コード例 #1
// Arbitrary-size push function
unsigned int pushToBuffer(buffer_t *b, void *d, unsigned int l) {
    unsigned int elementIndex, byteIndex;
    // Loop through all elements
    for (elementIndex = 0; elementIndex < l; elementIndex++) {

        // Loop through all bytes of each element
        for (byteIndex = 0; byteIndex < b->width; byteIndex++) {
            // Only push to buffer if it is not full or overwriting is allowed
            if ( (!isBufferFull(b)) || (b->behavior.bits.overwrite) ) {
                pushByte(b, *( (unsigned char*)(d + elementIndex * (b->width) + byteIndex) ));
            // If buffer is full, return a count of those elments not pushed
            else {
                // Pop all bytes of incomplete elements
                // -This should never run, but added just in case
                unsigned int failedbytes;
                for (failedbytes = byteIndex; failedbytes > 0; failedbytes--) {
                    // If it is a queue pop comes from tail, so decrement head
                    decrement(b, &(b->head));
                // Return a count of failed push operations
                // -Include partial pushes in count
                return l - elementIndex;
    return 0;
コード例 #2
// Byte-size push function
void pushByte(buffer_t *b, unsigned char d){
    // If we are overwriting a full buffer, increment tail pointer so that the
    // head doesn't move past the tail
    if ( (isBufferFull(b)) && (b->behavior.bits.overwrite) ) {
        increment(b, &(b->tail));
    // Regardless of FIFO or FILO, always push to head
    *((unsigned char*)b->head) = d;
    increment(b, &(b->head));
コード例 #3
ファイル: BitmapBuffer.cpp プロジェクト: anukat2015/TripleBit
void ChunkIndex::insertEntries(ID id, unsigned offset)
	if(isBufferFull() == true) {
		idTableEntries = (ID*)idTable->get_address();
		offsetTableEntries = (ID*)offsetTable->get_address();
	idTableEntries[tableSize] = id;
	offsetTableEntries[tableSize] = offset;

コード例 #4
ファイル: buffer.c プロジェクト: hternier/cen-electronic
void bufferWriteChar(Buffer* buffer, char c) {
    int isFull = isBufferFull(buffer);
    if (!isFull) {
		char* sPointer = (char*) buffer->s;
		// Shift to the right cell index
		sPointer += buffer->writeIndex;
		*sPointer = c;
        buffer->writeIndex %= buffer->length;
    } else {
        // We must log the problem
        // Print Buffer
        printDebugBuffer(getErrorOutputStreamLogger(), buffer);
コード例 #5
ファイル: buffer.c プロジェクト: hanchang/VideoServerClient
// Inserts a worker thread's text message into the next
// available slot in the circular buffer.
void insertToBuffer(int in_workerthread_id, request* clientRequest, int messageID, 
		pixel** in_pixArray, int in_rows, int in_cols, int in_frame, int in_repeat) {
	while (1) {
		// Check for empty slots; if no empty slots, wait.
		if (isBufferFull() == TRUE) {
			pthread_cond_wait(&bufferWait, &bufferMutex);
		else {
			// Grab buffer mutex to ensure exclusive access to buffer.

		// Go through all buffer slots and find an empty one;
		int i;
		for (i = 0; i < MAXSLOTS; i++) {
			if (buffer[i].isFilled == FALSE) {
				buffer[i].isFilled = TRUE;
				buffer[i].workerthread_id = in_workerthread_id;
				buffer[i].clientRequest = clientRequest;
				buffer[i].priority = clientRequest->priority;
				buffer[i].messageID = messageID;
				buffer[i].pixArray = in_pixArray;
				buffer[i].rows = in_rows;
				buffer[i].cols = in_cols;
				buffer[i].frame = in_frame;
				buffer[i].repeat = in_repeat;

				// Check to see if m slots are full, then signal dispatcher
				if (openSlots == (MAXSLOTS - DISPATCHER_BATCH_AMOUNT)) {

					// Have the worker thread wait until the dispatcher wakes it
					pthread_cond_wait(&bufferWait, &bufferMutex);

				// Release buffer mutex.
		// Release buffer mutex.