void initatmosphere() { // Fill the LUT interval(0, 1, new atmEntry(0, 1.225, 11.42)); interval(1, 2, new atmEntry(1, 1.122, 9.25)); interval(2, 3, new atmEntry(2, 1.007, 9.77)); interval(3, 4, new atmEntry(3, 0.909, 9.6)); interval(4, 5, new atmEntry(4, 0.819, 14.15)); interval(5, 6, new atmEntry(5, 0.763, 6.9)); interval(6, 8, new atmEntry(6, 0.660, 8.82)); interval(8, 10, new atmEntry(8, 0.526, 8.36)); interval(10, 15, new atmEntry(10, 0.414, 6.65)); interval(15, 20, new atmEntry(15, 0.195, 6.37)); interval(20, 30, new atmEntry(20, 0.0889, 6.36)); interval(30, 40, new atmEntry(30, 0.0184, 7.15)); interval(40, 50, new atmEntry(40, 0.0040, 6.99)); interval(50, 60, new atmEntry(50, 0.00103, 7.06)); interval(60, 80, new atmEntry(60, 3.10E-4, 7.24)); interval(80, 100, new atmEntry(80, 1.85E-5, 7.20)); interval(100, 150, new atmEntry(100, 5.60E-7, 6.85)); interval(150, 200, new atmEntry(150, 2.08E-9, 7.43)); interval(200, 300, new atmEntry(200, 2.54E-10, 8.97)); interval(300, 301, new atmEntry(300, 1.92E-11, 12.06)); }
inline bool within_interval(float t) const { return !(t < interval()[0] || t > interval()[1]); }
/// Launch the realm server extern int main(int argc, char **argv) { sLog->SetLogDB(false); ///- Command line parsing to get the configuration file name char const* cfg_file = _TRINITY_REALM_CONFIG; int c = 1; while(c < argc) { if (strcmp(argv[c], "-c") == 0) { if (++c >= argc) { sLog->outError("Runtime-Error: -c option requires an input argument"); usage(argv[0]); return 1; } else cfg_file = argv[c]; } #ifdef _WIN32 //////////// //Services// //////////// if (strcmp(argv[c], "-s") == 0) { if (++c >= argc) { sLog->outError("Runtime-Error: -s option requires an input argument"); usage(argv[0]); return 1; } if (strcmp(argv[c], "install") == 0) { if (WinServiceInstall()) sLog->outString("Installing service"); return 1; } else if (strcmp(argv[c], "uninstall") == 0) { if (WinServiceUninstall()) sLog->outString("Uninstalling service"); return 1; } else { sLog->outError("Runtime-Error: unsupported option %s", argv[c]); usage(argv[0]); return 1; } } if (strcmp(argv[c], "--service") == 0) WinServiceRun(); #endif ++c; } if (!sConfig->SetSource(cfg_file)) { sLog->outError("Invalid or missing configuration file : %s", cfg_file); sLog->outError("Verify that the file exists and has \'[authserver]\' written in the top of the file!"); return 1; } sLog->Initialize(); sLog->outString("%s (realm-daemon)", _FULLVERSION); sLog->outString(" ______ __ __ __ __ ______ __ ______ ______ "); sLog->outString(" /\\ ___\\/\\ \\/ / /\\ \\_\\ \\/\\ ___/\\ \\/\\ == \\/\\ ___\\ "); sLog->outString(" \\ \\___ \\ \\ _'-\\ \\____ \\ \\ __\\ \\ \\ \\ __<\\ \\ __\\ "); sLog->outString(" \\/\\_____\\ \\_\\ \\_\\/\\_____\\ \\_\\ \\ \\_\\ \\_\\ \\_\\ \\_____\\ "); sLog->outString(" \\/_____/\\/_/\\/_/\\/_____/\\/_/ \\/_/\\/_/ /_/\\/_____/ "); sLog->outString(" Project SkyFireEmu 2011(c) Open-sourced Game Emulation "); sLog->outString(" <http://www.projectskyfire.org/> "); sLog->outString("<Ctrl-C> to stop.\n"); sLog->outDetail("%s (Library: %s)", OPENSSL_VERSION_TEXT, SSLeay_version(SSLEAY_VERSION)); #if defined (ACE_HAS_EVENT_POLL) || defined (ACE_HAS_DEV_POLL) ACE_Reactor::instance(new ACE_Reactor(new ACE_Dev_Poll_Reactor(ACE::max_handles(), 1), 1), true); #else ACE_Reactor::instance(new ACE_Reactor(new ACE_TP_Reactor(), true), true); #endif sLog->outBasic("Max allowed open files is %d", ACE::max_handles()); /// realmd PID file creation std::string pidfile = sConfig->GetStringDefault("PidFile", ""); if (!pidfile.empty()) { uint32 pid = CreatePIDFile(pidfile); if (!pid) { sLog->outError("Cannot create PID file %s.\n", pidfile.c_str()); return 1; } sLog->outString("Daemon PID: %u\n", pid); } ///- Initialize the database connection if (!StartDB()) return 1; ///- Initialize the log database sLog->SetLogDBLater(sConfig->GetBoolDefault("EnableLogDB", false)); // set var to enable DB logging once startup finished. sLog->SetLogDB(false); sLog->SetRealmID(0); // ensure we've set realm to 0 (realmd realmid) ///- Get the list of realms for the server sRealmList->Initialize(sConfig->GetIntDefault("RealmsStateUpdateDelay", 20)); if (sRealmList->size() == 0) { sLog->outError("No valid realms specified."); return 1; } ///- Launch the listening network socket RealmAcceptor acceptor; uint16 rmport = sConfig->GetIntDefault("RealmServerPort", 3724); std::string bind_ip = sConfig->GetStringDefault("BindIP", ""); ACE_INET_Addr bind_addr(rmport, bind_ip.c_str()); if (acceptor.open(bind_addr, ACE_Reactor::instance(), ACE_NONBLOCK) == -1) { sLog->outError("SkyFireAuth can not bind to %s:%d", bind_ip.c_str(), rmport); return 1; } // Initialise the signal handlers RealmdSignalHandler SignalINT, SignalTERM; #ifdef _WIN32 RealmdSignalHandler SignalBREAK; #endif /* _WIN32 */ // Register realmd's signal handlers ACE_Sig_Handler Handler; Handler.register_handler(SIGINT, &SignalINT); Handler.register_handler(SIGTERM, &SignalTERM); #ifdef _WIN32 Handler.register_handler(SIGBREAK, &SignalBREAK); #endif /* _WIN32 */ ///- Handle affinity for multiple processors and process priority on Windows #ifdef _WIN32 { HANDLE hProcess = GetCurrentProcess(); uint32 Aff = sConfig->GetIntDefault("UseProcessors", 0); if (Aff > 0) { ULONG_PTR appAff; ULONG_PTR sysAff; if (GetProcessAffinityMask(hProcess, &appAff, &sysAff)) { ULONG_PTR curAff = Aff & appAff; // remove non accessible processors if (!curAff) sLog->outError("Processors marked in UseProcessors bitmask (hex) %x not accessible for realmd. Accessible processors bitmask (hex): %x", Aff, appAff); else if (SetProcessAffinityMask(hProcess, curAff)) sLog->outString("Using processors (bitmask, hex): %x", curAff); else sLog->outError("Can't set used processors (hex): %x", curAff); } sLog->outString(); } bool Prio = sConfig->GetBoolDefault("ProcessPriority", false); if (Prio) { if (SetPriorityClass(hProcess, HIGH_PRIORITY_CLASS)) sLog->outString("SkyFireAuth process priority class set to HIGH"); else sLog->outError("Can't set realmd process priority class."); sLog->outString(); } } #endif // maximum counter for next ping uint32 numLoops = (sConfig->GetIntDefault("MaxPingTime", 30) * (MINUTE * 1000000 / 100000)); uint32 loopCounter = 0; // possibly enable db logging; avoid massive startup spam by doing it here. if (sLog->GetLogDBLater()) { sLog->outString("Enabling database logging..."); sLog->SetLogDBLater(false); // login db needs thread for logging sLog->SetLogDB(true); } else sLog->SetLogDB(false); ///- Wait for termination signal while (!stopEvent) { // dont move this outside the loop, the reactor will modify it ACE_Time_Value interval(0, 100000); if (ACE_Reactor::instance()->run_reactor_event_loop(interval) == -1) break; if ((++loopCounter) == numLoops) { loopCounter = 0; sLog->outDetail("Ping MySQL to keep connection alive"); LoginDatabase.KeepAlive(); } #ifdef _WIN32 if (m_ServiceStatus == 0) stopEvent = true; else { while (m_ServiceStatus == 2) Sleep(1000); } #endif } ///- Close the Database Pool LoginDatabase.Close(); sLog->outString("Halting process..."); return 0; }
/// Launch the auth server extern int main(int argc, char** argv) { // Command line parsing to get the configuration file name char const* configFile = _TRINITY_REALM_CONFIG; int count = 1; while (count < argc) { if (strcmp(argv[count], "-c") == 0) { if (++count >= argc) { printf("Runtime-Error: -c option requires an input argument\n"); usage(argv[0]); return 1; } else configFile = argv[count]; } ++count; } if (!sConfigMgr->LoadInitial(configFile)) { printf("Invalid or missing configuration file : %s\n", configFile); printf("Verify that the file exists and has \'[authserver]\' written in the top of the file!\n"); return 1; } TC_LOG_INFO("server.authserver", "RageFire (authserver)", _FULLVERSION); TC_LOG_INFO("server.authserver", "RageFire 3.3.5a Emulator Authserver"); TC_LOG_INFO("server.authserver", "Using configuration file %s.", configFile); TC_LOG_WARN("server.authserver", "%s (Library: %s)", OPENSSL_VERSION_TEXT, SSLeay_version(SSLEAY_VERSION)); #if defined (ACE_HAS_EVENT_POLL) || defined (ACE_HAS_DEV_POLL) ACE_Reactor::instance(new ACE_Reactor(new ACE_Dev_Poll_Reactor(ACE::max_handles(), 1), 1), true); #else ACE_Reactor::instance(new ACE_Reactor(new ACE_TP_Reactor(), true), true); #endif TC_LOG_DEBUG("server.authserver", "RageFire: Max allowed open files is %d", ACE::max_handles()); // authserver PID file creation std::string pidFile = sConfigMgr->GetStringDefault("PidFile", ""); if (!pidFile.empty()) { if (uint32 pid = CreatePIDFile(pidFile)) TC_LOG_INFO("server.authserver", "RageFire: Daemon PID: %u\n", pid); else { TC_LOG_ERROR("server.authserver", "RageFire: Cannot create PID file %s.\n", pidFile.c_str()); return 1; } } // Initialize the database connection if (!StartDB()) return 1; // Get the list of realms for the server sRealmList->Initialize(sConfigMgr->GetIntDefault("RealmsStateUpdateDelay", 20)); if (sRealmList->size() == 0) { TC_LOG_ERROR("server.authserver", "RageFire: No valid realms specified."); return 1; } // Launch the listening network socket RealmAcceptor acceptor; int32 rmport = sConfigMgr->GetIntDefault("RealmServerPort", 3724); if (rmport < 0 || rmport > 0xFFFF) { TC_LOG_ERROR("server.authserver", "RageFire: Specified port out of allowed range (1-65535)"); return 1; } std::string bind_ip = sConfigMgr->GetStringDefault("BindIP", ""); ACE_INET_Addr bind_addr(uint16(rmport), bind_ip.c_str()); if (acceptor.open(bind_addr, ACE_Reactor::instance(), ACE_NONBLOCK) == -1) { TC_LOG_ERROR("server.authserver", "RageFire: Auth server can not bind to %s:%d", bind_ip.c_str(), rmport); return 1; } // Initialize the signal handlers AuthServerSignalHandler SignalINT, SignalTERM; // Register authservers's signal handlers ACE_Sig_Handler Handler; Handler.register_handler(SIGINT, &SignalINT); Handler.register_handler(SIGTERM, &SignalTERM); ///- Handle affinity for multiple processors and process priority uint32 affinity = sConfigMgr->GetIntDefault("UseProcessors", 0); bool highPriority = sConfigMgr->GetBoolDefault("ProcessPriority", false); #ifdef _WIN32 // Windows { HANDLE hProcess = GetCurrentProcess(); if (affinity > 0) { ULONG_PTR appAff; ULONG_PTR sysAff; if (GetProcessAffinityMask(hProcess, &appAff, &sysAff)) { ULONG_PTR currentAffinity = affinity & appAff; // remove non accessible processors if (!currentAffinity) TC_LOG_ERROR("server.authserver", "RageFire: Processors marked in UseProcessors bitmask (hex) %x are not accessible for the authserver. Accessible processors bitmask (hex): %x", affinity, appAff); else if (SetProcessAffinityMask(hProcess, currentAffinity)) TC_LOG_INFO("server.authserver", "RageFire: Using processors (bitmask, hex): %x", currentAffinity); else TC_LOG_ERROR("server.authserver", "RageFire: Can't set used processors (hex): %x", currentAffinity); } } if (highPriority) { if (SetPriorityClass(hProcess, HIGH_PRIORITY_CLASS)) TC_LOG_INFO("server.authserver", "RageFire: authserver process priority class set to HIGH"); else TC_LOG_ERROR("server.authserver", "RageFire: Can't set authserver process priority class."); } } #elif __linux__ // Linux if (affinity > 0) { cpu_set_t mask; CPU_ZERO(&mask); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sizeof(affinity) * 8; ++i) if (affinity & (1 << i)) CPU_SET(i, &mask); if (sched_setaffinity(0, sizeof(mask), &mask)) TC_LOG_ERROR("server.authserver", "RageFire: Can't set used processors (hex): %x, error: %s", affinity, strerror(errno)); else { CPU_ZERO(&mask); sched_getaffinity(0, sizeof(mask), &mask); TC_LOG_INFO("server.authserver", "RageFire: Using processors (bitmask, hex): %lx", *(__cpu_mask*)(&mask)); } } if (highPriority) { if (setpriority(PRIO_PROCESS, 0, PROCESS_HIGH_PRIORITY)) TC_LOG_ERROR("server.authserver", "RageFire: Can't set authserver process priority class, error: %s", strerror(errno)); else TC_LOG_INFO("server.authserver", "RageFire: authserver process priority class set to %i", getpriority(PRIO_PROCESS, 0)); } #endif // maximum counter for next ping uint32 numLoops = (sConfigMgr->GetIntDefault("MaxPingTime", 30) * (MINUTE * 1000000 / 100000)); uint32 loopCounter = 0; // Wait for termination signal while (!stopEvent) { // dont move this outside the loop, the reactor will modify it ACE_Time_Value interval(0, 100000); if (ACE_Reactor::instance()->run_reactor_event_loop(interval) == -1) break; if ((++loopCounter) == numLoops) { loopCounter = 0; TC_LOG_INFO("server.authserver", "RageFire: Ping MySQL to keep connection alive"); LoginDatabase.KeepAlive(); } } // Close the Database Pool and library StopDB(); TC_LOG_INFO("server.authserver", "RageFire: Halting process..."); return 0; }
void DBVH::TraversePrimary0(Context<sharedOrigin, hasMask> &c, int firstNode) const { const int size = c.Size(); StackElem stack[maxDepth + 2]; int stackPos = 0; stack[stackPos++] = StackElem(firstNode, 0, size - 1); TreeStats stats; int sign[3] = { c.Dir(0).x[0] < 0.0f, c.Dir(0).y[0] < 0.0f, c.Dir(0).z[0] < 0.0f }; CornerRays crays(c.rays); RayInterval interval(c.rays); while(stackPos) { int nNode = stack[--stackPos].node; int firstActive = stack[stackPos].firstActive; int lastActive = stack[stackPos].lastActive; CONTINUE: stats.LoopIteration(); if(nodes[nNode].IsLeaf()) { int count = nodes[nNode].count, first = nodes[nNode].first & 0x7fffffff; const BBox &box = nodes[nNode].bbox; if(!box.TestInterval(interval)) continue; if(box.Test(c, firstActive, lastActive)) for(int n = 0; n < count; n++) { const ObjectInstance &obj = elements[first + n]; obj.CollidePrimary(c, first + n, firstActive, lastActive); stats.Intersection(lastActive - firstActive + 1); } continue; } int child = nodes[nNode].subNode; #ifdef VECLIB_SSE_VER _mm_prefetch(&nodes[child + 0], _MM_HINT_T0); _mm_prefetch(&nodes[child + 1], _MM_HINT_T0); #endif bool test = 1; { const BBox &box = nodes[nNode].bbox; if(!box.TestInterval(interval)) continue; test = box.Test(c, firstActive, lastActive); } if(test) { int firstNode = nodes[nNode].firstNode ^ sign[nodes[nNode].axis]; stack[stackPos++] = StackElem(child + (firstNode ^ 1), firstActive, lastActive); nNode = child + firstNode; goto CONTINUE; } } if(c.stats) (*c.stats) += stats; }
/* optimize the path p, replacing sequences of Bezier segments by a single segment when possible. Return 0 on success, 1 with errno set on failure. */ static int opticurve(privpath_t *pp, double opttolerance) { int m = pp->curve.n; int *pt = NULL; /* pt[m+1] */ double *pen = NULL; /* pen[m+1] */ int *len = NULL; /* len[m+1] */ opti_t *opt = NULL; /* opt[m+1] */ int om; int i,j,r; opti_t o; dpoint_t p0; int i1; double area; double alpha; double *s = NULL; double *t = NULL; int *convc = NULL; /* conv[m]: pre-computed convexities */ double *areac = NULL; /* cumarea[m+1]: cache for fast area computation */ SAFE_CALLOC(pt, m+1, int); SAFE_CALLOC(pen, m+1, double); SAFE_CALLOC(len, m+1, int); SAFE_CALLOC(opt, m+1, opti_t); SAFE_CALLOC(convc, m, int); SAFE_CALLOC(areac, m+1, double); /* pre-calculate convexity: +1 = right turn, -1 = left turn, 0 = corner */ for (i=0; i<m; i++) { if (pp->curve.tag[i] == POTRACE_CURVETO) { convc[i] = sign(dpara(pp->curve.vertex[mod(i-1,m)], pp->curve.vertex[i], pp->curve.vertex[mod(i+1,m)])); } else { convc[i] = 0; } } /* pre-calculate areas */ area = 0.0; areac[0] = 0.0; p0 = pp->curve.vertex[0]; for (i=0; i<m; i++) { i1 = mod(i+1, m); if (pp->curve.tag[i1] == POTRACE_CURVETO) { alpha = pp->curve.alpha[i1]; area += 0.3*alpha*(4-alpha)*dpara(pp->curve.c[i][2], pp->curve.vertex[i1], pp->curve.c[i1][2])/2; area += dpara(p0, pp->curve.c[i][2], pp->curve.c[i1][2])/2; } areac[i+1] = area; } pt[0] = -1; pen[0] = 0; len[0] = 0; /* Fixme: we always start from a fixed point -- should find the best curve cyclically */ for (j=1; j<=m; j++) { /* calculate best path from 0 to j */ pt[j] = j-1; pen[j] = pen[j-1]; len[j] = len[j-1]+1; for (i=j-2; i>=0; i--) { r = opti_penalty(pp, i, mod(j,m), &o, opttolerance, convc, areac); if (r) { break; } if (len[j] > len[i]+1 || (len[j] == len[i]+1 && pen[j] > pen[i] + o.pen)) { pt[j] = i; pen[j] = pen[i] + o.pen; len[j] = len[i] + 1; opt[j] = o; } } } om = len[m]; r = privcurve_init(&pp->ocurve, om); if (r) { goto calloc_error; } SAFE_CALLOC(s, om, double); SAFE_CALLOC(t, om, double); j = m; for (i=om-1; i>=0; i--) { if (pt[j]==j-1) { pp->ocurve.tag[i] = pp->curve.tag[mod(j,m)]; pp->ocurve.c[i][0] = pp->curve.c[mod(j,m)][0]; pp->ocurve.c[i][1] = pp->curve.c[mod(j,m)][1]; pp->ocurve.c[i][2] = pp->curve.c[mod(j,m)][2]; pp->ocurve.vertex[i] = pp->curve.vertex[mod(j,m)]; pp->ocurve.alpha[i] = pp->curve.alpha[mod(j,m)]; pp->ocurve.alpha0[i] = pp->curve.alpha0[mod(j,m)]; pp->ocurve.beta[i] = pp->curve.beta[mod(j,m)]; s[i] = t[i] = 1.0; } else { pp->ocurve.tag[i] = POTRACE_CURVETO; pp->ocurve.c[i][0] = opt[j].c[0]; pp->ocurve.c[i][1] = opt[j].c[1]; pp->ocurve.c[i][2] = pp->curve.c[mod(j,m)][2]; pp->ocurve.vertex[i] = interval(opt[j].s, pp->curve.c[mod(j,m)][2], pp->curve.vertex[mod(j,m)]); pp->ocurve.alpha[i] = opt[j].alpha; pp->ocurve.alpha0[i] = opt[j].alpha; s[i] = opt[j].s; t[i] = opt[j].t; } j = pt[j]; } /* calculate beta parameters */ for (i=0; i<om; i++) { i1 = mod(i+1,om); pp->ocurve.beta[i] = s[i] / (s[i] + t[i1]); } pp->ocurve.alphacurve = 1; free(pt); free(pen); free(len); free(opt); free(s); free(t); free(convc); free(areac); return 0; calloc_error: free(pt); free(pen); free(len); free(opt); free(s); free(t); free(convc); free(areac); return 1; }
template <typename PointT> void pcl16::approximatePolygon2D (const typename pcl16::PointCloud<PointT>::VectorType &polygon, typename pcl16::PointCloud<PointT>::VectorType &approx_polygon, float threshold, bool refine, bool closed) { approx_polygon.clear (); if (polygon.size () < 3) return; std::vector<std::pair<unsigned, unsigned> > intervals; std::pair<unsigned,unsigned> interval (0, 0); if (closed) { float max_distance = .0f; for (unsigned idx = 1; idx < polygon.size (); ++idx) { float distance = (polygon [0].x - polygon [idx].x) * (polygon [0].x - polygon [idx].x) + (polygon [0].y - polygon [idx].y) * (polygon [0].y - polygon [idx].y); if (distance > max_distance) { max_distance = distance; interval.second = idx; } } for (unsigned idx = 1; idx < polygon.size (); ++idx) { float distance = (polygon [interval.second].x - polygon [idx].x) * (polygon [interval.second].x - polygon [idx].x) + (polygon [interval.second].y - polygon [idx].y) * (polygon [interval.second].y - polygon [idx].y); if (distance > max_distance) { max_distance = distance; interval.first = idx; } } if (max_distance < threshold * threshold) return; intervals.push_back (interval); std::swap (interval.first, interval.second); intervals.push_back (interval); } else { interval.first = 0; interval.second = static_cast<unsigned int> (polygon.size ()) - 1; intervals.push_back (interval); } std::vector<unsigned> result; // recursively refine while (!intervals.empty ()) { std::pair<unsigned, unsigned>& currentInterval = intervals.back (); float line_x = polygon [currentInterval.first].y - polygon [currentInterval.second].y; float line_y = polygon [currentInterval.second].x - polygon [currentInterval.first].x; float line_d = polygon [currentInterval.first].x * polygon [currentInterval.second].y - polygon [currentInterval.first].y * polygon [currentInterval.second].x; float linelen = 1.0f / sqrt (line_x * line_x + line_y * line_y); line_x *= linelen; line_y *= linelen; line_d *= linelen; float max_distance = 0.0; unsigned first_index = currentInterval.first + 1; unsigned max_index = 0; // => 0-crossing if (currentInterval.first > currentInterval.second) { for (unsigned idx = first_index; idx < polygon.size(); idx++) { float distance = fabsf (line_x * polygon[idx].x + line_y * polygon[idx].y + line_d); if (distance > max_distance) { max_distance = distance; max_index = idx; } } first_index = 0; } for (unsigned int idx = first_index; idx < currentInterval.second; idx++) { float distance = fabsf (line_x * polygon[idx].x + line_y * polygon[idx].y + line_d); if (distance > max_distance) { max_distance = distance; max_index = idx; } } if (max_distance > threshold) { std::pair<unsigned, unsigned> interval (max_index, currentInterval.second); currentInterval.second = max_index; intervals.push_back (interval); } else { result.push_back (currentInterval.second); intervals.pop_back (); } } approx_polygon.reserve (result.size ()); if (refine) { std::vector<Eigen::Vector3f> lines (result.size ()); std::reverse (result.begin (), result.end ()); for (unsigned rIdx = 0; rIdx < result.size (); ++rIdx) { unsigned nIdx = rIdx + 1; if (nIdx == result.size ()) nIdx = 0; Eigen::Vector2f centroid = Eigen::Vector2f::Zero (); Eigen::Matrix2f covariance = Eigen::Matrix2f::Zero (); unsigned pIdx = result[rIdx]; unsigned num_points = 0; if (pIdx > result[nIdx]) { num_points = static_cast<unsigned> (polygon.size ()) - pIdx; for (; pIdx < polygon.size (); ++pIdx) { covariance.coeffRef (0) += polygon [pIdx].x * polygon [pIdx].x; covariance.coeffRef (1) += polygon [pIdx].x * polygon [pIdx].y; covariance.coeffRef (3) += polygon [pIdx].y * polygon [pIdx].y; centroid [0] += polygon [pIdx].x; centroid [1] += polygon [pIdx].y; } pIdx = 0; } num_points += result[nIdx] - pIdx; for (; pIdx < result[nIdx]; ++pIdx) { covariance.coeffRef (0) += polygon [pIdx].x * polygon [pIdx].x; covariance.coeffRef (1) += polygon [pIdx].x * polygon [pIdx].y; covariance.coeffRef (3) += polygon [pIdx].y * polygon [pIdx].y; centroid [0] += polygon [pIdx].x; centroid [1] += polygon [pIdx].y; } covariance.coeffRef (2) = covariance.coeff (1); float norm = 1.0f / float (num_points); centroid *= norm; covariance *= norm; covariance.coeffRef (0) -= centroid [0] * centroid [0]; covariance.coeffRef (1) -= centroid [0] * centroid [1]; covariance.coeffRef (3) -= centroid [1] * centroid [1]; float eval; Eigen::Vector2f normal; eigen22 (covariance, eval, normal); // select the one which is more "parallel" to the original line Eigen::Vector2f direction; direction [0] = polygon[result[nIdx]].x - polygon[result[rIdx]].x; direction [1] = polygon[result[nIdx]].y - polygon[result[rIdx]].y; direction.normalize (); if (fabs (direction.dot (normal)) > float(M_SQRT1_2)) { std::swap (normal [0], normal [1]); normal [0] = -normal [0]; } // needs to be on the left side of the edge if (direction [0] * normal [1] < direction [1] * normal [0]) normal *= -1.0; lines [rIdx].head<2> () = normal; lines [rIdx] [2] = -normal.dot (centroid); } float threshold2 = threshold * threshold; for (unsigned rIdx = 0; rIdx < lines.size (); ++rIdx) { unsigned nIdx = rIdx + 1; if (nIdx == result.size ()) nIdx = 0; Eigen::Vector3f vertex = lines [rIdx].cross (lines [nIdx]); vertex /= vertex [2]; vertex [2] = 0.0; PointT point; // test whether we need another edge since the intersection point is too far away from the original vertex Eigen::Vector3f pq = polygon [result[nIdx]].getVector3fMap () - vertex; pq [2] = 0.0; float distance = pq.squaredNorm (); if (distance > threshold2) { // test whether the old point is inside the new polygon or outside if ((pq [0] * lines [rIdx] [0] + pq [1] * lines [rIdx] [1] < 0.0) && (pq [0] * lines [nIdx] [0] + pq [1] * lines [nIdx] [1] < 0.0) ) { float distance1 = lines [rIdx] [0] * polygon[result[nIdx]].x + lines [rIdx] [1] * polygon[result[nIdx]].y + lines [rIdx] [2]; float distance2 = lines [nIdx] [0] * polygon[result[nIdx]].x + lines [nIdx] [1] * polygon[result[nIdx]].y + lines [nIdx] [2]; point.x = polygon[result[nIdx]].x - distance1 * lines [rIdx] [0]; point.y = polygon[result[nIdx]].y - distance1 * lines [rIdx] [1]; approx_polygon.push_back (point); vertex [0] = polygon[result[nIdx]].x - distance2 * lines [nIdx] [0]; vertex [1] = polygon[result[nIdx]].y - distance2 * lines [nIdx] [1]; } } point.getVector3fMap () = vertex; approx_polygon.push_back (point); } } else { // we have a new polygon in results, but inverted (clockwise <-> counter-clockwise) for (std::vector<unsigned>::reverse_iterator it = result.rbegin (); it != result.rend (); ++it) approx_polygon.push_back (polygon [*it]); } }
interval text_display::project(vec2 a) { return interval(); }
int ACE_TMAIN(int argc, ACE_TCHAR *argv[]) { try { CORBA::ORB_var orb = CORBA::ORB_init (argc, argv); CORBA::Object_var poa_object = orb->resolve_initial_references("RootPOA"); PortableServer::POA_var root_poa = PortableServer::POA::_narrow (poa_object.in ()); if (CORBA::is_nil (root_poa.in ())) ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, " (%P|%t) Panic: nil RootPOA\n"), 1); PortableServer::POAManager_var poa_manager = root_poa->the_POAManager (); CORBA::Object_var object = orb->resolve_initial_references ("PolicyCurrent"); CORBA::PolicyCurrent_var policy_current = CORBA::PolicyCurrent::_narrow (object.in ()); if (CORBA::is_nil (policy_current.in ())) { ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, "ERROR: Nil policy current\n")); return 1; } CORBA::Any scope_as_any; scope_as_any <<= Messaging::SYNC_WITH_SERVER; CORBA::PolicyList policies(1); policies.length (1); policies[0] = orb->create_policy (Messaging::SYNC_SCOPE_POLICY_TYPE, scope_as_any); policy_current->set_policy_overrides (policies, CORBA::ADD_OVERRIDE); policies[0]->destroy (); seed = (unsigned int) ACE_OS::gethrtime (); if (parse_args (argc, argv) != 0) return 1; ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "SEED = %u\n", seed)); Server_Peer *impl; ACE_NEW_RETURN (impl, Server_Peer (seed, orb.in (), payload_size), 1); PortableServer::ServantBase_var owner_transfer(impl); PortableServer::ObjectId_var id = root_poa->activate_object (impl); CORBA::Object_var object_act = root_poa->id_to_reference (id.in ()); Test::Peer_var peer = Test::Peer::_narrow (object_act.in ()); CORBA::String_var ior = orb->object_to_string (peer.in ()); // If the ior_output_file exists, output the ior to it FILE *output_file= ACE_OS::fopen (ior_output_file, "w"); if (output_file == 0) ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "Cannot open output file for writing IOR: %s", ior_output_file), 1); ACE_OS::fprintf (output_file, "%s", ior.in ()); ACE_OS::fclose (output_file); poa_manager->activate (); Sleeper sleeper (orb.in ()); ACE_Time_Value interval(0, 500000); ACE_Reactor * reactor = orb->orb_core()->reactor(); reactor->schedule_timer(&sleeper, 0, interval, interval); // ACE_Time_Value run_time(600, 0); // orb->run (run_time); orb->run (); ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%P|%t) server - event loop finished\n")); root_poa->destroy (1, 1); orb->destroy (); } catch (const CORBA::Exception& ex) { ex._tao_print_exception ("Exception caught:"); return 1; } return 0; }
/* initialize the interval to [x, x] */ static inline void singleton(interval_t *i, double x) { interval(i, x, x); }
void CWsfKeepalive::TimerExpired( TInt aError ) { OstTraceFunctionEntry0( CWSFKEEPALIVE_TIMEREXPIRED_ENTRY ); TBool restartTimer = ETrue; // Should we restart timer or not? if ( aError == KErrNone ) { // Timer successfully completed, handle it if ( NoRealClients( iConnectionId ) ) { TTime now; now.UniversalTime(); // Check whether we are moving from EActiveWithClients to // EActiveNoClients if ( iState == EActiveWithClients ) { OstTrace0( TRACE_NORMAL, CWSFKEEPALIVE_TIMEREXPIRED_RESET, "CWsfKeepalive::TimerExpired Keepalive time reset" ); // Connection had clients, but doesn't anymore. Keepalive // inactivity time starts now iKeepaliveStart = now; } // Check whether keepalive time has been reached else if ( iKeepaliveStart + TTimeIntervalSeconds( KKeepaliveInactivityInterval ) <= now ) { OstTrace0( TRACE_NORMAL, CWSFKEEPALIVE_TIMEREXPIRED_DONE, "CWsfKeepalive::TimerExpired Keepalive time expired" ); // Keepalive time limit expired, connection should be stopped iEsock->Disconnect(); iConnMonDisc->Disconnect( iConnectionId ); restartTimer = EFalse; } // There are now no real clients for the connection SetState( EActiveNoClients ); } else { // One or more real clients are using the connection SetState( EActiveWithClients ); } } else { // Timer not successful, probably because we stopped it restartTimer = EFalse; } if ( restartTimer ) { TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 interval( KKeepalivePollInterval ); iTimer->After( interval ); } OstTraceFunctionExit0( CWSFKEEPALIVE_TIMEREXPIRED_EXIT ); }
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/embedded-content.html#time-marches-on void TextTrackManager::TimeMarchesOn() { NS_ASSERTION(NS_IsMainThread(), "Wrong thread!"); mTimeMarchesOnDispatched = false; nsISupports* parentObject = mMediaElement->OwnerDoc()->GetParentObject(); if (NS_WARN_IF(!parentObject)) { return; } nsCOMPtr<nsPIDOMWindowInner> window = do_QueryInterface(parentObject); if (mMediaElement && (!(mMediaElement->GetPlayedOrSeeked()) || mMediaElement->Seeking())) { return; } // Step 3. double currentPlaybackTime = mMediaElement->CurrentTime(); bool hasNormalPlayback = !mHasSeeked; mHasSeeked = false; // Step 1, 2. RefPtr<TextTrackCueList> currentCues = new TextTrackCueList(window); RefPtr<TextTrackCueList> otherCues = new TextTrackCueList(window); bool dummy; for (uint32_t index = 0; index < mTextTracks->Length(); ++index) { TextTrack* ttrack = mTextTracks->IndexedGetter(index, dummy); if (ttrack && dummy) { // TODO: call GetCueListByTimeInterval on mNewCues? TextTrackCueList* activeCueList = ttrack->GetActiveCues(); if (activeCueList) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < activeCueList->Length(); ++i) { currentCues->AddCue(*((*activeCueList)[i])); } } } } // Populate otherCues with 'non-active" cues. if (hasNormalPlayback) { media::Interval<double> interval(mLastTimeMarchesOnCalled, currentPlaybackTime); otherCues = mNewCues->GetCueListByTimeInterval(interval);; } else { // Seek case. Put the mLastActiveCues into otherCues. otherCues = mLastActiveCues; } for (uint32_t i = 0; i < currentCues->Length(); ++i) { TextTrackCue* cue = (*currentCues)[i]; otherCues->RemoveCue(*cue); } // Step 4. RefPtr<TextTrackCueList> missedCues = new TextTrackCueList(window); if (hasNormalPlayback) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < otherCues->Length(); ++i) { TextTrackCue* cue = (*otherCues)[i]; if (cue->StartTime() >= mLastTimeMarchesOnCalled && cue->EndTime() <= currentPlaybackTime) { missedCues->AddCue(*cue); } } } // Step 5. Empty now. // TODO: Step 6: fire timeupdate? // Step 7. Abort steps if condition 1, 2, 3 are satisfied. // 1. All of the cues in current cues have their active flag set. // 2. None of the cues in other cues have their active flag set. // 3. Missed cues is empty. bool c1 = true; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < currentCues->Length(); ++i) { if (!