void convertToBigEndian(const void *src, const uint64_t size, void *result) { uint8_t *ptr, *ptr2; uint64_t i; uint8_t temp; if ((src == NULL) || (size == 0) || (result == NULL)) return; ptr = (uint8_t *)src; ptr2 = (uint8_t *)result; if (!isBigEndian()) { if (src != result) for (i = 0; i < size; i++) ptr2[i] = ptr[size - 1 - i]; else for (i = 0; i < size / 2; i++) { temp = ptr2[i]; ptr2[i] = ptr[size - 1 - i]; ptr[size - 1 - i] = temp; } } else { if (src != result) for (i = 0; i < size; i++) ptr2[i] = ptr[i]; } }
RemoteInformation deserializeDataSourceData( const ::zeq::Event& event ) { if( event.getType() != EVENT_DATASOURCE_DATA ) return RemoteInformation(); auto data = GetVolumeInformation( event.getData( )); RemoteInformation info; livre::VolumeInformation& vi = info.second; info.first.low() = data->eventLow(); info.first.high() = data->eventHigh(); vi.isBigEndian = data->isBigEndian(); vi.compCount = data->compCount(); vi.dataType = DataType( data->dataType( )); vi.overlap = _deserializeVector3< unsigned >( data->overlap( )); vi.maximumBlockSize = _deserializeVector3< unsigned >( data->maximumBlockSize( )); vi.minPos = _deserializeVector3< float >( data->minPos( )); vi.maxPos = _deserializeVector3< float >( data->maxPos( )); vi.voxels = _deserializeVector3< unsigned >( data->voxels( )); vi.worldSize = _deserializeVector3< float >( data->worldSize( )); vi.boundingBox.getMin() = _deserializeVector3< float >( data->boundingBoxMin( )); vi.boundingBox.getMax() = _deserializeVector3< float >( data->boundingBoxMax( )); vi.worldSpacePerVoxel = data->worldSpacePerVoxel(); const Vector3ui& blockSize = vi.maximumBlockSize - vi.overlap * 2; Vector3ui blocksSize = vi.voxels / blockSize; blocksSize = blocksSize / ( 1u << data->depth( )); vi.rootNode = RootNode( data->depth(), blocksSize ); return info; }
int main(void) { // 判断机器是大端存储还是小端存储 if (isBigEndian()) { printf("BigEndian\n"); } else { printf("LittleEndian\n"); } char buf[32]; sprintf(buf,"ciaoroma"); memrev16(buf); printf("%s\n", buf); sprintf(buf,"ciaoroma"); memrev32(buf); printf("%s\n", buf); sprintf(buf,"ciaoroma"); memrev64(buf); printf("%s\n", buf); return 0; }
C_Int_t Real32_signBit (Real32_t f) { int R32_byte; if (isBigEndian()) { R32_byte = BIG_R32_byte; } else { R32_byte = LITTLE_R32_byte; } /* Using memcpy. * Technically correct. */ unsigned char chars[4]; memcpy(chars, &f, sizeof(Real32_t)); return (chars[R32_byte] & 0x80) >> 7; /* Using cast; * Technically correct, as (unsigned char*) may alias. */ /* return (((unsigned char*)(&f))[R32_byte] & 0x80) >> 7; */ /* Using union; * Technically undefined, but widely supported. */ /* union {float f; unsigned char c[4];} fc; fc.f = f; return (fc.c[R32_byte] & 0x80) >> 7; */ }
int recvData(int sockfd, void* data, int len) { int ret = read(sockfd, data, len); if(!isBigEndian()) switchEndian(data, ret); return ret; }
int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) { printf("Befin insrv !!!\n"); printf("serverIsBigEndian == %d !!!\n", isBigEndian()); CShmQueueSingle inq, outq; outq.crt(1024 * 1024 * 16, 1111); outq.get(); outq.init(); outq.clear(); inq.crt(1024 * 1024 * 16, 2222); inq.get(); inq.init(); inq.clear(); CSocketEpoll epoll(8000, 0, 1000, 0, 1, 1);//(int epoll_Size, int epoll_Timeout, int Listenq, int clientIsBigEndian, int serverIsBigEndian) epoll.prepare("", 10203, &outq, &inq);//(const char * serv_addr, int port_num, CShmQueueSingle *poutq, CShmQueueSingle *pinq); epoll.run(); // test_socket_srv("", 10203); return 0; }
