// Input: // meta_parameters *meta_sar-- SAR geometry to subset the DEM // const char *demImg -- DEM data filename // const char *demMeta -- DEM metadata filename // int pad -- number of lines to add at the top/bottom/left/right // double tolerance -- how accurate the approximation mapping needs to be, // in units of pixels // const char *output_name -- output filename (basename) // int test_mode -- adds checks for the accuracy of the mapping, and // does some unit testing // Output: // no output parameters, the output is the output_name files (.img and .meta) // Return Value: // return TRUE on success, FALSE on fail // int make_gr_dem_ext(meta_parameters *meta_sar, const char *demImg, const char *demMeta, int pad, double tolerance, const char *output_name, int test_mode) { if (test_mode) test_interp(); asfPrintStatus("Reading DEM...\n"); meta_parameters *meta_dem = meta_read(demMeta); float *demData = NULL; FloatImage *fi_dem = NULL; int dnl = meta_dem->general->line_count; int dns = meta_dem->general->sample_count; if (0) demData = read_dem(meta_dem, demImg); else fi_dem = float_image_new_from_metadata(meta_dem, demImg); if (demData) asfPrintStatus("Old method: reading entire DEM.\n"); if (fi_dem) asfPrintStatus("New method: float image\n"); if (demData && fi_dem) asfPrintError("Impossible.\n"); char *outImg = appendExt(output_name, ".img"); char *output_name_tmp, *outImgTmp; // do not do DEM smoothing if the DEM pixel size is better or close to the // SAR image's pixel size. int do_averaging = TRUE; if (meta_dem->general->y_pixel_size - 10 < meta_sar->general->y_pixel_size) do_averaging = FALSE; asfPrintStatus("Averaging: %s (DEM %f, SAR: %f)\n", do_averaging ? "YES" : "NO", meta_dem->general->y_pixel_size, meta_sar->general->y_pixel_size); if (do_averaging) { output_name_tmp = appendStr(output_name, "_unsmoothed"); outImgTmp = appendExt(output_name_tmp, ".img"); } else { output_name_tmp = STRDUP(output_name); outImgTmp = STRDUP(outImg); } // add the padding if requested meta_parameters *meta_out = meta_copy(meta_sar); meta_out->general->line_count += pad*2; meta_out->general->sample_count += pad*2; meta_out->general->start_line -= pad; meta_out->general->start_sample -= pad; // fixing up the output metadata. Note that we must keep the SAR section // intact since that specifies our geometry which is the whole point of // this exercise. strcpy(meta_out->general->basename, meta_dem->general->basename); strcpy(meta_out->general->sensor, MAGIC_UNSET_STRING); strcpy(meta_out->general->processor, MAGIC_UNSET_STRING); strcpy(meta_out->general->mode, MAGIC_UNSET_STRING); strcpy(meta_out->general->sensor_name, MAGIC_UNSET_STRING); meta_out->general->image_data_type = DEM; meta_out->general->radiometry = MAGIC_UNSET_INT; strcpy(meta_out->general->acquisition_date, meta_dem->general->acquisition_date); meta_out->general->orbit = MAGIC_UNSET_INT; meta_out->general->orbit_direction = MAGIC_UNSET_CHAR; meta_out->general->frame = MAGIC_UNSET_INT; meta_out->general->band_count = 1; strcpy(meta_out->general->bands, "DEM"); int nl = meta_out->general->line_count; int ns = meta_out->general->sample_count; // finding the right grid size int size = find_grid_size(meta_sar, meta_dem, 512, .1*tolerance); asfPrintStatus("Creating ground range image...