(*currentCues)[i]->GetActive()) { c1 = false; break; } } bool c2 = true; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < otherCues->Length(); ++i) { if ((*otherCues)[i]->GetActive()) { c2 = false; break; } } bool c3 = (missedCues->Length() == 0); if (c1 && c2 && c3) { mLastTimeMarchesOnCalled = currentPlaybackTime; return; } // Step 8. Respect PauseOnExit flag if not seek. if (hasNormalPlayback) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < otherCues->Length(); ++i) { TextTrackCue* cue = (*otherCues)[i]; if (cue && cue->PauseOnExit() && cue->GetActive()) { mMediaElement->Pause(); break; } } for (uint32_t i = 0; i < missedCues->Length(); ++i) { TextTrackCue* cue = (*missedCues)[i]; if (cue && cue->PauseOnExit()) { mMediaElement->Pause(); break; } } } // Step 15. // Sort text tracks in the same order as the text tracks appear // in the media element's list of text tracks, and remove // duplicates. TextTrackListInternal affectedTracks; // Step 13, 14. nsTArray<RefPtr<SimpleTextTrackEvent>> eventList; // Step 9, 10. // For each text track cue in missed cues, prepare an event named // enter for the TextTrackCue object with the cue start time. for (uint32_t i = 0; i < missedCues->Length(); ++i) { TextTrackCue* cue = (*missedCues)[i]; if (cue) { SimpleTextTrackEvent* event = new SimpleTextTrackEvent(NS_LITERAL_STRING("enter"), cue->StartTime(), cue->GetTrack(), cue); eventList.InsertElementSorted(event, CompareSimpleTextTrackEvents(mMediaElement)); affectedTracks.AddTextTrack(cue->GetTrack(), CompareTextTracks(mMediaElement)); } } // Step 11, 17. for (uint32_t i = 0; i < otherCues->Length(); ++i) { TextTrackCue* cue = (*otherCues)[i]; if (cue->GetActive() || missedCues->GetCueById(cue->Id()) != nullptr) { double time = cue->StartTime() > cue->EndTime() ? cue->StartTime() : cue->EndTime(); SimpleTextTrackEvent* event = new SimpleTextTrackEvent(NS_LITERAL_STRING("exit"), time, cue->GetTrack(), cue); eventList.InsertElementSorted(event, CompareSimpleTextTrackEvents(mMediaElement)); affectedTracks.AddTextTrack(cue->GetTrack(), CompareTextTracks(mMediaElement)); } cue->SetActive(false); } // Step 12, 17. for (uint32_t i = 0; i < currentCues->Length(); ++i) { TextTrackCue* cue = (*currentCues)[i]; if (!cue->GetActive()) { SimpleTextTrackEvent* event = new SimpleTextTrackEvent(NS_LITERAL_STRING("enter"), cue->StartTime(), cue->GetTrack(), cue); eventList.InsertElementSorted(event, CompareSimpleTextTrackEvents(mMediaElement)); affectedTracks.AddTextTrack(cue->GetTrack(), CompareTextTracks(mMediaElement)); } cue->SetActive(true); } // Fire the eventList for (uint32_t i = 0; i < eventList.Length(); ++i) { NS_DispatchToMainThread(eventList[i].forget()); } // Step 16. for (uint32_t i = 0; i < affectedTracks.Length(); ++i) { TextTrack* ttrack = affectedTracks[i]; if (ttrack) { ttrack->DispatchTrustedEvent(NS_LITERAL_STRING("cuechange")); HTMLTrackElement* trackElement = ttrack->GetTrackElement(); if (trackElement) { trackElement->DispatchTrackRunnable(NS_LITERAL_STRING("cuechange")); } } } mLastTimeMarchesOnCalled = currentPlaybackTime; mLastActiveCues = currentCues; // Step 18. UpdateCueDisplay(); }
// Launch the realm server extern int main(int argc, char **argv) { // Command line parsing char const* cfg_file = _OREGON_REALM_CONFIG; #ifdef _WIN32 char const *options = ":c:s:"; #else char const *options = ":c:"; #endif ACE_Get_Opt cmd_opts(argc, argv, options); cmd_opts.long_option("version", 'v'); int option; while ((option = cmd_opts()) != EOF) { switch (option) { case 'c': cfg_file = cmd_opts.opt_arg(); break; case 'v': printf("%s\n", _FULLVERSION); return 0; #ifdef _WIN32 case 's': { const char *mode = cmd_opts.opt_arg(); if (!strcmp(mode, "install")) { if (WinServiceInstall()) sLog.outString("Installing service"); return 1; } else if (!strcmp(mode, "uninstall")) { if (WinServiceUninstall()) sLog.outString("Uninstalling service"); return 1; } else if (!strcmp(mode, "run")) WinServiceRun(); else { sLog.outError("Runtime-Error: -%c unsupported argument %s", cmd_opts.opt_opt(), mode); usage(argv[0]); return 1; } break; } #endif case ':': sLog.outError("Runtime-Error: -%c option requires an input argument", cmd_opts.opt_opt()); usage(argv[0]); return 1; default: sLog.outError("Runtime-Error: bad format of commandline arguments"); usage(argv[0]); return 1; } } if (!sConfig.SetSource(cfg_file)) { sLog.outError("Invalid or missing configuration file : %s", cfg_file); sLog.outError("Verify that the file exists and has \'[authserver]\' written in the top of the file!"); return 1; } sLog.Initialize(); sLog.outString( "%s [realm-daemon]", _FULLVERSION); sLog.outString( "<Ctrl-C> to stop.\n" ); sLog.outString("Using configuration file %s.", cfg_file); // Check the version of the configuration file uint32 confVersion = sConfig.GetIntDefault("ConfVersion", 0); if (confVersion < _REALMDCONFVERSION) { sLog.outError("*****************************************************************************"); sLog.outError(" WARNING: Your oregonrealm.conf version indicates your conf file is out of date!"); sLog.outError(" Please check for updates, as your current default values may cause"); sLog.outError(" strange behavior."); sLog.outError("*****************************************************************************"); clock_t pause = 3000 + clock(); while (pause > clock()) {} } sLog.outDetail("Using ACE: %s", ACE_VERSION); #if defined (ACE_HAS_EVENT_POLL) || defined (ACE_HAS_DEV_POLL) ACE_Reactor::instance(new ACE_Reactor(new ACE_Dev_Poll_Reactor(ACE::max_handles(), 1), 1), true); #else ACE_Reactor::instance(new ACE_Reactor(new ACE_TP_Reactor(), true), true); #endif sLog.outBasic("Max allowed open files is %d", ACE::max_handles()); // realmd PID file creation std::string pidfile = sConfig.GetStringDefault("PidFile", ""); if (!pidfile.empty()) { uint32 pid = CreatePIDFile(pidfile); if (!pid) { sLog.outError( "Cannot create PID file %s.\n", pidfile.c_str() ); return 1; } sLog.outString( "Daemon PID: %u\n", pid ); } // Initialize the database connection if (!StartDB()) return 1; // Get the list of realms for the server sRealmList->Initialize(sConfig.GetIntDefault("RealmsStateUpdateDelay", 20)); if (sRealmList->size() == 0) { sLog.outError("No valid realms specified."); return 1; } // cleanup query // set expired bans to inactive LoginDatabase.Execute("UPDATE account_banned SET active = 0 WHERE unbandate<=UNIX_TIMESTAMP() AND unbandate<>bandate"); LoginDatabase.Execute("DELETE FROM ip_banned WHERE unbandate<=UNIX_TIMESTAMP() AND unbandate<>bandate"); // Launch the listening network socket ACE_Acceptor<AuthSocket, ACE_SOCK_Acceptor> acceptor; uint16 rmport = sConfig.GetIntDefault("RealmServerPort", DEFAULT_REALMSERVER_PORT); std::string bind_ip = sConfig.GetStringDefault("BindIP", ""); ACE_INET_Addr bind_addr(rmport, bind_ip.c_str()); if (acceptor.open(bind_addr, ACE_Reactor::instance(), ACE_NONBLOCK) == -1) { sLog.outError("realmd can not bind to %s:%d", bind_ip.c_str(), rmport); return 1; } // Catch termination signals HookSignals(); // Handle affinity for multiple processors and process priority on Windows #ifdef _WIN32 { HANDLE hProcess = GetCurrentProcess(); uint32 Aff = sConfig.GetIntDefault("UseProcessors", 0); if (Aff > 0) { ULONG_PTR appAff; ULONG_PTR sysAff; if (GetProcessAffinityMask(hProcess,&appAff,&sysAff)) { ULONG_PTR curAff = Aff & appAff; // remove non accessible processors if (!curAff ) { sLog.outError("Processors marked in UseProcessors bitmask (hex) %x not accessible for realmd. Accessible processors bitmask (hex): %x",Aff,appAff); } else { if (SetProcessAffinityMask(hProcess,curAff)) sLog.outString("Using processors (bitmask, hex): %x", curAff); else sLog.outError("Can't set used processors (hex): %x", curAff); } } sLog.outString(); } bool Prio = sConfig.GetBoolDefault("ProcessPriority", false); if (Prio) { if (SetPriorityClass(hProcess,HIGH_PRIORITY_CLASS)) sLog.outString("realmd process priority class set to HIGH"); else sLog.outError("ERROR: Can't set realmd process priority class."); sLog.outString(); } } #endif // maximum counter for next ping uint32 numLoops = (sConfig.GetIntDefault( "MaxPingTime", 30 ) * (MINUTE * 1000000 / 100000)); uint32 loopCounter = 0; // Wait for termination signal while (!stopEvent) { // dont move this outside the loop, the reactor will modify it ACE_Time_Value interval(0, 100000); if (ACE_Reactor::instance()->run_reactor_event_loop(interval) == -1) break; if ( (++loopCounter) == numLoops ) { loopCounter = 0; sLog.outDetail("Ping MySQL to keep connection alive"); LoginDatabase.Query("SELECT 1 FROM realmlist LIMIT 1"); } #ifdef _WIN32 if (m_ServiceStatus == 0) stopEvent = true; while (m_ServiceStatus == 2) Sleep(1000); #endif } // Wait for the delay thread to exit LoginDatabase.HaltDelayThread(); // Remove signal handling before leaving UnhookSignals(); sLog.outString( "Halting process..." ); return 0; }
// Launch the realm server extern int main(int argc, char **argv) { sLog->SetLogDB(false); // Command line parsing to get the configuration file name char const *cfg_file = _TRINITY_REALM_CONFIG; int c = 1; while(c < argc) { if (strcmp(argv[c], "-c") == 0) { if (++c >= argc) { sLog->outError("Runtime-Error: -c option requires an input argument"); usage(argv[0]); return 1; } else cfg_file = argv[c]; } ++c; } if (!sConfig->SetSource(cfg_file)) { sLog->outError("Invalid or missing configuration file : %s", cfg_file); sLog->outError("Verify that the file exists and has \'[authserver]\' written in the top of the file!"); return 1; } sLog->Initialize(); sLog->outString("%s (WoWReAn Reino)", _FULLVERSION); sLog->outString("Presione <Ctrl-C> para detenerlo.\n"); sLog->outString("El archivo de configuracion usado es %s.", cfg_file); sLog->outString( " __ __ ________" ); sLog->outString( " /\\ \\ /\\ \\ /\\ _____`\\" ); sLog->outString( " \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\" ); sLog->outString( " \\ \\ \\ __\\ \\ \\ \\ \\___/ /" ); sLog->outString( " \\ \\ \\ /\\ \\\\ \\ \\ \\ ____(" ); sLog->outString( " \\ \\ \\\\/ \\\\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\`." ); sLog->outString( " \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\" ); sLog->outString( " \\ \\ __ __ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\" ); sLog->outString( " \\/_/\\/_/\\/_/ \\/_/ \\/_/ Auth" ); sLog->outString( "" ); sLog->outString( " * WoW ReAn El Reino Prometido * " ); sLog->outString( " * Basado en TrinityCore *" ); sLog->outString( ""); sLog->outDetail("%s (Libreria: %s)", OPENSSL_VERSION_TEXT, SSLeay_version(SSLEAY_VERSION)); #if defined (ACE_HAS_EVENT_POLL) || defined (ACE_HAS_DEV_POLL) ACE_Reactor::instance(new ACE_Reactor(new ACE_Dev_Poll_Reactor(ACE::max_handles(), 1), 1), true); #else ACE_Reactor::instance(new ACE_Reactor(new ACE_TP_Reactor(), true), true); #endif sLog->outBasic("Max allowed open files is %d", ACE::max_handles()); // realmd PID file creation std::string pidfile = sConfig->GetStringDefault("PidFile", ""); if (!pidfile.empty()) { uint32 pid = CreatePIDFile(pidfile); if (!pid) { sLog->outError("Cannot create PID file %s.