump." << i << ".png"; // cairo_surface_write_to_png( in, filename.str().c_str() ); // This is the feTile source area as determined by the input primitive area (see SVG spec). Geom::Rect tile_area = slot.get_primitive_area(_input); if( tile_area.width() == 0.0 || tile_area.height() == 0.0 ) { slot.set(_output, in); std::cerr << "FileTile::render_cairo: tile has zero width or height" << std::endl; } else { cairo_surface_t *out = ink_cairo_surface_create_identical(in); // color_interpolation_filters for out same as in. copy_cairo_surface_ci(in, out); cairo_t *ct = cairo_create(out); // The rectangle of the "rendering" tile. Geom::Rect sa = slot.get_slot_area(); Geom::Affine trans = slot.get_units().get_matrix_user2pb(); // Create feTile tile ---------------- // Get tile area in pixbuf units (tile transformed). Geom::Rect tt = tile_area * trans; // Shift between "rendering" tile and feTile tile Geom::Point shift = sa.min() - tt.min(); // Create feTile tile surface cairo_surface_t *tile = cairo_surface_create_similar(in, cairo_surface_get_content(in), tt.width(), tt.height()); cairo_t *ct_tile = cairo_create(tile); cairo_set_source_surface(ct_tile, in, shift[Geom::X], shift[Geom::Y]); cairo_paint(ct_tile); // Paint tiles ------------------ // For debugging // std::stringstream filename; // filename << "tile." << i << ".png"; // cairo_surface_write_to_png( tile, filename.str().c_str() ); // Determine number of feTile rows and columns Geom::Rect pr = filter_primitive_area( slot.get_units() ); int tile_cols = ceil( pr.width() / tile_area.width() ); int tile_rows = ceil( pr.height() / tile_area.height() ); // Do tiling (TO DO: restrict to slot area.) for( int col=0; col < tile_cols; ++col ) { for( int row=0; row < tile_rows; ++row ) { Geom::Point offset( col*tile_area.width(), row*tile_area.height() ); offset *= trans; offset[Geom::X] -= trans[4]; offset[Geom::Y] -= trans[5]; cairo_set_source_surface(ct, tile, offset[Geom::X], offset[Geom::Y]); cairo_paint(ct); } } slot.set(_output, out); // Clean up cairo_destroy(ct); cairo_surface_destroy(out); cairo_destroy(ct_tile); cairo_surface_destroy(tile); } }