コード例 #1
void SiegeTank::blitToScreen() {
    SDL_Surface* pUnitGraphic = graphic[currentZoomlevel];
    int imageW1 = pUnitGraphic->w/numImagesX;
    int x1 = screenborder->world2screenX(realX);
    int y1 = screenborder->world2screenY(realY);

    SDL_Rect source1 = { drawnAngle * imageW1, 0, imageW1, pUnitGraphic->h };
    SDL_Rect dest1 = { x1 - imageW1/2, y1 - pUnitGraphic->h/2, imageW1, pUnitGraphic->h };

    SDL_BlitSurface(pUnitGraphic, &source1, screen, &dest1);

    const Coord siegeTankTurretOffset[] =   {   Coord(8, -12),
                                                Coord(0, -20),
                                                Coord(0, -20),
                                                Coord(-4, -20),
                                                Coord(-8, -12),
                                                Coord(-8, -4),
                                                Coord(-4, -12),
                                                Coord(8, -4)

    SDL_Surface* pTurretGraphic = turretGraphic[currentZoomlevel];
    int imageW2 = pTurretGraphic->w/NUM_ANGLES;
    int x2 = screenborder->world2screenX(realX + siegeTankTurretOffset[drawnTurretAngle].x);
    int y2 = screenborder->world2screenY(realY + siegeTankTurretOffset[drawnTurretAngle].y);

    SDL_Rect source2 = { drawnTurretAngle * imageW2, 0, imageW2, pTurretGraphic->h };
    SDL_Rect dest2 = { x2 - imageW2/2, y2 - pTurretGraphic->h/2, imageW2, pTurretGraphic->h };

    SDL_BlitSurface(pTurretGraphic, &source2, screen, &dest2);

    if(isBadlyDamaged()) {
        drawSmoke(x1, y1);
コード例 #2
ファイル: UnitBase.cpp プロジェクト: katlogic/dunelegacy
void UnitBase::blitToScreen() {

    SDL_Surface* pUnitGraphic = graphic[currentZoomlevel];
    int imageW = pUnitGraphic->w/numImagesX;
    int imageH = pUnitGraphic->h/numImagesY;
    int x = screenborder->world2screenX(realX);
    int y = screenborder->world2screenY(realY);

    SDL_Rect source = { drawnAngle * imageW, drawnFrame * imageH, imageW, imageH };
    SDL_Rect dest = { x - imageW/2, y - imageH/2, imageW, imageH };

    SDL_BlitSurface(pUnitGraphic, &source, screen, &dest);

    if(isBadlyDamaged()) {
        drawSmoke(x, y);
コード例 #3
void SiegeTankClass::blitToScreen()
	SDL_Rect dest, source;
	dest.x = getDrawnX();
	dest.y = getDrawnY();
	dest.w = source.w = imageW;
	dest.h = source.h = imageH;
	source.y = 0;

    source.x = drawnAngle*imageW;

    SDL_BlitSurface(graphic, &source, screen, &dest);	//blit base
    source.x = drawnTurretAngle*source.w;
    source.y = 0;
    dest.x = getDrawnX() + TurretOffset[drawnTurretAngle].x;
    dest.y = getDrawnY() + TurretOffset[drawnTurretAngle].y;
    SDL_BlitSurface(turretGraphic, &source, screen, &dest);	//blit turret
        drawSmoke(screenborder->world2screenX(realX), screenborder->world2screenY(realY));
コード例 #4
ファイル: UnitBase.cpp プロジェクト: katlogic/dunelegacy
void UnitBase::setSpeeds() {
	float speed = getMaxSpeed();

	if(!isAFlyingUnit()) {
		speed += speed*(1.0f - getTerrainDifficulty((TERRAINTYPE) currentGameMap->getTile(location)->getType()));
		if(isBadlyDamaged()) {

        case LEFT:      xSpeed = -speed;                    ySpeed = 0;         break;
        case LEFTUP:    xSpeed = -speed*DIAGONALSPEEDCONST; ySpeed = xSpeed;    break;
        case UP:        xSpeed = 0;                         ySpeed = -speed;    break;
        case RIGHTUP:   xSpeed = speed*DIAGONALSPEEDCONST;  ySpeed = -xSpeed;   break;
        case RIGHT:     xSpeed = speed;                     ySpeed = 0;         break;
        case RIGHTDOWN: xSpeed = speed*DIAGONALSPEEDCONST;  ySpeed = xSpeed;    break;
        case DOWN:      xSpeed = 0;                         ySpeed = speed;     break;
        case LEFTDOWN:  xSpeed = -speed*DIAGONALSPEEDCONST; ySpeed = -xSpeed;   break;
コード例 #5
ファイル: UnitBase.cpp プロジェクト: katlogic/dunelegacy
void UnitBase::move() {

	if(!moving && !justStoppedMoving && (isAFlyingUnit() == false) && currentGame->randomGen.rand(0,40) == 0 && itemID != Unit_Sandworm) {
		currentGameMap->viewMap(owner->getTeam(), location, getViewRange() );

	if(moving && !justStoppedMoving) {
		if((isBadlyDamaged() == false) || isAFlyingUnit()) {
			realX += xSpeed;
			realY += ySpeed;
		} else {
			realX += xSpeed/2;
			realY += ySpeed/2;