\n", pidfile.c_str()); return 1; } sLog->outString("Daemon PID: %u\n", pid); } // Initialize the database connection if (!StartDB()) return 1; // Initialize the log database sLog->SetLogDBLater(sConfig->GetBoolDefault("EnableLogDB", false)); // set var to enable DB logging once startup finished. sLog->SetLogDB(false); sLog->SetRealmID(0); // ensure we've set realm to 0 (realmd realmid) // Get the list of realms for the server sRealmList->Initialize(sConfig->GetIntDefault("RealmsStateUpdateDelay", 20)); if (sRealmList->size() == 0) { sLog->outError("No valid realms specified."); return 1; } // Launch the listening network socket RealmAcceptor acceptor; uint16 rmport = sConfig->GetIntDefault("RealmServerPort", 3724); std::string bind_ip = sConfig->GetStringDefault("BindIP", ""); ACE_INET_Addr bind_addr(rmport, bind_ip.c_str()); if (acceptor.open(bind_addr, ACE_Reactor::instance(), ACE_NONBLOCK) == -1) { sLog->outError("Trinity realm can not bind to %s:%d", bind_ip.c_str(), rmport); return 1; } // Initialise the signal handlers RealmdSignalHandler SignalINT, SignalTERM; // Register realmd's signal handlers ACE_Sig_Handler Handler; Handler.register_handler(SIGINT, &SignalINT); Handler.register_handler(SIGTERM, &SignalTERM); ///- Handle affinity for multiple processors and process priority on Windows #ifdef _WIN32 { HANDLE hProcess = GetCurrentProcess(); uint32 Aff = sConfig->GetIntDefault("UseProcessors", 0); if (Aff > 0) { ULONG_PTR appAff; ULONG_PTR sysAff; if (GetProcessAffinityMask(hProcess,&appAff,&sysAff)) { ULONG_PTR curAff = Aff & appAff; // remove non accessible processors if (!curAff) sLog->outError("Processors marked in UseProcessors bitmask (hex) %x not accessible for realmd. Accessible processors bitmask (hex): %x", Aff, appAff); else if (SetProcessAffinityMask(hProcess,curAff)) sLog->outString("Using processors (bitmask, hex): %x", curAff); else sLog->outError("Can't set used processors (hex): %x", curAff); } sLog->outString(); } bool Prio = sConfig->GetBoolDefault("ProcessPriority", false); if (Prio) { if (SetPriorityClass(hProcess, HIGH_PRIORITY_CLASS)) sLog->outString("WoWReAn Reinos ha sido habilitado a prioridad ALTA"); else sLog->outError("Can't set realmd process priority class."); sLog->outString(); } } #endif // maximum counter for next ping uint32 numLoops = (sConfig->GetIntDefault("MaxPingTime", 30) * (MINUTE * 1000000 / 100000)); uint32 loopCounter = 0; // possibly enable db logging; avoid massive startup spam by doing it here. if (sLog->GetLogDBLater()) { sLog->outString("Enabling database logging..."); sLog->SetLogDBLater(false); // login db needs thread for logging sLog->SetLogDB(true); } else sLog->SetLogDB(false); // Wait for termination signal while (!stopEvent) { // dont move this outside the loop, the reactor will modify it ACE_Time_Value interval(0, 100000); if (ACE_Reactor::instance()->run_reactor_event_loop(interval) == -1) break; if ((++loopCounter) == numLoops) { loopCounter = 0; sLog->outDetail("Ping MySQL para mantener las conexiones activas"); LoginDatabase.KeepAlive(); } } // Close the Database Pool and library StopDB(); sLog->outString("Deteniendo proceso..."); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int a[] = {12, 27, 6, 8, 9, 2}; printf("%d\n", interval(a, 6)); return 0; }
int main( ){ USING_NAMESPACE_ACADO // DEFINE A RIGHT-HAND-SIDE: // ------------------------- DifferentialState x; AlgebraicState z; Parameter p,q; IntermediateState is(4); is(0) = x; is(1) = z; is(2) = p; is(3) = q; CFunction simpledaeModel( 2, ffcn_model ); // Define a Right-Hand-Side: // ------------------------- DifferentialEquation f; f << simpledaeModel(is); // DEFINE AN INTEGRATOR: // --------------------- IntegratorBDF integrator(f); // DEFINE INITIAL VALUES: // ---------------------- double x0 = 1.0; double z0 = 1.000000; double pp[2] = { 1.0, 1.0 }; Grid interval( 0.0, 1.0, 100 ); // START THE INTEGRATION: // ---------------------- integrator.integrate( interval, &x0, &z0, pp ); VariablesGrid differentialStates; VariablesGrid algebraicStates ; VariablesGrid intermediateStates; integrator.getX ( differentialStates ); integrator.getXA( algebraicStates ); integrator.getI ( intermediateStates ); GnuplotWindow window; window.addSubplot( differentialStates(0) ); window.addSubplot( algebraicStates (0) ); window.plot(); return 0; }
Metro::Metro(unsigned long interval_millis) { interval(interval_millis); reset(); }
void global::init() { gPureRoutingProperty = new property<bool>(); gSymbolicBoxProperty = new property<Tree>(); gSimplifiedBoxProperty = new property<Tree>(); gSymListProp = new property<Tree>(); gMemoizedTypes = new property<AudioType*>(); TINT = makeSimpleType(kInt, kKonst, kComp, kVect, kNum, interval()); TREAL = makeSimpleType(kReal, kKonst, kComp, kVect, kNum, interval()); TKONST = makeSimpleType(kInt, kKonst, kComp, kVect, kNum, interval()); TBLOCK = makeSimpleType(kInt, kBlock, kComp, kVect, kNum, interval()); TSAMP = makeSimpleType(kInt, kSamp, kComp, kVect, kNum, interval()); TCOMP = makeSimpleType(kInt, kKonst, kComp, kVect, kNum, interval()); TINIT = makeSimpleType(kInt, kKonst, kInit, kVect, kNum, interval()); TEXEC = makeSimpleType(kInt, kKonst, kExec, kVect, kNum, interval()); // more predefined types TINPUT = makeSimpleType(kReal, kSamp, kExec, kVect, kNum, interval()); TGUI = makeSimpleType(kReal, kBlock,kExec, kVect, kNum, interval()); TGUI01 = makeSimpleType(kReal, kBlock,kExec, kVect, kNum, interval(0,1)); INT_TGUI = makeSimpleType(kInt, kBlock,kExec, kVect, kNum, interval()); TREC = makeSimpleType(kInt, kSamp, kInit, kScal, kNum, interval()); // predefined symbols CONS and NIL CONS = symbol("cons"); NIL = symbol("nil"); // predefined nil tree nil = tree(NIL); PROCESS = symbol("process"); BOXTYPEPROP = tree(symbol("boxTypeProp")); NUMERICPROPERTY = tree(symbol("NUMERICPROPERTY")); DEFLINEPROP = tree(symbol("DefLineProp")); SIMPLIFIED = tree(symbol("sigSimplifiedProp")); DOCTABLES = tree(symbol("DocTablesProp")); NULLENV = tree(symbol("NullRenameEnv")); COLORPROPERTY = tree(symbol("ColorProperty")); ORDERPROP = tree(symbol("OrderProp")); RECURSIVNESS = tree(symbol("RecursivnessProp")); NULLTYPEENV = tree(symbol("NullTypeEnv")); RECDEF = tree(symbol("RECDEF")); DEBRUIJN2SYM = tree(symbol("deBruijn2Sym")); DEFNAMEPROPERTY = tree(symbol("DEFNAMEPROPERTY")); NICKNAMEPROPERTY = tree(symbol("NICKNAMEPROPERTY")); BCOMPLEXITY = tree("BCOMPLEXITY"); PROPAGATEPROPERTY = symbol("PropagateProperty"); // yyfilename is defined in errormsg.cpp but must be redefined at each compilation. yyfilename = ""; yyin = 0; gLatexheaderfilename = "latexheader.tex"; gDocTextsDefaultFile = "mathdoctexts-default.txt"; Typed::init(); gCurrentLocal = setlocale(LC_ALL, NULL); if (gCurrentLocal != NULL) { gCurrentLocal = strdup(gCurrentLocal); } // Setup standard "C" local // (workaround for a bug in bitcode generation : http://lists.cs.uiuc.edu/pipermail/llvmbugs/2012-May/023530.html) setlocale(LC_ALL, "C"); gAllocationCount = 0; // source file injection gInjectFlag = false; // inject an external source file into the architecture file gInjectFile = ""; // instead of a compiled dsp file }
/* calculate best fit from i+.5 to j+.5. Assume i<j (cyclically). Return 0 and set badness and parameters (alpha, beta), if possible. Return 1 if impossible. */ static int opti_penalty(privpath_t *pp, int i, int j, opti_t *res, double opttolerance, int *convc, double *areac) { int m = pp->curve.n; int k, k1, k2, conv, i1; double area, alpha, d, d1, d2; dpoint_t p0, p1, p2, p3, pt; double A, R, A1, A2, A3, A4; double s, t; /* check convexity, corner-freeness, and maximum bend < 179 degrees */ if (i==j) { /* sanity - a full loop can never be an opticurve */ return 1; } k = i; i1 = mod(i+1, m); k1 = mod(k+1, m); conv = convc[k1]; if (conv == 0) { return 1; } d = ddist(pp->curve.vertex[i], pp->curve.vertex[i1]); for (k=k1; k!=j; k=k1) { k1 = mod(k+1, m); k2 = mod(k+2, m); if (convc[k1] != conv) { return 1; } if (sign(cprod(pp->curve.vertex[i], pp->curve.vertex[i1], pp->curve.vertex[k1], pp->curve.vertex[k2])) != conv) { return 1; } if (iprod1(pp->curve.vertex[i], pp->curve.vertex[i1], pp->curve.vertex[k1], pp->curve.vertex[k2]) < d * ddist(pp->curve.vertex[k1], pp->curve.vertex[k2]) * COS179) { return 1; } } /* the curve we're working in: */ p0 = pp->curve.c[mod(i,m)][2]; p1 = pp->curve.vertex[mod(i+1,m)]; p2 = pp->curve.vertex[mod(j,m)]; p3 = pp->curve.c[mod(j,m)][2]; /* determine its area */ area = areac[j] - areac[i]; area -= dpara(pp->curve.vertex[0], pp->curve.c[i][2], pp->curve.c[j][2])/2; if (i>=j) { area += areac[m]; } /* find intersection o of p0p1 and p2p3. Let t,s such that o = interval(t,p0,p1) = interval(s,p3,p2). Let A be the area of the triangle (p0,o,p3). */ A1 = dpara(p0, p1, p2); A2 = dpara(p0, p1, p3); A3 = dpara(p0, p2, p3); /* A4 = dpara(p1, p2, p3); */ A4 = A1+A3-A2; if (A2 == A1) { /* this should never happen */ return 1; } t = A3/(A3-A4); s = A2/(A2-A1); A = A2 * t / 2.0; if (A == 0.0) { /* this should never happen */ return 1; } R = area / A; /* relative area */ alpha = 2 - sqrt(4 - R / 0.3); /* overall alpha for p0-o-p3 curve */ res->c[0] = interval(t * alpha, p0, p1); res->c[1] = interval(s * alpha, p3, p2); res->alpha = alpha; res->t = t; res->s = s; p1 = res->c[0]; p2 = res->c[1]; /* the proposed curve is now (p0,p1,p2,p3) */ res->pen = 0; /* calculate penalty */ /* check tangency with edges */ for (k=mod(i+1,m); k!=j; k=k1) { k1 = mod(k+1,m); t = tangent(p0, p1, p2, p3, pp->curve.vertex[k], pp->curve.vertex[k1]); if (t<-.5) { return 1; } pt = bezier(t, p0, p1, p2, p3); d = ddist(pp->curve.vertex[k], pp->curve.vertex[k1]); if (d == 0.0) { /* this should never happen */ return 1; } d1 = dpara(pp->curve.vertex[k], pp->curve.vertex[k1], pt) / d; if (fabs(d1) > opttolerance) { return 1; } if (iprod(pp->curve.vertex[k], pp->curve.vertex[k1], pt) < 0 || iprod(pp->curve.vertex[k1], pp->curve.vertex[k], pt) < 0) { return 1; } res->pen += sq(d1); } /* check corners */ for (k=i; k!=j; k=k1) { k1 = mod(k+1,m); t = tangent(p0, p1, p2, p3, pp->curve.c[k][2], pp->curve.c[k1][2]); if (t<-.5) { return 1; } pt = bezier(t, p0, p1, p2, p3); d = ddist(pp->curve.c[k][2], pp->curve.c[k1][2]); if (d == 0.0) { /* this should never happen */ return 1; } d1 = dpara(pp->curve.c[k][2], pp->curve.c[k1][2], pt) / d; d2 = dpara(pp->curve.c[k][2], pp->curve.c[k1][2], pp->curve.vertex[k1]) / d; d2 *= 0.75 * pp->curve.alpha[k1]; if (d2 < 0) { d1 = -d1; d2 = -d2; } if (d1 < d2 - opttolerance) { return 1; } if (d1 < d2) { res->pen += sq(d1 - d2); } } return 0; }
