コード例 #1
void registerMemoryFaultHandler() {
  // We do not use an alternate signal stack, as doing so would require
  // setting it up for each app thread.
  // FIXME: This could result in problems with emulating the app's signal
  // handling if the app relies on an alternate stack for SIGSEGV.

  // We require that SIGSEGV is not blocked.  We use a sigprocmask
  // interceptor to ensure that in the future.  Here we ensure it for
  // the current thread.  We assume there are no other threads at this
  // point during initialization, or that at least they do not block
  __sanitizer_sigset_t SigSet;
  internal_sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, &SigSet, nullptr);

  __sanitizer_sigaction SigAct;
  internal_memset(&SigAct, 0, sizeof(SigAct));
  SigAct.sigaction = handleMemoryFault;
  // We want to handle nested signals b/c we need to handle a
  // shadow fault in an app signal handler.
  SigAct.sa_flags = SA_SIGINFO | SA_NODEFER;
  int Res = internal_sigaction(SIGSEGV, &SigAct, &AppSigAct);
  CHECK(Res == 0);
  VPrintf(1, "Registered for SIGSEGV handler\n");
コード例 #2
static void reinstateDefaultHandler(int SigNum) {
  __sanitizer_sigaction SigAct;
  internal_memset(&SigAct, 0, sizeof(SigAct));
  SigAct.sigaction = (decltype(SigAct.sigaction))SIG_DFL;
  int Res = internal_sigaction(SigNum, &SigAct, nullptr);
  CHECK(Res == 0);
  VPrintf(1, "Unregistered for %d handler\n", SigNum);
コード例 #3
static void HwasanDeallocate(StackTrace *stack, void *tagged_ptr) {

  if (!PointerAndMemoryTagsMatch(tagged_ptr))
    ReportInvalidFree(stack, reinterpret_cast<uptr>(tagged_ptr));

  void *untagged_ptr = UntagPtr(tagged_ptr);
  void *aligned_ptr = reinterpret_cast<void *>(
      RoundDownTo(reinterpret_cast<uptr>(untagged_ptr), kShadowAlignment));
  Metadata *meta =
      reinterpret_cast<Metadata *>(allocator.GetMetaData(aligned_ptr));
  uptr orig_size = meta->requested_size;
  u32 free_context_id = StackDepotPut(*stack);
  u32 alloc_context_id = meta->alloc_context_id;

  // Check tail magic.
  uptr tagged_size = TaggedSize(orig_size);
  if (flags()->free_checks_tail_magic && !right_align_mode && orig_size) {
    uptr tail_size = tagged_size - orig_size;
    CHECK_LT(tail_size, kShadowAlignment);
    void *tail_beg = reinterpret_cast<void *>(
        reinterpret_cast<uptr>(aligned_ptr) + orig_size);
    if (tail_size && internal_memcmp(tail_beg, tail_magic, tail_size))
      ReportTailOverwritten(stack, reinterpret_cast<uptr>(tagged_ptr),
                            orig_size, tail_size, tail_magic);

  meta->requested_size = 0;
  meta->alloc_context_id = 0;
  // This memory will not be reused by anyone else, so we are free to keep it
  // poisoned.
  Thread *t = GetCurrentThread();
  if (flags()->max_free_fill_size > 0) {
    uptr fill_size =
        Min(TaggedSize(orig_size), (uptr)flags()->max_free_fill_size);
    internal_memset(aligned_ptr, flags()->free_fill_byte, fill_size);
  if (flags()->tag_in_free && malloc_bisect(stack, 0) &&
    TagMemoryAligned(reinterpret_cast<uptr>(aligned_ptr), TaggedSize(orig_size),
                     t ? t->GenerateRandomTag() : kFallbackFreeTag);
  if (t) {
    allocator.Deallocate(t->allocator_cache(), aligned_ptr);
    if (auto *ha = t->heap_allocations())
      ha->push({reinterpret_cast<uptr>(tagged_ptr), alloc_context_id,
                free_context_id, static_cast<u32>(orig_size)});
  } else {
    SpinMutexLock l(&fallback_mutex);
    AllocatorCache *cache = &fallback_allocator_cache;
    allocator.Deallocate(cache, aligned_ptr);
コード例 #4
static void *HwasanAllocate(StackTrace *stack, uptr orig_size, uptr alignment,
                            bool zeroise) {
  if (orig_size > kMaxAllowedMallocSize) {
    if (AllocatorMayReturnNull()) {
      Report("WARNING: HWAddressSanitizer failed to allocate 0x%zx bytes\n",
      return nullptr;
    ReportAllocationSizeTooBig(orig_size, kMaxAllowedMallocSize, stack);

  alignment = Max(alignment, kShadowAlignment);
  uptr size = TaggedSize(orig_size);
  Thread *t = GetCurrentThread();
  void *allocated;
  if (t) {
    allocated = allocator.Allocate(t->allocator_cache(), size, alignment);
  } else {
    SpinMutexLock l(&fallback_mutex);
    AllocatorCache *cache = &fallback_allocator_cache;
    allocated = allocator.Allocate(cache, size, alignment);
  if (UNLIKELY(!allocated)) {
    if (AllocatorMayReturnNull())
      return nullptr;
    ReportOutOfMemory(size, stack);
  Metadata *meta =
      reinterpret_cast<Metadata *>(allocator.GetMetaData(allocated));
  meta->requested_size = static_cast<u32>(orig_size);
  meta->alloc_context_id = StackDepotPut(*stack);
  meta->right_aligned = false;
  if (zeroise) {
    internal_memset(allocated, 0, size);
  } else if (flags()->max_malloc_fill_size > 0) {
    uptr fill_size = Min(size, (uptr)flags()->max_malloc_fill_size);
    internal_memset(allocated, flags()->malloc_fill_byte, fill_size);
  if (!right_align_mode)
    internal_memcpy(reinterpret_cast<u8 *>(allocated) + orig_size, tail_magic,
                    size - orig_size);

  void *user_ptr = allocated;
  // Tagging can only be skipped when both tag_in_malloc and tag_in_free are
  // false. When tag_in_malloc = false and tag_in_free = true malloc needs to
  // retag to 0.
  if ((flags()->tag_in_malloc || flags()->tag_in_free) &&
      atomic_load_relaxed(&hwasan_allocator_tagging_enabled)) {
    tag_t tag = flags()->tag_in_malloc && malloc_bisect(stack, orig_size)
                    ? (t ? t->GenerateRandomTag() : kFallbackAllocTag)
                    : 0;
    user_ptr = (void *)TagMemoryAligned((uptr)user_ptr, size, tag);

  if ((orig_size % kShadowAlignment) && (alignment <= kShadowAlignment) &&
      right_align_mode) {
    uptr as_uptr = reinterpret_cast<uptr>(user_ptr);
    if (right_align_mode == kRightAlignAlways ||
        GetTagFromPointer(as_uptr) & 1) {  // use a tag bit as a random bit.
      user_ptr = reinterpret_cast<void *>(AlignRight(as_uptr, orig_size));
      meta->right_aligned = 1;

  HWASAN_MALLOC_HOOK(user_ptr, size);
  return user_ptr;