\n"); float *buf = MALLOC(sizeof(float)*ns*size); FILE *fpOut = FOPEN(outImgTmp, "wb"); // these are for tracking the quality of the bilinear interp // not used if test_mode is false int num_out_of_tol = 0; int num_checked = 0; int num_bad = 0; double max_err = 0; double avg_err = 0; int ii, jj; for (ii=0; ii<nl; ii += size) { int line_lo = ii; int line_hi = ii + size; for (jj=0; jj<ns; jj += size) { double lines[4], samps[4]; int samp_lo = jj; int samp_hi = jj + size; get_interp_params(meta_sar, meta_dem, line_lo, line_hi, samp_lo, samp_hi, lines, samps); int iii, jjj; for (iii=0; iii<size; ++iii) { for (jjj=0; jjj<size && jj+jjj<ns; ++jjj) { int index = iii*ns + jj + jjj; assert(index < ns*size); double line_out, samp_out; xy_interp(ii+iii, jj+jjj, line_lo, line_hi, samp_lo, samp_hi, lines, samps, &line_out, &samp_out); // random checking of the quality of our interpolations if (test_mode && iii%11==0 && jjj%13==0) { double real_line, real_samp; sar_to_dem(meta_sar, meta_dem, ii+iii, jj+jjj, &real_line, &real_samp); double err = hypot(real_line - line_out, real_samp - samp_out); avg_err += err; if (err > max_err) max_err = err; if (err > tolerance) { asfPrintStatus("Out of tolerance at %d,%d: (%f,%f) vs (%f,%f) -> %f\n", ii+iii, jj+jjj, line_out, samp_out, real_line, real_samp, err); ++num_out_of_tol; } if (err > .5) { asfPrintStatus("Error is larger than 1 pixel!\n"); ++num_bad; } ++num_checked; } if (demData) buf[index] = interp_demData(demData, dnl, dns, line_out, samp_out); else if (fi_dem) buf[index] = interp_dem(fi_dem, line_out, samp_out); else asfPrintError("Oops.\n"); } } } put_float_lines(fpOut, meta_out, ii, size, buf); asfPrintStatus("Completed %.1f%% \r", 100.*ii/(double)nl); } asfPrintStatus("Completed 100%% \n"); if (test_mode) { asfPrintStatus("Tolerance was %f\n", tolerance); asfPrintStatus("%d/%d checked pixels had error exceeding tolerance. (%.1f%%)\n", num_out_of_tol, num_checked, 100.*num_out_of_tol/(double)num_checked); asfPrintStatus("%d/%d checked pixels had error larger than half a pixel. (%.1f%%)\n", num_bad, num_checked, 100.*num_bad/(double)num_checked); asfPrintStatus("Maximum error: %f pixels\n", max_err); avg_err /= (double)num_checked; asfPrintStatus("Average error: %f pixels\n", avg_err); } FCLOSE(fpOut); meta_write(meta_out, outImgTmp); meta_free(meta_out); meta_free(meta_dem); FREE(buf); FREE(demData); if (fi_dem) float_image_free(fi_dem); // now apply 3x3 filter if (do_averaging) { asfPrintStatus("Smoothing with 3x3 kernel ...\n"); smooth(outImgTmp, outImg, 3, EDGE_TRUNCATE); } FREE(outImg); FREE(outImgTmp); FREE(output_name_tmp); return FALSE; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char *MOD021KMfile, *MOD02HKMfile, *MOD02QKMfile; char *filename; /* output file */ FILE *fp; int outfile_exists; char *ancpath; SDS sds[Nitems], outsds[Nbands], dem, height; int32 MOD02QKMfile_id, MOD02HKMfile_id, MOD021KMfile_id; int32 sd_id, attr_index, count, num_type; int ib, j, iscan, Nscans, irow, jcol, idx, crsidx; int nbands; char *SDSlocatorQKM[Nitems] = {"EV_250_RefSB", "EV_250_RefSB", "EV_500_RefSB", "EV_500_RefSB", "EV_500_RefSB", "EV_500_RefSB", "EV_500_RefSB","EV_1KM_RefSB", "EV_1KM_RefSB", "EV_1KM_RefSB", "EV_1KM_RefSB", "EV_1KM_RefSB", "EV_1KM_RefSB", "EV_1KM_RefSB", "EV_1KM_RefSB", "EV_1KM_RefSB", "SolarZenith", "SensorZenith", "SolarAzimuth", "SensorAzimuth", "Longitude", "Latitude"}; char *SDSlocatorHKM[Nitems] = {"EV_500_RefSB", "EV_500_RefSB", "EV_500_RefSB", "EV_500_RefSB", "EV_500_RefSB", "EV_500_RefSB", "EV_500_RefSB", "Reflectance_Img_I1","Reflectance_Img_I2","Reflectance_Img_I3", "EV_1KM_RefSB","EV_1KM_RefSB","EV_1KM_RefSB", "EV_1KM_RefSB", "EV_1KM_RefSB", "EV_1KM_RefSB","SolZenAng_Mod", "SenZenAng_Mod", "SolAziAng_Mod", "SenAziAng_Mod", "Longitude", "Latitude" }; char *SDSlocator1KM[Nitems] = {"Reflectance_Mod_M5", "Reflectance_Mod_M7", "Reflectance_Mod_M3", "Reflectance_Mod_M4", "Reflectance_Mod_M8", "Reflectance_Mod_M10", "Reflectance_Mod_M11", "EV_1KM_RefSB", "EV_1KM_RefSB", "EV_1KM_RefSB", "EV_1KM_RefSB", "EV_1KM_RefSB", "EV_1KM_RefSB", "EV_1KM_RefSB", "EV_1KM_RefSB", "EV_1KM_RefSB", "SolZenAng_Mod", "SenZenAng_Mod", "SolAziAng_Mod", "SenAziAng_Mod", "Longitude", "Latitude"}; char