/// Launch the auth server extern int main(int argc, char **argv) { // Command line parsing to get the configuration file name char const* cfg_file = _TRINITY_REALM_CONFIG; int c = 1; while (c < argc) { if (strcmp(argv[c], "-c") == 0) { if (++c >= argc) { printf("Runtime-Error: -c option requires an input argument\n"); usage(argv[0]); return 1; } else cfg_file = argv[c]; } ++c; } if (!ConfigMgr::Load(cfg_file)) { printf("Invalid or missing configuration file : %s\n", cfg_file); printf("Verify that the file exists and has \'[TER-Server-A]\' written in the top of the file!\n"); return 1; } sLog->outInfo(LOG_FILTER_AUTHSERVER, "%s (TER-Server-A)", _FULLVERSION); sLog->outInfo(LOG_FILTER_AUTHSERVER, "<Ctrl-C> to stop.\n"); sLog->outInfo(LOG_FILTER_AUTHSERVER, "Using configuration file %s.", cfg_file); sLog->outWarn(LOG_FILTER_AUTHSERVER, "%s (Library: %s)", OPENSSL_VERSION_TEXT, SSLeay_version(SSLEAY_VERSION)); #if defined (ACE_HAS_EVENT_POLL) || defined (ACE_HAS_DEV_POLL) ACE_Reactor::instance(new ACE_Reactor(new ACE_Dev_Poll_Reactor(ACE::max_handles(), 1), 1), true); #else ACE_Reactor::instance(new ACE_Reactor(new ACE_TP_Reactor(), true), true); #endif sLog->outDebug(LOG_FILTER_AUTHSERVER, "Max allowed open files is %d", ACE::max_handles()); // authserver PID file creation std::string pidfile = ConfigMgr::GetStringDefault("PidFile", ""); if (!pidfile.empty()) { uint32 pid = CreatePIDFile(pidfile); if (!pid) { sLog->outError(LOG_FILTER_AUTHSERVER, "Cannot create PID file %s.\n", pidfile.c_str()); return 1; } sLog->outInfo(LOG_FILTER_AUTHSERVER, "Daemon PID: %u\n", pid); } // Initialize the database connection if (!StartDB()) return 1; // Get the list of realms for the server sRealmList->Initialize(ConfigMgr::GetIntDefault("RealmsStateUpdateDelay", 20)); if (sRealmList->size() == 0) { sLog->outError(LOG_FILTER_AUTHSERVER, "No valid realms specified."); return 1; } // Launch the listening network socket RealmAcceptor acceptor; int32 rmport = ConfigMgr::GetIntDefault("RealmServerPort", 3724); if (rmport < 0 || rmport > 0xFFFF) { sLog->outError(LOG_FILTER_AUTHSERVER, "Specified port out of allowed range (1-65535)"); return 1; } std::string bind_ip = ConfigMgr::GetStringDefault("BindIP", ""); ACE_INET_Addr bind_addr(uint16(rmport), bind_ip.c_str()); if (acceptor.open(bind_addr, ACE_Reactor::instance(), ACE_NONBLOCK) == -1) { sLog->outError(LOG_FILTER_AUTHSERVER, "TER-Server-A can not bind to %s:%d", bind_ip.c_str(), rmport); return 1; } // Initialise the signal handlers AuthServerSignalHandler SignalINT, SignalTERM; // Register authservers's signal handlers ACE_Sig_Handler Handler; Handler.register_handler(SIGINT, &SignalINT); Handler.register_handler(SIGTERM, &SignalTERM); ///- Handle affinity for multiple processors and process priority on Windows #ifdef _WIN32 { HANDLE hProcess = GetCurrentProcess(); uint32 Aff = ConfigMgr::GetIntDefault("UseProcessors", 0); if (Aff > 0) { ULONG_PTR appAff; ULONG_PTR sysAff; if (GetProcessAffinityMask(hProcess, &appAff, &sysAff)) { ULONG_PTR curAff = Aff & appAff; // remove non accessible processors if (!curAff) sLog->outError(LOG_FILTER_AUTHSERVER, "Processors marked in UseProcessors bitmask (hex) %x not accessible for authserver. Accessible processors bitmask (hex): %x", Aff, appAff); else if (SetProcessAffinityMask(hProcess, curAff)) sLog->outInfo(LOG_FILTER_AUTHSERVER, "Using processors (bitmask, hex): %x", curAff); else sLog->outError(LOG_FILTER_AUTHSERVER, "Can't set used processors (hex): %x", curAff); } } bool Prio = ConfigMgr::GetBoolDefault("ProcessPriority", false); if (Prio) { if (SetPriorityClass(hProcess, HIGH_PRIORITY_CLASS)) sLog->outInfo(LOG_FILTER_AUTHSERVER, "TER-Server-A process priority class has been set to HIGH"); else sLog->outError(LOG_FILTER_AUTHSERVER, "Can't set auth server process priority class."); } } #endif // maximum counter for next ping uint32 numLoops = (ConfigMgr::GetIntDefault("MaxPingTime", 30) * (MINUTE * 1000000 / 100000)); uint32 loopCounter = 0; // Wait for termination signal while (!stopEvent) { // dont move this outside the loop, the reactor will modify it ACE_Time_Value interval(0, 100000); if (ACE_Reactor::instance()->run_reactor_event_loop(interval) == -1) break; if ((++loopCounter) == numLoops) { loopCounter = 0; sLog->outInfo(LOG_FILTER_AUTHSERVER, "Ping MySQL to keep connection alive"); LoginDatabase.KeepAlive(); } } // Close the Database Pool and library StopDB(); sLog->outInfo(LOG_FILTER_AUTHSERVER, "Halting process..."); return 0; }
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/embedded-content.html#time-marches-on void TextTrackManager::TimeMarchesOn() { NS_ASSERTION(NS_IsMainThread(), "Wrong thread!"); mTimeMarchesOnDispatched = false; CycleCollectedJSContext* context = CycleCollectedJSContext::Get(); if (context && context->IsInStableOrMetaStableState()) { // FireTimeUpdate can be called while at stable state following a // current position change which triggered a state watcher in MediaDecoder // (see bug 1443429). // TimeMarchesOn() will modify JS attributes which is forbidden while in // stable state. So we dispatch a task to perform such operation later // instead. DispatchTimeMarchesOn(); return; } WEBVTT_LOG("TimeMarchesOn"); // Early return if we don't have any TextTracks or shutting down. if (!mTextTracks || mTextTracks->Length() == 0 || IsShutdown()) { return; } nsISupports* parentObject = mMediaElement->OwnerDoc()->GetParentObject(); if (NS_WARN_IF(!parentObject)) { return; } nsCOMPtr<nsPIDOMWindowInner> window = do_QueryInterface(parentObject); if (mMediaElement && (!(mMediaElement->GetPlayedOrSeeked()) || mMediaElement->Seeking())) { WEBVTT_LOG("TimeMarchesOn seeking or post return"); return; } // Step 3. double currentPlaybackTime = mMediaElement->CurrentTime(); bool hasNormalPlayback = !mHasSeeked; mHasSeeked = false; WEBVTT_LOG( "TimeMarchesOn mLastTimeMarchesOnCalled %lf currentPlaybackTime %lf " "hasNormalPlayback %d", mLastTimeMarchesOnCalled, currentPlaybackTime, hasNormalPlayback); // Step 1, 2. RefPtr<TextTrackCueList> currentCues = new TextTrackCueList(window); RefPtr<TextTrackCueList> otherCues = new TextTrackCueList(window); bool dummy; for (uint32_t index = 0; index < mTextTracks->Length(); ++index) { TextTrack* ttrack = mTextTracks->IndexedGetter(index, dummy); if (ttrack && ttrack->Mode() != TextTrackMode::Disabled) { // TODO: call GetCueListByTimeInterval on mNewCues? ttrack->GetCurrentCueList(currentCues); } } WEBVTT_LOGV("TimeMarchesOn currentCues %d", currentCues->Length()); // Populate otherCues with 'non-active" cues. if (hasNormalPlayback) { if (currentPlaybackTime < mLastTimeMarchesOnCalled) { // TODO: Add log and find the root cause why the // playback position goes backward. mLastTimeMarchesOnCalled = currentPlaybackTime; } media::Interval<double> interval(mLastTimeMarchesOnCalled, currentPlaybackTime); otherCues = mNewCues->GetCueListByTimeInterval(interval); ; } else { // Seek case. Put the mLastActiveCues into otherCues. otherCues = mLastActiveCues; } for (uint32_t i = 0; i < currentCues->Length(); ++i) { TextTrackCue* cue = (*currentCues)[i]; otherCues->RemoveCue(*cue); } WEBVTT_LOGV("TimeMarchesOn otherCues %d", otherCues->Length()); // Step 4. RefPtr<TextTrackCueList> missedCues = new TextTrackCueList(window); if (hasNormalPlayback) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < otherCues->Length(); ++i) { TextTrackCue* cue = (*otherCues)[i]; if (cue->StartTime() >= mLastTimeMarchesOnCalled && cue->EndTime() <= currentPlaybackTime) { missedCues->AddCue(*cue); } } } WEBVTT_LOGV("TimeMarchesOn missedCues %d", missedCues->Length()); // Step 5. Empty now. // TODO: Step 6: fire timeupdate? // Step 7. Abort steps if condition 1, 2, 3 are satisfied. // 1. All of the cues in current cues have their active flag set. // 2. None of the cues in other cues have their active flag set. // 3. Missed cues is empty. bool c1 = true; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < currentCues->Length(); ++i) { if (!(*currentCues)[i]->GetActive()) { c1 = false; break; } } bool c2 = true; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < otherCues->Length(); ++i) { if ((*otherCues)[i]->GetActive()) { c2 = false; break; } } bool c3 = (missedCues->Length() == 0); if (c1 && c2 && c3) { mLastTimeMarchesOnCalled = currentPlaybackTime; WEBVTT_LOG("TimeMarchesOn step 7 return, mLastTimeMarchesOnCalled %lf", mLastTimeMarchesOnCalled); return; } // Step 8. Respect PauseOnExit flag if not seek. if (hasNormalPlayback) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < otherCues->Length(); ++i) { TextTrackCue* cue = (*otherCues)[i]; if (cue && cue->PauseOnExit() && cue->GetActive()) { WEBVTT_LOG("TimeMarchesOn pause the MediaElement"); mMediaElement->Pause(); break; } } for (uint32_t i = 0; i < missedCues->Length(); ++i) { TextTrackCue* cue = (*missedCues)[i]; if (cue && cue->PauseOnExit()) { WEBVTT_LOG("TimeMarchesOn pause the MediaElement"); mMediaElement->Pause(); break; } } } // Step 15. // Sort text tracks in the same order as the text tracks appear // in the media element's list of text tracks, and remove // duplicates. TextTrackListInternal affectedTracks; // Step 13, 14. nsTArray<RefPtr<SimpleTextTrackEvent>> eventList; // Step 9, 10. // For each text track cue in missed cues, prepare an event named // enter for the TextTrackCue object with the cue start time. for (uint32_t i = 0; i < missedCues->Length(); ++i) { TextTrackCue* cue = (*missedCues)[i]; if (cue) { SimpleTextTrackEvent* event = new SimpleTextTrackEvent( NS_LITERAL_STRING("enter"), cue->StartTime(), cue->GetTrack(), cue); eventList.InsertElementSorted( event, CompareSimpleTextTrackEvents(mMediaElement)); affectedTracks.AddTextTrack(cue->GetTrack(), CompareTextTracks(mMediaElement)); } } // Step 11, 17. for (uint32_t i = 0; i < otherCues->Length(); ++i) { TextTrackCue* cue = (*otherCues)[i]; if (cue->GetActive() || missedCues->IsCueExist(cue)) { double time = cue->StartTime() > cue->EndTime() ? cue->StartTime() : cue->EndTime(); SimpleTextTrackEvent* event = new SimpleTextTrackEvent( NS_LITERAL_STRING("exit"), time, cue->GetTrack(), cue); eventList.InsertElementSorted( event, CompareSimpleTextTrackEvents(mMediaElement)); affectedTracks.AddTextTrack(cue->GetTrack(), CompareTextTracks(mMediaElement)); } cue->SetActive(false); } // Step 12, 17. for (uint32_t i = 0; i < currentCues->Length(); ++i) { TextTrackCue* cue = (*currentCues)[i]; if (!cue->GetActive()) { SimpleTextTrackEvent* event = new SimpleTextTrackEvent( NS_LITERAL_STRING("enter"), cue->StartTime(), cue->GetTrack(), cue); eventList.InsertElementSorted( event, CompareSimpleTextTrackEvents(mMediaElement)); affectedTracks.AddTextTrack(cue->GetTrack(), CompareTextTracks(mMediaElement)); } cue->SetActive(true); } // Fire the eventList for (uint32_t i = 0; i < eventList.Length(); ++i) { eventList[i]->Dispatch(); } // Step 16. for (uint32_t i = 0; i < affectedTracks.Length(); ++i) { TextTrack* ttrack = affectedTracks[i]; if (ttrack) { ttrack->DispatchAsyncTrustedEvent(NS_LITERAL_STRING("cuechange")); HTMLTrackElement* trackElement = ttrack->GetTrackElement(); if (trackElement) { trackElement->DispatchTrackRunnable(NS_LITERAL_STRING("cuechange")); } } } mLastTimeMarchesOnCalled = currentPlaybackTime; mLastActiveCues = currentCues; // Step 18. UpdateCueDisplay(); }