/* * Write the given reset bit mask into the reset register */ static HAL_BOOL ar5312SetResetReg(struct ath_hal *ah, uint32_t resetMask) { uint32_t mask = resetMask ? resetMask : ~0; HAL_BOOL rt; if ((rt = ar5312MacReset(ah, mask)) == AH_FALSE) { return rt; } if ((resetMask & AR_RC_MAC) == 0) { if (isBigEndian()) { /* * Set CFG, little-endian for descriptor accesses. */ #ifdef AH_NEED_DESC_SWAP mask = INIT_CONFIG_STATUS | AR_CFG_SWRD; #else mask = INIT_CONFIG_STATUS | AR_CFG_SWTD | AR_CFG_SWRD; #endif OS_REG_WRITE(ah, AR_CFG, mask); } else OS_REG_WRITE(ah, AR_CFG, INIT_CONFIG_STATUS); } return rt; }
bool PacketManager::Write64(Uint64 val){ Uint32 size = dataPos + sizeof(Uint64); if(bufferSize < size)if(!Allocate(size))return false; Uint8 *v = (Uint8*)(&val); if(isBigEndian()){ buffer[dataPos + 0] = v[0]; buffer[dataPos + 1] = v[1]; buffer[dataPos + 2] = v[2]; buffer[dataPos + 3] = v[3]; buffer[dataPos + 4] = v[4]; buffer[dataPos + 5] = v[5]; buffer[dataPos + 6] = v[6]; buffer[dataPos + 7] = v[7]; }else{ buffer[dataPos + 7] = v[0]; buffer[dataPos + 6] = v[1]; buffer[dataPos + 5] = v[2]; buffer[dataPos + 4] = v[3]; buffer[dataPos + 3] = v[4]; buffer[dataPos + 2] = v[5]; buffer[dataPos + 1] = v[6]; buffer[dataPos + 0] = v[7]; } dataPos += sizeof(Uint64); if(dataLength < dataPos)dataLength = dataPos; return true; }
bool PacketManager::ReadD(double *val){ if(dataLength < dataPos + sizeof(double))return false; double v; if(isBigEndian()){ ((Uint8*)(&v))[0] = buffer[dataPos + 0]; ((Uint8*)(&v))[1] = buffer[dataPos + 1]; ((Uint8*)(&v))[2] = buffer[dataPos + 2]; ((Uint8*)(&v))[3] = buffer[dataPos + 3]; ((Uint8*)(&v))[4] = buffer[dataPos + 4]; ((Uint8*)(&v))[5] = buffer[dataPos + 5]; ((Uint8*)(&v))[6] = buffer[dataPos + 6]; ((Uint8*)(&v))[7] = buffer[dataPos + 7]; }else{ ((Uint8*)(&v))[7] = buffer[dataPos + 0]; ((Uint8*)(&v))[6] = buffer[dataPos + 1]; ((Uint8*)(&v))[5] = buffer[dataPos + 2]; ((Uint8*)(&v))[4] = buffer[dataPos + 3]; ((Uint8*)(&v))[3] = buffer[dataPos + 4]; ((Uint8*)(&v))[2] = buffer[dataPos + 5]; ((Uint8*)(&v))[1] = buffer[dataPos + 6]; ((Uint8*)(&v))[0] = buffer[dataPos + 7]; } dataPos += sizeof(double); if(val != NULL)*val = v; return true; }
std::vector<size_t> rgbaToTransparencyTreeSprite(const unsigned char* rgba, size_t width, size_t height, bool* isBlank) { std::vector<unsigned char> sprite; sprite.push_back(width); sprite.push_back(height); size_t size = width * height * BYTES_PER_PIXEL_RGBA; size_t stripSize = 0; auto compressor = isBigEndian() ? compressBigEndianMultiByteValue<size_t> : compressSmallEndianMultiByteValue<size_t>; for(size_t i = 0; i + BYTES_PER_PIXEL_RGBA - 1 < size; i += BYTES_PER_PIXEL_RGBA) { if(rgba[i + BYTES_PER_PIXEL_RGBA - 1] == 255) { if(stripSize == 0) { compressor(i, sprite); } stripSize++; } else if(stripSize > 0) { compressor(stripSize, sprite); stripSize = 0; } } if(isBlank) *isBlank = (sprite.size() == 2); return packBytes(sprite); }
C_Int_t Real64_signBit (Real64_t d) { int R64_byte; if (isBigEndian()) { R64_byte = BIG_R64_byte; } else { R64_byte = LITTLE_R64_byte; } /* Using memcpy. * Technically correct. */ unsigned char chars[8]; memcpy(chars, &d, sizeof(Real64_t)); return (chars[R64_byte] & 0x80) >> 7; /* Using cast; * Technically correct, as (unsigned char*) may alias. */ /* return (((unsigned char*)(&d))[R64_byte] & 0x80) >> 7; */ /* Using union; * Technically undefined, but widely supported. */ /* union {double d; unsigned char c[8];} dc; dc.d = d; return (dc.c[R64_byte] & 0x80) >> 7; */ }