indexlocator[Nitems] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; char numtypelocator[Nitems] = {DFNT_UINT16, DFNT_UINT16, DFNT_UINT16, DFNT_UINT16, DFNT_UINT16, DFNT_UINT16, DFNT_UINT16, DFNT_UINT16, DFNT_UINT16, DFNT_UINT16, DFNT_UINT16, DFNT_UINT16, DFNT_UINT16, DFNT_UINT16, DFNT_UINT16, DFNT_UINT16,DFNT_FLOAT32 ,DFNT_FLOAT32 ,DFNT_FLOAT32 ,DFNT_FLOAT32 , DFNT_FLOAT32, DFNT_FLOAT32}; uint16 *l1bdata[Nbands]; float32 *sola, *solz, *sena, *senz, *solzfill; float32 *lon, *lat, *lonfill, *latfill; char *attr_name; float64 scale_factor[Nitems], add_offset[Nitems]; unsigned char process[Nbands]; float refl, *mus, muv, phi; float *rhoray, *sphalb, *TtotraytH2O, *tOG; int aggfactor, crsrow1, crsrow2, crscol1, crscol2; int crsidx11, crsidx12, crsidx21, crsidx22; float mus0, mus11, mus12, mus21, mus22; float fractrow, fractcol, t, u; float rhoray0, rhoray11, rhoray12, rhoray21, rhoray22; float sphalb0, sphalb11, sphalb12, sphalb21, sphalb22; float reflmin=REFLMIN, reflmax=REFLMAX, maxsolz=MAXSOLZ; int bad; int write_mode = DFACC_CREATE; int st; size_t nbytes; int ftype; extern char *optarg; extern int optind, opterr; int option_index = 0; static int verbose, overwrite; static int gzip, append; static int output500m, output1km; static int sealevel, TOA, nearest; char dummy[H4_MAX_NC_NAME]; enum{OPT_BANDS = 1, OPT_RANGE, OPT_OUTFILE, OPT_MAXSOLZ}; static struct option long_options[] = { {"1km", no_argument, &output1km, 1}, {"500m", no_argument, &output500m, 1}, {"append", no_argument, &append, 1}, {"bands", required_argument, (int *) NULL, OPT_BANDS}, {"gzip", no_argument, &gzip, 1}, {"maxsolz", required_argument, (int *) NULL, OPT_MAXSOLZ}, {"nearest", no_argument, &nearest, 1}, {"of", required_argument, (int *) NULL, OPT_OUTFILE}, {"overwrite", no_argument, &overwrite, 1}, {"range", required_argument, (int *) NULL, OPT_RANGE}, {"sealevel", no_argument, &sealevel, 1}, {"toa", no_argument, &TOA, 1}, {"verbose", no_argument, &verbose, 1}, {(char *) NULL, 0, (int *) NULL, 0} }; int c; static char dem_filename_buff[MAXNAMELENGTH]; MOD021KMfile = MOD02HKMfile = MOD02QKMfile = (char *) NULL; filename = (char *) NULL; for (ib = 0; ib < Nbands; ib++) process[ib] = FALSE; /* default settings */ output500m = output1km = 0; append = gzip = nearest = sealevel = TOA = verbose = overwrite = 0; while ((c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "", long_options, &option_index)) >= 0) { switch (c) { case 0: /* do nothing for options which will have a flag set automatically by getopt_long() */ break; case OPT_BANDS: if (parse_bands(optarg, process)) { fputs("Invalid band(s) specified.\n", stderr); exit(1); } break; case OPT_RANGE: if (sscanf(optarg, "%g,%g", &reflmin, &reflmax) != 2) { fputs("Error parsing reflectance range.\n", stderr); exit(1); } if ( range_check(reflmin, 0.0F, 1.0F) || range_check(reflmax, 0.0F, 1.0F) || (reflmin >= reflmax) ) { fputs("Invalid reflectance range.\n", stderr); exit(1); } printf("Output reflectance range [%.3f,%.3f] requested.\n", reflmin, reflmax); break; case OPT_MAXSOLZ: maxsolz = (float) atof(optarg); if (range_check(maxsolz, 0.0F, 90.0F)) { fputs("Invalid max. solar zenith angle.\n", stderr); exit(1); } break; case OPT_OUTFILE: filename = optarg; break; default: usage(); exit(1); } } if (append) write_mode = DFACC_RDWR; /* at least one input file must follow */ if (optind >= argc) { usage(); exit(1); } /* check for conflicting options */ if (overwrite && append) { fputs("Options --overwrite and --append are mutually exclusive.\n", stderr); exit(1); } if (sealevel && TOA) { fputs("Options --sealevel and --toa are mutually exclusive.