bool CPunk::KillPid( DWORD pid ) { HANDLE hProcess = NULL; hProcess = OpenProcess( PROCESS_TERMINATE, FALSE, pid ); if ( isBadHandle( hProcess ) ) { return false; } else { // kill process if ( !TerminateProcess( hProcess, (DWORD) -1 ) ) { return false; } else { return true; } // close handle CloseHandle( hProcess ); } return 0; }
int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { int i, nPIDs, interactiveProcesses; DWORD bufNeeded; HANDLE hp; DWORD *pid = NULL; HINSTANCE hPsapi; HMODULE hm; char moduleName[MAX_PATH]; LARGE_INTEGER t0, t1, fr; pfEnumProcesses pfEP; pfEnumProcessModules pfEPM; pfGetModuleBaseName pfGMBN; if ( argc != 1 ) { printf( "\nUsage: %s\n", argv[0] ); puts( "\nThis program iterates over all processes in the system" ); puts( "(using EnumProcesses(), tries to open their process tokens," ); puts( "and dumps the SIDs in those tokens." ); return 1; } // try to acquire SeDebugPrivilege, if fail, then do without getPriv( SE_DEBUG_NAME ); hPsapi = LoadLibrary( "psapi.dll" ); if ( hPsapi == NULL ) { printf( "LoadLibrary( \"psapi.dll\" ): gle = %lu\n", gle ); return 1; } pfEP = (pfEnumProcesses) GetProcAddress( hPsapi, "EnumProcesses" ); pfEPM = (pfEnumProcessModules) GetProcAddress( hPsapi, "EnumProcessModules" ); pfGMBN = (pfGetModuleBaseName) GetProcAddress( hPsapi, "GetModuleBaseNameA" ); if ( pfEP == NULL || pfEPM == NULL || pfGMBN == NULL ) { printf( "GetProcAddress(): one or more PSAPI functions not found\n" ); return 1; } // here, we start with room for 16 DWORDS. If EnumProcesses() comes back // and tells us that the space was _all_ used, we try again with more, // until EP() doesn't fill all of it. That's when we know that we supplied // enough. QueryPerformanceCounter( &t0 ); interactiveProcesses = 0; nPIDs = 0; // starts with one increment more, actually pid = NULL; do { nPIDs += 16; free( pid ); pid = (DWORD *) malloc( nPIDs * sizeof DWORD ); if ( ! pfEP( pid, (DWORD) nPIDs * 4U, &bufNeeded ) ) { printf( "EnumProcesses(): gle = %lu\n", gle ); return 1; } } while ( (int) ( (DWORD) nPIDs * 4U - bufNeeded ) <= 0 ); // The next line computes the _actual_ number of PIDs retrieved (doh!). // Kudos to Chris Scheers <asi&> for the bug report and this fix! nPIDs = bufNeeded / sizeof DWORD; if ( showInfo ) printf( "\n%d PIDs found.\n", nPIDs ); // for each PID: for ( i = 0; i < nPIDs; i ++ ) { // possibly attempt to add ourselves to the target's ACL? // SeDebugPrivilege makes this wholly unnecessary for this sample // open process hp = OpenProcess( PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION | PROCESS_VM_READ, FALSE, pid[i] ); if ( isBadHandle( hp ) ) { if ( showInfo ) printf( "\nOpenProcess( pid = %lu ): gle = %lu\n", pid[i], gle ); continue; } // we only want the first HMODULE if ( showInfo && pfEPM( hp, &hm, sizeof hm, &bufNeeded ) ) { if ( ! pfGMBN( hp, hm, moduleName, sizeof moduleName ) ) strcpy( moduleName, "--unknown--" ); // this means, module list OK but no name } else strcpy( moduleName, "==unknown==" ); // this means, no module list if ( showInfo ) printf( "\npid %lu [%s]:\n", pid[i], moduleName ); // now, to the meat of the matter if ( dumpToken( hp, showInfo ) ) ++ interactiveProcesses; // close handle CloseHandle( hp ); } QueryPerformanceCounter( &t1 ); QueryPerformanceFrequency( &fr ); printf( "%d PIDs (of which %d are interactive) took %.3lf usec.\n", nPIDs, interactiveProcesses, 1000.0 * (double) ( t1.QuadPart - t0.QuadPart ) / (double) fr.QuadPart ); delete [] pid; FreeLibrary( hPsapi ); return 0; }