Common::SeekableSubReadStreamEndian *NitroFile::open(Common::SeekableReadStream &stream) { const size_t begin = stream.pos(); const size_t end = stream.size(); const bool bigEndian = isBigEndian(stream); return new Common::SeekableSubReadStreamEndian(&stream, begin, end, bigEndian, false); }
Common::SeekableSubReadStreamEndian *NitroFile::open(Common::SeekableReadStream *stream) { Common::ScopedPtr<Common::SeekableReadStream> nitroStream(stream); const size_t begin = nitroStream->pos(); const size_t end = nitroStream->size(); const bool bigEndian = isBigEndian(*nitroStream); return new Common::SeekableSubReadStreamEndian(nitroStream.release(), begin, end, bigEndian, true); }
void ElfFile::save(const std::wstring&fileName) { fileData.clear(); // reserve space for header and table data fileData.reserveBytes(sizeof(Elf32_Ehdr)); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { switch (partsOrder[i]) { case ELFPART_SEGMENTTABLE: fileData.alignSize(4); fileHeader.e_phoff = (Elf32_Off) fileData.size(); fileData.reserveBytes(segments.size()*fileHeader.e_phentsize); break; case ELFPART_SECTIONTABLE: fileData.alignSize(4); fileHeader.e_shoff = (Elf32_Off) fileData.size(); fileData.reserveBytes(sections.size()*fileHeader.e_shentsize); break; case ELFPART_SEGMENTS: for (int i = 0; i < (int)segments.size(); i++) { segments[i]->writeData(fileData); } break; case ELFPART_SEGMENTLESSSECTIONS: for (int i = 0; i < (int)segmentlessSections.size(); i++) { segmentlessSections[i]->writeData(fileData); } break; } } // copy data to the tables bool bigEndian = isBigEndian(); writeHeader(fileData, 0, bigEndian); for (int i = 0; i < (int)segments.size(); i++) { int pos = fileHeader.e_phoff+i*fileHeader.e_phentsize; segments[i]->writeHeader(fileData, pos, bigEndian); } for (int i = 0; i < (int)sections.size(); i++) { int pos = fileHeader.e_shoff+i*fileHeader.e_shentsize; sections[i]->writeHeader(fileData, pos, bigEndian); } fileData.toFile(fileName); }
void ElfFile::loadProgramHeader(Elf32_Phdr& header, ByteArray& data, int pos) { bool bigEndian = isBigEndian(); header.p_type = data.getDoubleWord(pos + 0x00, bigEndian); header.p_offset = data.getDoubleWord(pos + 0x04, bigEndian); header.p_vaddr = data.getDoubleWord(pos + 0x08, bigEndian); header.p_paddr = data.getDoubleWord(pos + 0x0C, bigEndian); header.p_filesz = data.getDoubleWord(pos + 0x10, bigEndian); header.p_memsz = data.getDoubleWord(pos + 0x14, bigEndian); header.p_flags = data.getDoubleWord(pos + 0x18, bigEndian); header.p_align = data.getDoubleWord(pos + 0x1C, bigEndian); }
void writeFreqsTable(char* filename, uint32_t* table) { FILE* f = fopen(filename, "wb"); if(!isBigEndian()) { for(int a = 0; a < table[-1] / sizeof(uint32_t); a ++) { table[a] = __builtin_bswap32(table[a]); } } fwrite(table, table[-1], 1, f); //switch back if(!isBigEndian()) { for(int a = 0; a < table[-1] / sizeof(uint32_t); a ++) { table[a] = __builtin_bswap32(table[a]); } } fclose(f); }
void ElfFile::loadSectionHeader(Elf32_Shdr& header, ByteArray& data, int pos) { bool bigEndian = isBigEndian(); header.sh_name = data.getDoubleWord(pos + 0x00, bigEndian); header.sh_type = data.getDoubleWord(pos + 0x04, bigEndian); header.sh_flags = data.getDoubleWord(pos + 0x08, bigEndian); header.sh_addr = data.getDoubleWord(pos + 0x0C, bigEndian); header.sh_offset = data.getDoubleWord(pos + 0x10, bigEndian); header.sh_size = data.getDoubleWord(pos + 0x14, bigEndian); header.sh_link = data.getDoubleWord(pos + 0x18, bigEndian); header.sh_info = data.getDoubleWord(pos + 0x1C, bigEndian); header.sh_addralign = data.getDoubleWord(pos + 0x20, bigEndian); header.sh_entsize = data.getDoubleWord(pos + 0x24, bigEndian); }