\n", stderr); exit(1); } #ifdef DEBUG printf("append = %d\n", append); if (filename) printf("output filename = %s\n", filename); printf("output1km = %d\n", (int) output1km); printf("output500m = %d\n", (int) output500m); printf("gzip = %d\n", gzip); printf("nearest = %d\n", nearest); printf("sealevel = %d\n", sealevel); printf("TOA = %d\n", TOA); printf("Max. solar zenith angle: %g degrees\n", maxsolz); if (filename) printf("Output file: %s.", filename); #endif if (verbose) puts("Verbose mode requested."); if (overwrite) puts("Overwriting existing output file."); if (gzip) puts("Gzip compression requested."); if (sealevel) puts("Sea-level atmospheric correction requested. Terrain height ignored."); if (TOA) puts("Top-of-the-atmosphere reflectance requested. No atmospheric correction."); if (output1km) puts("1km-resolution output requested."); if (nearest) puts("Interpolation disabled."); /* parse input file names */ for (j = optind; j < argc; j++) { ftype = input_file_type(argv[j]); switch (ftype) { case INPUT_1KM: MOD021KMfile = argv[j]; break; case INPUT_500M: MOD02HKMfile = argv[j]; break; case INPUT_250M: MOD02QKMfile = argv[j]; break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Unrecognized input file \"%s\".\n", argv[j]); MOD021KMfile = argv[j]; /* exit(1); I commented that*/ break; } } if (verbose && MOD021KMfile) printf("Input geolocation file: %s\n", MOD021KMfile); /* output file name is mandatory */ if (!filename) { fputs("Missing output file name.\n", stderr); exit(1); } #ifdef DEBUG if (MOD021KMfile) printf("MOD/MYD021KMfile = %s\n", MOD021KMfile); if (MOD02HKMfile) printf("MOD/MYD02HKMfile = %s\n", MOD02HKMfile); if (MOD02QKMfile) printf("MOD/MYD02QKMfile = %s\n", MOD02QKMfile); #endif /* 1KM file is mandatory for angles. HKM file is mandatory unless 1-km output is requested. QKM file is mandatory unless 500-m or 1-km output is requested. */ /* if ( (!MOD021KMfile) || (!MOD02HKMfile && !output1km) || (!MOD02QKMfile && !output500m && !output1km) ) { fputs("Invalid combination of input files.\n", stderr); exit(1); } commented that too Eric*/ /* count number of bands to process */ for (ib = nbands = 0; ib < Nbands; ib++) if (process[ib]) nbands++; if (nbands < 1) { process[BAND1] = process[BAND3] = process[BAND4] = TRUE; if (verbose) puts("No band(s) specified. Default is bands 1, 3, and 4."); } /* open input files */ if ( MOD02QKMfile && (!output500m) && !output1km && (MOD02QKMfile_id = SDstart(MOD02QKMfile, DFACC_READ)) == -1 ) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot open input file %s.\n", MOD02QKMfile); exit(1); } if ( MOD02HKMfile && (!output1km) && (MOD02HKMfile_id = SDstart(MOD02HKMfile, DFACC_READ)) == -1 ) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot open input file %s.\n", MOD02HKMfile); exit(1); } if ( MOD021KMfile && (MOD021KMfile_id = SDstart(MOD021KMfile, DFACC_READ)) == -1 ) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot open input file %s.\n", MOD021KMfile); exit(1); } if (!sealevel && !TOA) { dem.filename = dem_filename_buff; if ((ancpath = getenv("ANCPATH")) == NULL) sprintf(dem.filename, "%s/%s", ANCPATH, DEMFILENAME); else sprintf(dem.filename, "%s/%s", ancpath, DEMFILENAME); if ( (dem.file_id = SDstart(dem.filename, DFACC_READ)) == -1 ) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot open file %s.\n", dem.filename); exit(1); } } if ( (fp = fopen(filename, "r")) ) { (void) fclose(fp); outfile_exists = 1; } else outfile_exists = 0; if ((write_mode == DFACC_CREATE) && !overwrite && outfile_exists) { fprintf(stderr, "File \"%s\" already exits.