/* Reads strings from the file into the liked list */ void loadList( CDLL *list, char *infileName) { char *line; char ** tokens; int tokenCnt=0; char * delim = ","; FILE* infile = fopen(infileName, "r"); if(!infile) fatal("Can't open input file"); while( mygetline( &line, infile ) ) { STUDENT *s = malloc(sizeof(STUDENT)); if (!s) fatal("malloc( sizeof(STUDENT)) failed in loadList"); tokens = split( line, &tokenCnt, delim ); s->andrewID = tokens[0]; s->name = tokens[1]; s->yrOfGrad = atoi(tokens[2]); s->gpa = atof(tokens[3]); s->major = tokens[4]; insertAtTail( list, s ); free(line); free(tokens[2]); /* year */ free(tokens[3]); /* major */ free(tokens); } fclose(infile); }
int main() { LIST *list1, *list2; list1=createList(10); list2=createList(10); int j; for(j=0; j<12; j++) insertAtHead(list1,j+1); printList(list1); // for(j=0; j<12; j++) // insertAtTail(list2,j+1); // printList(list2); deleteFromHead(list1); deleteFromHead(list1); deleteFromHead(list1); deleteFromHead(list1); printList(list1); for(j=0; j<6; j++) insertAtTail(list1,99); printList(list1); printf("\n"); return 0; }
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- loadList: loops from lo value to hi value (from cmd args) appending each int value onto the end of the list. DO NOT MALLOC MEMORY FOR THE INT TO BE STORED - INSTEAD STORE IT *INSIDE* THE DATA POINTER (again..casting!) */ void loadList( CDLL *list, int lo, int hi) { int i; for(i=lo;i<=hi;i++) { insertAtTail(list, (void *)i); } }
/* Reads strings from the file into the liked list */ void loadList( CDLL *list, char *infileName) { FILE* infile = fopen(infileName, "r"); if(!infile) fatal("Can't open input file"); char *name; while( mygetline( &name, infile ) ) insertAtTail( list, name ); fclose(infile); }
int main() { int i,size=15; ElementList E; Element e1; e1.id=2000; e1.regstatus=0; for(i=0;i<size;i++) { E[i].id=i; E[i].regstatus=(i%3); //0= Success, 1 = Conflict, 2 = Deny } // R containing All (size number) registered student records ListHead ks, kd, kc; ks=createList(); kd=createList(); kc=createList(); for (i = 0; i < size; i++) { if (E[i].regstatus == 0) { insertAtTail (E[i], ks); } else if (E[i].regstatus == 1) { insertAtHead (E[i], kc); } else { insertInPos (E[i], kd,2); } } insertAfterValue (e1, ks, 12); printf("\n\nSUCCESS LIST\n"); printList(ks); printf("\n\nCONFLICT LIST\n"); printList(kc); printf("\n\nDENY LIST\n"); printList(kd); deleteFromHead(ks); deleteFromTail(kc); deleteValue(kd,8); deletePos(ks,0); printf("\n\nSUCCESS LIST After Deletion\n"); printList(ks); printf("\n\nCONFLICT LIST After Deletion\n"); printList(kc); printf("\n\nDENY LIST After Deletion\n"); printList(kd); }
LinkedList<T>& LinkedList<T>::operator=(const LinkedList<T>& rhs) { if (this==&rhs) return *this; clear(); Node<T>* it = rhs.m_head; while (it) { insertAtTail(it->m_data); it=it->m_next; } }
LinkedList<T>& LinkedList<T>:: operator=(const LinkedList<T>& rhs) { if(this == &rhs) return *this; clear(); Node<T> *temp = rhs.m_head; while(temp != NULL) { insertAtTail(temp->m_data); temp = temp->m_next; } return *this; }
int main() { int userInput; struct Node* head; struct Node* tail; head = NULL; tail = NULL; printWelcomeMsg(); userInput = 0; while (userInput != -1) { userInput = getSelection("Enter your selection: "); if(userInput == 1) { userInput = getSelection("Enter the value to append to head: "); insertAtHead(&head, &tail, userInput); } else if (userInput == 2) { userInput = getSelection("Enter the value to append to tail: "); insertAtTail(&tail, &head, userInput); } else if (userInput == -1) { printExitMessage(); scanf("%d", &userInput); printf("\n"); if (userInput == 1) { printForward(tail); } else if (userInput == 2) { printReverse(head); } else { printf("\nExiting without displaying output."); } return 0; } else { printf("You've made an error. Please try again.\n\n"); } } printForward(tail); return 0; }
int main() { struct node *head; int data; int t; int n; int i; /* Enter number of test cases */ scanf("%d", &t); while(t--) { /* Read number of nodes in the list */ scanf("%d", &n); for(i = 0; i < n; i++) { scanf("%d", &data); insertAtTail(&head, data); } printll(head); printf("\n"); } }
void WhileStmt::copyShare(const WhileStmt& ref, SymbolMap* mapRef, bool internal) { SymbolMap localMap; SymbolMap* map = (mapRef != 0) ? mapRef : &localMap; Expr* condExpr = ref.condExprGet(); astloc = ref.astloc; blockTag = ref.blockTag; mBreakLabel = ref.mBreakLabel; mContinueLabel = ref.mContinueLabel; mOrderIndependent = ref.mOrderIndependent; if (condExpr != 0) mCondExpr = condExpr->copy(map, true); for_alist(expr, ref.body) insertAtTail(expr->copy(map, true)); if (internal == false) update_symbols(this, map); }
IpeSequence::IpeSequence(const std::vector<Expr*>& stmts, BlockTag tag) : BlockStmt(NULL, tag) { for (size_t i = 0; i < stmts.size(); i++) insertAtTail(stmts[i]); }
IpeSequence::IpeSequence(const std::vector<Expr*>& stmts) : BlockStmt(NULL, BLOCK_SCOPELESS) { for (size_t i = 0; i < stmts.size(); i++) insertAtTail(stmts[i]); }
int main() { LIST *list1; list1=createList(10); insertAtHead(list1,1); insertAtHead(list1,2); printList(list1); insertAtTail(list1,2); insertAtTail(list1,3); insertAtTail(list1,4); insertAtTail(list1,5); insertAtTail(list1,6); insertAtTail(list1,7); insertAtTail(list1,8); insertAtTail(list1,9); insertAtTail(list1,10); insertAtTail(list1,11); printList(list1); int res, j; for(j=0; j<12; j++) { res=deleteFromHead(list1); if(res>0) printf("\nDeleted:\t%d",res); } printList(list1); for(j=0; j<12; j++) { insertAtHead(list1,j+1); } printList(list1); for(j=0; j<12; j++) { insertAtTail(list1,j+1); } printList(list1); printf("\nDeleted:\t%d",deleteFromHead(list1)); printf("\nDeleted:\t%d",deleteFromHead(list1)); printf("\nDeleted:\t%d",deleteFromHead(list1)); printList(list1); printf("\nDeleted:\t%d",deleteFromTail(list1)); printf("\nDeleted:\t%d",deleteFromTail(list1)); printf("\nDeleted:\t%d",deleteFromTail(list1)); printList(list1); for(j=0; j<12; j++) { res=deleteFromTail(list1); if(res>0) printf("\nDeleted:\t%d",res); } printList(list1); for(j=0; j<12; j++) { insertAtTail(list1,j+1); } printList(list1); printf("\n"); return 0; }