//! Associates this reader with the file given by fileName. bool MrcFileImpl::attachToFile(const QString& fileName, Mode mode) { QFileInfo fileInfo(fileName); // set the mode m_OpenMode = mode; if (mode == Read) { // first check to make sure it exists if (!fileInfo.exists()) { qDebug("File does not exist"); return false; } QString absFilePath = fileInfo.absFilePath(); m_File.setName(absFilePath); if (!m_File.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Unbuffered)) { qDebug("Error opening file"); return false; } if (readHeader(m_File.size())) { // success m_Attached = true; return true; } else { // failure close(); return false; } } else { // mode == Write // open the file QString absFilePath = fileInfo.absFilePath(); m_File.setName(absFilePath); if (!m_File.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Unbuffered)) { qDebug("Error opening file"); return false; } m_Attached = true; if (isBigEndian()) m_MustSwap = true; } return m_Attached; }
Common::SeekableSubReadStreamEndian *NitroFile::open(Common::SeekableReadStream *stream) { const size_t begin = stream->pos(); const size_t end = stream->size(); bool bigEndian = false; try { bigEndian = isBigEndian(*stream); } catch (...) { delete stream; throw; } return new Common::SeekableSubReadStreamEndian(stream, begin, end, bigEndian, true); }
float ReverseFloat( const float inFloat ) { if (isBigEndian()) { float retVal; char *floatToConvert = ( char* ) & inFloat; char *returnFloat = ( char* ) & retVal; // swap the bytes into a temporary buffer returnFloat[0] = floatToConvert[3]; returnFloat[1] = floatToConvert[2]; returnFloat[2] = floatToConvert[1]; returnFloat[3] = floatToConvert[0]; return retVal; } else return inFloat; }
int ReverseInt( const int inInt ) { if (isBigEndian()) { int retVal; char *intToConvert = ( char* ) & inInt; char *returnInt = ( char* ) & retVal; // swap the bytes into a temporary buffer returnInt[0] = intToConvert[3]; returnInt[1] = intToConvert[2]; returnInt[2] = intToConvert[1]; returnInt[3] = intToConvert[0]; return retVal; } else return inInt; }
uint32_t hostToLittleEndian(uint32_t value) { if (!isBigEndian()) return value; union { char raw[sizeof(uint32_t)]; uint32_t value; } newValue; newValue.value = value; #define SWAP(a, b) { char c = (a); (a) = (b); (b) = c; } SWAP(newValue.raw[0], newValue.raw[3]) SWAP(newValue.raw[1], newValue.raw[2]) #undef SWAP return newValue.value; }
bool ElfFile::getSymbol(Elf32_Sym& symbol, size_t index) { if (symTab == NULL) return false; ByteArray &data = symTab->getData(); int pos = index*sizeof(Elf32_Sym); bool bigEndian = isBigEndian(); symbol.st_name = data.getDoubleWord(pos + 0x00, bigEndian); symbol.st_value = data.getDoubleWord(pos + 0x04, bigEndian); symbol.st_size = data.getDoubleWord(pos + 0x08, bigEndian); symbol.st_info = data[pos + 0x0C]; symbol.st_other = data[pos + 0x0D]; symbol.st_shndx = data.getWord(pos + 0x0E, bigEndian); return true; }
uint32_t* readFreqsTable(char* filename) { FILE* f = fopen(filename, "rb"); uint64_t tableBytes = getFileSize_64(filename); uint32_t* table = mallocClean(tableBytes + sizeof(uint32_t)); table[0] = tableBytes; fread(table + 1, tableBytes, 1, f); if(!isBigEndian()) { for(int a = 0; a < tableBytes / sizeof(uint32_t); a ++) { table[a + 1] = __builtin_bswap32(table[a + 1]); } } fclose(f); return (uint32_t*) table + 1; }
