コード例 #1
Block CreatingSetsBlockInputStream::readImpl()
    Block res;


    if (isCancelledOrThrowIfKilled())
        return res;

    return children.back()->read();
コード例 #2
void CreatingSetsBlockInputStream::createAll()
    if (!created)
        for (auto & elem : subqueries_for_sets)
            if (elem.second.source) /// There could be prepared in advance Set/Join - no source is specified for them.
                if (isCancelledOrThrowIfKilled())


        created = true;
コード例 #3
Block MergeSortingBlockInputStream::readImpl()
    /** Algorithm:
      * - read to memory blocks from source stream;
      * - if too many of them and if external sorting is enabled,
      *   - merge all blocks to sorted stream and write it to temporary file;
      * - at the end, merge all sorted streams from temporary files and also from rest of blocks in memory.

    /// If has not read source blocks.
    if (!impl)
        while (Block block = children.back()->read())
            /// If there were only const columns in sort description, then there is no need to sort.
            /// Return the blocks as is.
            if (description.empty())
                return block;


            sum_rows_in_blocks += block.rows();
            sum_bytes_in_blocks += block.allocatedBytes();

            /** If significant amount of data was accumulated, perform preliminary merging step.
            if (blocks.size() > 1
                && limit
                && limit * 2 < sum_rows_in_blocks   /// 2 is just a guess.
                && remerge_is_useful
                && max_bytes_before_remerge
                && sum_bytes_in_blocks > max_bytes_before_remerge)

            /** If too many of them and if external sorting is enabled,
              *  will merge blocks that we have in memory at this moment and write merged stream to temporary (compressed) file.
              * NOTE. It's possible to check free space in filesystem.
            if (max_bytes_before_external_sort && sum_bytes_in_blocks > max_bytes_before_external_sort)
                temporary_files.emplace_back(new Poco::TemporaryFile(tmp_path));
                const std::string & path = temporary_files.back()->path();
                WriteBufferFromFile file_buf(path);
                CompressedWriteBuffer compressed_buf(file_buf);
                NativeBlockOutputStream block_out(compressed_buf, 0, header_without_constants);
                MergeSortingBlocksBlockInputStream block_in(blocks, description, max_merged_block_size, limit);

                LOG_INFO(log, "Sorting and writing part of data into temporary file " + path);
                copyData(block_in, block_out, &is_cancelled);    /// NOTE. Possibly limit disk usage.
                LOG_INFO(log, "Done writing part of data into temporary file " + path);

                sum_bytes_in_blocks = 0;
                sum_rows_in_blocks = 0;

        if ((blocks.empty() && temporary_files.empty()) || isCancelledOrThrowIfKilled())
            return Block();

        if (temporary_files.empty())
            impl = std::make_unique<MergeSortingBlocksBlockInputStream>(blocks, description, max_merged_block_size, limit);
            /// If there was temporary files.

            LOG_INFO(log, "There are " << temporary_files.size() << " temporary sorted parts to merge.");

            /// Create sorted streams to merge.
            for (const auto & file : temporary_files)
                temporary_inputs.emplace_back(std::make_unique<TemporaryFileStream>(file->path(), header_without_constants));

            /// Rest of blocks in memory.
            if (!blocks.empty())
                inputs_to_merge.emplace_back(std::make_shared<MergeSortingBlocksBlockInputStream>(blocks, description, max_merged_block_size, limit));

            /// Will merge that sorted streams.
            impl = std::make_unique<MergingSortedBlockInputStream>(inputs_to_merge, description, max_merged_block_size, limit);

    Block res = impl->read();
    if (res)
        enrichBlockWithConstants(res, header);
    return res;