		// check if vehicle is on the first half of the way
		float fromDistanceX;
		float fromDistanceY;
		float toDistanceX;
		float toDistanceY;
		if(location != nextSpot) {
		    // check if vehicle is half way out of old tile

		    fromDistanceX = strictmath::abs(location.x*TILESIZE - (realX-bumpyOffsetX) + TILESIZE/2);
		    fromDistanceY = strictmath::abs(location.y*TILESIZE - (realY-bumpyOffsetY) + TILESIZE/2);
		    toDistanceX = strictmath::abs(nextSpot.x*TILESIZE - (realX-bumpyOffsetX) + TILESIZE/2);
		    toDistanceY = strictmath::abs(nextSpot.y*TILESIZE - (realY-bumpyOffsetY) + TILESIZE/2);

            if((fromDistanceX >= TILESIZE/2) || (fromDistanceY >= TILESIZE/2)) {
                // let something else go in
                oldLocation = location;
                location = nextSpot;

                if(isAFlyingUnit() == false && itemID != Unit_Sandworm) {
                    currentGameMap->viewMap(owner->getTeam(), location, getViewRange());

		} else {
			// if vehicle is out of old tile

			fromDistanceX = strictmath::abs(oldLocation.x*TILESIZE - (realX-bumpyOffsetX) + TILESIZE/2);
		    fromDistanceY = strictmath::abs(oldLocation.y*TILESIZE - (realY-bumpyOffsetY) + TILESIZE/2);
		    toDistanceX = strictmath::abs(location.x*TILESIZE - (realX-bumpyOffsetX) + TILESIZE/2);
		    toDistanceY = strictmath::abs(location.y*TILESIZE - (realY-bumpyOffsetY) + TILESIZE/2);

			if ((fromDistanceX >= TILESIZE) || (fromDistanceY >= TILESIZE)) {

				if(forced && (location == destination) && !target) {

				moving = false;
				justStoppedMoving = true;
				realX = location.x * TILESIZE + TILESIZE/2;
                realY = location.y * TILESIZE + TILESIZE/2;
                bumpyOffsetX = 0.0f;
                bumpyOffsetY = 0.0f;



		bumpyMovementOnRock(fromDistanceX, fromDistanceY, toDistanceX, toDistanceY);

	} else {
		justStoppedMoving = false;

コード例 #6
ファイル: UnitBase.cpp プロジェクト: katlogic/dunelegacy
void UnitBase::attack() {

	if(numWeapons) {
		Coord targetCenterPoint;
		Coord centerPoint = getCenterPoint();
		bool bAirBullet;

		if(target.getObjPointer() != NULL) {
			targetCenterPoint = target.getObjPointer()->getClosestCenterPoint(location);
			bAirBullet = target.getObjPointer()->isAFlyingUnit();
		} else {
			targetCenterPoint = currentGameMap->getTile(attackPos)->getCenterPoint();
			bAirBullet = false;

		int currentBulletType = bulletType;
		Sint32 currentWeaponDamage = currentGame->objectData.data[itemID][originalHouseID].weapondamage;

		if(getItemID() == Unit_Trooper) {
		    // Troopers change weapon type depending on distance

            float distance = distanceFrom(centerPoint, targetCenterPoint);
            if(distance > 2*TILESIZE) {
                currentBulletType = Bullet_SmallRocket;

		if(primaryWeaponTimer == 0) {
			bulletList.push_back( new Bullet( objectID, &centerPoint, &targetCenterPoint, currentBulletType, currentWeaponDamage, bAirBullet) );
			primaryWeaponTimer = getWeaponReloadTime();

			secondaryWeaponTimer = 15;

			if(attackPos && getItemID() != Unit_SonicTank && currentGameMap->getTile(attackPos)->isSpiceBloom()) {
                forced = false;

            // shorten deviation time
            if(deviationTimer > 0) {
                deviationTimer = std::max(0,deviationTimer - MILLI2CYCLES(20*1000));

		if((numWeapons == 2) && (secondaryWeaponTimer == 0) && (isBadlyDamaged() == false)) {
			bulletList.push_back( new Bullet( objectID, &centerPoint, &targetCenterPoint, currentBulletType, currentWeaponDamage, bAirBullet) );
			secondaryWeaponTimer = -1;

            if(attackPos && getItemID() != Unit_SonicTank && currentGameMap->getTile(attackPos)->isSpiceBloom()) {
                forced = false;

            // shorten deviation time
            if(deviationTimer > 0) {
                deviationTimer = std::max(0,deviationTimer - MILLI2CYCLES(20*1000));