void ElfFile::loadElfHeader() { memcpy(fileHeader.e_ident, &fileData[0], sizeof(fileHeader.e_ident)); bool bigEndian = isBigEndian(); fileHeader.e_type = fileData.getWord(0x10, bigEndian); fileHeader.e_machine = fileData.getWord(0x12, bigEndian); fileHeader.e_version = fileData.getDoubleWord(0x14, bigEndian); fileHeader.e_entry = fileData.getDoubleWord(0x18, bigEndian); fileHeader.e_phoff = fileData.getDoubleWord(0x1C, bigEndian); fileHeader.e_shoff = fileData.getDoubleWord(0x20, bigEndian); fileHeader.e_flags = fileData.getDoubleWord(0x24, bigEndian); fileHeader.e_ehsize = fileData.getWord(0x28, bigEndian); fileHeader.e_phentsize = fileData.getWord(0x2A, bigEndian); fileHeader.e_phnum = fileData.getWord(0x2C, bigEndian); fileHeader.e_shentsize = fileData.getWord(0x2E, bigEndian); fileHeader.e_shnum = fileData.getWord(0x30, bigEndian); fileHeader.e_shstrndx = fileData.getWord(0x32, bigEndian); }
double ReverseDouble( const double inDouble ) { if (isBigEndian()) { double retVal; char *doubleToConvert = ( char* ) & inDouble; char *returnDouble = ( char* ) & retVal; // swap the bytes into a temporary buffer returnDouble[0] = doubleToConvert[7]; returnDouble[1] = doubleToConvert[6]; returnDouble[2] = doubleToConvert[5]; returnDouble[3] = doubleToConvert[4]; returnDouble[4] = doubleToConvert[3]; returnDouble[5] = doubleToConvert[2]; returnDouble[6] = doubleToConvert[1]; returnDouble[7] = doubleToConvert[0]; return retVal; } else return inDouble; }
int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { int * intPtr = NULL; volatile int number = 0; treenode_t * root = NULL; printf("intPtr is at address %p\n", &intPtr); malloc_wrapper((void *)&intPtr, 4); if (intPtr == NULL) { printf("could not malloc\n"); return -1; } printf("intPtr is at address %p\n", &intPtr); printf("intPtr is pointing to %p\n", intPtr); free (intPtr); printf("is big endian result : %08x\n", isBigEndian()); insert(&root, 1); printf("root is %p\n", root); traversal(root); insert(&root, 2); traversal(root); insert(&root, 3); traversal(root); insert(&root, 1); traversal(root); insert(&root, 2); traversal(root); insert(&root, 3); traversal(root); insert(&root, -1); traversal(root); insert(&root, 0); traversal(root); printf("\n"); deleteTree(&root); return 0; }
bool PngEncoder::write( const Mat& img, const vector<int>& params ) { png_structp png_ptr = png_create_write_struct( PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING, 0, 0, 0 ); png_infop info_ptr = 0; FILE* f = 0; int y, width = img.cols, height = img.rows; int depth = img.depth(), channels = img.channels(); bool result = false; AutoBuffer<uchar*> buffer; if( depth != CV_8U && depth != CV_16U ) return false; if( png_ptr ) { info_ptr = png_create_info_struct( png_ptr ); if( info_ptr ) { if( setjmp( png_jmpbuf ( png_ptr ) ) == 0 ) { if( m_buf ) { png_set_write_fn(png_ptr, this, (png_rw_ptr)writeDataToBuf, (png_flush_ptr)flushBuf); } else { f = fopen( m_filename.c_str(), "wb" ); if( f ) png_init_io( png_ptr, f ); } int compression_level = -1; // Invalid value to allow setting 0-9 as valid int compression_strategy = Z_RLE; // Default strategy bool isBilevel = false; for( size_t i = 0; i < params.size(); i += 2 ) { if( params[i] == CV_IMWRITE_PNG_COMPRESSION ) { compression_level = params[i+1]; compression_level = MIN(MAX(compression_level, 0), Z_BEST_COMPRESSION); } if( params[i] == CV_IMWRITE_PNG_STRATEGY ) { compression_strategy = params[i+1]; compression_strategy = MIN(MAX(compression_strategy, 0), Z_FIXED); } if( params[i] == CV_IMWRITE_PNG_BILEVEL ) { isBilevel = params[i+1] != 0; } } if( m_buf || f ) { if( compression_level >= 0 ) { png_set_compression_level( png_ptr, compression_level ); } else { // tune parameters for speed // (see http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/Libpng) png_set_filter(png_ptr, PNG_FILTER_TYPE_BASE, PNG_FILTER_SUB); png_set_compression_level(png_ptr, Z_BEST_SPEED); } png_set_compression_strategy(png_ptr, compression_strategy); png_set_IHDR( png_ptr, info_ptr, width, height, depth == CV_8U ? isBilevel?1:8 : 16, channels == 1 ? PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY : channels == 3 ? PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB : PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGBA, PNG_INTERLACE_NONE, PNG_COMPRESSION_TYPE_DEFAULT, PNG_FILTER_TYPE_DEFAULT ); png_write_info( png_ptr, info_ptr ); if (isBilevel) png_set_packing(png_ptr); png_set_bgr( png_ptr ); if( !isBigEndian() ) png_set_swap( png_ptr ); buffer.allocate(height); for( y = 0; y < height; y++ ) buffer[y] = img.data + y*img.step; png_write_image( png_ptr, buffer ); png_write_end( png_ptr, info_ptr ); result = true; } } } } png_destroy_write_struct( &png_ptr, &info_ptr ); if(f) fclose( f ); return result; }
bool PngDecoder::readData( Mat& img ) { bool result = false; AutoBuffer<uchar*> _buffer(m_height); uchar** buffer = _buffer; int color = img.channels() > 1; uchar* data = img.data; int step = (int)img.step; if( m_png_ptr && m_info_ptr && m_end_info && m_width && m_height ) { png_structp png_ptr = (png_structp)m_png_ptr; png_infop info_ptr = (png_infop)m_info_ptr; png_infop end_info = (png_infop)m_end_info; if( setjmp( png_jmpbuf ( png_ptr ) ) == 0 ) { int y; if( img.depth() == CV_8U && m_bit_depth == 16 ) png_set_strip_16( png_ptr ); else if( !isBigEndian() ) png_set_swap( png_ptr ); if(img.channels() < 4) { /* observation: png_read_image() writes 400 bytes beyond * end of data when reading a 400x118 color png * "mpplus_sand.png". OpenCV crashes even with demo * programs. Looking at the loaded image I'd say we get 4 * bytes per pixel instead of 3 bytes per pixel. Test * indicate that it is a good idea to always ask for * stripping alpha.. 18.11.2004 Axel Walthelm */ png_set_strip_alpha( png_ptr ); } if( m_color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_PALETTE ) png_set_palette_to_rgb( png_ptr ); if( m_color_type == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY && m_bit_depth < 8 ) #if (PNG_LIBPNG_VER_MAJOR*10000 + PNG_LIBPNG_VER_MINOR*100 + PNG_LIBPNG_VER_RELEASE >= 10209) || \ (PNG_LIBPNG_VER_MAJOR == 1 && PNG_LIBPNG_VER_MINOR == 0 && PNG_LIBPNG_VER_RELEASE >= 18) png_set_expand_gray_1_2_4_to_8( png_ptr ); #else png_set_gray_1_2_4_to_8( png_ptr ); #endif if( CV_MAT_CN(m_type) > 1 && color ) png_set_bgr( png_ptr ); // convert RGB to BGR else if( color ) png_set_gray_to_rgb( png_ptr ); // Gray->RGB else png_set_rgb_to_gray( png_ptr, 1, 0.299, 0.587 ); // RGB->Gray png_read_update_info( png_ptr, info_ptr ); for( y = 0; y < m_height; y++ ) buffer[y] = data + y*step; png_read_image( png_ptr, buffer ); png_read_end( png_ptr, end_info ); result = true; } } close(); return result; }
