コード例 #1
static void simpledisk_request_arrive (ioreq_event *curr)
   ioreq_event *intrp;
   simpledisk_t *currdisk;

   fprintf (outputfile, "*** %f: simpledisk_request_arrive - devno %d, blkno %d, bcount %d, flags 0x%x\n", simtime, curr->devno, curr->blkno, curr->bcount, curr->flags );

   currdisk = getsimpledisk(curr->devno);

   /* verify that request is valid. */
   if ((curr->blkno < 0) || (curr->bcount <= 0) ||
       ((curr->blkno + curr->bcount) > currdisk->numblocks)) {
      fprintf(stderr, "Invalid set of blocks requested from simpledisk - blkno %lld, bcount %d, numblocks %lld\n", curr->blkno, curr->bcount, currdisk->numblocks);

   /* create a new request, set it up for initial interrupt */
   currdisk->busowned = simpledisk_get_busno(curr);

   if (ioqueue_get_reqoutstanding (currdisk->queue) == 0) {
      ioqueue_add_new_request(currdisk->queue, curr);
      curr = ioqueue_get_next_request (currdisk->queue);
      intrp = curr;

      /* initiate media access if request is a READ */
      if (curr->flags & READ) {
         ioreq_event *tmp = ioreq_copy (curr);
         currdisk->media_busy = TRUE;
         stat_update (&currdisk->stat.acctimestats, currdisk->acctime);
         tmp->time = simtime + currdisk->acctime;
         tmp->type = DEVICE_ACCESS_COMPLETE;
         addtointq ((event *)tmp);

      /* if not disconnecting, then the READY_TO_TRANSFER is like a RECONNECT */
      currdisk->reconnect_reason = IO_INTERRUPT_ARRIVE;
      if (curr->flags & READ) {
         intrp->cause = (currdisk->neverdisconnect) ? READY_TO_TRANSFER : DISCONNECT;
      } else {
         intrp->cause = READY_TO_TRANSFER;

   } else {
      intrp = ioreq_copy(curr);
      ioqueue_add_new_request(currdisk->queue, curr);
      intrp->cause = DISCONNECT;

   intrp->type = IO_INTERRUPT_ARRIVE;
   simpledisk_send_event_up_path(intrp, currdisk->bus_transaction_latency);
コード例 #2
ファイル: disksim_iodriver.c プロジェクト: LJBR802303/DiskSim
static ioreq_event * handle_new_request (iodriver *curriodriver, ioreq_event *curr)
   struct ioq *queue = curriodriver->devices[(curr->devno)].queue;
   ioreq_event *ret = NULL;

   fprintf(outputfile, "\n***  handle_new_request::  time %f, devno %d, blkno %d, bcount %d\n\n",
	   simtime, curr->devno, curr->blkno, curr->bcount);

   fprintf(outputfile, "handle_new_request::  calling ioqueue_add_new_request\n");

   ioqueue_add_new_request(queue, curr);
   if (check_send_out_request(curriodriver, curr->devno)) {
     fprintf(outputfile, "handle_new_request::  calling ioqueue_get_next_request\n");
      ret = ioqueue_get_next_request(queue);
      if (ret != NULL) {
         schedule_disk_access(curriodriver, ret);
         ret->time = IODRIVER_IMMEDSCHED_TIME * curriodriver->scale;
コード例 #3
ファイル: ssd.c プロジェクト: vishnu89/gijoe
static void ssd_media_access_request_element (ioreq_event *curr)
   ssd_t *currdisk = getssd(curr->devno);
   int blkno = curr->blkno;
   int count = curr->bcount;

   /* **** CAREFUL ... HIJACKING tempint2 and tempptr2 fields here **** */
   curr->tempint2 = count;
   while (count != 0) {

       // find the element (package) to direct the request
       int elem_num = currdisk->timing_t->choose_element(currdisk->timing_t, blkno);
       ssd_element *elem = &currdisk->elements[elem_num];

       // create a new sub-request for the element
       ioreq_event *tmp = (ioreq_event *)getfromextraq();
       tmp->devno = curr->devno;
       tmp->busno = curr->busno;
       tmp->flags = curr->flags;
       tmp->blkno = blkno;
       tmp->bcount = ssd_choose_aligned_count(currdisk->params.page_size, blkno, count);
       ASSERT(tmp->bcount == currdisk->params.page_size);

       tmp->tempptr2 = curr;
       blkno += tmp->bcount;
       count -= tmp->bcount;

       elem->metadata.reqs_waiting ++;

       // add the request to the corresponding element's queue
       ioqueue_add_new_request(elem->queue, (ioreq_event *)tmp);
       ssd_activate_elem(currdisk, elem_num);
コード例 #4
ファイル: ssd.c プロジェクト: ESOS-Lab/EnergySim
static void ssd_request_arrive (ioreq_event *curr)
   ssd_t *currdisk;