\n", filename); exit(1); } if (output500m) { sds[BAND10].file_id =sds[BAND8].file_id = sds[BAND9].file_id = MOD02HKMfile_id; sds[BAND10].filename =sds[BAND8].filename = sds[BAND9].filename = MOD02HKMfile; } else { if (output1km) { sds[BAND1].file_id = sds[BAND2].file_id = MOD021KMfile_id; sds[BAND1].filename = sds[BAND2].filename = MOD021KMfile; } else { sds[BAND1].file_id = sds[BAND2].file_id = MOD02QKMfile_id; sds[BAND1].filename = sds[BAND2].filename = MOD02QKMfile; } } if (output1km) { sds[BAND3].file_id = sds[BAND4].file_id = sds[BAND5].file_id = sds[BAND6].file_id = sds[BAND7].file_id = MOD021KMfile_id; sds[BAND3].filename = sds[BAND4].filename = sds[BAND5].filename = sds[BAND6].filename = sds[BAND7].filename = MOD021KMfile; } else { sds[BAND3].file_id = sds[BAND4].file_id = sds[BAND5].file_id = sds[BAND6].file_id = sds[BAND7].file_id = MOD02HKMfile_id; sds[BAND3].filename = sds[BAND4].filename = sds[BAND5].filename = sds[BAND6].filename = sds[BAND7].filename = MOD02HKMfile; } sds[SOLZ].file_id = sds[SOLA].file_id = sds[SENZ].file_id = sds[SENA].file_id = sds[LON].file_id = sds[LAT].file_id = MOD021KMfile_id; sds[SOLZ].filename = sds[SOLA].filename = sds[SENZ].filename = sds[SENA].filename = sds[LON].filename = sds[LAT].filename = MOD021KMfile; sds[BAND11].file_id = sds[BAND12].file_id = sds[BAND13].file_id = sds[BAND14].file_id = sds[BAND15].file_id = sds[BAND16].file_id = MOD021KMfile_id; sds[BAND11].filename = sds[BAND12].filename = sds[BAND13].filename = sds[BAND14].filename = sds[BAND15].filename = sds[BAND16].filename = MOD021KMfile; for (ib=0; ib < Nitems; ib++) { /* initializing these fields will simplify releasing memory later */ sds[ib].data = sds[ib].fillvalue = (void *) NULL; if ( ib < Nbands && ! process[ib] ) { sds[ib].id = -1; continue; } if (output500m) sds[ib].name = SDSlocatorHKM[ib]; else if (output1km) sds[ib].name = SDSlocator1KM[ib]; else sds[ib].name = SDSlocatorQKM[ib]; if ( (sds[ib].index = SDnametoindex(sds[ib].file_id, sds[ib].name)) == -1 ) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot find SDS %s in file %s.\n", sds[ib].name, sds[ib].filename); continue; } if ( (sds[ib].id = SDselect(sds[ib].file_id, sds[ib].index)) == -1 ) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot select SDS no. %d\n", sds[ib].index); if (ib < Nbands) process[ib] = FALSE; continue; } /* Original code passed sds[ib].name as destination for SDS name in call to SDgetinfo(). This was causing a core dump, apparently because SDgetinfo() writes some additional characters beyond the terminating null at the end of the SDS name, so I replaced the argument with a dummy character array. */ if (SDgetinfo(sds[ib].id, dummy, &sds[ib].rank, sds[ib].dim_sizes, &sds[ib].num_type, &sds[ib].n_attr) == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't get info from SDS \"%s\" in file %s.\n", sds[ib].name, sds[ib].filename); SDendaccess(sds[ib].id); sds[ib].id = -1; if (ib < Nbands) process[ib] = FALSE; continue; } sds[ib].factor = 1; if (ib < 5 ) sds[ib].factor = 2.441742e-05; attr_name = "scale_factor"; printf("band %d \n",ib); if ( (attr_index = SDfindattr(sds[ib].id, attr_name)) != -1 && SDattrinfo(sds[ib].id, attr_index, dummy, &num_type, &count) != -1 && SDreadattr(sds[ib].id, attr_index, scale_factor) != -1 ) sds[ib].factor = ((float32 *)scale_factor)[indexlocator[ib]]; else { attr_name = "Scale"; if ((attr_index = SDfindattr(sds[ib].id, attr_name)) != -1 && SDattrinfo(sds[ib].id, attr_index, dummy, &num_type, &count) != -1 && SDreadattr(sds[ib].id, attr_index, scale_factor) != -1 ) sds[ib].factor = *scale_factor; } sds[ib].offset = 0; attr_name = "reflectance_offsets"; if ( (attr_index = SDfindattr(sds[ib].id, attr_name)) != -1 && SDattrinfo(sds[ib].id, attr_index, dummy, &num_type, &count) != -1 && SDreadattr(sds[ib].id, attr_index, add_offset) != -1 ) sds[ib].offset = ((float32 *)add_offset)[indexlocator[ib]]; else { attr_name = "add_offset"; if ( (attr_index = SDfindattr(sds[ib].id, attr_name)) != -1 && SDattrinfo(sds[ib].id, attr_index, dummy, &num_type, &count) != -1 && SDreadattr(sds[ib].id, attr_index, add_offset) != -1 ) sds[ib].offset = *add_offset; } sds[ib].fillvalue = (void *) malloc(1 * DFKNTsize(sds[ib].num_type)); if ( SDgetfillvalue(sds[ib].id, sds[ib].fillvalue) != 0 ) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot read fill value of SDS \"%s\".