HAL_STATUS ath_hal_v4kEepromAttach(struct ath_hal *ah) { #define NW(a) (sizeof(a) / sizeof(uint16_t)) HAL_EEPROM_v4k *ee = AH_PRIVATE(ah)->ah_eeprom; uint16_t *eep_data, magic; HAL_BOOL need_swap; u_int w, off, len; uint32_t sum; HALASSERT(ee == AH_NULL); /* * Don't check magic if we're supplied with an EEPROM block, * typically this is from Howl but it may also be from later * boards w/ an embedded WMAC. */ if (ah->ah_eepromdata == NULL) { if (!ath_hal_eepromRead(ah, AR5416_EEPROM_MAGIC_OFFSET, &magic)) { HALDEBUG(ah, HAL_DEBUG_ANY, "%s Error reading Eeprom MAGIC\n", __func__); return HAL_EEREAD; } } HALDEBUG(ah, HAL_DEBUG_ATTACH, "%s Eeprom Magic = 0x%x\n", __func__, magic); if (magic != AR5416_EEPROM_MAGIC) { HALDEBUG(ah, HAL_DEBUG_ANY, "Bad magic number\n"); return HAL_EEMAGIC; } ee = ath_hal_malloc(sizeof(HAL_EEPROM_v4k)); if (ee == AH_NULL) { /* XXX message */ return HAL_ENOMEM; } eep_data = (uint16_t *)&ee->ee_base; for (w = 0; w < NW(struct ar5416eeprom_4k); w++) { off = owl_eep_start_loc + w; /* NB: AP71 starts at 0 */ if (!ath_hal_eepromRead(ah, off, &eep_data[w])) { HALDEBUG(ah, HAL_DEBUG_ANY, "%s eeprom read error at offset 0x%x\n", __func__, off); return HAL_EEREAD; } } /* Convert to eeprom native eeprom endian format */ /* * XXX this is likely incorrect but will do for now * XXX to get embedded boards working. */ if (ah->ah_eepromdata == NULL && isBigEndian()) { for (w = 0; w < NW(struct ar5416eeprom_4k); w++) eep_data[w] = __bswap16(eep_data[w]); } /* * At this point, we're in the native eeprom endian format * Now, determine the eeprom endian by looking at byte 26?? */ need_swap = ((ee->ee_base.baseEepHeader.eepMisc & AR5416_EEPMISC_BIG_ENDIAN) != 0) ^ isBigEndian(); if (need_swap) { HALDEBUG(ah, HAL_DEBUG_ATTACH | HAL_DEBUG_EEPROM, "Byte swap EEPROM contents.\n"); len = __bswap16(ee->ee_base.baseEepHeader.length); } else { len = ee->ee_base.baseEepHeader.length; } len = AH_MIN(len, sizeof(struct ar5416eeprom_4k)) / sizeof(uint16_t); /* Apply the checksum, done in native eeprom format */ /* XXX - Need to check to make sure checksum calculation is done * in the correct endian format. Right now, it seems it would * cast the raw data to host format and do the calculation, which may * not be correct as the calculation may need to be done in the native * eeprom format */ sum = 0; for (w = 0; w < len; w++) { sum ^= eep_data[w]; } /* Check CRC - Attach should fail on a bad checksum */ if (sum != 0xffff) { HALDEBUG(ah, HAL_DEBUG_ANY, "Bad EEPROM checksum 0x%x (Len=%u)\n", sum, len); return HAL_EEBADSUM; } if (need_swap) eepromSwap(&ee->ee_base); /* byte swap multi-byte data */ /* swap words 0+2 so version is at the front */ magic = eep_data[0]; eep_data[0] = eep_data[2]; eep_data[2] = magic; HALDEBUG(ah, HAL_DEBUG_ATTACH | HAL_DEBUG_EEPROM, "%s Eeprom Version %u.%u\n", __func__, owl_get_eep_ver(ee), owl_get_eep_rev(ee)); /* NB: must be after all byte swapping */ if (owl_get_eep_ver(ee) != AR5416_EEP_VER) { HALDEBUG(ah, HAL_DEBUG_ANY, "Bad EEPROM version 0x%x\n", owl_get_eep_ver(ee)); return HAL_EEBADSUM; } v4kEepromReadCTLInfo(ah, ee); /* Get CTLs */ AH_PRIVATE(ah)->ah_eeprom = ee; AH_PRIVATE(ah)->ah_eeversion = ee->ee_base.baseEepHeader.version; AH_PRIVATE(ah)->ah_eepromDetach = v4kEepromDetach; AH_PRIVATE(ah)->ah_eepromGet = v4kEepromGet; AH_PRIVATE(ah)->ah_eepromSet = v4kEepromSet; AH_PRIVATE(ah)->ah_getSpurChan = v4kEepromGetSpurChan; AH_PRIVATE(ah)->ah_eepromDiag = v4kEepromDiag; return HAL_OK; #undef NW }