   // fprintf (outputfile, "Entering ssd_request_arrive: %12.6f\n", simtime);
   // fprintf (outputfile, "ssd = %d, blkno = %d, bcount = %d, read = %d\n",curr->devno, curr->blkno, curr->bcount, (READ & curr->flags));

   currdisk = getssd(curr->devno);

   // verify that request is valid.
   if ((curr->blkno < 0) || (curr->bcount <= 0) ||
       ((curr->blkno + curr->bcount) > currdisk->numblocks)) {
      fprintf(outputfile3, "Invalid set of blocks requested from ssd - blkno %d, bcount %d, numblocks %d\n", curr->blkno, curr->bcount, currdisk->numblocks);

   /* create a new request, set it up for initial interrupt */
   ioqueue_add_new_request(currdisk->queue, curr);
   if (currdisk->channel_activity == NULL) {

      curr = ioqueue_get_next_request(currdisk->queue);
      currdisk->busowned = ssd_get_busno(curr);
      currdisk->channel_activity = curr;
      currdisk->reconnect_reason = IO_INTERRUPT_ARRIVE;

      if (curr->flags & READ) {
          ssd_media_access_request (curr);
      } else {
         curr->cause = READY_TO_TRANSFER;
         curr->type = IO_INTERRUPT_ARRIVE;
         ssd_send_event_up_path(curr, currdisk->bus_transaction_latency);
コード例 #5
ファイル: disksim_ctlrsmart.c プロジェクト: 915086731/disksim
static void controller_smart_issue_access (void *issuefuncparam, ioreq_event *curr)
   controller *currctlr = issuefuncparam;
   struct ioq *queue = currctlr->devices[curr->devno].queue;
   int numout = ioqueue_get_reqoutstanding(queue);

   /* in case the cache changes to which device the request is sent */
//fprintf (stderr, "busno %x, buspath %x, slotno %x, slotpath %x\n", curr->busno, currctlr->devices[curr->devno].buspath.value, curr->slotno, currctlr->devices[curr->devno].slotpath.value);
   curr->busno = currctlr->devices[curr->devno].buspath.value;
   curr->slotno = currctlr->devices[curr->devno].slotpath.value;

   ioqueue_add_new_request(queue, curr);
   if (numout < currctlr->devices[curr->devno].maxoutstanding) {
      ioreq_event *sched = ioqueue_get_next_request(queue);
      controller_send_event_down_path(currctlr, sched, currctlr->ovrhd_disk_request);
コード例 #6
ファイル: disksim_iodriver.c プロジェクト: LJBR802303/DiskSim
event * iodriver_request (int iodriverno, ioreq_event *curr)
   ioreq_event *temp = NULL;
   ioreq_event *ret = NULL;
   ioreq_event *retlist = NULL;
   int numreqs;
   printf ("Entered iodriver_request - simtime %f, devno %d, blkno %lld, cause %d\n", simtime, curr->devno, curr->blkno, curr->cause);
   fprintf (outputfile, "Entered iodriver_request - simtime %f, devno %d, blkno %lld, cause %d\n", simtime, curr->devno, curr->blkno, curr->cause);
   fprintf (stderr, "Entered iodriver_request - simtime %f, devno %d, blkno %lld, cause %d\n", simtime, curr->devno, curr->blkno, curr->cause);
   if (NULL != OUTIOS) {
      fprintf(OUTIOS, "%.6f,%d,%lld,%d,%x,%d,%p\n", simtime, curr->devno, curr->blkno, curr->bcount, curr->flags, OVERALLQUEUE->base.listlen + 1, curr );
      fflush( OUTIOS );

#if 0
   fprintf (stderr, "Entered iodriver_request - simtime %f, devno %d, blkno %lld, cause %d\n", simtime, curr->devno, curr->blkno, curr->cause);

   /* add to the overall queue to start tracking */
   ret = ioreq_copy (curr);
   ioqueue_add_new_request (OVERALLQUEUE, ret);
   ret = NULL;
   if ((disksim->checkpoint_iocnt > 0) && ((disksim->totalreqs % disksim->checkpoint_iocnt) == 0)) {
      disksim_register_checkpoint (simtime);
   if (disksim->totalreqs == disksim->warmup_iocnt) {
      warmuptime = simtime;
   numreqs = logorg_maprequest(sysorgs, numsysorgs, curr);
   temp = curr->next;
   for (; numreqs>0; numreqs--) {
          /* Request list size must match numreqs */
      ASSERT(curr != NULL);
      curr->next = NULL;
      if ((iodrivers[iodriverno]->consttime == IODRIVER_TRACED_QUEUE_TIMES) || (iodrivers[iodriverno]->consttime == IODRIVER_TRACED_BOTH_TIMES)) {
         ret = ioreq_copy(curr);
         ret->time = simtime + (double) ret->tempint1 / (double) 1000;
         ret->type = IO_TRACE_REQUEST_START;
         addtointq((event *) ret);
         ret = NULL;
         if ((curr->slotno == 1) && (ioqueue_get_number_in_queue(iodrivers[iodriverno]->devices[(curr->devno)].queue) == 0)) {
            iodrivers[(iodriverno)]->devices[(curr->devno)].flag = 2;
            iodrivers[(iodriverno)]->devices[(curr->devno)].lastevent = simtime;
      ret = handle_new_request(iodrivers[iodriverno], curr);