\n", sds[ib].name); /* exit(1); commmented that*/ } switch (sds[ib].rank) { case 2: sds[ib].Nl = sds[ib].dim_sizes[0]; sds[ib].Np = sds[ib].dim_sizes[1]; sds[ib].rowsperscan = (int)(NUM1KMROWPERSCAN * sds[ib].Np / (float)NUM1KMCOLPERSCAN + 0.5); sds[ib].start[1] = 0; sds[ib].edges[0] = sds[ib].rowsperscan; sds[ib].edges[1] = sds[ib].Np; break; case 3: sds[ib].Nl = sds[ib].dim_sizes[1]; sds[ib].Np = sds[ib].dim_sizes[2]; sds[ib].rowsperscan = (int)(NUM1KMROWPERSCAN * sds[ib].Np / (float)NUM1KMCOLPERSCAN + 0.5); sds[ib].start[0] = indexlocator[ib]; sds[ib].start[2] = 0; sds[ib].edges[0] = 1; sds[ib].edges[1] = sds[ib].rowsperscan; sds[ib].edges[2] = sds[ib].Np; break; default: fprintf(stderr, "SDS rank must be 2 or 3.\n"); continue; } if (verbose) printf("SDS \"%s\": %dx%d scale factor: %g offset: %g\n", sds[ib].name, sds[ib].Np, sds[ib].Nl, sds[ib].factor, sds[ib].offset); if (sds[ib].num_type != numtypelocator[ib]) { fprintf(stderr, "SDS \"%s\" has not the expected data type.\n", sds[ib].name); exit(-1); } sds[ib].data = malloc(sds[ib].Np * sds[ib].rowsperscan * DFKNTsize(sds[ib].num_type)); if (!sds[ib].data) { (void) fputs("Error allocating memory.\n", stderr); exit(1); } } if (sealevel || TOA) { dem.id = -1; dem.Nl = dem.Np = 0; } else { /* dem.name = strdup(DEMSDSNAME); */ dem.name = DEMSDSNAME; if ( (dem.index = SDnametoindex(dem.file_id, dem.name)) == -1 ) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot find SDS %s in file %s.\n", dem.name, dem.filename); exit(1); } if ( (dem.id = SDselect(dem.file_id, dem.index)) == -1 ) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot select SDS no. %d\n", dem.index); exit(1); } if (SDgetinfo(dem.id, dummy, &dem.rank, dem.dim_sizes, &dem.num_type, &dem.n_attr) == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't get info from SDS \"%s\" in file %s.\n", dem.name, dem.filename); SDendaccess(dem.id); exit(1); } dem.Nl = dem.dim_sizes[0]; dem.Np = dem.dim_sizes[1]; dem.rowsperscan = (int)(NUM1KMROWPERSCAN * dem.Np / (float)NUM1KMCOLPERSCAN + 0.5); } if ( sds[SOLZ].id == -1 || sds[SOLA].id == -1 || sds[SENZ].id == -1 || sds[SENA].id == -1 || sds[LON].id == -1 || sds[LAT].id == -1 || ((dem.id == -1) && !sealevel && !TOA) ) { fprintf(stderr, "Solar and Sensor angles and DEM are necessary to process granule.\n"); exit(1); } if ( sds[REFSDS].Np != sds[SOLZ].Np || sds[REFSDS].Np != sds[SOLA].Np || sds[REFSDS].Np != sds[SENZ].Np || sds[REFSDS].Np != sds[SENA].Np || sds[REFSDS].Np != sds[LON].Np || sds[REFSDS].Np != sds[LAT].Np ) { fprintf(stderr, "Solar and Sensor angles must have identical dimensions.\n"); exit(1); } ib = 0; while (sds[ib].id == -1) ib++; if (ib >= Nbands) { fprintf(stderr, "No L1B SDS can be read successfully.\n"); exit(1); } Nscans = sds[ib].Nl / sds[ib].rowsperscan; /* finally, open output file */ if ( (sd_id = SDstart(filename, write_mode)) == -1 ) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot open output file %s.\n", filename); exit(1); } if (!append) { if (write_global_attributes(sd_id, MOD021KMfile, MOD02HKMfile, MOD02QKMfile, maxsolz, sealevel, TOA, nearest)) { fputs("Error writing global attributes.