/*! Redraw the liquid in thermometer pipe. \param painter Painter \param pipeRect Bounding rectangle of the pipe without borders */ void QwtThermo::drawLiquid( QPainter *painter, const QRect &pipeRect ) const { painter->save(); painter->setClipRect( pipeRect, Qt::IntersectClip ); const bool inverted = ( maxValue() < minValue() ); if ( d_data->colorMap != NULL ) { QwtInterval interval( d_data->minValue, d_data->maxValue ); interval = interval.normalized(); // Because the positions of the ticks are rounded // we calculate the colors for the rounded tick values QVector<double> values = qwtTickList( scaleDraw()->scaleDiv(), d_data->value ); if ( d_data->map.isInverting() ) qSort( values.begin(), values.end(), qGreater<double>() ); else qSort( values.begin(), values.end(), qLess<double>() ); int from; if ( !values.isEmpty() ) { from = qRound( d_data->map.transform( values[0] ) ); qwtDrawLine( painter, from, d_data->colorMap->color( interval, values[0] ), pipeRect, d_data->orientation ); } for ( int i = 1; i < values.size(); i++ ) { const int to = qRound( d_data->map.transform( values[i] ) ); for ( int pos = from + 1; pos < to; pos++ ) { const double v = d_data->map.invTransform( pos ); qwtDrawLine( painter, pos, d_data->colorMap->color( interval, v ), pipeRect, d_data->orientation ); } qwtDrawLine( painter, to, d_data->colorMap->color( interval, values[i] ), pipeRect, d_data->orientation ); from = to; } } else { const int tval = qRound( d_data->map.transform( d_data->value ) ); QRect fillRect = pipeRect; if ( d_data->orientation == Qt::Horizontal ) { if ( inverted ) fillRect.setLeft( tval ); else fillRect.setRight( tval ); } else // Qt::Vertical { if ( inverted ) fillRect.setBottom( tval ); else fillRect.setTop( tval ); } if ( d_data->alarmEnabled && d_data->value >= d_data->alarmLevel ) { QRect alarmRect = fillRect; const int taval = qRound( d_data->map.transform( d_data->alarmLevel ) ); if ( d_data->orientation == Qt::Horizontal ) { if ( inverted ) alarmRect.setRight( taval ); else alarmRect.setLeft( taval ); } else { if ( inverted ) alarmRect.setTop( taval ); else alarmRect.setBottom( taval ); } fillRect = QRegion( fillRect ).subtracted( alarmRect ).boundingRect(); painter->fillRect( alarmRect, palette().brush( QPalette::Highlight ) ); } painter->fillRect( fillRect, palette().brush( QPalette::ButtonText ) ); } painter->restore(); }
/// Launch the realm server extern int main(int argc, char** argv) { ///- Command line parsing char const* cfg_file = _REALMD_CONFIG; char const* options = ":c:s:"; ACE_Get_Opt cmd_opts(argc, argv, options); cmd_opts.long_option("version", 'v'); char serviceDaemonMode = '\0'; int option; while ((option = cmd_opts()) != EOF) { switch (option) { case 'c': cfg_file = cmd_opts.opt_arg(); break; case 'v': printf("%s\n", _FULLVERSION(REVISION_DATE, REVISION_TIME, REVISION_NR, REVISION_ID)); return 0; case 's': { const char* mode = cmd_opts.opt_arg(); if (!strcmp(mode, "run")) serviceDaemonMode = 'r'; #ifdef WIN32 else if (!strcmp(mode, "install")) serviceDaemonMode = 'i'; else if (!strcmp(mode, "uninstall")) serviceDaemonMode = 'u'; #else else if (!strcmp(mode, "stop")) serviceDaemonMode = 's'; #endif else { sLog.outError("Runtime-Error: -%c unsupported argument %s", cmd_opts.opt_opt(), mode); usage(argv[0]); Log::WaitBeforeContinueIfNeed(); return 1; } break; } case ':': sLog.outError("Runtime-Error: -%c option requires an input argument", cmd_opts.opt_opt()); usage(argv[0]); Log::WaitBeforeContinueIfNeed(); return 1; default: sLog.outError("Runtime-Error: bad format of commandline arguments"); usage(argv[0]); Log::WaitBeforeContinueIfNeed(); return 1; } } #ifdef WIN32 // windows service command need execute before config read switch (serviceDaemonMode) { case 'i': if (WinServiceInstall()) sLog.outString("Installing service"); return 1; case 'u': if (WinServiceUninstall()) sLog.outString("Uninstalling service"); return 1; case 'r': WinServiceRun(); break; } #endif if (!sConfig.SetSource(cfg_file)) { sLog.outError("Could not find configuration file %s.", cfg_file); Log::WaitBeforeContinueIfNeed(); return 1; } #ifndef WIN32 // posix daemon commands need apply after config read switch (serviceDaemonMode) { case 'r': startDaemon(); break; case 's': stopDaemon(); break; } #endif sLog.Initialize(); sLog.outString("%s [realm-daemon]", _FULLVERSION(REVISION_DATE, REVISION_TIME, REVISION_NR, REVISION_ID)); sLog.outString("<Ctrl-C> to stop.\n"); sLog.outString("Using configuration file %s.", cfg_file); ///- Check the version of the configuration file uint32 confVersion = sConfig.GetIntDefault("ConfVersion", 0); if (confVersion < _REALMDCONFVERSION) { sLog.outError("*****************************************************************************"); sLog.outError(" WARNING: Your realmd.conf version indicates your conf file is out of date!"); sLog.outError(" Please check for updates, as your current default values may cause"); sLog.outError(" strange behavior."); sLog.outError("*****************************************************************************"); Log::WaitBeforeContinueIfNeed(); } DETAIL_LOG("%s (Library: %s)", OPENSSL_VERSION_TEXT, SSLeay_version(SSLEAY_VERSION)); if (SSLeay() < 0x009080bfL) { DETAIL_LOG("WARNING: Outdated version of OpenSSL lib. Logins to server may not work!"); DETAIL_LOG("WARNING: Minimal required version [OpenSSL 0.9.8k]"); } DETAIL_LOG("Using ACE: %s", ACE_VERSION); #if defined (ACE_HAS_EVENT_POLL) || defined (ACE_HAS_DEV_POLL) ACE_Reactor::instance(new ACE_Reactor(new ACE_Dev_Poll_Reactor(ACE::max_handles(), 1), 1), true); #else ACE_Reactor::instance(new ACE_Reactor(new ACE_TP_Reactor(), true), true); #endif sLog.outBasic("Max allowed open files is %d", ACE::max_handles()); /// realmd PID file creation std::string pidfile = sConfig.GetStringDefault("PidFile", ""); if (!pidfile.empty()) { uint32 pid = CreatePIDFile(pidfile); if (!pid) { sLog.outError("Cannot create PID file %s.\n", pidfile.c_str()); Log::WaitBeforeContinueIfNeed(); return 1; } sLog.outString("Daemon PID: %u\n", pid); } ///- Initialize the database connection if (!StartDB()) { Log::WaitBeforeContinueIfNeed(); return 1; } ///- Get the list of realms for the server sRealmList.Initialize(sConfig.GetIntDefault("RealmsStateUpdateDelay", 20)); if (sRealmList.size() == 0) { sLog.outError("No valid realms specified."); Log::WaitBeforeContinueIfNeed(); return 1; } // cleanup query // set expired bans to inactive LoginDatabase.BeginTransaction(); LoginDatabase.Execute("UPDATE account_banned SET active = 0 WHERE unbandate<=UNIX_TIMESTAMP() AND unbandate<>bandate"); LoginDatabase.Execute("DELETE FROM ip_banned WHERE unbandate<=UNIX_TIMESTAMP() AND unbandate<>bandate"); LoginDatabase.CommitTransaction(); ///- Launch the listening network socket ACE_Acceptor<AuthSocket, ACE_SOCK_Acceptor> acceptor; uint16 rmport = sConfig.GetIntDefault("RealmServerPort", DEFAULT_REALMSERVER_PORT); std::string bind_ip = sConfig.GetStringDefault("BindIP", ""); ACE_INET_Addr bind_addr(rmport, bind_ip.c_str()); if (acceptor.open(bind_addr, ACE_Reactor::instance(), ACE_NONBLOCK) == -1) { sLog.outError("MaNGOS realmd can not bind to %s:%d", bind_ip.c_str(), rmport); Log::WaitBeforeContinueIfNeed(); return 1; } ///- Catch termination signals HookSignals(); ///- Handle affinity for multiple processors and process priority on Windows #ifdef WIN32 { HANDLE hProcess = GetCurrentProcess(); uint32 Aff = sConfig.GetIntDefault("UseProcessors", 0); if (Aff > 0) { ULONG_PTR appAff; ULONG_PTR sysAff; if (GetProcessAffinityMask(hProcess, &appAff, &sysAff)) { ULONG_PTR curAff = Aff & appAff; // remove non accessible processors if (!curAff) { sLog.outError("Processors marked in UseProcessors bitmask (hex) %x not accessible for realmd. Accessible processors bitmask (hex): %x", Aff, appAff); } else { if (SetProcessAffinityMask(hProcess, curAff)) sLog.outString("Using processors (bitmask, hex): %x", curAff); else sLog.outError("Can't set used processors (hex): %x", curAff); } } sLog.outString(); } bool Prio = sConfig.GetBoolDefault("ProcessPriority", false); if (Prio) { if (SetPriorityClass(hProcess, HIGH_PRIORITY_CLASS)) sLog.outString("realmd process priority class set to HIGH"); else sLog.outError("Can't set realmd process priority class."); sLog.outString(); } } #endif // server has started up successfully => enable async DB requests LoginDatabase.AllowAsyncTransactions(); // maximum counter for next ping uint32 numLoops = (sConfig.GetIntDefault("MaxPingTime", 30) * (MINUTE * 1000000 / 100000)); uint32 loopCounter = 0; #ifndef WIN32 detachDaemon(); #endif ///- Wait for termination signal while (!stopEvent) { // dont move this outside the loop, the reactor will modify it ACE_Time_Value interval(0, 100000); if (ACE_Reactor::instance()->run_reactor_event_loop(interval) == -1) break; if ((++loopCounter) == numLoops) { loopCounter = 0; DETAIL_LOG("Ping MySQL to keep connection alive"); LoginDatabase.Ping(); } #ifdef WIN32 if (m_ServiceStatus == 0) stopEvent = true; while (m_ServiceStatus == 2) Sleep(1000); #endif } ///- Wait for the delay thread to exit LoginDatabase.HaltDelayThread(); ///- Remove signal handling before leaving UnhookSignals(); sLog.outString("Halting process..."); return 0; }
RCP<const Set> Interval::Ropen() const { return interval(start_, end_, false, true); }