      if ((ret) && (iodrivers[iodriverno]->type == STANDALONE) && (ret->time == 0.0)) {
         ret->type = IO_ACCESS_ARRIVE;
         ret->time = simtime;
         iodriver_schedule(iodriverno, ret);
      } else if (ret) {
         ret->type = IO_ACCESS_ARRIVE;
         ret->next = retlist;
         ret->prev = NULL;
         retlist = ret;
      curr = temp;
      temp = (temp) ? temp->next : NULL;
   if (iodrivers[iodriverno]->type == STANDALONE) {
      while (retlist) {
         ret = retlist;
         retlist = ret->next;
         ret->next = NULL;
         ret->time += simtime;
         addtointq((event *) ret);
fprintf (outputfile, "leaving iodriver_request: retlist %p\n", retlist);
   return((event *) retlist);
コード例 #7
ファイル: ssd.c プロジェクト: ESOS-Lab/EnergySim
static void ssd_media_access_request_element (ioreq_event *curr)
   ssd_t *currdisk = getssd(curr->devno);
   int blkno = curr->blkno;
   int count = curr->bcount;
   //added by tiel
   int i = 0;
   double max_threshold = currdisk->params.nelements * currdisk->params.page_size;

   /* **** CAREFUL ... HIJACKING tempint2 and tempptr2 fields here **** */
   curr->tempint2 = count;
   //while (count != 0) {
   while (count > 0) {

       // find the element (package) to direct the request
       int elem_num = ssd_choose_element(currdisk->user_params, blkno);
       ssd_element *elem = &currdisk->elements[elem_num];

       // create a new sub-request for the element
       ioreq_event *tmp = (ioreq_event *)getfromextraq();
       tmp->devno = curr->devno;
       tmp->busno = curr->busno;
       tmp->flags = curr->flags;
       tmp->blkno = blkno;
       tmp->bcount = ssd_choose_aligned_count(currdisk->params.page_size, blkno, count);

	   /*if(curr->bcount > max_threshold)
		   tmp->tempint1 = 1;*/
       //ASSERT(tmp->bcount == currdisk->params.page_size);

       tmp->tempptr2 = curr;
       blkno += tmp->bcount;
       count -= tmp->bcount;

       elem->metadata.reqs_waiting ++;

       // add the request to the corresponding element's queue
       ioqueue_add_new_request(elem->queue, (ioreq_event *)tmp);

	   // added by tiel
	   // activate request create simtime, type, elem_num
		   int ch_num;
		   double wtime, ctime;
		   ioreq_event *temp = (ioreq_event *)getfromextraq();
		   temp->type = SSD_ACTIVATE_ELEM;
		   //Insert Channel/Way delay
		   //Channel Number = Chip number % Number of Channel
		   ch_num = elem_num % currdisk->params.nchannel;
		   wtime = currdisk->CH[ch_num].arrival_time + ssd_data_transfer_cost(currdisk,currdisk->params.page_size);
		   ctime = simtime + (i * currdisk->params.channel_switch_delay);
		   if(currdisk->params.nchannel == currdisk->params.nelements){
			   temp->time = ctime;
		   }else if(simtime > wtime || currdisk->CH[ch_num].flag == -1){
			   //channel data setting
			   currdisk->CH[ch_num].arrival_time = ctime;
			   currdisk->CH[ch_num].flag = curr->flags;
			   temp->time = ctime;
		   }else if(currdisk->CH[ch_num].flag ==READ){
			   if(wtime > ctime){
				   if(curr->flags == READ){
					   temp->time = wtime;
					   temp->time = wtime + currdisk->params.page_read_latency;
				   temp->time = ctime;
			   currdisk->CH[ch_num].arrival_time = temp->time;
			   currdisk->CH[ch_num].flag = curr->flags;
		   }else if(currdisk->CH[ch_num].flag == WRITE){
			   if(wtime > ctime){
					   temp->time = wtime;
				   temp->time = ctime;
			   currdisk->CH[ch_num].arrival_time = temp->time;
			   currdisk->CH[ch_num].flag = curr->flags;
		   temp->ssd_elem_num = elem_num;
		   addtointq ((event *)temp);
		   i ++;