\n", stderr); exit(1); } } /* create output SDSs and set SDS-specific attributes and dimension names */ if (init_output_sds(sd_id, process, outsds, sds, gzip, verbose)) exit(1); mus = (float *) malloc(sds[REFSDS].rowsperscan * sds[REFSDS].Np * sizeof(float)); height.data = (int16 *) malloc(sds[REFSDS].rowsperscan * sds[REFSDS].Np * sizeof(int16)); if (!mus || !height.data) { (void) fputs("Error allocating memory.\n", stderr); exit(1); } if (sealevel || TOA) dem.data = (void *) NULL; else { dem.data = (int16 *) malloc(dem.Nl * dem.Np * sizeof(int16)); if (!dem.data) { (void) fputs("Error allocating memory.\n", stderr); exit(1); } } if (!TOA) { nbytes = Nbands * sds[REFSDS].rowsperscan * sds[REFSDS].Np * sizeof(float); rhoray = (float *) malloc(nbytes); sphalb = (float *) malloc(nbytes); TtotraytH2O = (float *) malloc(nbytes); tOG = (float *) malloc(nbytes); if (!rhoray || !sphalb || !TtotraytH2O || !tOG) { (void) fputs("Error allocating memory.\n", stderr); exit(1); } } solz = sds[SOLZ].data; sola = sds[SOLA].data; senz = sds[SENZ].data; sena = sds[SENA].data; solzfill = sds[SOLZ].fillvalue; lon = sds[LON].data; lat = sds[LAT].data; lonfill = sds[LON].fillvalue; latfill = sds[LAT].fillvalue; for (ib = 0; ib < Nbands; ib++) l1bdata[ib] = sds[ib].data; /* don't need DEM if --sealevel or --toa specified */ if (!sealevel && !TOA) { dem.start[0] = 0; dem.start[1] = 0; dem.edges[0] = dem.Nl; dem.edges[1] = dem.Np; if (SDreaddata(dem.id, dem.start, NULL, dem.edges, dem.data) == -1) { fprintf(stderr, " Can't read DEM SDS \"%s\"\n", dem.name); exit(-1); } (void) SDendaccess(dem.id); (void) SDend(dem.file_id); } /* loop over each MODIS scan */ for (iscan = 0; iscan < Nscans; iscan++) { if ((iscan % NUM1KMROWPERSCAN == 0) && verbose) printf("Processing scan %d...\n", iscan); /* Fill scan buffer for each band to be processed. Exit scan loop if error occurred while reading. */ if (read_scan(iscan, sds)) break; for (idx = 0; idx < sds[REFSDS].rowsperscan*sds[REFSDS].Np; idx++) { if (solz[idx] * sds[SOLZ].factor >= maxsolz) solz[idx] = *solzfill; if (!sealevel && (lon[idx] == *lonfill || lat[idx] == *latfill)) solz[idx] = *solzfill; if (solz[idx] != *solzfill) { mus[idx] = cos(solz[idx] * sds[SOLZ].factor * DEG2RAD); if (sealevel || TOA) ((int16 *)height.data)[idx] = 0; else ((int16 *)height.data)[idx] = (int16) interp_dem(lat[idx], lon[idx], &dem); } } if (!TOA) { for (irow=0; irow<sds[REFSDS].rowsperscan; irow++) { for (jcol=0; jcol<sds[REFSDS].Np; jcol++) { idx = irow * sds[REFSDS].Np + jcol; if (solz[idx] == *solzfill) continue; phi = sola[idx] * sds[SOLA].factor - sena[idx] * sds[SENA].factor; muv = cos(senz[idx] * sds[SENZ].factor * DEG2RAD); if ( getatmvariables(mus[idx], muv, phi, ((int16 *)height.data)[idx], process, &sphalb[idx * Nbands], &rhoray[idx * Nbands], &TtotraytH2O[idx * Nbands], &tOG[idx * Nbands]) == -1 ) solz[idx] = *solzfill; /* printf(" some data %f %f %f %f %f \n",senz[idx],phi,mus[idx],rhoray[idx * Nbands],tOG[idx * Nbands]);*/ } } } for (ib=0; ib<Nbands; ib++) { if (! process[ib]) continue; aggfactor = outsds[ib].rowsperscan / sds[REFSDS].rowsperscan; for (irow=0; irow<outsds[ib].rowsperscan; irow++) { if (!nearest) { fractrow = (float)irow / aggfactor - 0.5; /* We want fractrow integer on coarse pixel center */ crsrow1 = floor(fractrow); crsrow2 = crsrow1 + 1; if (crsrow1 < 0) crsrow1 = crsrow2 + 1; if (crsrow2 > sds[REFSDS].rowsperscan - 1) crsrow2 = crsrow1 - 1; t = (fractrow - crsrow1) / (crsrow2 - crsrow1); } for (jcol=0; jcol<outsds[ib].Np; jcol++) { idx = irow * outsds[ib].Np + jcol; crsidx = (int)(irow / aggfactor) * sds[REFSDS].Np + (int)(jcol / aggfactor); if ( solz[crsidx] == *solzfill || /* Bad geolocation or night pixel */ l1bdata[ib][idx] >= 65528 ) { /* VIIRS SDR is read as uint16, fills start at 65528 */ if (l1bdata[ib][idx] == (65536 + MISSING)) ((int16 *)outsds[ib].data)[idx] = 32768 + MISSING; else ((int16 *)outsds[ib].data)[idx] = *(int16 *)outsds[ib].fillvalue; continue; } if (nearest) { mus0 = mus[crsidx]; if (! TOA) { rhoray0 = rhoray[crsidx * Nbands + ib]; sphalb0 = sphalb[crsidx * Nbands + ib]; if ( sphalb0 <= 0.0F ) { /* Atm variables not computed successfully in this band */ ((int16 *)outsds[ib].data)[idx] = *(int16 *)outsds[ib].fillvalue; continue; } } } else { fractcol = ((float) jcol) / aggfactor - 0.5F; /* We want fractcol integer on coarse pixel center */ crscol1 = (int) floor(fractcol); crscol2 = crscol1 + 1; if (crscol1 < 0) crscol1 = crscol2 + 1; if (crscol2 > sds[REFSDS].Np - 1) crscol2 = crscol1 - 1; u = (fractcol - crscol1) / (crscol2 - crscol1); /* We want u=0 on coarse pixel center */ crsidx11 = crsrow1 * sds[REFSDS].Np + crscol1; crsidx12 = crsrow1 * sds[REFSDS].Np + crscol2; crsidx21 = crsrow2 * sds[REFSDS].Np + crscol1; crsidx22 = crsrow2 * sds[REFSDS].Np + crscol2; /* mus0 = t * u * mus[crsidx22] + (1.0F - t) * u * mus[crsidx12] + t * (1.0F - u) * mus[crsidx21] + (1.0F - t) * (1.0F - u) * mus[crsidx11]; bad = (solz[crsidx11] == *solzfill) || (solz[crsidx12] == *solzfill) || (solz[crsidx21] == *solzfill) || (solz[crsidx22] == *solzfill); commented by eric to handle the viirs fill value hardcoding */ bad = (solz[crsidx11] <-900.) || (solz[crsidx12] <-900.) || (solz[crsidx21] <-900.) || (solz[crsidx22] <-900.); if (bad) { ((int16 *)outsds[ib].data)[idx] = *(int16 *)outsds[ib].fillvalue; continue; } if (! TOA) { rhoray11 = rhoray[crsidx11 * Nbands + ib]; rhoray12 = rhoray[crsidx12 * Nbands + ib]; rhoray21 = rhoray[crsidx21 * Nbands + ib]; rhoray22 = rhoray[crsidx22 * Nbands + ib]; rhoray0 = t * u * rhoray22 + (1.0F - t) * u * rhoray12 + t * (1.0F - u) * rhoray21 + (1.0F - t) * (1.0F - u) * rhoray11; sphalb11 = sphalb[crsidx11 * Nbands + ib]; sphalb12 = sphalb[crsidx12 * Nbands + ib]; sphalb21 = sphalb[crsidx21 * Nbands + ib]; sphalb22 = sphalb[crsidx22 * Nbands + ib]; bad = (sphalb11 <= 0.0F) || (sphalb12 <= 0.0F) || (sphalb21 <= 0.0F) || (sphalb22 <= 0.0F); if (bad) { ((int16 *)outsds[ib].data)[idx] = *(int16 *)outsds[ib].fillvalue; continue; } sphalb0 = t * u * sphalb22 + (1.0F - t) * u * sphalb12 + t * (1.0F - u) * sphalb21 + (1.0F - t) * (1.0F - u) * sphalb11; } } /* TOA reflectance */ /*printf(" mus0 is %f\n",mus0);*/ refl = (l1bdata[ib][idx] - sds[ib].offset) * sds[ib].factor /*/ mus0 commented by Eric who suspected something*/; /* corrected reflectance */ if (!TOA) refl = correctedrefl(refl, TtotraytH2O[crsidx * Nbands + ib], tOG[crsidx * Nbands + ib], rhoray0, sphalb0); /* reflectance bounds checking */ if (refl > reflmax) refl = reflmax; if (refl < reflmin) refl = reflmin; ((int16 *)outsds[ib].data)[idx] = (int16) (refl / outsds[ib].factor + 0.5); } } } /* write current scan line for all processed bands */ if (write_scan(iscan, process, outsds)) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot write scan %d of SDS %s\n", iscan, outsds[ib].name); exit(1); } } /* end of scan loop */ for (ib = 0; ib < Nitems; ib++) if (sds[ib].id != -1) SDendaccess(sds[ib].id); for (ib = 0; ib < Nbands; ib++) if (process[ib]) SDendaccess(outsds[ib].id); SDend(MOD02QKMfile_id); SDend(MOD02HKMfile_id); SDend(MOD021KMfile_id); SDend(sd_id); /* ----- free memory ----- */ for (ib = 0; ib < Nitems; ib++) { if (sds[ib].fillvalue) free(sds[ib].fillvalue); if (sds[ib].data) free(sds[ib].data); } free(height.data); free(mus); if (!TOA) { free(tOG); free(TtotraytH2O); free(sphalb); free(rhoray); } /* not allocated if --sealevel specified */ if (dem.data) free(dem.data); return 0; }