/*! Calculate contour lines \param rect Bounding rectangle for the contour lines \param raster Number of data pixels of the raster data \param levels List of limits, where to insert contour lines \param flags Flags to customize the contouring algorithm \return Calculated contour lines An adaption of CONREC, a simple contouring algorithm. http://local.wasp.uwa.edu.au/~pbourke/papers/conrec/ */ QwtRasterData::ContourLines QwtRasterData::contourLines( const QRectF &rect, const QSize &raster, const QList<double> &levels, ConrecFlags flags ) const { ContourLines contourLines; if ( levels.size() == 0 || !rect.isValid() || !raster.isValid() ) return contourLines; const double dx = rect.width() / raster.width(); const double dy = rect.height() / raster.height(); const bool ignoreOnPlane = flags & QwtRasterData::IgnoreAllVerticesOnLevel; const QwtInterval range = interval( Qt::ZAxis ); bool ignoreOutOfRange = false; if ( range.isValid() ) ignoreOutOfRange = flags & IgnoreOutOfRange; QwtRasterData *that = const_cast<QwtRasterData *>( this ); that->initRaster( rect, raster ); for ( int y = 0; y < raster.height() - 1; y++ ) { enum Position { Center, TopLeft, TopRight, BottomRight, BottomLeft, NumPositions }; QwtPoint3D xy[NumPositions]; for ( int x = 0; x < raster.width() - 1; x++ ) { const QPointF pos( rect.x() + x * dx, rect.y() + y * dy ); if ( x == 0 ) { xy[TopRight].setX( pos.x() ); xy[TopRight].setY( pos.y() ); xy[TopRight].setZ( value( xy[TopRight].x(), xy[TopRight].y() ) ); xy[BottomRight].setX( pos.x() ); xy[BottomRight].setY( pos.y() + dy ); xy[BottomRight].setZ( value( xy[BottomRight].x(), xy[BottomRight].y() ) ); } xy[TopLeft] = xy[TopRight]; xy[BottomLeft] = xy[BottomRight]; xy[TopRight].setX( pos.x() + dx ); xy[TopRight].setY( pos.y() ); xy[BottomRight].setX( pos.x() + dx ); xy[BottomRight].setY( pos.y() + dy ); xy[TopRight].setZ( value( xy[TopRight].x(), xy[TopRight].y() ) ); xy[BottomRight].setZ( value( xy[BottomRight].x(), xy[BottomRight].y() ) ); double zMin = xy[TopLeft].z(); double zMax = zMin; double zSum = zMin; for ( int i = TopRight; i <= BottomLeft; i++ ) { const double z = xy[i].z(); zSum += z; if ( z < zMin ) zMin = z; if ( z > zMax ) zMax = z; } if ( qIsNaN( zSum ) ) { // one of the points is NaN continue; } if ( ignoreOutOfRange ) { if ( !range.contains( zMin ) || !range.contains( zMax ) ) continue; } if ( zMax < levels[0] || zMin > levels[levels.size() - 1] ) { continue; } xy[Center].setX( pos.x() + 0.5 * dx ); xy[Center].setY( pos.y() + 0.5 * dy ); xy[Center].setZ( 0.25 * zSum ); const int numLevels = levels.size(); for ( int l = 0; l < numLevels; l++ ) { const double level = levels[l]; if ( level < zMin || level > zMax ) continue; QPolygonF &lines = contourLines[level]; const ContourPlane plane( level ); QPointF line[2]; QwtPoint3D vertex[3]; for ( int m = TopLeft; m < NumPositions; m++ ) { vertex[0] = xy[m]; vertex[1] = xy[0]; vertex[2] = xy[m != BottomLeft ? m + 1 : TopLeft]; const bool intersects = plane.intersect( vertex, line, ignoreOnPlane ); if ( intersects ) { lines += line[0]; lines += line[1]; } } } } } that->discardRaster(); return contourLines; }
RCP<const Set> Interval::close() const { return interval(start_, end_, false, false); }
/*! This function sets the power management internal timeouts to the values passed in \a ivals. \a size determines the number of entries in \a ivals. The phone power manager maps the timeouts to the following actions: \list \o 0 -> dim light \o 1 -> turn off light \o 2 -> suspend device \endlist */ void PhonePowerManager::setIntervals(int* ivals, int size ) { //update value space QtopiaPowerManager::setIntervals( ivals, size ); QSettings config("Trolltech","qpe"); QString powerGroup = (powerstatus.wallStatus() == QPowerStatus::Available) ? "ExternalPower" : "BatteryPower"; config.beginGroup( powerGroup ); int *v = new int[size+1]; for(int j=size; j>=0; j--) v[j]=0; m_levelToAction.clear(); QMap<int,int> timeToAction; switch (size) { default: case 3: ivals[2] = interval(ivals[2], config, "Suspend","Interval", 60); // No tr v[2] = qMax( 1000*ivals[2] + 100, 100); m_suspendEnabled = ( (ivals[2] != 0) ? config.value("Suspend", true).toBool() : false ); if (m_suspendEnabled) timeToAction.insert(v[2], PhonePowerManager::Suspend); case 2: ivals[1] = interval(ivals[1], config, "LightOff","Interval_LightOff", 30); if (ivals[1] == 0 && m_suspendEnabled) ivals[1] = ivals[2]; v[1] = qMax( 1000*ivals[1], 100); if (timeToAction.contains(v[1])) v[1] = v[1]+100; //add few ms for next timeout m_lightOffEnabled = ( (ivals[1] != 0 ) ? config.value("LightOff", true).toBool() : false ); m_lightOffEnabled |= m_suspendEnabled; if (m_lightOffEnabled) timeToAction.insert(v[1], PhonePowerManager::LightOff); case 1: ivals[0] = interval(ivals[0], config, "Dim","Interval_Dim", 20); // No tr v[0] = qMax( 1000*ivals[0], 100); while ( timeToAction.contains( v[0] ) ) v[0] = v[0]+100; //add few ms for next timeout m_dimLightEnabled = ( (ivals[0] != 0) ? config.value("Dim", true).toBool() : false ); if (m_dimLightEnabled) timeToAction.insert(v[0], PhonePowerManager::DimLight); case 0: break; } qLog(PowerManagement) << "PhonePowerManager::setIntervals:" << ivals[0] << ivals[1] << ivals[2] <<" size: " << size; if ( !ivals[0] && !ivals[1] && !ivals[2] ){ #ifdef Q_WS_QWS QWSServer::setScreenSaverInterval(0); #endif delete [] v; return; } QList<int> keys = timeToAction.keys(); qStableSort(keys.begin(), keys.end()); //first element v[0] = keys.at(0); m_levelToAction.insert(0, timeToAction.value(v[0])); int sum = v[0]; for (int j=1; j<keys.count(); j++) { v[j]=keys.at(j)-sum; sum+= v[j]; m_levelToAction.insert(j, timeToAction.value(sum)); } v[keys.count()] = 0; qLog(PowerManagement) << "PhonePowerManager::setIntervals:" << v[0] << v[1] << v[2]; #ifdef Q_WS_QWS QWSServer::setScreenSaverIntervals(v); #endif delete [] v; // when the backlight goes off, ignore the key that wakes it up int blocklevel = PhonePowerManager::LightOff; if ( !m_lightOffEnabled ) { // we're not turning the backlight off, ignore the key that wakes us up from suspend blocklevel = PhonePowerManager::Suspend; if ( !m_suspendEnabled ) { // we're not suspending, never ignore keys blocklevel = -1; } } // Now we need to map blocklevel from "action" to "level" if ( blocklevel != -1 ) { for ( QMap<int,int>::const_iterator it = m_levelToAction.begin(); it != m_levelToAction.end(); ++it ) { if ( blocklevel == it.value() ) { blocklevel = it.key(); break; } } } #ifdef Q_WS_QWS qLog(PowerManagement) << "Using Block level " << blocklevel; QWSServer::setScreenSaverBlockLevel(blocklevel); #endif }
bool SoundRecorder::init(const std::string &fname, int sampRate) { if (m_init) { setErrorString("Already initialized"); return false; } MIPTime interval(0.200); // We'll use 200 ms intervals int channels = 1; #ifdef MIPCONFIG_SUPPORT_WINMM m_pInput = new MIPWinMMInput(); if (!m_pInput->open(sampRate, channels, interval, MIPTime(10.0), true)) // TODO: always use high priority? { setErrorString(m_pInput->getErrorString()); deleteAll(); return false; } #else #ifdef MIPCONFIG_SUPPORT_OSS m_pInput = new MIPOSSInputOutput(); if (!m_pInput->open(sampRate, channels, interval, MIPOSSInputOutput::ReadOnly)) { setErrorString(m_pInput->getErrorString()); deleteAll(); return false; } #else m_pInput = new MIPPAInputOutput(); if (!m_pInput->open(sampRate, channels, interval, MIPPAInputOutput::ReadOnly)) { setErrorString(m_pInput->getErrorString()); deleteAll(); return false; } #endif #endif m_pSampEnc = new MIPSampleEncoder(); if (!m_pSampEnc->init(MIPRAWAUDIOMESSAGE_TYPE_U8)) { setErrorString(m_pSampEnc->getErrorString()); deleteAll(); return false; } m_pOutput = new MIPWAVOutput(); if (!m_pOutput->open(fname, sampRate)) { setErrorString(m_pOutput->getErrorString()); deleteAll(); return false; } m_pChain = new SoundRecorderChain(this); m_pChain->setChainStart(m_pInput); m_pChain->addConnection(m_pInput, m_pSampEnc); m_pChain->addConnection(m_pSampEnc, m_pOutput); if (!m_pChain->start()) { setErrorString(m_pChain->getErrorString()); deleteAll(); return false; } m_init = true; return true; }
/*! Align and divide an interval \param maxNumSteps Max. number of steps \param x1 First limit of the interval (In/Out) \param x2 Second limit of the interval (In/Out) \param stepSize Step size (Out) \sa QwtScaleEngine::setAttribute() */ void QwtLogScaleEngine::autoScale( int maxNumSteps, double &x1, double &x2, double &stepSize ) const { if ( x1 > x2 ) qSwap( x1, x2 ); const double logBase = base(); QwtInterval interval( x1 / qPow( logBase, lowerMargin() ), x2 * qPow( logBase, upperMargin() ) ); if ( interval.maxValue() / interval.minValue() < logBase ) { // scale width is less than one step -> try to build a linear scale QwtLinearScaleEngine linearScaler; linearScaler.setAttributes( attributes() ); linearScaler.setReference( reference() ); linearScaler.setMargins( lowerMargin(), upperMargin() ); linearScaler.autoScale( maxNumSteps, x1, x2, stepSize ); QwtInterval linearInterval = QwtInterval( x1, x2 ).normalized(); linearInterval = linearInterval.limited( LOG_MIN, LOG_MAX ); if ( linearInterval.maxValue() / linearInterval.minValue() < logBase ) { // the aligned scale is still less than one step if ( stepSize < 0.0 ) stepSize = -qwtLog( logBase, qAbs( stepSize ) ); else stepSize = qwtLog( logBase, stepSize ); return; } } double logRef = 1.0; if ( reference() > LOG_MIN / 2 ) logRef = qMin( reference(), LOG_MAX / 2 ); if ( testAttribute( QwtScaleEngine::Symmetric ) ) { const double delta = qMax( interval.maxValue() / logRef, logRef / interval.minValue() ); interval.setInterval( logRef / delta, logRef * delta ); } if ( testAttribute( QwtScaleEngine::IncludeReference ) ) interval = interval.extend( logRef ); interval = interval.limited( LOG_MIN, LOG_MAX ); if ( interval.width() == 0.0 ) interval = buildInterval( interval.minValue() ); stepSize = divideInterval( qwtLogInterval( logBase, interval ).width(), qMax( maxNumSteps, 1 ) ); if ( stepSize < 1.0 ) stepSize = 1.0; if ( !testAttribute( QwtScaleEngine::Floating ) ) interval = align( interval, stepSize ); x1 = interval.minValue(); x2 = interval.maxValue(); if ( testAttribute( QwtScaleEngine::Inverted ) ) { qSwap( x1, x2 ); stepSize = -stepSize; } }
int main(int ac,char *av[]) { char buf[131702]; int len,i,len1; ENIGMA t; ENIGMA2 egm; struct timeval beg,end; enigma_init(t,"abcdefg",0); printf("t1:"); for(i=0;i<256;i++) { if(!(i&7)) putchar('\n'); printf("%3d:%02X\t",i,255&t[0][i]); } printf("\nt3:"); for(i=0;i<256;i++) { if(!(i&7)) putchar('\n'); printf("%3d:%02X\t",i,255&t[2][i]); } putchar('\n'); enigma2_init(&egm,"abcdefg",0); printf("\ncrc=%d\n",egm.crc); // enigma2_init(&egm,"\x01\xff\x35\xf8\xef\x97\x22\x14\x80\x7f\t\b\r\n\377\177\225",17); memset(buf,'B',sizeof(buf)); buf[sizeof(buf)-1]=0; #ifndef TEST_SPEED while(!ferror(stdin)) { fgets(buf,sizeof(buf),stdin); if(feof(stdin)) break; TRIM(buf); #endif len=strlen(buf); gettimeofday(&beg,0); enigma(t,buf,len); gettimeofday(&end,0); len1=len>32?32:len; printf("enigma encode :"); for(i=0;i<len1;i++) printf("%02X ",buf[i]&255); printf("\nenigma encode 64K:"); for(i=0;i<len1;i++) printf("%02X ",buf[i+65536]&255); printf("\ntimeval=%ld\n",interval(&beg,&end)); enigma(t,buf,len); printf("enigma decode:\n%.100s\n",buf); //test frenz gettimeofday(&beg,0); enigma_encrypt(t,buf,len); gettimeofday(&end,0); printf("\nencrypt :"); for(i=0;i<len1;i++) printf("%02X ",buf[i]&255); printf("\nencrypt 64K:"); for(i=0;i<len1;i++) printf("%02X ",buf[i+65536]&255); printf("\ntimeval=%ld\n",interval(&beg,&end)); enigma_decrypt(t,buf,len); printf("decrypt :\n%.100s\n",buf); //test enigma2 gettimeofday(&beg,0); enigma2_encrypt(&egm,buf,len); gettimeofday(&end,0); printf("enigma2 encode :"); for(i=0;i<len1;i++) printf("%02X ",buf[i]&255); printf("\nenigma2 encode 64K:"); for(i=0;i<len1;i++) printf("%02X ",buf[i+65536]&255); printf("\ntimeval=%ld\n",interval(&beg,&end)); enigma2_decrypt(&egm,buf,len); printf("enigma2 decode:\n%.100s\n",buf); #ifndef TEST_SPEED } #endif return 0; }